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The conversation of 3 Mayor Prime Minister and Tokunoshima Hatoyama as for adjustment Ookubo town mayor principle release of conversation is requested in 7 days prime minister side disapproval


  • 市长大久保原则,市民的要求,会谈,总理已表明不愿秘密协议?美津和Kuu〜! !
    > Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation, but prime minister side has shown disapproval Secret agreement! Seeing anther [u] -! !

    • 总理,后来编造的威胁是太不愿意作为散预计在一个封闭的房间气味枫胡狙看不到有什么发现通过报刊在腹部的Zenu苏陌生人的现有知识
      > Prime minister side disapproval And threatening with the [tsu] [pa] closed room, after fabricating, it was the stomach which pushes through the existence [ze] [nu] which you do not know? The aim is visible and suspicion is ill-smelling passes with being visible

      • 07我,什么是7get!它?我学习的过去式和现在的紧张使初中英语,然后再使用只有几分钟?如果你不写,因为在过去,你会不会得到7得到“获得”だろ 7 something 7get Is English presently shape and past proper use of shape you did not learn in your junior high school 7 was acquired In other words past you must write in shape therefore reason there is no get the te “got” the ro which is
        • 现在,46亿年后驱动tTA,是把我给清除(Imashime)解决方案,我的困境(Watakushi)是7get ll要离开的机会吧!回族Maremashita 4 600 000 000 now when it passes openly to bind and now close me who am solved me 7get in the chance which is emptied out now the tsu It was favored

      • 196布鲁诺 我们分手了壊 (Toeeeeeeeei ) 分类的Eee分类 NULL
        • 布鲁诺 ヽ, ⌒⌒ )我 ヽ⌒⌒)!(●)(●)我 (Toeeeeeeeei) 的Eee分类分类 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i toeeeeeeeei 92 92 eeeee 92
        • 布鲁诺 ヽ, ⌒⌒ )我 ヽ⌒⌒)!(●)(●)我 (Toeeeeeeeei) 的Eee分类分类 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i toeeeeeeeei 92 92 eeeee 92

      • 1天居住坦诚会谈。ーー゚゚Ruhi Ruhi徽章的微笑是不是 满足部长市长搬迁居住在德之岛3天的黄金 1 As for conversation at 7 day official residence… stealing Becoming failure ruhi ゚ niyaniya to some extent margin ruhi ゚ gt As for the prime minister interview of 3 town mayors 7 days Tokunoshima transfer of facilities problem at official residence
        • 将要被侵略被剥夺探视无论如何,即使是完全拒绝,“会见”你的经验,我只想要 Being interviewed being denied because it probably is the intention how the se of going coercively being extensively denied even if we want just the result that “you interviewed” it is the ro which is

      • 347◆◆◆564★确认名字线程创建的要求◆◆◆:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 05 / 02(星期日)19:16:04编号:qgVTo268P 309名称:没有名称先生@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 05 / 02(星期日)09:17:41编号:qgVTo268P 240名:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 05 / 01(星期六) 17:02:04编号:5CQyShFy0 asahi.com(朝日新闻):邀请天宁岛自治领普天间美国众议院的决议-地方269国际名称:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 5月1日(星期六)21:24:20编号:rrG32S8KP美国在发生紧急情况与中国的参与。台湾总统发言乔木求
        * * * Thread compilation request [sure] * 564 & * * 347 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/02 (Sunday) 19: 16: 04 ID: qgVTo268P 309 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/02 (Sunday) 09: 17: 41 ID: qgVTo268P 240 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/01 (Saturday) 17: 02: 04 ID: 5CQyShFy0 asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Futenma attraction to the American autonomous territory Tinian, also the local House of Representatives resolves - International 269 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/01 (Saturday) 21: 24: 20 ID: rrG32S8KP Even with the emergency occurrence of China the American going/participating. Request Taiwan president speaks

        • 3市长拒绝会见政府迄今为止,市长称为1000转移到空军部队德之岛的美国在冲绳的鸠山海洋 3 town mayors so far had denied the interview with the government side but Prime Minister Hatoyama the inside air force unit of resident in open sea US Marine Corps It refers moving and the like maximum of 1000 Tokunoshima town mayor sides
          • 3市长拒绝会见政府迄今为止,它是指转让了南冲绳海军陆战队在鸠山首相对美国千德之岛空军 3 town mayors so far had denied the interview with the government side but Prime Minister Hatoyama the inside air force unit of resident in open sea US Marine Corps It refers moving and the like maximum of 1000 Tokunoshima town mayor sides

        • 634真实的。自从我们搬到了美国名护市的小路万抱怨说我抱怨说,它从冲绳和冲绳名护市市长市民和专业人士
          634 Truth. Therefore side field old moving what as for America complaint word cup Complaint those where you say are Mayor and the Okinawan Nago and the professional citizen outside the prefecture

          • 646奄美威胁促销预算(29%减少),或从名册我已经开始做的时候,这种威胁。我不介意我踢表脱节继续 646 Threat 29 reduction starting doing already in 奄 beauty promotion budget because the ru it seems Such 脅 If the route the air which is continued it cannot put out to the chart don t you think
            • 噢,我会威胁Chattara首脑会议是在公众披露后,“已是一个方法,看到这一切的,”迫使它看起来像会喜欢 The sled ya a it releases and the chi ya tsu cod that you have threatened it is discovered and the chi ya u does From after “it received the forward thinking” that not saying the tsu chi ya u it is

          • 915 wwwwwwwwwwww日本邮政了,它看起来不象共产党党,鸠山民主党瓦特
            915 [chi] [yo] wwwwwwwwwwww Already, the Chinese Communist Party and 50 step hundred step shelf, the Hatoyama Democratic party w

