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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

“Although Prime Minister Hatoyama, it is Tokyo University graduate, the suitable head it is bad”, “Aso one hundred times and thousand times the head is good”,…Yosano ★4


  • -名人-以最优异的毕业成绩优良毕业东京大学东京首席福田赳夫毕业于东京大学宰草野仁,第1号公务员考试,公务员事务毕业于东京大学的岸信介首席大法官第一测试,若月1日高毕业于东京大学高级礼次郎,第一高的民事审判,考试东京大学大田Husae第一。最优异成绩毕业,东京大学隆明法学院鸠山邦夫加藤毕业以最优异的法学优秀毕业生毕业系东京法学院高级芦田仁东京岸信介的毕业生以最优异的法学优秀毕业生毕业学校东京最优异成绩毕业首席福岛瑞穗1号公务员考试
    Kusano benevolence… Tokyo University sentence head graduation Isao Fukuda… Tokyo University method head graduation, civil service examination 1 rank and administration of justice test 1 rank Bank trust mediating/helping… Tokyo University method head graduation and high civil service employee 1 rank Reizirou Wakatuki… Tokyo University method head graduation, high civil service employee test 1 rank and administration of justice test 1 rank Husae Ota… Tokyo University. Head graduation and civil service examination 1 rank Fukushima Mizuho… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation head graduation Asida equal… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Bank trust mediating/helping… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Kunio Hatoyama… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Takaaki Kato… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Hiranuma 騏 Ichiro… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Pigeon [rupi] From Tokyo University manufacture department Stanford Masuzoe baldness From Tokyo University method department Sorbonne Koichi Kato Passing the Taiwan university from Tokyo University method department, Harvard

    • 1 T是在这个世界上更多的傻瓜不能麻生太郎在池塘误解数学,历史和人物? “20万元及3000万港第一只基金,在一个珍珠数量上显示的细节开始的30万”脚,而不是一个简单的计算甚至W“的攻击二战提请袭开始以”湿重·踏:发言时间发言详细信息:西损伤为:他们有自己的“第五是在去年在学习院,”麻生说认为谦逊或生长在后门走后门瓦特我。他们自己的毕业W“的报纸来阅读漫画20卷的第一周阅读,”麻生说,瓦特头少乙 1 From swamp Aso where arithmetic or cannot do history or Chinese character with T onchi the fool is in this world “First fund is started 2 000 000 000 and 3 000 000 000 total 3 000 000 000” Either simple addition not to be possible w “The World War II started with Pearl Harbor attack” ww Following hu palpus u Details Way occasion Wound Or Personally “with Gakushuin it was within 5th from biri ” that you think and start whether the Aso w modesty which is said and with backdoor entrance the reverse side Graduation w Personally in the B layer where the Aso w head which you say “you do not read the newspaper and cartoon read through also 20 volumes in week” is weak “we Taro” and whether person because sympathy can be given flight you think and start and the head badness passes with maji and just cannot read the newspaper w The head like the elementary school student cartoon is funnier than the newspaper w Still calling defensive minister of state “Director General of Defense Agency” the ru it does w Read also the honest book 03 year general affairs minister of state inauguration press conference “To 2005 local central economical official Including with the IT generally known floppy etc it connects this
      • 和1922年(1922年)在过去,谁从高空缺学习院毕业考试,如果我们没有进入帝国大学的学生 In addition if 1922 1922 in the past there is a vacancy in the empire university you could enter the pupil who graduates Gakushuin high course with non test

    • 161洋一舛添这是真的在同步与他的弟弟鸠山长鸠山不同朱达罗
      161 The [ro] where Masuzoe main point one is different and is The Hatoyama younger brother Hatoyama was the head with same period, therefore it is

      • 214烨,做了亚军不是三岛宫泽喜一,即使在三岛由纪夫,头部Dattarashii的亚军?
        214 The [so] [so], it was the next point, it seems, but Yukio's Mishima time Mishima the [tsu] [ke] where Miyazawa happiness one is not the next point with the head?

        • 485三岛天才戴口罩的东京作为世界上唯一支持所有的作家和退休两年,然后由高校财务部参加了16岁的法系在他首次作为一个作家这么
          485 Yukio Mishima just because of that the writer to debut in 16 years old, from Tokyo University method department In the Ministry of Finance retiring at entrance regretting 2 year, it became the writer Supporting in order to wear the mask the world vis-a-vis entirely Genius

          • 602 Mizou,谢谢蕃薯,他们听到它立即,“前所未有”,“踏袭”的形像这可以从字面上转换捉在大脑和“写”,并验证它使人们认识意义朱达罗,在备注而不是用“空前危机”和“遵循先例,”我们生活Guniwakarugana没有任何人,甚至直接成语和句子作为 602 The groove u the palpus u which is questioned this hearing instantaneously “unprecedentedness” while “following” and the brain the person who can be converted If according to of letter justice you catch this the ro which is the person who “can be written” If the notion that where you can understand meaning while speaking is not word “Unprecedented situation” “front example like following” idiom and composition being the case that is Such is anyone is recognized immediately but
            • 竹篮与读取取代,如果首相不使意识空前部长埃塔总理滚装降了前所未有的473错误 473 When the prime minister who misreads unprecedentedness is lowered the prime minister where unprecedented meaning is not recognized was attached to the replacement is

          • NULL ⌒ i No ⌒ REPT No Γ ⌒ 92 No and 92 No ⌒ 92 92 i 92 i ku eeyuyu HKRPT i i “The concavity promised the ro which is ” entrance Entrance human REPT 92 92 92 ┬ 92 mi mi REPT mi mi O REPT If “road service is done the ro where the revenue source is necessary
            • , “哦,你之前 92 “Concave you

          • Ru和POPPO看他的妻子米歇尔和希拉里,只有第一夫人鸠山幸坦言很可能会陷入欢乐马戏团将看到它是如何作为日本羞辱 When you see from hirari and mishieru lady the bu tsu chi ya ke FIRST LADY MIYUKI and POPPO how probably will be visible If the circus you rejoice and however simply the wax it is humiliation as a Japanese

            • TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E8%8F条自动对焦%吩e6%97%%#8楼。E6.95.99。E8.82。B2的
              ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E8% 8F % AF % E6% 97% 8F #. E6.95.99. E8.82. B2

              • Wagatsuma荣-维基百科TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%吩e6%88%91%E5公司%答6%BB心跳%e6中的A0%84%_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _这是眼前的问题,但系统的东京首席当它在1920年停产,我恢复了高级项目?或者是你,我有一个文凭的高级代表介绍?
                Our wife glory - Wikipedia ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E6% 88% 91% E5% A6% BB % E6% A0% 84 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It was doubt from before, but it is, but at Tokyo University the head system was abolished at 1920 point in time so, the head system [tsu] [te] it revived? Or, it has made the head [tsu] lever with the representation of diploma conferment?

