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Front Prime Minister and the Watabe Tsune ternary House of Representatives vice-chair Aso, it converses inside the 27th night Tokyo


  • 11月21日与美国总统尤亚努科维奇协议,同意俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫
    Agreement this month 21st, those where [yanukobitsuchi] president and [medobejiehu] dew president agree

    • 258无花果Yaneendayo脸,恨无产品走出原住民制度,覆盖教育,我也发现家庭渗
      258 Don't you think? the face [ji] [ya] you smiled, being overturned with birth, and educational background shortage of the item of the native type which blots and comes coming out is hateful

      • 258阴谋论?于等你吗?你没有说,我希望更多的s具有法律约束力的麻生太郎与控方只向董事会
        258 Conspiracy theory? [do] [yu]? When we wants to say, as for Aso adds legal force of constraint to inquest of prosecution meeting, passing

        • 367↓例如:十周年Shisan名无@:2010 / 04 / 28(星期三)04:31:17编号:pdK1iZko0中国南部,西南部,东南部的海南岛,西沙群岛和岩石组成的一共有34个(帕拉塞尔)群岛
          For example ↓ 367 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/04/28 (Wednesday) 04: 31: 17 ID: pdK1iZko0 The Chinese most south edge, on south southeast of the Kainan island, the para cell which consists of Kojima and the rocks etc of total 34 (West sand) archipelago

          • 435华尔街日报路透社和我承认这方面的评价内存在一个相对高,这是你的利益之前或者源 435 With Reuters and WSJ it receives relatively high appraisal there is memory but as for your that whether being the source of somewhere please

            • 793中国自成立以来一直保持了一贯的政策,扩大周边国家的军事查看详细的边界
              793 China ever since building country, being consistent, has taken the policy which expands the border of the neighboring country militarily

              • 831 “这将是一个白痴,说一个愚蠢到极点的”wwwwwwwwwwwww 831 gt “Barker” When gt “you call the fool don t you think by his is foolish” wwwwwwwwwwwww
                • 831巴卡竹Naijan时间假装爱上了电影数学和政治 831 As for the foolish fungus in mathematics and the movie your political tsu there is no spare time when it rubs it is with absorption

              • Gosay jp 户仓贵子三宅雪子安倍指出它是指ーーー如果它是指福田森野田国芳田中美惠子是指ー古贺呻 ttokura2。Exblog jp gosay jp Koga It points Noda national justice Forest It points Mieko Tanaka Fukuda It points Miyake snow child Abe It points Takako Tokura http ttokura2 exblog jp
                • 2007年11月7日302无花果内弗明傻瓜不要紧?茹林坚持的事情我说的是胡扯? NULL

              • Tsuka,雷曼当时休克,严重的责任使日本鸠山旗当场死亡瓦特 That time of handle and Riemann shock As for leaving to Hatoyama with maji the Japanese instantaneous death flag w
                • 什么出来的自然和蟑螂或民鸠山相同的条件? Is the same word also the cockroach of Hatoyama or minsu made with empty natural

              • _NULL_
                1 Aso whole group of injury being lazy Aso group dispatch company, wages 30,000,000 Yen unpaid… even in March of 06 indication reforming. Doubt of laziness [07/09/14] Talent dispatch company “[asou] [hiyumanisenta]” of Aso group and wages 30,000,000 Yen outstanding * 2 The relative company it is sued with “[asou] [hiyumanisenta]” of Prime Minister Aso and duplication dispatch In cement high density chrome Aso [rahuajiyusemento]… Fukuoka Kyushu Shinkansen elevated defect. The material… Aso group company sells * 2 The Aso defective panel material, it exfoliates at 135 places Railroad mechanism inspects “Aso” (the old “Aso cement”), Kyushu RKB stock “it buys up”? (J-CAST news) [08/11/26] (Being defeated) The father of Prime Minister Aso, you force work the Korean with the coal mine [02/07

                • _NULL_
                  791 781 Although that and the Futenma solution becomes complicated, conclusion of Ozawa's inquest of prosecution meeting comes out, as adjusted timing, The movement of the Chinese warships with the Japanese adjacent waters has become active, the ↓ which seems - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 356 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/04/28 (water) 04: 21: 46 ID: /AK4iupr0 The destroyer of the Chinese navy adjusts the aim of the rapid fire to the Maritime Self Defense Force P3C patrol plane, menace behavior - Dong Hai * 3 Okinawa open sea The Chinese helicopter and fly-by The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “the [a] to go”, to 50 meters Defensive ministry Hatoyama administration, in China consideration? The warships of the Chinese navy being active continuing with the Japanese open sea no Torishima adjacent waters, several days it does not announce and… Liberal Democratic Party overtakes Plain secretariat director, publicly marine passing and problem between the Okinawa Miyako islands of the Chinese fleet apparent stating the thought without of doing * 2 The Chinese troop helicopter and fly-by The Maritime Self Defense Force escort ship “the [a] to go”, to 90 meters Defensive ministry South of main island of Okinawa * 2 “As for Japan nervousness

                  • ★麻生太郎4月27日,前众议院议长渡部恒三副首相麻生太郎的自民党和民主党会议渡边先生,在东京会见日本料理店等问题交换了意见,为搬迁的美国陆战队普天间航空基地 Aso Watabe converses Front Prime Minister Taro the Liberal Democratic Party Aso and Watabe Tsune ternary House of Representatives vice chair of the Democratic party 27th night the Japanese charge inside capital It conversed at the reason store it gave an advise it exchanged concerning the US military Futenma airport transfer of facilities problem and the like
                    • 我设法与自由明显的会谈,蒙朱达罗莫纳伊。 。 。 。烤乳鸽是当前和顶礼膜拜。理化人民报返回普天间军事拘留朱达罗 After so long a time in the ro which is not mon where it converses with our people and passes and how becomes is and The pigeon kneeling on the ground burning existence The ro which is the return or the US military Futenma overtime

