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Entire labor cost of the national public service personnel 2 percentage reduction, 17 the special accounts which are and so on are taken a second look in zero bases, to argument activation of the Democratic party and the manifest revenue source


  • 我是个20%的当地政府官员,政府官员,减少百分之二十的公务员总人事费用
    > > Entire labor cost of national public service personnel 2 percentage reduction National public service personnel 2 tenth is designated as the local government employee, it is, don't you think?

    • 我说,即使这样一个夏天承诺的事物一年前为国会竞选宣言,它是免费的,所以如何快速,公务员,世界黄金储备是一个坏的法律是从未经历过的普天间1 child津贴这就够了谎言,而不是不合理
      > About the administration pledge manifest of Upper House election of the summer Such a thing calling also 1 years ago, the [te], now how It became high speed free, as for the government employee, as for the buried deposit gold Bad law of public As for child treatment how passing As for Futenma unreasonable painful brown Lie to some extent margin

      • 124名:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 04 / 25(星期日)12:06:47编号:amtyrOr9P横滨,北海道的每程200被收养儿童谁已经我画了一个退休金确定
        124 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/04/25 (day) 12: 06: 47 ID: amtyrOr9P By the way in Yokohama and Hokkaido already child treatment receipt was decided in the person who adopts 200 human units

        • 20%,减少劳动力成本 降低政府官员认为权力下放埃泰去年,它呢?女预算清单仅在排序操作人员也兔子Eyomaji塔约和死亡就像我说没关系增加 Staring decentralization of power as for labor cost 2 percentage reduction of the national public service personnel the ro w which is the manifest of last year That it is possible to increase you call the budget of the school personnel with business categorization Another Death it is to obtain With ma ji
          • 20%的储蓄账户费用,去年它呢?女预算清单仅在排序操作人员也兔子Eyomaji塔约和死亡就像我说没关系增加 As for government employee labor cost 2 percentage reduction the ro w which is the manifest of last year That it is possible to increase you call the budget of the school personnel with business categorization Another Death it is to obtain With ma ji
          • 国家癌症为何他们不削减我开玩笑分钟?政府雇员薪金色调? As for cancer of this country labor cost of government employee The tsu te understanding the ru it is Why it does not shave
          • 当地政府雇员 权力下放,减少了政府官员的薪酬期待埃泰民主简直是愚蠢的,因为它是一些好 Staring decentralization of power as for labor cost 2 percentage reduction of the national public service personnel the ro w which is the manifest of last year That it is possible to increase you call the budget of the school personnel with business categorization Another Death it is to obtain With ma ji
          • 我不知道这是什么井当地时间噪音?不要触及政府官员的薪酬? (宽 At the time of the district substituting it probably has made a noise As for salary of local government employee no touch w
          • 我自己的一些日本政府官员不希望多你有这么远?我会付是在今天的世界高 The number itself of Japanese tsu te government employees it is not many to there it is with to do the yo As for salary however current society it is high

        • 269,在那里我们经常和往常一样,“我不只是要注意,”知识产生,并首次性质,后果,及 269 So the extent which it is possible to say by all means here “there is no just allowance and there is te treatment it is” that knowing mammer appears that

          • 554 苏等人在东京的官员暮和过低的工资低于最低什么?瓦特
            554 > In Tokyo to live with small salary of the government employee The [tsu] [ke] which is what below minimum wage? w

            • 757日本的气候,但不是很多自然灾害,破坏程度低,即使硬淇灾害恢复了从厨房和防洪工程减灾
              757 But as for Japan the climatic natural features whose natural disaster is many Disaster happening, as for damage level being low Because flood control project and contingency planning make the chitin

              • NAA的支付,因为它希望老于带薪休假Chinaku下降了泡沫期或什么 所以现在出当地政府官员我就紧张的百分之20的重组这样的横纲他去牧场?如果动议付诸只有前894无论如何,我该怎么办之前,反对派靠在带来的劳动力 Therefore bubble period with salary salary of the veteran who stops falling with while it rises… Don t you think the people restructuring which is the projection sumo champion like unimportant job of the local government employee it just makes 2 tenths how immediately something 894 It can move with just the top if anyhow antipathy having in the line troops after that how it was completed…
                • 一些官员在当地政府提出的为210人,本地劳工官员说,尽管我已减少了劳动成本增加的政府官员峨Dakejan瓦特小时不间断 210 Moving portion of the national public service personnel to the district labor cost of the national public service personnel it decreased keeping saying As for labor cost of the local government employee totally just it increases it is that much w

              • [问题] 2010 / 04 /众议院问小泉进次郎内阁部长战国委员会条例草案修改该俱乐部改革法党内阁委员会全国公共23(自由民主党)

                • _NULL_
                  Although you have commuted with walking and the bicycle, the inadequate receipt 600 person of commuting allowance super e.g., commuting ticket generation is claimed, The Osaka city staff Allowance of the grade which is higher than the actual position is provided to the local government employee, “to cross”, even with… Fukushima and Chiba Small school principal of Edogawa ward in working hours in principal room guardian something related to sexual After that, employing the woman as the temporary staff of the same school Providing the allowance of annual 6,000,000,000 Yen to the school personnel of depression temporary retirement Capital board of education in measure strenuous effort… Tokyo Public funds expenditure to family travelling of the staff is abolished - Aomori city

                  • _NULL_

                    • ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° V型¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯布鲁诺 腕表 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ V ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i hu ゚ u human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 3 REPT gt gt ∩ no Ω lt 92 no
                      • ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° V型¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯布鲁诺 腕表 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ V ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i hu ゚ u human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 3 REPT gt gt ∩ no Ω lt 92 no
                      • ((─┬─))。 ) ((0 )Ð ヽ和零基重 ─ ┬ ─ 0 ni 92 ┴ ┴ Rice field i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human 92 REPT Zero bases again

