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When the Democratic party executes the manifest, in 2012 general annual expenditure 100,000,000,000,000 Yen breakthrough…Democracy estimate


  • 1000的1万亿美元的债务增加百分之利率日元峨我想和支付超过10万亿日元回
    When as for debt 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen the interest rises 1%, repayment 10,000,000,000,000 Yen the [tsu] lever which increases

    • 643选举承诺在去年的“儿童津贴”是支出估计运行计划的一部分作为补助金 643 You promised with the House of Representatives selection of last year the annual expenditure part “of child treatment” provision and the like According to schedule it is estimate when it executed
      • 有大约25万亿日元的开支政府雇员的薪金,而不是减少未来 Labor cost of the government employee is about 25 000 000 000 000 Yen at the annual expenditure but Unless it keeps reducing from now on

    • 692“政治组放置在媒体 业余』 一个人的挑战,日本的!” 692 To it is challenge “the political… Japanese citizen of the amateur who is placed in the mass communications group ”

      • Netorupi“税务负担,因为没有增加任何宝藏(smartly.”
        [netorupi] “ Because there is a buried deposit gold, tax burden does not increase altogether, ([kiritsu] ”

        • NULL It does ─ ─ ─ ─ no Approximation ru Calculation 44 ¯ gt ¯ ¯ REPT Y 92 Calculation tsu Group Trillion L REPT Trillion Main point te me Circle i Circle Seeking It is quick Country ku ku It is Bond l i l l 厶 Air Issue i lrH ha l l me i REPT Attaching It is And others l to i i re re and ⌒ Y ⌒ REPT ke te HKRPT ⌒ REPT REPT to ¯ DREPT REPT to N ⌒ DREPT i ¯ DREPT no End Coming “ l “1 te REPT “L i hi ri tsu ya REPT REPT U REPT shino No REPT the Soviet Union DREPT shi no no ┐ te Estimate √ ¯ ri l ¯ ¯ 7 re ⌒ REPT lt human human no i ku Human and no L i no REPT r ─ “ L REPT r ─ u No l to 92 REPT ┤ No Tax Ryo 92 REPT ┤ ha ki REPT to REPT h no 37 Taking in “REPT ha ya REPT r ku Trillion It is gt ha ha gt 92 92 REPT Circle tsu a ha ha REPT re No It is gt ∠ ¯ no REPT i l hu ¯ gt lt 92
          • u003d ゚ヽ。三≧ u003d u003d ヽ 甲,≧ u003d ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ni 2222 ni gt REPT ┃ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ a i to ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ Y j

        • NULL kichigai it passes even remainder When only 10 000 Yen the human who does not have everyday keeps shopping 50 000 Yen well how it becomes probably will be It becomes some result it can expect simply with even the elementary school student However is not as for democracy so There is no just policy because the te it has failed mentally When you express in one word therefore genuine kichigai That rot the traitor… well it is different Counter Day Government Prefecture As for purpose going bankrupt Japan it is to collapse So when you think consecutive trash “the a a such don t you think ” with you can agree upon If so it is not you cannot understand at all When it probably is the human of the country of somewhere in the world there is no expectation where you can agree upon to the economic conception where democracy finishes to fail If we assume that the only example is increased the General extent kana of North Korea The native people will be hungry but it will commit suicide but if just temee and the like dirtily can grasp the gold which seems you say that it is possible to be that In the idea which finishes to rot reaching It probably is to sympathize
          • NULL kichigai it passes even remainder When only 10 000 Yen the human who does not have everyday keeps shopping 50 000 Yen well how it becomes probably will be It becomes some result it can expect simply with even the elementary school student However is not as for democracy so There is no just policy because the te it has failed mentally When you express in one word therefore genuine kichigai That rot the traitor… well it is different Counter Day Government Prefecture As for purpose going bankrupt Japan it is to collapse So when you think consecutive trash “the a a such don t you think ” with you can agree upon If so it is not you cannot understand at all When it probably is the human of the country of somewhere in the world there is no expectation where you can agree upon to the economic conception where democracy finishes to fail If we assume that the only example is increased the General extent kana of North Korea The native people will be hungry but it will commit suicide but if just temee and the like dirtily can grasp the gold which seems you say that it is possible to be that In the idea which finishes to rot reaching It probably is to sympathize

        • NULL Orphan and adoption… Hyogo prefecture Amagasaki city 23 “If child treatment child several dozen people whether examination it passes even with untrue application ” management of… thick labor economical child treatment Limited reference of staff and examination strict conversion In child treatment as for foreign rush and window confusion state In the country “the circle to throw” the verification job “related to rearing and” be done from the self governing community voice of anger 4 If Ishikawa prefecture connected representation “child it treats criticizes it does not have supporting the te is good ” “As for the Liberal Democratic Party being oneself central thing of the citizen it is not thought” 4 End of the Japanese democracy 3 12 child treatment methods Steamrolling Treason Instant of child treatment decision Circular river 珠 generation Councilor scream “Idiot me ” Child treatment bill steamrolling
          • 孤儿和收养 23★兵库县尼崎县 政治 “支付给我们的孩子在一个虚假申请其子女 审查将通过数十个” 我们的孩子部收益管理。首长提到的硬性限制检讨 Orphan and adoption… Hyogo prefecture Amagasaki city 23 “If child treatment child several dozen people whether examination it passes even with untrue application ” management of… thick labor economical child treatment Limited reference of staff and examination strict conversion In child treatment as for foreign rush and window confusion state In the country “the circle to throw” the verification job “related to rearing and” be done from the self governing community voice of anger 4 If Ishikawa prefecture connected representation “child it treats criticizes it does not have supporting the te is good ” “As for the Liberal Democratic Party being oneself central thing of the citizen it is not thought” 4 End of the Japanese democracy 3 12 child treatment methods Steamrolling Treason Instant of child treatment decision Circular river 珠 generation Councilor scream “Idiot me ” Child treatment bill steamrolling

