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In the Riyuuma giant legend which is 169 centimeters and 62 kilometers stir Yamanasi


  • 06英尺的所谓西方土豆,这里是高) 相当高 180厘米3 85%(高,如果我遇到一个人谁不是一个难得一 In Europe and America to be called 6 footers from here the long body 180cm 3 85 There are no times when it meets to the person who are higher by your rarely
    • 264但是,你知道什么是高大的德国?什么是平均身高180厘米?不发生一点的思维,它看起来愚蠢的大竞赛 264 So the ro which is the German tsu te long body The tsu ke which is average height 180cm The rank which just a little cannot be thought the fool the huge race shelf

  • 169CM体重62公斤,这是一个很好的标准江户时代现代人与细长的腿伸展人只有在做碧塔海在武术真的轻体长脚或身体质量指数,是我们的意志和

    • 325青年探险,时间旅行川中岛的声音:田村由香里是什么呢?女顺便说一句,作为一个“系列的时间旅行明治维新”一些 325 Springtime of life adventure time slip Kawanaka island Voice Tamura yu temporary w By the way as a series “the time slip Meiji restoration” It is
      • 我试图明治时代人类的所有时期明治时代,一般人谁发挥它使用几乎从江户时代生活 The last days of the shogunate restoration age person biography From the last days of the shogunate applying in the Meiji restoration it tries arranging the person to the age order which participated in general It increased

    • 406摆在我们面前,HUNTERxHUNTER Reyo回到此线(#..゚)1
      406 As for you, HUNTERxHUNTER Return to [sure] (#. . ゚)

      • 537欧,耶苏,耶苏,教育研究所哦,离゚的系列
        537 [ou], [iesu], [iesu], [ouie] and [hu] ゚ lease ゙

        • 676 667 169 Idaro错?莫扎特是小东西的人(约150?)Wwww完全不同的国家在同一时间 676 667 The ro which is the mistake of 169 Motes alto something it was the small man about 150 Wwww where times and the country are different at all
          • 667 169 Idaro错?莫扎特是小东西的人(约150?) 667 The ro which is the mistake of 169 Motes alto something it was the small man about 150

        • 748 1。新浪的实力在当时一Seiryuuengetsutou面包200克,不到20平方公里。 Seiryuuengetsutou首先,自宋朝武器
          748 1. As for one loaf of China of that time 200 grams it is strong, as for [seiriyuuengetsutou] 20 kilometers or less 2. As for in the first place [seiriyuuengetsutou], weapon after the Song generation

          • 749那么,绝大多数的武器强度,但如一柄利刃on枪看齐机,因为敌人的阵营值and骑兵提供该评估价值100万人,并认为什么峨?关蓝色。或者,如果你不是生活能力的差距在那里的军火武器,蛇剑,张飞Hatizyou日元月刊(轻武器,不进行任何从汝瓦特),而我认为这是一个机构中,只有差异 749 At that time although there is no superiority or inferiority of the machine gun and the sword like weapon When with preponderant strength it is worthy of to ten thousand horsemen alone as for the reason which is appraised to the value enemy s camp barracks you think something Blue of Seki feather It depends on the Engetsu sword and the Hari flying height eight snake halberd If the differential to over there is not borne in weapon ability something the light ray being the case that it comes out from the weapon or w After you think that there is only a difference of the body body but
            • 三国时代是不会年龄一揆在体认的总容量的个人手提在手作战,而不是静止或枪械,和体能远远百万的方式,他评价营地和的敌人,但是士兵和size difference的压倒性之间的一般鄂如被认为更加自然和蓝色。赤兔马剑和日元每月只的能力,并不能认为打败敌人的欲望,以平息组 Sangokushi era the gun it is not yet In the times when private ability of human bullet game is everything Instead of one horseman this thousand when it is worthy of to ten thousand therefore it was appraised to the enemy s camp barracks it is The one which you think that there was a preponderant physique difference of marked body ability and the general soldier is natural Blue You cannot think that in just ability of the Engetsu sword and the red rabbit horse could level the enemy which crowds

          • Bateren日本在当时,“王子信长,然后提古亚洲英俊高大的”我们只剩下写作 As for the padre who at that time has visited Japan “As for Nobunaga public being handsome the back is high to the oriental commenting” With you write and have left

