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Pulling derived, support ratio finally in stray Hatoyama with ““the Liberal Democratic Party reversal” approximately GW large political change”


  • ll就以一个强大的政治权力掌握方向
    > As for Ozawa's of one side group on the other hand as for the policy aspect to depend on official completely, with the > The direction that was strong it probably will keep controlling the power inside the political world

    • 2001年,首相森喜朗,“爱媛丸号沉没后,高尔夫”,并在公共浴室的评级批准批评,例如撤回仍然很低
      Prime Minister Mori Nobuo with “golf of after Ehime-Maru sinking accident” and so on to pour the criticism of the citizen in 2001, ultralow support ratio Way resignation

      • 2007年2,安倍晋三内阁“埃塔退休金消费”和内阁丑闻问题之后又在一个角落里
        2 As for 07 years, Abe Shin three Cabinet in “annuity problem and the scandal successive appearance of the Cabinet minister which go out” in predicament

        • 20是一个支持率的绝对浪费公共质量%至低于我不奇怪是怎么回事,但高应barre m更多的是芭蕾错误恶魔挂出一个绝望 The wonder where the support ratio which the mass rubbish publishes is not below the absolute 20 Actually becoming lower but ru expectation being desperate the error to demon has converted is barebare what
          • ,不普及,你为什么不离开不支持率?我明白,我不支持任何人 When there is no support ratio and the te puts out non support ratio how being May know that no one has supported

        • 3000美国职业生涯命中一郎也有奇型下的洛杉矶M5.4级地震
          In addition [ichiro] occurred in day of the Japanese-American total 3000 hit, the earthquake of M5.4 of loss falling perpendicularly type

          • 373一般海外选民的选举权,在选举的主要问题是不这样也不知道吗?顺便说一句,兰花,也可以像商定,在所有舛添常识,对外国人选举权
            373 If foreign carrot administration for the general voter, in powerful issue of election saying, thing not understanding? The [tsu] [te] or in the first place Masuzoe becoming foreign carrot administration praising/supporting, the [ro] where also thing normally is intellectual viewing - it does,

            • 39:23艾贝转让?现在,你讲的废物流不好的感觉和群众的年龄从将是一个周刊的文章 39 23 eibe transfer That is when we assume from now on the age article of feeling bad extent It flows from the weekly magazine and the mass rubbish probably will be
              • 发布日期:2010 04 26(星期一)13时08分:49 2大盐本名165: 名无Shisan你的腹部全 Contribution day 2010 04 26 month 13 08 49 2nd Osio birth 165 Name Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity

            • 582“我打得紧张,煤(巧妙,”我将哑巴,我不Dzui你该死的运气,将火你的屁股,我把别人的痛苦对我 582 As for “setting moxa the ze the kiritsu ” tsu te fool hurt attaching others ru intention The fire igniting to your own rear end completely you do not become aware in ru thing it is
              • 你ー的,随时准备向日本颜射Kowasou娜闵恕NA含量和良好的几个月转变政府在6我们已经把这个火达磨煤去 埃塔下降 However you moxa the intention of placing at this half year the tsu chi ya tsu is in the fire 磨 Administration it was possible to alternate In addition it is to see inserting in shiyu the Japanese bu tsu you probably will break

            • Kokkai ndl go jp cgi bin目录 健作 swk logout cgi?会议 u003d 29 251我的目的是为大家的,我们主要是外国居民在日本在日本的朝鲜居民,特别是永久居民对养老金和儿童津贴,但须符合这些规定的关于国籍的话,我们都离开,你的需要,使其尽早申请到试用,平均数字家庭辜或什么国籍条款我们已经并将继续要求解除申请 kokkai ndl go jp cgi bin KENSAKU swk logout cgi SESSION 29251 As for me with the resident South Korean as a center the citizen to the especially permanent residence authority to everyone of the resident foreigner Concerning those which have after the nationality provision which such as annuity is left and child treatment something Removing the nationality provision the interior applying quickly average we demand that continuation you would like to receive The ke te it was defeated
              • 616“是或否,或请听我们的债券”,但要求,并与绝对无有有我也不会说,我什至不说 616 “YES or NO tell” With asking also YES also NO you do not say no matter what don t you think Until you say there are no times when it is YES

            • NULL NULL
              • 一定要通过媒体炒作或934,如果你现在吻政府的支持率只报道事实明显减少,提名其个人的意见,我认为他们是可怕的far ll削减20 934 Fanning the mass communications is terrible certainly Cutting the thought sentence and the opinion of the individual only fact reporting indifferent the re Now as for Cabinet support ratio cutting 20 much you think as the ru

            • Shidokoro拖放要求对美国来讲,我建议国会选举同时进行的政治委员和退休从民主的核心
              As for the dropping which America requires, Don't you think? retirement and group of people going/participating simultaneous election from the political world of core Assemblyman of the Democratic party [e] kana

              • Tashika 529,棕褐色,因此这将只拣自由民主党?纳塔众议员,而不是挥舞,“点击”观看的U纳塔握手你刚才没有做任何事情,奉命官僚 529 Certain our people you do categorization it is The Assemblyman shakes nata that “find the object which shakes nata ” you just have ordered to the bureaucracy the ro Unless nothing has done simultaneous
                • Tashika 529,棕褐色,因此这将只拣自由民主党?纳塔众议员,而不是挥舞,“点击”观看的U纳塔握手你刚才没有做任何事情,奉命官僚 529 Certain our people you do categorization it is The Assemblyman shakes nata that “find the object which shakes nata ” you just have ordered to the bureaucracy the ro Unless nothing has done simultaneous

              • “因为美国的关切”,日方和...,3★其余记录采取明确的立场,以避免责任-国际首脑会议在台湾-台湾的流浪鸠山政府,北关心国家,美国之间的关系紧张。恢复远程导弹开发是在美日安全稳定的关键...亚洲
                Because of thing anxiety… Japanese side and the responsible evasion which make “consequence of the United States” the record not leaving of summit meeting * 3 Straying of Hatoyama administration has an influence on Taiwan To feel concern about the relationship of Taiwan and Japan and America which will be been awkward, north. As for missile development reopening… Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements of range main point of the Asian stability

                • “急板”当他是积极的,失败的变化后进入政府的翻盖,执政党为100%,为先驱竹村(右姆明工具等到全党经验武装开始从共产) The times when “the tip per seat” participated administration changed time time but Being in the 100 ruling party Takemura ahead per seat starting from Japan Communist Party armament construction party to the rightmost wing mumin of all experience