            • NULL Aggressive race “Tokunoshima” martial romance Several years it continues to cause the large scale rebellion under the American ruling America returns to bibi tsu te Japan With town mayor election the bed of the bedridden old person in the first riot squad breakthrough the air man man whom also the bedridden old person kills by the way With the Lower House election at electoral commission fighting With town mayor election in riot squad hub 100 buchimake riot squad breakthrough With Upper House election in the elementary school student 10 first riot squad breakthrough as for riot policeman with everyone receiving scar returning island There is a riot squad helmet of the trophy in each home The town mayor itself “does as for we with counter power” By the way the left flank system which only conservative system is and adaptsOrganization does not exist There is a rule even in the Tokunoshima islander When the partner of fight is the islander because gt there is also the neighboring zu coming meeting to fight as for the dangerous weapon using the wooden sword When the partner of fight is police riot squad gt other than the edged tool it is anything it leaves at the rank which is thrust by the car And this time throwing the ultimate weapon “bull fight” is rumored …
              • 那么昨天的战斗。我不喝酒的液体,即使我得到它,因为它确认了先前的讲话↓ Well yesterday fighting To assert even with the speech ↓ before because the chi ya tsu te ru however you think that even that you do not drink

            • NULL Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release Release
              • 为什么鸽子“石窟没有要发布的,”我认为目前的趋势,不知道的意义 Why the pigeon “we do not want releasing ” that and so on meaning does not know whether you can think
              • 我会去挂出了721中线Tsuka Kaseyou事情有点磨损,拉信息 721 Handle information pulling out don t you think even just a little it has been about to make situation settle
              • 等我这个ー或703 703 It is dense ma It is do

            • Sankei jp msn com 政治 政策 100502 plc10050222310007 N1的。Htlm德田隆众议院成员(自民党)是28日落,鹿儿岛会见市长的3张选举人地面德之岛町,如果总督伊藤县会议上,数起,将举行为期7天,鸠山由纪夫三名当地市长,总理,“市长的3项要求我接受总理(访问)并不是要求我们”,并告诉记者语言驱动tTA sankei jp msn com politics policy 100502 plc10050222310007 n1 htlm Member of the house of representatives Takeshi Tokuda our people 28 evening sun the conversation with 3 town mayors of the Kagoshima prefecture Tokunoshima of election ground Governor Itoh of Kagoshima prefecture attendance Local 3 town mayor Prime Minister and 7 days Yukio Hatoyama about the schedule which interviews “Receiving the demand of the prime minister that I asked interview to 3 town mayors” you talked to press corps
              • 总理686 市长的第三次会议德田隆德之岛“我是不是你的家居要求”: sankei jp msn com 政治 政策 100502 plc1005022230007 N1的。媒德田隆众议院成员(自民党)2当天,县德之岛的选民基础在鹿儿岛,将满足7天,鸠山由纪夫三名当地市长,总理,“市长3项要求我接受总理(访问)并不是要求我们,”和记者驱动tTA一词 686 Prime minister Tokunoshima 3 town mayor conversation Tokuda Takeshi “I asked” ttp sankei jp msn com politics policy 100502 plc1005022230007 n1 htm Member of the house of representatives Takeshi Tokuda our people on the 2nd with the Kagoshima prefecture Tokunoshima of election ground Local 3 town mayor Prime Minister and 7 days Yukio Hatoyama about the schedule which interviews “Receiving the demand of the prime minister that I asked interview to 3 town mayors” you talked to press corps
              • 总理与布什28日对记者说,“不等待稳固政府的计划还没有最后解释说:”志位和痛苦 As for the prime minister 28 days and nights “it is not the case that still government program becomes firm finally” that it was painful explanation in press corps

            • _NULL_
              Closed room politics of [minsu] Japan and America it is extreme, “offense and defense” American side in “you get angry, heart head” leak of secret strict protest “Japan memo is taken” the record not leaving of summit meeting If as for the information whose, such as secret agreement are inconvenient it should not have recorded as for…… child treatment hearing records “non- existence” The national anthem strategic room does not possess hearing record from the thick labor ministry regarding “child treatment” “altogether” The Hatoyama Cabinet, minutes not to leave “it can obstruct the free exchange of opinions of the politician,” Verification of political main leadership difficultly Hatoyama Cabinet, minutes not leaving of decision making In transparency anxiety Foreign Minister record not leaving… Okada of Hatoyama [obama] informal conversation and conversational contents it recognizes, as for our people criticism

              • “或”重要的问题,国家没有一个地区津贴的意见之一是不
                ” Or “Concerning the important topic of national government, one-sided opinion of one district must be considered, it is not the case

                • 不是坏时,你说我小心翼翼地教孩子游泳鸠山在584前后的男孩“有效期内,鸠山的”我Marimashita这种癌症,“我会叱 584 Swimming teaching to the child with boy group however the ru Noting when unskillful excuse doing “Hatoyama as for you Hatoyama “I such bitterly am the ball increased” that scolding the ru
                  • 不是坏时,你说我小心翼翼地教孩子游泳的男孩在584,“鸠山之前有效!”汉堡包和叱 584 Swimming teaching to the child with boy group however the ru Noting when unskillful excuse doing “Hatoyama as for you Hatoyama “I such bitterly am the ball increased” that scolding the ru

                • 不过,我觉得自私分钟后,下一任教宗的外交协议,英国王室坐落在王室,马匹和市长的国家相同。当你的手会发生什么事了鸽子,你出生的一刻自私上层,要想到, However you think that you understand but with respect to diplomacy courtesy in the Roman pope the next the English royal family In the Imperial Family who is located on the horse which the town mayor and each country representation the equal person is done When the pigeon interferes If beautiful people graduate understanding whether do u ru the ru and we would like to think
                  • 不过,我觉得自私分钟后,下一任教宗的外交协议,英国王室坐落在王室,马匹和市长的国家相同。当你的手会发生什么事了鸽子,你出生的一刻自私上层,要想到, However you think that you understand but with respect to diplomacy courtesy in the Roman pope the next the English royal family In the Imperial Family who is located on the horse which the town mayor and each country representation the equal person is done When the pigeon interferes If beautiful people graduate understanding whether do u ru the ru and we would like to think