            • F hatena ne jp 图像 fotolife 米 麻将坤 20091119050306分之20091119。jpg格式龙马↑(左)一个人意味着什么呢?超过Girundaga甚至没有考虑到面临的分歧非常喜欢的事情,当他们指定当前陌生青年瓦特 f hatena ne jp images fotolife m mah kun 20091119 20091119050306 jpg Riyuuma of the ↑ the left being main person of the tsu te When being young adding the fact that you say extremely the face is different too much but it is w Today the human tsu po it is strangely
              • 我从来没有听说过,但应该从大的男子和他同时代的评估将有一个体面的平均150 169 Approximately 150 being even if 169 as the giant being commented even from the simultaneous proxy but ru expectation you have not heard

            • Pampy来听故事讲述者,不是吗?迪西订定的,不仅了解了在有形的形式比生命更大的英雄 The fool narration the pan which comes to hearing in only the form discernibly tweet The ro which is the setting which was made from the fact that you do not understand the hero hero

              • 三国679期已测量系统(而不是目前的标准是什么)人建立一个一般的方法,那么我相信这是即将转化成正常的身高现在,说小博时井刘备刘备的赎回,它的约173厘米,我不是一般的怪手绘或W土帕,膝盖或手直立具有悠久 679 Already shaku 貫 method there was a Sangokushi era however and presently standard it is different The person of the general physique produces converting to presently normal height It is possible to believe generally By the way at that time it is a little large the Liu preparation that about 173cm kana As for Liu preparation the ordinary man not to be the tapper when the hand is long strangely forcing Standing upright that the hand was attached to hiza w
                • 刘备,并拥有悠久Daranto咪咪,我的膝盖会达到,甚至一只手驱动tTA立场,我唯一想到的是什么驱动tTA验证我想这也 Is Liu preparation mimi viewing where the ku te it stands even with while the hand to the knee The tsu te which reaches it is what kind of monster depending you thought but we want verifying that

              • 不管是什么,他们是爱国的恢复,都发挥。我喜欢他们瓦特通过
                Even, how it is good, but the restoration will loyal retainers [tsu] [te], everyone playing. We liked commuting, it is shelf w

                • 什么是未来凯塔西乡高森和大久保利通大萨摩正如预期是因为它是一个不吃猪肉和传统美食
                  Saigo prosperity and large Kubori passing largely the [tsu], as for And [tsu] [pa] Satsuma is secret cooking eats from former times the empty [tsu] lever and kana

                  • 什么是穷人岩崎Yatarou 574,NHK的戏剧,其实是,但我仍家有岩崎玛丽塔中产阶级家庭住在房子,这给我留下作为一种文化 574 Yatarou Iwasaki as for poor tsu te NHK Being drama But actually the husband who is born in the house of middle class home… Even now it remains the Iwasaki house tsu te as cultural assets and
                    • NHK大河Mochiagenai在一个长州武士,有一天,他们随机抽取恩戴鹰二恶古,专家们不松懈哦,敲打,所有的长洲人,他们担心权力来自反 NHK to have the Tiyousiyuu feudal clan loyal retainer in the big river you draw haphazardly badly Some days ago and with the dust it is high and the a is loose the intellectual decrying the Tiyousiyuu person Because everyone we fear counter power

                  • 从芝因为,我认为是受欢迎的敬畏皇帝在长州战争的长州藩。 Ininari坏,吉田松阴和高杉晋作低估,从他们被高估或龙马土佐西乡萨摩 Even Liao Siba Therefore those where valuable imperial idea of the Tiyousiyuu feudal clan is praised during wartime Tiyousiyuu Hatefully When it becomes Yoshida Shoin and the high cedar Shin work it is Saigo of underestimation and Satsuma it is Tosa Riyuuma Because you appraised excessively
                    • 从芝因为,我认为是受欢迎的敬畏皇帝在长州战争的长州藩。 Ininari坏,吉田松阴和高杉晋作低估,从他们被高估或龙马土佐西乡萨摩 Even Liao Siba Therefore those where valuable imperial idea of the Tiyousiyuu feudal clan is praised during wartime Tiyousiyuu Hatefully When it becomes Yoshida Shoin and the high cedar Shin work it is Saigo of underestimation and Satsuma it is Tosa Riyuuma Because you appraised excessively

                  • 伤口是不是绳子滑戈尔举行了你的格局,使之成为一个美丽的辫子或在第二部分 Winding the handle in order to stop the fact that it slides with the blood paste with the hemp rope It reaches the point where it is knit with the clean Sanada string
                    • 编织的方式,我在梅塔Hazime马里已经开始谋生站在手流驯服,成为流动的高野山的真田家族 By the way the Sanada string starts making because the Sanada parent and child which is let flow to Koyasan raises living as a start the ru