                    • “它的声音的反对,秘书处的行政改革”与工作人员之间很容易沟通,“因为最终反驳任何东西,包括国家战略办公室分钟,共82套,并购买和九千六百三十零万一千三百六十二日元 ” With confronting the voice which is said Administrative renovation meeting executive office side “communication of the staff is easy to take” that because you refute after all to include also national strategy room amount total 82 set It was 13 629 630 Yen it purchased
                      • 价格定为六千二百一十五万○十六日元,和桌子椅子,财政部购买“难道你不反体制的改革会议精神,办公桌,甚至比政府机构更驱动tTA Price is 166 215 Yen with set of the chair and the desk when purchasing financial affairs economical side “is not to oppose to the gist of renovation meeting installation or there is a desk and a chair which are left over even in each ministry and board

                    • 一个孩子的津贴是不是当地政府官员不与月经劳动力成本只有手在七个习惯才能使我不受强行通过一个问题的讨论已通过的外国政府官员现在价值低于当地官员,他们的薪金舱单或你的傻瓜。我会做,因为他们牧羊主首相秘书

                      • 专项转移账户农业互助再保险特殊食品的稳定供应劳保特别帐户的特别帐户的年度FILP特别帐户的特别特别帐户的政府债务合并基金特别帐户的外资外汇基金特别帐户的帐号为地震再保险特别帐户注册and tax周五及分布tax allocation有什么具体打算取消特别账户汽车安全的社会基础设施特别帐户专利特别帐户的特别帐户的特别帐户森林贸易保险再保险特别会计账户能源政策的再保险和互助保险和渔船的特别帐户,特别帐户国家森林公园将
                        Delivery tax and 譲 giving tax distribution gold special accounts Registration special accounts Earthquake re-insurance special accounts National debt consolidation fund special accounts Foreign exchange funds special account Public finance investment special accounts Work insurance special accounts Annuity special accounts Food stable supply special accounts Agricultural insurance re-insurance special accounts Forest insurance special accounts Government-owned forests and fields business special accounts Fishing boat re-insurance and fishing industry mutual aid insurance special accounts Energy measure special accounts Trade re-insurance special accounts Patent special accounts Social overhead capital service special accounts Automobile safe special accounts It probably is intention what which concretely abolishes which The small article in the revenue source after all from viewing the annuity or national debt consolidation fund combining

                        • 仁是一个傻瓜,因为它只是推动与当地官员费用财务人员从国家财政20%的政府公务人员和当地20%调低埃泰有趣,这些家伙都特别 612 612 Changing into 2 percentage local government employee whom and others it is dense is advancing the reduction te Labor cost of national public service personnel 2 tenth from national public finance in local finance Therefore the sufficient story which you push It is to be swindled is…
                          • 仁是一个傻瓜,因为它只是给当地政府和人事费用由国家财政金融媒体和政府官员的20%下降20%,特别是这些家伙已经612 612 2 percentage decrease te which and others it is dense is advancing Labor cost of national public service personnel 2 tenth from national public finance in local finance Therefore the sufficient story which you push It is to be swindled is…
                          • 你知道root重新考虑购买办公设备,以减少劳动力成本,但是,是的,我认为这之前,他们已经做的事,如果平均公司? If in labor cost reduction the purchase route second look tsu te of the office work supplies the normal company already doing long ago you think that it is only too natural thing however it is

                        • 传输线与促进区域权力下放ü○政府,没有债务地方的垂直堆叠的退休钱最多,“退休手。债券”的居民继续支付退休服务资金在本地公共平均约300万日元,这种情况“支付了大约300万日元的债务的平均退休金当地政府官员说,”我是什么回事 Accompanies ○ decentralization of power promotion local transferring which most local self governing bodies the accumulation debt “retirement hand of the retirement lump sum grant It continues to pay local government employee retirement lump sum grant average approximately 30 000 000 Yen with bond” but As for the inhabitant this kind of present condition “with debt local government employee retirement lump sum grant average approximately 30 000 000 Yen is paid” it probably will be possible to be
                          • 此外,地方政府的债务资金的大部分没有退休的垂直堆叠,“退休手。债券”的居民继续支付退休人员在当地政府的钱,平均约300万日元,这在债务状况“支付约3000000日元退休职工平均工资的地方政府,“我是什么回事 And most local self governing bodies the accumulation debt “retirement hand of retirement lump sum grant It continues to pay local government employee retirement lump sum grant average approximately 30 000 000 Yen with bond” but As for the inhabitant this kind of present condition “with debt local government employee retirement lump sum grant average approximately 30 000 000 Yen is paid” it probably will be possible to be

                        • 何是一死我会我会Bitsu古立体裁剪过的充实你的立场蔌了牛粪1 1 Droppings su re Stand te ru tsu It is ni to ku bi tsu te Death Don t you think a ho
                          • 也从代理成本创造一个新的,民主党可能它是利用获得的额外税收贝尔贝尔毕竟,党的狗屎不要,它的 Although new agency it makes because cost is required the ro which means tax to use after all excessively and is The Democratic party does thing of barebare is Don t you think droppings political party person

                        • 你们支付的佣金的工作人员将达到20%的成本在总劳动和他们结束了我就低着头百分之二十
                          As for salary of the part-timer staff 2 tenths decreasing, the [ru] Accompanying and others the neck cutting, 2 tenths it is to make achieve with entire labor cost the [ro] which is

                          • 例如,保安公司或警务人员递给我交给公司官员的健康食品中心
                            For example, officer at security company Order exerted from above is done, the staff of the hygienic place has done order exerted from above at the delicatessen company

