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If Maehara diplomatic relations phase “high-speed new fee bill failure, 1000 Yen in high speed in our people continuation”


  • 废除了踬暂缴税会发生什么,但对第一个高速
    Provisional tariff abolition > > > > > > does high speed how become? Although is, being first, because you stumbled

    • 303 和早期鸟类往返折扣,折扣100公里范围内说这是一个奇怪的制度 303 Because gt commuting discount and it was the strange system which as for discount within 100km the discount tsu te is said early morning
      • 556 和早期鸟类往返折扣,折扣100公里范围内说这是一个奇怪的制度 556 Because gt commuting discount and it was the strange system which as for discount within 100km the discount tsu te is said early morning

    • 50万亿美元债务,将进入第二东名高速公路建设成本是什么使得新神
      When new name God now is made 2nd Tomei construction cost is inserted it becomes 50,000,000,000,000 debt

      • 50%的折扣,即30至30日午夜关闭682%的折扣在午夜最后爆裂,而是一个为期两年四月清除率降低贴现率为8%的年
        682 Nighttime discount From 50% off percentage leading decreases to 30% off Time limit discount of 2 years ending in April, nighttime discount 30% remains as for 8 years

        • Katsunumachō宝冢山梨集成电路,集成电路县从兵库县的宝冢市手续是过去8天古线使用过程中,我相信这100公里的大部分时间是在一天假期的主题折扣在大阪附近的一段不 From Yamanasi Katsunuma IC up to Takarazuka IC of Hyogo prefecture the course which keeps utilizing ETC It is Takarazuka from last Yokaichi but it is within 100km certainly but most of this section being about Osaka suburban section is not the object of holiday daytime discount
          • Katsunumachō宝冢山梨集成电路,集成电路县从兵库县的宝冢市手续是过去8天古线使用过程中,我相信这100公里的大部分时间是在一天假期的主题折扣在大阪附近的一段不 From Yamanasi Katsunuma IC up to Takarazuka IC of Hyogo prefecture the course which keeps utilizing ETC It is Takarazuka from last Yokaichi but it is within 100km certainly but most of this section being about Osaka suburban section is not the object of holiday daytime discount

        • OUT在Katsunumachō诹诹访饭田山本OUT在饭田小牧小牧山本在乱了我会宝冢 Katsunuma IN Suwa OUT Suwa IN Ida Yamamoto OUT Ida Yamamoto IN Komaki OUT Komaki IN Don t you think it probably is Takarazuka OUT
          • OUT在Katsunumachō诹诹访饭田山本OUT在饭田小牧小牧山本在乱了我会宝冢 Katsunuma IN Suwa OUT Suwa IN Ida Yamamoto OUT Ida Yamamoto IN Komaki OUT Komaki IN Don t you think it probably is Takarazuka OUT
          • 那么,这三个最大的交易Katsunumachō:他们不要试图进入59 The ma most as for being profit Katsunuma 3 However it is to enter into 59 don t you think

        • Www mlit go jp 普通 000112016的。PDF NEXCO埃纳,至1000日元折扣,即第3,节省了假日50%的折扣假日折扣30%优惠50%的折扣,周日下午关闭深夜50%减刑折扣,即50%的折扣,即清晨飞驒隧道隧道其他折扣优惠(如利率的折扣优惠出口单位之间的间隔短京阪可连续第二想像,如果他们不写?)道路折扣为1 6英里或更多取消了总环里程折扣和优惠折扣复制各种折扣只躺在更新从通勤人 www mlit go jp common 000112016 pdf NEXCO Commuting discount 5 discounts Early morning nighttime discount 5 discounts Nighttime discount 5 discounts Weekday daytime discount 3 discounts Holiday discount 5 discounts 3 discounts Holiday discount Upper limit 1000 Yen Expensive section discount Ena mountain tunnel flying 騨 tunnel Other discounts Because you have not written the imagination It is short section discount specification exit discount of second capital 阪 continual utilization discount flat rate section Mileage discount 1 6 Discount Or more all abolition As for remaining only the discount which is renewed to the annular road Because mileage discount and various discounts overlap In the person who uses commuting discount substantial price hike of 2 3 times Commuting discount abolition expensive section discount abolition mileage discount abolition Early morning nighttime discount abolition second capital 阪 continual utilization percentage abolition mileage discount abolition And so on one which receives influence reaches price hike of 3 times With temporary step just during this year nighttime discount continues commuting discount early morning with 3 discounts but After that non discount
          • NULL According to the announcement of the national traffic ministry ttp www mlit go jp common 000112016 pdf NEXCO Commuting discount 5 discounts Early morning nighttime discount 5 discounts Nighttime discount 5 discounts Weekday daytime discount 3 discounts Holiday discount 5 discounts 3 discounts Holiday discount Upper limit 1000 Yen Expensive section discount Ena mountain tunnel flying 騨 tunnel Other discounts Because you have not written the imagination It is short section discount specification exit discount of second capital 阪 continual utilization discount flat rate section Mileage discount 1 6 Discount Or more all abolition As for remaining only the discount regarding the annular road Because mileage discount and various discounts overlap In the person who uses commuting discount substantial price hike of 2 3 times Commuting discount abolition expensive section discount abolition mileage discount abolition Early morning nighttime discount abolition second capital 阪 continual utilization percentage abolition mileage discount abolition And so on one which receives influence reaches price hike of 3 times With temporary step just during this year nighttime discount continues commuting discount early morning with 3 discounts but After that non discount
          • 不过,我打算立即更新所有的水族,储存系统,进行了假期后,根据事情的最后期限定在你现有的政策 But with the intention entirely of renewing at one time the system of the holiday discount akuarain discount and the like which is executed from after Adjusting to the time limit of existing ones it set the time limit
          • 人们并不真正小时进入深夜了行程200公里以上的例子中,100公里写作上,一触即发的IC,它会在和你谈谈 By any means the person who is not inserted in the time zone of nighttime discount compares travel distance above 200km Therefore the reason which IC comes out before the 100km sun size and or has entered
          • 从集成电路边缘100公里的一个,我就没有被输入和输出 gt gt The person who by any means is not inserted in the time zone of nighttime discount compares travel distance above 200km Therefore the reason which gt gt IC comes out before the 100km sun size and or has entered