                  • 但是没几个人做有理想和Nobu餐厅面对大猴子horseface尽管面临许多狭间的饺子丑陋的面孔,更不是为了高) 高彩 一七七厘米17 87%(比平常更大一点的时刻) 高 一七六厘米22 52%(略)大于正常 正常 175厘米28 07%(平均 The person who has been made ideal it is many but awkwardness of the face deca horseface monkey face being postponed face is many in habit of chibi which is not to the long body 177cm 17 87 Just a little it is larger than normal 176cm 22 52 Just a little it is larger than normal 175cm 28 07 Normal
                    • 那么,如果在时间上169 182现代的,都属于相当高的大个子不够好,但力量将进入 If at that time 169 if to today you refer it probably is about 182 To call the giant lacking in appeal it enters into the category of long body well probably will be

                  • 体重指数的标准是一回事,但重量向后从??从Idaro一百六十九厘米60公斤,若你在这一数字
                    But it is possible to being the weight which it calculates backward from standard BMI? ? If with 169cm that somatotype the [ro] which is lighter than 60kg and is

                    • 其实,我觉得有什么地方政治内阁秘书?我觉得有趣的故事,是给予绝对要使用Tteta猪排说服脱藩浪人?
                      Actually, there being an existence about of the private secretary of the Cabinet minister politician, there is no place? Uses the deviation from feudal clan jobless man victory Kaishu funny saying, you think that it is story, but it is

                      • 凯塔恩戴江户后期希望天宝饥荒和粮食形势不好的天明大饥荒,我觉得太短
                        As for the Edo final period large famine of the daybreak and large famine of Tenpo we would like to see, Food circumstance was bad, you think that it is with, by any means it is small-statured what,

                        • 历史龙马书道夫尾家仁“所有”,马龙元顕事务部长田中晃宫内前土佐族“的5英尺7英寸,”他解释说,证据陈述
                          “In book Riyuuma's of the historical researcher flat Onomichi male everything”, Minister of State Miyauchi was served with Tosa feudal clan graduate The Tanaka optical 顕 Riyuuma “7 sun/size 5 shaku” the description which is explained is basis

                          • 古奖788名,我没有违反任何改变( ·ω· ) 788 ID not to change te regrettable prize the Ω
                            • 如果我说编号:J6的 N5HEd0正在成为可怜( ·ω· ) NULL
                            • 编号: o4abJ0h0 u003d编号:J6的 N5HEd0编号凯塔凯塔好爆裂和良好的变化 ID o4abJ0h0 ID j6 N5HEd0 ID it was good changing it was good

                          • 古王朝的罪恶,才写,也许我的创始人是参与,但革命看起来即使你有厚厚的血王室赞助顾好它看起来像以前那样要捍卫 Writing the front royal court badly the potato which insisted the justifiability of revolution it is But well when ancestry of the front royal court is protected thickly like it is Whether also ability of the beginning ancestor founder is related don t you think
                            • 日本还没有出来,以驱赶邪恶吧!没有任何理由继续执政,而不是党离不开共产党在选举中和 Japan where we is bad was expelled Unless with you do The Chinese Communist Party do election there is no justifiability which remains in administration

                          • 后一人明治维新的比较than m萨长825人晕倒当代评价,如果你仅仅留下一个坏的土方岁三猪排Kaishuu战斗导师还直接参与了评估时戊辰巽Naohumi赞扬和我是最好的形容后,日本陆军司令 825 Appraisal of the human of the same age is not good it is Instead of the person of 薩 length after the restoration also victory Kaishu who is the direct teacher keeps appraising and If manual laborer year three at the time of 戊 辰 war under that fight Furthermore the stand which is named the Japanese army highest commander after you see the sentence has extolled and
                            • 最近,它已成为真正的武士的奴才,人民币升值的家伙,当然只是在口中土方岁三,坂本龙马和中冈,所以即使我被打死太快Shoboi井合人数减少 Recently the Sakamoto steed just the mouth with the guy It becomes the revaluation manual laborer year three genuine samurai the seed The te umbrella being killed disappointingly with crossing swords of the number of members at ru point in time the shiyoboi wa Therefore naturally also Nakaoka

                          • 和我们会看到鬼的人在西方宝宝红头发毛茸茸的胸部船舶抵达的外国风格的漂流

                            • 和钢箭。不是,有宝贵的,不能随意使用,但它有一对铁盾牌 Arrow and iron If the shield of the partner however it exists Because at that time the iron was the treasure there are also times when you cannot use in the non darkness
                              • 但是,你没有考虑到,在日本,我从来没有支持自由凯塔 As for you however it is not inserted in consideration The shield how it was not in Japan die

                            • 商业的繁荣,因为它几乎立即在日本一段时间,去年瓦特龙马,他的妻子时,她只有直江武津线瓦特 Generally therefore with boom same trading w For a while Japan one is the steed… When last year Aizu going only the wife buki direct river w