                  • “(在鸠山内阁)如果您这样做或实地消散在不允许苏意在嘲讽的居民不能!”一个搬迁的县名护市施瓦布营的候选人,美国军事市长水稻矿井进公约的居民,现政府。更多关于回归,这已包括批评我的愤怒
                    “(The Hatoyama Cabinet) being claptrap, as for the method which does not have fidelity, being something which ridicules the prefectural people, it cannot permit! ” One of transfer of facilities candidacy area, as for Mayor rice plant ridge Shin of the same prefectural Nago city which is US military camp [shiyuwabu] in the prefectural people conference, government Existence. Concerning the movement of revolution, including anger, like this you criticized

                    • ★流浪。鸠山的荣耀,并最终扭转自民党的支持率“政变毛重约重”,已接近町的脚步在永田伟大的政治变革
                      * Wandering. Pulling derived, support ratio finally in Hatoyama with our people reversal “approximately GW large political change” The footstep of large political change gets near to Nagatacho

                      • 〜我期待Emase ∨ ∧∧ 哈哈现实 (·∀·)(。Ĥ●)鸠山← ¯ ¯⊂)(和)。凵在 J支原体 〜我读Memase ∨ ∧∧ 空气 哈哈 (·∀·)(。Ĥ●) ¯ ¯⊂)(和)。该凵 J支原体 〜我知Rimase ∨ ∧∧ 哈哈常识 (·∀·)(。Ĥ●) ¯ ¯⊂)(和) 。支原体的凵 J 〜我Shimase ∨ ∧∧ 哈哈辞职 (·∀·)(。Ĥ●) ¯ ¯⊂)(和) 。凵 Be visible it is ∨ Actual ∧ ∧ ha ha 92 ∀ H lt Prime Minister Hatoyama ¯ ¯ ⊂ With 凵 It does J U U Can read it is ∨ Air ∧ ∧ ha ha 92 ∀ H ¯ ¯ ⊂ With 凵 It does J U U Know it is ∨ Sensible ∧ ∧ ha ha 92 ∀ H ¯ ¯ ⊂ With 凵 It does J U U Do it is ∨ Resignation ∧ ∧ ha ha 92 ∀ H ¯ ¯ ⊂ With 凵 It does J U U
                        • ∧〃金☆信゙Machikutahi金☆莱塔゙Machikutahi ∧ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ ( ·∀·) 马德尔辞职鸠山内阁?? ⊂⊂ ) ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ¯ ¯左¨ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° 。 machikutahi ゙ reta Chin machikutahi ゙ letter Chin ∧ ∧ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 ∀ lt Hatoyama Cabinet general resignation mada 92 ⊂ ⊂ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ l ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                      • 不 杯煮熟的错读汉字曲棍球在酒吧 仅 钢笔 如果第一个通过 乱绷带包或接受利益或无租金 的死在他母亲的严重以最流行的牛排 对待女孩的生日 希望这些歌曲的任何世袭的嘴,这些人忘记了,我们还没有决定,麻生太郎 Misunderstanding the Chinese character Cup Chinese noodles Boiling attaching of atka mackerel Cap of ball point pen Bar commuting Liquor Adhesive tape The straying whether you receive the benefits or do not receive of Visiting a grave in deathday of the mother the popularity taking The stake it gives a feast in birthday of the daughter The mouth is bent Hereditary Assemblyman As some one our citizens never have not forgotten Aso administration
                        • 不 杯煮熟的错读汉字曲棍球在酒吧 仅 钢笔 如果第一个通过 乱绷带包或接受利益或无租金 的死在他母亲的严重以最流行的牛排 对待女孩的生日 希望这些歌曲的任何世袭的嘴,这些人忘记了,我们还没有决定,麻生太郎 Misunderstanding the Chinese character Cup Chinese noodles Boiling attaching of atka mackerel Cap of ball point pen Bar commuting Liquor Adhesive tape The straying whether you receive the benefits or do not receive of Visiting a grave in deathday of the mother the popularity taking The stake it gives a feast in birthday of the daughter The mouth is bent Hereditary Assemblyman As some one our citizens never have not forgotten Aso administration
                        • 不 杯煮熟的错读汉字曲棍球在酒吧 仅 钢笔 如果第一个通过 乱绷带包或接受利益或无租金 的死在他母亲的严重以最流行的牛排 对待女孩的生日 希望这些歌曲的任何世袭的嘴,这些人忘记了,我们还没有决定,麻生太郎 Misunderstanding the Chinese character Cup Chinese noodles Boiling attaching of atka mackerel Cap of ball point pen Bar commuting Liquor Adhesive tape The straying whether you receive the benefits or do not receive of Visiting a grave in deathday of the mother the popularity taking The stake it gives a feast in birthday of the daughter The mouth is bent Hereditary Assemblyman As some one our citizens never have not forgotten Aso administration

                      • 不会解散,是下一年的房子孩子从他的任期结束时,高收入的,成为一个高笑内心稻叶
                        Because until tenure to be cut off, it probably cannot disperse the House of Representatives, as for 1 year cell and others of large amount remuneration, It probably becomes incenter roar of laughter

                        • 为此,我的意思是,如果被驱逐到该国正在等待一个迫害,难民公约,但日本是我们进入,按照人道主义精神,即使在国民议会迫害的国家,我认为这是等待被遣返表示,说政府不
                          About the, Whether or not it is good to the country which persecution waits to force repatriate with, Japan has not entered into Convention Relating to the status of refugees, but after that following to humane mind even at the National Diet, to the country which persecution waits You think that it reached the point where also government is stated to the manner that it does not repatriate,

                          • 他们不在乎塔麻生太郎无端诽谤,倒台后Bihetsuraini整个闽科凯
                            Whether with the slander which does not have saying even with this hitting Aso, After downfall it begins and ends to the flattery flattery to [minsu

                            • 他们没有资源,他们没有财政资源,等等,往往不是我们最古Dearimasu批评,或特别帐户的任何所谓的元苏二百零七万亿日元在货源的百分之十的预算,包括我说,我们可能会浪费更多的东西比说好,它将把茹她能看到的唯一的事情和项目排序到顶部早生克惹说,它必须但是,在现在是宝座,它已被证明在一茹承诺的唯一案例与许多企业麻石地排序宝座那里我想这就是 There is no revenue source there is no revenue source when it is the case that often the kind of also criticism receives but Commodity Source a ri ma It does 207 000 000 000 000 Yen in the budget which also the special accounts which are said include Whether it is not to have the wastefulness of 1 tenths or more that As for me when it is possible to keep finding sufficiently the with doing business categorization and the like If you can say this the can do promise by all means With being about you think It is the place where actual proof example has risen in the varieties and business categorization
                              • 商业排序本身只是第一步,只有154只排序操作预算没有它不仅指的排序操作的结果的结果并没有反映在该部队由什么样的整体预算批准内阁接受喜欢? 154 There are no many power of coercion in business categorization itself The result of business categorization to reference budget is formed the tsu ke which is not Simply first feature business categorization the Cabinet approving the result that way is round every it seems that is reflected on budget…