                  • 中国将不仅是什么吸引了天安门大屠杀仍然从后面长了眼睛,没有道歉的越南入侵,就送我去猪生活在虚拟现实肥厚南京大屠杀,如在人民群众中的民族主义中,简单地制作宣传我有
                    China which becomes foolish still turns away the eye from the Tien An Men holocaust, the Vietnamese invasion either apology does not do, With the fabrication propaganda, Nanjing holocaust and the like indeed in everyone virtual reality Because life of the cover is led in the nationalism which swells the shank

                    • 中国有586,但我还没有获得诺贝尔奖没有一个人口或几乎所有韩国西西和平奖不能欺骗顾建没有赶上日本的技术标准,讲市场战争中位数负,在西部黑古船舶的损失,我只是重复了 586 China does not come off although that much population is even Nobel Prize one yet w As for Korea about inchiki peaceful prize w Because it was defeated in the war it cannot build the Japanese sphere market technology without standardizing After all it is defeated in the European American black boat over again just the ru
                      • 636和平奖在瑞典,因为他们没有在船上,因为没有这个古挪威 636 As for peaceful prize it is not Sweden and therefore te Norwegian commission it does not become applying

                    • 了超过20年,小泉领导的派别和水平的伟大复兴没有Futebuteshikunai或薪资
                      Unless struggle of 20 years or more of Koizumi level & it is impudent, as for the leader of faction there is no working hard/employment [ma] and others

                      • 争取市政府更多的实践“,”日本,中国的舰队干预“...冲绳附近的船舶通过海军,中国海军的积极描述中国的妇女运动的文件
                        Is accustomed more” “Japan the Chinese fleet with Okinawa adjacent waters passing of the disturbance”… naval fleets, the Chinese paper The movement of the Chinese navy is active

                        • 他们面对一个坏钟反韩无花果212吴年常说我是做什么?矢根图,然后再傻瓜?关于韩俗嗯科凯来吧一旦完全忽略了我在巨大的痛苦被愚弄福田瓦特平沼我恨休息。保守党票,郑通勤或自私小偷,我只是想认真考虑死亡恩戴,无损检测捐助死亡今天,我也有知ñ我可以做然后返回自民党支持 212 Therefore hateful Korea what the ji ya it is what you call chiyon surface dislike normally Don t you think your foolish ji ya Hiranuma disliking the time although angular Fukuda ignores the finishing when you become the fool immediately 媚 the Korea w reforming To maintain with vote thief or chiyon or the tsu the u The wa which maji is wanted dying today dying when the Kure re so it does whether there are also times when it returns to our people support don t you think knowledge it is
                          • 132“死中川,苏维持生计运行”会 132 “Nakagawa who can die the maintenance which arranges is sent” Probably will be but
                          • 他们面对一个坏钟反韩无花果212吴年常说我是做什么?矢根图,然后再傻瓜?关于韩俗嗯科凯来吧一旦完全忽略了我很大的痛苦一直在我不喜欢瓦特福田打破傻瓜。保守党票,郑通勤或自私小偷,我只是想认真考虑死亡恩戴,无损检测捐助死亡今天,我也有知ñ我可以做然后返回自民党支持 212 Therefore hateful Korea what the ji ya it is what you call chiyon surface dislike normally Don t you think your foolish ji ya Hiranuma disliking the time although angular Fukuda ignores the finishing when you become the fool immediately 媚 the Korea w reforming To maintain with vote thief or chiyon or the tsu the u The wa which maji is wanted dying today dying when the Kure re so it does whether there are also times when it returns to our people support don t you think knowledge it is

                        • 他还担任过第二次世界大战,站在指挥员的经验后,在欧洲,被称为回美国,并将于不如越南战争到战争的领导者 Also the father serves in the military to the Pacific war experiencing the resident in European commander afterwards When the Vietnam War becomes inferiority you are recalled in the home country guide to termination of war
                          • 麦凯恩三,00,他的祖父曾在2008年在二战后的总统候选人,指挥莱特湾战役 John makein 3 world 00 and 08 year candidate for the presidency The grandfather serves in the military to the Pacific war directing the Leyte open sea sea fight

                        • 以前我没有放弃,因为毕竟,儿童联盟小泽小泽宏小泽和反联盟,并在选举剩余寿命时间后,网络的豌豆上什至觉得党残余社会主义思想,以怎样的可以做什么揭示猪排性质的最终是啊,是你的谷 Large alliance of Ozawa s counter Ozawa large alliance shelf After all the Ozawa chill drain how throwaway also the rear Japan Socialist Party remnant in age of net information It can survive with election with think it is the shelf to which everything at a stroke one may be attached Those where true character is displayed lastly are victory valley you

                          • 伊朗的石油出口到日本了“是”我的意思是,在中东和前景
                            Ahead largest exporting of the Iranian petroleum Japan “was”, when it does, refers to the reserves although Middle East one is

                            • 但在现实中,现在的主要代理商要破坏自由民主党
                              But actuality the operative in order to weaken the Liberal Democratic Party and the main thing reached the point where you think

