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“When it is the black hair, indifferent human [tsu] [po] [ku] [te] appraisal it goes down”,…Concerning the reason where the brown hair is many in the Japanese, argument the ★3 which rises


  • 1 3棕色头发染色,因为我将要会爆发朱达罗日元结束数千元,只是希望我设定削减他们做美容 It is the harboring which the beauty parlor provides When is just cutting the ro which is the end wa tsu chi ya u for several thousand Yen Therefore it is The hair made be popular dyes to brown it is
    • 查看详细染色Daro ll褐色,因为刚刚结束的爆裂,削减日元数千只希望设置沙龙我他们这样做 It is the harboring which the beauty parlor provides When is just cutting the ro which is the end wa tsu chi ya u for several thousand Yen Therefore it is The hair made be popular dyes to brown it is

  • 10年二战著名Dasse瓦特,尽管以前在紧急如果事情岁的高亮相DQN中学和大学棕色头发现在特定的时刻(图)你只想宅男 If 10 years ago now then you do not know ww Nowadays brown hair something DQN of inoccupation High school university debut the intention of doing the tsu se which is the ro w where is just wotaku
    • 我们说这是错的だろ我染发美发重型或从一种颜色,我觉得奇怪的音频坏家伙的头发,黑 Person feeling of brown hair bad wa Because strange color it has done That the hair of the hairdresser is heavy being said it dyes and the chi ya tsu is it is the ro which is
    • 有经验的理发师被我说了一些肮脏的环境,不洗我的头发我是745? 745 The hair washing the re it is not dirty Something called to the hairdresser

  • 220银座商店和豪华的通知没有穿很多衣服一,博士学位,但经过大数目从普通黑头发,黑头发走出的输入行是伴随着兰花社会地位高而享誉 220 As for the high class store of Ginza the black hair is more than the general people When the opportunity which wears the kimono is many because you accompany with the person whose social position is high The black hair shelf where care is thorough After intellectual viewing
    • 你不讨厌黑色的头发是美丽的卡诺州从日本人民是国家的象征 Because the black hair was symbol of beauty of the Japanese it does with ear something the yo the country whether of as for the people of the homeland
    • 黑头发是寻找一个S许多地方体重减轻和头发,所以我没有似合头发,黑头发,我很时髦的专家 The hair quantity being visible mainly when it is loss densely there is a black hair and to wind because the hair does not match The black hair does the foppery tsu te feeling of the upper class person

  • 682服装店,我希望以积极的情况,没有简单的手又有点Terya附表作出决定根据你的心情和衣服颜色的头发我的头发拉沙龙锄头的人对我不染 682 When it is not dyed in the clothes house and the beauty parlor the wa which is pulled Adjusting to hair color how hair type and the atmosphere which we would like to make with the dress in the wax which it decides and rubs Without inserting the hand present condition affirming don t you think it is possible to be the ri ya easy
    • 基本上,服装店,理发店,杂货店,或者,如果这样的地方,我没事 If basic even with the service industry the clothes house the beauty parlor and the miscellaneous goods house such place but all right
    • 我希望这种情况,没有简单的肯定Terya手又有点附表作出决定根据你的心情和衣服颜色的头发我的头发拉682锄头的人我不染在沙龙和服装店 682 When it is not dyed in the clothes house and the beauty parlor the wa which is pulled Adjusting to hair color how hair type and the atmosphere which we would like to make with the dress in the wax which it decides and rubs Without inserting the hand present condition affirming don t you think it is possible to be the ri ya easy

  • 729和服正常儿童棕色头发是不是我会穿?让我们的棕色头发穿着和服时,茹!我不会意味着 729 Usually as for the kimono the arrival re ru scared there is no with lever even with the child of the brown hair When the kimono wearing it will make the brown hair Probably in tsu te sense

    • Image blog livedoor jp nekonabe4 国际医学学位 2 5 2508c0d8的。jpg现实TTP的: www wallpaperlink com 图片 壁纸 2007 0709 03918。jpg格式 image blog livedoor jp nekonabe4 imgs 2 5 2508c0d8 jpg Actuality ttp www wallpaperlink com images wallpaper 2007 0709 03918 jpg
      • 215 TTP的理想: iup 0 2架CH library com 我 i0083536 1272325692。jpg格式现实TTP的: iup 0 2架CH library com 我 i0083537 1272325706。jpg格式 215 Ideal ttp iup 2ch library com i i0083536 1272325692 jpg Actuality ttp iup 2ch library com i i0083537 1272325706 jpg
      • 理想现实 Ideal Actuality
      • 理想的家居: image blog livedoor jp nekonabe4 国际医学学位 2 5 2508c0d8的。jpg现实TTP的: www wallpaperlink com 图片 壁纸 2007 0709 03918。jpg格式 Ideal ttp image blog livedoor jp nekonabe4 imgs 2 5 2508c0d8 jpg Actuality ttp www wallpaperlink com images wallpaper 2007 0709 03918 jpg

    • Iteta姐姐在一家服装商店,“我想棕色头发的人吗?”Tsuttara“似合湾,停止梅罗”,成了瓦特下跌快速反应和 When at the clothes house it works in the older sister “it makes we brown hair how you think When” it hangs That “be similar and the combination cup stop” the ze w which is dismissed in immediate answer
      • 优衣库的黑头发,但我从我的坚实品牌家伙汽车旅馆,棕色头发瓦特 But black hair uni clo in the brown hair setting with the brand from the ru person the motel w

    • Narushi黑头发,像一个令人惊讶的麻原彰晃ー不这么丑,我不想要一个好作风和美丽似合
      Unexpected and the black hair do not match unless style is good with the beauty, When it is [busu], the flax field it does and the [yo] - densely - becomes like and