                            • 公务员工资总额的减少官僚主义,他们没有必要向国家公共Zitirou不管它来自水龙头不会把我不能利用通过向当地政府官员和薄弱的基础绝缘子支持党对共产党采取了合民主党沙巴为所欲为我付出的慷慨援助,通过Minsutou主要自主郎 Entire labor cost of the government employee does not decrease The basic thing bureaucracy has not entered into autonomous labor Therefore hitting at will The national public service personnel the basis of minsu support scrambling Japan Communist Party is weak It hits and or through does As for the local government employee most passing our Zirou upper payment paying to minsutou fully We would like to do with shiyaba at will
                              • 因此,研究组,宣言,审查专门机构帐户,零基17条不要求取消或降低劳动力成本占20%的政府官员,“公共服务”。成立,并考虑求睦优附表包括帮助管理工资和其他能力 Because of this in the workshop in administration pledge 17 the special accounts which are in zero bases the second look As for those there is no necessity in order 2 tenths to reduce entire labor cost of thing and the national public service personnel who are abolished “Government employee agency” is installed in order to include the fact that fixed capacity and allowance etc are managed the fact that it seeks is examined

                            • 公务员说,我是平民县调查人员在每个委员会的薪金,当地人民应该蛮好%之本雇主足够的这50付50%的劳动人口,该国是得到自己支付40万公务员? ? ? As for government employee salary 5 tenth Staff 5 tenth Now sufficient Now just the person who is said well enough should have employed In local each prefecture personal commission people You say that allowance is investigated but 400 000 allowance receiving the ru private tsu te It is countryside

                              • 其中10名官员今天。我通过你的降落伞,如果我提出一个框架津贴(无收据你),你就会知道,一个企业的各种国家,有没有帮助这些矛盾在这个国家是我永远也不会手流常吕真正的政治地位从众院司法,警察,我是一个固定的东西很好的例子,我会为你带来更多的是联合部队的公务员 The inside even now in the public official 10 Making the framework allowance transferring to order exerted from above the ru ze territory acquisition die Knowing various corporate bodies of entire country the ru being useful truly the ru place as many as there is no either one Contradiction of this country administration of justice how to combine the police and the government employee is ru thing from the politician with power Consultation how it is good example
                                • 其中10名官员今天。我通过你的降落伞,如果我提出一个框架津贴(无收据你),你就会知道,一个企业的各种国家,有没有帮助这些矛盾在这个国家是我永远也不会手流常吕真正的政治地位从众院司法,警察,我是一个固定的东西很好的例子,我会为你带来更多的是联合部队的公务员 The inside even now in the public official 10 Making the framework allowance transferring to order exerted from above the ru ze territory acquisition die Knowing various corporate bodies of entire country the ru being useful truly the ru place as many as there is no either one Contradiction of this country administration of justice how to combine the police and the government employee is ru thing from the politician with power Consultation how it is good example
                                • 如果不增加抗体没有什么困难,自民党Idaro吗?什么的,很漂亮采取一些高薪的公务员,利息和勾结。我会Tatte毟 Until now the ro which is not thing something which is troubled at the Liberal Democratic Party and is Don t you think calling some government employee taking high giving consulting Interest The tsu te which it tears…

                              • 制造商,该公司的房屋约索尼没有这么多多少你就不会觉得Itsuku公司原529日本制造商such m各级 529 In the first place when you call the manufacturer in Japan there is no company which is happened to think so probably will be… The fact that there is no employee s house as for the manufacturer after entirely is such a level at about SONY
                                • 制造商,该公司的房屋约索尼没有这么多多少你就不会觉得公司和地方制造商在日本Itsuku 509首,所以我很各级 509 In the first place when you call the manufacturer in Japan there is no company which is happened to think so probably will be… The fact that there is no employee s house as for the manufacturer after entirely is such a level at about SONY

                              • 劳动力成本可以降低超过10%的当地政府官员只让他付合当地政府官员在该地区的行业平均工资的工人,私营说出这样的话是真实的
                                When such a thing you say When it is true, in average wages of the private worker of the area the local government employee Wages it just adjusts above labor cost 1 tenth of local government employee it can reduce

                                • 即使没有这一点,日元增量的6.6亿元债务,他们只有一个小时的国家超过1,100日元兆洞地区及,相反是由爆炸周小二二〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元只有一个只有一个对,但只有20年减少百分之40以上的债务未来人口日和纳税人的资金谁一直在贷款的主要劳动力超过40年的1100万亿日元的债务,未来只有40%马祖还款计划偿还1960多1100万日元的债务的垂直流过一个预测未来的人口消耗
                                  Even simply, debt of the country and the district exceeding 1,100,000,000,000,000 Yen Debt at a time 6,600,000,000 Yen increases in just 1 hours, in just the only 1 weeks have increased at a time 1,200,000,000,000 Yen, but Conversely, the Japanese of the debt repayment person and the taxpayer population being just 40 years, 2 tenths or more decreasing Furthermore, reaching up to the working population which pays back above debt 1,100,000,000,000,000 Yen mainly even with the future vital statistics estimate where in just 40 years decrease sharply 4 tenths or more There is no repayment plan above debt 1,100,000,000,000,000 Yen of 60 year repayment which past discharges completely As usual business is good, the regardless of it is bad from tax of the budget where every year the government bond and local government bond etc of debt of 60 year repayment of several 10,000,000,000,000 Yen were added The greatest in the world 6 tenths or more it is higher than private average annual income 4,320,000 Yen in the bureaucratic local government employee who cannot be chosen with election above high government employee average annual income 7,500,000 Yen It probably will be possible to continue to pay?