                • 什么威胁戈拉苏゚Sutoffu我生活在没有国家预算岛屿或岛屿之间喝你会说我喝复苏,我支持他,并从塞子板是这种关系?我不知道或关心的德之岛朱达罗再纠缠在麻烦他们,因为人们没有被困难德之岛
                  That shelf Support from the country related to remote island stopping, because it makes [ru] person that revive, drink the [tsu] [te] the intention of saying? If you do not drink, budget [sutotsuhu] ゚ related to remote island it does, it is, the [gora] [tsu] [te] threatening? Tokunoshima does not trouble and the [te] the person of the remote island is troubled with Tokunoshima consequence that The [ro] which is the air which reason is not understood and strains

                  • 什么我会一开始人数和美国认为花“德之岛的自由贸易区谈判九四八瓦特与德之岛合而来?它氖瓦特说:”我会说我 948 America attending to the discussion with Tokunoshima what it does it is w From hana “Tokunoshima Don t you think the w” tsu te saying although the ru
                    • 3市长不能允许吸引德之岛的磁带不会削减在这里』↑ The attraction to 3 town mayor Tokunoshima is allowed It does not go to reason ↑ Here recording tape cutting
                    • 公众要求做,想看看鸽子谈判击败他们加入他们,我会扭转局面接受的最低保证德之岛 Release request probably is guarantee of the minimum of Tokunoshima side That extent accept whether the pigeon what kind of nego it does seeing like it does
                    • 德之岛搬迁到今天的我不要求你的吱吱作响的车轮是很难当你住在靠近茹是一个美丽的一天,这个谈话? We refuse the transfer of facilities to Tokunoshima Today is good weather When such conversation is broadcast live because it is troubled the gone te ru it is there is no aide

                  • 什么训练设施将建成东西没有他们使用伐丽流可能永远将迁往德之岛的不是真的,因为它迫使自由主义者成功迁往县外的一些925
                    925 That it succeeded in the transfer of facilities outside part prefecture, therefore those in order to quibble There is no reason where actually the unit relocates in Tokunoshima Certainly, eternal it probably will be constructed even with the training facilities which do not have the fact that it is used

                    • 他说:“国防部”,“以减轻人民负担的普天间”原谅该死的毛巾卢比口头承诺,他们已经完成“,”这也Hettakure也不错,供市民 “Because of national defense” “for lightening the burden of Futenma s people when” if anyhow “ rubi for the rear end wiping of the oral promise which is done ” is don t you think as for this to public characteristic and the tsu it is the giving
                      • “普天间的基础上,并非仅仅是鸠山负责!认为不可能和整个国家!”但是我已经看到或者说Tteta “As for Futenma s case there is no Hatoyama prime minister alone responsibility Unless you think altogether citizens ” With you say the person it was

                    • 会议还包括其他不寻常的乌南同一种协议,将弹出不仅没有这样做并不妨碍市民甚至不做广告自由地说什么 As for conversation with how the abnormal partner who probably will be brought to agreement in the one shot speaking selfishly without doing In order not to be announced unless it releases very it is not but doing and others probably there is no re
                      • 但在会谈开始后等待10分钟,并已飞出的会议室,急忙向总理大臣鸠山 But conversation starting over ten minutes later Prime Minister Hatoyama being flurried it sprang out from the board room

                    • 但在同一时间,我可以奖励你593第一次世界大战搞笑诺贝尔和平奖
                      593 If [igunoberu] peaceful prize but the prize winning it probably will complete simultaneously,

                      • 但是,他们应该想查看详细的私人会议由Itadaka片面希望看到它在私人两个,这是不是外交与否,位置市长薄弱,可以说我多少钱,当地政府我请求公众,如果喂得如何发布 Both being secret because the conversation which unilaterally desires thinking it receives thinking but it should make secret Diplomacy negotiation is not the reason which it puts out however much local autonomy it says and standpoint is weak the town mayors side which Release is required if it is releasing if it is not
                        • 我觉得是你错私下?这意味着我已经在媒体面前出现的是什么我说鸠山 There is no being possible to be secret Something there is a problem If we first from Hatoyama performing to the media don t you think such
                        • 查看详细资料应予保密,如果你希望有一个私人会晤双方,它不是外交或没有,如果我要求我们的市民可以说,市长的地位和薄弱地方政府多,怎么做才能发布萘乙酸 If the conversation to which both desire secret but it should make secret Diplomacy negotiation is not the reason which it puts out however much local autonomy it says and standpoint is weak the town mayors side which Release is required if it is releasing if it is not
                        • 要注意不要认为美国Itadaka任意奇怪的是,124个私人(或相当白宫)是一门科学恩戴我知道我已经解决 124 When it is secret because you receive the strange thinking selfishly main point note America with you say or White House already learning you have coped
                        • 那么私人“认为他们有一个大”是从自由的理解!不要一大无一 Because secret “it received thinking” with it is comprehended selfishly Absolutely and tsu chi ya useless move

                      • 但是,这对我来说是没有用的谈话细节三个月赶上别人的愚蠢言论部长后显示会议的素数,“在我最后崩溃了即将举行的选举回来的,”我说这是 Meeting to the prime minister who stops 3 months later that the fool moves doing story there is no ginger however “After election ending and please come” that with saying
                        • 我没有的意义的谈话至3个月后,总理的讲话显示详细资料“你回来了选举结束后,哇”你说这 Doing the prime minister and the story which are stopped 3 months later there is no ginger however “After election ending and please come” that with saying

