The latter half National Diet, with the National Diet reformation bill other important bill stepping Hatoyama administration centripetal power decrease where Democratic party Secretary General Ozawa adheres to formation strongly the ★2
产妇当前正确值得■■■■■“的韩国职业军”? !我看到了日本人民唤醒你沉睡的老虎已被关闭,请你原谅■■■■■ > > 256 : With meeting method amendment plan Ozawa dictatorial national advisory: 2010/04/25 (day) 17: 44: 34 ID: e3LzMw2L0
When the National Diet method amendment plan some ones to understand you explain easily
> > The Democratic party support parent
* * * * * Just this, the present time “ The Korean occupation force ”! ! * * * * *
The tiger where forbearance was cut off and can sleep the eye the Japanese citizen who is waked up
-如果美国普天间-快速推力美国“非常愤怒”日本强烈抗议违反安全“,并做笔记,”我是日美关系迅速恶化采取了明确的立场左侧的首脑会议日志 Japan and America it is extreme Offense and defense American side in “you get angry, heart head” leak of secret strict protest “Japan memo is taken” the record not leaving of summit meeting
Steadily the relationship of Japan and America is deteriorated
28:12编号:YlexmJ5F0我在日本,但我已经和姐夫那边五个孩子,我是站在应用挣扎抽筋 28 12 ID YlexmJ5F0 As for we however with resident the justice older brother 5 children is in that The tsu which suffers hardship in application hanging the shelf
388:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 04 25(星期日)09:28:12编号:YlexmJ5F0予日本,但是我已经和姐夫那边5个孩子,我挣扎抽筋站在应用一 388 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 25 day 09 28 12 ID YlexmJ5F0 As for we however with resident the justice older brother 5 children is in that The tsu which suffers hardship in application hanging the shelf
708名: 名无Shisan邮政十周年:2010 03 18(星期四)14:48:44编号:gFXumF4N0是这样,你最好注意整体一致决定是否 708 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 03 18 Thursday 14 48 44 ID gFXumF4N0 This the one which you observe whether or not it is decided in all the meeting agreements is better
397名:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 04 / 27(星期二)16:04:41编号:nfnCtmyS0 [2 / 4]不起诉小泽站在特别帐户的上诉“宰特别帐户”关于2010年2月5日总统博客樱井诚(星期五)表示,该理事会在东京检控,东京地方检察厅关于普通涉嫌违反书记驱动tTA miokuri起诉的政治资金管理法小泽的民主党检察官提出上诉的决定,垂直线是一个应用程序是否被起诉ü问题 397 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/04/27 (Tuesday) 16: 04: 41 ID: nfnCtmyS0 [2/4]
Dissatisfied stating of Ozawa's non-prosecution as for standing resident in special meeting
[burogu] of genuine Chairman “resident in special meeting” Sakurai
Vis-a-vis 2010 February 5th (Friday) Tokyo inquest of prosecution meeting, with Ichiro's Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General political financial readjustment method violation suspicion
The statement which questions the propriety of non-prosecution dealing the judgment of Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section which waives prosecution as dissatisfied, was done
408:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 04 25(星期日),5 388,流量是垂直Wabiro Louppy恩戴死亡税在日本生活在日本氖向我Chongaki 408 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 25 day 388 Don t you think as many as 5 people living in Japan In chiyongaki rupi which discharges the Japanese blood tax Dying the wa bi ro
408:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 04 25(星期日),5 388,流量是垂直Wabiro Louppy恩戴死亡税在日本生活在日本氖向我Chongaki 408 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 04 25 day 388 Don t you think as many as 5 people living in Japan In chiyongaki rupi which discharges the Japanese blood tax Dying the wa bi ro
417出来。 ↓゙博客梅特办学万kokuminforum gmail com公众论坛之一的反对权 Outside 417 meato ゙ of national forum of right opposite 10 000 human conference sponsorship and burogu ↓ kokuminforum gmail com
417出来。 ↓゙博客梅特办学万kokuminforum gmail com公众论坛之一的反对权 Outside 417 meato ゙ of national forum of right opposite 10 000 human conference sponsorship and burogu ↓ kokuminforum gmail com