                            • 你是群体复活的自由民主党的复兴一定要勾结日本经团联要求赦免和其他医学会,创价学会古Bakkari沉重的税务负担,对穷人和富人的税收优惠,以一定的发言它更像组织的自民党政治家几分钟这样一个舒适的关系与政治Bakkari Piragomenda做轮候,但最好让党更好的政府比共产党的民主 As for the Liberal Democratic Party revival another pardon we would like to ask In addition adhesion with the specific group revives it is the ro which is… Japan Federation of Economic Organizations medical association and Soka academic society… The rich person of specification favorably treating tsu temporary tax it makes the tax liability of the pauper heavy Such a politics tsu temporary those where you do are the Liberal Democratic Party Already such a politics is not by any means the me is Adhesion with the specific group is little amount and the democracy whose mashi But Japan Communist Party administration taking the best
                              • 你是群体复活的自由民主党的复兴一定要勾结日本经团联要求赦免和其他医学会,创价学会古Bakkari沉重的税务负担,对穷人和富人的税收优惠,以一定的发言它更像组织的自民党政治家几分钟这样一个舒适的关系与政治Bakkari Piragomenda做轮候,但最好让党更好的政府比共产党的民主 As for the Liberal Democratic Party revival another pardon we would like to ask In addition adhesion with the specific group revives it is the ro which is… Japan Federation of Economic Organizations medical association and Soka academic society… The rich person of specification favorably treating tsu temporary tax it makes the tax liability of the pauper heavy Such a politics tsu temporary those where you do are the Liberal Democratic Party Already such a politics is not by any means the me is Adhesion with the specific group is little amount and the democracy whose mashi But Japan Communist Party administration taking the best

                            • 债券伤口高尔夫球赛和一洞的失败是在接触。这种情况下,腐败案件和挑战不平等条类珍珠港,日美同盟关系。积极表示,外国(尤其是男子)和张陌生的洗再探讨从该法令津贴怜 1 In the hole communication golf incident and the bond creation which are incomplete Incident and the like The Japan U S alliance destructive incident and challenge unequal provision of Pearl Harbor class Positive statement When the foreigner special a person you pity and the empty of treatment see chiyanchiyara it is strange
                              • 债券伤口高尔夫球赛和一洞的失败是在接触。这种情况下,腐败案件和挑战不平等条类珍珠港,日美同盟关系。积极表示,外国(尤其是男子)和张陌生的洗再探讨从该法令津贴怜 1 In the hole communication golf incident and the bond creation which are incomplete Incident and the like The Japan U S alliance destructive incident and challenge unequal provision of Pearl Harbor class Positive statement When the foreigner special a person you pity and the empty of treatment see chiyanchiyara it is strange

                            • 党的思想秘书长打算在其作为手表的时间相等。钨偏爱混乱的缔约国政府,王室忠实地反映了政府的意图
                              As for intention of the intention equal party of the Secretary General seeing, with sort at that each time inside. Confusion w It takes precedence the party over government, the Imperial Family reflects the intention of government faithfully

                              • 冲绳问题,有可能有盖车库附表姿态进行了评价,然后前往处理许多其他挑战,我们觉得这种方式 It does not mean that the attitude which is tackled from the true front Okinawa problem in addition vis a vis various difficult problems is appraised or by that way we are moved
                                • 不知怎的,我无法判断其真实性有点愚蠢宪法受虐狂,我猜你在大脑至少有花园 However you do not understand it is mazo constitution what it is genuine foolish what at least Don t you think the inside of the brain probably is flower garden what

                              • 减少水的Nantoka 203( 5000新闻)朝日在案件后来在社论说:“应该把解释颈部绳索,”如果我写的(2007 5 24)在他的脖子把绳子4天在被证实死亡 203 nantoka restoration water 5 000 With case The Asahi newspaper with editorial “even with attaching the rope to the neck explain it should” when the tsu te you write 2007 5 24 When the rope can be attached to the neck after that 4 days death verification
                                • 减少水的Nantoka 203( 5000新闻)朝日在案件后来在社论说:“应该把解释颈部绳索,”如果我写的(2007 5 24)在他的脖子把绳子4天在被证实死亡 203 nantoka restoration water 5 000 With case The Asahi newspaper with editorial “even with attaching the rope to the neck explain it should” when the tsu te you write 2007 5 24 When the rope can be attached to the neck after that 4 days death verification

                              • 即使左翼民主党执政居座,但是这一天的审判违背了文紧张的周围,你有何小组教学的终端,社会民主党和民主左派福岛瑞。代表承认,早在皇帝制度,转换是首次举办,继续执政,不择手段
                                If it can remain also the Democratic party left wing power in administration, school teaching group of end circular you of day being generation opposite, although judgment is caused, Fukushima of the Democratic party left wing and corporation people party 瑞. The non fidelity which as for representation, you call approval of the emperor system early, hangs on in administration maintenance it is the way of transfiguration

                                • 即使考虑805,我不想坏鸠山?我说我是一个政策decision m自己?然而,在它的Peraperaperapera总理的重要职务 805 How thinking isn t Hatoyama bad The time limit deciding as for ru the ze which are your own what While there being heavily a job that prime minister Flimsy flimsy
                                  • 为了维持其对权力的控制,差异可能会感到奇怪,我只能被开除,鸠山置换,“他说: Itself even in order to continue to control power Hatoyama Just isn t the neck the air which is replaced ” you say

                                • 即是为皇室伯尔说1:00小泽讨论事情,这在朝廷小泽,党,没有的是, 当地雇员对待娱乐一个在自己的两个步骤看下层机构的官员承认排序很容易地向你解释
                                  Temporarily, the phrasing for Ozawa's Imperial Family became argument, but as for this Ozawa under government, the party, well, looking at the Imperial Family personally, handling with recognition in a manner of speaking as a VIP hospitable system under two gradual cases explanation is attached simply from with the [ru