                              • 但如此受欢迎透露中线反弹是不能断的梦想现在,(笑)所以是奥巴马的追随者Oppajimeta罗斯福煽我讨厌日本发动战争
                                Soon, becoming, dream tearing, being discovered, that it is disabled, but support ratio abnormal play to fall, (laughing) As for [obama] fanning toward Japan hatred, war the [tsu] [pa] [ji] [me] it is even Roosevelt's believer

                                • 但我说,和平或经济或权力或在日本或狭隘利益没有,来源是什么你就砍你的兴趣吗?我并不在削减的Gachiyaba祖奇中心,民主是作为一条线一样,我会我会动用让步 However right or administration or peace or economy you say in narrow Japan cutting right is the ru tsu te source still gachiyaba at the point in time when residence basic center is not cut democracy soaking in right going with the ru seems that also the ru is the same but
                                  • 不过,我说我喜欢和平或经济利益或在日本政权的密闭我,有在日本没有真正短缺的是没有任何的努力向世界不追氯化钾 However right or administration or peace or economy you say in narrow Japan cutting right is the ru tsu te source still gachiyaba at the point in time when residence basic center is not cut democracy soaking in right going with the ru seems that also the ru is the same but

                                • 但麻生太郎访问台湾本月初,或4,毛重手流哈市已初步一致名义在华盛顿 ,我不知道你什么时候偷偷跟随Arekore But as for Aso in the April beginning you visit in Taiwan The schedule which goes to Washington raising to GW the ru it does That this following stealthily whether it turns
                                  • Meta集团在印度,即使他阿苏塞板和目前的差异鸠山来了,带我到行阶段是一片森林,森林也是第一首相说,非洲驱动tTA Hatoyama presently prohibiting the ru however Aso India being able to unite when the forest did program the prime minister who most first was said to Africa the forest
                                  • 广受欢迎的电视如果他们需要,流行的政治权力对非成员国,而不是阿苏电视 If there is no political power in the Assemblyman partner But television popularity necessity there is no television popularity in Aso
                                  • 我看到麻生太郎在相当接近,我通常会和氛围 However you have looked at Aso rather at close range the face and atmosphere It is normal
                                  • 韩亚Asou凯塔有点过早成为首相,我想我已经是很可惜的鸠山,麻生太郎→→→福田,谷垣祯一 Aso after all becomes the prime minister just a little was quick… When you think that when Fukuda gt Tanigaki gt Hatoyama gt it is Aso it does not have to be regrettable
                                  • 麻生太郎是少震后损失441雷曼第一 441 Damage being least after the Riemann shock is Aso administration

                                • 冲绳的目标是不是真会来中国,您是否获得了最Taiwan m中国从军阀 It probably is certain for China in each case to aim for Okinawa but the Chinese militarists most as for having made coming Therefore Taiwan what

                                  • 准备应付,这真是烤直接氧化接二连三的丑闻除了小泉在管理,只是这样的民主党人跳出民主党人小泉孩子是严重的驱动tTA挖小泽的民主党,我永远不会生存
                                    Don't you think? many [se], it is another version of Koizumi administration it is, the Ozawa Democratic party [tsu] [te] Because the Koizumi chill drain dug the grave, the Democratic party just advanced rapidly Such scandal rapid fire on that, there is no reason which the Democratic party how it can continue

                                    • 削减我的东西我想和公明领取儿童福利和外国和选举权推广手
                                      The foreigner of foreign carrot administration and propulsion and child treatment you receive and that and the [tsu] is fair something, the hand is cut,

                                      • 即使民主党溃疡,下次你来模仿的也只有很少的名称更改为小埃泰解散的日本社会党。党像它甚至不是一个 Democracy collapsing in addition the old Japan Socialist Party way just name changing the se it is dense doing to imitate coming out the ro which you wrapped As for next distinctiveness Party margin
                                        • 狗民主党人资源的联合不仅是因为它只能从人类的负面的社会党,就被追来的经验,不必期待自民党 Therefore that and as for the Democratic party the being defeated dog combination which is chased from the Liberal Democratic Party and Japan Socialist Party In regard to the talent you expect just wastefulness

                                      • 同意并希望同美国的经济制裁wwww 140日元由于汽油和柴油是128日元 Cooperating with America it agrees to economic sanction and the tsu is wwww When it is gasoline 140 Yen and gas oil 128 Yen with favor
                                        • 我想如果我们能盖住使印度的合作与周围的路线进行不结盟 The nonalignment route it is advanced Keep cooperating with per India you become foolish and can overturn it is the kana which is not

                                      • 和[茹都描述了一个简单的韩国历史,时代的出现在古代的君主制国家的集中统一的是,它一直持续到现代IT时代
                                        When 'the Korean history is expressed simply, in ancient times, unified country of centralization of power of monarchy to appear, that in modern times Until it reaches, it means that it continued directly,

                                        • 回国后,之后的酷刑在肩膀以上的武器,他不愿也致力于恢复,放弃军事退休的路径
                                          After the returning home, devote to rehabilitation in the sequela of torture the both arms from the shoulder not rising on, To give up the road to be the soldier, retirement

                                          • 国民议会议员,以支付3亿日元在1050万日元的工资一大区域为公务员。公众对政治改革的战斗意志和坏演员看起来愚蠢税一分钱可以发挥党的政治重组热潮重新建立一个进步,销售收入税的物业税的取消只能通过审查排序嘲讽(笑)
                                            From government employee allowance year 10,500,000 Yen to 3,000,000 Yen Member of the Diet local assembly remuneration large. Categorization second look Consumer tax abolition Income tax re-promotion conversion Property tax establishment New party boom Political world reorganization Japanese radish performer Three sentence plays Nonsense political strife Reformation of appearance As for citizen Ridicule It is done (Laughing)