555人通过了出来谁给申请人,并认为它的方式峨邪恶的外国人,如果你是从被拒绝的好处 555 people and the person who comes to application became dismissal but if it becomes treatment to the adopted child the bad do it is Also the foreigner whom you think does is present
617 wwww Kusowarota遗忘的地方来了明天在大学复制wwww 617
[kusowarota] wwww
Copying at the tomorrow university, you leave wwww
707是正确的! ,这将是毫无意义的法案一旦大选之前作出决定 707 It is correct answer When this bill it is decided before the House of Councillors selection there is no meaning
一旦该法案通过Chattara,并推翻它,但需要大量时间和精力 Once the bill passes and the chi ya tsu cod as for overturning that considerable time and labor needs
如果只有几分钟的时间通知媒体的不少声音也许能获得对条例草案附表 If many voices reach even in the mass communications a little the causing re which picks up this bill it is
76至151离台后,被视为84你知道 151 To 76 84 If you see it is understood
76年代,谢谢! ! !正是同一个句子 76 Thank you Completely it was the same composition
WWW的小泽未遂暗杀天皇裕仁于1932年1月8日,樱田门外,李凤章 Ozawa www
Japanese plum 奉 昌
On 1932 January 8th the assassination of Emperor Showa is tried outside the Sakurada gate, the failure
W在这里你得到它的业务总部,人们甚至寄给我already ll尝试和力量投射 mail给我的形式,但不是每个人的维基难ü是啊! As for here operation center or w The mail and the electric convex it tries doing The person who has been sent already may be don t you think wiki everyone who is made grateful
告诉我,这一切你怎么就目前的凸哪里?直到我觉得民主党总部没有任何意义 By the way Everyone the electric convex doing somewhere in regard to this case it increases Applying in the Democratic party headquarters the air which is not meaning doing
[叛逆]我将战胜日本小泽一郎的秘书,民主党的广大人民! The Japanese citizen Defeat the Secretary General Ichiro Democratic party Ozawa!
“主权主权地区的居民,”当心!日本是一个主权的民族国家,国家主权是国家一体化机构相信, To pay attention “sovereignty local resident sovereignty in area” The fact that it is sovereignty in the nation where Japan is nation of national sovereignty is Osamu union of the citizen is agreement
区域自治的进展附表如果民主党“主权主权地区的居民”会 If the regional sovereignty which the Democratic party advances it becomes “sovereignty local resident sovereignty in area”
一个可怕的法案或法案的国会多少害怕! ?我向公众法案,东亚共同体,外商投资企业税零上 日本大和民族的东西只涉及外国人,只是没有恼人 The National Diet method amendment plan how much being fearful bill Becoming public the ru bill also east Asia the same body foreign capital income tax zero… Which just foreigner profit with only thing in yamato Japanese annoyance only thing
782 谷歌热门关键词(日本)的前10名,是为了给输入到国民议会的法案或浪费?也许值得做的一 782 gt Google Zooming word Japan inside best 10 as for the effort which it tries the National Diet method amendment plan wasteful kana As for the value which you do whether it is
不坏,是它直接向大会法案617井 617
Unless you correct in this National Diet method amendment plan, useless it is
不知是什么一个官僚禁止饮食?宪法解释或受一致?我把公开考试?也许我应该重视这样一个条件,他们无法确定之前,在党的权力关系有多大?这说的是什么凌晨,和一点点激动当U觉得有些人所谓的民意法西斯主义 The National Diet reply prohibition of the bureaucracy stopping the thing kana which how it does As for constitution interpretation all the meeting agreements are designated as a condition when You bet on national examination when In order for relationship of power not to be decided at size of the party that condition you attach the kana where the one which is done is good Like this but word tsu chi ya what you think that the public opinion fascism tsu te there are also times when you say When the populace is instigated it is and
也许当自由党政府也很好,如果他们表现出党要求解散民主是说我试图解散解散根据同人民意愿的我 Whether dispersion required demonstration also it is good to do don t you think Therefore the party of the Democratic party following to public opinion dispersion solution scattering you call the time of our civil administration right it is
不确定的风险,而对犯罪是将要怀孕 gt In other words by the fact that “the keeper of law” is excluded from the National Diet what kind of bill gt Without passing constitution interpretation concerning the sequence at will and crime without pursuing uncertainly with gt It means becoming something which is filled the danger which you say
