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However Hatoyama happiness, you do not see recently,…With Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio decrease policy conversion


  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -淑梅的三分之一(1 / 4)第三代淑梅(2 / 4)第三代淑梅(3 / 4)第三代淑梅(4 / 4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Third generation attacking name (1/4) Third generation attacking name (2/4) Third generation attacking name (3/4) Third generation attacking name (4/4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    • 1 不会感到嫉妒,嫉妒一直崇拜的课题被打乱发言瓦特你是邪恶的加拉这是明显的生理 1 You feel that gt from the object of yearning and it became the tsu or straw raincoat object W and probably is not the tsu biting Physiological clearly feeling badness and others the re te ru
      • s已经受到了崇拜的对象从嫉妒?憧憬?嫉妒? gt From the object of yearning and it became the tsu or straw raincoat object Obtaining Yearning And tsu biting
      • 音频Dakejan未能解除带来不好的感觉Ariene发言,我觉得已经从一个向往的目标嫉妒 gt From the object of yearning and it became the tsu or straw raincoat object Obtaining Yearning And tsu biting

    • 1 引人注目的存在表明在就职后的鸠山,漂白和掴耻辱的风头和茹小姐的手,只有在第一次治疗贫血就职后立即活跃定义一个韩国◯令人印象深刻的影像,有助,帮助定义的印象的形象,这Fasutoredi破坏性×河内您狙在树荫下的改变,而她的丈夫支持与浮动避免的印象 1 Hatoyama administration from immediately after the starting it showed the existence impression with the chart stage the be active first lady image was impressed From immediately after the ◯ administration starting the Korean soaking with the hand grasping you bleached shame even with chart stage such as 貪 ru the destructive fast ready image were impressed × Avoiding the impression which is restless it seems like the aim of supporting the husband secretly
      • 1 ×引人注目的存在表明在就职后的鸠山,漂白和掴耻辱的风头和茹小姐的手,只有在第一次治疗贫血就职后立即活跃定义一个韩国◯令人印象深刻的影像,有助,帮助定义的印象的形象,这Fasutoredi破坏性×河内您狙在树荫下的改变,而她的丈夫支持与浮动避免的印象 1 From immediately after the × Hatoyama administration starting it showed the existence impression with the chart stage the be active first lady image was impressed From immediately after the ◯ administration starting the Korean soaking with the hand grasping you bleached shame even with chart stage such as 貪 ru the destructive fast ready image were impressed × Avoiding the impression which is restless it seems like the aim of supporting the husband secretly

    • 737“风暴在婚姻关系一直是克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权情妇的゚゚我回家[蒙面婚姻已经冷』和暴力讥讽”,他们也像扎西!如何可耻!
      737 To “, married couple relationship cooling down long ago, the case of lover disturbance of [te] [ho] ゚ [tsuho] ゚ 'the mask married couple' was bantered” It has disclosed to do! Only [ke] viewing!

      • 842那里,没有 是美国一流 时代周刊“世界上最”我飞颜射“我不应该甚至滑稽的第一夫人稻草” 介绍了前十名,■领导的夫人鸠山 卡拉布鲁尼(法国萨尔科齐在总统的妻子),我 842 That the tsu ke which is the top… “In the world most “the bu tsu ” also it flew first lady the strange straw introducing Mrs oral ya ” top 10… Hatoyama with the head gt “In the world most “the bu tsu ” it flew the first lady” top 10 gt Hatoyama happiness Mrs Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama gt imeruda Marcos Mrs President ratio Marcos gt hirari Clinton Mrs President American Clinton gt Carla buruni Mrs French sarukoji president Is
        • 842那里,什么是最大的美国 时代杂志 “世界上最好的”我飞颜射“第一夫人” 颜射介绍了前十名,带领夫人鸠山 卡拉布鲁尼(萨科齐妻子的法国总统尼古拉萨科),但我 842 That the tsu ke which is the top… “In the world most “the bu tsu ” also it flew first lady the strange straw introducing Mrs oral ya ” top 10… Hatoyama with the head gt “In the world most “the bu tsu ” it flew the first lady” top 10 gt Hatoyama happiness Mrs Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama gt imeruda Marcos Mrs President ratio Marcos gt hirari Clinton Mrs President American Clinton gt Carla buruni Mrs French sarukoji president Is
        • “鸠山由纪夫与驱动tTA说在一起,这些人可能就把车开到我的部长席位这是第一只注册的女总理 ” With Yukio Hatoyama which was said and becoming simultaneous simply they in the seat Prime Minister and first lady Running perhaps it could climb don t you think is
        • 鸠山由纪先生已经知道的好食物,和6年宝冢歌剧团,我遇到幸雄先生是在美国居民学习 Cooking being skillful the Hatoyama happiness person who is known 6 years is on the register in Takarazuka opera group during the American residing has encountered Yukio who is in the midst of studying abroad

      • 953羽田孜,森喜朗,小泉,麻生太郎,石原的家庭,宫泽,田儿海滩或wwwwwwwwww古贺
        953 Haneda, forest, Koizumi, Aso, Ishihara parent and child, Miyazawa and Hamada child, Koga or wwwwwwwwww

        • Dattarashii女政治家结婚,很可能我觉得伊藤的情妇s的租赁京都灰尘?
          It was the woman whom also Hirohumi's Itoh mistress can make good it seems Receive time it is there is no wife of the politician from Kyoto?