                              • 嗯,我喜欢结构瓦特的麻生太郎和中川昭我们430

                                • 在329方面的常识,西乡兴奋一个残酷的死亡,高杉,岩崎Yatarou比坂本,将赢得压倒性的音频设置湿重
                                  329 When you refer to popular feeling, Saigo which accomplishes miserable last moment, the high cedar, Sakamoto and others compared to Yatarou Iwasaki probably is preponderant victory group, but ww

                                  • 在961还有些夸大,我觉得龙马坂本龙马和180厘米超级高知真实的人的恐惧乐烧,我们可以说,日本男子扎西卡努在我不知道的只是200万 961 Being exaggerated more or less as for ru you think that it is Steed 180cm super Kochi person The hill original steed is said to do that it is the man of Japan one kanu perhaps truth 2m exactly probably is extent what
                                    • 坂本龙马高知谁是真正发出了同样的家伙说我是日本吗?这并不是说我不知道她的历史详细 The Kochi of the same dispatch person As for the hill original steed however you say that it is the man of Japan one The ho it is with Because history there is no woman there is no details wa can

                                  • 在一宗民事案件和辍学的967罗马的历史。一旦城邑美化,在蜡 967 In one word of historical romance dropping and people of case When the castle town is beautified the cartridge viewing wax
                                    • 高知城藩从136脱。或边境一夜之间,能够认真起来是 136 From Kochi castle town at time of deviation from feudal clan To boundary whole day and night the ability not to be possible with maji

                                  • 在同一高度,所以我说我身体差了62英里之间的战斗机和会觉得不可能的芽苗菜 Difference of bean sprouts somatotype and the grapple house saying you say even at the same height Because is the air which cannot be does 62 kilometer tsu te

                                    • 在旧的棒球选手,如顶尖和长岛这是一个170厘米国王
                                      The king and Nagasima or the super first-rate player were the 170cm stand even with the professional baseball of former times and

                                      • 在高度六十二千克在169厘米当时土方岁三是167所以我扯
                                        When it is 62kg with 169cm, at that time it is muscle bone Takashi 々 Therefore even at manual laborer year three height 167 �

                                        • 坂本龙马纪念馆在高知,高知,推出了一座173公分,龙马
                                          At the Kochi prefectural Sakamoto Riyuuma commemoration mansion of Kochi city, Riyuuma's height is introduced 173 centimeters

                                          • 坂本龙马被打死的唯一负面的情报大北Hazime如此之大,我不f Therefore as for the Sakamoto steed being defeated to sect Osamu Okita f which is killed You think that there is no great thing

                                            • 奶奶的男孩诚滨村附近的孩子,他还是发挥了大来草字
                                              As for grandmother of neighborhood of boy beach village 淳 Time of the child, it had had playing to Souzi Okita that

                                              • 如果你可以看到一个清楚的看它在龙马雕像在上野西乡高森Kiijan更大,高度的两倍呢?
                                                Saigo prosperity is large directly If you try looking at the Ueno bronze statue, it is recognized even with elbowroom, but Riyuuma The [ro] which is posterior waist length of 2 times and is

                                                • 如果我们正在流行的现实,这似乎是一个在公司销售部门负责外国经理
                                                  If the actual condition is called to modernism, it probably is the place such as chief of sales department of corporate body charge with the foreign merchant of the department store

                                                  • 如果这种钝器或日式按摩班从宪法范围的日本人,或者说他们不关心我,而是时尚538 538 But you say or that it is funny or from the limit of the physique of the Japanese In case of Japan as for such sluggishly vessels of massage it is not popular
                                                    • 我相信没有Tteru问题钝建立像往常一样在538中华文化时尚 538 It is not problem of the physique it is without being or in the Chinese cultural sphere the vessel being popular sluggishly normally the ru

                                                  • 字幕一集“我凯塔太郎好,身高阿布先生嘿,你通常这个时候我会!苏不要摇了一把剑!”
                                                    [momotarosu] “it was good, don't you think? Riyoutarou, as for your posterior waist length these times general/universal passing, the horsefly the [e]! The sword it swings, is! ”

                                                    • 小泉纯一郎 一百六十九厘米· 175厘米·福田康夫麻生太郎安倍晋三171厘米·鸠山由纪夫一百七十八厘米175厘米· Junichiro Koizumi 169cm Shin Abe three 175cm Yasuo Fukuda 171cm Taro Aso 175cm Yukio Hatoyama 178cm