换言之,“监护人的法律”喷射出饮食和加强,也不论解释宪法的立法,通过从犯罪经历,但无任何木马追求他们关于回相当含糊是将要 In other words by the fact that “the keeper of law” is excluded from the National Diet what kind of bill Without passing constitution interpretation concerning the sequence at will and crime without pursuing uncertainly with It means becoming something which is filled the danger which you say
但目白还推动立法,以建立一个民主党专政,我没有听到他说这些钱将非常挤 Jostling it will produce also the bill which establishes the dictatorial system of the Democratic party, saying the person who is not heard probably will be squeezed the money extremely
但这项法案,但肯定会是我最好的手表已经能够证明辜邮件早期如果你只需要在第一个球员是困难的,如果人们从整个收集还不知道如此公开,明信片我认为重要的是要始终踢的声音继续下去,以解除人民的意志传达给人民的正义抱怨或反对峨电话 If demonstration is possible it is best however it is probably will be don t you think Because so as for this bill it is not known still excessively publicly whether or not the person gets together only difficulty to see It can make quickest if is the mail and the postcard it appeals to the person of group of objectors by the telephone In any case you think that it is important to continue to increase voice in order to convey the intention of the citizen always
为了这个危险的监察条例,无论什么苦,通常支持任何一方,日本(或 如果常识的人)反对让大家! In regard to this dangerous bill when usually which party is supported there is no relationship the Japanese or the sensible person will keep in the opposite direction with everyone
公众的成员,人谁不知道他们的法案不存在只看到电视,我希望把兴趣 With general one only the television to see the te Even existence of this bill in the people who do not know we would like to have having interest is
例如说,结果是反车祸中唯一的人(纳斯瓦)线U汽车评估(JNCAP)的排序机制“不”是决定 If the result was said, the categorization person automobile accident measure mechanism (NASVA) the automobile assessment which is done (JNCAP) was judgment “of the no”
例如,它是资金减少的可能性很高,由于缺乏退休金福利,如果是儿童,如果作为外国人选举权等,在居住在附近唯一的外国人,我应该怎么取得宅基地的面积不得持有和居民的联系?或什么 For example if child treatment being the revenue source insufficient the possibility annuity being reduced it is high is that If foreign carrot administration only the foreigner lives in neighborhood residents association and the like it does not pass May be area being possible it is With combining
农业革命的东西Netouyo鹰元反囊湿重湿重或清除不符合他的伪装,使这个家伙友爱继承嘈杂呻井瓦特/ / 8Ytl2K Counter revolution molecular no possibility ww it is purged also my [netouyo] possibility ww
As for the person whom you do not follow order the [ze] - it is [u] w of [bu] friendship
http: //
决议第25届年会日共◆(9)也不准走改革日本民主党反对反动政治“议会”中的政策,即官僚内阁秘书局的立法,禁止索纳国民大会特别强调的是特别 * The Japanese Japan Communist Party 25th conference resolution (9) Reaction retrogression of Japanese politics is not permitted
Furthermore, with policy “of the National Diet reformation” of the Democratic party, assuming that also Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is the bureaucracy, the [so]
Special emphasis is put to prohibiting the National Diet reply
前9内阁秘书局的立法,第二十重量堆积宪法解释它一受到鼓励,以精简自卫队海外派遣站在理论违宪 Successive Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau to accumulate interpretation constitutional revision concerning constitution 9 provision, violation of constitutional provisions
The theory raising which rationalizes the Self Defense Force sending an army abroad was recommended
北海道知事党从当时是这个家伙社会主义国会众议员议长横路孝弘北海道,北海道,日本社会传递给朝总联信送到我家恩戴有被盗的受害者的关注和松树和绑架有本我是 President of the House of Representatives Takahiro Yokomiti
Has become from dense Tsuga Hokkaido Japan Socialist Party in Hokkaido governor time,
The kidnapping victim of Matuki and the possession book et. al stealing the eye of supervision
The Hokkaido Japan Socialist Party transferred the letter which is sent to the family to the Korean entire ream it is, don't you think?