                                            • 国防部长名义上北泽,是不是太晚了,我终于在3月下旬曾访问与那国岛
                                              Defensive Minister of State Kitazawa once at last the Yonaguni island is the visit red sandal wood in late March It is slow in remainder, but…

                                              • 国际电讯联盟在日本的宽带(国际电联)“从世界的传播速度和较低的收费速度,”据估计
                                                From the broadband International Telecommunication Union (ITU) of Japan “fee it is cheap, with the greatest in the world it was appraised at speed of transmission speed”

                                                • 在501和512和521又少做 So other things 501 With 512 With 521 To still is less
                                                  • 在501和512和521做的还少 So 501 With 512 With 521 To still is less
                                                  • 在501和512和521做的还少 So 501 With 512 With 521 To still is less
                                                  • 在501和512和521做的还少 So 501 With 512 With 521 To still is less

                                                • 在没有丑闻的他妈的发现我不是民主党人猪排,宣誓证词是不会要求他们拒绝所有在完全没有自我净化,并最终推出CON组的宣言,党觉得年废物反对愚蠢Waitakatta味道一万元只有政府
                                                  There is no reason where it can win the Democratic party Even with the scandal detection stripe chestnut, entirely in witness summon request denial Instead of completely there is no self-purification, the [ri] which manifest fraud you do and sow After all, when [ahuo] of the rubbish like ten thousand year opposition party just wants to taste ruling party feeling Administration

                                                  • 大规模的废物,需要问什么思考,让匍匐前首相麻生太郎?

                                                    • 如果在19世纪上半叶,日本人口的西部大开发“的准备,”如果人口百分之十的是,如果韩国和新浪,为什么会在和水平为0 1% In mid 19th century when we assume that “western conversion preparation completion population” the 10 of population was in Japan in case of China and Korea in such reason It probably is the level such as the 0 1
                                                      • 韩国和新浪了财富和教育是非常集中的,为什么没有来成线 When it is China and Korea where wealth and education have been unevenly distributed extremely it did not go to such reason

                                                    • 宣布后的第45次大选中,前4天8月26日发布[的问题将在10月投票,“民主政府的哨子吹上了!”有权批准,选择当地永久居民的外国普选引进的双姓,我们不设法解决日益明显的妇女问题的舒适度应该伪装成公寓,以便在明确表明,“自称(”本和成员虽然反党行为的政策“所述导致驱逐出境。)
                                                      With August 26th sale 'WiLL' October edition after the 45th House of Representatives general election making public and before the poll 4 day, “democracy administration Inside you prosecute! ” With to entitle, the introduction of local denizenship grant to the permanent residence foreigner and surname of the classified by selective married couple and victory girl Because those where the match and the like to problem is not placed in the manifest become same as apartment disguise in the manifest We should clearly write,”, that insisted (this as “being 党員 although, the speech and behavior which opposes to party policy” later description It is connected to dropping)

                                                      • 寿司,神奈川县市议会选举(人民党的,民主党赢得投票总数的2 5倍)的市长多摩友卫三的激烈战斗中,以压倒性多数选票,拉推荐权力是党的全部单 Kanagawa prefecture Zushi city assembly election party of everyone acquisition 2 5 times that of the number of Democratic party entire polls The Tama mayor selection was the heroical three way battle but the collection vote power where the party of everyone of independence nomination is preponderant
                                                        • 一旦最后的交流应该是政治上弱到完全做到这一点,正确的行动已使党谁梅塔服务于自民党总裁 One time seems that the person who serves Liberal Democratic Party president weakens the party to act the chi ya But the expectation which is ended politically completely

                                                      • 库塔Keiseikai正处在古没有小泉的功利主义理想追705清和宏会议相反从原教旨主义池会麻生太郎也很好,是一个邪教派别 705 The tsu there is no ideal and chases te utility and sows is in Keiseikai Because that opposition Seiwa meeting the principle principle person was Hiroshi pond meeting Koizumi and Aso were heresy of 或 ru meaning and faction
                                                        • 在争端的立场非常宏池会从一开始就很大,至少清和的联盟和梁委员会宏池会玲 From first when it was attitude of the extent which is disputed in Hiroshi pond meeting at least it could exceed with combination of Seiwa meeting Hiroshi pond meeting

                                                      • 当合并两册在1910年为例,韩国民众都没有在所有参与
                                                        For example The case of two volume mergers 1910, the general citizen of Korea has not participated completely

                                                        • 我不承认议会麻生更超过一半,你会说我是在谴责的同时Fugafuga102瓦特
                                                          102 While [hugahuga] to do even at the National Diet, Aso it has impeached, What of half or more saying, whether the [ru] however the [wa] can it was not, w

                                                          • 我们的新的非安倍晋三博之20 904 [人物] [公司] [和]没有新恩都Tihiro 19 429 -伴奏] u003d新的12号657小弥太进[自] [公共]
                                                            This 20904 Abe Hiroyuki = non new < 1 > [people] [corporation] [also] 19429 Endo Chihiro = nothing new [seeing] 12657 Koyada Shin = nothing new [our] [public

