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Wholly unemployed ratio of March, in 5.0% deterioration…As for ratio of effective labor demand to effective supply 0.49 time ★3


  • 112日本工人失去来自世界各地的竞争时,我们让他们为外国工人不抱怨,会说陷阱外劳洞我像疯了似的在日本工人提出的条件是埋葬吝啬你我的,我会在一首先,国内需求“的扩大,”超越听我这么好需求,促进黑不说,快,但这项工作并不好钨市场及日本公司不是国内远小于主要的“扩张”,黑人工人的例子说,对于和瓦特指的朱达罗的,因为我说我会交出所有职位 112 Burying the hole with the guest worker don t you think from the ru Namely the tsu te ru Japanese worker whom stinginess you attach sow under conditions and When it competes the guest worker who complaint is not said from in the world among those as for the Japanese worker the trap which is defeated As for the first “domestic demand enlargement” tsu te being audible however it is good Therefore quick story black propulsion conversion w If you mention “domestic demand enlargement” at the Japanese enterprise and the employment market whose small to medium sized is more than the major company the ro w which points to the black conversion of the worker and is In everyone cross over job the tsu te saying when the ru therefore simultaneous
    • 同时,世界各地的植物从汝来建造这将是很好的,低工资的工人更好,如果他们在此之前只有日本创新瓦特wait瓦特 The ma the Japanese worker being excellent if it is low wages it comes to the factory building from in the world among those w If the 待 tsu it solves to that it is good w

  • 471和睡眠,只要企业对接的信离婚日本Kitsukenai人民联系在一起,即使两位数的失业率的措施不可能
    471 If is to be and, the citizen at the Japanese enterprise of [himo] three line half is not accustomed to piercing, Unemployment rate reaching two-digit, measure is unreasonable

    • 640 m论资排辈和终身就业和社会
      640 > The rice cake which is drawn in the picture Completely, but like the what, the rice cake which is drawn in the picture is seniority lifetime employment social security what

      • 672 11 1台,“总经理”,“经理”级别“首席”,“标题”其他“非”的立场,并试图把重点放在入住率全体员工1 3,按企业规模,按年这是显示 672 In 11 1 charts when it tries paying attention to the ratio which is occupied in all employee of “department manager class” “section chief class” “chief class” “other position” “non position” Enterprise classified by scale it is something which is shown classified by year
        • 中,“总经理”,“经理”,并试图把重点放在比例,如何Towazu企业,已被证明是增加的趋势 lt Man and woman study When the meter age meter gt to it tries paying attention “department manager class” “section chief class” ratio in the chart Enterprise scale regardless of how being increase tendency is shown

      • 730 现在我懂了已经Irujan 730 gt It is roughly to be profit saying the country hot spring area or the ski site gt Already already so the tsu chi ya tsu te it is it is
        • 728我们在最后,没办法,例如滑雪胜地或日本的温泉井,现在我懂了已经Irujan 728 Roughly it is to be profit saying the country hot spring area or the ski site Already already so the tsu chi ya tsu te it is it is

      • 78在那里和福利 将在饥饿饥饿的形式所得税收入和地方财政的压力比较更换
        78 Because there is welfare, > the death by starvation person Becoming the shape which is called in place of the death by starvation person pressure of local finance and yield decrease of the tax revenue the [ru

        • 853 编号:6SF3sgvQ0我谈论宏观经济
          853 > ID: 6SF3sgvQ0 has done the story of macro economy, it is

          • NAA的果酱569,是,名义GDP的变化嘿,1993年1990年4 387 280 9 4 826 971 2就业冰河期这里←5156442 0 1997年亚洲金融危机的地方←,1998年,1999年4 976 285 0 5 049 054 0多个破产强大,小泉开始在这里←小←1 3 2001 2000 5 029 899 0 4 977 197 0。 Office 2002的2004 5073647 0 4902940 0 4913122 0 2003 2006 2007 5051140 0 5017345 0 4983284 0 2005年2008年2009年退休←5155204 0小泉下旬雷曼冲击←亿日元的预测,2010年4742187 0 4751723 8。 569 Bean jam as for change of pretext GDP 1990 4387280 9 1993 4826971 2 lt From here employment glacial age 1997 5156442 0 lt Here the Asian monetary crisis bankruptcy occurring frequently 1998 5049054 0 1999 4976285 0 lt Koizumi starts acquiring power at this point 2000 5029899 0 2001 4977197 0 lt Small Inauguration 2002 4913122 0 2003 4902940 0 2004 4983284 0 2005 5017345 0 2006 5073647 0 lt Koizumi retirement 2007 5155204 0 2008 5051140 0 lt On the latter half Riemann shock 2009 4742187 0 So Estimate 2010 is 4751723 8 hundred million Yen
            • 小泉退休后,我给你讲一个自1997年以来连续第二,根据venerable m不ーーー祖创新 After the Koizumi retiring however instant it restored The zu tsu it keeps going down from 1997 it is what

          • Tinyurl com mcjuc6资 老化带来,工资和公司认为从儒的减少增加了他们的工资结构和矛盾,但个人认为钌,这是一个痛苦的来源了解有关冲突因为困难,我想很多不切实际的假设导致了日益扩大的差距 tinyurl com mcjuc6 Seniority aging brings when you see from the company wages increase when you see from the individual that wages decrease the composition where you say and contradicts This is the cause of unhappiness furthermore you think that from the understanding difficulty due to the contradiction various non realistic guesses were brought to differential enlargement
            • 当玛拉合问题和老龄化这是他们自己的体重资历,至少部分是因为我认为埃塔完全在我的脑海 When and self aging and superposing seniority the problematical point At least you thought properly with your own head concerning the part of that therefore it is

          • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜(合知觉自由贸易区的论点弹出这里就像是一个真正的专业礼仪人员,就像一个粗鲁的妓女
            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (As for putting out to the inquiry here, genuine professional [kiyaba] girl But, in whore impoliteness