即使在美国移民的权力,最多只有250多年的历史在今天的历史感到自豪,对祖国的忠诚,特别是选举权和销售的国家义务的思想,作为一套防御,绝对不是廉价出售 In even America of immigration large country which at the highest is only history of 250 years loyalty heart to nation concrete in history of the home country with pride as for obligation and denizenship of national defense as a set thought Bargain sale of nationality it does not make bargain sale absolute
参与的管理体制和国民大会,一个咨询机构,众议院议长的众议员横路孝弘公约“市政局的议会制度”将要求两党协议 In order to relate the system of the National Diet and to management, as a custom the advisory organ “national assembly system of President of the House of Representatives Takahiro Yokomiti
Agreement of the nonpartisan which is by conference” becomes necessary
只有扭转歧视法案驱动tTA疯狂的日本法律Tomedonashi需要其他国家的蛋糕通过一汤可以杀死所有外国收入税或小厂只有562名承建商想要更多的鸡传染性法氏囊病 562
Foreign capital income tax or the subcontract town factory everyone murder it puts out,
Even when in addition national method amendment plan it passes, there is no bill and an aim which deviate
As for discriminating just the Japanese conversely we would like to have making another end
同时,“那么我想我会达成一项协议,牢固担日本安全方面的作用和在远东有自己的”,如果实现政权更替,而日本在联合国的合作活动扩大安排的军事作用,通过在日本的美军基地,这意味着一个细节还原的思维面对显示 After simultaneously “you think that story is attached by the fact that Japan keeps bearing the role in security and the Far East of the self securely When” with it does actualizes administration alternation via the enlargement of the military role of Japan such as cooperation to the United Nations activity resident The thought of tackling the rearrangement and reduction of the US military base was suggested
当古是美国没有军事基地,留下了崩溃的自由民主全面,共产主义和民主 When the US military base is gone In earnest free democracy crumbling It becomes communist democracy
哥里的辩论将是什么100本month m仍在呼吸,杀死休眠之前,我想你小泽%肯定会发生什么,它的数量应该是通过与推动 Don t you think now the deliberation entering is certain like in end of the month Also Ozawa holding breath motionlessly to that it probably is the intention of having lurked Therefore the expectation which it tries probably to pass with the ri pushing of the 100 and number how it becomes
反正已经死毛重大沽托里温暖的淡水进入审议,以避免他们的眼睛从现实可能再也压抑我不知道如果我活到 Although GW it enters whether deliberation you insert it is Therefore what it may become the 鬱 which probably will be bitten averting the eye from actuality it died the water stopped wanting to take warmly and…
国会改革法案,但迄今容忍龟井,该邮件和明信片在请愿增加肖像,未来仍然可以改变态度,排减单位 Concerning the National Diet reformation bill but for the present Kamei acquiescence if the petition mail and the postcard increase in the future still there is a possibility of changing attitude
该邪恶也是短出增国会改革法案众所周知,随志摩也要求你的帮助 Also the National Diet reformation bill being atrocious known fact hurrying it increases but cooperation we ask this
在国外侵犯人权的行为,而且违反公众如何,将违反宪法,就再也没有任何必须锁定救助法案选举权和牙齿 The citizen how probably will oppose to foreign carrot administration and the human rights violation relief bill also When it probably is violation of constitutional provisions already it does not become many brakes
在国外侵犯人权的行为,而且违反公众如何,将违反宪法,就再也没有任何必须锁定救助法案选举权和牙齿 The citizen how probably will oppose to foreign carrot administration and the human rights violation relief bill also When it probably is violation of constitutional provisions already it does not become many brakes
在道路特别预算修正案,从代表人数的开始批评众议院由委员长土地仙台博民主,人民的新党“甚至没有事先通知的价格在一解释是令人遗憾的,”他说, Even with road public finance special 措 method amendment plan, Hiroshi Kawauchi of the Democratic party House of Representatives national traffic chairman in the forefront of criticism
The standing and the national new party also “it is regrettable not to have explanation or notification in advance, concerning fee” that rally
外国普选,救济人权,都是居民外国人(我也动摇了一些重要法案?) _NULL_
外面。对有频繁的示威和集会的权利,对修订的国民议会我对去抗议是有效的 Outside Right opposition is a demonstration and meeting frequently but what protect moves probably are effective what concerning the National Diet method deterioration
有意义的解释,分353岁 本周末,国民议会辩论的法案 353 The explanation age which is easy to understand gt Now weekend the National Diet method amendment plan enters deliberation
大会修订的法律或国家制定政策决定归零国会会议上通过的电流六月邮政改革法案16重要法案,如 Important bill such as amendment plan and postal services reformation bill of the National Diet method to June 16th
The policy of being formed during session of the current National Diet was decided
如果你绝对可以国有化溃疡萨尼阿邮差! ! !我得到一些错误的,经济上的邮差限制Getara认真!债务后,民主党不应该发挥的健全性溃疡再次击败它像一个邮差! If it does not crush either postal house nationalization no matter what! ! !
When limit amount something of the postal houses it lifts with [maji], economy and becomes strange!
After the Democratic party administration and it pushed down, in order two degrees not to be able to play back the postal house anymore, if it does not smash up!