                                                      • 尽管这是经常到他那里去赤壁厚脸皮) 低 如果169厘米68 50%(通常较少) 它们 低168厘米74 55%(通常较少) 过低 一百六十七厘米79 86%(小) 过低 166厘米84 44 %(小) 太低 165厘米89 56%(作为一个男人太小 In habit of chibi it is many in the conceited person 169cm 68 50 It is low 168cm 74 55 It is low 167cm 79 86 It is small 166cm 84 44 It is small 165cm 89 56 As a man to be too small
                                                        • 不,我不站在眼) 非常 更大一八六厘米0 76%(非常大 There are no times when it is not conspicuous 186cm 0 76 Deca it is
                                                        • 我死我来到50年前的生活,100年没有增加抗体那家伙是一个难得的Live Meeting 1860 Assuming that the person of 1860 origin has met To 100 years old living dying 50 years ago the ru wa

                                                      • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 396 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 来源是河流?不要逃避Genai 396 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river As for source Without escaping don t you think
                                                        • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 486 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 凯塔你没有,我在日本河流盾牌 486 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river In Japan the shield how it was not with to do the yo
                                                        • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 489 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 是日本人河川,一百四十〇厘米 489 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river But as for Japanese 140centimeter

                                                      • 布鲁诺ヽ∋* 475 *诺诺河∈ ·ω·`我认为河实力的日本装甲部队和装甲埃纳西方
                                                        475 ∋ & [nonono] REPT * ∈ River ' Ω `river It is strength thought of the Japanese armor and the armor of the West

                                                        • 布鲁诺ヽ∋487 4 497 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 即使在同一河流重型盔甲的男子在日本西部唯一的区别就是力量和体能 4974 nbsp 487 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river To the same heavy armor With the Japanese and the western person the reason where the physique and the POWER are different
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 410 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 是啊河 410 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river Don t you think so is
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 419 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 但河水是不是蒙古人民,我不是日本人 419 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river However being that tsu te Mongol person It is not the Japanese don t you think
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 433 诺诺河∈ ·ω· S克里克也可能 433 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river Perhaps it is that don t you think
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 453 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 你看我在日本,因为我通过他们的河流 453 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river Therefore those tsu te Japanese countries don t you think it is formed and passes and it is feeling
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 487 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 即使在相同的功率重型装甲河流唯一的区别在西方与日本的体质和男子 487 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river To the same heavy armor With the Japanese and the western person the reason where the physique and the POWER are different
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 497 诺诺河∈ ·ω· 有一个好的身体从河 497 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river Physique from calling
                                                          • 布鲁诺ヽ∋ 504 诺诺河∈ 日本刀”这是种 504 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river Don t you think in other words “the spear gt gt gt the Japanese sword” it is the case that is
                                                          • 诺诺布鲁诺∋493 492 河ヽ∈ ·ω· 河剑道我“假装”你 492 493 ∋ nonono REPT ∈ River Ω river Kendo how “the tsu it does densely ” the yo

                                                        • 当战国时期,成为一个老板看到川中岛战役战斗中从一个大的组织如屏幕上的一个极其沉重的装甲折叠是会坏事的鲜食葡萄采摘
                                                          When it is Warring States period, becoming the large-scale organizational kind of game which is seen in the folding screen picture of Kawanaka island battle, because the leader does not appear in the chart The extremely heavy armor reaches the point where it is disliked

                                                          • 当时。那么没有很多流行的间隙对狙剑技能不是身体看上去像颈部或在桥的一侧或通过第一所以不 That time Because the partner it does not pass the pon sword first Under side skill of connection or the neck or the opening aim of the torso is many
                                                            • 剑的新选组的506专业队伍。一个原Tteru虐待残 506 With sword of party loyal retainer of new 撰 group Being the origin ragged remaining the ru

                                                          • 当然 欠 萃取: 历史 169厘米,关键字山梨县龙马是一个大男子62公里一石的传说:提取海德少:无论射箭七个最强大的武器在西方你?后来,骑兵?即使只有穿盔甲,会死,如果它像一个冲击锤跳动 Object sure Riyuuma who is 169 centimeters and 62 kilometers In giant legend stir Yamanasi Keyword hyde Extraction less number 7 Even how it is good but being the large bow it does the strongest weapon even in the West the yo After the mounted police soldier The armor having attached because it is the hammer like if you beat ringing it dies it seems
                                                            • 当然 欠 萃取: 历史 169厘米,关键字山梨县龙马是一个大男子62公里一石的传说:提取海德少:无论射箭七个最强大的武器在西方你?后来,骑兵?即使只有穿盔甲,会死,如果它像一个冲击锤跳动 Object sure Riyuuma who is 169 centimeters and 62 kilometers In giant legend stir Yamanasi Keyword hyde Extraction less number 7 Even how it is good but being the large bow it does the strongest weapon even in the West the yo After the mounted police soldier The armor having attached because it is the hammer like if you beat ringing it dies it seems