                • [笑]名人研究生学位学习院麻生太郎(学校自动扶梯从学习院初等),安倍晋三毕业于成蹊大学(adult.自动扶梯,从初级学校)毕业成城羽田孜(学校自动扶梯从成城高)岛田绅助铃木大沽京都学园大学Jobu大学辍学失学儿童铃木宗男毕业于拓殖大学(Dorankudoragon)亮飞鸟下跌道小田小田裕学校毕业出来的坦普尔大学日本帝京无辍学...第一経済大学(恰克
                  Taro Aso… Gakushuin university graduation (from Gakushuin elementary course escalator) Shin Abe three… Seikei University graduation (forming. From small school escalator) Haneda 孜… Seijo University graduation (from Seijo high school escalator) Muneo Suzuki… Takushoku University graduation Shimada 紳 help… the Kyoto Gakuen University leaving school in mid-course Suzuki 拓… Jobu College leaving school in mid-course (drunk dragon) Yutaka Oda two… temple university Japanese school leaving school in mid-course Oda unreasonableness… Teikyo university graduation Asuka cool… Daiichi Economics College leaving school in mid-course (CHAGE & ASKA) Long Fuchi hardness… Kyushu industrial university graduation Konishi Don… Myojo University leaving school in mid-course Ikeda Daisaku… Tokyo Fuji junior college evening session leaving school in mid-course (rear graduation treatment)

                  • _NULL_
                    Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The National Diet method amendment plan Those which are included in the National Diet method amendment plan Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is excluded from the government special assistance person who replies at the � National Diet -> “The person who interprets excessively appears in the National Diet” � secondary minister of state, constant of state affairs official is increased -> While “camouflaging the deviation from bureaucracy, it increases the human whom you follow the policy of the Cabinet” Abolition of � government witness system -> “The person who explains excessively appears in the National Diet” Opening of opinion listening meeting from staff and men of learning and experience of � administrative organ -> “Opinion of the support parent is seriously considered” * Support parent: Nitukiyou group, autonomous labor, people group etc.

                    • _NULL_
                      The document which is needed in large quantities is possible entirely with floppy 1,” Minister of Foreign Affairs age not be able to remember Kim Jong-Il's name, “[kimu] somehow” w Russia “the Soviet Union” w such as for fool just Aso of cartoon head w Diplomacy the unreasonable w child being done to handle, just can hoist the gold in Aso ability, ww Aso junior high school era in 144 142nd (“absurd Japan”) [hahaha] [ikite] ゙ [kineyo] ∧ _ ∧ /¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ [haraite] - ゙ [rake] ゙ [ra] ( ' ∀ `) < As for [wa] ∧ _ ∧ ' ⌒ REPT [mou] [kanhe] ゙ [n] . ( ⊂ ) \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (' ∀ ` ) ( _ ; ) [shitekuta] ゙ rhinoceros . ) ) ) ○ ∧ _ ∧ To, To ⊂), _ (∨ ∨ ) _ ∧ _ ∧ ○, (_ _) _) ⊂ ' ⌒ ' ∀ `) (_ (_ _) _ 丿 It does and the ¯ ¯ does ⊂ (' ∀ `⊂ ⌒ REPT [tatsuterareneyo] “Calling the [tsu] [po] [ro] Olympics” in the opening of a meeting declaration of the Sapporo Olympics, DQN ever since [hirohito] which it removed

                      • “三边民主党人不会为此,从杆位和两个自由派政党重组计划或单极”与媒体(狐狸锅)正在规划工作,使党的尼克
                        “Because also our people and democracy are useless, one polar conception of tripolar than bipolar or ruling and opposition parties reorganization” and, the mass communications ([nabetsune]) it seems that plans new party construction

                        • “片山皋月,”总理的期望访谈没有.1“洋一舛添”所谓性质的男子- -越来越强,弱,这些人谁可以使用任何
                          “Katayama to be attached”, interview Prime minister degree of expectation No .1 true character of the man, “Masuzoe main point one” - As for those which - are strong in the weak coming, can utilize it was the person who is utilized with anything

                          • “鸠山,(希望聪明),一个坏头,但作为一个本土的东京”,“(坏头研究生毕业后学校学习识别万1 3),一个聪明百倍千倍更好的阿苏山。”
                            Although “Prime Minister Hatoyama, (it is) Tokyo University graduate of the expectation where the head is good, the suitable head it is bad” Everybody recognizes the trick of the head “(with Gakushuin soldier/finishing) Aso one hundred times and thousand times the head is good”

                            • ☆ 与谢野馨系。 47分钟提供每日新闻社,4月27日11:00先生开除党的纪律委员会
                              * < The Liberal Democratic Party > Yosano, 舛. Both people removing name Party period commission April 27th 11:47 transmissions Everyday the newspaper

                              • 与谢野馨表示,东京 区1,如果零席“的长期harakiri准备” 炸弹 NULL
                                • 与谢野馨表示,东京 区1,如果零席“的长期harakiri准备” 炸弹 NULL

                              • 东北大学科学毕业的工程师,但我的父亲,家庭的权力关系是非常薄弱为志,没有争吵,是从她母亲的姐姐赢得驱动tTA
                                But we father science engineer of Tohoku University graduation, as for power relationship inside home Because very with fragility, with argument or there is no trial which wins in the younger sister in the mother

                                • 什么障碍政治家在交流,但是这家年轻的主人至今稔杆来管理你没有得到你的钱,妈妈津贴鲁莽图标 Your huge allowance is received in maman Because it was bo tsu of the magnate So far somehow doing however this it is it is probably will be The politician is rash with communication obstacle

                                  • 仍然不能令人信服,而且将保持较高的问题的能力在自我控制的身体耐力东京情报时,鸠山外来说服力
                                    In case of Hatoyama Intelligence Tokyo University Persuasive power Extraterrestrial Durability on flesh There is a doubt, Ability of self control So-so The will which it continues Greatly it is After all persuasive power