          • Itirou前外长武上议院的成员,他的父亲()被拒绝应该做的鸠山家族政治“在他的不是政治,”强烈反对时,还安慰他的恭子的Itirou武
            Councilor dignity Ichiro of the father (former foreign minister) in Hatoyama political world changeover “it is not necessary to do politics with one house 3”, that Super the occasion where it opposes, dignity Ichiro useless is also cheaply was the child

            • NULL u l l l Ll l ha The Ministry of Foreign Affairs one i REPT l In the official residence isojin the oak and others calling u lt gt lt gt i isojin isojin isojin u human REPT 92 The wa which is not the gargle REPT No 92 Well just a little hearing the ru ku 92 ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ REPT Two ⌒ The Yukio person of Prime Minister Hatoyama in addition at official residence favorite Korean actor i sojin foreign carrot administration ambassador of people group with dinner “Privacy of wife” and prime minister 4 “Yukio person At official residence the South Korean calling private party Reckless driving and Hatoyama which cannot stop that Prime Minister… as for this when it is useless Nobuaki feeling keenly”… flower Oka 2
              • NULL 彡 巛 nono DOTDT mi ¯ ¯ 92 r e e DREPT u 92 ¯ no j u l l l Ll l ha The Ministry of Foreign Affairs one i REPT l In the official residence isojin the oak and others calling u lt gt lt gt i isojin isojin isojin u human REPT 92 The wa which is not the gargle REPT No 92 Well just a little hearing the ru ku 92 ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ REPT Two ⌒ The Yukio person of Prime Minister Hatoyama in addition at official residence favorite Korean actor i sojin foreign carrot administration ambassador of people group with dinner “Privacy of wife” and prime minister 4 “Yukio person At official residence the South Korean calling private party Reckless driving and Hatoyama which cannot stop that Prime Minister… as for this when it is useless Nobuaki feeling keenly”… flower Oka 2

            • Sankei jp msn com 照片 政治 情况 090828 stt0908282047005 小一的。jpg sankei jp msn com photos politics situation 090828 stt0908282047005 p1 jpg
              • TTP的空间生物大Warewareha: rimaroom img jugem jp 20090905 504993。jpg格式 warewareha uchiyuujin da ttp rimaroom img jugem jp 20090905 504993 jpg

            • s已经受到了崇拜的对象从嫉妒?以及679个妇女在手心的全部收益在更受欢迎的苏下降和总理不能说好峨 From the object of yearning and it became the tsu or straw raincoat object Obtaining 679 Even well rather than the palm returning at the extent where the popularity of the prime minister falls as a woman whether you can say that it is good
              • 咦?从一开始就在我身边,“一个坏女人的感觉千野忠男说:”我评估了我的“渴望提升为”被媒体未经允许Detchi Imejijan That Around me from first “feeling it is bad however” it was tsu te appraisal The mass communications have invented “the object of yearning” image selfishly

            • Www trip tu tokyo ac jp 会员 职员 hatoyama page html我想知道如果我的父亲是怎样的呢? ? ? NULL
              • 一个617呻 www pana wave com 维基我佩纳还,我很滑稽 617 http www pana wave com Also the Wiki tsu te is funny well enough with panauebu

            • wwwww放声大笑 发现了一个重要的中线包括内阁的支持率以20%的调查公司,如果你不能普天间解决的问题是占多数说应该辞职 Wwwww which bursts into laughter In each company public opinion poll Cabinet support ratio falls substantially in 2 tenths cannot solve Futenma problem When also the voice that has occupied majority it should retire

              • _NULL_
                Disquieting movement of [minsu] ((((((- ' ∀ `) - [kosokoso]… To the Assemblyman union start which aims toward the abolition of the family register system, Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman To the Assemblyman union start which aims toward the abolition of the family register system, Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman To the Assemblyman union start which aims toward the abolition of the family register system, Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman To the Assemblyman union start which aims toward the abolition of the family register system, Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman To the Assemblyman union start which aims toward the abolition of the family register system, Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman To the Assemblyman union start which aims toward the abolition of the family register system, Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman [kosokoso] it moves, is! ! Something would like to do? Family register [rondaringu] of last goal? ? We would like to hide the Korean? It appears to [minsu] and the person whose our is doubtful are many in Democratic party Assemblyman and the relative when? ? Also the lady where being present our does not become clear has anticipated? ?

                • _NULL_
                  Ichiro Hatoyama (grandfather) Prior to world war 2 to shake command right and the [za] do and cause military reckless driving, in cause of war [hurimeison] first gland master (Degree Masons) 1955, the Soviet Naval Intelligence Division spy, it contacts with [domunitsuki] with my residence Following 1956, northern territory is sold to the Soviet Union in the Japan and Soviet Union joint declaration Yukio Hatoyama Ichiro Ozawa (new gray eminence: The Chinese puppet) puppet The running of Chinese Communist Party 狗 Friendship policy diplomacy which deviates The group organization where relation is doubted [hurimeison] and true optical teaching, standardized association Tax evasion suspicion <- New! Hatoyama happiness (wife) Chinese graduate <- * Scientology believer Period Ichiro Hatoyama (son) Presently the Moscow University duty (it is acquired to Russia)

                  • _NULL_
                    The Yukio person of Prime Minister Hatoyama, in addition at official residence favorite Korean actor [i] [sojin] (foreign carrot administration ambassador of people group) with dinner “Privacy of wife” and prime minister * 5 Public information ambassador [i] [sojin] invitation of people group Feeling has slipped, at “KY couple House of Councillors budget committee of the official residence” problem apparent “Mrs. Hatoyama At prime minister official residence the South Korean calling private party Reckless driving and Hatoyama which cannot stop that Prime Minister… as for this when it is useless, Nobuaki feeling keenly”… flower Oka After the Hatoyama prime minister inaugurating as for first interview the Korea style stars The Chinese newspaper net, the Yukio person of Prime Minister Hatoyama with the Korea style fans of one class Korea style reports again in Japan

                    • _NULL_
                      [eeeeee]. σσ (. . ゚; ) [eeeeeeeeee] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . In the world, Japanese. . You think that about the person the neighboring country where character differs does not exist, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: Expressing feeling directly virtue * Japanese: Controlling feeling virtue - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: [kenchiyanayo] not relating to detailed thing virtue * Japanese: With perfect principle, formality virtue - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: Quality compared to speed concern. Nature * Japanese: Hasty dislike, taking in to phenomenon thoroughly virtue - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: Contents compared to seriously considering appearance * Japanese: Appearance compared to contents concern - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: What compared to educational background is respected * Japanese: Educational background compared to the seeking road person is respected - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: Liking impolite behavior hateful in the partner, it does * Japanese: Vis-a-vis hateful the partner, as for doing impolite behavior you think that it is the behavior which pollutes the grade of self - - - - - - - - - - - -. . Person: When by his is painful, it thinks the proper that the rich blood related person helps, * Japanese: Self-help is respected - - - - - - - - - - - You think that there is a variety to in addition to, but …