                                  • 又见身穿非法入境者,我们希望通过减少公立学校的当地政府官员报告,从我没有更多的Serurashii Finding the illegal stay person without informing it can make through in the public school it seems Such local government employee it is not entwined and wants decreasing
                                    • 它的唯一地区爱迪生教师地方政府是不是ー失控或Ittsu Is the local government employee therefore the teacher who vote rice field what The hand the tsu which is not put out it cannot put out to the district

                                  • 双方提出申请,因为我是一个男人的故事谁听到韩国554 As for both applying the South Korean Hears the story therefore the man who the application red sandal wood 554
                                    • 双方提出申请,因为我是一个男人的故事谁听到韩国554 As for both applying the South Korean Hears the story therefore the man who the application red sandal wood 554

                                  • 取消上院,成员人数的一半,将这些人群的成员,但没有文字峨Rupizu and often尴尬Ranai Kashiku拆除本身的薪酬既得利益interests但它不是甚至一半? ! Sasero成功适当逃税分钟,然后我们的第一任总理的这些疯狂 Abolishing House of Councillors making the number of Assemblymen reduce by half group of people Assemblyman still salary in half margin Either your own acquired interests be not necessary for you to shave shy you can say rupizu First make the tax of tax evasion amount supply securely in your kichigai prime ministers

                                    • 只需支付公共和私下to特权阶级部门的工资得不到无用的工作量和平衡矛盾和埃塔limits汤各地的贫困,共同憎马斯为什么沉默,是一个百万级that数万of Uhauha
                                      Everything contradicts The limit the work load which it exceeds and the wages where balance does not come off Both the government and private sector being useless Vis-a-vis just the allowance of aristocrat, why silence it puts out, To make the poor people hate, as for several 10,000,000 classes the [uhauha] shelf

                                      • 唯一的假东西口削减百分之20的民主党人,我决心让马祖或大大增加大幅不Gosogoso Therefore thing of the Democratic party 2 percentage reduction with deception just of mouth As not understood gosogoso doing substantial substantial rise it becomes being decided the ru wa
                                        • 但我只是削减政策方向或滚装后来苏降低工资或为什么,我觉得 Nevertheless when why salary it decreases only reduction or backward policy probably is what that you think

                                      • 唯一的好为680亿日元前整理,也许百分之五不仅对什么是真正下降?我不得不思考 Previous categorization 680 000 000 000 Yen also it is good to say perhaps but about only the 5 really it decreases because With it was the story which is made to think
                                        • 因此Sadomazosho多用于排序和Renbou让盲人跨越,表明适当的情况下,以解决严重的财政困难 sadomazoshiyo and it is and also it is good to be able to let do categorization to the connected bow but Show the correspondence to crisis fiscal difficulties properly

                                      • 唱重新考虑如何提高价格走低比你can buy附表求睦优是包括在日 About the office work supplies and the like which gt and under administrative renovation meeting install “government procurement supervisory commission” utilize at each prefecture ministry In order gt to be able to purchase at a cheaper price in order to include the fact that supply method is taken a second look we have decided to seek
                                        • 从有关的东西,他们买你的花高削减政府预算改革会议的钱“ From inside government “the money is used in the shopping where the renovation meeting which shaves budget is high concerning this

                                      • 噢,这是一种疾病Tteta原口说,我要完全改变,中央政府瓦特总理在移交给当地政府官员,你知道我能得到政府的官员,以减少劳动力成本看花
                                        Well, this the blastopore of the illness where would like to become the prime minister saying, shelf w Transferring the national public service personnel to the local government employee, The [ro] which is the method which decreases the national public service personnel labor cost in regard to the appearance

                                        • 因此,官员的私人和公共之间的差距,最终下进行公务员薪酬通缩私人消费减少通货膨胀梅罗求公务员Takattara薪金不向下看或减少其 Deflation advancing with the consumption decrease of the government employee also private salary going down after all the government employee and private differential are not reduced Salary of the government employee you want to lower seek the inflation
                                          • Torenakattara公务员减少民间是成为了选民的民主多数人可能会开始喜欢他们说什么? Now when the Democratic party does not come off majority That it is not public opinion it starts calling the reduction of the government employee
                                          • 排序过程不仅是从零开始的排序我唯一一次没有理由削减谁Pahomansu不除政府雇员的薪金中民主党人非 The categorization work this time of not categorizing in zero bases is not anything person other than pahomansu Such a Democratic party labor cost reduction of the government employee there is no meaning which how it is possible

                                        • 国际货币基金组织没有默认不可能一次调低公务员薪酬Karenai改革置于结构控制的国际货币基金组织更胜任驱动tTA进入我觉得他们最早期
                                          If it is not placed under IMF managing, salary reduction of the government employee how the excessiveness One time failing, defaulting, you think that the one which enters into the jurisdiction of IMF is quicker in structural reconstruction

                                          • 在安全个体农民,日本的农业,大米将结束哇,我要去,并完全进口食品不能吃喜欢中国昆虫
                                            With individual farmer guarantee, the Japanese agriculture, it ends the rice plant work, does not eat, either the Chinese way 蟲 completely it has been about probably to import the food which