                                    • 他们提出了梁笑当然我碰巧看到(鱼)“你的学生证马伊拉ü p汤!”@贵宾板TTP的:/ / hamusoku.com /档案/ 2439905。HTML的杰作
                                      Today finding accidentally, [sure] which convulses (fish 拓) “Will not, and others, the student's card [u] p juice! ” @ VIP board ttp: //hamusoku.com/archives/2439905. html It is the large masterpiece

                                      • 他成了科学是由Shabero尽管在公共事业和原产地证明自己的重力萘乙酸不知道多少耻辱瓦特
                                        Science as for the person who was said, the shame not knowing is many After you being able to prove the occurrence origin of terrestrial gravitation and the source by your, with public plain gauze tongue w

                                        • 他离开大学顶尖大学教育不要紧,我有话要说,他参加了地方工作有什么不同,如果我停止研究Merubeki它的沉重接受事实,即所有古东京大学的毕业生被认为是普遍Louppy如果我成为一个职业鸠山目前的趋势,在研究领域,因为他们错了,或者是因为父母不知道它是否是一个正常的领导,这是我喜欢的方式进入该领域的差异 The university student should catch rupi Tokyo University soldier finishing fact heavily don t you think Educational background how relationship of the person who is employed to the place of the field difference which it learns saying the wa which is thing The first rate university as for the person who is present all universal te as for thinking the mistake According to field becoming the researcher the cod perhaps Hatoyama normally it is the top rank but Entering into the consequence of occupation of the parent or the road of the field difference this condition
                                          • 黄金和内存(能够执着?)原子,使它们在这个家伙说我失去了从上大学毕业→我的老男人的40年后的记忆 Gold and memory power attached power With first rate university graduation 40 years later gt The old person who loses memory power It is to raise such people

                                        • 例如,地方午餐和大阪东京大学已成为老皇帝下的大学甚至是殖民地的,更不用说是殖民化的京都
                                          For example, as for the local station lunch as for Tokyo University it has become the [ro] or colony of the university under the old emperor and To Kyoto University colony it has converted with even Osaka University

                                          • 保守党政治家学习院政治学和经济学系毕业的法学院保守政治家一桥大学,“我没有明确的政治人物的汉字阅读的是,他们最担心的蔑视,”评论什么是自然瓦特,并为那一代,字符是可以用一种文化的象征
                                            Conservative type politician of one bridge university Department of Law graduate Gakushuin large political and economic affairs department soldier/finishing conservative type politician “Scorn fears Chinese character you cannot read decisive thing, for the politician”, [tsu] [te] criticism w Naturally, the shelf, for that generation, Chinese character as for being able to read symbol of culture

                                            • 入学就业走后门和大学的两名官员,国家通过走后门,我不想成为一个重罪? “好高教育为首,”关于计划将洙
                                              Backdoor entrance of national university and Backdoor employment of government employee Isn't this two should make felony? “Educational background is high, the = head is good” With it is it should you protect the diagram which is said

                                              • 冈田说,该公司管理的家庭拥有的房地产,“冈田兴产”(四日市,三重县)
                                                According to Okada, this company manages the real estate of family possession “Okada industries” (Mie prefecture Yokkaichi city)

                                                • 冈田,我承认这是一个违反国家的官员举行求职者public法令发出禁令的国家公务员“,我们真诚地道歉,而没有和我reason,申请附表apologize到全国”和道歉
                                                  As for Okada, being in a state where you violate to the pluralism prohibition stipulation of the government employee where National Public Service Law decides The signet “we think without excuse very much, the [wa] [bi] say to the citizen” that you apologized

                                                  • 压力之际全国Kakerya政治是那么容易,你已经有了一个问题或试用后门
                                                    Backdoor or examination questions the [ro] which is the procurement red sandal wood Political pressure applying [ri] [ya] national large how it breaks simply

                                                    • 名人- 147毕业以最优异的优秀毕业生毕业东京首席-东京东京大学福田洋一添要以最优异的毕业考试第一优秀毕业生毕业于东京大学宰草野仁,第1号公务员考试,岸信介-毕业于东京大学高级法律和第一毕业于东京大学的高级文职若槻Reizirou更高,更高的文职第一测试,第一考试大田Husae大学。高中毕业,毕业成绩优异鸠山邦夫法律岸学部东京大学法律系毕业后以最优异的优秀毕业生毕业#1东京芦田仁长福岛瑞穗,东京大学法学院毕业,高级公务员考试
                                                      147 Kusano benevolence… Tokyo University sentence head graduation Masuzoe main point one… Tokyo University method head graduation Isao Fukuda… Tokyo University method head graduation, civil service examination 1 rank and administration of justice test 1 rank Bank trust mediating/helping… Tokyo University method head graduation and high civil service employee 1 rank Reizirou Wakatuki… Tokyo University method head graduation, high civil service employee test 1 rank and administration of justice test 1 rank Husae Ota… Tokyo University. Head graduation and civil service examination 1 rank Fukushima Mizuho… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation head graduation Asida equal… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Bank trust mediating/helping… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Kunio Hatoyama… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Takaaki Kato… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation Hiranuma 騏 Ichiro… Tokyo University law radical seat graduation

                                                      • 因为公司知道怎样来的,教育筛选的,它不接受新的毕业生进入我和苏分钟考虑多点 Even enterprise that being recognized from the ru educational background filtering after doing the amount which is dropped Considering being the case that it accepts the new graduate more than usual

                                                        • 在受影响的雷曼冲击“日本是不是,”与谢野馨说愚蠢不削减超自信驱动tTA瓦特 At the time of Riemann shock “Influence it is not in Japan” that self confidence you declared fully Ultra foolish Yosano w

                                                          • 在我的世界教育54由低到高的学校也许现在已经或经验,积极前往法国,以丰富我的工作啊?前往法国? ? ?是不是法国?我有一个真正的高中 54 Perhaps we it is low social with high soldier finishing educational background but utilizing the experience which visits America to France Now it was complete it works The u it is American visit to France There is no crossing over France is As expected it is high soldier finishing
                                                            • 不,不,更愚蠢的,低教育工作瓦特不正确测试驱动tTA愚蠢公务员走进同它连接将工作对整个Zatsu Ahorashiku谁进入了 Well therefore well is low educational background the fool w Also the government employee is same The fool who enters with connection does not work Securely the person who enters with the test which is done stopping seeming aho Entirely work becomes zatsu