            • ー朱达罗Irane公司我做! !你,的确,正确的愚蠢 ¯ ○ Then the ro which enterprise how is and don t you think and others is You truly the ro which is ahuo ……… ¯ ○
              • 690 Terya ll只在日本出售!已经徽章 690 In just Japan selling the ri ya the tsu Already to some extent margin………………

            • 业律师的专业独立性,司法代书,行政程序,会计。上限被发现摧毁,造成医生牙医
              Independent loyal retainer industry attorney, administration of justice scrivener and administrative scrivener, accounts. Eaves common destruction it puts out, the doctor the dentist dies

              • 丰田汽车公司公布举报人,第二东京律师协会,“合理的惩罚”根据投票决定,4月5日,2006年男性员工,为公司的报告窗口安装在集体合同的法律根据的打电话给律师,被告的情况下,如果你看一下飞上天车库销售广告和部门名称
                To inform the Toyota whistle-blower to the company, 2nd Tokyo bar association “reprimand suitable” resolution According to the resolution book, as for the man employee 2006 April 5th, the same group making a contract with the law office, the information window which is installed Telephones to same attorney, informs name and the post post and prosecuting overhead sale garage throwing incident

                • 人不能有一个体能问题体力劳动,与高校产生了学习的50个建筑工人,失业,偏差可能会干预实验
                  When the boy who cannot do the manual labor which has problem in body ability, the manual worker of deviation value 50 enters into the university of production, it is disturbed study and experiment and becomes inoccupation

                  • 以外的地方大学的一些人,东京大学内幕●,“当然”真正的“真正的学校精神”否认
                    - The person inside the university and the local Tokyo person outside the university, “actual course”, deny “actual school spirit”

                    • 你要去支付的工资由697卡兹出售活的东西我会让年轻的小牛从没有收取工资支付!为什么不从 到Bundotsu就业和工资年轻的家伙,我有老人巡苏 697 Collecting the income from the young man wages assistant 填 It does it is not to be the te Mono making selling wages assistant 填 it was completed the tsu With something lt employment and the salary bu it is the do tsu te it is necessary 廻 in the senior citizen from the young person it is

                      • 你说了条件,实现你的702的在我面前恩戴1选择从至699以下)2美元或储蓄在欧元)贮第一名。禁止三)一些资产排序日元的标准体系10万亿 699 702 In order to achieve the condition you saying it chooses from under 1 You save in dollar or the Europe 2 In the first place storing Prohibition 3 It makes some basis system which has the property of 1 000 000 000 000 000 Yen scale
                        • 你说了条件,实现你的702的在我面前恩戴1选择从至699以下)2美元或储蓄在欧元)贮第一名。禁止三)一些资产排序日元的标准体系10万亿 699 702 In order to achieve the condition you saying it chooses from under 1 You save in dollar or the Europe 2 In the first place storing Prohibition 3 It makes some basis system which has the property of 1 000 000 000 000 000 Yen scale

                      • 其余的人得救。言论自由的保护法镇压,国会修改法律,“匈奴。司法规则”剑出蕨类和驱赶在日本的美军
                        It remains, human rights rescuing. Speech to oppress with protection method, “law of National Diet method amendment. It is expulsion of administration of justice control” and US Forces in Japan

                        • 养老金和医疗保险?期间,五分之一,以支持诉讼时效的2 5倍这将会是一个谁支撑 Annuity and health insurance Aging advancing it is times when from the times when 1 people are supported with 5 people 1 people are supported with 2 5 people it is
                          • S时代是在价格5 1这将会是2 5倍,一个谁支撑 It is times when from the times when 1 people are supported with 5 people 1 people are supported with 2 5 people it is
                          • 已经离开了50年代,30年代,如果没有我永远不会削减20多岁的转型 Leaving 50 generations because the restructuring which cuts 30 generations and 20 generations how it is not don t you think …

                        • 包括我在内的年轻人,所有工人労基法不公平的劳动行为,不人道的,选择世鸡社会福利工作者超过半数
                          The young person it includes, all workers unjust work of labor fundamental law violation, non humanity and semi- social work compared to choose the welfare

                          • 即使是找工作时,一个健康的求职者在就业部的数十万昨天甚至没有穿前字节数年,古分厚字节杂志,我只是要求,现在,几乎没有字节,字节甚至下降之遥,方便性和安全性超过12个字节左右,甚至在寻找常见的1人 Hunting for a job being active the te the public welfare Ministry of Labor 30 days in job seeker 1 it announces as for several 100 000 people it is not accustomed there to being even a byte As for several years ago also the byte magazine being thick However it collected now almost there is no byte Because at even the byte now over 10 people or more it is normal in the collection of one The ru which even the byte of konbini and patrol is dropped and sows
                            • 即使是找工作时,并不总是前几十万甚至数年的千字节地说,辜分厚字节杂志,我一直在寻找,现在几乎没有字节,甚至字节下降了,甚至字节的便利性和安全性通常需要现在的十多个或单个招聘 Hunting for a job being active the te as for several 100 000 people it is not accustomed there to being always even a byte As for several years ago also the byte magazine being thick However it collected now almost there is no byte Because at even the byte now over 10 people or more it is normal in the collection of one The ru which even the byte of konbini and patrol is dropped and sows

                          • 原来的数字,经季节性调整的就业率失业率H21.3 5.1 4.8 5.3 5.0 56.2 56.5 H22.3
                            Wholly unemployed ratio Field numerical value Seasonal adjustment value Employment ratio H21.3 5.1 4.8 56.5 H22.3 5.3 5.0 56.2