如果你觉得只有这样做Madashimo国家如此峨的生活挂的变化,发现只有在真正紧急情况下艾滋病只是像以前那样排斥的群体回来看看懦夫逃离ejecting ll If in order to change the country there is a motivation truly with the life 懸 [ke] rather,
The case of emergency, is to be visible in only the waist coming out mean person kind of group which escapes first
如果我觉得比国家外汇〜奇怪的是日本政坛如何和媒体为您带来直接对话頑張 当地雇员也有这个小基层民主的Burgers頑張一些自民党议员啊什么外国公司税收法案通过国会为百分之零,以简化他们的美丽和停止入境 Well it is what Also Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman of part persevering the ru Also the populace has persevered with the foundation Just a little when it restores with this Japanese politics and the air where ideal way of the mass communications changes do To a better country Even because of that foreign enterprise income tax 0 Simplification of entry procedure As for National Diet method amendment plan which can pass through those beautifully obstruction
条例草案中某些世界期刊Bakkari电视业务需要通过国会的蛋糕好像他们知道,有一个优先级(笑),但他不是从远 Television business classification tsu temporary shelf You do not know that it is priority in society it seems When the National Diet method amendment plan it passes but classification laughing the reason which is gone
小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
只是想在经济衰退降低和逃税和反美和男性 主导的民主和政治皇帝剥削评价,对自民党的不希望评价 In tax evasion and business deterioration and anti American and the 媚 and appraisal of democracy just went down there is no reason where appraisal of our people rises with the political utilization of the emperor
小泽我能说什么好的见限 当地雇员说这是虚伪? Ozawa saying, that it is word line mismatch, may say that it is possible to abandon, is?
小泽鸠山得到的支持位来自北方的转变,只有将所有的过错关闭搬迁计划的名护市的海岸是第一个美日协议,它的地方搬迁隆真理对一个新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
当地政府表示为外国龟井普选反对,这是可怕的,第二天的邮件服务器的呈请 What Kamei states same as foreign carrot administration in the opposite direction at the local self governing body was the next day which the server flew with the mail of petition
表示反对普选外国龟井是可怕的,第二天的邮件服务器请愿 What Kamei states to foreign carrot administration in the opposite direction was the next day which the server flew with the mail of petition
影响的项目可能会看一次我同意民主人民新党和社会民主党-不仅是政治和议会的法案-包括政策禁令的正式答复的支柱的,制定届立法在这...重要执政的民主党,社会民主党,会见了执政的国家党秘书长,国民议会和,修改法律和官方答案列在国民议会的禁令6月16日提出一项法案,该法案的重要性,并就邮政改革制定政策,决定在国会会议上归零 Whether it is possible to see that not only the Democratic party it turned also the corporation people party and the national new party to approval,
The policy… ruling party 3 party which such as the National Diet method amendment plan which designates the reply prohibition of the bureaucracy as the pillar is formed the important bill during session
The Democratic party, the Secretary Generals of the ruling party 3 party of the corporation people party and the national new party to converse, reply prohibition at the National Diet of the bureaucracy
Important bill such as amendment plan and postal services reformation bill of the National Diet method which is made the pillar the current National Diet to June 16th
The policy of being formed during session was decided
必不可少的法案,除了国防官员禁止政府取消了目击者说,内阁秘书局的立法,“特别助理”的政府是被排除在主要内容 As for the bill essence, abolishing the government witness system, besides the fact that it prohibits the bureaucratic reply, Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau “the government special assistance person”
The empty excluding main contents
我不是一个改革法案,国会法案的帐排除内阁部长和国会立法局证人? Which m There is no Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau and a bill [tsu] [te] National Diet reformation bill which removes the witness and it is [te] National Diet method amendment plan, don't you think??
It is both what
我们认为,民主党的身份需要知道,所有的日本国民朝鲜劳动党 As for natural shape of the Democratic party you think that it is necessary for Japanese national everything to know the North Korean work party
我可以不写清楚在公众 gt If involvement regulation the saddle tsu it is the person the fearfulness is recognized don t you think gt gt How is with such an example 348 gt To be recognized it tried writing on also the general people easily
任何人谁肯定能附加滚转控制,我担心这表明,鲁?那么在这句话?如果我写清楚向公众348 If involvement regulation the saddle tsu it is the person the fearfulness is recognized don t you think How is with such an example 348 To be recognized it tried writing on also the general people easily
我在副标题“真正的议会改革法案”到“议会法案”,我应该引导他们呢? Middle subtitle
The “National Diet reformation-related bill”
You should have corrected in the “National Diet method amendment plan”, is?