                      • “我他总是我们的安全,如果他们获得支持我们笑无知的人在此”,法律越来越超出了高车针,听说
                        “You can obtain the support of the foolish people with this, if is, the [wa] which is cheap and rubs” With roar of laughter of the wife who is said being audible, you rival

                        • “罗马式建筑非常有启发绿色的地方,”鸠山由纪夫说,上周日接受选举结果,赢得了压倒性多数,自民党在权力一大,就一个较长的时间担我有16个,9月已当选总理 “There is beautiful very green it was the place where it overflows” Receiving the result of general election of the Sunday when Yukio Hatoyama long acquires preponderant great difference to the Liberal Democratic Party which bears administration and victory does It has meant that is elected to the prime minister on September 16th

                          • “这是什么人?”这是首相夫人Rashikunai我谁也和我有一颦眉 gt The potsupo wife instantaneously was seen for the first time with the television gt “This person of what ” With the eyebrow grimacing it hurt but Don t you think Mrs prime minister it is the person who does not seem even in remainder
                            • 民主党鸠山一夫人“总是太阳(天空)如不离开呢?然后我没有吃太阳 1 Typical Mrs democracy Hatoyama “ In the sky it appears there is no sun always So when it does eating the sun ru reason

                          • ∪ ( 人 ∪ )和Korean ∪:: ∪ human ∪ Furthermore in the official residence Korea style it calls in the private party with in my absence 92 REPT ∪ ⌒ ∪
                            • Korean m的成本实现 In the official residence Korea style it calls in the private party with public and private matters being mixed up is considerable because Providing also the cost with tax don t you think the ru it is the e

                          • 』( ∀ )Kukkukku (。 布鲁诺 ha ukeruarune 丶 ∀ hahahanita ゙ REPT Ω su ゙ ko ∀ kutsukutsuku 92 92 No

                            • ヽヽ REPT REPT
                              • 我 i r i

                            • 一位高级政府官员说,“什么是 (先生是快乐的),但我是喜欢凉爽』,它是受到批评。” 1 The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”
                              • 一位高级政府官员说,“什么是 (先生是快乐的),但我是喜欢凉爽』,它是受到批评。” 1 The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”
                              • 在第一个“,什么都 (先生是幸福的),但我喜欢凉爽』是,它是受到批评。” gt It was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”
                              • 政府官员说,“什么是 (先生是快乐的),但我喜欢凉爽』是,它是受到批评。” The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”
                              • 政府官员说,“什么是 (先生是快乐的),但我喜欢凉爽』是,它是受到批评。” The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”
                              • 政府官员说,“什么是 (先生是快乐的),但我喜欢凉爽』是,它是受到批评。” The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”

                            • 不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不,不瓦特WWW的“第一个令人垂涎的”你还没有被更多的瓦特“嫉妒的对象:”不,我不是要去万维网 Well well well well w Well well well well well well well well www First the ro w which “the object of yearning” was not and is Not to mention the ro www which even now “and is not the tsu or straw raincoat object and” is
                              • 渴望从受到嫉妒?埃泰我没有看到他们的痛苦,但不靠近女人,我想你开始到那里无论哪种方式 From the object of yearning and it became the tsu or straw raincoat object Obtaining 679 Even well rather than the palm returning at the extent where the popularity of the prime minister falls as a woman whether you can say that it is good

                            • 主管全国的官邸。苏帕不排除在像疯了似的漂浮在外国报纸粉碎是吗?我只是尝试在它与一个名为驼峰闲置发挥恩戴Tsuka居住半岛瓦特疾病 Neck of country of official residence To float in the lady because the tsu te which sows it is sutsupa it could make a foolish mistake in the newspaper of the foreign country is not Peninsular idling calling in the handle official residence it falls ill that you play becoming being attached with just the ru so w
                              • 皇后皇后的家庭韩国闵妃居住的王室祈祷的健康和福利“作为王子”。紫菜会馆线每日奈瓦 Empress of official residence Korean empress 閔 As for the Princess healthily of the world child and in order to pray the public peace of the royal family “ The hall paste” everyday was made to do

                            • 之前赶上日本国籍在日本秋Ttena m韩国,我知道你知道你爱他们的同伴大声和国家进入手Retarashii
                              Even resident Korean what [potsupo] catching, you obtained the Japanese nationality, it seems, but The homeland loves and is interchanged with the [ku] [te] compatriots it is the [ro] which is

                              • 也许,之后我会说几百幸雄年幸福,也应该是和我有什么积极的脊椎被冻结骂想象发言 Perhaps doing Yukio and happiness saying ru thing Correct or the tsu passing several hundred years later becoming especially … How imagining the line of the backbone froze

                                • 从596名男性夫妇说,我会Tsugai女性汉字我瓦特?该Louppy Tsugai瓦特
                                  596 Rather than the married couple [tsu] [te] saying, don't you think? the [tsugai] [tsu] [te] can [ji] of the male and the female w? [tsugai] w of [rupi

                                  • 他们是如此幸运地挖掘居住私有化,我不骗我小泽分类不是你把A的韩国明星夫妇邀请,但更多的副作用 The official residence to private property to convert happiness because it was hit This time kosokoso and the Korean show biz celebrity are invited it is it is not The married couple being even the fool But as for Ozawa above that
                                    • 你的情侣是什么品种的PacPac媒体幻觉,伤口驱动tTA我向往,我很渴望大家谁得到了我的第一飞行分类?? Opposite of yearning imitating … it does with the virtual image which that mass communications made the yo The married couple being even pakupaku is eye e flying is the tsu is someone yearns to the person it is