      • TTP的:/ / www.amazon.co.jp / RocknRoll -马戏团 - %吩e6%原B5%9C条%E5公司%B4的%8E型%E3展%81%82%E3展%82%86%E3展%81%高炉/民主党/ B003B1ZC9E / 1号u003d高级_ _ 4?即u003d UTF8的音乐&S的u003d u003d 1272326006&&,4次高级u003d 1 -很不错,但我很失望,滨崎步的发型是良好的,但我看到木田滨崎步最近茹04
        ttp: //www.amazon.co.jp/RocknRoll-Circus - % E6% B5% 9C % E5% B4% 8E % E3% 81% 82% E3% 82% 86% E3% 81% BF/dp/B003B1ZC9E/ref = sr _ 1 _ 4? ie = UTF8& s = music & qid = 1272326006& sr = 1 - 4 However you see recently carefully, the [wa] which is this hair type lover of Hamazaki's Hamazaki has done seeing, however it made the [ira] [tsu

        • “难道我爱你”,并想在周一伐丽流偏见地说,“啊嘿,试图改变一个人的期待,”这是说,我担心 “Liking when the ru ” tsu te you say obstinacy is thought is and “You will obtain and imechien you will do ” the tsu te being said it is be tired

          • 为您展示了一个详细的身体不好的感染? Tsuka,丑陋的棕色头发的颜色变化的基础交流阿勒 When it dyes it is bad to the body it is with to do the yo As for the handle and the brown hair are where color changes from basis sees the tsu accompanying
            • 梅塔奈勒从未染成我的头发,而瓦特曾在第一次世界大战出去,滚装船 The hair is dyed callous accompanying nera w Sometimes go outside ww

          • 也许并不知道,从人,并得到言Urashii遣赖希或棕色头发,但不重,深受广大妇女的结婚,最好是,如果你不卖便宜,一小美,棕色头发在一个非常好的他们会好,如果你进来的,暂时的,或者是最新的 When it is the woman unless there is a brown hair that it is heavy you say it seems but From the point of view of the guy perhaps 遣 and others it makes do but marriage just a little becomes If the beauty the one which is not sold at a reduced price is good Well truly liking the brown hair you have sent if is it is good but being let flow…
            • 嗯,我有什么似合改变看起来愚蠢的如何,如果疼痛是一种感觉,会頑張也有褐色的头发头发是美丽的瓦特丑陋和Shiiyo痛苦的不幸和喜欢那些有褐色 Well when the beauty has done the brown hair being the regrettable person like it is pitiful The impression also what busu has made the brown hair having persevered is painful and How having when the foolish tsu po it is and it is the face however it has matched strangely w

          • 事情DQN 1 3人,一些染发剂改变583被排除在踢蜡相“我Kemasu排除牌匾”纠正日本和是否仍然表示怀疑 583 Because by the fact that the hair is dyed as for some you are polished anyone In DQN phase changing “you are polished” that expressing Whether or not it is correct Japanese doubt remains
            • 污垢了1 3人,一些染发剂“583踢蜡相变的东西DQN被排除在”是否正确表示怀疑,日本和保持 583 Because by the fact that the hair is dyed as for some you are polished anyone In DQN phase changing “you are polished” that expressing Whether or not it is correct Japanese doubt remains

          • 从天上到Iteta路径与一个好处,如果它是一个日常生活指导残酷的战斗
            In addition it has been attached the empty, everyday humanity and justice of life guidance it is not it was fight to the heaven pas

            • 你不染料,适用于黄金517白人,所有颜色 彩色部分(网),我觉得我的头发是迁出回合 517 It dyes to gold even with the white it is not to be the te Entire color the color the mesh inserting partly in the hair Putting out the movement the ru feeling does
              • 它适用于我,不染黑色,所有颜色 彩色部分(网),我觉得我的头发是迁出回合 It dyes to black it is not to be the te Entire color the color the mesh inserting partly in the hair Putting out the movement the ru feeling does
              • 它适用于无论是从感染,但不知道,或者药物已成为较薄,我很想做的好苦 Because it dyes whether or not as for however you do not understand the place where it becomes thin The chemicals the wa which becomes well motivation
              • 我在80年代第一位女性感染,我就买现在,假发 The woman who has been started to dye to eighties increases becoming soon katsura purchasing
              • 我想我会是不妥当的梅罗染色从源头褐色至黑色,我会觉得我是错的,反之亦然 Dye the fact that it is brown from the origin to the black how you think as the ru by mistake but Opposite you think as the ru by mistake
              • 梅塔的朋友染色时,因为我的颜色和时尚的朋友说,狗屎来吧,我不是每个人都感染 When the friend dyed when you call unko color that being popular inside the companion Ever since no one is dyed

            • 你穿着外衣和Fuwadabo一个制度,但感觉他们要浅棕色头发和头发麻烦吗?这意味着整个结束了,所以我不希望看到随便个性 But specially to a brown hair the hair like it has made the feeling which is light And the dress does with huwadabo of tunic type the yo There is no tightening in the whole also character being may be lightly seen it is hateful

              • 利用直发直烫直发铁713人我相当高
                713 Reduction hair reform [sutoretopama] [heaairon] activity ratio of the person of straight is high rather, don't you think?