                                  • 另外在比例代表选区集中到一个小系统,并在众议院比例代表充分的代表性,在区议员做,或
                                    The House of Representatives completely proportion representation instead of seriously considering the proportion representation of those which do the combined use system of small constituency, as for House of Councillors is done at constituency, that

                                    • 只是想在经济衰退降低和逃税和反美和男性 主导的民主和政治皇帝剥削评价,对自民党的不希望评价 In tax evasion and business deterioration and anti American and the 媚 and appraisal of democracy just went down there is no reason where appraisal of our people rises with the political utilization of the emperor
                                      • 只是想在经济衰退降低和逃税和反美和男性 主导的民主和政治皇帝剥削评价,对自民党的不希望评价 In tax evasion and business deterioration and anti American and the 媚 and appraisal of democracy just went down there is no reason where appraisal of our people rises with the political utilization of the emperor
                                      • 只是想在经济衰退降低和逃税和反美和男性 主导的民主和政治皇帝剥削评价,对自民党的不希望评价 In tax evasion and business deterioration and anti American and the 媚 and appraisal of democracy just went down there is no reason where appraisal of our people rises with the political utilization of the emperor

                                    • 同时,总统李明博告诉内阁会议6日“20国集团国家的关注,并密切关注着谈判,
                                      Like this, it does, as for President shelf or Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi in the Cabinet conference on the 6th “G20 and 6 person conference-related countries etc have observed

                                      • 同样,一个临时的,但是,将有资格直接苏刚腕小泽天堂这个官僚?现在回到政治的自民党,将更多更好的远?他们深感装模作样,不远处的答案 After all will temporary says Ozawa s hardness arm probably rebuild this bureaucratic heaven Rather than now returning to our civil administration Osamu considerably it probably is mashi Perplexity is deep answering is distant…
                                        • 同样,一个临时的,但是,将直接对这个国家的苏刚腕小泽站在?现在回到政治的自民党,将更多更好的远?他们深感装模作样,不远处的答案 After all will temporary says Ozawa s hardness arm probably rebuild this bureaucratic heaven Rather than now returning to our civil administration Osamu considerably it probably is mashi Perplexity is deep answering is distant…

                                      • 和小。恶魔,还是它是不是公司的错,像Chochoi使用笔记本电脑时,我抱膝分层?有时,只说了瓦特如动画,其成员的监管课题世界小泉撤军。女巫的面包和丸川四T型背部在高中和没有主题海拔在对自由事业的附表要我作出瓦特 In addition small At the time of the tack tuck of the stratification the company using likely chiyochiyoi and the error to demon it converted the book that it is not w There being only a topic of the secession and animation regulation of post Assemblyman the te as for the topic which sometimes comes out Koizumi world Waist pan of high school age of four worlds babaa of the circular river T shiyaru was made our people list with the topic which the primary factor which or w
                                        • 和小。恶魔,还是它是不是公司的错,像Chochoi使用笔记本电脑时,我抱膝分层?有时,只说了瓦特如动画,其成员的监管课题世界小泉撤军。女巫的面包和丸川四T型背部在高中和没有主题海拔在对自由事业的附表要我作出瓦特 In addition small At the time of the tack tuck of the stratification the company using likely chiyochiyoi and the error to demon it converted the book that it is not w There being only a topic of the secession and animation regulation of post Assemblyman the te as for the topic which sometimes comes out Koizumi world Waist pan of high school age of four worlds babaa of the circular river T shiyaru was made our people list with the topic which the primary factor which or w

                                      • 哎呀,在冲绳的基地,最大的因素减少美军支持拟议搬迁Daro m 1自民党?达罗它不可能再?
                                        As for the largest primary factor of [te] or support ratio decrease the [ro] which is the US military base transfer of facilities problem As for the Liberal Democratic Party plan the [ze] which is inside Okinawa prefecture? That the [ro] which is unreasonable probably will be rubbed?

                                        • 哪个国家是如此糟糕,那家伙你说了我是一个国家,我认为这个国家是不是在日本自民党什么是好的?敢于人的思维问题当然更好,但再一次不幸的是,我做了一些世界各国有多少ü认为他们比你在日本,这究竟多少?古坏自民党rather m各种问题,甚至略有氧化它走哪儿,这种转变埃泰驱动tTA遗留问题,符合结果之间的差异 The ze which you think that it is the Japanese tsu te good country The person where the Liberal Democratic Party makes such a country and passes and says is but So terrible country Of course there are many problems Also the unhappy person probably makes So Try thinking once more well The country which you think that it is better than this Japan being the world there is which extent Is there a large quantity Being a little the ze which is Every country holding various problems the ru it is the ze which is The utopia how it is not it is the ze which is On the other hand as for the Liberal Democratic Party keeps becoming bad that it probably will keep changing the problem which remains doing the result doing the selection which you are wrong And in order to correct the mistake being taken administration in a worse political party
                                          • 哪个国家是如此糟糕,那家伙你说了我是一个国家,我认为这个国家是不是在日本自民党什么是好的?敢于人的思维问题当然更好,但再一次不幸的是,我做了一些世界各国有多少ü认为他们比你在日本,这究竟多少?古坏自民党rather m各种问题,甚至略有氧化它走哪儿,这种转变埃泰驱动tTA遗留问题,符合结果之间的差异 The ze which you think that it is the Japanese tsu te good country The person where the Liberal Democratic Party makes such a country and passes and says is but So terrible country Of course there are many problems Also the unhappy person probably makes So Try thinking once more well The country which you think that it is better than this Japan being the world there is which extent Is there a large quantity Being a little the ze which is Every country holding various problems the ru it is the ze which is The utopia how it is not it is the ze which is On the other hand as for the Liberal Democratic Party keeps becoming bad that it probably will keep changing the problem which remains doing the result doing the selection which you are wrong And in order to correct the mistake being taken administration in a worse political party

                                        • 在去年4月26毛重,“苏壊自民党扭曲!”首相小泉纯一郎上台,哭出来,自民党政府的支持率是百分之70和64席,我赶走了风的力量该
                                          “The Liberal Democratic Party [butsu] is broken on April 26th immediately before GW! ” With Junichiro Koizumi who screams is inaugurated as the prime minister, The Liberal Democratic Party the Cabinet support ratio 70% super with riding in the tail wind which is said, has acquired 64 parliamentary seats

                                          • 太宝贵将科技预算慷慨的人民和国家在发展科学和日本的温室气体比一个孩子的生活
                                            The Japanese technology budget compared to with [gaki] and greenhouse effect gas of resident way national rose spreading Therefore one important matter