                                                          • 在此之前,同时退出所附秃头,有前途的明星东京大学法学,以及多达新星将是不寻常的狂欢选定在申请研究所助理 Before this also the bald attachment which leaves a party with the star of expectation of Tokyo University method department at a stroke from the bachelor Therefore the expectation which is the most successful person of the exceptional case where is selected in the assistant
                                                            • 那么,学校作为亚麻与谢野馨 但法律毕业于东京大学“旋涡”Uzuchuu的国家,我阅读。但是一些男 Although the ma being the same Azabu high school Tokyo University method soldier finishing as Yosano The country which read “the whirlpool” eddy Chu The man it is however

                                                          • 在试图破坏政权更替我使用此功能的媒体,做得太多这个角度看它的报告“太多”日本结果,是革命的力量倾向于互联网讲话中,毫无疑问,媒体理论也许这是该制度的改变隐藏的成绩是加剧
                                                            The mass communications using this function, administration alternation when it tries to weaken, reporting each bureau does this excessively, “does too much” the result, The revolutionary power of Japan inclines speech to Internet, perhaps it is the achievement where making mass communications unfaithful unnecessary theory expand hides administration alternation

                                                            • 在这个意义上说,安倍和麻生太郎是什么差别,从中我会同意任命的官员,在一定意义上“优秀”的艺术? In such sense Aso being different from Abe As the bureaucracy says it left because it is Don t you think it probably is “excellent” what in a certain sense

                                                              • 坦率地说,如果我在索邦可怕的研究员被任命为法律学院助理首席188在20年代在日本东京大学
                                                                188 After with the Tokyo University law radical seat with 20 generations is selected in the assistant, it is the research worker at Sorbonne Speaking clearly, it is enormous

                                                                • 境界之行向大学战前我讲很多很多钱凯塔皇帝729更sized手流金目他是更加开放的可怜的老皇帝凯塔重点高中高的障碍,特别是资源存在巨大的财力所需的国家重点 729 Emperor large one the rich person was many Prior to world war 2 to go to the university the solvency which is suitable is needed The hurdle of especially high school was high Old emperor large one being opened in the pauper the ru In brief presence of national consciousness
                                                                  • 残留率瑠比阿里是谁写的故事说:“是行为韩国总统卢武铉铉前声称重新考虑的问题”等与美国关系的基础,并给 As for the Ahiru 瑠 ratio which wrote the same article “Korean president and speech and behavior who before the 盧 military affairs 鉉 insisted the second look related to toward America such as base problem are piled up” that you have expressed

                                                                • 太阳是Pakupaku, 我是阿里安政治家从公民运动是什么
                                                                  The sun widely is, > It is and the [i] after the [i] the [a], as for friendship no [u] science is not science and, from depending, science > The politician how is to be able to be a thing from civic movement the [wa

                                                                  • 太阳是Pakupaku,他们Inochiigaatoka,Science m通勤是不是科学界的代表,我从来没有从这些阿里安从政治学公民行使
                                                                    The sun widely is, It is and the [i] after the [i] the [a], as for friendship no [u] science is not science and, from depending, science The politician how is to be able to be a thing from civic movement the [wa

                                                                    • 如果对未来东京的能力,都会优先考虑在教学区管理人员在大学以下意见空置■■学习院大学毕业生将在那里谈
                                                                      * The Tokyo University reason � graduate talks Recommendation of Gakushuin university 併 prayer * When we assume that capability ranking of the staff below the professor is acquired at the university of the national capital region, the Tokyo University next probably is where

                                                                      • 学习院大学分钟不是更可能是不同的社会经验和闪光的下降(在美国是站在学生真正做洗碗字节?)我太清楚那些两件或三件麻生太郎它 As for Gakushuin perhaps Tokyo University compared to it falls but The amount whose social experience is many in various ways The American studying abroad era doing to the byte of dish washing passing the ho it is with Aso one two and three skillful tsu lever Toda
                                                                        • 任何人谁了足够的内存时,抛光后进入的过程中,社会经验的青年,通过东京,打磨,使判决获得绝对认为不友好的思想,这个人是不接受 When being young if it is the person who polishes the extent memory power which enters into Tokyo University Naturally after that passing social experience thought power judgment You think that it polishes but it is in this person it seems that does not pass

                                                                      • 客户如因每个人都在忙着和平条约,俄罗斯,日本大学教授,现在,你能不能说有错的演讲takes m英尺级的average咬look在小学lift
                                                                        Normally there are times which even university professor who presently to day dew peace treaty has run about everyone, 噛 it is the [ri] which is you call in lecture and make a mistake Frying pace of elementary school student level

                                                                        • 对日本经济Getara从倒塌或销售税?如果中国的第9条管辖取消?这可以证明,我们可以讨论的实验困难玺 When it increases consumer tax as for the Japanese economy collapsing When constitution 9 provision is abolished being controlled in China What is discussed concerning this proves it being possible experiment is difficult

                                                                          • 布鲁诺 ° ° ,)¯ ¯(ヽ 2 我 我 ヽ ヾ·我 。升升 。 ¯ ·当前在线订单过布鲁诺,,,。升° 升ヽ 汤顿 升, 升 , 。升)!( 22 22ヽ我⌒岛我第二⌒⌒我 。 。 。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 92 92 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i lt It makes cry it stacks gt human 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT i i 92 i i REPT 92 DREPT ¯ i l l 92 no hu ¯ ¯ to l ¯ 92 l REPT r l l l l 22 22 REPT i ⌒ i i ⌒ i i ⌒ i r REPT No No r ─ ─ ─ REPT Two no r ─ ─ ─ REPT No No re no REPT ─ ─ ─ ┘ no REPT REPT ─ ─ ─ ┘ ⌒ No ∠ no HKRPT no REPT REPT ¯ ¯ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                                            • 平沼还驱动tTA members and反对邮政民营化线路输出模糊岁男子many困扰到70岁退休,将有更好,任意楼set the部长由上促进它的有形的,和旁边的按钮这是一个紧迫
                                                                              After all the Assemblyman makes 70 year old retirement age the one which calling The becoming dim old person being many, it is troubled Being � postal services commercialization and opposite, whether Hiranuma and that propulsion minister of state who keep coming out unite Selfishly, the button of next door is pushed with � House of Councillors, is,