        • [121]最小的政治领导和政治支柱正式答复国会法案,禁止,在一次决策会议,以制定重要的立法... [判决]民主专政的小泽一郎,加强议会对门将的法律[输出] [民主党]全面修订权力立即-做你想做的-一旦国会国会修改维基
          121 Political main leadership of [minsu] The policy… ruling party 3 party which such as the National Diet method amendment plan which designates the reply prohibition of the bureaucracy as the pillar is formed the important bill during session Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The National Diet method amendment plan The National Diet method amendment summary wiki

          • _NULL_

            • “如果税收消除废物” -并增加9 11削减支出和收入重新考虑这些措施的使用特殊税收和1万亿日元的宝藏4.2 1共1万亿日元增加到20亿兆日圆-负担5(Nenshutsu)为了wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
              “Elimination of squander of tax” and so on with annual expenditure reduction 9 1,000,000,000,000 Yen With annual income increase such as application and tax special measure second look of buried deposit gold 11 4,000,000,000,000 Yen Total 20 5,000,000,000,000 Yen don't you think? device (it is the palpus) it does wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

              • “已经浪费开支的财政资源?”Naijan无论什么时候在超过一○○○○○○○○○○○○○○日元之前,我听到古 “As for revenue source Rather than” the tsu te hearing before the annual expenditure 100 000 000 000 000 Yen already there is no wastefulness or a relationship it is at the point in time when it breaks

                • “由于覧您计划拆除的代理人在日本的居民,我们继续平稳发展,Uohohhohhotsu”你是什么意思?
                  “Sort of viewing, the Japanese dismantlement plan by our resident operatives steadily We are advanced, the [u] [ho] [tsu] [ho] [tsu] [ho] [tsu]” [tsu] lever?

                  • →相关豁免-不加税,扣除取消的婚姻,在酒税和烟草税对保留盈余加税和继承税,营业税,所得税增加审议临时取消关税考虑环境税仍→(车辆消费税,汽车重量税,交易税柴油,汽油消费税地方公路)→债券发行创纪录的政府赤字覆盖债券,以抑制(共计44万亿欧元),高速公路停止销售税将取消年“关于1000日元→→免费周末甚至不要讨论了四次大
                    It does not increase taxes -> Abolition, tobacco tax and liquor tax of deduction for dependents and deduction for a spouse it examines also the tax increase of tax increase and inheritance tax and internal reservation taxation and consumer tax and income tax, examines also environmental tax introduction Provisional tariff is abolished -> It maintained (automobile acquisition tax, motor vehicle weight tax, gas oil transaction tax and volatile oil tax local road tax) The deficit-financing bond is controlled -> Past the largest deficit-financing bond issue (sum total 44,000,000,000,000 Yen) It converts the highway free -> Earth day 1000 Yen stopping, it marks up Consumer tax does not do even 4 annual argument -> “It keeps arguing greatly”

                    • 〜〜 津帕卡 ∧∧∩ 。 ∀ )◯ Netouyo Netouyo〜〜 ヽ 流泪¯ ¯ ¯ Netouyo wwww∪ pakatsu ∩ ∧ ∧ ∀ ◯ 92 netouyo netouyo REPT netouyo tear eye wwww ¯ ¯ ¯ ∪
                      • 2 Netouyo博淑惠 2 netouyo Large It does Coming
                      • ∧ ◯∧( ∀ )◯ ( )微光 ∧ ∧ ◯ ∀ ◯ 92 92 92 lll
                      • 〜〜 津帕卡 ∧∧∩ 。 ∀ Netouyo Netouyo〜〜 ヽ 流泪¯ ¯ ¯ Netouyo wwww∪ pakatsu ∩ ∧ ∧ ∀ ◯ 92 netouyo netouyo REPT netouyo tear eye wwww ¯ ¯ ¯ ∪

                    • ヽヽ ::: ヽ : )(。 我ヽ⌒ 。&#9619 & #9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 &#9619 (。 ヽ。 ( , ,,)ヽ 。 Toeeeeeei 通常采取一个明确的立场出了口,我觉得我是 从来没有真正的独占权,如果只有伊藤诚。ヽ Yukokokokoyu 没想到Kurukurupa REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 9619 REPT REPT and REPT toeeeeeei Usually if the mouth is not produced and just right can be monopolized you thought that it is good but REPT yukokokokoyu Per it is true with you did not think never round and round
                      • NULL NULL

                    • 一个宝藏,是不是预算并不突出万亿或60万亿或者100万亿日元的政府债券为70税务poor d之前满足他们购买
                      100,000,000,000,000 Yen? Unless government bond 60,000,000,000,000 or 70,000,000,000,000 it puts out, budget it does not stand As for the buried deposit gold the consumer tax which your paupers buy little by little

                      • 一般来说,老年医学是一个可怕的problem m 1 11万亿日元? 11万亿日元的开支和不支付保险费或自费
                        Generally, the old person medical care which awfully becomes problem the [ze] which is 11,000,000,000,000 Yen? You pay also premium, individual payment, expenditure of 11,000,000,000,000 Yen

                        • 一零零零零零零零顷外劳输入,升devalvaatio甚至更多的税超过半数现在认为的最低工资甚至进一步瓦特社会保障养老金或国家保险缴费率从75年的百分之五十
                          Guest workers 10,000,000 inserting, furthermore you think minimum wage current half or less, the [tsu] drill lowering Furthermore consumer tax rise w Social security as for annuity provision from 75 years old National Health Insurance burden ratio 5 extremely?