                            • 古必要的资金,建立了稳定的就业或在基础?稳定的反应,至少在目前的年资增加的非正规就业,而不是一个事实,看到的是做好统计 Although the base steady employment is built as for the necessary fund being somewhere Reaction of the steady employment seniority at least is present non proper increase The fact which is visible from statistics being reason
                              • 婴儿潮一代和Y和我ーー,即使一岁以下的青年职务的人从附近的记者和一个接一个,哎呀哥打我的资历作出保护系统没有增加 The baby boom generation and the children s generation of baby boomer it is the te Even in the times when from after the young person surges from after The post is made in order to protect seniority how it is densely the a doing increase it is

                            • 和它相比,日本已经放弃了工人的权利是整个公司,尽管经过近20年里,我的泡沫,而不是停滞不前说话直 ¯ ○ In comparison with that right of the worker as for Japan which totally has been abandoned for enterprise Nearly 20 years passing from bubble collapse it cannot recover yet … ¯ ○
                              • 我也有能力差把美国飞行员将飞机双鼓(工人)竟厚装甲保护 As for America the fuselage becomes heavy revolving ability being inferior the pilot the worker In order to protect armoring was made thick

                            • 因为“他们烤不良嫉妒东京,嫉妒,和失业的人欺负了丰富的一帮喜的发言小于 Because “Burn Tokyo defectiveness to come and having envy That it depends weakly applying the rich man it makes ijime te inoccupation
                              • “早生合1坏小丑东京,和性别,当你感到满意,有点丰富嫁给你 When “it adjusts to your Tokyo condition defective has sex and is satisfied you get married with the rich person
                              • “这是同样的情况你是完美的服务,丰富的老男人说话是很严重的女招待 “The kiyaba girl being maji serious when the rich old person is done the connection customer perfectly they are the same circumstances
                              • ↓“失败妒忌他们到东京,失业和欺侮,以团伙由富人说话的薄弱喜 NULL
                              • 和她谈道理,如果整个丰富小时候发言,我觉得我会提出一个年轻女子,他们看到新话题 When the young rich boy is plugged to topic it is the tsu te feeling which finds the topic where the young woman is new
                              • 因为“他们烤不良嫉妒,嫉妒,失业和欺侮,以团伙由富人说话的薄弱喜 Because “Burn the defectiveness to come and having envy That it depends weakly applying the rich man it makes ijime te inoccupation
                              • 您好布马议员发言,丰富和弱,平均进出Chokkai,布马陈废墟 Weakly providing ill tempered chiyotsukai to the rich boy it makes the boy be ruined
                              • 走出房间,他们驱赶在东京酒吧坏水龙头,提供了一个新的床单1位有丰富性 Hitting with Tokyo defective stick expelling from the room while potapota dropping the white defective semen from the vagina In order the rich person and you get married to have sex the new futon sheet is prepared with runrun feeling
                              • 过去,乡下姑娘,和她打招呼的方式一旦造成贫富差距逗孩子薄弱音频嗨,我让你的坏音合 Former times the countryside daughter greets weakly facing toward the defectiveness which is hard on the rich boy adjusts condition to the defectiveness

                            • 因此,终身雇用和资历采取他们的年长者,但这种不处置的资历制度和毕业生就业的新的寿命
                              Result, taking the seniority and lifetime employment of the seniority person, But seniority of the new graduate and the reason which throws away lifetime employment

                              • 国民年金第一阶段积累越来越多的欠它112 108 56百分比纪录高失业和非正规的百分之一的退休金计划的国家成员在2008年,失业的比例和非正规自1996年开始调查,创历史新高,56美分,至18岁不,我除以卫生部调查 NULL

                                • 在129。我明确地说,促进经济朱达罗黑瓦特经济界都取得了钌和钌儿童便当出售或由任何人。如果经济,低工资,工资将开始告诉你票价规避法律规定的在一个地方的过程中茹朱达罗从某个地方看下来,运行和对他们的大多数同行竞争,他的票价 129 Inside The economic tsu te speaking clearly the ro w which is black propulsion economy The lunch house and the salesclerk etc whom can do anyone Can do anyone the occupation which inside It is economy If wages becoming cheap the ro which is proper When somewhere 1 places rent it lowers with evasion of the law behavior Because wages them and large portion of same trade other companies run to the rent lowering in competitor measure
                                  • 由于制造业有竞争,中国的工资和韩国是不相同的水平,他也将不可避免地,? The manufacturing industry must compete with Korea and China therefore it is As for wages as them becoming the same level the ro which is inevitability

                                • 在作为一个全职工作,只是洙紧,只受市场纪律,临时工,还有一个不公平
                                  Simply while employment of the regular member is protected firmly, when just the dispatch worker is exposed to market mechanism, it is unfairness

                                  • 在存储设备驱动tTA材料最后的电力,因为妈祖是我最好的一个时期决定了现金福利和经济繁荣的尖端在繁荣的来源,除了日本(和线)一汤坦言唯一正确结束我来到了经济(不包括公共建筑工人的利益。)
                                    The one which has the benefit of prosperity is good being decided even in prosperity of dispatch source other than Japan, the [ru] it does, Even the electric appliances store of end converting, the material which is left over (the electric wire and the like) the times when it can make drink money it puts out, The [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] economized [ya] is with benefit of business came to end, (the public construction work person excludes)

                                    • 大多数人不认为Ttena帝国总部宣布的失业率比日本的失业率Pachidakaranaa我会撒谎
                                      Therefore the unemployment rate how lie [tsu] [pa] [chi] of Japan Unless it must be thought that it is more than unemployment rate Imperial Headquarters announcement,

                                      • 奴隶制是建立在西方,但现在,我可以公开,计划意图对金融投机和非劳动收入增加一倍瓦特邪恶的日本蜘蛛蜘蛛是一个寒冷的一半好
                                        But as for constructing the slave system Europe and America Because now it cannot make plain, financial speculation and the like W which is not another idea in unearned income doubling plan The Japanese is bad well vague level-headedness