                      • 军事并没有意识到铅球重量1,对不对?刚(朱达罗美军只),当然,宪法应该反间谍所需,对等的取消,该原则的非武器出口,这样做已满,或政客我们将50年Kakaran
                        Weight of one shot As for the troop which is not conscious is the gang the [ro] ([ro] which just is the US military) which But as for of course, as for constitution amendment necessity, espionage law necessity and abolition of weapon embargo principle, and so on and so on, doing the fullest capacity, If the politician changes, as for 50 years the empty it is

                        • 冲绳,美国,反美鸠山故意混淆了人搅拌Hikkurikaeshi鸠山已同意自民党建议
                          Reversing the plan which agrees at Okinawa, the United States and the Liberal Democratic Party, you stir Main person of [hatoyama] It has been confused purposely [hatoyama] of anti-American principle person

                          • 即使战术搬到force莆田一些德之岛之间的一个单纯的极点only up从1000人的差额国库捐税only isolated部队显示details on making一个少数人的no benefit到了德之岛赔偿只能增加峨
                            It is high, maximum of 1000 calls just the unit of the extremely portion of Futenma's moving to Tokunoshima Strategy the isolation unit of the small-numbered dispersion which many merits is not just is built up to show, It is the sufficient the compensation for Tokunoshima increases from the Treasury which consists of tax

                            • 原始生命形式的诞生... ...繁荣的多细胞生物演化和物种多样性和生活...在寒武纪大爆发,钾- T的直径约10公里边界下跌巨型陨石在地球附近的尤卡坦半岛1 70%的物种灭绝,他们把一个坚实的国防辜濂松说麻醉危机是她的两个嘴唇封恩戴光盘是结合彻
                              Birth… of primitive life body Evolution… to multicellular life bodies With the Camrrian explosion and extermination… of the living thing The 70% of the living thing on the earth exterminated the middle, due to the fact that the enormous meteorite of diameter approximately 10km fell near the Yucatan with K - T boundary, closing 2 was feared, but it was accustomed to calling, hard protected, the lip tied in ROM persisted

                              • 发生了什么事,以70厘米深品种市长谁恰好是他们3人被剥夺了第二天甚至不发生入浅水中岛官员淹死了,我刚才从这里到东京,不,不伺 In the next day when the staff drowns accidentally with the shoal of depth 70cm Accidentally unless even the entrance island it can point have been denied the town mayors who Accidentally also three people being even say say you ask from this to Tokyo It just became the tsu te
                                • 市长“德之岛不可能”秋↓“大家都相信我的德之岛汝如何我不得不顶部,让我们共同的想法并不认为”将落户 Town mayor “Tokunoshima excessiveness” ↓ When potsupo “how you do it probably will keep thinking together whether you can agree upon Tokunoshima everyone it received the thinking that” So it means conclusion to do

                              • 周五USTREAM四郎尼科居住或不活,扩大Kakaran业余志愿者已经在昆虫
                                USTREAM or being [niko] raw, live broadcast margin As for the gold the empty it is Is sufficient the volunteer and It is possible even with the amateur and

                                • 哎呀,履行市长如果条件不是,“嗯,我想要Ishitakatta次会议上,不应该作为一个政治家不能解释岛内的民主Ikimasen Shinee, 我的政府发表是不是像一个被遗弃的细则 If the te or condition are not filled up town mayor side when “the a we would like us to meet well however it is Not being able to explain to the islander as a politician of democracy nation it is not possible to do die the e Government does not release it is with abandonment the shank
                                  • 在德之岛市长会见的,我希望你在冲绳基地蚂蚁搬迁斑块负荷(也安全地发布这个故事,如果你吻在冲绳的井马祖) So in the conversation with Mayor Tokunoshima s with Okinawa burden as a shield base transfer of facilities It approaches it is probably will be story with Okinawa waiting 纏 safely the re release the ant

                                • 唯一的感谢,并认为原先让同胞来满足大雪松针叶林渔业Louppy 694把基础是合理的,满足市民对区外的事情是Louppy德之岛 694 The fishhook it is large the cedar Think and that it seems the off base rupi guy way just conversing it is grateful Originally rupi going to Tokunoshima the fact that it releases converses around the outside probably is muscle
                                  • 无论你只是想坏蛋鸠山打破了他自己,成为冲绳的话,我觉得我谴责德之岛事业作为国家 As for Hatoyama by his just would not like to become the villain It is broken off it does it becomes it does the ri which forms cause in Tokunoshima the air ma which attaches it is the ma it is inside Okinawa prefecture

                                • 嘿让我们说不行,我会不会参加海军陆战队的总承包商与基体的利益发挥司令
                                  Never, those which you do because the earth building and the Marines commander of the foundation take right and how cannot say

                                  • 嘿,我没有在一年内辞职,但被批评鸠山只是短暂的管理
                                    Although just that criticized short-lived administration Hatoyama without having one year, it stops, don't you think? how, the [e]…

                                    • 四郎照顾自己更“,”连我是日本人,他们的国家是美国军队在没有 More the native people inside the home country important margin” Assuming that “was I the Japanese the fact that the US military is in its own country well is

                                      • 因此,我恢复了他们大部分不知道行动的预算只能在排序工作489瓦特只看到排序,但我就敲找不到驱动tTA回报 489 While business categorization knowing therefore budget having revived the majority w Categorization job however you show the hi tsu chestnut just does not show the place where it returns
                                        • 因此,我恢复了他们大部分不知道行动的预算只能在排序工作489瓦特只看到排序,但我就敲找不到驱动tTA回报 489 While business categorization knowing therefore budget having revived the majority w Categorization job however you show the hi tsu chestnut just does not show the place where it returns

                                      • 在631,他们又在县外的一个广泛的意义上?谢日本。汤! ...咦?
                                        631 So, it is transfer of facilities outside broad prefecture! As for Japan thanking/apologizing. Juice! … That?