我认为他会传给我什么都Kikere伟大的声音,但我会更好地工作,如果它不舒服站在专户ü我想我必须大声可能是,“他说,他们同一水平下降闪耀“,是的看起来差异 Resident in special meeting but unpleasantness it works don t you think If voice is large thinking that it passes with anything in the ru person Yell above that must be put out you think that it is That certainly “it falls to the same level as the people” with it is different it is the kana which is not
不仅仅是谷歌,我看到其他保守的团体有一个列表,但这里是樱花频道103,学会会议上,日本新历史教科书新,神社,日本教师工会,一个常设或特别账户体系在这里 103 However there is summary here However the gugu tsu te you saw in the conservative group In other things the channel cherry tree the Japanese meeting the meeting which makes the new historical textbook Main agency and all the Japanese school personnel unions of shrine resident in special meeting affiliation This side kana
我说,这次大会法案包含我当然我有一个记录它关闭10分钟的会谈美国未经触及,奥巴马给出绝对认为这是一次我做一套提前选举示威 With you said or however without obama 10 minute conversation record America was cut off and passed and was buchi sure This National Diet method amendment plan including you think that it is the time when another dispersion general election required demonstration it should do but it is
大会法案签署成为法律,这项法案最终,民主党需要你的母亲。我说,他们决定在政客愚弄唯一酌情权,条例草案能无叛徒和Ozawa That ultimate bill The National Diet method amendment plan When this does legislation main point of the Democratic party support parent Ichiro traitor Ozawa and talent there is no only bill with judgment of the foolish politicians it decides
抑制言论自由以及“密集。饮食,”如果法律的制定为以任何方式可以 gt gt Control of speech and the like “denseness When it is formed at the National Diet” as a bill how it is not possible
禁止言论自由,以及“密集。饮食,”如果按照法律的规定可以以任何方式 Control of speech and the like “denseness When it is formed at the National Diet” as a bill how it is not possible
搜索维基筹集了国会法案 The National Diet method amendment plan [uiki] So search applying
政治 小泽一郎,民主党秘书长“民主!”控制数量鹿儿岛民访门独裁民主联盟党的政治资金京都塞拉在酒店 As for Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General “democracy number ” With political financial party at hotel of Kagoshima city The Kyocera labor union visiting gate Subduing democracy at number to minsu dictatorship
我不这样做,是要照顾懦夫工会和市民,他们是哪个方向?我绝不会投票支持工会〜〜我 It is mean not to do Labor union and citizen Which is made important it is If the labor union lifetime poll die
无论如何,5 /省长省长出席了由普选集会反对田町做2传真,艾希信要求你为 Temporarily, because Governor Ueda attends in the denizenship opposite meeting which in 5/2 is done in Saitama
In the governor probably will ask with FAX and the letter
日本汽车研究所JNCAP电流(杰瑞)实践方面的工作人员(业务涉及碰撞测试性能)已经成为中央,纳斯瓦不是从工作力量,“即使你求生存,试验设施适当减少从成本角度对组织的检验“,而且,一旦有人被送到只是排序 As for JNCAP of present condition the Japanese automobile laboratory JARI the staff the business aspect accomplishment of the business which relates to collision test has been center “The organization which from the fact that NASVA is not the business unit continues doing has possessed the test facility executing test even from is the aspect of the cost reduction decrease suitableness” and You have commented from the arranging person of categorization
埃塔也改变格式和实施JNCAP校长预计将驱动tTA找到了生活的立场,公开和直接的业务联系,以生命为“不”,只有5人被评为排序 After changing type and executing center even the possibility that JNCAP continues stood but Open and the categorization person who is judged “the no” as many as 5 it was vis a vis the business which connects directly to life
更严格的移民收据为20国集团,指纹,拍照以及-韩国(简讯)TTP的:/ / /龙/ c吗?Ğ u003d 30&K等的SoC _ u003d二万〇百亿四千二百八十零万〇八百二十五 To G20 refrainment entry examination strict conversion = fingerprint picking and mug shot photographing - Korea (Current events communication)
ttp: // g = soc _ 30& k = 2010042800825
本届议会的法案和一项说明什么是轻松的一刻尺度大会,“立法内阁秘书局,”该法案违反了所有的宪法被否决 When the National Diet method amendment plan some ones to understand you explain easily
As for the present National Diet as for the bill which violates to the Japan constitution with “Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau” all dismissals
枥木县] [品味的3倍?草莓新品种“红彗星”诞生了!开始购物3 ... It is tasty 3 times? It is and the [chi] the new kind the “red comet” is born! During mail order starting… 4