                                            • 如果松冈自杀身亡,鸠山。 。 。 。由于没有例如,所有的鸠山家族。然后,以消除或暴力我什至不能坟墓补偿壹岐
                                              If Matsuoka suicide, as for Hatoyama. It will compare, but it is not, Hatoyama Whole group all. To eradicable, disclosing also the grave, the [wa] which it makes up for and cannot

                                              • 对朝青龙和相扑丑闻,但是,除了驱动tTA日本相扑协会萨科鸣叫办公室退休盒子一横纲的尊严比重量,该组织的完整性业务备Yohodo
                                                But vis-a-vis the scandal of the morning blue dragon of the sumo wrestling, the entertainment profit compared to as the sumo champion, respecting dignity, presses for retirement the Japanese sumo wrestling association which, Considerably, as a business organization honest it has

                                                • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本在破坏撤出美军基地和煽动反美情绪 NULL
                                                  • 如果法官是我,当涉及到这个问题伐丽流不负责任的煽动犯罪我会出错人人参与死亡 If when we with the judgment member decides that this irresponsible instigation accuse of a crime to not to be wrong It makes authorized personnel everyone capital punishment

                                                • 小泽我去,我会选择一个便携式靖国神社,他们可以轻易控制杆,这是一个很大的错误估计是控制疯了,更遑论相提并论鸠山瓦特 Ozawa probably is the intention where it can control by his and being light chooses the per portable shrine but Instead of Hatoyama per the fact that it is kichigai of vicious was large miscalculation w
                                                  • 只有当排除了神轿担Giyasui民主党领导人鸠山嘎租73其他民主确保您没有太多的家伙徒瓦特浓度 73 Hatoyama standing out inside democracy it is certain to be the portable shrine which it is easy to shoulder As for other democracy staff the party whose aku is dense to be too multi with w

                                                • 小泽鸠山如果朝鲜被排除,因为这个美军基地搬迁问题,“为什么复杂化”,因为他们没有 If why if Ozawa Hatoyama and North Korea irrelevance The US military base transfer of facilities problem just this “ It is dense the ji and others se ru reason “ Because it is not is

                                                  • 已实施的政策方向,在一个温和的自由主义者,虽然没有互动,有949个,自民党内派系 949 There being each faction inside the Liberal Democratic Party that to influence mutually Moderate policy was executed in free directivity

                                                    • 布鲁诺 No ⌒ REPT r Γ ⌒ REPT r REPT REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ¯ REPT i ⌒ ⌒ REPT And tsu You cannot transfer HKRPT The Soviet Union REPT ゙ i You do not transfer the ♪ 92 human No u REPT 92 Person DREPT 7 REPT 丶 丶 i 92 REPT

                                                      • 并批准在自由社会是什么不同,社会帝国主义和团结,以一个有争议的攻击力不同的价值观 It is formed with the sense of value whose free society is various being different social empire principle attacking objection forces agreement union
                                                        • 如果内部的团结,有些人是好的政策,我想这感觉不错 If it can agree can unite in inside policy skillful the person it is and You call rather and become feeling it is the kana which is not

                                                      • 我会假呢?山冈衰落的活动中井氖小泽的民主力量,如中Hayo我留下一个亲自民党自民党国会议员是真正的自然和wwww
                                                        Don't you think? this fabrication? As for democracy with participation of Ozawa Nakai Yamaoka and the like [chiyon] power as for decline as proper As expected, Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman abandoning, don't you think? [ru] Liberal Democratic Party support group - wwww

                                                        • 我会提出这样的说法功率约339英尺,而不是什么有效的伤害是无法控制的分布吉尔瓦特10
                                                          339 Although the foot it pulls, that much there is no effective power However it is different from control As for damage w which is given sufficiently

                                                          • 我假装报纸调查支持率624●开放的力量开始相信他们写%s到解散的法律需要党的蛋糕我有些已经得到了场外www和民主党人攻击废物群众意愿,改革民主排减单位是无日变化是绝对摇摆!古还取决于目的沙石! ! 624 Support ratio investigation how fabrication of the newspaper is believed the one which the ha ゙ mosquito Original If it cuts it does not disperse go saying whether being written on law www When the mass rubbish will attack a lot of Democratic party intention of reformation of the Democratic party does not fluctuate no matter what Japan is changed The deep thought shatters also the rock
                                                            • 862然而,陆续,他们怎么敢法律公文,像一个可怕的恐惧思维 862 But the next and well well from the next such a fearful law It thinks of it rubbed …

                                                          • 我只是紧张席卷340民主投票数:55单议席选区和对自由民主党得票:61连比例45:39 -级吧?电视麻生太郎的支持率是百分之十的级别后,尖叫着土豆,鸠山政府的支持率是70%,但一开始它是一瓦特
                                                            340 Great victory that much the [tsu] [te] which is hung, The number of polls of democracy: The number of polls of our people When so you see Small constituency 55: 45 At even proportional Ku 61: 39 the [ze] which is what? You shout with TV of Aso administration final period as for support ratio the 10% stand, as for support ratio at the time of Hatoyama administration start although it was the 70% stand, w

                                                            • 我带来了新公明党有三分之二的众议院选举中,42邮政当局能够维持众议院多数在上可以买到 42 Our it had the House of Representatives 2 3 with postal services election dividing majority with House of Councillors to maintain administration it could do public
                                                              • 在他的邮政选举,包括东京都的自民党赢得压倒性胜利,但直到那时,而后又是反对自民党制度始终是坚强凯塔 The case of postal services election as for the national capital region the Liberal Democratic Party won overwhelmingly including Tokyo but to that After that counter our people system was strong always

                                                            • 我想我看到一个有趣的脸似乎仍停留茹每一分钱12谁是什么人支持民主党 Don t you think it probably is human tsu te what kind of human what which supports the Democratic party Still the tsu te where also 12 percent stay being strange the shank Looking at the face being like the shank
                                                              • 儿童的利益和普遍的问题,也将得到支持,如果我们显示了它的细节一半通过像一Gitaatarinihasudeniwakatteitahazuda争论 It is the expectation which is already understood in view of the fact that generally argument such as the problematical point of child treatment passes the middle If it passes through such a meaning to lower support