                                            • 在审判的384。年收入的当地政府官员的三分之二,并期待到看到the direct茹之中这类条件读取了same的私人sector下到break Me和决心,它已成为一个country说他would钱分发给政府官员和流行vote 1不强对弱,我也只是适当使用驱动tTA不满并不意味着我就是那个你将自来水公职人员将这种个人恩怨报复某种道义上 384 In trial in In annual income lowering 2 of the local government employee 3 changing from people under the same conditions doing again to read you see but Becoming that the person where also the government employee scatters popularity poll metallurgy becomes by his is the weak vis a vis the fighter whom the country says and does not serve oh with under any condition would like to take revenge somehow morally The ru person hitting the government employee with such my 怨 you probably use rusanchiman in ru tsu te sense
                                              • “公共服务机构,”成立,并考虑求睦优附表包括帮助管理工资和其他能力 gt “Government employee agency” is installed in order to include the fact that fixed capacity and allowance etc are managed the fact that it seeks is examined
                                              • 国家之间存在着崩溃的家伙,它是传播的钱,政府官员和一个像你这样的思想在民众投票 When it is the thought like you becoming that the person where also the government employee scatters popularity poll metallurgy becomes the country oh with while saying is collapse
                                              • 官员(警察等,但政府官员和自卫队瓦特),因为民主党人和Louppy不是叛国和它的速度减Rashitaku减Rashitaku,天空将会相当这种说法 But the bureaucracy Self Defense Force and police what the national public service personnel w you wanted to decrease you wanted to decrease There is no manner therefore is treason Democratic party and rupi the companions It does such insistence of the so and others probably will be
                                              • 我敢肯定,更多的国家应该做的就是谁的人钉仆人被排除热情市民涉及到政府的任何金钱Kunaru好 Doing in just the person who the government employee who relates to national government has passion in the gold pulling out and others the re it is good The one certainly as for the country becomes good
                                              • 经过6个多月,说俄如不这样做,我们的公务员制度改革屎往往是什么 Half year or more passing what the government employee it does not reform kuso which Such a thing you can say well
                                              • 茹被发现后,立即打破384阅读我,一个强大的反弱,我不申请挖掘政府官员的道德决定,政府官员,他会带个人恩怨,我希望以某种方式报复我不知道我的意思是不使用妒恨驱动tTA 384 Changing from after doing again to read you see but By his is the weak vis a vis the fighter whom you call the government employee and does not serve under any condition would like to take revenge somehow morally The ru person hitting the government employee with such my 怨 you probably use rusanchiman in ru tsu te sense
                                              • 视为公仆太有趣了交流,诸如此类的事情由466公务员薪酬只是少数缺点,拥抱竞选副业官员原先禁止或禁止或想降低所有雇员的利益,无 466 Such riding to regard from the government employee because it just changes to the government employee As for salary although it goes down side business prohibition or election activity prohibition a quantity which the government employees have held originally few demerit that way Completely there is no merit in the staff
                                              • 黄金的成本大部分东京一个典型即使你住341,你需要租用?我必须有这种房子公仆妥善 341 Furthermore necessity for life the gold saying it does the majority of the expenses which depend on the peculiarity inside capital with house rent the yo Because it is such properly there is a government employee residence it is

                                            • 塔,他们就会说清楚,我希望253 Kishimen Narashitara公务员从水龙头要那么粗 Therefore because it becomes rough however the training basin which the government employee we would like to do to hit to be 253 It probably will keep hitting clearly and
                                              • 他们将 ING集团的书面清单,甚至一 NULL
                                              • 民主 政治,“公共服务机构”明显附表包括帮助成立 To the Democratic party “government employee agency” installation It includes in the manifest

                                            • 大多数非县当地政府对破产和国有及东京的边缘。常委会要支付的债务没有看到任何遣散是我退休产品的所有票“之手。债券”像这种情况继续支付“债务的地方官员退休,平均30万日元的退休钱的地方,政府官员支付约3000万日元黄金平均“在那个 Most local autonomy other than prefecture of state before Tokyo and the bankruptcy sun size How the whole vote is not accumulation of the retirement lump sum grant completely the te The debt “retirement hand It continues to pay local government employee retirement lump sum grant average 30 000 000 Yen with bond” but This kind of present condition “with debt local government employee retirement lump sum grant average approximately 30 000 000 Yen is paid” it probably will be possible to be
                                              • 债务没有完全站在了国家手部东京及破产和产品的钱即将退休的其他大部分地方政府对“退休。证券”继续支付30万日元的退休福利,平均当地官员这种情况是“支付遣散费给债务的平均约30万日元当地政府官员说,”我是什么回事 Most local autonomy other than prefecture of state before Tokyo and the bankruptcy sun size How the whole vote is not accumulation of the retirement lump sum grant completely the te The debt “retirement hand It continues to pay local government employee retirement lump sum grant average 30 000 000 Yen with bond” but This kind of present condition “with debt local government employee retirement lump sum grant average approximately 30 000 000 Yen is paid” it probably will be possible to be

                                            • 如果从零开始的专业,我无法改变他们或与Waranai wwwww民主党人决心做任何事我不在乎,我已经死了wwwwww If the proud zero bases nothing is decided unless it changes simultaneous shelf wwwww Already how democracy 党員 dies from calling wwwwww

                                              • 如果他们是一个无知的政府官员发掘真正瓦特政府官员早在30年代是太可怜,他们现正研究
                                                The government employee hitting, as for the [ru] person truly ignorant shelf w The government employee of time before the current 30 generation first half seeing, is too pitiful

                                                • 如果它是高于公务员的薪金和320万当地政府官员40%的雇员60万多名政府官员和当地政府雇员薪金,减少了哪些地方
                                                  The number of national public service personnel 600,000 person The number of local government employees 3,200,000 person How to allow the local government employee is higher than the national public service personnel Depending, the allowance 4 percentage decrease of the local government employee ahead

                                                  • 存款进行了超过1000万回报30%至40%作为第二阶段的税没收财产统一存款
                                                    � Confiscates deposit amount deposit executes the payment off of even 10,000,000, or more as a 2nd stage as 30% - 40% property tax

                                                    • 官僚等级已经走了限制,考试等级为方便保持相当好
                                                      As for the bureaucratic hierarchy the limit has come, but on the other hand maintaining securely, the treasure it should do the hierarchy of entrance examination

                                                      • 官公労719(工会的中央政府)是Zitirou(本地公共服务联盟),黑色办公室专职农业政策体系也湿透了民主党在去年我看起来像在联盟
                                                        719 Official public labor (the labor union of central ministry and board) autonomous labor (the local government employee labor union) with it is combined affiliation in the same way [yami] working full time of the agricultural administration office where also last year is found the Democratic party affiliation