                                        • 好吧,看电器制造商的财务困境的国内,国内的制造商情况是拧,我很清楚
                                          Well, if you look at the disastrous state of balancing of accounts of the domestic electrical machinery and appliances manufacturer, present condition of the domestic manufacturer as for useless useless [tsu] [te] The [wa] which is clear

                                          • 如果忽视这一点,“服务已经恶化”,“加大对埃塔的负担,说:”宇野太低了短视 Ignoring this point “service deteriorated” “burden increased” it passes shortsightedly

                                            • 就业率无法上大学不高倍率,因为它是关于方便,但雇主说,例如
                                              In the university there is no job which it cannot go, if you mention ahead the byte, but about [konbini] even high powered

                                              • 工会也不想一个整体,而不是让他们疯了,如果你对待人民联盟抵制工会
                                                Instead of completely there is no either resistance of the labor union, when the labor union resists, the citizen [kichigai] does to handle the labor union

                                                • 工作做法,因为这是我做的正常业务经营和早期古瓦特无偿自愿学习的过程,因为它瓦特
                                                  Usually, handling business, to be quick it is accustomed to work, even w Naturally, therefore voluntary study unpaid w

                                                  • 布什政府131自民党崩溃,条例草案规管儿童色情制品问题被送往
                                                    131 Our civil administration right collapsing, the child pornographic regulation bill became the advance shipment

                                                    • 布鲁诺 〜┓┏┓┏┓┏
                                                      No & ⌒ `⌒ `REPT Γ ⌒ ' ) . /' No & ⌒ & ⌒ ¯ | ⌒ REPT / . / . | REPT / /¯ \ _ . | r - - . . | . | To, /REPT | . | : i! i! | : : i! /\ | / = REPT No = \ _ | /REPT ! i! . | ; | | . ( REPT _ - _ no | REPT _ - _/ . ) . | i! REPT | | \. / - / ` - REPT/ HKRPT `-! : | ( _ no ( ) REPT _ ) r ' ~ `DREPT, i! REPT `! ' No . HKRPT r ' `REPT, i! \ _ _ ` - '' _ _//`T ! , `REPT, -, REPT - '' `DREPT. \ _ _,/-' . - ' | \ i: ) | ~ `' ''- - - - -'' ~ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┳ ┛ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ┳ ┏ ━ ━ ┛ ┣ ━ ┫ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┃ ━ ━ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┗ ━ ┓ ┗ ━ ┛ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ━ ━ ━ ┻ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┏ ┓ ┣ ┓ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ╋ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ┓ ┗ ━ ┻ ┻ ┻ ┻ ┻ ┻ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ┛

                                                      • 布,农村妇女议员发言驱动tTA致富,我想他们赶走了房间的一棒水龙头坏了,要准备一个新的床单1位有丰富性,社会条件的黄金恶魔 As for the woman of the countryman hitting with the defective stick as for the rich boy whom you think that we would like to expel from the room The rich person has sex the new futon sheet is prepared it became social conditions of the gold night 叉
                                                        • 东京都教育她的发言驱动tTA丰富孩子生活在很少7,她的女儿和女儿的国家对外国最好的爱情婚姻注 7 As for the rich boy who grows in Tokyo the person who notes is good to the daughter of countryside and the daughter of the foreign country in the love match
                                                        • 东京都教育她的发言驱动tTA丰富孩子生活在很少7,她的女儿和女儿的国家对外国最好的爱情婚姻注 7 As for the rich boy who grows in Tokyo the person who notes is good to the daughter of countryside and the daughter of the foreign country in the love match
                                                        • 房间的农村妇女,他们驱赶在酒吧的水龙头坏,提供了新的床单1位有丰富性,社会条件的黄金恶魔 As for the woman of the countryman hitting with the defective stick as for the rich boy whom you think that we would like to expel from the room The rich person has sex the new futon sheet is prepared it became social conditions of the gold night 叉

                                                      • 并发射了一个完整的时间,帮助是做厚古津贴一套失业 When it makes easy to designate the regular member as the neck the fact that treatment to the unemployed person is made thick should be done with set
                                                        • 当输入掩码扩大到失业,求职的重复一年,谁知道我会排队实时% Repeating you insert to the mask unemployed person whom when engaging in life it is extended substantial what to going ru thing

                                                      • 底线是和生产力的工人,不论其产品时的利益不产生任何的层次,进而影响他们的产品,政府官员的支持一昆虫食品不仅大量黄金据 In essential productive worker et al benefit of those products around By the fact that the effect of those products turns to just the layer which nothing is produced The mass government employee of the simply spendthrift is supported
                                                        • 这是对过去努力的产物,他们正在为公务员和其他生活,而且6月苏 As for this the product of past effort functioning it has done in order simply to moisten the life of the government employee et al

                                                      • 强调减少对另一动态生涯,因为即使他们感动,有没有真正的阶级或收入
                                                        Therefore rear carrier super concern, that you have switched jobs, saying, To tell the truth income class does not move excessively

                                                        • 成为国外大,但外部股东。优先级,对工人的管理忽视国内蔓延估值日股东已褪色
                                                          So the large shareholder of big business to become the foreign capital, outside. Priority and shareholder concern worker negligence Management overgrew and domestic demand withered

                                                          • 我也让所有瓦特编号差距的前提下结论为:aiLYZjK0P“首选工人”你没有带出来说话分享作为一个基础的劳动?这似乎也合情合理zero m埃泰完成改变计算方法
                                                            Prerequisite and conclusion slipping, the [ru] w In the first place ID: As for aiLYZjK0P as a basis of “worker favorable treatment” Labor's share You brought up, it is it isn't? Calculation method changing, way it has compensated, persuasive power zero