                                                          • 当然这两个愚蠢的米卡万维网◆↓MeEeen9 /立方厘米◆7vYOZotTDo他们的裤子奥马伊,它甚至不是愚蠢的人结婚
                                                            2 large fools www of this [sure] ↓ Mika * MeEeen9/cc Underpants * 7vYOZotTDo [omai] and others, with fool marriage margin

                                                            • 影楼设备已经作出,因为我来到了大方向,我应该不会太低合巨车不合标准
                                                              The fixture of the photo studio is made in general direction, therefore it is, when it is the giant outside standard, the stand being too low, the expectation

                                                              • 德川武士〜150〜你有155个规模较小的凯塔显然是排在160多个较大或者反过来说,这是对平安时代 Warring States the last days of the shogunate it is small it is with to do the yo About 150 155 kana Peaceful age or it was large conversely relatively with 160 or more it is even

                                                                • 我们说,项目期限的长短的影响的资料存在経用于恩都淖热田神宫500 200万只大剑方式像。还有一个剑Arukotaー 500 By the way it is said that the Endo direct sutra which is in the Atsuta shrine used Large sword like transforming of length 2M There is also a sword densely it is it is
                                                                  • (大致相当于方法的长短来界定,大野刀流剑)小于2英尺,甚至没有二期滨崎步地由不同的只是,如果一 Almost equality to length which sword in Ono one swords style defines by the way If 2 shaku or less just one pouring separately walking ii reason

                                                                • 我只看到它在大约五年级,是江户时期的主看到一九○厘米篮子龙马一六九厘米,比如我说,现在会觉得 If you look at the basket of the lord of the Edo era it is understood 5 year elementary schools exactly is in the leprosy which grows up The steed of 169cm if to now you refer probably is the feeling about of 190cm

                                                                  • 我想我会的词或一个政府像爱国者坂本龙马像高杉晋作西乡高森,他有一个主题商人走出化肥和岩崎Yatarou唯一的私利和什么的勾结呢?
                                                                    Talking Riyuuma or the national loyal retainer Saigo prosperity or high cedar Shin work or Sakamoto, although the [ru], Adhering with government, my stomach the manure just is the person who puts out the topic of the merchant, Yatarou Iwasaki is no what?

                                                                    • 我想我的叔叔在他们的国家有一个足够大的更好,你带给你任何东西,包括我的父亲站在150厘米 NULL

                                                                      • 我有完全一样的Warota规范。我听到Karetara身高170个的回答
                                                                        The specifications being the completely same as we, [warota]. When height it is heard, 170 [tsu] [te] answering, the [ru

                                                                        • 我确切地知道为什么我的理想体重是169,我认为你们所谓的,62体重指数
                                                                          By his 169 is recognized exactly with something, but it is, there is no 62 � [tsu] [te] ideal weight? BMI the person who is said

                                                                          • 所谓适当的排水高) 高 181厘米5 5%(不太高,不是最理想的高) 高 180厘米7 77%(不太高,理想的高度) 这往往是微妙的) 通常较少一百七十九厘米10 38%(在1英寸高)和稍高 178厘米13 78%(高羊茅,发现提高了眼睛,说的数目不是S It calls the long body it is suitable 181cm 5 5 Too high it is not the most ideal long body 180cm 7 77 Too high the ideal long body which is not 179cm 10 38 Forward the one step of the long body 178cm 13 78 The long body you cannot say but numerical value both the eye which was seen raising
                                                                            • 哪些是经常厚脸皮猴面) 不低于 170厘米62 17%(通常少 It is many in the conceited monkey face 170cm 62 17 It is low

                                                                          • 攘。我刚刚开放推翻政府的政变无知很容易说和外国人驱逐出境的Tteta
                                                                            攘. The 攘 barbarian you say it became the coup, opening of a country falling down curtain simply Don't you think? ignorance just was it is what

                                                                            • 显然,在当时或照片从几分钟到几小时或接触射击Burezu的支持是必要 The photograph of that time number sufficiently several hours depended on exposure because it seems without being off center it photographs supporting was necessary
                                                                              • 717 没有解决方式,明治是几十年以前的人早就足以 717 If gt about Meiji the person it has been was to about several dozen years ago It is the ro which cannot boil and is