                                                                              • 开发计划署 “日本Tachiagare”与谢野馨。联席主席东京大学毕业生工程方案记录在当天26 BS11,鸠山由纪夫首相,“我应该是从东京大学,天空相当于一个坏头”,并表示 New the party “rise the Yosano of Japan” As for cooperation representation with the program recording of BS11 of 26 days Tokyo University manufacture department soldier finishing Concerning Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama “but expectation what of Tokyo University graduate the head is bad suitably” that you expressed
                                                                                • 但真正到东京大学?Asou时野或安倍晋三可以来Konaijan了任何人的任何高中校友或出许多出来,但 Truly Tokyo University coming out The classmate everyone it is not present is Either thing of junior high school high school does not come out altogether Abe or Aso time although the varieties it came out
                                                                                • 进出东京,但是,政治学和经济学是业余少或许,作为向他们提出的接收器,甚至常识的人一样,冷绝缘体专家你不知什么语言 Tokyo University it came out with say as for political science and economics the causing re below the amateur it is to do General common sense the world way it is cold pulling and others about the se ru or language study how without and As for the specialty the tsu ke which is what

                                                                              • 总之,“东京的信仰”或“信仰的科学”,它只是信仰本身Ochokuritai It requires “Tokyo University belief” or “science belief” belief itself to fall the yo chestnut you want Just probably will be
                                                                                • 25%的伪科学,是因为在总理的光束或击中了科学的目标是不可能不相信的不友好自来水 gt 25 unreasonable target buchi with the consequence of false science prime minister who was lifted you cannot agree upon that science is hit

                                                                              • 我们都溃疡和自由民主党,该党是多极化的形成,即使政府在其位小泉清和会失败。这种混淆起来,因为它没有霸权的非极性“,”和 If our people and both of democracy are crushed political party multipolarization to be formed Koizumi Seiwa meeting failing government of substituting Because leadership does not surface it becomes “non polarization” of confusion
                                                                                • 我们都溃疡和自由民主党,该党是多极化的形成,即使政府在其位小泉清和会失败。这种混淆起来,因为它没有霸权的非极性“,”和 If our people and both of democracy are crushed political party multipolarization to be formed Koizumi Seiwa meeting failing government of substituting Because leadership does not surface it becomes “non polarization” of confusion

                                                                              • 我告诉你今年多大,测试结果在同样的教学带给你高得多,作为一个严重的“学生保持浪费”,所以我知道我提交了有关报告 About which it is enormous applying when you say as for test record with the same chronology dantotsu higher rank on as a professor seriously “To make the student from tsu lever Toda who is wasted and” submits the report about of the tsu te
                                                                                • 我告诉你今年多大,测试结果在同一带给你高得多,教授“学生保持一种耻辱”,因为我明白,我提交了有关报告 About which it is enormous applying when you say as for test record with the same chronology dantotsu higher rank on as a professor seriously “To make the student from tsu lever Toda who is wasted and” submits the report about of the tsu te

                                                                              • 我所说的是我赢了,“鸠山说:”我们仍然有时间“对手:”你不宣布它之前,我到30胜都刀“鸠山:”不是法律的故事提请决定,“对手:“ With my victory shank” Hatoyama “There is still a time” Opponent It declared that me “you it defeats to 30 hands it is not is ” Hatoyama “It is not the story which is decided with law” Opponent “…
                                                                                • “ 49二手 对手:”我赢得了我的第一手未来 ” The 49th hand Opponent It is my victory “by the next 1 hands
                                                                                • 我所说的是我赢了,“鸠山说:”我们仍然有时间“对手:”你不宣布它之前,我到30胜都刀“鸠山:”不是法律的故事提请决定,“对手:“ With my victory shank” Hatoyama “There is still a time” Opponent It declared that me “you it defeats to 30 hands it is not is ” Hatoyama “It is not the story which is decided with law” Opponent “…

                                                                              • 我放弃了自己的高中京都学园大学319大谷私人。扬业出售高中辍学
                                                                                319 It is the Kyoto Gakuen University leaving school in mid-course with private Motoya high school graduation Our. As for the Yankee of industrial high school leaving school in mid-course in order to sell,

                                                                                • 我有能力来调整和教育程度较低的傻瓜,就像一只鸽子茹逗留“教育不是一个问题”或更容易Hozaki NULL

                                                                                  • 我毕业于东京大学,你就会知道从亲戚里整齐有紧张水果淇突然厉声拒绝该公司的工作,钻针手合出像疯了似的,因为你毕业于东京大学我也并不认为即使 Although Tokyo University you graduated the day when it is the company in the end which suddenly causes kire te going to work denial Knowing the kindred who becomes neat because from the ru you graduated Tokyo University saying The hand kind of being agreeable where the head is strange appearing also how you do not think separately

                                                                                    • 我看着自己,“他如何伟大?”将有疼痛,并说,突然根助理,他今年在我羡东京大学的学生是一样的,你是一个了不起的人 When you look at this person “it is enormous to there ” With word it becomes greatly but the same Tokyo University raw The assistant you debutted suddenly on the route which envies it is your sugoi person

                                                                                      • 我站在桌子朱达罗坏茶麻生太郎赞扬的决定,但它真正的坏退出自民党瓦特Tottara您已成为政府与自民党?为什么你不觉得它清楚 Judging that the Liberal Democratic Party is useless although you left a party Becoming open you praise and Aso the chi ya the ro w which is useless As for truth when the Liberal Democratic Party takes administration we would like to become simultaneous it is the ro which is Clearly although so you should have said

                                                                                        • 我认为,氧化污垢表面科学,否则会Janakarou惹我有一个部分,因此如能PacPac理性思考?爱是不同的东西 You think that it is disgrace of science but thought is possible rationally but in reason There is a part which is attracted to pakupaku it is it probably won t be Romantic love is the different thing
                                                                                          • 真正理性的思维,思维和精神发育迟滞志位怀疑我怀疑一切人类生活的前提不应该 When you think truly rationally all in order to be able to doubt doubtful prerequisite you think as for the human It is not good living

                                                                                        • 我转过身,得到志位和夫在东京席位工程单位数字以上毕业生的领导两代349毕业于铁三福娃的科学学部东京大学和一些共产党!
                                                                                          349 Japan Communist Party something Satoru Tokyo University science department soldier/finishing Fuwa Kazuo three and Tokyo University manufacture department soldier/finishing Sii With the guidance system which crosses two generations parliamentary seat the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] is in one column!