                                                            • 我们也不允许任何拒绝必直辖市“,”硫磺岛边境行动“/一年半了否认福利/妻子将起诉”享受人们的苦难救赎“/ 42接受福利三乡市,埼玉县/失业人接受无地址/ 1有,由饥饿在街上流浪的小康气温福冈/“接受无住房福利”/响应卫生部长众议员佐佐木法的规定[福利]通过您的应用程序组,建立了;支持] [文化]“小福利”66%的反对意见的福利是“非法的”音日本律师协会联合会
                                                              That every self-governing community refuses there, it is not permitted” The “river edge sulphur island maneuvers”/the welfare refusing 1 year half/the husband and wife suit “the person who suffers Rescuing,”,/Saitama Misato city Welfare 42 human acceptance/unemployment person Without address yes/Fukuoka city Dispatch cutting It misguides in the roadside/“welfare The [te] thick labor phase replies in Assemblyman yes”/Sasaki without the house Application helping The group start of attorney and administration of justice scrivener [susume] of “petite welfare” As for denial 66% of welfare “illegality” Day valve connected investigation “When it is monthly income 120,000 3 of children & the husband, as for welfare as for month 200,000 Yen provision… welfare receipt increase, it is right not to be administering”,… Ryukyu new information Nationwide beginning Duty attorney, the Fukuoka prefecture bar association introduces in for the welfare receipt person In accompanying to municipalities window and lawsuit representative The [te] indicating welfare application acceptance to the � thick labor ministry and the self-governing community without the house

                                                              • 我去到348美元,国内生产总值和断裂伸长率变化率Warazu失业率上升的趋势中,该利率的差距日益严重的失业Warazu奇怪的趋势,日益扩大的差距这只是一篇文章,有302 348 That America it being possible from the ru the extension of GDP comparatively deterioration trend of unemployment rate the change Differential has expanded the notion that where comparatively deterioration trend of unemployment rate the change Differential has expanded But article what of 302
                                                                • 在美国348,GDP和陌生的伸长率Warazu失业率不断恶化的趋势,但我认为第302条的差距拉大 348 In that America the extension of GDP comparatively deterioration trend of unemployment rate the change Differential has expanded But article what of 302

                                                              • 我将成为最严重的县之一,他们经常排斥嘿Toran 100年前冲绳埃克WOW和变化? 100 One year ago and strange wa tsu and viewing well The te pulling out that Okinawa don t you think it may become the worst 1 regular prefecture
                                                                • 正是Tenjan冲绳外面的世界是唯一已知的945万维网WWW的所有发射了 945 It is understood it is It is like the www Other than Okinawa as for everyone the plain gauze it is and just is www

                                                              • 我来吧认为雷曼冲击深处,第二,恢复信誉,恢复股市的最低水平,18个月,消费开支持续改善,零售销售增长1。另外6%的增幅在连续3个月 When you think that it was dented with the Riemann shock already trusting recovering Stock price recovers to level the way of 1 year half recovers also personal spending favorably As for retail gross sales front month ratio 1 With 6 increase 3 month continuations plus
                                                                • 我认为需要在蛋糕的冲击槽940雷曼,另一方面,恢复信誉,因为这种Jisakujien WWW的纹 940 When you think that it was dented with the Riemann shock already trusting recovering Therefore such it is jisakujien www

                                                              • 我欢呼每死亡和小泉,最后“公司应该关心工人东洋纳卡”757“公司,他们应该离开兰花市场低”和第723,甚至更多的教师比其他扁竹中平藏是的,因为我是一个邪教组织的直接出口,而不是去包裹涓滴新自由主义 Koizumi die to call repeatedly End “should take care rich enterprise of the worker” 757 It should have leaving from the market “at lower viewing enterprise” 723 With A little the extent wasteful wax which comes to the medicinal wafer which probably will be rubbed with Mr Takenaka immediately New free torikurudaun theoretical glorification being it has ended it is it is

                                                                • 我现在222和不断增长的不平等完全不满适得其反扩张,每个人的意义上增加了不公平感,而整个应力塔马里 222 Now that appearing in the reverse side completely the ru More and more as for differential as for enlargement and the unfairness unsatisfaction increase As for stress of one by one it keeps accumulating
                                                                  • 说明了一切最终的,但我们只需要作出妥协tive日式收集元素可以,如果我说我做任何事情除了个别沿每个 After all illustrating entirely gathering the element which it can compromise only it makes Japanese style but it is One by one speaking disjointedly don t you think the te how viewing

                                                                • 政府收入在世界的30万亿日圆至40万亿日元,政府相关。 1000万亿日元的债务两位数的差异
                                                                  As for earnings of government in world 30,000,000,000,000 Yen of 40,000,000,000,000 Yen, government Seki. Debt 2 columns is 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen which is different

                                                                  • 敏感泡沫的肩膀,以劳动的份额在公司利润之前多的公司现在是现在一般人不到的微薄薪水,如果他们对待工人敏感的肩膀上对GDP是不是很有趣,也达罗(笑) Profit of enterprise the right shoulder rising So Labor s share of time before the bubble is lower than now Current one as for enterprise has favorably treated the worker If The pretext GDP which is allowance of the citizen the right shoulder rising Don t you think tilts distantly the ro laughing which
                                                                    • 敏感泡沫的肩膀,以劳动的份额在公司利润之前多的公司现在是现在一般人不到的微薄薪水,如果他们对待工人敏感的肩膀上对GDP是不是很有趣,也达罗(笑) Profit of enterprise the right shoulder rising So Labor s share of time before the bubble is lower than now Current one as for enterprise has favorably treated the worker If The pretext GDP which is allowance of the citizen the right shoulder rising Don t you think tilts distantly the ro laughing which