                                                                            • 最近的垃圾大规模反日,我会煽繁荣龙马绝望的[网]“我们一直都开放?”儿子与Mikitani,“规例加拉帕戈斯”机器爱孙正义批评坂本龙马iPhone波峰公众如何输入呻/ twitpic.com / 11w6gj
                                                                              The anti-Japanese mass rubbish fanning recently, Riyuuma boom desperately, as for [ru] “In opening of a country [se] [ya] viewing! ” Valley President grandchild president & Miki, criticizing the “Galapagos regulation” Grandchild justice releasing love machine iPhone Riyuuma's how Sakamoto house crest entering http: //twitpic.com/11w6gj

                                                                              • 最近的繁荣龙马这是非常了不起的,我觉得也不得不NHK是基拉幕末饱和太多河流
                                                                                Recent Riyuuma boom the impression is enormous compulsorily, Also the NHK big river the last days of the shogunate being too multi, being able to grow tired, the [ru] it does,

                                                                                • 武士也认为他们描绘了一幅历史的女人穿着漂亮的150厘米左右Yorukana法币是举例说?
                                                                                  History the woman imagining, if you say that also the [ru] [ikemen] Warring States general was 150cm, [huabi] [yo] [ru] kana?

                                                                                  • 永仓新八的新选组也不能只有约160厘米,它是当地暴徒和孙子在他晚年的小揉驱动tTA线,我在电影院,击败老人告诉一个脸色苍白,病舔的暴徒有一个故事, Nagakura new eight of new 撰 group there being about only 160cm when the te going to the grandchild and the cinema in late year The punk of local end becoming little trouble when the punk does and the yo bo is and jijii licks and starts Vociferating there is an anecdote that it repulsed

                                                                                    • 没有伟大的人一个大男人!是什么吸引了我这个呢?你还Chissakatta喜欢拿破仑?如果有人告诉我不知道做一个壮举完成后,所有随动异常复杂的人类结束 There is no great man in the giant This tsu te being applicable Napoleon it had and the tsu it applied it is the ro which is After all the complex to of abnormality pierces the person moving Great achievement is made to achieve kana
                                                                                      • 条款的思维和做法,是不能够运行龙马,在那里我很伟大的人 Thinking of the condition for doing that really being the case that those where it could execute are Riyuuma there is the great man

                                                                                    • 没有组织的使者已经建立指挥系统,也是防御性的公司,即使没有一个必须有重型装甲是说我将有危险的地方采取了一个总的指挥 Chain of command not to be organizational ones where the sightseeing and the messenger were serviced the leader calling to the dangerous place because direction was taken Being heavy secure the armor which it does is needed

                                                                                      • 滚装船我看到我指望你的脚宽领和服Narandaro她那家伙是如此充满奇想和一些
                                                                                        That something whim it was the person, therefore it is The [ro] which lines up into collar width how [ate] of the kimono The foot see

                                                                                        • 理论早晨驱动器。你还松下淖奖章“眼睛永仓Chenjichenji”的娜娜!
                                                                                          Theory of morning gong. If medal current Matsushita 奈 cord in 榮 warehouse Nana “of pupil” change change!

                                                                                          • 白洲次郎也被炸死,但在171厘米,→180→175一百八十五厘米高弹力萘乙酸浸泡
                                                                                            Although also white state Jiro when dying was 171cm, the back extended to 175 -> 180 -> 185cm and

                                                                                            • 真田广之都几乎是相同的身高和体重,但我的形象,而成为一个适合
                                                                                              Therefore both height weight Sanada wide 之 with almost simultaneous, however it is agreeable image rather,

                                                                                              • 福井,岛田说,约180人约150名新选组Saigou Shirou巨人,据说是小柔道
                                                                                                Small stature is said the Saigo four 郎 of the judo approximately 150 The Shimada 魁 of the new 撰 group which was called the large China approximately 180

                                                                                                • 自己的日记或信件的历史人物,传记样的同时代人,但他不感兴趣
                                                                                                  The diary or the letter by the person himself in history, As for the judgment transmission type by the simultaneous proxy it is funny however

                                                                                                  • 萨摩,长州结盟,我想我当时,普通市民和outsiders ll手疯狂比其他一对,而每毫无疑问 Thinking rear 薩 long alliance should have been possible that because the normal person searched the opportunity which unites the hand mutually Sakamoto as for the kind of person who is located on outside being most suitable in mediation you are not wrong
                                                                                                    • 调解后,萨长如外人完美的人,因为坂本是located ll寻找手中毫无疑问 Because rear 薩 length searched the opportunity which unites the hand mutually Sakamoto as for the kind of person who is located on outside being most suitable in mediation you are not wrong