                          • 上台之前,他听到的资金,“我会说我该怎么办!做,什么资源是好的!”叛逆意向Tteta一提的是这些家伙像汤我住不温不火,如果不是没有傻瓜连字 Well administration before taking from concerning the revenue source being heard “The tsu te which is done saying the ru it is The revenue source is how is to call ” With you say extent to put out … If there is no intention of treason in and others it is dense even the word fool the lukewarm wa
                            • “我不能假这项政策?你什么资源!”谁前总理说,我Tteta “Such a random policy it is not possible As for the revenue source how doing ” The tsu te says the person Prime Minister before

                          • 什么是100万亿日元,但我跛脚,不纳税因素只是wwwwww此外,球员40所得税高收入者和企业税%不能三倍wwww换言之,预算即使加税多少低收入不可能除非你是一个大的提高税收 Unless 100 000 000 000 000 Yen tsu te tax 3 time it does simply but useless what wwwwww Furthermore the 40 of income tax and large amount income earner income tax it cannot make 3 times the ro wwww which is In other words just whichever increasing taxes Cannot be this budget It is low if large it does not increase taxes in the income earner the splash
                            • 没有什么如果民主党更好!不能加税! Q透露,犯罪增多,这是伟大的支持者撒谎,但我讴Itamon好像我走出无处黄金氖很有趣?自由民主党也做了同样的事情Dekirujan获得批准,这是 If it becomes the Democratic party entirely it becomes good Either it does not increase taxes It is not from also somewhere and like whether the gold comes out of don t you think you had praised it is But such a large lie being attached don t you think as for not accuse of a crime to that it increased the supporter strangely Such a is permitted if it is our people it can do the same thing it is

                          • 但是我削减税收的百万亿日元预算为40。乐WWW的滑稽啊朱达罗头Tsuka,2012年之前,各方都落入你的反对尼科wwwwww Although the tax revenue has cut 40 000 000 000 000 Yen budget 100 Surpassing huh te … The ro www which the head is strange and is The ro wwwwww which the handle as for your political parties has fallen down to the opposition party in 2012 and is
                            • 但是我削减税收的百万亿日元预算为40。乐WWW的滑稽啊朱达罗头Tsuka,2012年之前,各方都落入你的反对尼科wwwwww Although the tax revenue has cut 40 000 000 000 000 Yen budget 100 Surpassing huh te … The ro www which the head is strange and is The ro wwwwww which the handle as for your political parties has fallen down to the opposition party in 2012 and is

                          • 但是,下一届首相鸠山由纪夫公报说消费税税率(目前为5%)用于电梯,将不再进行争论,直到“没有放置在主要的前提 Up to the next House of Representatives selection where simply Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama puts out consumption tariff the current 5 pulling up Concerning the policy of not executing “you have put in major premise
                            • 顺便柯里亚是一种浪费问题的切割之前,这不是物业,选举甚至Voke Wastefulness before shaving problem shelf koriya In tsu te or before the House of Representatives selection property margin vuoke

                          • 你会做更多的瓦特小泽纳卡的号召,破坏民主国家向日本人民对煤经过仔细愚蠢。指挥员战略作为日本二战排除只是一个演示Dekiyasen反正我很明白wwww
                            It is good, do more w [aho] setting moxa in the Japanese citizen, the fact that it collapses the country is role of democracy Small Sawanaka. According to maneuvers of field operations commander ww How, the [se] 腑 the Japanese of coming out demonstration one to be possible and the plug wwww

                            • 你知道你是一个wwwwwwwww浪费二十万亿日元发生瓦特特殊账户 There is a wastefulness of 20 000 000 000 000 Yen in special accounts it is the ro w which is That how became wwwwwwwww
                              • 但我是一个〜120万亿日元,这将会是即使预算是一个独立的行政机构分捕! So shelf If budget of independent administrative corporate body you capture It reaches also 120 000 000 000 000 Yen it is the ze which is

                            • 停止儿童津贴草率,甚至没有计算的? 商务 ,“鸠山债券”发行利率较高的大量家庭,政治损害公司 日本 没有更多了Etara“债券”发行创纪录的440000亿日元3030 2★鸠山的管理 新的政府债券,最多可容纳四四零零零零零零零零零零零零日元财政预算2010年税收收入在过去 Without doing either estimate stop the child treatment which it forces votes With “Hatoyama government bond” large increase interest rise Housekeeping expenses at enterprise damage When above this it increases Japan does not have “the government bond” past the highest 44 303 000 000 000 Yen issue Hatoyama administration 2 The new government bond past of tax revenue over maximum of 44 000 000 000 000 Yen 2010 budget is formed
                              • 惊喜法案当时我来买东西,他们不知道收费?濒死体验我没有投票,他们表现的喜悦估计,嘿,我是一个傻瓜民主人士进入 The claim amount it is not understood shopping the bill turning afterwards you are surprised Rejoicing in the manifest which does not have estimate don t you think poll how it is human tsu te foolish what which was inserted in democracy the e

                            • 关于848,但没有太多的经验,但副内阁官房长官细川内阁确曾在,总理或突然,但我太沉重的负荷和w是相同的,因为他们闻到细川内阁的湿重 848 Generally you did in age of Hosokawa Cabinet Although about only secretariat secondary director there is Cabinet minister experience Suddenly Prime Minister the load is too heavy it is w The same smell as Hosokawa Cabinet does and ww
                              • 我听到部长回答问题的其他成员站在简?纪要并未暗示任何东西,他们想说,这不是思考什么 Was the reply of the Cabinet minister heard including the 菅 for the question of Hayasi Assemblyman The fellows nothing understands and you do not think at all

                            • 区财政纪律,没有任何前政府转变政府也表示在发达国家和地区相比,时代在一个坚实的左机翼社会安全的经济不稳定的金融崩溃之前,我们的工资可以说,没有计划外的增加我不知道这意味着什么我应该向世界各国教育在上一场战争是很常见的,而任何模式或第三
                              Administration it alternates in the left wing which puts out social security completeness from economic insecurity The non plan there is no public finance discipline completely and compares with front administration and does not become the thing with annual expenditure enlargement Oh you question and well public finance failure in ancient and modern east west advanced nation and is very good in underdeveloped country a certain pattern Expectation what which with you say, or but with that previous war you do Teaching being brought up, probably is there meaning?