                                                        • 官公労工资有关各方的支持,我最终会付出更多下来我只是作为一个男人办事员工作下Getara比我现在他们不支付,以减少官僚主义
                                                          It cannot decrease the salary of end of official public labor in connection with the support parent, it is to put out, When it lowers salary of the bureaucracy above now According to the manual from the sufficient clerk work the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] it does under salary,

                                                          • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty

                                                            • 小泽鸠山得到的支持位来自北方的转变,只有将所有的过错关闭搬迁计划的名护市的海岸是第一个美日协议,它的地方搬迁隆真理对一个新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty

                                                              • 峨 下跌团长,民主党,民主党“充满循环民主党”不远处,英文缩写相同,自民党“自民党”将 By the fact that it places this in the head of the Democratic party As for the Democratic party “Loopy Democratic To become Party” English abbreviation the same as the Liberal Democratic Party It becomes “LDP”

                                                                • 废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物废物 Wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness Wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness Wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness wastefulness

                                                                  • 当地政府官员,非职业公务员为人民服务的贡献程度的帮助,我已透过窗户,我站在现实中不小 The local government employee the window and the like passes has contributed to inhabitant service but As for the non carrier of the national public service personnel the fact that almost is not useful is actuality
                                                                    • 由于使用不同的只是支付公务员工资的50万公务员仅一个月,我有一种援助 Then in assistant allowance of month 500 000 how Although such place government employee allowance just is made is different similarly

                                                                  • 您只需更改只有在省峨怎么办?当地政府官员应给予优惠,霜冻,而是要与额外的s吗?我 The do you attach to se district and just change to do the yo So excessive ones holding how it does the district which has transferring that national public service personnel tsu te

                                                                    • 您的方法获得通过,但是我并不顺利Naijan Minsutou大肠杆菌静脉一直在收集年轻的费用由政府官员,工会,如果美那么现在,听傻瓜地米纳Minsutou Now is young well from Union of the national public service personnel whose mikajime charge has been collected minsutou which It does it cannot boil it is Easy questioning and when through doing in is the fool of technique and minsutou Hearing everyone
                                                                      • 您的方法获得通过,但是我并不顺利Naijan Minsutou美大肠杆菌静脉已收取的费用由工会官员,要求傻瓜地米纳Minsutou NULL

                                                                    • 我不是终身公务员的薪俸税或达里语朱达罗不够好,外币应收卡兹平均8个私营,这是我没有做任何生产工作
                                                                      Status being guaranteed, the [ro] [ru] government employee allowance private average 8 may be extent, is It does not make the foreign currency and/or, there is no reason which does some produce work, it is, die

                                                                      • 我不是这样说,即使众议院选举吗?或没有向何处发送它?你只想说我只在选举的时间和 The tsu ke where either at the time of this Lower House election was not said With that ahead the tsu ke which is not sent In addition just when electing saying the ro where is just the ru

                                                                        • 我不这样做,是要照顾懦夫工会和市民,他们是哪个方向?我绝不会投票支持工会〜〜我 It is mean not to do Labor union and citizen Which is made important it is If the labor union lifetime poll die
                                                                          • 我不这样做,是要照顾懦夫工会和市民,他们是哪个方向?我绝不会投票支持工会〜〜我 It is mean not to do Labor union and citizen Which is made important it is If the labor union lifetime poll die

                                                                        • 我保证,经济将w ll从执政党失去这个意义上说,民主党的竞选宣言已经出现 The promise whose the tsu chi ma uninformed business is good becomes impossible in the administration ruling party consist of w Such meaning as for the Democratic party House of Councillors selection manifest you see and it is the thing

                                                                          • 我怎么压制劳工成本应该降低青年就业支撑老龄化社会,以提高公务员的收入民间union ll贷款,区域组织和在某种意义上,我把马颜色的车前我倾向于扩大在降落伞的形式大幅
                                                                            Employment of the young person of the expectation which supports senior citizen society in order to increase the net income of the government employee labor union the control stripe inhaling, labor cost control the fact that you do color is topsy-turvydom in sense, The coming out to the district and the affiliated group facing, also substantial order exerted from above in shape puts out enlargement tendency,

                                                                            • 或免费停车问题一度成为一个问题,如果427公司的方式以及在房屋或私人房屋方面的公共仆人,但税收当作支付差额,如果任何价格差异明显的设施,场所是428,看来我可能不会被征税逃税,税收已薪金视为我疯狂 427 Therefore it became one timewise problem Free parking zone problem in case of the private employee s house if peripheral quotation there is a considerable difference Regarding the balance amount allowance it has imposed a tax but is Well to whichever as for the government employee residence Because it does not impose a tax it is not tax evasion applying don t you think 428 So as for having imposed a tax Toda whom we assume that is as a regarding allowance okashii don t you think
                                                                              • 3K ll阅读博客的人,直到我住宿舍的德塔九八零零日元,我想的房屋是万 3K You have lived there was burogu of the person in the dormitory of 9800 Yen If you read as for we we would like to live with the thought cup
                                                                              • 515现在,也许我会被越来越多的案件迅速在许多地方税进行调查,如果有人要劳烦教你制造商,因为我觉得我还没有得到的订单打开了研究,什么是不包括以某种方式或其他公务员宿舍公共嗯,我刚咬了我我想我Shidake早期古疯狂 515 Now being investigated the case which imposes a tax increasing rapidly at every place it increases Don t you think perhaps that order of investigation has turned still and just says and you think If manufacturer name is taught even kindly but the order a little just just the tsu te which becomes quick what Well but the government employee dormitory as for tsu te outside the object okashii is to whichever