                • 千秋英俊漂亮的女人,头发像黑色是十分可怕的似合苏ü虚假魔幻气氛,他们希望有一个黑褐色的头发,但有些人呼吁,我不认为这样做不似合 ikemen and many years the way way as for the beauty the black hair matches Being in the brown hair the error to demon it converts busaiku with atmosphere Because truth does not match however we would like to make the black hair saying also the person who says thinks is with

                  • 台山没关系,如果他将颜射头发,殴打近Sarasarahea猫毛津
                    If the hair [bu] [tsu] question person it probably is all right, but cat [tsu] hair [sarasarahea] is almost done

                    • 哎呀,先生表现出染色孕妇头发的细节是不会对胎儿的危险?我在谈论美国 As for the te or the pregnant woman as for dyeing the hair danger it is not in the fetus But story what of America

                      • 因为日本的基本黑色,棕色头发的眼睛你不只是立场?相反,斑驳的棕色头发(国家打印机)较好,但奖金 Therefore as for the Japanese black the basis just it is conspicuous there is no brown hair or is More variegated brown hair than that purine state one is regrettable prize
                        • 因为日本的基本黑色,棕色头发的眼睛你不只是立场?相反,斑驳的棕色头发(国家打印机)较好,但奖金 Therefore as for the Japanese black the basis just it is conspicuous there is no brown hair or is More variegated brown hair than that purine state one is regrettable prize
                        • 妇女。日本棕色头发,棕色头发,但欧洲人民在如此明显Erurashii苦脏外观,但事情并不是我说似合 Woman inside Because it is the European person but it is the brown hair naturally as for the brown hair of the Japanese It is visible simply dirtily it seems it is and the wa is unless it matches thing

                      • 在一个流动的核心只是层层棕色头发家伙无聊时尚杂志复杂的单白(时装)我
                        In brief the core of the party of the brown hair layer in the white complex As for frivolous layer being let flow by the fashion magazine (popularity) simply, just the [ru

                        • 大多数用户都无动于衷公告板2channel←不在乎,但这是非常糟糕的板状态
                          Don't you think? 2, the most user of the [ru] bulletin board state of the bulletin board being inferior, does not make the air <- This is indifferent

                          • 头发是该公司的高级企业(人)我们要评估低盲人的眼睛,我认为他们已经看到了黑染色我“以及觉得黑头发根棕色头发我就像一个坏 凉 When now the tsu it is the senior of the company the man it is the hair which is dyed to black Being thought that it is the indifferent human in the eye which you saw appraisal goes down” Basis of the hair becoming black with the brown hair that way the parenthesis it is bad don t you think the
                            • ü合和服也有适合我的紫色头发毛囊中的天然棕色 There is a kimono which is agreeable even with the hair of purple Naturally there are also times when it is agreeable to the brown hair
                            • 褐色的头发现在是一个高级公司(人)我宁愿你会得到染成黑色的笑话,我一直在Niatsu The senior of the company which now is the brown hair the man dyed to black That one to being the joke it increases

                          • 如一个裸体的皮肤化妆,晒伤损坏,无法感觉到它们毛茸茸的头了
                            In the naked like appearance, on the skin which is sunburned, caring, the wart the [bo] feeling the head

                            • 如果他们是可怕的习惯,而Basabasa头发黑色的头发颜色我也来了许多从量的灰色头发和习惯?我做什么,似乎很多人一样生于斯,长于斯直发的方式,但我也希望我那雷:嗯,黑头发,白头发直?
                              The quantity being many with the habit hair, because also Siraga was present, the [tsu] [te] which the color has been done you say When the black hair of the habit hair is [basabasa], it is terrible? If there is no either Siraga with the direct hair, but it is to call even with black, - By the way, the pure direct hair the human [tsu] [te] such it is not many, it seems?

                              • 如果我画着色和理发Takutsu就会像我每天都被困在美容行业是恰当老实说,我什至是相当愚蠢的头发秃头疼痛问题
                                Speaking clearly, being set by the trap of beauty care industry, don't you think? it probably is [ru] [tsu] [te] thing Everyday we would like to paint integral hair charge, the [tsu] [te] color ring do and the cod, the sled [ya] [a] hair hurts and The [wa] which becomes also the baldness

                                • 如果薪金处严重梅塔我开始我公司自上周以来,失业已发送端把我主要在最后一次

                                  • 妇女ü似合有褐色的头发是到日本的塑料内眦赘皮的眼泪在我发言的地位面临着这样的,将被西方人,但不是很多妇女和我做Colorcon感染辜亮度是她使她布丁亚洲人是不可能做我的东方男子
                                    Don't you think? as for the woman where the brown hair matches such densely looks With the Japanese you take the Mongolian wrinkle of the eye head in fairing, although it is the [tsu] [pe] [ri] face, you dye brightly, However the woman who [karakon] has been done it is many, therefore as for it is about probably to becoming the western person unreasonable what The oriental the oriental to seem it should have done

                                    • 布鲁古慧有很深的世界黑色的萨拉萨拉英子我黑色的头发已通知进入了线的手罗马式建筑令人振奋,如繁星女士英子很42,如果美丽约小池包括选项包含它如果没有,是美丽的阿TTP的:/ / tsubasatoharuka11。up.seesaa.net /图像/ koi2019。JPG的TTP的:/ /班至小学课程。viploader.net /艺能/ src目录/ vlgeino012095。JPG的TTP的:/ /班至小学课程。viploader.net /艺能/ src目录/ vlgeino011950 。JPG的TTP的:/ / pics25。yamedia.tw / 8 / userfile /天/ dan711025 /专辑/ 147b7c3af972ee.jpg TTP的:/ / pics25。yamedia.tw / 8 / userfile /天/ dan711025 /专辑/ 147b7c39b3a9e3。JPG的TTP的: / / pics25。yamedia.tw / 8 / userfile /天/ dan711025 /专辑/ 147b7c30ec9178。JPG的TTP的:/ / pics25。yamedia.tw / 8 / userfile /天/ dan711025 /专辑/ 147b7c3af972ee.jpg
                                      42 Is, don't you think? The [te] the black hair which shines like the starry sky is beautiful with Eiko's plate plate as a black 々 About the black hair where care is thorough there are no beautiful ones It includes that, as for Eiko Koike the worldwide highest beauty shelf ttp: //tsubasatoharuka11. up.seesaa.net/image/koi2019. jpg ttp: //up3. viploader.net/geino/src/vlgeino012095. jpg ttp: //up3. viploader.net/geino/src/vlgeino011950. jpg ttp: //pics25. yamedia.tw/8/userfile/d/dan711025/album/147b7c3af972ee.jpg ttp: //pics25. yamedia.tw/8/userfile/d/dan711025/album/147b7c39b3a9e3. jpg ttp: //pics25. yamedia.tw/8/userfile/d/dan711025/album/147b7c30ec9178. jpg ttp: //pics25. yamedia.tw/8/userfile/d/dan711025/album/147b7c3af972ee.jpg