横路是谨慎的,社会民主党“应该不执行”政府的回应 That gt as for Ozawa in national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka it examines also ruling party independently conference opening and submitting you indicated but gt Yokomiti in prudent attitude the corporation people party is the standpoint “we should not force”
但是,横路是谨慎的,社会民主党“应该不执行”政府的回应 That gt as for Ozawa in national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka it examines also ruling party independently conference opening and submitting you indicated but gt Yokomiti in prudent attitude the corporation people party is the standpoint “we should not force”
国会事务委员会首席小泽山冈肯齐,小泽还审查意见书,并认为执政委员会才是真正的垃圾 That gt as for Ozawa in national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka it examines also ruling party independently conference opening and submitting you indicated but gt Yokomiti in prudent attitude the corporation people party is the standpoint “we should not force”
小泽一郎说,委员会主席山冈肯齐,被要求审议和裁决提交议会在单一位置,更周到的横路,社会民主党“应该不执行”政府的回应 Way as for Ozawa in national anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka ruling party independently conference opening and submitting it examines the indication It did but Yokomiti in prudent attitude the corporation people party is the standpoint “we should not force”
歼科协Suretai弱我只是还没有想富士文章标题与梁尤干的事,但更激进 suretai is weak With J CAST and with evening paper huji and with what from calling more radical title It is about to want the article which you attach
近年来,交通事故死亡人数下降,但我的致命意外中,船员登船减少说JNCAP影响 Here several years as for the death person of traffic accident it has decreased you can call the effect of JNCAP but regarding reducing the crew member fatal accident which is in the midst of embarking
民主党全国代表大会提交了一项法案(4分28秒增加版)(07分58秒增加大版)(大版增加),一旦国民议会修正案维基 Submitting democracy and the National Diet method amendment plan
(Increasing in quantity edition 4 minute 28 seconds)
(Large increasing in quantity edition 7 minute 58 seconds)
(Large increasing in quantity edition)
The National Diet method amendment summary wiki
民主党支持的法案的母亲[为能生活在日本,在和平的唯一安慰的』在日本的外国人,应被视为已发行局挑选出来的立法内阁由理事会秘书 The Democratic party support parent
Feeling at rest 'just the resident foreigner what without inconvenience, in order to make the bill because it can live in Japan'
It should have started picking Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau from conference
民主党的立场,“如果联合国决定,可以使用武力的行为是宪法允许的,”这可能会更内阁立法局认为有宪法装载了沉重的重新解释,不能光看到烧伤绝对是独一无二的宪法解释 As for standpoint of the Democratic party “the United Nations decision If it is but those where with respect to constitution it is permitted” that use of armed force this Being the Cabinet Legislation Bureau which accumulates interpretation constitutional revision possibly to depress it is impossible It is unique constitution interpretation
这一次,问题应该是专家监护人的法律,国民议会,内阁秘书弹出加强立法局,该法案的内容 This time becoming problem the expectation which is the specialist with the keeper of law Contents of the bill that Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau is excluded from the National Diet
然而,身体策划的“这部小说的情节模式和金Philby”极光,第一步事Gizu多生育一个左派政府的核恐怖主义,下一阶段的项目是什么是真正的什么是计划内的恐怖 But as for the mastermind of conspiracy of this novel which designates kimu huirubi as the model with nuclear terrorism Being born left flank administration it is that following stage to be no more than a 1st stage “aurora plan” Is very the substance and is the plan that it should fear truly
我们的“第四,”规划“极光”的推广工作由现任日本 Is promoted ““the aurora plan” of this fourth nucleus” in present Japan
目前,自民党必须进入下一个选举,人们就会复活古和恶心,我一直生活Herahera看起来脏流水库整个事情的要强调,在电视前面 Temporarily if you do not insert in the Liberal Democratic Party with the following election dirtily the 沢 that mu the spatula spatula living with the face which is attached the ru living it becomes ku thing As for the citizen there are times when stress accumulates before the television probably will be
无论如何,必须进入下一届自民党在,人们会来寻找生命和古Herahera恶心肮脏流将是在电视上的东西全藏在前面的压力 Temporarily if you do not insert in the Liberal Democratic Party with the following election dirtily the 沢 that mu the spatula spatula living with the face which is attached the ru living it becomes ku thing As for the citizen there are times when stress accumulates before the television probably will be
立即传遍了日本人民不要在这个危险的情况下保存彻里基 It isn't according to of dangerous this synopsis?