                                                            • 我拒绝详细舛添要破坏历史时刻显示整个人类的无能庆应义塾质量不合格的早稻田和大规模屠杀开始打击敌人,阻碍了自民党可以用来镇压民主舛添
                                                              Although democracy is crushed, to have Masuzoe who can be utilized It starts hitting Masuzoe instantaneously has become the enemy of our people Everyone being disqualified disabled homicide group in history of human Rotting like Waseda Keio mass rubbish

                                                              • 我自养基地544东西已经崩溃,农民,工会,医疗协会,疏远所有
                                                                544 Support basis something long ago it has collapsed The family-operated business, the farmer, the labor union, medical association, it has been estranged entirely

                                                                • 我,我会支持自由民主的冲击围绕一个大法案I m不支持民主党国会可以强制
                                                                  Because spreading the National Diet method amendment plan ding dong around As for our people support with unreasonable being, democracy support the [ze] losing

                                                                  • 房利美↓,以弥补资金的损失公共联邦住宅贷款抵押,联邦住房金融管理局负责监管联邦住宅抵押贷款的美国财政部对房利美和12月25日,2009(FHFA)当天,两家公司的领导人的已经批准支付数百万美元的赔偿,等待一个临时阶段,消除公众的资金,以帧的两家公司是不可避免的国会反对买萨克
                                                                    ↓ Funny May, deflection D Mack loss at public fund to assistant 填 = American financial affairs ministry 2009 December 25 days The federal financing of housing bureau which is the funny May and deflection D Mack supervisory authority (FHFA) this day, We to approve the remuneration provision which rises to several 1,000,000 dollars for the leader both, coupled with a time abolition of the public financial framework to both corporations, It is inevitable to buy the rally of the national assembly,

                                                                    • 所以,你还没有小泽853 4手摧毁官僚主义的东西 峨但我刚才画的颜色更换小泽利益结构是迄今发现我发了4个新的独立公司1我不知道什么 853 Therefore Ozawa does not do bureaucratic compulsory destructive something separately Already new independent corporate body being able to do also four in 4 1 the ru it is disclosed Present right structure just is repainted in Ozawa color Still it is from the wa
                                                                      • 我要说的是,八四七分钟是神奇的,请问您是否真的可以摧毁小泽结构,因为这比任何其他利益?除非在一个高度引人注目的外观为0 847 As for we would like to saying you understand but Whether so it does really or does not do as another Someone other than Ozawa can destroying this right structure Even alone it is not listed if persuasive power is 0

                                                                    • 收集的Kokinto税收关系的崩溃为美日匍匐出来说话,并把津贴名称国际税务孩子。该死的狗不如剔劣于安慰他们前往中国这个有趣 The overseas bringing up of tax of the name child treatment Collapse related to Japan and America In order to kneel on the ground in kokinto with tax collection Consolation Chinese travelling Such the party who acts playfully It is inferior even dog domesticated fowl and animals raw It is more terrible than the tick
                                                                      • 红旗志位主席,美国驻日本的核谈判问题鲁斯与美关系的 It converses with Chairman and the loose American ambassador Sii In connection with nuclear weapon problem Japan and America

                                                                    • 敏感的天然气价值的似乎是说,在夏季Tteta临时汽油税率及定时炸弹有人普天间
                                                                      You say that someone Futenma and gasoline provisional tariff is the delayed ignition bomb, Gasoline increases in price extending through summer season

                                                                      • 无损检测与吨。特别内阁官房长官石井部长和土地。人口出生率为食品安全和消费者及福岛特别内阁外交部长和国防部长冲绳和北方领土事务及兴石。内阁办公室委员会负责一个大型任务冈崎国家公安两性平等。预防。对这个问题负责人认为,一旦看见地狱Rubeki及
                                                                        It is with having, Mountain. Secretariat director National traffic Minister of State and Cabinet prefecture Ishii special. Okinawa and northern measure Interest stone Minister of Foreign Affairs Defensive Minister of State and Cabinet prefecture special life consumer Fukushima and food safe little child conversion opposite. Man and woman joint participation National Public Safety Commission Chairman Okazaki Cabinet prefecture special life charge large. Anti. And kidnapping problem charge You think that this citizen of one time should look at the hell,

                                                                        • 日经民主渔村东,看起来像疯了自民党的情况下,我发现虽然他可能低于平行的最好的民主Gattara第三站的你一定要降低它的评级批准环吊,如果只在查看您的光临!事实上,一个是错误的瓦特 Perhaps however the tsu te ru which tele east and the Nikkei Democratic party lowers and sows the Liberal Democratic Party using the wheel on that when low support ratio rises is useless The result that is closest to actual condition third bureau lined up into democracy don t you think it is As expected 1 Strange w
                                                                          • 日经民主渔村东,也许在自民党看起来像疯了似的,但我接近我的幸福在现实中发现,最民主的平行于它的第三站环在民调中,不仅低挂?事实上,一个是错误的瓦特 Perhaps however the tsu te ru which tele east and the Nikkei Democratic party lowers and sows the Liberal Democratic Party using the wheel on that when low support ratio rises is useless The result that is closest to actual condition third bureau lined up into democracy don t you think it is As expected 1 Strange w

                                                                        • 时间越长,我原来是领导者,到目前为止,更好的是,“真正的宝藏,”嘿,你从美国国库券销售走
                                                                          Another, therefore to here the leader [muchiyakuchiya] what, rather, “sale of true buried deposit gold” American bond you do not do, it can combine,

                                                                          • 普雷斯托925维修?不过是普雷斯托办事的社会民主党或Janakatta!民主党人已散 925 Ahead wound maintenance Ahead per seat the corporation people and you have not acted together Becoming the Democratic party it became disjointed but

                                                                            • 最坚持的想法是错误的想法,只有八四一顷没有完全一样的模式我有日本在第二次世界大战中死亡 841 Unless there is only this as for the conception which clings to erroneous idea and is attached Completely the same as the pattern where Japan collapses in the second next great war

                                                                              • 此分类只有当他们说完全只是无法逃脱,甚至看到有人在普及迄今将下降 As for this whoever seeing if just those which cannot be dodged are assorted accurately It does not become the support ratio decrease to here
                                                                                • 20 617%的支持率为3年,一直是10%的平均错了,我几乎踢政府继续运作 617 Administration it continues to manage with the even 10 3 years directly support ratio 20 … not to be wrong almost it is don t you think