                                                            • 我可以选择接受或者斯坦福大学博士,在全球湿重,只是愚蠢的鸠山,日本领导人在这里只是他们不这样第一次世界大战日本领导人,他们的利益更好地刺激思维麻生太郎,日本的国家它只是似乎只是错误的湿重,我不是一个人区别湿重的首要位置在单 Whether aho the doctorate how comes off at Stanford ww As for Hatoyama with just global in the leader of the Japanese just is not faced the ro ww In the leader of the Japanese the Aso person who thinks of the national interest of the Japanese facing ww where is just the ru tsu te Simply because the foreign person has done the prime minister it just is visible strangely ww
                                                              • ü新罪人们说我什至不能做心灵控制一个愚蠢的事我成为首相,我可以甚至无法控制自己的嘴巴404 404 Even control of your own mouth it to be possible although saying You say that how aho where becomes the prime minister thing was done The crime where even control of the head it is possible and although saying doing the human it builds and says

                                                            • 我得到了欧盟和螨尚未Gyasuka冰岛和希腊在很短的对比
                                                              Iceland and Greece of EU inside still [giyasuka] the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru] With good it contrasts

                                                              • 我挺奇怪了大规模的废物实体隐藏的成就感到沮丧麻生太郎
                                                                Hiding Taro's Aso achievement, the substance of the mysterious mass rubbish which you are hard on and pull out

                                                                • 我是,我是在麻生太郎一贯主张通过选举,但我是铁和赞成的阿苏按摩,罢工不断一堆家伙像卡尔一焊铁北 地 We hurt being consistent via the front and back of election supporting Aso but kote rubbing supporting Aso it hurt but kote rubbing the strike car like party was attached about the mountain
                                                                  • 你坦率地说,这是唯一的驱动tTA阿苏王子进入和溃疡 我去尝试片段联盟和昆虫与谢野小泽 As for bu tsu chi ya ke this It has been about that Yosano s cipher will coalesce Ozawa is with Crown Prince Aso entered into crushing it is the ro which is

                                                                • 我的意思是,现在,今天 明天的阶段,在美国,中国的战略也必须讨论在中国的土地金可以在日本岛某处 If with you say or now today at stage of tomorrow in Japan and America do not confer the anti Chinese strategy Even during Golden Week holidays it lands to the remote island of the Japanese everywhere perhaps China

                                                                  • 房子哈德尔与副会长及前下在某酒楼,渡边先生Tsunezou是前首相麻生太郎在历史的议案
                                                                    That time history moved Excellency front Prime Minister Aso secretly conversed with the Watanabe Tsune ternary House of Representatives vice-chair at a certain store…

                                                                    • 扎西说什么我在公共会计的一个演讲中发言,恩戴我离开中川先生的名字,并想知道如果我还没有看到志位民主党人觉得遗憾,现在真的很难找到 For the sake of you say die even in greeting of public meeting In greeting it puts out also Nakagawa s name It is with looking at the current Democratic party the cod There is the thinking which is vexatious enormously as for tsu te it is probably being The ku it is understood

                                                                      • 拉回来,我来张与场景不是自由民主党议员像宏池会门125黄那么民主,是什么? 125 Therefore the yellow gate way and becoming simultaneous pulling pond meeting Assemblyman Hiroshi of democracy in our people with there is no scenario which you say
                                                                        • 黄门这个电视机一样在我离开之前没有要求我们东洋Asou我也打败了的乐趣,因为这些演出 The yellow gate way because TV before this it was funny Producing we to the program of beat with it is the request red sandal wood in Aso

                                                                      • 日本结束了在第一个651,不挖掘事实,麻生太郎霸权警惕 651 After all is Japan in the first place being cautious hegemonism conversion to hit Aso
                                                                        • 日本是第一,霸权不会的情况下,我并不需要 As for Japan in the first place there is no condition for becoming leadership nation and It is not necessary to become is

                                                                      • 是的,我徘徊在日本提出的指控一直是周1中国船舶在日本的一些水域 1 The Chinese vessels about several weeks the Japanese adjacent waters when you have been confused More and more it is good to Japan but you attached temporary

                                                                        • 更为敏感的布拉下半部是一个争吵专访记者从并不好麻生太郎瓦特拓谷是最好的假外长 Because about the half of dangling interview details was argument of the reporter w The foreign minister lets do Aso it is best to solve
                                                                          • 我做的是最好的,他们仍然有一个更好的单纯的自民党和民主党目前对序列体面层 If the Democratic party it can unite with still honest layer the current Liberal Democratic Party and series it is best but it is

                                                                        • 最后,“鸠山也没有”10分钟“联合国经济制度。不得不遵循的议案”被带到一个与奥巴马承诺 … With before this “at all Hatoyama was not possible ” in 10 minutes “The United Nations economic system It follows to motion you do not obtain” that commitment was taken in obama
                                                                          • “坏的地步,这个问题is ll要筛晋级的目的是要成为首相,而不是一种手段 ” With it is terrible to the place where you say the fact that becomes the prime minister was not expedient and was purpose With not obtaining the stopping deciding ze za ru is problem

                                                                        • 最多票数的百分比从537到日本的百分之三十是Kichika m应该是由人,我想他们又回到原点消费埃塔
                                                                          537 Doing from obtaining poll ratio, being maximum, but as for three tenths of Japanese expectation what of such [kichika] ゙ [i], as for the party somewhere It went out, it is probably will be

                                                                          • 来了解Tteta美国从国家说Jamai先生是否认为自由贸易区委员会蟹在哥伦比亚线的朋友吗?鸠山的路视频,并没有这样做涂料 The American state is grasped the te you say the empty The Colombian friend it goes to meeting it is will not By the way Hatoyama ahou animated picture it was not popular
                                                                            • 鸠山的兄弟也,小泽还握手,第一次来到中国并没有有效 The friendship or Ozawa s handshake of Prime Minister Hatoyama there was no efficacy in China and