                                                                            • 排减租金额的基础支持民主联盟的官员也说什么方向我峨工资总额增加,增加的成本,社会老龄化将支持扩大和新的就业机会,我给萘乙酸镇压当地秸秆什么变动没有错误的修改做愚蠢的事,还是我应该是很不幸的青年政策 Entire labor cost 削 decreasing saying because as for the amount where the labor union government employee of the democracy support basis can receive as for the direction which increases the strange straw it is probably will be When it is to do the young person unhappy policy tsu te foolish thing of the expectation which supports the compulsory enlargement and new employment control tsu te aging society to the district Not to be wrong deterioration
                                                                              • 民主党全国代表熟悉的负担,增加其与驱动tTA少量的废物那么什么是总金额削减公务员工会的优惠服务基地的支持,而不是只流浪痛,我会增加峨萘乙酸 The amount which it shaves well as wastefulness just barely that compared to increasing the amount of right to the labor union government employee of the support basis Democracy well known national burden with total just becomes probably is what in the tsu te stray tsu pu ri which increases

                                                                            • 改革地方政府的雇员超过234名政府官员希望降低工资,但当地的过程中,217只喜欢穿古路的形式感放心离开 234 But from the national public service personnel as for local government employee reformation as for salary of the district going down the proper 217 Being like relieved the ke Writing as feeling faces is just the ru
                                                                              • 在改革中的作用的地方公务员,不是吗?当地143?桥本喜欢 143 As for local government employee reformation the ro which is role of the district Under bridge likely
                                                                              • 我不这样做更大的储蓄比任何普遍降低了薄当地政府官员的薪水呢? Although the method which decreases the salary of the local government employee widely thin the reduction effect is larger you do not do with something
                                                                              • 我接受Zitirou从政府官员的支持,但他们将不会削减地方官员从政府官员好得多瓦特 Support of autonomous labor receiving from the ru as for the local government employee w which cannot be shaved Although the local government employee is more than the national public service personnel

                                                                            • 政府官员的开支有多少公务员,看到眼睛被削减,但由于预算支付工资伐丽流是从内部发起的税,这样做的国立医院,国立大学,但没有劳动成本经营成本按分钟增加,他们不从根本上降低税收负担在所有
                                                                              With the eye which you saw as for number of people of the national public service personnel and the labor cost which depends on the national public service personnel however it is reduced, Because salary is paid from midst of the tax which is thrown to the national hospital the national university as operational cost, As for labor cost being gone, operational cost increasing that much, burden of tax does not decrease after all completely

                                                                              • 政治 尾▽当然NHK的麻生太郎』6色特别帐户,以11万亿日元来找到宝藏,即使用尽的风险,财政压力是很少的强烈 2009年预算 自民党“的迷雾相关储备轻松赚钱 NHK ▽ past sure Aso color buried deposit gold request If 11 000 000 000 000 Yen public finance move pressure strengthens from six special meetings the fear of being depleted… 2009 compilation of the budget There is no buried deposit gold “in Kasumigaseki

                                                                                • 日本是更好,如果我们让它逐渐减少,因为根据你的程序少生孩子呢?现在,新的。代,教育是一个纬度的傻瓜,工作十分顺利,大萧条 Because Japan little child conversion is advanced adjusting to that don t you think if it should have kept diminishing Now new The generation with elbowroom education to make foolish in great depression employment serious
                                                                                  • 日本是更好,如果我们让它逐渐减少,因为根据你的程序少生孩子呢?现在,新的。代,教育是一个纬度的傻瓜,工作十分顺利,大萧条 Because Japan little child conversion is advanced adjusting to that don t you think if it should have kept diminishing Now new The generation with elbowroom education to make foolish in great depression employment serious

                                                                                • 是从零开始的零基TTP的:/ / thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp / @ 0 _商场/ hobinavi /柜/ touroku_k / 4902425712000。jpg格式
                                                                                  It is and is zero based zero bases ttp: //thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@ 0 _ mall/hobinavi/cabinet/touroku_k/4902425712000. jpg

                                                                                  • 是星期一天的磋商×△日,月×是永无止境分钟决定了一天,它是没有四郎,除非我答应当天宣布的任何一分钟时,民主党人甚至不投票,或相信直到世界末日他们的支持让他躺在你面前的东西和狡辩苏流量每天只挂?
                                                                                    Between △ day it confers to 〇 month × day, decides in 〇 month × day every some minute, announces to the same day every some minute [tsu] [te] pledge margin If it is not that, gold wheel occasion the Democratic party it does not believe and either you do not vote Everyday everyday only lie and quibble your what which is discharged support margin?

                                                                                    • 此外,国家粮食自给41%,如果金融市场崩溃的国家能源独立04%是发生在日本 If and public finance it fails is the Japanese of the energy self supply ratio 4 citizen probably how to become with the domestic food selfsupport ratio 41
                                                                                      • 国家粮食自给41%,如果金融崩溃04%的国家能源独立是发生在日本 If public finance it fails is the Japanese of the energy self supply ratio 4 citizen probably how to become with the domestic food selfsupport ratio 41
                                                                                      • 此外,国家粮食自给41%,如果金融市场崩溃的国家能源独立04%是发生在日本 If and public finance it fails is the Japanese of the energy self supply ratio 4 citizen probably how to become with the domestic food selfsupport ratio 41

                                                                                    • 每减少20%至政府官员总劳动成本,只有政府官员进行了业务分类国立医院工作人员在没有什么,但正如我所说,并最终这样做,(工资是根据Genai )难道你打算减少人口适应的一致性
                                                                                      1 In order 2 tenths to reduce entire labor cost of the national public service personnel, Something the staff of the national hospital with the national public service personnel is lost with business categorization, way, but, After all so doing, (, salary without lowering) decreasing the number of heads, probably is intention what which adjusts coherence