                                                                              • 此外,我有最坏的首要我们喜欢这个词,“谁在未来,”说时,不远处而且仅有的两个手指,一方面充分的候选人,民主党谈论改变我们那你输入的事实?是一个象征性的缺乏,情况严重,如不回答为什么人们 Furthermore although such a worst prime minister you are said when “with someone such as next” instead of one hand Only the candidacy which is enough with finger 2 it is furthermore the fact that alternation theory has entered into this Democratic party is fact Therefore it seems that symbolizes the lack of talent that it does not come out It is serious state
                                                                                • 我真的没有转向民主党,我们不知道什么可能是错的 我和思维,或许,如果有古附表1日收回只承认从现在就行了“等 我认为这是 As for we however you did not insert in the Democratic party when perhaps it did we thought by mistake was Perhaps and Japan keeps recovering from now on if is only it recognizes” … And so on with you thought
                                                                                • 此外,我有最坏的首要我们喜欢这个词,“谁在未来,”说时,不远处而且仅有的两个手指,一方面充分的候选人,党的转变从民主是我们的人力资源是一个严重的状况,如不回答缺乏的象征 Furthermore although such a worst prime minister you are said when “with someone such as next” instead of one hand Only the candidacy which is enough with finger 2 it is furthermore the fact that alternation theory has entered into this Democratic party is fact Therefore it seems that symbolizes the lack of talent that it does not come out It is serious state

                                                                              • 毛重内阁官房长官福田康夫辞职,民主党于五月七日在光线只,10个代表辞职
                                                                                Secretariat Director Yasuo Fukuda to resign on May 7th of GW opening, on the 10th 菅 Naoto representation of the Democratic party you resigned

                                                                                • 水稻699。赖斯要求州长。赖斯要求州长。赖斯要求州长。赖斯要求州长。赖斯要求州长。总督要求
                                                                                  699 Rice plant. The demand of governor Rice plant. The demand of governor Rice plant. The demand of governor Rice plant. The demand of governor Rice plant. The demand of governor Rice plant. The demand of governor

                                                                                  • 水稻自由民主党。作为省长条件联合军事民用机场和军用搬迁的要求在我忘了我已经在使用期限内未经批准销毁一内阁的决定10
                                                                                    In the Liberal Democratic Party administration era rice plant. In the demand of the governor as a transfer of facilities condition the troop people common airport As for the US military cancelling the Cabinet conference decision of time limit equipped use of 10 years selfishly You forgot already, it is with the shank

                                                                                    • 河野洋平,但瓦特你知道吗?当时,在日本是最大的外国侨民团体
                                                                                      But Youhei Kono w It is understood? At that time, the largest foreign group in Japan was the resident South Korean

                                                                                      • 溃疡,以欺骗抗日婴儿潮,我年轻的投票古线?我们将看看会发生什么从梁自由端排除我要愚弄我们的胆量出猥亵 In order that the anti Japanese aho nodule is crushed the young person goes to poll The aspect of aho which sukebe nature it put out and saying passes through from our people how becomes it is sight seeing
                                                                                        • 溃疡,以欺骗抗日婴儿潮,我年轻的投票古线?我们将看看会发生在我们的条款从梁的自由民主党和愚蠢的勇气排除出猥亵 In order that the anti Japanese aho nodule is crushed the young person goes to poll The aspect of aho which sukebe nature it put out and saying passes through from our people how becomes it is sight seeing

                                                                                      • 现实“我不关心,直到最近,每天按10月19日体育 民主党智囊团来与”柏拉图“看来,解决的方向 Actuality gt It is to recently not to become aware but according to the daily sport October 19th gt The direction where the Democratic party cancels party attachment think tank “Plato” it probably will put out is
                                                                                        • 因为我将离你最近擦党民主党人投票支持,最终将是同一批人转向民主党 Because it is snuzzled in the Democratic party when you vote to the party of everyone In the Democratic party you insert with it becomes after all same

                                                                                      • 甜汁他们谈判的合同,横向交叉手,所以不崩溃是占主导地位的政治官僚,除非小泽
                                                                                        As for swaggering and bureaucratic main leadership politics etc. of the juice and the compulsory crossing which are sweet in option contract, If it is not Ozawa, it cannot destroy

                                                                                        • 的O )⌒ヽ我们 Fish i Fish l i l ” L No ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ┐ Γ ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ REPT r Γ ⌒ ⌒ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ 92 No U U REPT 彡 U i i 92 92 i U REPT i r ⌒ ○ REPT ○ ⌒ i REPT no No REPT and no U 92 92 92 92 No 92 t i REPT 92 REPT REPT 92 92 REPT REPT No 92 92 ni U Λ 92 and no U 92 92 r No 92 ¯
                                                                                          • 我ー┐─┌┐┌ γ澳 ) Kokuminga! Lー“ ヽ我 布鲁诺,我) ┌ ─ ┐ I ┌ ┐ Γ O kokuminga 92 92 L ” i no REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT i o ゚ ⌒ ⌒ ゚ ol l u human √ ¯ Γ ⌒ lt l √ ¯ REPT ⌒ No l O l l 92 92 ─ ─ ─ l O lt REPT To do the no the no l l l REPT 92 “ REPT l O REPT ¯ ¯ No nono and no ─ ─ REPT HKRPT HKRPT 22 ni ─ ─

                                                                                        • 粪便,但民主党人,并非所有负面的,谁表现出克制和压力被安排在公共官僚机构对企业和排序,不仅要好,而且试图评估公平, But as for the Democratic party the droppings not to be all denial how to apply the restraint and the pressure to business categorization and bureaucratic organization As for showing in the citizen Seeing fairly it is good appraising
                                                                                          • 有什么好踢约排序操作呢?绝缘子坏的感觉就像在他们看来,人民法院,必要的预算Bishibashikirareteru The business categorization tsu te it is good so Being kangaroo court like seeing feeling it is bad and necessary budget being finished to do the bi lawn with that the ru

                                                                                        • 线-消费税上调。给企业减税(中断经团联)可笑,我很致力于瓦特求我只有3个公共税收,大企业税收减免
                                                                                          Consumer tax tax increase Line. Abandonment Corporation tax reduction (the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations favorable treatment) It is outrageous, the [ze] w which is three pledges Just tax liability seeking from the citizen, the big business way tax relief