                                                                          • 根据这一制度,沉迷于奢侈圈的,而他们的少数,大多数是轻微的,吃的食物,有时流浪和挨饿
                                                                            Under this system, although the small-numbered person is addicted to luxurious concentration, the many people eat and you do not eat, often are starved to death You vagabondize

                                                                            • 民主党曾经是会员,驱逐和2009年12月5日,日本加入到党在2010年4月发现的新党后,独立 At one time belonging to the Democratic party It was to the Japanese creation new party where but on 2009 December 5th demilitarization dealing it becomes non post passes in 2010 April the joining party is done It has flowed together
                                                                              • 北━━━━━━开发计划署(゚゚∀)━━━━━━!! New party kita ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

                                                                            • 没有办法去分别作为驱动tTA助理国务卿坎贝尔,正是因为它“在日本的(它不解除外长冈田善),这表明了积极回应新的建议,”咦!再次,不忽视它的外交大臣冈田Oshimai
                                                                              Therefore that very Campbell Under Secretary of State assistant It seems that crosses each other The excessiveness “the suggestion which (you say that Foreign Minister Okada does not say,) to the new proposition of Japan good impression touching is called” Probably will be? When Foreign Minister Okada ignores this, already there is no [oshimai], is?

                                                                              • 理想情况下,安倍是小泉还是麻生太郎→→中川晃(在不远处
                                                                                … (The distant eye where ideally Koizumi -> Aso -> it was Abe or Nakagawa Akira

                                                                                • 由于西方在亚洲,与台湾的琉球作为,但土地却成了一个问题或领土等的谈判,在明治维新后,清声称台湾是中国的领土,但不左右,但最终日军占领一半的台湾和台湾同属确认仲裁的琉球王国加入,日军来拉 Since the European American Asian advancing Taiwan Ryukyu similarly Whether it is the territory of somewhere that it is the land which has become problem but In negotiation immediately after the Meiji restoration it is clear when Taiwan is Chinese territory Clearly because you did not insist As for Japan in order to occupy the half of the Ryukyu post verification and Taiwan The Taiwan coming out soldier it does but After all England Japan pulls the soldier entering arbitration
                                                                                  • 西方,亚洲与台湾的琉球作为,但土地问题是一个地区是否在那里,明治以后的谈判,恢复中,并声称此后,清代台湾是其领土,但不左右,但最终日军占领一半的台湾和台湾同属确认仲裁的琉球王国加入,日军来拉 Since the European American Asian advancing Taiwan Ryukyu similarly Whether it is the territory of somewhere that it is the land which has become problem but In negotiation immediately after the Meiji restoration it is clear when Taiwan is Chinese territory Clearly because you did not insist As for Japan in order to occupy the half of the Ryukyu post verification and Taiwan The Taiwan coming out soldier it does but After all England Japan pulls the soldier entering arbitration

                                                                                • 由于饮酒一边看前总理,“你觉得呢?党”从民主,如果前总理大臣麻生太郎萘乙酸你交谈,但我不会说我的利益正在丧失或不喜欢疯狂的奶牛 Therefore former prime minister while the liquor drinking “how you think ” The ro which is the tsu te chat red sandal wood When it does from the Aso of former prime minister there is only tsu te ru tsu te saying which national interest impairs the Democratic party administration and sows however probably will be
                                                                                  • 在麻生没有一个提前举行大选,她似乎对我的皇冠非常的,我不知道是什么呢?我记得在学习班邦从亲戚滚装炸弹袭击后,你? What Aso does not do dispersion general election greatly the crown They were circumstances but that probably is what Even from flesh fell the van van bullet it is shot from rear don t you think
                                                                                  • 无损检测公司Louppy Aso m在做什么?麻生太郎信徒无论如何不能忍受的噪音从过去的白痴在我退休的人去了很 rupi Aso has designed what it is How therefore the se already past human what you retire and dissolve The foolish Aso believer being noisy the kana cup

                                                                                • 神奇artifacts ll可能正是总理站在广场吃饭反正你最好外相
                                                                                  How [se] Ministry of Foreign Affairs office work one It probably is the sufficient matter where the prime minister rides in those which plan are done

                                                                                  • 竹岛是韩国是否可能已经能够与我们的档案,如果中国队是获得领土,我将是另一个谈判 Whether or not as for the bamboo island Korean ones if it hits perhaps story is possible the diploma but If the notion that where China acquires the territory by military force in addition it becomes another negotiation it is probably will be

                                                                                    • 经过恩戴和395政客“想成为总理,”如果我的行为我觉得在处理肮脏的东西? Hayo索诺结构本身万 395 The politician “would like to become the prime minister” that the fact that you think dirty thing is handled with rear something it is As for the itself structure cup
                                                                                      • 我想成为总理的成员,有民主!另一种是坏的前政治家,太糟糕了康 In the prime minister the tsu desired Assemblyman does not stay in democracy The front how umbrella is hate also the can is useless
                                                                                      • 至少在关于外交政策,我认为这是一个很好的首要物凄苦的真相, Truly at least in regard to diplomacy it was excellent prime minister tremendously you think that it is

                                                                                    • 编号:+ + Fo72Xh0,结论是要日本的傻瓜,为此,我捏它,我会看看它是无
                                                                                      ID: + + Fo72Xh0, making Japan foolish tempering, with conclusion, reason for that from the [ru], whatever showing, however you think that it is wasteful,