                                                                                          • 或者,而不是一个从斯坦福大学博士学位,瓦特是什么,或者它可以是“数理统计模型算法,例如利用,最有效的规划方面的各种科学技术,以确定哪些 Instead of Tokyo University it probably is Stanford Ph D … that w of operational research As for operational research tsu te In order to become most efficiently “mathematical with the utilization and the like of the statistical model and algorithm in regard to various plans the scientific technique which is decided
                                                                                            • 或者,而不是一个从斯坦福大学博士学位,瓦特是什么,或者它可以是“数理统计模型算法,例如最有效地使用该计划时,各种各样的科学技术,以确定哪些 Instead of Tokyo University it probably is Stanford Ph D … that w of operational research As for operational research tsu te In order to become most efficiently “mathematical with the utilization and the like of the statistical model and algorithm in regard to various plans the scientific technique which is decided

                                                                                          • 或许有107门大学国家在后面,如果长期鸠山由雇用一名个人导师,也可能是受欢迎的研讨会讲师类生成,间接,能够通过购买黄金可怕 107 The causing brick which is not the national backdoor largely If it becomes about Hatoyama popularity lecturer class of generation seminar To employ tutor because also it probably is possible Indirect as for buying passing with the gold the causing re which it is possible it is
                                                                                            • 你必须键入生病,如果他们做错什么嘿,后面的门,97个国家的大学,从来没有一次也感受到了责任的past 97 National largely backdoor well… Therefore when we dislike with what the bad way because the type which is taken probably is you as for past even one time feeling and the callous not grinding being reason

                                                                                          • 政治操纵操作方法虽然目前还不清楚是否信息操纵,建立情报网络,官僚宝悟,政府和左翼(邪教)将渗透,代理各领域的问题,例如与正在兴起的一个叛逆反美他们剂维持该国的想法的能力使用混乱网络 How doing whether political construction information it operated but obscurity the intelligence net is constructed the governmental commodity study official world and the agent makes such as right wing left flank cult all sectors of society disappear When those gain force anti American anti establishment using the agent net it isn t to maintain the performance which is confused the country
                                                                                            • 信息。 Nabetsune专政媒体霸权,即使是现在,情报网络和Koseru淇时间扭转伐丽流认为政权更迭可能保持他们的石原慎太郎 Information The mass communications of leadership nabetsune dictatorship even now that it is thought whether it is not to maintain Sintarou intelligence network Ishihara who can cause the opposite turning of administration alternation

                                                                                          • 无论哪种方式,你会发现一个政治长矛,身穿他们甚至写了一本书考试辉煌,但他只采取了单一的评分不能帮助它 It does in either one method what of politics because it is not written on the textbook Even when being the entrance examination bright person how it will do there is no sufficient person whom score takes simply
                                                                                            • 从远古时代,“光辉的大脑”学校有图案的层一定数量,你只能说,如果有更多的 There being an expression “school bright brain” from the mu oak only patterning the layer which is stopped impossible is one constant

                                                                                          • 日本民主党主席冈田克也★20日,冈田克也,党领袖,民主党举行的1986年工作停薪公司总裁表示,在会上政府官员昨日,通产省(现经济产业省)79〜1家族企业参谋的不要被很明显,这是一个问题的奖励 20 The Democratic party Okada representation pluralism to government employee age With non remuneration company official Okada Katuya representation of the Democratic party in conventional interview of 8 days Ministry of Trade and Industry the present economic industrial ministry was the staff It made that 79 in 86 the official of family enterprise is served with non remuneration clear
                                                                                            • 此后,国际贸易和工业。阿总统选举的问题从90年4月退休后,于1988年9月大选后,是得到报酬四〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇个月日元 After that trade and industry From 88 September after the retiring in the House of Representatives selection to 90 April immediately after the first being elected The president was served remuneration of month amount 400 000 Yen was obtained

                                                                                          • 日本研究生,大学东亚韩国鸠山伟大迄今(东京)工程(当然是反课程的一半以上),是一名部长半岛国家帰Reyo总理早日停止,也没有顾
                                                                                            The large Korean Toa university which Hatoyama you graduate (Tokyo University) the engineering department (anti-Japanese curriculum) there is no lecture of half or more to here The prime minister stopping quickly, return to the peninsula of the homeland

                                                                                            • 最消极的是学生层面的认为这是比较低的早庆你不喜欢的人是如此美好,只是让自己变得更Bakkari鬼混好老师是教你必须做的相当广泛的研究。我认为环境 As for first 0 point as for level of student You think that it is low thing in comparison with Waseda University vs Keio University but around aho being the tsu temporary If just your own one person was possible you called with that and we would like to stop for the human if only being taught made the good instructor it was complete Study Is not to become environment probably will be
                                                                                              • 最负面的,但他们认为这是一种低水平相比学生早庆人喜欢你这么漂亮,只是把自己的教学傻瓜约Bakkari好教练你必须做的相当广泛的研究。我认为环境 As for first 0 point as for level of student You think that it is low thing in comparison with Waseda University vs Keio University but around aho being the tsu temporary If just your own one person was possible you called with that and we would like to stop for the human if only being taught made the good instructor it was complete Study Is not to become environment probably will be

                                                                                            • 有一个幻想中的前共产主义的科学社会主义昭和376 ...没有这么多世界各地的科学
                                                                                              376 At one time there being the fantasy, scientific socialism… Therefore science in the world is many in the Showa communism person

                                                                                              • 有人建议,我们听到的是政治家或妻子· · · 475“过去的生命”,“太阳”他是我的东西不好,我可以说他会去的妻子也和我的 475 The wife made the politician hearing a story that… The man where with you say or “previous life” call “the sun and” goes with the ru wife well Somewhere speaking strangely it is thing although
                                                                                                • 什么被认为是一个政治家Etara Ochikobore社会是不适合进入东京大学705 705 Inserting in Tokyo University when you think that the student incapable of keeping up with classroom studies which it cannot be adapted to society became the politician how probably will be

                                                                                              • 梅萨终于被弃置在填补恩戴的利益,一方面照顾他挑战,说尽管宇部峡Tomoyo问我说我真的很受欢迎的净负学校在研究生讨论一次鲁莽和侮辱人学习有多少学生是不是东京的痛苦发现,受污染的地区可以看到所有浮动或岜足可怕的字眼 At one time if with Gakushuin soldier finishing argument on the net it is not defeated however the extent famous person who is said hurt After all it should call rash call ignorant of the world should to the him challenged move was stuffed the throwing away speech where the air is effective you did not come to mind and polluted the place awfully Tokyo University raw it is ugly no person being
                                                                                                • 我应该说我喜欢该S与谢野馨先生,“我是一个政治尽管谢鲁达峡Tomoyo的喜爱驾驶的汽车像一个孩子!”而 If also Yosano like this should have said it is “It can point to politics to ignorant of the world is how Quite it is kind of something which makes the automobile the child drive ” With