                                                                                          • 美国美林浅间山庄红军事件,但我们的同志被杀害文合柏迪是不是时间差从领导,社会帝国主义的后果“,是不允许的志野太少异质性“这是一个狂热的思想的必然结果 In the Asama mountain villa Red Army lynch incident the murder being agreeable of same mind occurred but because that the leader of that time was the abnormal person is not It is conclusion of social empire principle “ You do not permit either a little heterogeneity “ It was the inevitable result which with you say is by mania trust idea
                                                                                            • 为松本沙林毒气事件Hazime汤姆是袭击造成6月27日1994年,returned ll尝试挥杆奥姆真理教沙林毒气,他们是狂热信徒的犯罪及其教主麻原彰晃马苏 Sarin incident of Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city which occurred on 1994 June 27th is begun when it tries looking back at oumu truth teaching sarin incident It is made the flax field of the founder and crime of those mania trust believers

                                                                                          • 而是一个民主政府为4年,当时鸠山的讲话附表批评现在的汇率已改变只,自民党总裁将要提前举行大选 As for democracy administration however 4 years you say because just that criticized the fact that the president of our people changes When Hatoyama stops there probably is only dispersion general election
                                                                                            • 总统选举时,小泉就任总统,但“小渊先生是窗帘,”我说的时候 When Koizumi becomes the president with president selection that “Kobuchi is you hit” you spoke Time

                                                                                          • 自民党线和一个我从驱动tTA Tateru波老人Stadthalle的,没关系,如果你吻硬币候选人站在公众利益 The Liberal Democratic Party kept appearing the aged person and dissension the person who is built therefore it is Doing even with public offering the excellent candidate it should have raised steadily

                                                                                            • 自由民主党都称赞Taenakere,武野支持者认为它不包括认证就像民主党Netouyo Busayo
                                                                                              If you praise our people and do not praise, as for being convinced that it is the democracy supporter, The same shelf as [netouyo] [busayo] recognition

                                                                                              • 论党的辞职政府只有在伐丽流选举并没有产生消极博罗普天间的问题上超过70%狂欢
                                                                                                If without Futenma problem solving the rag it is defeated with House of Councillors selection Resignation theory of Hatoyama administration is thought that it exceeds the 70% at a stroke,

                                                                                                • 财政部部长谈到的,民希望它带来的像拉那个...民主党至少家伙没有,我一直比较什么疼痛会成员闵升降机发言ー垫你,我会
                                                                                                  If you mention financial affairs minister of state, that state it puts out [minsu],… At least, in the [minsu] party the outstanding talent who is not, with it means to say, but it is The [za] - you raise, 党員 of [minsu] of [watsushiyoi] in no comparison viewing?

                                                                                                  • 超过6个月在一个地方和明确的支持率已经四年看下垂只有四代安倍和小泉卡诺花Hukuda Asou一个家伙也许并不可怕,是Louppy
                                                                                                    Koizumi Abe Fukuda Aso and four generation four years spending, the kana which is the enormous person where it clears the support ratio which it lowers with one generation semi- year remainder perhaps doing, as for [rupi

                                                                                                    • 这是日本帝国的天堂。在大胆的攻击已经证明狂热的自杀,而中国的红卫兵小组证明林奇
                                                                                                      As for this heaven of Jipango. The special attack death for honor with mania trust has proven and, the group bullying of Chinese red guard has proven

                                                                                                      • 适用于今年夏天的选举活动中发现的禁止的净民主法案“,或假装政党和候选人的诽谤,在候选人的行为或政党的净〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜诽谤罪名虚假陈述选举的法律和刑事犯罪和惩罚家庭苏
                                                                                                        Democracy bill clarification To net election rescindment It applies from House of Councillors selection of this summer “It does to become the political party and the candidate, it increases, In the behavior which does the slander slander of the political party and the candidate with the net, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Are inflicted penal regulations with such as honorable 棄 loss crime of criminal law and false indication crime of public selection method

                                                                                                        • 韩国的声音强烈怀疑朝鲜参与的情况,李明博(VMP)的和有利于岩石政府预计所有可能的调查
                                                                                                          In Korea the voice which doubts the North Korean participation is strong, Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi ([i] [miyonbaku]) We have become the situation which shakes administration, it is seen that perfection was expected in investigation,

                                                                                                          • 韩国的破坏组织执行单位,负责北,北中返回,两国关系提供信息和交流,以发展核武器以及精密机械,设备,提供一系列在长期的信息交换关系火箭武器生产,提供印刷技术的交流和建立关系,该行可能被赎回,由日本母公司为中国小组负责人
                                                                                                            As for that execution unit the North Korean destructive construction system taking charge, as the collateral in North Korea, Offer, and counterfeit note production of the precision instrument and relate to the offer and long distance rocket weapon production of the data the equipment and material and the data which relate to nuclear weapon development Offer of the printing technology which relates, is a possibility of being done by the Japanese parent Chinese group politician group

                                                                                                            • 鸠山内阁释放落入一国的管治,不被看作是公众从永田町“这次选举是围绕毛重有一个伟大的政变”,而厄运 The Hatoyama Cabinet which is falling to rule incomplete state is being released considered as the citizen but “there is a House of Councillors selection in Nagatacho There is a large political change in approximately GW” that there is a jinx
                                                                                                              • 志位民主力量也奇怪案件在482现在,也许不是最好的在什么是浪费什么是诚实的浪费。我不明白的水平 482 So in case of the democracy whose also current rule ability is doubtful honest something being wasteful whether something wastefulness without being most It is the level which you cannot understand don t you think

                                                                                                            • ,彡米 ,我米彡⌒⌒ 奥夫五十铃我¯ !°〜〜 五十铃,ーヾ我 ー NULL
                                                                                                              • 受体 ヽMimimimimimi, ,我 ー r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No t to a You r REPT t nini The ro where gradually we is the love forcing i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92

                                                                                                            • ,,, ⌒ 升 (● 布鲁诺ヽ (● ⌒ l No REPT l j 92 REPT i 92 92 92
                                                                                                              • ⌒γ Γ ⌒ ⌒ HKRPT ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ ⌒ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ 92 ⌒ REPT 彡 92 92 92 92 ⌒ 92 ⌒ l No REPT l j 92 REPT i 92 92 92

                                                                                                            • ::::( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 ⌒ ヽ 布鲁诺 古 ┴┴ ┴┴ human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku 92 ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴
                                                                                                              • NULL Ω REPT Ω REPT Ω l Ω REPT REPT REPT l l ll l Ω REPT Ω REPT chiyaratsuchiyaratsuchiyan ♪ Ω l Ω REPT REPT REPT l l ll l H ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                                                                              • ° ¯ 。 ━ ━ ( 人 ) ━ ━ 。 : ⌒ ヽ ::布鲁诺 古 ┴ ┴ ┴┴ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92 ━ ━ 92 human ━ ━ 92 ⌒ human REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku 92 ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴

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