                                      • 年轻的和棕色头发颜射percent m不是一个字,我讨厌棕色头发是不是真的不适合,但丈夫对人的思想没有白皮肤和金色或棕色头发,我只给一个风力适中,当然难怪至少一精英,我们并不认为已在棕色头发,是一个 How one word or the year worth where the brown hair well is another without hitting young with as a brown hair the ru comparatively with the fair hair and the brown hair how thinking with color white with the world bee ya and others husband It is seen in only the random wind and naturally so being thought it is helpless At least the elite does not do to the brown hair and
                                        • 567 什么?男人?盖伊,这将是金发,但是,是我做瓦特没有,更重要 567 … Obtaining Man The man how it probably is the brown hair but it probably is the fair hair but the do with it can burn wa w Well considerably it probably is important
                                        • Colorcon是谁做米奈 服装也必须罕见,我将棕色头发呢?这是最主要的目的,甚至捏造捏造或灰色头发卷曲的头发 As for karakon if kosupure is not the person who has been made thoughtless you do not see don t you think and about the brown hair Even that main purpose is when the habit hair is cheated when Siraga is cheated
                                        • 偶像人才,我希望我看到一个棕色头发的女孩,喜欢动画你们Kimoota We like your kimoota It is the saw of animation and Idle talent wa brown hair Although is don t you think
                                        • 即使动画片和漫画,并有许多字我可以看看与棕色头发,白皮肤,金发碧眼的白头发在它 To a cartoon and animation with the fair hair and the brown hair how seeing with color white white tsu te kiyara is many
                                        • 因此,日本“你开玩笑:”随着人们谁染发棕色和我周围的意图是更好地考虑埃塔 Therefore the person who with intention of “being witty” has been made the brown hair there the one which was thought is better with the Japanese
                                        • 如何在那里我潘婷没有决定在自然和黑色的头发?我将使用你的头发爱知县现在我觉得我想要的东西特别照顾 NULL
                                        • 如果体面的工作就无论如何,我不能说我想黑色的头发 NULL
                                        • 如果你买了东西的黑头发脂肪大嗓门一对夫妇在汗水加油的路线只有34 Famima NULL
                                        • 布鲁圣人 棕色头发,我知道这个年龄 To black hair sage Brown hair age Like this don t you think is it is understood
                                        • 我一直是颜射年轻棕色头发,我不能不适当,但世界想着是在温和的风只发现一个好丈夫给,精英至少没有好处想我们自然棕色头发是不是 We either year worth without hitting young with as a brown hair the ru thinking how with the world bee ya and others husband It is seen in only the random wind and naturally so being thought it is helpless At least the elite does not do to the brown hair and
                                        • 我们将要愚弄她的棕色头发的年轻孩子,他们不喜欢目前的趋势,对我来说最有意义 We most remembering the detestation impression The foolish tsu mother who designates the young child as the brown hair
                                        • 我会说什么是好纯天然黑发你也没有那么糟糕,我什至会头发的习惯?也适用于棕色头发Sutopa也没有时间,我摆弄 Natural being and saying and saying when the ru comparatively habit tsu hair ones and the wa it is the wa black hair it does with useless reason the yo sutopa applying and making the brown hair fumbling the degree of ru is simultaneous reason
                                        • 我说一个字,我不想透露布朗头发不真的,我得说她的赎回,而 How one word or the year worth where the brown hair well is another without hitting young with as a brown hair the ru comparatively with the fair hair and the brown hair how thinking with color white with the world bee ya and others husband It is seen in only the random wind and naturally so being thought it is helpless At least the elite does not do to the brown hair and
                                        • 无论如何,在大约10年,“你他妈的一个长长的棕色头发wwwww”我们认为它是,但我不是我笑 Temporarily about 10 years later “former times have made everyone brown hair are wwwww” Becoming tsu te funny story you think as the ru
                                        • 日亚森喜朗和卷曲的棕色头发,通常不关心(只是看看,因为它有助于在笑作弊 Usually the brown hair and the curl and quantity cheating the fact that CARE it does not do with laughing only the ru way it is to be visible
                                        • 最近在挥杆回来,我出来的人要恢复到黑色的头发是棕色的头发到现在为止 Recently with the quaver resetting the person who resets the fact that until now it is the brown hair to the black hair being present the ru
                                        • 达罗居塔拉骇人听闻的水平与妇女缺席布鲁如果我说我们 The ro where the te you say or the black hair woman how does not stay first and is When it stays the level which is made the gi yo tsu
                                        • 长头发的黑头发(与Poniteopushon)我说什么,因为我不知道为什么你知道你在最后 With black hair ronguhea poniteopushiyon to be attached even decision you say there is no wa can with ro something which is it is