                                                                                              • 此外,前首相麻生太郎被认为是自由贸易协定合拉学习院和研究生部政治经济学说,“好品质伐丽流总理,领导着一个驱动tTA好千倍以上超过100倍与麻生太郎说,”言
                                                                                                Furthermore, “the nature of Prime Minister is well said front Prime Minister Taro large political and economic affairs department soldier/finishing Aso Gakushuin to the inquiry, but Aso one hundred times and thousand times the head was good”, also you talked

                                                                                                • 毕业于东京大学理学部是从同一个白痴永田,鸠山还自杀,自杀邮件问题我是一个成年人Tokya我们使用了一块石窟
                                                                                                  Self-destroying with mail problem, also Nagata who commits suicide was the same Tokyo University manufacture department soldier/finishing as Hatoyama Foolish science is used as scene the gentlely and time the [ya] is to call is

                                                                                                  • 没有一个不好的词,获得不作为Ukatsu你明白你的头,人们的感觉是缺乏一个共同的东西,我正在瓦特呆的普天间修正案绝对解散的问题关于内阁决定不 Acknowledgment of atama being obtained ukatsu like whether the ru of But saying it is bad it is not and as for the citizen the 呆 re te ru is in shortage of the te and common sense w Also Futenma s problem conclusion doing with amendment Cabinet dispersion something it does not do no matter what
                                                                                                    • 好,不是一个人的是一个坏头修正案缺乏常识,我被完全呆瓦特不要试图解散号的内阁决定普天间 atama it is good but it is bad it is not and as for the citizen the 呆 re te ru is in shortage of the te and common sense w Also Futenma s problem conclusion doing with amendment Cabinet dispersion something it does not do no matter what

                                                                                                  • 法,但我喜欢部时间前田远藤民法商法或宪法或芦,使模块在一个很好的方法你Tteta分类教学゙通特
                                                                                                    But Department of Law as for we time reed section of constitution or Endo of civil law or Maeda of commercial law, In good sense [tonte] ゙ [mo] the professor the [tsu] it has been even

                                                                                                    • 科学社会主义387,when麻生太郎在390那里,潮来听会或大会,全国委员会,任何立场,即他们basis听取他们对每天回答缺乏研究的立法者和政府官员等,以Seminar派需要指出的 387 Scientific socialism you have heard 390 So in case of Aso in commission and conference of the National Diet and study meeting etc of faction That is pointed out study insufficiency at the standpoint where the reply of the bureaucracy and the Assemblyman is heard the everyday way
                                                                                                      • 好,而不是头部鸠山我觉得麻生太郎被认为是1,如果它的10分钟,右 Aso the head does not think is good with but Hatoyama is the 1 1000 It is if with it is said like the

                                                                                                    • 荣格和孩子们一个坏头津贴anyway m鸠山我是多么迅速死亡恩戴本人鸠山由我付
                                                                                                      The Hatoyama [do] just it is the head it is bad, it is Temporarily, after Hatoyama itself paying the hungry ghost treatment of [chiyon], it dies quickly,

                                                                                                      • 达罗也很敏感与谢野馨与谢野馨表示,他们觉得我,Eric是那种不是很好,但是他们不能鸠山合手的阅读常识 In other words the ro which is Yosano s conceit where I one clerk am good So Yosano because only to read the hand inside common sense it is possible Hatoyama type is poor

                                                                                                        • 这一年的实际教学工作水平学习院大学学习院■10月11号现代周刊■2004年,东京大学的偶像和平行可爱,是无与伦比的最高在日本学习院大学和其他私人的,也许这是庇护就业接收高质量的教育和有权力庆应义塾大学说,俄如关关of东京而than immediately后的三月比的垂直早稻田,索菲亚 2004 Weekly today the October 11th number The level of the professor of the Gakushuin university lines up with Tokyo University it is the Japanese highest level With Gakushuin the other private university the consequence where it can receive the education whose extent and the quality which do not become comparison are high Is not ratio of Waseda Sophia march Seki Seki same stand at the time of being employed and you can say that there is a power which it comes after Tokyo University Kyoto University Keio
                                                                                                          • 毕业后,从东京大学法律教授的往往是私人立教立教有越来越索菲亚是唯一 The university whose Tokyo University soldier finishing professor is many with private is Sophia and Rikkyo in other things but Rikkyo is only the Department of Law

                                                                                                        • 这个例子,或者更确切地说,它适用于不说话不耐烦生病,但与谢野馨一千倍鸠山更聪明,比鸠山,麻生太郎的愚蠢,最多觉得自己是一个打击, This even if when the Aso bo is from Hatoyama the saddle as many as thousand times the head is good But the reason which looks down upon Hatoyama…… You call Yosano s impatience or you feel those like irritation
                                                                                                          • 打击这里“好时光的头部一十万倍的麻生太郎说:” 如果它是一个常用词与谢野馨认为可能引起的症状是值得的阿尔茨海默氏症 “Aso one hundred times and thousand times the head was good” … But it is the expression which the ho and others blowing uses well In case of Yosano it is thought as condition of arutsuhaima

                                                                                                        • 这是,帕斯卡尔是一个宗教CON组科洛创新 If gt you look at several scholars of worldwide highest level you understand but as for Newton the occult deviation gt Was and Pascal the roller tsu was swindled in religion
                                                                                                          • 那一刻你正在看那些神奇的世界一流的数学家,牛顿是不是疯了,神秘,帕斯卡尔是一个宗教CON组科洛创新 If you look at several scholars of worldwide highest level you understand but as for Newton the occult deviation Was and Pascal the roller tsu was swindled in religion

                                                                                                        • 这种高学历,高智能和知识是理所当然的,而“除”呢,因为他们预计将高智力和智慧 As for high educational background as for knowledge and intelligence being high as proper “adding ” to that intelligence and intelligence High thing being expected from the ru
                                                                                                          • 这是如何工作在什么情况下什么像什么,情报是一个深奥的螨不回来 Whether intelligence with some scene works in some wind the puzzle shelf where still the inner part is deep

                                                                                                        • 那么美国和英国372,金融工程和管理工程,金融理论,社会工程是明星学生的大学物理的情报部也平均,但不是出奇的高像数学系的下一个井
                                                                                                          372 America and England, administrative engineering metallurgy molten engineering, you called finance theory, as for social engineering system But with the star of the university, the reason whose also average intelligence of the students the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] is high next in physics major and mathematical major etc