Urgent, it retains and spreads national to the whole Japan
第20次会议是在议会委员会主席的三党执政,证实了该届会议通过我在这样的立法改革了邮政改革法案和议会 On the 20th, in national anti- chairman conversation of the ruling party 3 party which is inside the National Diet, the National Diet reformation bill and the postal services bill
Formation during which session was verified again
粘附的官僚主义,消除这种干涉和执政党竞选只为反对反对,该法案降低了经营成本美妙的日本政坛 Adhesion of bureaucracy,
Eliminating the disturbance and the like just for the election measure the opposition party for the ruling party and the like,
The splendid bill where the Japanese political management cost is reduced
纳斯瓦允许继续在乔木行动“进行的另一家公司,降低成本的,”他决定 It did not recognize the business continuation with NASVA, “executed with other corporate body, judged the cost reduction decrease together”
见证政府,如果他们看起来伟大,但据以修改宪法的政治资金管理法,自然语言也是以下个人,调查和逃税首席国税局选举办事处的自我管理麦克风税和内部赠与税主任,刑事司法,副主席经济型酒店在其他各部案件帝国皇家董事副瓦特的意图,因为只有在民主Baredaro巴雷 You say that it is exaggerated to constitution amendment to do, if is
Also every one below is included in the government witness
Political financial readjustment method = General affairs economical autonomous administrative bureau election department manager
Investigation such as tax evasion = Bureau Chief Ministry of Justice detective
National tax such as donation tax = National tax agency assistant director
Case = of the Imperial Family Imperial Household Agency assistant director
Case = of other budgets Bureau Chief of each ministry and board
Even just this, as for intention of democracy the [ro] w which is [barebare
购物车, 河)),但它是小泽进入 削减约13万只一双│傻瓜,!。 日本的严重破坏数十百万100万台受 to and r │ 130 000 hinged bar foolish people who pass just inserted in Ozawa mi lt The damage where the Japanese of over 100 000 000 10 000 000 units is enormous is worn…
布尔诺,布尔诺,ヽ 。 。│ (“ 。Nantsuー│我,而且我已经是最后爆裂 nono REPT │ 92 ” │ What Already ending the ru
过去,我们已作出的写控制在这些代表 You wrote in with representation of the one which is above and in the midst of regulating
“如果你敢批评政府,将被永久限制Burobaida gt If present administration criticism and the like those which will be done the burobaida is regulated permanently
这个消息现在是“鸽派”(以下简称“SEH的”我们进行并提交到了极端左翼政府可以Hozaki与“旧”相比,制度,无情抨击和Ru)是在选举之前的时间有限,只是 不知道是否有〜 … … “With the pigeon” of current reporting “world you correct and” have done that it is not unable to babble Vis a vis present extreme left administration when you compare with that obstinate busing to “old” system Simply lt breathing gt of period limitation before the electing the kana which is
530鸽子“的东西,它使我作为一个人杀死的结果,没有一个感觉 530 The pigeon “it becomes that result I kill the person but that in such sense
这似乎正好相反国会宝水费目前正在支持另一个犯规知名驱动tTA Now you knew with other [sure], but
Also the not seeing [po] seems the National Diet method amendment plan opposite way
As for just this support
这现在的日本,和我们的民主穿它,公关是“社会主义的日本”(日本社会主义)甚至可能是一个缩写Jappusokku When present Japan the Democratic party it fits this it points zu me the “Japan socialism” Japan Socialism It probably becomes with also jiyatsupusotsuku as an abbreviation
这项法案后,你让世彻419选举是对可废话,因为我觉得我可能只工作进度,以朱达罗在宪法获得通过的任何决定小泽 419 After only this bill it passes the ro which reaches the point where it can pass any constitution with Ozawa s judgment and is You think that it sets up perhaps Even election how it can make completely meaningless ones therefore don t you think
美国,我希望我会先等待即将举行的选举,选举,为什么你从来没有通过这项法案,这项法案的内容,美!你知道吗? But America should have waited to election is… In the first place when this bill it is formed probably is there election Never content of this bill America knowing ru
长崎,但不是报纸-甚至在执政党和议会担心剩下的罪恶根源,通过推动苏修订- However there is no Nagasaki newspaper
In - National Diet method amendment force precaution When the cause of evil it leaves, even inside the ruling party -
(仅局长内阁立法局)的很少列入禁止服务 gt This “amendment plan” is but the abolition bureaucratic reply of witness summons at the National Diet gt Only Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau prohibition is included really
这种“修正”,但实际上,国防官员(作为证人为大会取消全国唯一局长内阁立法局)的很少列入禁止服务 This “amendment plan” is but the abolition bureaucratic reply of witness summons at the National Diet Only Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau prohibition is included really