                                                                  • 日本742人,由日本公司,中国商业合作伙伴,有这样的温泉或滑雪是Gichatte在不受商界人士,并适用于日本缴纳公司税我们永远不会知道(笑) 742 The Japanese citizen does too much in the person who does not become the object of trading depending upon the Japanese enterprise the chi ya tsu te Domestic hot spring area or the ski site has been made the trading partner the Chinese who Income tax did not know has been stored to Japan with laughing
                                                                    • 745 ,并适用于缴纳企业所得税与K在日本,我们永远不会知道日本(笑) 745 gt Domestic hot spring area or the ski site has been made the trading partner the Chinese who gt gt Income tax did not know has been stored to Japan with laughing With Japanese k
                                                                    • 日本742人,由日本公司,中国商业合作伙伴,有这样的温泉或滑雪是Gichatte在不受商界人士,并适用于日本缴纳公司税我们永远不会知道(笑) 742 The Japanese citizen does too much in the person who does not become the object of trading depending upon the Japanese enterprise the chi ya tsu te Domestic hot spring area or the ski site has been made the trading partner the Chinese who Income tax did not know has been stored to Japan with laughing

                                                                  • 日本的养老金Deattari股东,或因为你的钱尼桑聘请洙时将驱动tTA和雷诺的溃疡,但水平已经选举产生的钱去当他们的雷诺 The shareholder is the Japanese annuity Or because NISSAN when spending to collapse protected employment with your Renault money But now the stage which hard returns the gold of that time to Renault
                                                                    • “有什么可以增加股东分红,”我,我从首都,原本只要做埃塔贷款额的增加而增加从股市 “Also share dividend it increased” and the tsu te the capital increased originally and therefore the amount which gets an advance from the ru stock market just increased

                                                                  • 旧国家的女孩会让你成为一个坏的语气合,我想要得到她的富有儿子Bou ll结婚发言Ijimerare Former times the countryside daughter who adjusts condition to the defectiveness wishes to get married with me of the rich boy of the ijimerare tsu child
                                                                    • 东京女子(女多摩)和其他居民,“我说要介绍我们的丰富的”回力欺诈Kakannai Tokyo woman the Tama woman with as for the other prefectural people “the rich person is introduced” there is no pulling tsu or a can in fraud

                                                                  • 有几百两个全职招聘公司的申请。我获得通过,但我想我是想梅鹿养讲话是和投票太大分歧,工作内容,我认为他们并没有直接Merubeki当然收看这一讲话 There being an applicant of over hundred people at the company of regular member 2 collection But it was adopted it is Contents of recruiting vote there being a difference rather whether it will stop that but you think it is This sure seeing it should stop it is not when is the wa which is reconsidered
                                                                    • 我不应该是一个可怕的候选人,得到工作人员通过检查更好一点,但我觉得一个80 Harowa 80 When the recruiting which is thought as the just a little mashi shelf in the harowa staff is made to inspect it being decided that the applicant is enormous the ru

                                                                  • 查看详细阅读以下的442至今,竹中平藏系统最流动资金,谁想要弄清楚的差异,以保证就业福利小泉?至少你的论点是没有它,我就越不看我 442 If the present less is read being the person of fluidization group in order to make the employment of Koizumi Takenaka system present for profit guaranty But at least when so only you cannot read your insistence it is
                                                                    • 查看详细阅读以下的442至今,那些谁想要一个竹中平藏系统就业流动小泉?至少你的论点是没有它,我就越不看我 442 If the present less is read being the person of fluidization group in order to make the employment of Koizumi Takenaka system present for profit guaranty But at least when so only you cannot read your insistence it is

                                                                  • 比对另一个国家的工作在今年3月,在大多数福井隆0河内。 70倍
                                                                    As for ratio of effective labor demand to effective supply of the March this year classified by metropolis and districts, being highest in Fukui prefecture 0. 70 times

                                                                    • 毕竟,更大的工资问题上出现了消极的一面面资之前,小泉
                                                                      After all, as for problem of wages the side that is large the negative aspect of seniority expressed before the Koizumi,

                                                                      • 民主党支持者的失业人士和责任,获得了与恩戴死亡野生放在心中悬挂选举的结果,我对我的
                                                                        Therefore as for the democracy supporter of inoccupation our industry complacency shelf, result what which it chooses by his The field it droops without hesitation and dies

                                                                        • 汽车销售较上年同期增长24。 1 3%,企业资本投资将大幅增加3至4时。 1%的增长和复苏
                                                                          As for automobile sale quantity same month of last year ratio 24. It becomes substantial increase of the 3%, Plant investment of enterprise in 1 - March period 4. 1% increase and recovery

                                                                          • 没有什么疯狂的业务,我做什么我如出售,即使你研磨飞,差异从我进出公司利得税和薪俸为您就业 The tsu which it does the tsu lever which trading something it does not make desperate and also the te mono making it sells throwing Because you present employment and allowance as the profit of enterprise
                                                                            • 日本人民的日本公司,是谁在Gichatte,是企业目标 The Japanese citizen does too much in the person who does not become the object of trading depending upon the Japanese enterprise the chi ya tsu te …
                                                                            • 没有什么疯狂的业务,我做什么我如出售,即使你研磨飞,差异从我进出公司利得税和薪俸为您就业 The tsu which it does the tsu lever which trading something it does not make desperate and also the te mono making it sells throwing Because you present employment and allowance as the profit of enterprise

                                                                          • 然而,该国女童身心疲惫扎西水果他们使用如此简单的枯竭。 Although is the countryside daughter physical strength mind using up in such a simple thing exhaustes becomes hetoheto
                                                                            • 然而,该国女童身心疲惫扎西水果他们使用如此简单的枯竭。 Although is the countryside daughter physical strength mind using up in such a simple thing exhaustes becomes hetoheto

                                                                          • 由于塞盘空的怪物,他们永远也不会减少运输成本节约工作从废物玛丽塔我依靠氖Harowa失业工人,但我愿意通过数字仍然不太多空工作并希望自己 Although the empty recruiting it is many even then this number… Don t you think the air which you adopt although because it was asked to the harowa staff the empty recruiting which shaves the savings of tsu te inoccupation wastefully at fare how Therefore atrocity inhumanity we want stopping