                                  • 他们遇到和她的丈夫结婚,然后进入政治,成为现在的生活为总理,林谷芳尖锐的问题,但他们精湛的妻子挂在单位只合Pojitibuora水果
                                    You get married from the encounter with the husband, the political world advance, negotiating the Yukio person of the Hayasi and the positive aura full opening which are asked sharply concerning the present life where becomes the prime minister, is exquisite

                                    • 他的女儿的生活玛丽塔恭子石桥轮胎巨头普利司通Shiyouzirou创始人的意见,以及重要事件,包括大型公司的股票(Bakudai)本有一直支持政治活动的公开和私下与鸠山资产
                                      As for the child which is born in Jiro's Masashi tire major Bridgestone founder Ishibashi eldest daughter cheaply not only advice of turning point, Enormous the same company stocks are included (enormous) with property in the shade Hatoyama political activity was supported to positive

                                      • 任务名称。音频鸠山由纪夫狩猎指南攻击支持鸠山由纪夫与人组,“选举法”签名 想追求的指控猎人! “音频突击鸽子狩猎,”让他们禁止我们知道。发言狩猎一起攻击 第一次。发言狩猎攻击(常见问题) 上午在维基在22日的起诉书加强对DL的4月下旬以来猎人Emashita等多项比赛超过10 000到我早上好! Maneuvers name Shooting hunting The signature motion which overtakes “the Public Office Election Law violation” doubt of the Hatoyama Yukio person and the Hatoyama Yukio sponsor “Pigeon Attacking chi Hunting” News of rescindment Shooting hunting summary First time Shooting hunting FAQ Wiki At point in time during on the 22nd morning the quantity of DL of charge paper exceeded 10000 cases Because they are 4 end of the month deadlines as for the hunter ahead of time
                                        • 但是,由于强大的逆风,新闻界整个制度,“她批评幸福”的是偶尔 As gt gt the place strengthens the head wind to administration way “Yukio human criticism” is appeared in reporting

                                      • 但是,如果没有在抗体增加Itenee m裤子出售何种形式?你在梅萨涌舔手重新考虑这一时间税的首相官邸
                                        The underpants writing with something, that it sold, don't you think? you smiled? It has made [chiyon] lick at the prime minister official residence which now is touched up with tax the [ro] which is

                                        • 你想吃什么呢?如果我离开了它的太阳,你撕它吃这样Pakupakupakupaku How doing you eat riding you think being it does the yo The sun coming out don t you think the cod like this doing pakupakupakupaku crumbling up eating the ru
                                          • 最新的数字是没有座位,刚从这里几天是太棒了,唯一的权力下放机会驱动tTA太阳PacPac Recently because as for the form not being visible the place here the day when it clears up is small the opportunity of solar pakupaku just decreased the ro

                                        • 你还想要什么夫人幸运数字崇高愿望-举办适当的皇太后的新日本,积极光明的,所以看起来东洋仲留痛苦是每个人的爱是爱,是我动摇群众对偏见报道废物如果要增加更多的曝光机会祖
                                          Furthermore Yukio human like very one, it is suitable in the new life Japanese national mother, Nobility 佇 will not, staying with that, the charming rich expression where generosity, it is loved brightly from everyone, We want increasing the opportunity of exposure more not to be bewildered in deflection reporting of the mass rubbish

                                          • 你这么年轻的韩国德塔我包括只有在丈夫不知道吗?另一个肮脏女一月wwwwwwww
                                            When even the master is not just, the South Korean it accompanies and it has been packed is with to do the [yo]? Already the lewd woman it is wwwwwwww

                                            • 关于这一问题,像我一样,内政,外交,或精神之一充满和精力,智力发育迟缓的回应,您的期望new public所有公共管理开创性的工作,以填补 In regard to this case as I internal affair problem or diplomatic question doing one and one earnest and effort In order for the administration where in only the citizen is new to meet the expectation only of the citizen when earnest effort is done
                                              • 这是可以的,甚至外交,我说我要暴动,我们一定会创造这样的环境 The all right shelf and so you called also diplomatic question with this Just the ru way don t you think when it keeps be sure to make such environment

                                            • 协奏曲的非鸠山由纪夫和基础,也是首次亮相谁是勇敢或太晚说我们没有忘记对宫廷生活的影响,您看,我相信每一个嘉豪为W韩剧 Hatoyama of debut that time and the off base concerto of the Yukio person lifetime had the impact of the extent which is not forgotten After so long a time the health air being said don t you think At the official residence certainly everyday of the Korean drama concentration is w

                                              • 只是“部长夫人”耀西陈乃裕说,第一夫人在日本,只有皇后和公主冠
                                                Mrs. simply “prime minister” As for it is good calling first lady in Japan, Only crown princess Her Majesty the Empress and

                                                • 品种号假日。但梯子卷起,梅塔刚刚开始读我凯塔恶劣的空气质量垃圾评级,从我开始知道是恼人的加拉
                                                  End of year beginning of the year variety turn. The ladder it did and however the [tsu] [te] which sows it is, audience rating it was bad, The mass rubbish is the air just started reading, from first [uza] and others the [re] [te

                                                  • 因此,它并不重要的政府浪潮!鸠山重要的媒体,我从第一个自来水酸痛,如果他真的是值得壊它说,海鲜)』我会穿着你敢忽视疮埃泰疯狂就像从一开始我建议你只觉得 Probably there is no head wind how anything to related to administration but the tsu If truth from first being hit it was the appropriate being broken tsu pu ri but Mass communications with Hatoyama important tsu lever It was the feeling that happiness is groovy but From first don t you think just it was the tsu te feeling which ignores the kichigai tsu pu ri boldly the e
                                                    • 任何东西』朱达罗第一 (先生快乐)与漂亮的外形和狂欢的感觉野生浪费是从开始像疯了 It was the feeling that gt first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but From first the ro which was the tsu te feeling which kichigai has done playing wastefully greatly and is