                                      • 当被问及黑褐色,使微妙的一个特殊染色这个人是真正渴望to ll黑色,还没有完全走出 This person seems yearning deep black the ru but because it is that sensitivity the umber cannot put out with dyeing especially easily
                                        • 当被问及这个人是真正渴望to ll黑色,深褐色的污渍不是微妙难出 This person seems yearning deep black the ru but because it is that sensitivity the umber cannot put out with dyeing especially easily

                                      • 很多老人年轻女子Buritai年,我有棕色头发的公务员们去隐藏白发 The year it is young very the way of the old boy who wants it makes the brown hair It has combined also the Siraga hiding
                                        • 东西我曾经染发棕色,如果是免费的! ! 当地雇员基里 As for we something it has not done until now in the brown hair Paulownia tsu

                                      • 总之,颜色和颜色的顶部感到了沉重的不安感在:金发碧眼的原因很多女性这个发现很容易超发色的时尚感,轻轻在他的黑暗比1 3布吕内仍然有信心的人知道我可以做任何事情对女性直觉的 When heavy color is on a top the uncertainty is felt color Conclusion Rather than you increasing your own fashion sense The method which lightens the color of the black hair is simple Super debu the reason where the fair hair is many in the woman this is With while this human self confidence is the black hair you have understood the fact that how it is not possible with intuition of the woman
                                        • 什么?社区了,我更压倒性的高度评价,除非它是企业或暗黑色的底部 Obtaining When it appears in society if it is not black enterprise or base How to appraise the black hair is high preponderantly
                                        • 总之,颜色和颜色的顶部感到了沉重的不安感在:金发碧眼的原因,许多妇女更容易找到超发色的时尚感,轻轻在这个比他的头发查看详情布吕内仍然有信心的人知道我可以做任何事情对女性直觉的 When heavy color is on a top the uncertainty is felt color Conclusion Rather than you increasing your own fashion sense The method which lightens the color of the black hair is simple Super debu the reason where the fair hair is many in the woman this is With while this human self confidence is the black hair you have understood the fact that how it is not possible with intuition of the woman

                                      • 我一直很长的时间和工务局局长Warota猴子发现,只有在,但瓦特看到西方Naraari栗色为W斯托
                                        The way of visor [warota] w When you see from the European-American people, is to be visible in only the monkey w If chestnut color it is and but stops brown and dissolves w

                                        • 我不喜欢现在Furumeiku Dakejan适应老师Andy的眼睛闪闪发光的黑头发,睫毛不

                                          • 我不平或有黑色的头发染一点,但我不会真的好可爱的偶像在染发元,如果我发挥,有一个头发早生轻微迷信说,日本有黑头发最终还是合Tteru你觉得神秘感刮清洁 When hair huechi tendency you make say from we if you play however it is good even with the hair which was dyed If seriousness when it is the black hair even just a little to dye and to be an unevenness finally the black hair being agreeable to the Japanese after all the ru the clean impression It is and the mysterious feeling does
                                            • 我不平或有黑色的头发染一点,停滞不前看起来有点怪白发伸长Bitekuruto When it is the black hair even just a little it dyes and is an unevenness Even when just a little it extends Siraga is conspicuous strangely
                                            • 黑头发,但它真的不是那么好,即使我的头发染成偶像早生玩文字梅塔从我有一个可爱的和迷信刮触摸头发,黑头发后,日本终于合Tteru所有,清洁是神秘我觉得 When hair huechi tendency you make say from we if you play however it is good even with the hair which was dyed If seriousness when it is the black hair even just a little to dye and to be an unevenness finally the black hair being agreeable to the Japanese after all the ru the clean impression It is and the mysterious feeling does

                                          • 我也有我的颜色八百四十一年,毕竟,决定了额外的帮助必发伤口扩大 841 Me the long time color ring doing however it hurt After all it judged that excess it becomes easy to spread by the fact that the hair is damaged
                                            • 我为我有841多年的色彩,并最终决定将在必发额外的帮助伤口扩大 841 I doing the long time color ring however it hurt After all it judged that excess it becomes easy to spread by the fact that the hair is damaged

                                          • 我以前觉得即使没有经济附表363毛秃Getara脱皮
                                            363 _ sly you become bald direct in the hairstyle even the [te] it have use the air and

                                            • 我使用的洗发水太强大了洗涤剂的负责人向他们和780最接近皮肤干燥,头皮和头发,我也喋喋不休太多油要删除您的热水温度每一天,我洗的进一步提高
                                              780 The dry skin and the person who is close to that using washing be too strong washing hair charge, Furthermore it raises, everyday washing at the hot water of temperature, the [re] Removing the oil content, too much the trap where the hair and the head skin become [gasagasa

                                              • 我向你们眉毛染色,染发家伙我,我粗鲁的头发的人自然是褐色的头发,扔,其任务是踢像我染发我徽章
                                                Dyeing to the eyebrow, the [ru] person with the fuzz is impolite in the person of the brown hair The hair dyeing, as for the [ru] person, the hair dyeing, badge like ones which it increases Attaching obligation margin

                                                • 我在棕色头发不是我会做多一点的人真正的你笑话?鲍勃想自己,但我想尝试的颜色是什么,只是降一点点,而不是真的如此低级暗黑色的头发Ku ll善于也不是真正的美 Now the joke about the person there is no the true tsu brown hair tsu te little one something Because by his although it tried making the hob is not the beauty Because it is the junior high school student where the deep black hair is not clear surely darkly A little whether just it will try dropping color that it is in the midst of thinking
                                                  • 我虽然黑头发,甚至我的头发美浓熟悉的“头皮良好的染色,而不是我”你说我们和w孩子我不年轻,我现在她的头发染成10岁以后,去到每个人头皮撕裂Rashii But as for me the black hair also “is not dyed the one which is good to also the head skin” that saying in the familiar hairdresser ru w Now dyeing the hair directly from the teenager the ru young child seems everyone head skin becoming ragged the ru
                                                  • 拉美裔和黑人的头发,你必须做的汤是南美之间445 445 The ro which is not anything related to South American to put out and is The black hair of Latin type it is good