                                                                            • 礼仪战士,谁掌握了98显示了一个震撼我的身体酸痛张下降到愚蠢瓦特日本公司在日本
                                                                              As for 98 foolish [tsu] [pu] [ri] of the Japanese Japanese enterprise decline inclination Making desperate efforts, the gratitude type fighter plane w which shows

                                                                              • 社会 “我不知道如果不接受,为什么”我们的孩子支付554通过服务,他们的孩子 数十名韩国人提交虚假如果可能茹粘性小时3“ 9★关注次要的类似问题 政治 “我们在支付虚假申请其子女的儿童 审查将通过数十个” 我们的儿童福利部管理。首长提到的硬性限制检讨 Whether “it is not accepted with something” If child treatment equivalent of 554 of adopted children child several dozen people whether untruth the South Korean man who is applied 3 hours it is sticky ” anxiety of… similar trouble successive occurrence 9 “If child treatment child several dozen people whether examination it passes even with untrue application ” management of… thick labor economical child treatment Limited reference of staff and examination strict conversion
                                                                                • 社会 “我不知道为什么不接受”韩国人子女申请了我们的儿童福利服务554采纳,粘 9小时3中学★关注的问题以及 政治 “儿童福利数十, 通过考试也可申请』虚假如果“ 儿童福利管理部。首长提到的硬性限制检讨 Whether “it is not accepted with something” If child treatment equivalent of 554 of adopted children child several dozen people whether untruth the South Korean man who is applied 3 hours it is sticky ” anxiety of… similar trouble successive occurrence 9 “If child treatment child several dozen people whether examination it passes even with untrue application ” management of… thick labor economical child treatment Limited reference of staff and examination strict conversion
                                                                                • 社会 “我不知道为什么不接受”韩国人子女申请了我们的儿童福利服务554采纳,粘 9小时3中学★关注的问题以及 政治 “儿童福利数十, 通过考试也可申请』虚假如果“ 儿童福利管理部。首长提到的硬性限制检讨 Whether “it is not accepted with something” If child treatment equivalent of 554 of adopted children child several dozen people whether untruth the South Korean man who is applied 3 hours it is sticky ” anxiety of… similar trouble successive occurrence 9 “If child treatment child several dozen people whether examination it passes even with untrue application ” management of… thick labor economical child treatment Limited reference of staff and examination strict conversion

                                                                              • 福利接受者是45 目前在就业形势仍然是有用的就业作为保险接受人的变化指标的数量被削减瓦特
                                                                                45 You become the welfare receipt person > the unemployment insurance being cut off W that how to change of the number of receipt people is useful as an index of employment situation still,

                                                                                • 福利申请 谷歌搜索家庭福利和亲戚负责为支持 支持负责,向福利受助人“要求”,所以(只讲“优先”是正当的),扶。正因为有家庭成员接受援助将发行,这是不领取公共援助不片段 Welfare Application Google Search Duty of support and the welfare by the relative gt Because the duty of support by the relative is not “important matter” for welfare receipt “it only takes precedence” to the last 扶 Because the relative who can receive help is saying there are no times when it cannot receive welfare
                                                                                  • 发送 村里的福利,政府住房援助赠款决定◆众所周知失去了房子,所有申请人“谁了,你就会有一个地方现在很难保护 In welfare and applicant everyone as for provision decision house support administration known fact insufficiency “The person who loses the house applies protection at the place where now it has been troubled

                                                                                • 移动以外的老板的命令克祖639,不能解除工资相称的成就驱动tTA为了开展工作猪排Hazime,完全取决于该公司刚开始没有这些技能和自雇 639 Other than ordering the superior movement At the same time accomplishing originally business order not producing the achievement which it corresponds to wages It depends on the company and without either the sufficient ability which begins the family operated business the tsu drill
                                                                                  • 国家养老基金制度已为长者而设也有收入者相比,抑制鳃养老年金金额 National pension is designed the individual proprietor who is earnings even with advanced age targeting the system compares to public welfare annuity be annuity amount is held down

                                                                                • 终身雇用也扰乱资637,甚至破坏社会安全,自由留在梳所有,他们的信用,即使你支持独立的资格和孵化的年糕是绘制图片,介绍饮食提示! 637 Also seniority collapses lifetime employment Even social security collapsing Losing the confidence of the individual completely Starting a business support and the independence with qualification acquisition supporting 喰 You obtain with the rice cake which is drawn in the picture or the tsu
                                                                                  • 1997年的泡沫破灭,是结构调整的风暴,吹Nde m泰尤嗯,我会飞到喷雾小泉赢了! With bubble collapse of 97 years becoming the storm of restructuring seniority and lifetime employment of the seniority person blowing off To just less than that Koizumi the blowing tsu threw the employment and allowance of the school leaver annuity and also the social security which health insurance how is said it is

                                                                                • 结构本身已经指出,在1980年的年度经济报告,基本上是两个或选择性丢弃或放弃终身雇用制的年资,并已
                                                                                  This structure itself is pointed out even in annual economic report 1980, They are 2 択 whether you throw away seniority basically, or throw away lifetime employment of, that it was done

                                                                                  • 老化468 +工龄u003d总劳动成本(劳动力的比重上升)+ Tteta的常识我觉得差别就好像从个人工资下降,我Unka
                                                                                    468 Seniority + aging = entire labor cost rise (work distribution rise) the wages decrease which was seen from the + individual Thinks is different, that [tsu] [te] sensible like it rubbed, it is combining

                                                                                    • 苏暮其天然资源,由当地部族之间或宗教之间的U型语言差异的冲突蒙上了阴影,使他井上合
                                                                                      It fans opposition between the local tribe which lives on the natural resource, language and somatotype and religion is different [igami] adjusts