                                                                                      • 编号:yMK0Rwd60要么捕鱼或关闭基地的真实瓦特化学
                                                                                        ID: As for yMK0Rwd60 either one whether true characteristic off base to fish of, w

                                                                                        • 自民党国会解散塔拉完全扭转,但也许联盟标志出来时,我叫梅罗或亲属ktkrwwww演讲会由首相麻生太郎是最好的助威Yotsunohaー太郎首相作为党领导的民主已移至驱动tTA认为真正的民主 So group of people going participating the 捩 dispersion cod perhaps completely in the democracy our people large alliance flag ktkrwwww As for we Aso as Democratic party party chief If becomes Prime Minister You support by all power When the prime minister stop call appearing even from flesh fell As expected you thought that move to the democracy
                                                                                          • 国旗出来时,我打电话给大联盟ktkrwwww或亲属梅罗从总理讲话将是最好的打气Yotsunohaー首相麻生太郎作为党领袖,民主党提出的民主党认为这是真正的驱动tTA Large alliance flag ktkrwwww As for we Aso as Democratic party party chief If becomes Prime Minister You support by all power When the prime minister stop call appearing even from flesh fell As expected you thought that move to the democracy
                                                                                          • 顺便说一句,如果联盟成立福田康夫和小泽我也认为我们甚至可以修改宪法,取消税收减免我能官僚政治 By the way if we the large alliance of Fukuda and Ozawa has been formed With government of bureaucracy breaking down and it caused and consumer tax were lifted you think that and also constitution amendment was possible

                                                                                        • 裁判官渡边7在竹下派,成为枢纽Tarashii口是最轻易,也许,我觉得这家伙知道什么兰花 NULL
                                                                                          • 99 7个新的民主县长的儿子汤米题跋松树舆石冈崎小泽鸠山平原 NULL

                                                                                        • 要接受所有的武士阶级教育加强公众教育,不低的水平相比,与欧洲国家认为没有分期付款 That it was not the level to which warrior class receives all education education level of the general citizen is low in comparison with European countries It is thought

                                                                                          • 要漂白的危机在整个日本皇室以及它关系到我们的特殊小泽中华帝国政府根据纳粹法庭最终将不友好的历史是清楚的 In each case if the Imperial Family relates to the Nazis Chinese government which is judged in history and probably will be especially under Ozawa s not only the Imperial Family It is clear for the whole Japan sooner or later to be bleached in crisis
                                                                                            • 你想尝试牵连的中国日本帝国和纳粹罪行为什么小泽 Why in Ozawa s and the Nazis China crime the Japanese and the Imperial Family It tries to make support

                                                                                          • 谷垣祯一浮是我所有的笑是他们遵循Herahera只削减麻生太郎。离开和沮丧,而伐丽流说,电视工作人员的其他候选人,根据既定的答案,董事会和翻转心甘情愿,只有一个“我不应该跟我的人对你的嘴苏 Tanigaki something had floated the spatula spatula following laughing but as for just Aso stopping deciding While it will be dejected As the other candidate says to the television staff 唯 々 諾 while stating the answer in 々 and the flip board Just one person “I speak that it should speak to the citizen with my own mouth
                                                                                            • 谷垣祯一浮是我所有的笑是他们遵循Herahera只削减麻生太郎。离开和沮丧,而伐丽流说,电视工作人员的其他候选人,根据既定的答案,董事会和翻转心甘情愿,只有一个“我不应该跟我的人对你的嘴苏 Tanigaki something had floated the spatula spatula following laughing but as for just Aso stopping deciding While it will be dejected As the other candidate says to the television staff 唯 々 諾 while stating the answer in 々 and the flip board Just one person “I speak that it should speak to the citizen with my own mouth

                                                                                          • 贞广隆莫斯科-乌克兰最高苏维埃(议会)周二批准了该协议确认为黑海舰队多数执政党的存在附表一中,俄罗斯市场,直到2042年批准
                                                                                            The Ukrainian highest meeting (the National Diet) on the 27th, in the Russian Black Sea fleet To 2042 ratification of the agreement which recognizes domestic being stationed, was approved at approval large number of the ruling party

                                                                                            • 达罗杀滴滴的中国Keiseikai利益,是为了做一些事情,如果访问
                                                                                              If we assume that something there was intention in Yasukuni worshipping, the Chinese right the [ro] which is the Keiseikai crushing of the [zu] [bu] [zu] [bu

                                                                                              • 这个计划,中国现在(家庭开采登记市农村家庭),北(党的官员,持平。开发民族居民除外),以接受和中继萧条
                                                                                                As for this diagram, current China (city family register person farm village family register person exploitation) and North Korea (party staff, Flat. The resident exploitation) has succeeded the other citizen

                                                                                                • 这也是213,但现在是不是没有关系?负面竞选活动的所有复杂的吸吮它比总理与部长今天的俄狄浦斯坦率地说,我只是我的心的内容,因为它是一个不ー甘蔗或something m我紧张的脸庞,还是没有错的话麻生太郎,目前媒体是跳舞 我想他们是乐烧低田IBD的:那然后做一套? 213 Don t you think that is to call being now even how By comparison with Prime Minister current of mazakon everyone To some extent negative campaign the stomach all the way is what The bu tsu chi ya ke the mistake or the face of Aso word being warped the ru Such to do the yo it is not because you criticized when the current te it is the ro which is ku what May make another end 踊 and others to make the mass communications don t you think it is
                                                                                                  • 达夫说,麻生太郎辞职后,布拉下敏感的谈话并不是解决源于成人的恋爱,只是觉得 After the Aso tackle speaking The dangling of the pigeon the speech which we would like to stop Only another marriage proposal you can think this