                                        • 在县神秘护士看到其他机构逢低被打死,从东京摄影师什么是快?
                                          The cameraman who comes from Tokyo kills and/or is the fact that the death by fire body of the nurse of puzzle is found in other prefecture gradually?

                                          • 在市长的时间越长的标语牌“是”或“否”的答案目前只有Yaiinjaneeno白领?并解释说,一些违背,因为所有的“看到这一切”,从一个 Another don t you think town mayor side with the placard “it is and” “to call it can and” only presents and the answer collar ya is to call the e When something you say interpreting entirely from upside down “to think” because it is done
                                            • 但在307名正式的真实意图的市长,我是从那里岛民反对,是不可能的音译苏 307 The real intention of the town mayor is opposite even then the islander temporarily to there therefore it is it is unreasonable to reverse

                                          • 在进入官邸,我不能住一个英雄伐丽流行体检过程中,以防止录音记录 Before entering into the official residence as for live relay because it cannot point to of course thing video recording sound recording Brave physical examination is done it is probably will be

                                            • 大久保市长发表了总理寻求加强不愿意离开原则的谈判从一开始就如照相机,我可以返回他们,如果他们再次声称他在镜头前保密 As for Ookubo town mayor principle release of conversation is requested prime minister side disapproval The camera inserting from beginning if secret insistence it should have repelled before the camera
                                              • 大久保市长努力增强总理会议狗屎公众反对原则“日本是一个封闭 As for Ookubo town mayor principle release of conversation is requested prime minister side disapproval The camera inserting from beginning if secret insistence it should have repelled before the camera
                                              • 总理还设法提高到离开公众的原则从一开始的相机,如果不愿意,我可以返回他们,如果他们再次声称他在镜头前保密 gt Principle release is requested prime minister side disapproval The camera inserting from beginning if secret insistence it should have repelled before the camera

                                            • 大久保市长要求有一个公开会谈的原则说,首相已表明不愿 1 Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown
                                              • 市长大久保原则,市民的要求,会谈时说,首相已表明不愿 gt And Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown
                                              • 市长大久保原则,市民的要求,会谈时说,首相已表明不愿 gt And Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown
                                              • 该市长大久保原则要求公开会议上,首相说,表明不愿意 In addition Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown
                                              • 该市长大久保原则要求公开会议上,首相说,表明不愿意 In addition Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown
                                              • 该市长大久保原则要求公开会议上,首相说,表明不愿意 In addition Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown

                                            • 大久保说,市长,市长有三个地点调整县通过总理的安排与县代表,“在东京的调整七轴”,他取得了联系,并 According to Ookubo town mayor as 3 town mayors the schedule place is adjusted via prime minister side and the prefecture but from the prefectural person in charge “7 days are adjusted the axis in Tokyo” that you say that there was communication
                                              • 严重不害怕文吹嘘说我瞥见市长车打死了我的头在会议 Faces to conversation the town mayor who In the car accident it may occur being with or maji which the death how is said we fear
                                              • 嗯,这是只有三分之一市长已经见证了公开会议向公众开放 Releasing conversation this as 3 town mayors it is in all citizen only to have becoming the witness
                                              • 大久保说,市长,市长有三个地点调整县通过总理的安排与县代表,“在东京的调整七轴”,他取得了联系,并 According to Ookubo town mayor as 3 town mayors the schedule place is adjusted via prime minister side and the prefecture but from the prefectural person in charge “7 days are adjusted the axis in Tokyo” that you say that there was communication
                                              • 我认为鄂如设法结束会议前的发酵就可以发布临时? 3市长会见猝死 It releases temporarily doing before the conversing training is finished it is it isn t 3 town mayors suddenly while conversing death

                                            • 如果在会议上,“如果你认为”如果Hozaita或者是什么方式拒绝了实质性的,并可以估算 After the conversing “it received thinking” that when we assume that you babbled with suitable attitude That it can presume probably is it probably is denied

                                              • 如果有假分钟的私下谈话暗示,三个市长“美军已经到了排练,以便德之行”,当好我会说,我喜欢塞板 While it is fabricated understanding being secret if you interview is as for 3 town mayors “The US military coming to Tokunoshima because it is OK calling the rehearsal ” similarity you will stop also the ru
                                                • 如果有假分钟的私下谈话暗示,三市市长说:“美军来德之岛这行,”和我一样好会说,我喜欢塞板 While it is fabricated understanding being secret if you interview is as for 3 town mayors “The US military coming to Tokunoshima because it is OK calling the rehearsal ” similarity you will stop also the ru
                                                • 鸠山:“这是一个目的,只排练排练” 会议结束后,鸠山由纪夫和“Innovation ll远足行!顶生产已完全 Because Hatoyama “this to the last is riha the rehearsal” And after the conversation ending… Hatoyama “ haika tsu and OK tsu The tsu dust production it received

                                              • 小泽一郎,秘书长,我从完全暴露在公众对美国驻美国大使曾经会见的人
                                                Don't you think? as for Secretary General Ozawa because to expose the American ambassador it has made the person, with conversing with the stop Japanese-American national ambassador at one time as perfection release

                                                • 尝试在这里,你就知道这是什么书中并威胁不采取犯规,瓦特分钟前,执行不开放,什么是干净的办公室工作人员Sugidaro死亡可疑,模糊
                                                  The [ro] w which the [ho] and others see, the intimidation [tsu] [te] you wrote hit with front [sure] and is Minutes you do not take, it does not release, the public office staff death to be too doubtful the [ro] which is Something is clean, becoming dim