                              • 只是让他们拉税今早收到中央银行债券,是多么疯狂我永远不会做什么紧缩M
                                The government bond it should have made Bank of Japan undertake just Tax increase and shrinkage public finance you do, how deviating, the [ru] The [do] just it is it is M what

                                • 因此,我们可以摧毁我们已经明显瓦特゙分类图标链接器输出゙为什么! Sych゙ 当地雇员提高税收施゙所以熙?
                                  � Therefore don't you think? as for manifest another cancellation w � Therefore mosquito ゙ [nka] ゙ [n] it assorts! � Therefore [hi] ゙ [shihi] ゙ [shi] the [ze] which increases taxes?

                                  • 在664博士 m什么 及运筹学,数学统计模型,经使用,该算法等,以便科学地确定最有效的各项计划时技术 664 So Ph D The ze which is what furthermore operations research gt Mathematical with the utilization and the like of the statistical model and algorithm In order to become most efficiently at the time of various plans the scientific technique which is decided
                                    • 在221博士 m什么 及运筹学,斯坦福大学,并有我仿佛觉得妻子的整个事业的Yappa 221 So Ph D The ze which is what furthermore operations research and Stanford That you thought and the tsu pa wife there is no all cause something

                                  • 在削减开支16万亿日元可以做,但轨迹是不同的官僚和我从来没有咬
                                    We the bureaucracy to stick 16,000,000,000,000 Yen annual expenditure reduction absolutely and change and do

                                    • 堺屋太一读。我意识到,在W厂工作的贡献,也是对我在重庆
                                      Sakaiya it is thick one reading. Contribution actualizes w Does we work at the Chongging factory?

                                      • 增加过多的开支和政府债券,索赔是一致的,只有龟井Baramake
                                        Overissuing the government bond, increases the annual expenditure, and beginning and ending is to scatter being consistent and insisting just Kamei

                                        • 如何愚蠢是吗?我估计没有明显的组这段时间内,滚装Bokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee井第一对不起! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !采取的权力妄想驱动tTA啊,啊啊啊啊啊啊你不应该骗局! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! As for and others it is dense aho Now estimate do the manifest it united the me it is do ahead the ro bokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee As for administration taking with delusion the ro which is fraud well well well well well well well
                                          • 如何愚蠢是吗?如果我们估计这一次!不久,它的好处,取消了孩子! ! As for and others it is dense aho Now estimate do the manifest it united the me it is do ahead the ro bokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee As for administration taking with delusion the ro which is fraud well well well well well well well

                                        • 如果我使用宝藏包括335蔓,唯一的国家债务将下降到从日本债权国
                                          335 When the buried deposit gold you embezzle, Japan falls down to debtor nation from creditor nation just to put out,

                                          • 如果我购买支持S超过50万亿美元的新升降机汉方邮政折扣限制,Karimasu分钟国债
                                            With mail storing simple preservation of limit amount pulling up the shank, you understand with the government bond buying supporting of new 50,000,000,000,000 or more

                                            • 它是什么,这个小本经营计划
                                              It is what, as for this deliberate bicycle operation

                                              • 宣言“运行”,以获得政府采取但是如果我只是一年左右,当“运行”Surun?我会做。这就够了欺诈,谎言不能做任何与本集团 The manifest “when it executes” the tsu te Administration you make take but how immediately 1 year what when “it executes” it is You do you do Fraud is good already cannot do at all the liar group which
                                                • 我提前一天拿到标准杆轮古德福和政府会尽我怎么办? Round and round in per administration It makes stop quickly even in 1 days how it should have done probably

                                              • 对民主的政策,美国资助的自由民主党狗屎?如果只有我浪费了Daijoubuu部,并听取了我让出了♪权力愚蠢选民和媒体一起我煽 Vis a vis the policy of democracy as for our people awfully as for the revenue source Although with you heard If wastefulness is excluded is to be the strong u the ♪ With fanning also the mass communications together It could place the foolish voter therefore it is
                                                • 对民主的政策,美国资助的自由民主党狗屎?如果只有我浪费了Daijoubuu部,并听取了我让出了♪权力愚蠢选民和媒体一起我煽 Vis a vis the policy of democracy as for our people awfully as for the revenue source Although with you heard If wastefulness is excluded is to be the strong u the ♪ With fanning also the mass communications together It could place the foolish voter therefore it is

                                              • 小泽一郎是一个Ooshio Heihatirou,和二宫鸠山隆则,我就行了古狂欢◯
                                                Heihachiro Oosio Ozawa, Ninomiya valuable virtue Hatoyama, It is [revueru] which the ◯ dies and goes

                                                • 并继续踢和山山这样的货币问题,我通常我到恶性通货膨胀,因为它是没有通货膨胀了我们的表行和价格控制,是战争期间茹一 Furthermore such When in the wind it continues to issue the currency in jab jab normally in hyper inflation The tsu te it is to put away but because price control and the like was done during wartime inflation There was no thing which appears in the chart

                                                  • 当一个孩子的津贴提高生育率,同时也增加了孩子的津贴总额自然排减单位,20名工人 你是65岁和42 5岁之间的一半 When birthrate is improved with child treatment also sum total of child treatment increases naturally On the one hand when the worker is designated as 20 65 years old the intermediate position becomes with 42 5
                                                    • 劳动人口也增加了一个改进后的生育率为42年为例说,今年大约 In other words assuming that birthrate improved from this year as for to increase working population changing speaking roughly 42 years later