                                                • 我在第一眼理发师要采取额外的钱作为井设为朱达罗感染梅塔想,觉得无聊下

                                                  • 我如何成为一个良好的基础,日本广播协会已Ppokutsu基达女孩真正漂亮的头发像黑色的高中历史课程,她在日本雾岛里纳,佐佐木非常罕见的牛想我会似合棕色头发,不漂亮这是每个人都会做得很好
                                                    It should have made favorite But the black hair of the paulownia island village greens like feeling of the basis and NHK high school lecture Japanese history surely the girl [tsu] [po] [ku] [tsu] [te] lover, And, the lovely child where the Sasaki rare brown hair matching very well, you think as the [ru] whatever doing, becomes the way Don't you think? well it is each one

                                                    • 我想降低评级下降不想评价是谁?这家伙不会事项 Is not appraisal goes down from tsu te someone where appraisal goes down it is It probably is the how good person
                                                      • 我想从低审查谁想评级?这家伙不会事项 From the tsu te appraisal where appraisal goes down goes down someone s it is It probably is the how good person

                                                    • 我有褐色的头发看起来好孙女在中年的女儿和,但我认为,通常可能是736 736 That middle to elderly aged daughter and the granddaughter match the brown hair As for tsu te however you think that it can be normally don t you think
                                                      • 我已经和孙女棕色头发的中年的女儿,但我认为,通常可能是736 736 That middle to elderly aged daughter and the granddaughter match the brown hair As for tsu te however you think that it can be normally don t you think
                                                      • 米头发偏转从丑陋的棕色眼睛或面部结构所谓好看 About busaiku the brown hair matches The tsu te you say or can curve the eye from making the face it is

                                                    • 我猜想,恶心贞子从诚实的人看起来什么像样的黑头发,黑根的东西,以便报复
                                                      When the black hair [tsu] [te] [ma] [tsu] you question you see from the person, honest heart to be, 貞 child like to put out, something deep attachment deeply so with the root darkness

                                                      • 我的323像美的方式申请烧坏头皮如此,设计师从来没有见过这样的东西过敏,例如男子头皮撕裂那么好,梅塔说,刚停地,脂溢性皮炎长长的黑头发的人谁是要改变某些事情,如果你伸展腰部,我将使用洗发水或山茶花,让他笑
                                                        323 But as for we the hairdresser, you stopped the beauty parlor of manner of the kind of application where head skin becomes ragged but it is good Such a head skin ragged human something you have not seen excessively, if anything about the person of the atopy and the fat 漏 characteristic dermatitis The black hair long person has extended [ri] something is strange to the waist, with, using, the camellia, it can amuse the [ru] shampoo

                                                        • 我第一次看到这个问题之前,我只适用于毒低效朱达罗周五应收
                                                          The money spending, the poison the [ro] which how is the non efficiency which is painted It is problem of time before the eye which you saw

                                                          • 我觉得是很自然的黑头发头发修理,费时和昂贵的努力问题Sutopa疼痛也大汗头发修理电线,像一
                                                            Reduction hair reform and [sutopa] hurt at random and time and time and the money are required The reduction hair the black hair [tsu] [te] which is reformed the well enough unnatural air does, wire like

                                                            • 我还是黑色的,“你父亲的噪音”,“有什么好处是得到一个黑色的男朋友”,“专业的理由”和借口这样做更容易 However it has left as black “the father noisy” “his person with circumstances work which likes black of the” “” Excuse of extent easy kana

                                                              • 我这是我的家伙野人了社会的能力和黑色的头发约一次正常的人谁被感染朱达罗高校学生展示详情

                                                                • 时尚(笑)我只是模仿,他的时装(笑)我认为这是愚蠢的大杉 Although popularity laughing you just imitate by your the foolish large cedar which you think that foppery laughing is
                                                                  • 所谓的“时尚”(笑)如何如何,我不再是任何人知道 Generally known “foppery” laughing anyone has already known the method of becoming

                                                                • 有一个非常薄和脸上穷人的知识,会看起来像,你知道 你是一个乌龟,由专人输入,不会any in the face,许多人选择一个棕色可爱偶像看起来相当s鲍亦和,假设 When is a face on that and the se te knowledge is not good it becomes the pot like face because well… When is it does not care with any face and you think that the te and the person who chooses the brown which is visible in that appearance being many well are proper

                                                                  • 松崎茂的父亲在1 721家,冬天办公室工作的国家工作人员,但我马南篮
                                                                    721 The father of the house although the basket it is it is working inside job with [ma] something, Matsuzaki does even at the winter, [ge] [ru] state

                                                                    • 梅罗梅罗老板色织染色染色我,我不过敏,在伐丽流白发觉得自己没有注意这个黑头发是灰色的困扰,但似乎无法同意不好,离开 Siraga cannot be dyed in the allergy but it is That dye dye the superior is noisy When it is the black hair to be thought that it is indifferent however it cannot agree Siraga when it leaves is useless like
                                                                      • 梅罗梅罗老板色织染色染色我,我不过敏,在伐丽流白发觉得自己没有注意这个黑头发是灰色的困扰,但似乎无法同意不好,离开 Siraga cannot be dyed in the allergy but it is That dye dye the superior is noisy When it is the black hair to be thought that it is indifferent however it cannot agree Siraga when it leaves is useless like

                                                                    • 棕色头发,美丽的黑发美的美容或一个真正的桃北原贵子高井我想要和服深色头发和人一样,是美丽的气氛似合ü
                                                                      With black hair as for beauty true beauty With brown hair as for beauty atmosphere beauty The kimono matches with the black hair the person where calling Takako or Takai peach Kitahara