                                                                                                  • 走出长崎市政府去年7月龟山,衣服的基础上龙马的是和服存储在京都国立博物馆,一个副本的准备龙马宫川先生合作
                                                                                                    The commemoration mansion in the Kameyama corporation of Nagasaki city the July last year, Riyuuma's kimono which is retained in the Kyoto national museum In the origin, cooperating with Miyagawa, it produced the replica of Riyuuma's kimono

                                                                                                    • 身高169龙马平均身高160厘米,然后站在平均身高159厘米,即因为没有一个150厘米,高度2厘米啊Idake只有161厘米,高度的龙马龙马:从来没有那么巨人没有 As for Riyuuma s height 169 in other words 160 centimeter level Therefore as for average height of that time 150 centimeter level reason When 159 centimeters in average height Riyuuma s height is designated as 161 centimeters 2 centimeters which pass just it is high The u it is as for Riyuuma never there is no giant
                                                                                                      • 江户时代的平均高度在170或150现厘米,约65的现代人 As for average height of the Edo era 150 centimeters Presently about 170 and 65 Today the human shelf

                                                                                                    • 达罗的土方岁三喜欢我,你会死在网上或Hahhya战役惊人的函馆,宫古鸟羽伏见之,不只是?龙马?在普通的懦夫,我觉得我被打死瓦特看不见的地方逃生
                                                                                                      Manual laborer year three it is enormous There is no just Fushimi Hakodate and Toba, Miyako open sea sea fight Going to the [hatsuhiya] [tsu] [te] dying, the [ru] like [ro] which is rubbed? Steed? Normally, with [hetare], it escapes and it kills the place where it has done to hide and passes and feels kana w

                                                                                                      • 达罗车间空气或手坂安置的Haipamediakurieita高木武例如说你现在
                                                                                                        If you refer to Sakamoto steed [te] now, Takajo hardness of the hyper media chestnut thornback tar The [ro] which is the mediation house appearance of that hand

                                                                                                        • 这不奇怪,他们有知识,他们不希望新选组溃疡江湖骗子传说最喜欢678,但龙马逃逸by m只有很少的人力和超过土方和近藤寿三所包围的范围看到伊佐美 678 The like fragrance tool teachers who would not like you to crush new 撰 group strongest legend being unexpected it is not known but But the steed escapes and is being surrounded in Isamu Kondo and manual laborer year three breaking the only surrounding the re human what
                                                                                                          • 这将是一个马,杀了他的剑龙合龙马来吧减少土方岁三土方坂本 When Riyuuma and manual laborer year three Sakamoto fight with swords with the sword The manual laborer instant shooting does Riyuuma don t you think probably will be

                                                                                                        • 这告诉我们没有人在409和土佐是啊,因为它是对了令人遗憾的是,杀戮竹市甚至气候山内是主,哪里那里,龙马who Tosa不后悔政府正在采取管制的新和“我很可怕的凯塔,”你这个词已经成为疼痛和 409 Because also Yamanouchi who is the feudal clan main killing Takeiti it was the extent which is regretful in sled ya Tosa without the person being said Then you taking the leadership of new government the vexatious Tosa person Riyuuma staying “it was enormous it is” that word it became greatly it is the ro which is
                                                                                                          • 就形成了谁是新政府的重要人物决不会说了,我无名的人 When new government starts the human tsu te that just… the person who is engaged to responsible post absolutely is namelessness

                                                                                                        • 阿西乡先生(上野)和龙马铜像(Katsurahama)青铜雕像被认为是一个更好的观点大致埃塔龙马
                                                                                                          The Saigo [do] it is the bronze statue (Ueno) and Riyuuma's bronze statue (Katsura beach) you saw, but Riyuuma's one was visible largely

                                                                                                          • 韩国是洲敌人保守安倍晋三,长洲,长向欢呼的回头路,不能有自卑感维修
                                                                                                            As for the Korean enemy Shin maintenance and Abe three, Tiyousiyuu, Now cannot be giving a piggyback Tiyousiyuu who maintenance of inferiority vigor is attached

                                                                                                            • 龙马是一六九厘米以及平均身高只有165厘米身高在荷兰是这样,因为它是很好,山冈鉄舟188cm105kg时候,我在那里我就像一个武士 It was large pattern as that time the steed as 169cm but it is Therefore in even Holland average height the age of 165cm Well however the Yamaoka iron boat likely the kind of samurai who 188cm105kg is at that time hurt don t you think
                                                                                                              • 事实上,你可能会感到燃烧秒,开始卡诺人数的故事和人物,你不知道什么有趣的古早逝的龙马,神人在所有有趣的绝缘体和鲜花 Actually the steed passes away something is funny is from the wa which commutes If how to stand of story and kiyara it burns and flower God is at all funnier and

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