                                                  • 总支出也超过了2000财年一百万亿日元将运行表现★ 民主选举宣言)指出在民主的估计(认捐,党正在考虑一项建议,建立梁方向,“国民生活委员会”(茂宏野代表,董事长原副委员长,众议院),28,承诺在选举中,“儿童津贴”部分,如果你运行计划支出和付款,该国的一般性支出,99700000000000日元在2011年,12年共同的一天一百〇三万一亿日元估计超过100万亿日元增加到大会上扩大并分发给成员出席 If manifest execution in 12 general annual expenditure 100 000 000 000 000 Yen breakthrough democracy estimate The party which examines the proposition which is directed to the manifest administration pledge decision where the Democratic party puts out with House of Councillors selection As for “national life workshop” chairman Nakano Kansei former House of Representatives vice chair 28 Day you promised with the House of Representatives selection When according to schedule it executed the annual expenditure part “of child treatment” provision and the like as for the general annual expenditure of the country in 2011 When 99 7 trillion Yen it expands to 103 1 trillion Yen in 12 and exceeds 100 000 000 000 000 Yen to collect estimate the same day Distributed to attendance Assemblyman in the general meeting
                                                    • 开支与收入在57财政年度的差异。扩大到3万亿日元,57 7万亿日元的2000财政年度,2001财年和被证明是58 4万亿日元的预测公务员 As for balance of annual expenditure and annual income in 11 57 3 To expand to trillion Yen as for 12 57 7 trillion Yen When 13 reach 58 4 trillion Yen it showed also the prospect

                                                  • 悟任可以摆脱工作是可能不是好,如果你问我煽扇子方面给予当事人
                                                    If the condition for being good to fanning fanning both parties it makes present Perhaps when it does, know it is whether it can escape even from labor,

                                                    • 慷慨提供资金向国外投票选举产生,居民基本登记外国普天间等的政权这样做的目的,日本不拆除日本的思想外代理商
                                                      Rose spreading and foreign carrot administration of money to foreigner, foreign basic inhabitant ledger, Futenma etc. The purpose of this administration, other than the Japanese dismantling by the resident operative you cannot think

                                                      • 我们什么好处节奏我从戴金表万亿美元储备的1瓦的两个孩子
                                                        Because 1,000,000,000,000 buried deposit gold was found, child treatment you do, - [tsu] [te] paste w

                                                        • 我想我们每兆110,20?不要期待通过工资。不要扩大,有更多的支那索诺的习惯,我将债券发行政府也留下了一个小企业减税,减税,取消甚至有人认为会限制每年增加779
                                                          Per 110,20 trillion goes, it is it isn't? Wages lifting mediating/helping. Expansion, still it is and The habit, small and medium-sized business tax reduction also it reduces taxes remaining, the [ru], As for government bond amount of issue yearly the shelf which may to keep increasing 779 It does also limit amount pulling up and

                                                          • 我有这样的问题是增长来自海外如玫瑰撒慷慨的国家,他们使用最普遍的承包
                                                            Though you use and ahead from the rose spreading to the domestic earth building the foreign way becoming the rose spreading, [ru] is troubled, but the thing

                                                            • 我现在是埋在洞旁,我会说我喜欢的外国公司的公司税为0你是日本人消灭了日本公司
                                                              Now therefore in the future that it will make income tax 0 of the foreign capital saying, the [ru] it is, The stopgap when it is the Japanese enterprise, is the Japanese enterprise total destruction

                                                              • 我相信990,但很多时候,我相信他们的感觉反对派在国民议会辩论中谷垣祯一Hazime其他(比方说我的教师,被愤怒的不老实),总是一种“最简单的方式“这不是我应该选择?门我和郊区包括雪崩再以Jiminga 990 Certain Tanigaki and with party chief discussion Although the other opposition party party so persuades many degrees at the National Diet Because the teacher you do not get angry it will try saying honestly with the tsu te feeling Usual Those where “such easy road” is not chosen are I It avalanches to jiminga of empty unrelated and is packed it is

                                                                • 战前:近卫文麿(马克思主义)日本防卫与+ +苏联发红世界革命向南+ + u003d目前的中日战争世界战争:民主党(政治叛国)美同盟间接入侵中国,日,除美国的收购废弃+ + +先到穿着古反日通过的立法线小泽民主党的是,只有最严重的中国领土,日本将
                                                                  Prior to world war 2: Fumimaro the Imperial Guards (Marxist) The Soviet defensive + Japanese turning red + worldwide simultaneous revolution = Japanese-Chinese war + south Shin + Pacific war Presently: The Democratic party (treason political party) The toward Japan indirect aggression = Japanese-American alienation + Japan-U.S. alliance cancellation + administration capture + anti-Japanese bill formation of China The tip where the Ozawa Democratic party arrives, is just the worst situation that Japan becomes Chinese territory,

                                                                  • 承诺(荣誉)的政策是另一个加税,以保护公众希望我这样做 我不是我被挤压到钱,我希望我没有这样的政策 The wa where pledge fame there is tax increase in order to protect and starts and as for policy it wants stopping Because as for the citizen gazing hoping it is it is not such Squeezing to the contraction in the appearance which is not the gold don t you think as for policy