                                                  • 国家的财政状况,当时从美国库存均150万至20万袋了,只得2000疋布,该山闵妃,该井的6倍多,我们的政府每桶纪念金额电阻是不是有可能s
                                                    Because financial situation of nation of that time, 1,500,000, the American 20 grain screens, only had stored the woven cloth 2000 疋, 閔 the Princess as for the amount which Kuyo is done, being something which is 6 times that or more of Treasury, was not something which possibly it can withstand in the solid mountain

                                                    • 在195,一个小时的快乐,但是当事情鸠山,鸽子承担女儿卡,带着他的母亲哭,我是一只鸽子瓦特 195 That so when Hatoyama is fickle this wife stopping the card of the pigeon the pigeon cried in the mother and attached also happiness and 1 hours and hurt w
                                                      • “飞机在做首相拇指幸福摔跤一个多小时的”源瓦特WiLL6鸽子一个月。果冻的对话 “With the prime minister private machine the finger sumo wrestling you do also happiness and 1 hours” pigeon w As for source WiLL June From arum root question and answer

                                                    • 在蛮力Yabasa护理Kichigaikyara的破坏,我什至不知道这个世界是乏味的论点Kishimen PacPac最后太阳还是用了8个月 Although you become aware in yabasa of destructive power of your own kichigaikiyara as many as 8 months Catching… The inside of the world has done to pull the do is with solar pakupaku of last year even thing understanding It was not with…

                                                      • 在这一天,他的妻子鸠山,直接证明丽思卡尔顿饭店在东京访问容纳李索津
                                                        As for this day, Hatoyama prime minister and spouse, visited Tokyo & Akasaka where [i] [sojin] lodges Ritz Carlton hotel where directly

                                                        • 大规模的浪费和污染邪教神秘以下后,肚子了胜利,捍卫同性恋幽默 The mass rubbish which occult makes turbid the fact that it is the rear cult believer Humor the homo victory which is protected being cut off the stomach

                                                          • 太郎的妻子内达Louppy 318山口聪Kusowarota不过,这篇文章中,我也呼吁休闲印象是,财富基础伤害 318 In Tositarou s Yamaguchi rupi wife news item kusowarota Nevertheless this article it appeals impression of base damage of happiness without the ri ge
                                                            • 318 Warota不过,这篇文章中,我也呼吁休闲印象是,财富基础伤害 318 warota Nevertheless this article it appeals impression of base damage of happiness without the ri ge

                                                          • 媒体抨击从未结婚,但有相对体面的安倍和中川酒萩愚蠢或过度嫉妒哦,我是平的或不,这是严重的差异我觉得从一开始,这家伙是不是 Although the wife of Abe and the Nakagawa liquor how relatively it was honest Busing of the media was terrible ones Although it is dense how from first it was lunatic full opening The a densely the mosquito net tsu biting the too fool to be
                                                            • 所不同的我想如果你欧巴桑439欧巴桑你不仅找到了心灵的分歧开始时, 439 Misunderstanding obasan … In we it was visible in only lunatic obasan from beginning

                                                          • 嫉妒是一个坏的感觉只是发言瓦特灰尘不会解除群众的眼睛努力说出那样的话 带来Yattaobachanyoku。 And there is no tsu biting Simply feeling bad w Such an eye is and the tsu chi ya tsu is 伯母 san well to raise the re ru mass rubbish…
                                                            • 经常在电视上了,当我解除了群众带来Tteta垃圾发言,认为像玛丽皇后 Appearing in the television frequently the mass rubbish has raised the time thinks that it seems like mariantowanetsuto

                                                          • 家族企业的家庭结构,毕竟我的父母做了妇女的娘家姓氏仍是未知?
                                                            After all this woman Maiden name Occupation of parents' home Family constitution Still unclear what?

                                                            • 富有的家庭 丈夫没有说话,直到我死,我认为他们是难以退出首相鸠山Yakkama足够的力量,促使人才回家的人自豪地是一件好事 Until it dies the large rich person who is not troubled Is it is as for the birth which is those which you can be proud by everyone Power of the extent which causes favorite the talent to the home When Hatoyama stops Prime Minister you think that and the tsu it is bitten

                                                              • 对于批评他的许多细节,包括年展是政府在手乘坐飞机的手说什么朱达罗的必然结果,“如果 茶茶也批评他们』 But the ro tsu te story which is the proper result concerning many of criticism Connecting the hand boards to the government private machine the form which It was common usage but “ it is and the chi ya is and the chi ya does and with there is also the criticism which is said
                                                                • 查看详细数字包括在年度是政府在手乘坐飞机的手,“他们 茶茶也批评他们』 Connecting the hand boards to the government private machine the form which It was common usage but “ it is and the chi ya is and the chi ya does and with there is also the criticism which is said

                                                              • 对最严重的是08,因为Fausutoredi哎呀,总理办公室整修,所以不要骂或东西
                                                                8 Therefore as for in history being worst, Faust ready The [te], at the prime minister official residence which was reconstructed, something cursing doing, so

                                                                • 幸运的是她讲话前直人在更换政府,一个绅士的妻子简,“噢!女士们我赢了”,然后弹出重复,形成一个树桩,是行动闻名高调拉古
                                                                  As for Yukio person from before the administration alternating, 菅 child Mrs. Naoto's Noboru and “Oh! Winning, forming lady's” It was famous with the conduct which pulls public attention e.g., it draws out to roadside speech,

                                                                  • 幸雄奥士玛的“邪恶的老太婆,”鸠山由纪夫(妻)“奶奶不交钱。”
                                                                    Yukio Chinto “it is, the [ji] [wa] [ru] the [a]” Yukio's Hatoyama (wife) “to come and be different the [a]”

                                                                    • 当时,新党先驱新鸠山邦夫是党员的新边疆,退出了下一阶段即将井,一党开始前束的数目就和当前的前任民主党
                                                                      At that time, Hatoyama ahead per seat the new party, Kunio had belonged to the rising party, but following one another immediately, you leave a party, The old Democratic party which becomes predecessor of the present Democratic party was started