                                                  • 市长大久保原则,市民的要求,会谈时说,首相已表明不愿 gt In addition Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown
                                                    • 该市长大久保原则要求公开会议上,首相说,表明不愿意 In addition Ookubo town mayor requests the principle release of conversation but prime minister side you say that disapproval has been shown

                                                  • 德之岛“ 你是问,”民主“,小声音你!更大的发言权和更多!”德之岛“的基础 除非是”民主“的感觉时我将永远不会说话突发传输时!更多一次!我看到飞机!“德之岛Imakoko←”尾子基地与我“民主”的决定是的,这是确定的基础位置上!“德之岛”町万维网“这是真实的,我几乎无法打开一 Tokunoshima “… you refuse” Democracy “voice is small With a larger voice ” We refuse Tokunoshima “… the base” The democracy “ ze it is the tsu ze it is feeling it is not transmitted Already 1 times Facing the surface ” lt imakoko As for Tokunoshima “base thing wa ” Democracy “it was and decision now the place of the base decided ” Tokunoshima “ chi yo www” Unless it releases whether it was about to become like this with real
                                                    • 后来,德之岛3强市长口音和方言(我觉得),所以鸠山解释擅自口音,我会说我不认为我明白,如果你有一 After 3 town mayors of Tokunoshima to force the lead and the dialect because feeling did Hatoyama side interpreting the lead selfishly It received the thinking that it comprehends … How you do not say

                                                  • 德之岛负的决定,只会削减补贴的时间?当我拉出来的胜利,或任何条件,并正在天空进军进入私人男子,他涉嫌,一 The subsidy it probably is Tokunoshima being defeated decision at the point in time when it is cut After although it is the game what kind of condition you can pull out of When with secret it makes the wastepaper the so and others the trap which is doubted
                                                    • 哎呀,我不知道如果市长对德之岛,是真的吗?当我看到市长和从第一次在电视上其他两个,但我有一个奇怪的感觉 Is Mayor te or Tokunoshima probably opposite what truly For the first time when seeing with the television from Other two town mayors there is a strange feeling it is but…
                                                    • 达罗削减补贴后,才一负的决定在当时的德之岛,但如果一个游戏退出的任何条件,并正在天空进军进入私人男子,他涉嫌,一 The subsidy it probably is Tokunoshima being defeated decision at the point in time when it is cut After although it is the game what kind of condition you can pull out of When with secret it makes the wastepaper the so and others the trap which is doubted

                                                  • 忘记什么条件,揭露了会议的内容一边倾斜一边,如果德之岛鸠山的内容
                                                    When the Hatoyama side fabricates conversation contents, the Tokunoshima side contents calling is under the [tsu] [te] conditions for releasing

                                                    • 我不同意返回居住的事,我会觉得我要住朱达罗上厕所,甚至线Kasemasen Whether doing at the official residence… Until it accepts it does not release unless it makes into the rest room go it is motivation ro There is only live broadcast…

                                                      • 我们看到,它的所有居民一直苦! ! !经过会议(及公开无)市长 正是这种Isetsuryoukai Yuuaibanzai
                                                        We penetrate thinking the inhabitant! ! ! After the conversing (there is no release) Town mayor < [isetsuriyoukai] [yuuaibanzai] Don't you think? like this is

                                                        • 我参观了该市长玫瑰不愿意,会后是什么,尽管它瓦特Madejan私人或民主党,而是采取了几分钟,或者不考虑公布该计划,嗯人民报基达良好的幕后政治 When it shows disapproval and passes and town mayor side does the conversation contents rose it is to that w But the Democratic party does not take minutes and does not make secret does not publish concept we like closed room politics well
                                                          • 采取擅自分钟或没有注意到,“他们认为”他们将接受瓦特 Minutes and the memo origin and others or ” to think” selfishly and be received from the chi ya u w

                                                        • 我怀疑目前的草案和修正案比较alone基地名护市所有的Spring古to扩大到我的德之岛,原来的目标是要be“减少负担,”我不是目的,程远
                                                          Although in comparison with current plan doubt grows even just side field old amendment, On that, the base is expanded to Tokunoshima how, originally should aim, it is far from the purpose of “reduction of incidence”

                                                          • 我是如此糟糕,我塔蒂是否遥敏官僚政治,可能是导致我,我会拿出你或威胁要停止经济援助,除非他们会同意我的闭门 As we said with the closed room unless it does That financial assistance it stops it threatens and the ri which sows it wants it is the ro which is The political main leadership tsu te bureaucracy of minsu character badness so it is far don t you think

                                                            • 我是市长和州长办公室的三个总理,而不是认为自由贸易协定的战略会议要求私人为您的生产线鸠山先生,鹿儿岛县,或致电市长Bitsukerunoka 3? Hatoyama goes to the request in Kagoshima prefecture it is not to be whether te 3 town mayor and the governor the prime minister official residence it is accustomed calling 3 town mayors The maneuvers which make conversation secret
                                                              • 我是总理,我知道你不是合理的要求古线要求向当地市长Bitsukerutoha鸠山3 Whether the prime minister official residence it is accustomed to calling 3 town mayors with… The ro where the fact that Hatoyama goes to the request in the locale is muscle
                                                              • 我祈祷这不是一个突然袭击市长和会议期间 While conversing town mayor suddenly seizure… In order the te not to become especially you pray

                                                            • 我的球员,以德之岛,是党的书记一般的判决将○素我真的很喜欢一美富和液体喷射
                                                              When the Tokunoshima people produce the serious juice, there is no [hanpa] That it probably is the prime minister, that it probably is ruling party Secretary General, the ○ it starts to die,…

                                                              • 或酱,或一些酱!你告诉我哦保卫Upyizuhakorewo鲁鲁手臂感觉!我想他们离开它发生美事进酒井荣耀!
                                                                The flap?, it droops and is! The [ru] [u] [pi] [i] [zu] which is remembered in the arm tries protecting this! If beauty thing it forms, while it is the prosperous advancement thinking!