                                                                    • 排减单位,年收入不到400万个家庭个案的唯一一六零零零零零零零日元年收入,如果这是一个生命的价值250万日元的平均家庭收入,而不是债务和房子力一百五万日元每年向所以谁瓦特,金贷苏?如果您怀疑在预期租金湿重光 160 When it compares with the home which is only annual income 1 000 000 Yen Under annual income 4 000 000 Living like annual income 2 500 000 Yen suitable home the cod Unless every year 1 500 000 Yen you owe excessiveness w Someone the gold lends to such a house When you lend you step on and are pushed down ww
                                                                      • 住户收入仅为1 6万日元,如果这是一个生命的价值250万日元的平均家庭收入,而不是债务和房子力一百五十万日元每年向所以谁瓦特,苏金贷?如果您怀疑在预期租金湿重光 160 Is only annual income 1 000 000 Yen the home which Living like annual income 2 500 000 Yen suitable home the cod Unless every year 1 500 000 Yen you owe excessiveness w Someone the gold lends to such a house When you lend you step on and are pushed down ww

                                                                    • 收入增加的情况●:先决条件努力抑制支出,提高经济增长:在%年名义增长速度的名义经济增长,增强了实现2010年财政年度的预算水平:11财年1 1%12 2 5二百六十一亿日元2001财年而我们,总支出106 7%的整体利率债券(10年):1 7%,11财年12财年1 8%2 2%13年(模型设置的宏观),总支出:不包括债务服务费用,其他支出煤烟是横向(保障开支自然增加社会了。制定和审查了支出)非税收收入:FILP账户提供特殊,并立即拆除并交回资金特殊因素,如公共机构的名义,通过 Annual income increase case Growth rate raising annual expenditure control effort Prerequisite Actualizing the nominal economic growth of raising in budget of 2010 level Growth rate in nominal terms 11 1 1 12 2 5 to reach to 26 1 trillion Yen in 13 as for the general annual expenditure altogether the 106 7 Interest 10 year government bond 11 1 7 and 12 1 8 13 2 2 with the macro model setting General annual expenditure Excluding government bond expense as for the other annual expenditure stability as for social security expense natural increase previous With second look at annual expenditure device Non tax receipt After excluding the special primary factor of fund restoration such as financial investment special meeting transfer and public service corporation etc in nominal rate of economic growth stretching Annual expenditure manifest execution case The annual expenditure part of the manifest amount after 11 it executes Prerequisite By the fact that the manifest annual expenditure part is executed growth rate of the “annual income increase case” is actualized
                                                                      • NULL Annual income increase case Growth rate raising annual expenditure control effort Prerequisite Actualizing the nominal economic growth of raising in budget of 2010 level Growth rate in nominal terms 11 1 1 12 2 5 to reach to 26 1 trillion Yen in 13 as for the general annual expenditure altogether the 106 7 Interest 10 year government bond 11 1 7 and 12 1 8 13 2 2 with the macro model setting General annual expenditure Excluding government bond expense as for the other annual expenditure stability as for social security expense natural increase previous With second look at annual expenditure device Non tax receipt After excluding the special primary factor of fund restoration such as financial investment special meeting transfer and public service corporation etc in nominal rate of economic growth stretching Annual expenditure manifest execution case The annual expenditure part of the manifest amount after 11 it executes Prerequisite By the fact that the manifest annual expenditure part is executed growth rate of the “annual income increase case” is actualized
                                                                      • 驱动tTA这些债券在所有贿赂案件,以及偿债成本收费,并认为任何期限13年,达到一百○六万七亿日元一般支出26 1万亿日元,总想在崛起 When these were maintained entirely with the government bond in redemption and the like Government bond expense in order to apply to reach to 26 1 trillion Yen in 13 as for the general annual expenditure altogether to 106 7 trillion Yen You say that it swells up

                                                                    • 日元)2009年为民主党的征税措施(单位:万亿 当06 使用税出售政府资产6 5 0 7埋金审查和特别措施4 2 总计A B小计11 4 20 5乙真的※ Main revenue source guaranty step of the Democratic party unit Trillion Yen 2009 6 point in time lt Annual expenditure reformation gt Second look at dam construction and airport service stop of country 1 3 National public service personnel labor cost 2 dividing and national destination system Osamu waste combination 1 1 Compulsory prohibition and bid reformation etc 3 tenths 1 8 Bundle grant conversion to local self governing body of subsidy 4 3 In addition 0 6 Subtotal A 9 1 lt Annual income reformation gt Buried deposit gold application 6 5 Sale of government property 0 7 Tax special measure second look and the like 4 2 Subtotal B 11 4 Total A B 20 5 Really only 0 6 trillion Yen it was
                                                                      • 〜05万亿至10万亿美元,今年被列入Munantearienai w ll对接公务员薪金 NULL

                                                                    • 日本人出国外国政府每桶上涨狗屎它们不是自动柜员机
                                                                      As for the Japanese citizen ATM for overseas rose spreading diplomacy of government well droppings

                                                                      • 日本政府债券,并关闭3点,“债券”崩溃,新的政府债券利率上升至20%
                                                                        The Japanese government bond, 3 ranking downs it does closely, To “government bond” heavy decline and new government bond interest rate zooming 20%

                                                                        • 朝日周刊9月18日鸠山内阁发出牙“,一年后,日本政府在汇率民主改变人们的生活,让经济的影响日经平均13000政权更替的超过2万亿日元打破循环
                                                                          As for weekly Asahi with the September 18th number at the time of Hatoyama Cabinet start, “living of the citizen changes so much In Japan after the democracy administration 1 year As for economic result of administration alternation 2,000,000,000,000 Yen super with Nikkei stock price average 13,000 Yen breakthrough

                                                                          • 此后,民主党和上级,“规划委员会”清单我有理由宣言选举的内容,然后由总理主持的承诺鸠山由纪夫,小泽一郎秘书长,会议由直人简部长财政部副总理首先由本月底作出最后决定
                                                                            After that, as for the Democratic party, at “manifest plan commission” of upper system To stuff the contents of the House of Councillors selection manifest, to designate Prime Minister Hatoyama as the chairman, Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa, 菅 Vice-President Naoto And at the administration pledge meeting which is formed at financial affairs phase and others, it decides lastly to the same end of the month