                                                                      • 怒江真高凝聚力,但我珍惜它不管怎么说,我会说他们很远的590
                                                                        590 Don't you think? also [tsu] [te] it is enormous to there to make say, It is what, you bit saying, although treasure [jiennu] [tsu] [te] unity power it is high

                                                                        • 总理17日开幕的“樱花赏花会茹”但在讲台上的地位,以避免与总理束 On the 17th you opened with prime minister sponsorship even in with the prime minister the fact that it is conspicuous on the platform was avoided “the meeting which looks at the cherry tree”
                                                                          • 总理17日开幕的“樱花赏花会茹”但在讲台上的地位,以避免与总理束 On the 17th you opened with prime minister sponsorship even in with the prime minister the fact that it is conspicuous on the platform was avoided “the meeting which looks at the cherry tree”
                                                                          • 总理17日开幕的“樱花赏花会茹”但在讲台上的地位,以避免与总理束 On the 17th you opened with prime minister sponsorship even in with the prime minister the fact that it is conspicuous on the platform was avoided “the meeting which looks at the cherry tree”

                                                                        • 恐怖分子使用的武器,创价学会的高技术“组跟踪”的指控※波,身体质量指数解释更多的伤害武器和技术,方法和破坏更多的信息文章Gasuraitingu(博客网址没有粘贴)继续犯罪团伙潜行者◆ 34线程
                                                                          Prosecution of the terrorism “group stoker” which uses the high-tech weapon of Soka academic society * The electromagnetic wave, damage details and technical explanation, gas lighting damage and the detailed commentary of technique by the BMI weapon ([burogu] URL it cannot paste) * The thread 34 which overtakes group stoker crime

                                                                          • 我会找到他们从宿舍被女主人成员朝鲜就没有自我186瓦特公共安全委员会主席
                                                                            186 It enters and leaves the public peace chairman self South Korean hostess the Assemblyman dormitory frequently the empty W where cannot be that

                                                                            • 我有偏见,因为他们看起来真的开始收集讲话普天间我花鸠山我需要提供一个妻子的故事,他的,趁现在笑美雪 Therefore the spirit Hatoyama Futenma may stop the collection not being attached te We want offering the news item of laughing to miyuki lady among now as we but it is
                                                                              • 你是球迷渴望你的敌人,而不是从米距离相同年龄夫人美雪韩国渔船的Burgers和货物,一部分 While the part to do hard huanmi and the goods searching the ru When it does from Korea style madams of the same generation as miyuki you yearn and instead of do with the enemy the yo

                                                                            • 我永远也不会受到严重不满妻子纹引导我到死的每一个角落的会议宫给我的资料出售,频繁的朝鲜间谍间谍的家伙,你可能不经常进会见韩国演员李瑞 It meets with popular actor i sojin of Korea frequently too much It is dense the ro which is spy what The Korean spy meeting to the 頻 time the information sale and delivery It guides to every nook and cranny of the official residence how Don t you think maji unhappy lady tsu te capital punishment it is

                                                                              • 战略。欲望。诈。总理的女儿嫁给大间排除愚蠢,耻辱的女儿,我们恨的世界!
                                                                                Abbreviation. 淫. 詐. Marriage The wife of coming out [aho] Prime Minister Oma, Wife of disliking person of the world Shame!

                                                                                • 据,两天后收到埃塔总理给Uikipedia,9月14日,鸠山付出了索津李礼貌的图片呼吁办公中心对黑人男子,他们穿着的说她目前的境遇 According to uikipedeia refrained from prime minister inauguration 2 days later September 14 when of last year i sojin in the office The man of the clothes where the top in the center of the photograph is black is Hatoyama that courtesy call also the Yukio person sat together
                                                                                  • 据,两天后收到埃塔总理给Uikipedia 9月14日拜会了鸠山的办公室索津,李说,她目前的境遇 According to uikipedeia refrained from prime minister inauguration 2 days later September 14 when of last year i sojin in the office The man of the clothes where the top in the center of the photograph is black is Hatoyama that courtesy call also the Yukio person sat together
                                                                                  • 相反,总理关怀的人,那是幸运的妻子“(我丈夫)是好的”,以摇摆舞鼓和亮度 “Is in the opposite direction in the people who worry the prime minister as for the Yukio person way secretly the husband all right” that you behave brightly

                                                                                • 政府高级官员说,“凡是 (先生是快乐)的感觉,我穿着内达』呢?女 gt The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but … News item w
                                                                                  • 政府官员说,“什么是 (先生是幸福)的感觉,我穿着』咦? The government official was the feeling that “first as for happiness it is groovy with anything but now it is the object of criticism”

                                                                                • 新大谷饭店和人夫在东京赤坂日本料理2009年11月8日“丽思卡尔顿的东京咖啡馆”的“咖啡金及得力,”晚餐与韩国演员李西区 2009 Year November 08th Tokyo Akasaka hotel new Otani Japanese restaurant with coffee “coffee “of the Ritz Carlton Tokyo” inside deri ” with Yukio person actor i sojin and meal of Korea
                                                                                  • 在东京新大谷饭店,日式餐厅纪尾井町2010年1月8日“滩万”膳食与韩国演员李徐人亿斤夫 2010 Year January 08th The hotel new Otani of Tokyo Kioi Cho Japanese restaurant at “ten thousand which is” with the Yukio person actor i sojin and the meal of Korea

                                                                                • 日本政治家不能愚弄属于已知的世界许多领导人的权力,wwwwwww 42
                                                                                  As for the Japanese politician the fool being many, between the worldwide 42 national leaders famous wwwwwww

                                                                                  • 日本的下一位第一夫人,“当元目覚自己,跟她的丈夫在那个时候,但没有抗体提高到金星线是当时我丈夫不说,他们相信梦想”的书面和不 The Japanese next term first lady when “by his awakes spoke that by his does to Venus in the husband of that time but The husband of that time that it is dream was that and did not believe” that you have written