                                                                      • 此外越来越多的人表现很好,乌黑发亮的头发,不但要考虑埃泰分钟,磨损的人做无聊Bossabosa The person who even with the black hair has been made glossily smooth and Being somber the person whom it has made fray te botsusabosa We want thinking separately
                                                                        • 此外越来越多的人表现很好,乌黑发亮的头发,不但要考虑埃泰分钟,磨损的人做无聊吹 The person who even with the black hair has been made glossily smooth and Being somber the person whom it has made fray te botsusabosa We want thinking separately

                                                                      • 没有软儿童盎司重,所以我不轻微染色头发乌黑直线驱动器,一个理发师,“已不再是切割剪刀”溢出是由风煽动,而不是抱怨日期泪水从我的眼睛打出血或毛,也不得不采取的眼睛
                                                                        Because the jet-black [do] direct hair it is thickly is Unless it dyes more or less, there is no either fragment of tenderness Time of the child, “the scissors becomes unable to be cut off”, that as for being dropped grumble there is no Date in the hairdresser Your own hair which is fanned to the wind direct bomb hit doing in the eye, becoming the predicament which bleeds from the eye head, depends on ophthalmology

                                                                        • 然而,在悬崖,高度不超过160头,这不是比萨饼,半长的黑头发,我现在 If simply the head there is no precipice and te height exceeds 160 there is no pizza Immediately in the black hair semi it makes long
                                                                          • 一方面,它是反过来又美丽的黑头发,现在看起来不可能的,如果不是绝对美丽美丽的白皮肤 So obtaining the clean black hair this time unless there is a white clean skin it is not visible no matter what cleanly
                                                                          • 从黑发变成了20世纪80年代减少到接受她的儿子,已经卖可爱的整洁 After being eighties the black hair appealing from Kiyoko cutting neatness cuteness was sold
                                                                          • 你终于有一个关于自己的复杂吗?唯一的原因后,我把它归咎于黑 After all there is a complex by your it is the ro which is Acquiring the reason with the rear attaching with that as a consequence of the black hair just the ru

                                                                        • 爬行同意她的长直Ekoda女巫停止,但我希望我不要
                                                                          However the [do] - with it is good, [babaa] being long, straight stopping Weirdness It agrees to river Furuta

                                                                          • 球员职业生涯的好一点,没有做465亚洲人在西方,他们住在滑稽模仿扬还拼命普通市民,人民的占领是改变世界appearance re一个傀儡的更换而我将穿上这模型你不只是好笑,你知道湿重 465 So the person et al of yu u occupation is to call The model how you dress and change therefore worldwide what of the dolls Changing appearance is the people of occupation The general people being desperate imitating that humor it is As for the Asian system which has lived to Europe and America with just or the humor which has understood that ww
                                                                            • 于球员的职业生涯只有465这么有趣,你斗争模仿人的职业的普通人改变湿重外观的玩偶模型,从一个完全改变world m穿着他们,我是个好 465 So the person et al of yu u occupation is to call The model how you dress and change therefore worldwide what of the dolls Changing appearance is the people of occupation The general people being desperate imitating that humor it is As for the Asian system which has lived to Europe and America with just or the humor which has understood that ww

                                                                          • 生活方式的回答是不同的纹理和头发,如果你想茶花(827以上)下面来测试您的赞助 Reply is various with hair quality and life style but if it may the camellia oil details 827 Please try

                                                                            • 真的棕色头发,黄头发的男人 持有许多妇女走出问题Madashimo我,我染发家伙想工作,而不是由限位板字节只是为了看看有没有其他疼痛Zaishi The ho it is with the brown hair the fair hair it is many Therefore as for the man as for the rather woman seeing already the za it does to be just is painful we want stopping The byte and the hair it dyes with the person who has been employed how irrelevance
                                                                              • 仲滨崎步棕色头发漂白一篇文章,因为我的棕色头发的颜色亮度我虽然他不是我把颜色漂 The kana which is the brown hair decolorization tsu te article Therefore Hamazaki brightens the color inserting however the ru the color the kana which is brown hair decolorization

                                                                            • 福原,11岁的遥马诺鄂陈主菜19年
                                                                              Maya Eri greens 19 years old Will not, it is thing Hukuhara far 11 years old

                                                                              • 粗加工队首次出现在勒缺口罗马式艺术的法文版1通过新闻7.1MB(7493636bytes)小25.9MB(27135219bytes)大播放DivX法国头号“深夜在东京车展”和“东京下北泽说:”受欢迎啊。
                                                                                1 The notch of the French edition which has art It is rough [bi] coming group [re] romanesque first appearance pass news 7.1MB (7493636bytes) Small 25.9MB (27135219bytes) Large DivX In France playback frequency 1 rank [uke] so with “Tokyo late program” and “Tokyo lower Kitazawa” the shelf

                                                                                • 胡说什么,我也去个性化的头发颜色为弹出的个性,像我这个家伙将染发剂氖让我明白了: With color of the hair in order to put out personality decreasing of individuality tsu te nonsense the ze which it passes The tsu te the hair dyeing don t you think in the person the ru way the wa can probably will be
                                                                                  • 如果你想要做一个染金发碧眼的还是贫穷戴夫斯佩克特370( ) 370 We want somehow the unskillful fair hair dyeing of debu supekuta A

                                                                                • 芝麻盐将国家秃头orz 2厘米的灰色头发藏
                                                                                  With Siraga hiding close-cropped head When it reaches about 2 centimeters, [goma] salt state orz