                                                                            • 民主党人,美国失去驱动tTA姆兰德日本是最重要的是我从开始接受从太平洋中心地带的压力,壹岐是扣人心弦的中国石油和海上通道终于在西海岸,西海岸可能会增加间接侵略的危险将被淹没在对日本的中 The Democratic party as for America which loses Japan which is the rim land of the most importance pressure from the heartland To start receiving from the Pacific Ocean in China you grasping the sea lane of the west coastal petroleum and the like keep final The danger which from the west seashore keeps being overwhelmed by the toward Japan indirect aggression of China probably will keep increasing
                                                                              • 此外,日本,美国失去驱动tTA姆兰德是最重要的,我接受太平洋中心地带开始从压力的,壹岐是扣人心弦的中国石油和沿海航道的西西岸最终中国它会继续增加间接侵略被淹没的危险 Furthermore as for America which loses Japan which is the rim land of the most importance pressure from the heartland To start receiving from the Pacific Ocean in China you grasping the sea lane of the west coastal petroleum and the like keep final The danger which from the west seashore keeps being overwhelmed by the indirect aggression of China probably will keep increasing

                                                                            • 狙说,民主表决,以确保您胡萝卜平衡和棍棒和厚安全重税,他们手?刚刚买糖果棒,但不快乐 Democracy 狙 saying it is due to careful guarantee and overtaxation It does with guaranty of the vote with the balance of ame and the rod the yo However without buying ame only the rod

                                                                              • 现在,他们同意,并递交了全面禁止和消除浪费的税收仍不能拖延,然后崩溃未经财政部主导的“消费税”,而外出散步路线一 Now as for government the ruling party without starting phasing out the financial affairs ministry directs is walking “the consumer tax tax increase” route in cancellation and compulsory global ban and the like of squander of tax
                                                                                • 阿霍体面八百七十二瓦特20%的销售税将是一个更加朱达罗 872 aho w If the ma tsu you question the ro which it makes about the consumer tax 20 and is

                                                                              • 现在,天上的两倍和公职人员,包括信息社会继续努力伐丽流 This time in order not to reach two degrees in government employee heaven and the like those which continued to endeavor It will make the society which is rewarded
                                                                                • 失败是一次更好的乐趣,我不看服务的工资低于公务员日我从来没有感觉到的 It became funny Japan how government employee salary it does not lower no matter what therefore it is One time the one which it fails is better
                                                                                • 年轻的一代并没有完全沉默的恐怖,会尽力迅速崩溃 As for the young generation silent terrorism doing thoroughly the ze which it probably will fail quickly

                                                                              • 目前还是会获得子女的利益,说你言Urashii民主和文化革命
                                                                                Even then child treatment and [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u], You call the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which democracy is said it seems

                                                                                • 神奇的是削减并保持一分钟,如果你对这个国家研究的目的在政府削减小型高科技产业和。我不只是有多少浪费或爆増瓦特 Shaving frontier industry and research If you aim toward small government you understand but Shaving the tsu which sows it is on Country Blast increase The do just it is wastefulness it is many it is w
                                                                                  • 572提示:总资产超过2012年政府债务的国家 572 Hint The government bond balance exceeds gross national wealth in 2012

                                                                                • 而即使没有明显的做一些事情,免费快速取消暂缴税,但座间
                                                                                  Furthermore, provisional tariff abolition and the high-speed generation free many manifest not doing [te], this [za] still

                                                                                  • 舱单增加开支,由于年实施的政府支出:风云11 3,其他部分的时间表,马苏索诺按照支出(三六○○○○○○○○○○○日元百分之权益)也同样:案“收入的增长,”同样的(考虑债券的影响,更多的发行没有。)
                                                                                    The annual expenditure increase due to the execution of the annual expenditure manifest: After 11, on the basis of the operation sheet annual expenditure increase in addition the part (3.6 trillion Yen) 3 annual equal percentage Interest: The same as the “annual income increase case” (has not considered the influence with government bond increase)

                                                                                    • 苏民主党历史反复市政府≒美浓部TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%型E7%8E型是%%%%e6中高炉%83%83%A8的九个人口众多%%广管局%E4类声发射%E5公司% 89 90%
                                                                                      It repeats history The Democratic party administration ≒ Minobe capital government ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E7% BE % 8E % E6% BF % 83% E9% 83% A8% E4% BA % AE % E5% 90% 89

                                                                                      • 辜仲Rupizu民主日本是支出增长撒人们无尽的伤害。它的
                                                                                        In the damage person without the limit [chiyon] democracy [rupizu] which the Japanese blood tax the rose is spread. Don't you think? person

                                                                                        • 达罗部长排序只为自己的首要W“的夏季会议员分拣只下降”的,而我不想要一个W成员本身不减少其数量是非常可惜的是瓦特 The ro w where the prime minister himself is the categorization object With “Councilor categorization” of the summer the ze w which probably will entrap unnecessary Assemblyman But as for not being able to decrease number itself regrettable w