                                                                                      • 该示例规模超过100,“总经理”的比率是1990年的总和,在1990年到2005年的53 3%,2 8%的合并,到1990年的“经理”是5 4%至6 5%已增至 For example at a level of 100 person or more as for “department manager class” ratio as for total 1990 at 1990 from 53 3 as for total of 2 8 2005 at to 1990 From the 5 4 it has increased “section chief class” to the 6 5
                                                                                        • 例如规模超过100对,“经理”一般是百分之2 3的比例在1990年至2005年的百分之2 8,“经理”是5 4%,由6 5%增加 For example at a level of 100 person or more as for “department manager class” ratio as for total 1990 at 1990 from 53 3 as for total of 2 8 2005 at to 1990 From the 5 4 it has increased “section chief class” to the 6 5

                                                                                      • 贮老化。最大化的需求,而不是U型配合一直是政府债券和抵押债务缺乏储蓄
                                                                                        The storing which accompanies aging. Being the case that it becomes the shape which the government bond supplies from insufficiency of the debt which becomes mortgage of maximizing and saving the demand

                                                                                        • 走出房间,他们驱赶在东京酒吧水龙头坏,但不是穷滴白滴精液从阴道准备丰富位同性婚姻的新床单的兴奋状态为1 Hitting with Tokyo defective stick expelling from the room while potapota dropping the white defective semen from the vagina In order the rich person and you get married to have sex the new futon sheet is prepared with runrun feeling
                                                                                          • 走出房间,他们驱赶在东京酒吧水龙头坏,但不是穷滴白滴精液从阴道准备的兴奋状态中的新床单丰富的性别1位 Hitting with Tokyo defective stick expelling from the room while potapota dropping the white defective semen from the vagina In order the rich person and you get married to have sex the new futon sheet is prepared with runrun feeling

                                                                                        • 这一协议直接与外国或国内其他实体,因为?我已收到所有的,由雷曼冲击影响数字
                                                                                          Other than the business body which has been transacted with the foreign country directly even domestic demand? It suffered a large blow with the Riemann shock, is everything

                                                                                          • 这孩子每683 681忽略了年龄的增加工资的数据,“年龄与工资,以及工资增长出现奇魔术由于老龄化和老龄化和繁殖应收款增加”在您有一个论点,似乎并不明白所有,Itadake 681 683 With cartoon and the age which it does the hitting which ignores the data where wages rise “With age as for wages when thing and aging which increase it multiplies the wages rise magic due to aging happens” But with the point which is said in you the circumstances which you have not understood completely
                                                                                            • 要成为一个ーー“工资,发生与年龄,工资增长基魔术繁殖应收老龄化和老龄化增加了”我(笑)我说,在氦氖有道理,然后用头略我认为郜 it is bitter “With age as for wages when thing and aging which increase it multiplies the wages rise magic due to aging happens” Is laughing Plausible thing saying don t you think with a little the head using think
                                                                                            • 这孩子每683 681忽略了年龄的增加工资的数据,“年龄与工资,以及工资增长出现奇魔术由于老龄化和老龄化和繁殖应收款增加”在您有一个论点,似乎并不明白所有,Itadake 681 683 With cartoon and the age which it does the hitting which ignores the data where wages rise “With age as for wages when thing and aging which increase it multiplies the wages rise magic due to aging happens” But with the point which is said in you the circumstances which you have not understood completely

                                                                                          • 青年失业是严重不足,“消耗更多的活跃的年轻人说:”认为它像什么,以及促进国内消费是很难说峨
                                                                                            If as for unemployment rate about young layer being serious, with of “about young layer consumption thinks the active” [tsu] lever, You can call the activation of domestic demand that it is difficult,

                                                                                            • 顾行471如果计算方法,名义10%的失业率是50%的实际失业率计算,将大大恶化 471 If it goes with the calculation method apparent unemployment rate becoming the 10 substantial unemployment rate in the 50 It is the case that it becomes the calculation that it deteriorates
                                                                                              • 顾行471如果计算方法,名义10%的失业率是50%的实际失业率计算,将大大恶化 471 If it goes with the calculation method apparent unemployment rate becoming the 10 substantial unemployment rate in the 50 It is the case that it becomes the calculation that it deteriorates

                                                                                            • 高也将上升。它的工人,年资制度,但我要盖小牛卡兹年轻收集工资,我是一个大问题,人们没有安全的地方你付出
                                                                                              Keeps increasing, high. Vis-a-vis the worker, in the seniority system Collecting the income from the young man, wages assistant 填, but it is, The [wa] which is large problem what the subordinate whose wages are cheap is somewhere that,

                                                                                              • (原井,默拉和社会,“你看到小偷Yosomono想”,但萨,什么企业创业“别人的东西(和)本人亲自良好的良好岁的失业人士来但我想开始公司艾希仲伤心,“什么手臂的位置感,”我不是orz · · · However well originally “at unevenness society when yosomono you look think as the thief” it is sa and starting a business trading tsu te Something doing “in others Well the privately good year being densely as the body which becomes unemployed Starting a business like Sad kana ” in the hand you remember in the job arm and” you are not it is don t you think … orz
                                                                                                • · · ·驱动tTA orz锚小姐722 我雇来做梅罗从几个人开始创业之前,你有 The anchor mistake tsu it is… orz 722 gt You starting a business begin from the fact that several people employing
                                                                                                • 四郎创业谈萨,什么行业的企业家,“别人的东西(和)他们的租金,而不是通过你的钱谢谢你,”她会 Starting a business margin However the tsu te you say sa and starting a business trading tsu te “Something doing receiving in others transferring the money your to gratitude” it is

                                                                                              • (计算重叠一名参与者),主办短,如何计算总的参加者,说这是不同的计算方法大致和常识
                                                                                                ( Alone participant repetition calculation ) It means that requires the sponsor, the calculation method of totaling the conference participant, differs from the calculation method of general common sense largely,

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