                                                                • 打开它,我将不采取这样的记录不能解释它看起来没有任何威胁的任意通过?党和政府的可怕的东西
                                                                  When it is release, selfish interpretation is does not lead Either intimidation is not possible The intention no kana which is not the record origin and others? Something Hatoyama administration [te] [kowai

                                                                  • 政府的支持率是肝炎福田562如果不从党没有多大意义总理亲自给一个Sanakere没有法律效力,是看到指责民主党人辜甜服从污点的东西我都没有要民主党在该法案有关火热甚至主张抵制肝炎
                                                                    562 Because there is no legal effect in Cabinet support ratio If main person of the prime minister does not mind to mind, excessively there is no meaning With intraparty as for criticism it is not done almost The submissive of Democratic party Assemblyman sweetly you do not have to see, Hepatitis Fukuda what even refusal to attend a session of the chemical injury hepatitis relief bill protecting the Democratic party, at the extent which was shown

                                                                    • 敏感的日本终于即将回到麻烦,等待,不正确的政党呢? ?我不吸钱出来,并作出跟进,如果执政党, NULL
                                                                      • 咦?打开(笑)和等待,不要党? ?啊,对不起,对不起内阁(巴 That Opening laughing the political party the tsu ke which is not a a Cabinet or gomengomen stick

                                                                    • 斯坦福大学的学生学习一大抢劫,幸福女性谁退出了世界上妇女喜欢玩瓦特热量,而不是,他们认为出明亮的年轻香椎瓦特恨美国,为什么还要剩余的Burgers Munoka?是什么推动了反美驱动tTA为什么不是的话,我只能想名字欺凌斯坦福Louppy瓦特,怪胎,茶时间和Ada业务,没有被怀疑的美国人已经欺负到W Stanford studying abroad largely the happiness lady w whom there it chooses from midst of the woman in the world Hot plundering love is carried out the memory w whose springtime of life is bright remaining America of ru expectation Why hating so Why running to anti American Only it has met to ijime at Stanford with w which cannot be thought With nickname of rupi giku and the Ness tea etc At that time you were hard on already in the American difference w which is not
                                                                      • 斯坦福大学的学生学习一大抢劫,幸福女性谁退出了世界上妇女喜欢玩瓦特热量,而不是,他们认为出明亮的年轻香椎瓦特恨美国,为什么还要剩余的Burgers Munoka?是什么推动了反美驱动tTA为什么不是的话,我只能想名字欺凌斯坦福Louppy瓦特,怪胎,茶时间和Ada业务,没有被怀疑的美国人已经欺负到W Stanford studying abroad largely the happiness lady w whom there it chooses from midst of the woman in the world Hot plundering love is carried out the memory w whose springtime of life is bright remaining America of ru expectation Why hating so Why running to anti American Only it has met to ijime at Stanford with w which cannot be thought With nickname of rupi giku and the Ness tea etc At that time you were hard on already in the American difference w which is not

                                                                    • 日本信用保证也叫马六甲海峡将试图保护海上航线,还可以稍稍增加足够的日本海上自卫队
                                                                      Concerning the protection of the sea lane which includes the generally known Malacca strait sea preservation, with the somewhat reinforcement of Maritime Self Defense Force Sufficiently it is possible

                                                                      • 根据周围的环境,冲绳的第一任总理,也是30中,“冲绳搬迁,”尽管有转移,但拒绝去挂出德之不考虑?在社民党通过在所有的故事,对这个总理将要转Risuru冲绳 According to around the prime minister at the beginning even on the 30th “transfer of facilities inside the prefecture” with Okinawa and Although it denies the moving to Tokunoshima as for the 其 re consideration plug After passing through story to the corporation people party which this prime minister completely opposes Okinawa it was the intention of entering
                                                                        • 根据周围的环境,冲绳的第一任总理,也是30中,“冲绳搬迁”,并讨论通过后,党社会民主党强烈反对德之岛搬到,冲绳是要转Risuru According to around the prime minister at the beginning even on the 30th “transfer of facilities inside the prefecture” with Okinawa and Although it denies the moving to Tokunoshima as for the 其 re consideration plug After passing through story to the corporation people party which this prime minister completely opposes Okinawa it was the intention of entering
                                                                        • 甚至一些埃塔转移的社会民主党前自由民主党成员,所以没有准备好地方立法 With a lot of local Assemblyman and conveys to Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman careless you can call that from the corporation people party first

                                                                      • 每个人的局部灾害和[传染性疾病和]没有牲畜的方式是,如文紧急情况下,
                                                                        With local end of everyone disaster and (house Domesticated fowl and animals Transmission Dyeing We assume that the illness) and the like emergency happened,

                                                                        • 由于民主党在上院现政府是不是应该重写,鸠山在6月份,加强对选举进行激烈
                                                                          Before the Upper House election apply there must be a current Cabinet, as the Democratic party and, Hatoyama resignation is hard in about June

                                                                          • 相反它的市长说,“会议已经贪婪和石窟,10唐宁街及警司及我想这是帮助〜我什么鸽子不明白民主政府,而是关起门来 Town mayor of the home country” doing it became desired surface talks the prime minister official residence the SP te it is rather densely with only quantity the closed room Don t you think it probably is administration tsu te no what of the pigeon democracy which you do not acknowledge
                                                                            • 一个与会议的市长,10唐宁街及警司及我想这是帮助〜我什么鸽子不明白民主政府,而是关起门来 The surface talks of that town mayor the prime minister official residence the SP te it is densely with only quantity the closed room Don t you think it probably is administration tsu te no what of the pigeon democracy which you do not acknowledge
                                                                            • 你提出的唯一市民Majikon排序,每次会议,我们将不发布此市长 The intention of releasing the categorization of majikon Assemblyman and solving not releasing the conversation of this town mayor So the hitting which is