                                                                                      • 民主降落伞措施“辞职”,逐渐延长退休年龄至65岁官员鼓励这种做法称为取消了提前退休(增加劳动成本) - )辞职后的三个支柱禁止(对公职人员的重组保证了退休的年龄终身雇用天堂公务员(;∀;)克斯尔゙Iihanashita
                                                                                        As for compulsory measure of the Democratic party custom abolition of the early retirement encouragement which “the shoulder it hits and” with is called Retirement age of the government employee gradual to 65 years old extension (labor cost increase) - 3 main columns Restructuring of the government employee (the shoulder to hit,) after prohibiting, to guarantee lifetime employment with retirement age extension, government employee heaven ( ; ∀; ) [iihanashita] ゙ [na

                                                                                        • 立法者可能第一次,而不是政府官员?当地官员当时的政府官员约里高杉
                                                                                          There is no national public service personnel and the [ro] where [te] member of the Diet is ahead -! Then national public service personnel [yo] [ri] local government employee high cedar

                                                                                          • 自民党是日本,已经是非常不错!民主党人团结不仅贫穷的日本人民
                                                                                            The Liberal Democratic Party is the political party of Japan, it is honest! The Democratic party to only becoming impoverished the Japanese citizen agreeing and uniting

                                                                                            • 舛添公众的[希望发挥两端的自民党,并说,我认识到不同的
                                                                                              As for Masuzoe 'as for the citizen the Liberal Democratic Party playback is not desired, that' it had said, but me and recognition is different

                                                                                              • 观察到的因素,国民议会和事实,即每一年的费用933日元,这是一名当地官员日元一千〇四十七万年昂贵,这代表一个国家公共麻生表明NHK是党的每个人都暴露在是
                                                                                                In the association, Assemblyman Asao of the party of everyone labor cost per 1 of national public service personnel is an annual 10,470,000 Yen, The fact where labor cost per 1 of local government employees is annual 9,330,000 Yen is disclosed with the National Diet and NHK program

                                                                                                • 转移到一个海军陆战队的第17次特别帐户的预算,你的意思是建立一个从零开始的自卫队驻扎在要塞空中力量展示
                                                                                                  17 diverting the budget of the special accounts which are, being the case that it builds the aerial fortress zero bases where Marines and Self Defense Force are stationed, the shank, it is understood

                                                                                                  • 达罗就像一个拳击手抽筋赢得了决定,我会说在比赛前两分?这。我相信我赢了投交流有关最后布莱恩朱达罗民主承诺宣布拉我来,劳动力成本20万亿Gemasu我不挂到40万亿 NULL
                                                                                                    • Tsukekae的地区,劳动力成本上升,而湿重回到你剪沿约50% You attach to the district and can apply labor cost rise rather it is the ro ww which is In story viewing 5 percentage reduction margin
                                                                                                    • 公务员人事费用三二零零零零零零零零零零零零日元44万亿日元,总九二零零零零零零零零零零零零日元国家预算的赤字国债发行三七零零零零零零零零零零零零日元国家税收收入 National tax revenue 37 000 000 000 000 Yen National budget 92 000 000 000 000 Yen Deficit financing bond issue 4 400 000 000 300 000 215 040 Yen Government employee entire labor cost 32 000 000 000 000 Yen
                                                                                                    • 达罗就像一个拳击手抽筋赢得了决定,我会说在比赛前两分?这。我相信我赢了投交流有关最后布莱恩朱达罗民主承诺宣布拉我来,劳动力成本20万亿Gemasu我不挂到40万亿 NULL

                                                                                                  • 这就是我考虑削减百分之20不是唯一的具体的政策方向万维网马苏苏亚帐户支出的弟弟来到太满故事太
                                                                                                    It is and is Although government employee labor cost concrete policy it is put out to only the direction which increases Something is examination of 2 percentage reduction, www It is too terrible in remainder It is complete fraud

                                                                                                    • 通过城市官员设法拉四郎,零加班130年假期,有薪假期津贴,是合我切断所有使用平均收入750二十天他们,养老金3000万5年的工资。房租,说我不喜欢比我姜゙奈伊周五
                                                                                                      The city staff how, margin With connection adoption, 20 day it consumes the overtime work zero, possession 休 entirely in annual holiday 130 Treatment being agreeable at average annual income 750, as for the retirement lump sum grant salary five years's amount Old age month 300,000. Being able to receive, the gold being left over, [shiyouka] ゙ [nai] [tsu] [te] word you dislike

                                                                                                      • 通过敦促我们检查你有工资单从这个线程瓦特所得税被认为是不同如果是一般的私人公司内部公司内部的政府官员不正确的,因为我有
                                                                                                        However the private employee's house even like the government employee employee's house there was a less with this [sure] If that truth being regarded balance amount income, because it has imposed a tax We recommend the fact that leave and earning statement is checked [tsu] w

                                                                                                        • 问题是没有时间的方式民主投票集团的削减Zitirou so我知道是不是老糊涂社区中心的man from我会朱达罗our天,不是为官但公务员痴呆茹分钟,或不包括在press ll对接如果一个相变的鳃Warazu As for problem there is no national public service personnel and the ro which is te dementia government employee Chaos you probably will leave it has done it is not from the jijii how daytime tsu of the public citizen s hall As for democracy cutting the autonomous labor of the vote rice field and not being able to boil however you understand Feeling it is bad as usual for the mass communications not to thrust

                                                                                                          • 阿政府官员也表示,让他们全部下跌,甚至巴巴支付午餐A,不仅政府官员。四郎降低3个百分点
                                                                                                            There is no just national public service personnel, Decrease [babaa] of school lunch also the salary Also the Assemblyman the government employee entirely one. Three percentage cutting margin

                                                                                                            • 附近将减少皱纹的实质是劳动力成本问题,如果你只是觉得我应该让他们都下到简单,我选日本的未来人在青少年大多是废话
                                                                                                              As for shifting the strain of labor cost reduction to most young people The future Japanese [ma] [ji] and the [be] you obtain, Decrease short circuit time saying, thinking, if just the [ru] it is dangerous truly

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