                                                                                                • 这家伙,我吐了11元或填泥石麻生太郎追民团07 演示 Also the rubbish which Aso pursuit is stuffed tsu te koitsu and the like The counter 吐 comes out 11 7 People group demonstration
                                                                                                  • 麻生太郎是唯一有价值或排除自由党立即再直接不过麻生太郎70 Aso 70 where it probably will rub it puts out immediately our people coming out the new party Valuable Aso

                                                                                                • 违反政治资金管理法对基金管理机构小泽一郎的秘书对一般的民主党一人交谈 1 The Ozawa Ichiro Democratic party As for the political financial readjustment method violation incident which is related to the financial management group of the Secretary General you say that it did not become topic

                                                                                                  • 遗漏,选举公告前45一般情况下,党宣言民主是建立独立的民主INDEX2009“的政策目标”所提出的标记,并表示INDEX2009外国人拥有投票权,她娘家的姓,院校建立澄清罪行的日本国会的战争,将吸引清单还列出了正确的人在这个问题和国家的基础上,以补偿慰安妇埃塔的投诉应该是[6]
                                                                                                    Omission, Before the 45th House of Representatives general election making public, in INDEX2009 which is drawn up separately with the manifest of the Democratic party When “the arrival point of policy” of the Democratic party is, because it is clearly written, the foreigner who has been stated in INDEX2009 Denizenship, surname classified by married couple, installation of the system which closely examines the Japanese war crime in the National Diet library and compensation etc to the victory girl Placing the problem which relates to the foundation of nation in also the manifest securely, that, it appealed trust should be questioned to the citizen, [6

                                                                                                    • 配菜以Wahahahahahahahahahahaha鸠山小泽(^∀^)Gerara及格拉(^∀^)
                                                                                                      Hatoyama Ozawa in snack of liquor [wahahahahahahahahahahaha] ( ^ ∀ ^) galley Ra & galley (^ ∀ ^ )

                                                                                                      • 阿苏山,我想好了黄门的关系?黄门第二天像选举之前,甚至在那里我会见了肯定,“麻生太郎郁花邪恶
                                                                                                        Aso and the yellow gate way relations it is to call? Also before of the certain converses, The following day of the House of Representatives selection the yellow gate way “Aso is not bad

                                                                                                        • 饲料和良好的感觉是,这些人谁,谁被证明是相当的风赶走 They show good impression in someone as for the person who rather is shown It probably becomes tail wind

                                                                                                          • 首相应该有一个好人的人假装特别助理总理。还是...他们这样做的耀西河内影子总理没有常吕勉
                                                                                                            Someone prime minister as for to the human whose diagnosing is good, prime minister special assistance. Or if the prime minister of the shadow is done with non place duty minister of state, it is good, is

                                                                                                            • 鸠山Tteta下拍摄,并做坤坤色彩色调的地点发射了5月1日或某事 That Hatoyama has been taken next What at mayday meeting place The tsu the tsu you do the neck
                                                                                                              • 在鸠山,像总裁保育团体,公正的权利,这样的国际环境委员会的代表 Nature conservation group chairman international Committee on Environment representation it melts in Hatoyama and says the fact that Just it is suitable

                                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫,我将包括496桶世袭最好的?鸠山一郎的祖父也应邀驱赶的问题引起了美军的死亡滨口Yarushi干犯最高指挥
                                                                                                              496 Don't you think? the hereditary most barrel ones Hatoyama Yukio? Ichiro Hatoyama of the pop dies with command right dried offense problem and thrusts Hamaguchi and It caused also gaining force of the military

                                                                                                              • 麻生太郎抨击我在什么媒体是我?或者,也许有些人不s的传输性能评估海外或为什么? Bakkari如何在怀疑坏印象发言的真正提振带来民主的国家利益纳鲁损失,他们摆脱了哭泣 Aso of the mass communications it is it is finishing being with something Why appraisal in the foreign country not conveying result what Word tsu temporary impression badly you show doing raising the democracy which impairs national interest With doubt it is lamentable truly
                                                                                                                • 你知道你在竞争由于国际捕鲸委员会?哦,我鸠山国家利益,以确保森林是一个经验,我应该说,以驱动tTA陆克文没有捕鲸的兴趣,他们 The ro which with the favor has competed even with IWC and is As for national interest the result producing also the forest securely the ru Unless there is an interest in whaling you called a a Hatoyama to ratsudo it was

                                                                                                              • 麻生太郎是不是竞争对手的财政紧缩在总统选举一行从左边是显而易见的
                                                                                                                Because Aso appeared in the time of president selection with the opposite horse It is clear not to be the shrinkage public finance route,

                                                                                                                • 麻生政府打Tanakattara措施,但更严重的凯塔翻译,所以很难边缘媒体,尤其是在主流应用试图Negakyan翻译,所以我不 When Aso administration does not strike measure but a more terrible meaning As for around there side very as for the especially major mass communications The negative can the u tsu it is with meaning so it does not go don t you think probably will be
                                                                                                                  • 他打Tanakattara措施,但更严重的凯塔翻译,所以很难边缘媒体,尤其是在主流应用试图Negakyan翻译,所以我不 When he does not strike measure but a more terrible meaning As for around there side very as for the especially major mass communications The negative can the u tsu it is with meaning so it does not go don t you think probably will be
                                                                                                                  • 相反,政府Negakyan和麻生太郎时,凯塔都相当好,我有一种感觉 Aso administration the negative can contrarily very As for being good you think that everyone it is realized

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