                                                                                                          • 那么,“人民的老家在东京大学,”虽然我有充分的教师大学退休东京,因为我说或w,而不是Bakkari岁男子,路线和大学教授学习院→助理助理教授,东京大学,Akaposu学习院→路线和副教授。如果有些人不就在驹场年轻人(“现代物理”或一个谁主管,田崎) Well the “Tokyo University asylum” being said the ru way Tokyo University the teacher who retires all the way is however it is don t you think w jijii it is not the tsu temporary at Tokyo University the assistant professor gt the route and Tokyo University assistant Professor Gakushuin gt associate Professor Gakushuin The young person where with it has been engaged to akaposu on the route which was said it is in Komaba of the rice field promontory certain person which “today has taken charge thing science”
                                                                                                            • 学习院大学排名的规定,大学东北殖民地到处最高国家大学的九州国立京都大学秘书处■■ u003d等级与顶尖国立大学的前皇帝名古屋大学根据规则,支付适用于其他大学 Grade old emperor most significant and equal of the Gakushuin university which national university executive office is stipulated National as for large where superior national large colony Tokyo University Kyoto University Osaka University Northeast Nine large Hokkaido University Nagoya University… the other university has been stored to order under controlling

                                                                                                          • 那么,如果声明Rofiru゚关闭所有这些“兄弟精英超女同性恋夫妇向他们鞠躬,我想是我们不坏Otsumu傻瓜!”要成为国家的一个奇迹,而不是在所有的ATMOS旺法则,它和Ru脸如果你只是按摩瓦特゚Rofiru了,真的,是最高的智慧与日本相关的领域,我应该在那里的云,这个兄弟 When with well you write this much hu ゚ rohuiru “the super 悶 stopping elite sibling otsumu Bad foolish people in we fin turning over Although” it becomes state when you look at actuality at all Because such atmosphere does not do strange w which is rubbed If just hu ゚ rohuiru the ho it is with in regard to intelligence field superlative of the Japanese expectation of existence on the cloud It is what this sibling

                                                                                                            • 阿苏斯坦福大学MBA学位,斯坦福大学毕业笑着设计业务(不包括伦敦经济学院辍学→(社会科学在右手欧洲顶级颜射鸠山)学术未成年人)是谁发现麻生太郎博士全球视角甚至更多的教育
                                                                                                              Aso = Stanford MBA leaving school in mid-course -> London university school of [ekonomikusu] (with European social science with [bu] [tsu] butterfly most significant) graduation Hatoyama = Stanford administrative engineering (super minor study laughing) doctor If you see in worldwide point of view, Aso one is high educational background much

                                                                                                              • 项目字符从未品味的世界该协会测试驱动tTA汉字全国的官僚心态素质顶部470你-持有略多于一
                                                                                                                470 There is no Chinese character knowledge how item in nature of the top of nation What it makes the air is something about of the bureaucracy which recommends from high quarters to Chinese character official approval association

                                                                                                                • 鸠山Uyouyo也有垃圾一样,只有教育,当然,这些家伙,他们会为自己的溃疡导致意外操作,直到有没有真正的精英说什么以外的愚蠢 Of course kudzu Hatoyama which is just educational background being like uyouyo it is but For such people you become because your own to the true elite Only foolishness the good way there are no times when it crushes
                                                                                                                  • 我们畏缩地说什么我Netouyo 465?瓦特小泉时代你会在人我感到自豪Netouyo 465 The netouyo tsu te being said shrinking w It has called proudly in netouyo how Koizumi age

                                                                                                                • 鸠山东京工业大学研究生科技144浩粗鲁韩国菅菅贝鲁工程大学的毕业生,东亚平均
                                                                                                                  144 Hatoyama Large Korean Toa university engineering department soldier/finishing 菅 Tokyo industrial large graduating from school It arranges in the 菅 the impoliteness

                                                                                                                  • 鸠山人口以及民主的世界上最严重的低能儿太糟糕Djiatama
                                                                                                                    The human of democracy [jiatama] badness passes not only Hatoyama… The worst imbecile group in history

                                                                                                                    • 鸠山和716简,部长结合总理副总理,同时打破神话的神话和科学教育,并称赞的成就,可以互通目覚梅萨现实主义是一个真正的人瓦特
                                                                                                                      716 The prime minister Vice-President combination of Hatoyama & the 菅, pulverizing educational background myth and science myth simultaneously, Whether it should praise the achievement that, it made the populace true realism awake, w

                                                                                                                      • 鸠山没有一个生病的胆小鬼伤害,如果他们在公众喜欢,这是my m没有人扮好看但不是政治家,碰了许多破坏,以尚未成为总理了解扭曲来看看现实情况良好,其本国,并事情我进步of缺席伎俩,由于痛苦大burden分大相信这一just背诵ideal只是他们支持他会感到惊讶,他们将受益于一个单一 Hatoyama not to be to be the sickness simply There is no spirit it is ordinary person what of the face forcing which is good If this we like ordinary citizen there was no damage But the politician furthermore became the prime minister but for the sake of many Damage is done the firewood chi and others Looking at actuality by your you distorting favorite the way you understand Advancing phenomenon without there is no maneuver you advocate just ideal The large man just has given big pain and burden to the citizen Because the people whom it supports simply is a merit by your It probably means among those to be astonished Certainly perhaps consist of most it means to wear damage As for such man is not made the partner the United States which large correct answer
                                                                                                                        • 我说罚款天才和白痴之间的界限,但我意识到,世界是一个微妙的,我知道是外行西西 The genius and the fool however the paper single tsu te you say are the paper single w In the ordinary person the wa w which is the world where it is not understood

                                                                                                                      • 鸠山秀夫的叔公,是一个内战的东京帝大民法学者的权威,东酒井亦是日本民法文艺复兴大师的父亲
                                                                                                                        Kazuo large uncle Hatoyama was authority of pre-world war 2 civil law study as Tokyo emperor large civil law scholar, was the master of the ancestor/founder our wife glory of medium interest of the Japanese civil law study

                                                                                                                        • 鸠山,可能笨绝缘体ü认为你可以踢一负中风毕业生高的工人和辩论,将由上述严重弱 Perhaps as for Hatoyama the high apoplexy soldier finishing worker and the D bait doing it is defeated that you think Revolution of the head is sluggish because and will is weaker than something decisively
                                                                                                                          • F是啊我做Bishisouna大喜这些政策之前,这位部长在总理相似 到大学毕业生和高中政治家运行瓦特 Places F if run large soldier finishing and the high soldier finishing politician in the prime minister The shelf w which may do the policy you may be overjoyed

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