                                                                          • 社会工作者 或办公室淹没在德之岛的 5★博爱 鹿儿岛 德野。官员对可疑死亡的情况下受伤,已被隐藏的一些原因,它是无凯塔文章转到 With Tokunoshima public office staff drowning… Kagoshima 5 Virtue 之 Staff doubtful dead incident after why being the external wound is hidden every article it makes the thing which is not
                                                                            • 社会工作者 或办公室淹没在德之岛的 5★博爱 鹿儿岛 德野。官员对可疑死亡的情况下受伤,已被隐藏的一些原因,它是无凯塔文章转到 With Tokunoshima public office staff drowning… Kagoshima 5 Virtue 之 Staff doubtful dead incident after why being the external wound is hidden every article it makes the thing which is not

                                                                          • 神奇的感觉,看起来分钟发言的思维是什么市长的德之岛,完全同意你的提高
                                                                            You understand Tokunoshima town mayor thinks what, As for feeling, listing the hands, large approval

                                                                            • 给我一个动词恰当地292 ... TTP的:/ / dailynews.yahoo.co.jp / fc的%2Fdomestic%2Fdemocratic_party_of_japan%2楼#backToPagetop
                                                                              292 Properly, it does to become the [gugu] [ru],… ttp: //dailynews.yahoo.co.jp/fc % 2Fdomestic % 2Fdemocratic_party_of_japan % 2F # backToPagetop

                                                                              • 美国将在日本只脚驱动的大使馆,“地方不通过”编织什么直接上诉
                                                                                With that foot dashing in the stop day American embassy, the direct appeal combining “of different mind of local end”

                                                                                • 美海军陆战队普天间航空基地(宜野湾冲绳县)和市长搬迁三德之岛已经成为一个候选人在鹿儿岛县和鸠山搬迁一些单位(德之岛,艾辛河,天城由纪夫)与总理会谈输入驱动tTA的调整会在两个方向上进行7
                                                                                  The US military Futenma airport (Okinawa prefecture Ginowan city) with transfer of facilities problem, it has become transfer of facilities candidacy area of the part unit and the like 3 town mayors of the Kagoshima prefecture Tokunoshima (Tokunoshima, Isen and Amagi) with the conversation of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is executed on the 7th Both parties entered into adjustment with direction

                                                                                  • 莫纳伊朱达罗会议闭门自杀或其他谁是我们这样一个后退的方便只有一句话提供的546
                                                                                    546 Densely way just is speech is convenient, two revolution three revolution with the person and the closed room which are done conversation The [ro] which is not anything person other than suicide behavior and is

                                                                                    • 警方寻找透明的决策过程。我试图推动民主党都完全记录讯问湿重
                                                                                      Transparency conversion of decision making process Police inspection. Perfection video recording of investigation The [ze] ww which is the Democratic party which it has been about to propel

                                                                                      • 这是不是愿意,你不觉得这是方便我第一次世界大战战术粉碎Rupizu微弱的互联网生活
                                                                                        Don't you think? the air which receives the thinking whose are convenient full - ww The makeshift maneuver of [rupizu] is pulverized with net live broadcast,

                                                                                        • 这是不是针对总理的公开会议上与鸠山不仅是因为Munchausen私下进行会议与信任放在,有它的人看起来都已经见证 This is not the release for the conversation with the Prime Minister there is a lie habit Hatoyama Therefore conversation with the individual who confidence cannot be put all citizen makes become the witness the necessity is

                                                                                          • 这表明,我不愿意释放谈话朱达罗的任何细节,鸽子愿意并能够我想这是秘密协议瓦特
                                                                                            This, the [ro] which that is Disapproval showing in conversation contents release, the [ru] [tsu] lever, as for the pigeon the air which secretly agrees fully the [ro] w which is what

                                                                                            • 音频感受,尽管在大忙!毕竟,你为什么不构成对反对派的乡民,说什么
                                                                                              As for feeling, in habit of large approval! The pause to the townspeople who after all, are called opposition opposition well?

                                                                                              • 项目的影响上说,小号并不是说我只是驱动tTA集团,是世界上最强的比比美国,所以我会连总统,因为这样的人,没有什么是非常私人的任何会议 That it just met you said to not being said it is announced even worldwide strongest USA president with that Therefore the bibi tsu te ru such a partner being very secret it is not something which it can meet

                                                                                                • 首相鸠山,盘实现了会谈,并接受了一塞提供了一个计划,概述了目前正在考虑搬迁是在市长的三德之岛,以寻求增进了解与合作即3市长是思想的直接传达政策意图反对居民搬迁 Prime Minister Hatoyama when it is one advance to catch the actualization of conversation in 3 town mayors of Tokunoshima It explains the summary of the transfer of facilities plan which presently is examined has decided to request understanding and cooperating but 3 town mayors are the policy of conveying the thought of being opposite to transfer of facilities as an intention of the inhabitant directly
                                                                                                  • 德之岛的数据,但处于弱势地位 因为图标,所以不要留下遗憾系统会议后的挑战元Mubeki坚实的防御,以确保该倡议 However weak standpoint therefore ta of Tokunoshima side n way the 悔 is not left afterwards as for conversation Guaranteeing leadership it should challenge with the system which strengthens the defense

                                                                                                • 鸠山Louppy尝试说服市长或3全德之岛在公共场所骂他瓦特遗憾

                                                                                                  • 鸠山普天间 - - “你有对方阻碍了总理,还没有决定妈祖”2★3与德之岛市长会议
                                                                                                    You can disturb to the prime minister official residence Hatoyama prime minister “destination or, still you are not decided” About the interview with 3 Mayor Tokunoshima * 2

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