                                                                                    • 日本销毁了剩余的3年,如果由鸠山由纪夫是水果逃逸,我要逮捕我鸠山由纪狙违反选举法在日本可能不会那么破坏茹 When we assume that Yukio Hatoyama escaped and could carry out remaining 3 years Because it is possible Japanese to destroy and to weaken The Hatoyama happiness perhaps there is no Japanese Because you aim for the arrest with Public Office Election Law violation the shank

                                                                                      • 是不是主谋,先生?爱,而不是抢劫,但我认为更多的驱动tTA强度高达鸠山在后座更换
                                                                                        The lady there is no mastermind? However you thought that there is no plundering love and changed to Hatoyama from the [te] and the lady

                                                                                        • 更加鸠山由纪先生同情线或等待,不要晒黑,但我有一个巨大的Miyukinu是渴望模仿的生活方式?瓦特
                                                                                          Sympathizing to the approach of Hatoyama happiness, yearning and imitating life style [miyukinu] [tsu] [te] It occurs it is in large quantities the [tsu] [ke] which is not? w

                                                                                          • 来吧,释放神的火,后在总理办公室的胃在鸠山辞职,日本在美雪,但没有韩国镜子
                                                                                            When at the time of Hatoyama resignation the fire is set to the prime minister official residence with revenge, the God shelf, you see and keep Resident, well it is the mirror of the South Korean

                                                                                            • 泰子的母亲,我留下来的抢劫事件,但我们的老年人有帮助Louppy花尤基给我留下任何可疑的真正起源仍回我先生承认Tenairashii Although it was lady of the senior whom happiness te rupi takes care it is immoral plundering red sandal wood don t you think The mother as for the child the lady is not recognized cheaply yet it seems Coming out our saying doubtfully the kana which is true
                                                                                              • 没有人隐瞒什么,所以我要去为总理的夫人谁不会有隐藏的起源 Unless you must hide coming out our it probably is human tsu te no what Although it is Mrs prime minister is the person who is hidden this much

                                                                                            • 美联社昨天报道,贝鲁的灵魂在他的书和飞碟项目上什么影响电力线金星,妻子鸠山由纪夫的民主党领袖,据报道,快乐神仙种种说法约先生
                                                                                              As for AP communication on the 3rd, soul riding in UFO, when it went to Venus, e.g., you express with the book, the wife of Hatoyama Yukio representation of the Democratic party, That happiness you spoke concerning various super normal phenomena, it reported

                                                                                              • 舆论和他是一个女人包括手续费,甚至Iromono Sanjapo出政权改变的时候,是不寻常的疼痛,只是政府看看顶部的speak带来坏名声凯塔
                                                                                                But the raising [tsu] [pu] [ri] at the time of administration start just was abnormal, Having appeared in before the administration alternating in [sanjiyapo], it was [iromono] treatment and Lady public theory of the fellow cover reputation was bad and

                                                                                                • 诺诺彡巛゛ 氨基酸 ( , , , (⌒⌒) 鸠山充满循环“鸠山由纪夫”夫人“最糟糕的运气 彡 巛 nono DOTDT mino ⌒ REPT r e e DREPT Γ ⌒ REPT ¯ no j ⌒ ⌒ 92 l l l Ll l ha i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i REPT l ¯ ¯ ¯ ≡ ゙ i ゙ lt gt lt gt i human human 92 92 92 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 Hatoyama LOOPY” Yukio � Hatoyama “The worst ready” happiness
                                                                                                  • 诺诺彡巛゛ 氨基酸 , , , (⌒⌒) 鸠山充满循环“夫鸠山说:“夫人”最坏的财富 彡 巛 nono DOTDT mino ⌒ REPT r e e DREPT Γ ⌒ REPT ¯ no j ⌒ ⌒ 92 l l l Ll l ha i ⌒ ⌒ REPT i REPT l ¯ ¯ ¯ ≡ ゙ i ゙ lt gt lt gt i human human 92 92 92 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 Hatoyama LOOPY” Yukio � Hatoyama “The worst ready” happiness
                                                                                                  • ( 人 ) ヽ,ヽ ー ( ) (⌒Ÿ⌒) )(⌒Ÿ⌒)(⌒Ÿ⌒)(⌒Ÿ⌒)ヽ (⌒Ÿ⌒)(⌒ ☆ ⌒)(⌒⌒Ÿ) ☆ ⌒)(⌒ ☆ ⌒) ☆ ⌒)〜)(⌒Ÿ⌒)(⌒ ☆ ⌒)〜( 人 )〜(⌒ ☆ ⌒)哦 )〜〜( 人 (⌒⌒Ÿ) ☆ ⌒)(⌒ ☆ (⌒Ÿ⌒)。〜( 人 human REPT REPT 92 l 92 92 92 ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ REPT ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ ⌒ HKRPT human ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ human

                                                                                                • 达罗的巴巴似不值钱的职业生涯,从我ü名人宝冢w在牛仔裤最合不工作近70年6月埃塔瓦特是不是不应该对越南总理大臣拉回来私有化?
                                                                                                  Work of the [ro] w eta which is the personal history which does not have original Takarazuka how some value Be close to [babaa] 70 the jeans most the famous person w who matches Unless to private property you must move from the prime minister official residence which is converted in June, it is it is not?