                                                                                          • 这705“儿童福利”和草率,计算的结果是肯定我们这样说是因为我已经为它的政策推动仕方Nakarou我们还怀疑的能力?我觉得这个故事是不够明确的瓦特在小学如果你了解专家的意见可以理解,难道他们都选择了正确的大脑呢?阚不好,但同意,为什么不能捍卫只知道肯定瓦特鸠山 705 Akanashi 撰 sheath of the latest “child treatment” The estimate result as it is called in this sure It propels that as policy therefore it is The ability being doubted it probably will be helpless You think that it is the story may know even with the elementary school student but w If you can understand the opinion of the specialist as for being sufficient it is understood but In the first place the ma tsu you question being able to choose blurring in kana of the ru The 菅 being useless agrees but why W which is unclear whether just Hatoyama it can protect that
                                                                                            • 去年夏天的选举“,是资金”从当时表现出来,也就是说,不是很多人,我觉得伤了一些潜在的估计,从而打破了,你有理由相信民主党人?计算结果的公布,是现在这样,你让我什至没有计算出来的?咦,这显然欺诈?如何成熟或有欺诈嘿大家民主党人指控 With the House of Representatives selection of the summer of last year “there is a revenue source” With saying the manifest it has put out the empty As for many citizens that there is supporting the estimate thinking Believing the Democratic party you insert and the chi ya tsu are with meaning to do the yo Soon becoming the estimate result as for having published Even estimate it being possible the medium tsu passing it does with thing the yo How seeing it is fraud don t you think You can prosecute the Democratic party Assemblyman everyone with false pretenses and are the thing combining e …

                                                                                          • 这主要是一个大沼泽小型私人纳鲁高氖氦氖盗2是未来的首期苏素Sushi m大国 2 ne Small People Don t you think ru ko 沢 Main thing It is dense re Large Large wa It does It does Country It does ku Coming ne Robber Coming It does
                                                                                            • “难道一年前,融化!”这是什么水平 At last “before such a thing 1 year the ke ” tsu te level shelf…
                                                                                            • 小泽2和Ne 2 Small 沢 It does ne

                                                                                          • 那个人是我知道我会选择最美丽盛开船尾被紧紧固定甚至说屁话,因为它完全无用 Knowing therefore as for the ru human as for that the u it is densely calling useless without fail you piled up cleanly and wants to attach is large portion chose densely

                                                                                            • 预算是按照路线图的竞选宣言,并逐步承担付款的儿童11名全职福利财政的执行情况
                                                                                              As for estimate, on the basis of the operation sheet of the House of Representatives selection manifest, full amount provision and the like of child treatment from of 11 You suppose that it executes consecutively,

                                                                                              • 马或人的情况下,不得有98名儿童?但实际情况是100价值约1 下降,并让需要的钱支付学童免费Kunaru接近零的,则,价值高的自由书高速电梯时的大部分检查事情发生后没有采取税收引入里程制度的基础上? 98 Isn t the human where the child is made horse case If value of every place is dropped into 1 100 in actuality the gold which is necessary for child treatment becomes close in zero High school gratuitous conversion corresponds at substantial price hike of the textbook High speed free conversion tax introduces the system which is taken at the time of vehicle inspection according to travel distance Rear something the tsu ke which is
                                                                                                • 1日元的价值和 让它下降到100金币需要接近零的子女免税额自由Kunaru学校,免费教科书价值高的高速电梯为多,里程时检查并在此作出回应发生后采取的税收制度是什么? If value of circle is dropped into 1 100 the gold which is necessary for child treatment becomes close in zero High school gratuitous conversion corresponds at substantial price hike of the textbook High speed free conversion tax introduces the system which is taken at the time of vehicle inspection according to travel distance Rear something the tsu ke which is

                                                                                              • 鸠山491:研究面额就职后,藤井辞职或破坏-日经指数[政策]鸠山:研究面额就职后,藤井辞职或破坏-日经指数[10 / 03 / 19]
                                                                                                491 Prime Minister Hatoyama: After the administration starting with [denomi] examination and Fujii financial affairs phase resignation impasse - Nikkei Prime Minister Hatoyama: After the administration starting with [denomi] examination and Fujii financial affairs phase resignation impasse - Nikkei [10/03/19

                                                                                                • 鸠山799飞行员,“我可能是一个试点项目或愚蠢...”
                                                                                                  799 Perhaps Hatoyama captain “me. foolish captain. ”

                                                                                                  • 鸠山日语水平大大低于平均为722名学术能力也将假定有 722 Assuming that Hatoyama ability is inferior from educational background supposing that about average Japanese level is a certain expectation

                                                                                                    • (真他妈的恶性通货膨胀发生在战后,债券价值下降的战争,战争,人们购买债券,那我不知道,问我拉人民取得的战争债券和现金是失去了做不可能漂亮的),瓦特让我们再一次这样做的政府债券1000亿日元查拉 Value of the war loan declines heavily with the hyper inflation which after the war happens The person and the unreasonable doing cash which the unreasonable doing war loan the buying wa are done in the war loan Pulling the people who can be made to apply large loss… were to do The ze w which probably will do this once more 1 000 000 000 000 000 Yen government bonds is chiyara now

                                                                                                      • :: ¯ 大宝来美浓 ¯ Two ni ≡ i ⌒ ⌒ i F ¯ ¯ 32 lt i i 32 ni l human lt mishi 92 mimimimi 92 No ¯ ┬ r ¯ DREPT mimimi 92 mimimi ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ DREPT mimimimimishi no mimi DREPT mimishi mino Large striped mullet
                                                                                                        • NULL If “us the Democratic party takes administration coming out simply wrapping it does the revenue source which 20 000 000 000 000 Yen how is said” te 乃 i lt 彡 ara No ⌒ REPT UMLAT ¯ ¯ UMLAT ∠ 彡 彡 to 彡 彳 Γ ⌒ 92 ¯ lt Z ∠ 彡 彡 彡 ⌒ 92 32 ni ≡ ¯ Two ni ≡ i ⌒ ⌒ i F ¯ ¯ 32 lt i i 32 ni l human lt mishi 92 mimimimi 92 No ¯ ┬ r ¯ DREPT mimimi 92 mimimi ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ DREPT mimimimimishi no mimi DREPT mimishi mino Large striped mullet

                                                                                                      研究 開発