                                                                                  • 该名男子谁该公司通常男子645米薪金,发型为什么?区,并听取或“小路,便于清洗”,你要去喜欢我的回报 645 In the human who the company has been done to serve normally with the man why the hair type When with you hear “therefore washing ease” with returning you wrapped
                                                                                    • 我,我是彻头彻尾的660错误?公司勉我,如果你的吻和满足人民群众特别是业务工作 660 Dyeing ru is abnormal The company you serve meet with person such as especially business working the re

                                                                                  • 达罗不与她的容貌,只是漫不经心Fujoshi公平布鲁我390!不过,我想我的头发,使染色意识区别于前往下一个光秃秃的所有梅萨,黑人妇女的头发394蚂蚁棕色,不是吗? 390 The ro which only the indifferent decaying woman is in the black hair color white how figure and is That child and to simultaneous tsu te consciousness makes dye it is probably will be Simply becoming everyone brown hair also the black hair as a discrimination conversion from the ru is the ant 394 As for the woman under the ro which emptily is

                                                                                    • 这就是我期待滨崎步4?我觉得Erikarukku Tteta泽尻
                                                                                      4 Being that [tsu] [te] Hamazaki look? You think that it is 沢 rear end Erika look,

                                                                                      • 这是127─我在那里我觉得评价评价说,从妇女中,有些人(。及周围,或两者),并使他说:“像”安“如果可爱的棕色头发Kunaru我想不会,“两个 127 That is the appraisal from somewhere w Because you think that it is appraisal between the women being able to meet you say but the man of part When and around that from you make say when “the tsu po it is cheaply and” “makes the brown hair there is no reason which becomes the tsu te lovely” this two
                                                                                        • 什么大的棕色头发是美丽的女人说。你知道我看起来像一个易装癖瓦特和东南亚及深色化妆古 The woman tsu te which is called the beauty with the brown hair large The make up being dense Becoming the okama tsu po ku of southeast Asian type the ru it is w
                                                                                        • 前足球(世界杯也许)停止元棕色头发棕色头发,然后我看到了韩国队是所有红色瓦特亚洲人。我觉得没有座位,只有一只猴子 Before the Korean team of soccer perhaps world cup Observing at that it has made everyone brown hair the brown hair w which you stop When it is the Asian person red Unless it is visible in only the monkey the air was attached
                                                                                        • 这是127─我在那里我觉得评价评价说,从妇女中,有些人(。及周围,或两者),并使他说:“像”安“如果可爱的棕色头发Kunaru我想不会,“两个 127 That is the appraisal from somewhere w Because you think that it is appraisal between the women being able to meet you say but the man of part When and around that from you make say when “the tsu po it is cheaply and” “makes the brown hair there is no reason which becomes the tsu te lovely” this two

                                                                                      • 这是一个愚蠢的彻底抛弃它,但我不是唯一的非黑头发,黑眼睛,我只是不女人的步伐腿短的躯干和日本在Chapai Nantezun
                                                                                        The Japanese woman how [zu] it is with the torso shortly the place where it is possible to be [pe] [chiyapai] with the foot how Although the black hair there is only a black pupil, you throw away that, therefore it is, it is the finish foolish,

                                                                                        • 这是令人耳目一新我染色古黑了一会儿才刚刚分娩光明陈安室奈美惠。这是明亮美丽的萨拉萨拉。然后很快使危:但它的棕色头发的原则始终英寸陈安室奈美惠不黑见。
                                                                                          Yasumuro just instant dyeing to the maternity leave opening blackly, it was the [te] fresh. It was clean with the plate plate of gloss 々. But don't you think? after that basically directly it is the brown hair to [doretsudo]. In addition black Yasumuro would like to see.

                                                                                          • 通常如果我希望我有穿棕色头发有光泽中线潮湿和欣赏的感觉,钱从它梳过脏的感觉就像一个学校扫帚Basabasa小学 There is a gloss if the brown hair which it will be moist and settles but it is to call Mostly basabasa like the broom of the small school it did therefore to feel The gold applying to having made dirty are it means admires

                                                                                            • 长长的黑头发谁的坏话,说看到我的东西339里子鸣海怪,如果你有伸展腰部
                                                                                              339 The black hair long person has extended [ri] something is strange to the waist The shank it is understood with insult of the forming sea 璃 child

                                                                                              • 顺便说一句,我没有状态的年轻秃头头发染成我发展,我只烤场(..゚)゙鲁阿高!
                                                                                                By the way, after as for we development of the hair dyeing doing, you become bald young and it is state and the burning field ( . . ゚) [ko] ゙ [rua]! !

                                                                                                • 马来西亚的亚洲航空,或恩戴我没有线路不能让一个穆斯林头巾下的空姐,我将让大家到相同的棕色染发剂
                                                                                                  The Malaysian air Asia, is not possible the scarf to put in the stewardess of [musurimu], it is with, With the same dye to everyone to a brown hair the [ru

                                                                                                  • 马罗在我的思想就如同我没有酷刑期间人们在这样一个牙科卫生员的657“,这是平安时代平安现在已经”和背诵S和继续
                                                                                                    657 Such a person being with the dentistry hygienic loyal retainer, it was torture It was Maro like “Now peaceful age, now peaceful age” continuing to advocate, it increased in heart

                                                                                                    • 黑暗图片↓TTP的:/ / file.anime.zoku - sei.com / 3ba2b6c1。jpg图像的棕色头发↓TTP的:/ / journal.mycom.co.jp /新闻/ 2009 / 09 / 26 / 003 /图像/ b15l 。JPG格式
                                                                                                      Image of ↓ black hair ttp: //file.anime.zoku-sei.com/3ba2b6c1. jpg Image of ↓ brown hair ttp: //journal.mycom.co.jp/news/2009/09/26/003/images/b15l.jpg

                                                                                                      研究 開発