                                                                                                  • 这三个蜡烛本立摇了摇头,头发随意,那么好想法正在下降潮来普天间,电梯不奇怪,他们呼喊
                                                                                                    Three candles raising to the head, the hair it shakes, disturbing, Futenma good idea In order for [itako] to get off, the celebration language it is not being lifted, wonder

                                                                                                    • 这个人,我自豪地不相信一个强大的详情违反法律瓦特的选举,“欢乐Huzii严”搜索
                                                                                                      This person, doing the fact that the doubt which violates to the Public Office Election Law is strong grandly, w which it increases It searches details with “Fujii massive rock happiness”

                                                                                                      • 这个题目是非常敏感的地方给予外国居民永久普选,民主党的考虑,也没有任何反对意见的有
                                                                                                        Local denizenship grant to permanent residence foreigner Quite, we have become sensitive theme, it is objection even inside the Democratic party consideration to such as the fact that Completely, it is not seen

                                                                                                        • 这家伙是已婚政客女儿的愿望太强烈的自我,像我似乎-政治家,包括政治家所抛太多的责任意识本身Poppo不向井地地的世界政治的夫妇不向井他是一个弥天大罪我
                                                                                                          As for it is dense there is no wife [tsu] [po] [ku] of the politician Self revelation desire being too strong, it is not faced to the wife of the politician [po] [tsu] [po] itself it is the sense of responsibility, it passes and with is not faced to the politician As for the person who throws this married couple into the world of politics major crime

                                                                                                          • 这种愚蠢的妻子性交埃塔损害日本的国家利益给予真正的损害赔偿它甚至不是人,
                                                                                                            In the Japanese national interest chaotic damage as for this foolish married couple who is given In citizen damage compensation margin, with [maji

                                                                                                            • 采访印象的,不反,这是正确的,看起来像人在日本良好的营商谁归一成
                                                                                                              With impression of interview there is no counter day, the [te], The right [tsu] [po] which is to be good to the naturalized person of one world it is and it is the resident financier

                                                                                                              • 除此之外,每个矿峰Hazime 12 000吨,每两1000(10仙韩国都在日本,4000)和现金,捐赠的大米和白石头布1疋 The roadside In every 12 000 peak of the solid mountain per one peak 1000 1 of Korea 10 sen in Japan 4000 donated the milled rice of the cash and 1 stones and the textile goods of 1 疋
                                                                                                                • 也就是说,无论是在现金和12万元,12000米白色石头,并疋12000纺织产品 In other words totaling the milled rice of 12 000 000 cash and 12 000 stone you offered the textile goods 12 000 疋

                                                                                                              • 除非你真的存在的神秘196我的渴望,但没有受到蔑视和鄙视,只是始终没有嫉妒的存在
                                                                                                                196 The [ho] it is with it is puzzle, If it is not existence of yearning, and not to be [tsu] or straw raincoat existence Beginning and ending being consistent, but the reason which the object of ridicule and disdain only is not

                                                                                                                • 零五:20编号:mIjVJ8OL鸠山看蜡,也没有日本追来的破坏 05 20 ID mIjVJ8OL Try looking at Hatoyama which it has been about probably to thrust Japan to ruin
                                                                                                                  • 10★★:Shisan名无想愈合:2010 04 11(星期日)17:26:58编号:mIjVJ8OL没有谎言 10 There is no name which we would like you to heal 2010 04 11 day 17 26 58 ID mIjVJ8OL It is true

                                                                                                                • 鸠山Sutopiddo Louppy和(妻子):腹股沟PacPac rupi sutopitsudo Hatoyama wife pakupaku between crotch
                                                                                                                  • 鸠山(丈夫):Louppy&Sutopiddo鸠山(妻子):PacPac Hatoyama husband rupi sutopitsudo Hatoyama wife pakupaku

                                                                                                                • 鸠山是财富之父 韩国 (鸠山由纪夫和传统服装幼果的时间,他们是),半岛父亲的证词韩国人在日本鸠山由纪北海道金正日韩元(未知字符)从朝鲜 Yukio happiness and Hatoyama of the young time where it has worn chimachiyogori Testimony of the Hokkaido resident Korean As for the father of Hatoyama happiness kimu jiyonuon Chinese character unknown with the Korean of the Korean Peninsula north section graduate which is said
                                                                                                                  • 妇女的民意(12 22,1 7)音频使他的妻子宝冢原标题的位置坐了下来Gokochi独家杂志,鸠山由纪先生目前活跃在世界的第一夫人 Lady public theory 12 22 1 7 The stability of the seat of this journal monopolistic wife it is dense the chi With the title of original takarajiennu presently being domestic as a first lady Hatoyama happiness which is active
                                                                                                                  • 舆论在报纸上登出广告两个月819名妇女(兰花是已知或按月记)为连续骑我可以 819 Whether lady public theory… in newspaper ad 2 months the monthly intellectual viewing continuation is riding as for is memory
                                                                                                                  • 这个民意 妇女指南提供了总理的夫人是从第一次能够访问你彻底冲洗出来的胸部 This time with lady public theory after becoming Mrs prime minister for the first time among that chests whether thoroughly concave it was possible to do to be

                                                                                                                • 鸠山由纪夫和,谁11月27日2009年6月28日,是李索津团聚并首次在两个月以上东京酒店
                                                                                                                  2009 Year November 27th Prime Minister and the Yukio person Hatoyama on the 28th, at the hotel inside [i] [sojin] and Tokyo met again after 2 months

                                                                                                                  • 鸠山由纪夫,总理3月17日19,2010年,17个韩国演员幸福的妻子,在他的邀请去吃饭徐进官邸李总理,增加了澄清后进入自己的
                                                                                                                    2010 Year March 17th Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the 19th, the Yukio person invited the Korean popular actor and [i] [sojin] to the dinner at the prime minister official residence on the 17th, made that itself joins clear

                                                                                                                    • 鸠山的妻子说:“我吃PacPac太阳”,“汤姆克鲁斯和”飞碟驱动tTA的权力“,”连续抗体没有增加以前的“共同生活维纳斯”他们是鱿鱼头或与他的妻子,媒体Tteta但我要告诉那些谁拥有幽默感的积极意义 “ pakupaku eating Mrs Hatoyama sun ru ” “ tomu cruise and previous life are simultaneous ” “It rode in UFO” “it has done to Venus” that The married couple being even because the head is the squid re te as for the mass communications however the human tsu te which has humor you say favorably
                                                                                                                      • 美联社的财富在电视采访中,在不增加抗体,在生活会与美国影星汤姆克鲁斯和以前的,“他是生活在另一个日本”,并指出所描述的天空 As for AP happiness with interview of the television tomu cruise of the American actor and is a thing which meets with previous life “previous life So he the Japanese” and so on refers expressing

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