        • “如果你采取任何措施,(明年4月以后)的价格将显着上升,”你想返回到前一天的利率,利率与平日 If “devises nothing measure after the April of the next year it becomes substantial fee rise” Like of the time before fee of holiday just returns to weekday and simultaneous fee the ro
          • 这不是甚至免费的东西很多,当我说的最后期限茹削减驱动tTA如果民主党人到自民党Policy m自由限制向上 Vis a vis the limited policy of our people if the Democratic party the tsu te which can be made free you probably say When the time limit is cut off free conversion margin something is substantial UP

        • ーーーーーーーーーー真正无能,似乎没有人无聊到开花ーーーーーーーーーー
          The [ho] it is with in [] being disabled, Being, in [] the frivolous shelf

          • ヽヽ。 :: ヽ : )( 我ヽ⌒ 。 这是什么?ヽ。 ( , ,,)ヽ 。 。 : 布鲁诺Eeeeヽ ーヽヽ ヽ REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT REPT This which is what REPT and REPT REPT noeeee REPT REPT REPT 92
            • NULL It means lie to be attached in the citizen” ↓ Hatoyama “The u it is it was understood” ↓ Maehara “ a You act playfully the rammer” ↓ Hatoyama “The u it is it was understood” REPT REPT REPT REPT i ⌒ REPT REPT This which is what REPT and REPT REPT noeeee REPT REPT REPT 92
            • 前原诚司锅“的捆绑民主宪法草案,我们将Yananimodekinaideshu没有”,这也将自民党的背,拥抱的政策公开批评内阁瓦特邀请儿童 If the Maehara “ bo my Liberal Democratic Party plan it is not without being possible at all the palpus…” The ge which it does biting democracy criticism and policy regardless in our people in piggyback carrying w It is dense though the Cabinet

          • 一般来说,民主党至今,我坚持在一个新Urijinaru全力以赴,但不要Shimeru对人民的痛苦 Generally the Democratic party so far adhering to urijinaru it made new taking densely Entirely being unrelated it is called to only the direction which torments the citizen

            • 上扬你的孩子可能会很严重,无论是早期的小顾和另外两个小时? 361 Itenaku书写能够更好地做到这一点并不好快 Perhaps it is harsh in the child but rear 2 hours the combining which just a little does not become quick 361 Not being written also good thing if you do steadily is good
              • 我六○七英里,我会做的公司的信用作私人 607 Mileage how the private credit company should have done

            • 下午平日折扣,平日晚上关闭,扩大分钟迟到了,我以前没有想到的分期付款,10年的资金价值储备各种折扣本州 NULL
              • 并非没有一个良好的道路建设受人尊敬的,有必要保持预算,资金,以确保课程 It keeps making the road it is not the case that it is possible to be as for budget being necessary as for the revenue source it is necessary to guarantee properly in the maintenance
              • 该条例草案是适当的财政资源津贴做您的预算与今年 NULL

            • 不要告诉我他妈的时井与人民自由的粗暴关于六合承诺需要更快的民主制度
              Generally When democracy goes to the administration taking, Pledge High-speed no charge Price hike [tsu] [te] Absurdity The citizen it is to lick is

              • 临时关税汽油,暂时率给我一废除,但取消税收,毕竟我做应收及运行和歌是不同的致命团聚我们女巫军团期待下气ー从我因成为放置安装与合...
                Provisional tariff of gasoline, it abolishes, As for provisional tariff however it abolished, another something [wakaran] tax catching After all, becoming deferment, therefore the [ru] it is, - [babaa] of gasoline reduction party re-make form, [huhuhu

                • 临时取消关税不可能我什至看分阶段,使老鼠没有马苏就不再是资金短缺,继续作出让步,以扩大对地方选举的地方建筑公司868路民主权利和土木工程小泽,是旨在提高资源的稳定财政也对承包商的利益,为永久性税收利益的还在于毕竟承建商指责什么是他们的态度似乎减少

                  • 为传播其他手续,是该税是从人我不使用收集到的问题 For ETC spread is not used collecting tax even from the person who itself problem
                    • 为传播其他手续,是该税是从人我不使用收集到的问题 For ETC spread is not used collecting tax even from the person who itself problem

                  • 二百一十瓦特和坏的方便,或者我有一个被分裂为日本瓦特加油任务是什么远东和中东和平进程,但我会保护的良好关系 210 Because circumstances it is bad w Oil supply activity was designated until now as because some combining w As for Japan although the dividing and Middle Eastern peace good relationship was maintained
                    • 二百一十瓦特和坏的方便,我有一个或一个任务什么都加油w和分裂的中东和日本,即使我有一个良好的关系,保护 210 Because circumstances it is bad w Oil supply activity was designated until now as because some combining w As for Japan although the dividing and Middle Eastern peace good relationship was maintained

                  • 什么代价高昂的医疗系统466,你也可以适用于其他类似的伤害所造成的意外?
                    466 The large amount medical treatment expense system [tsu] [te], traffic accident it can apply to also the injury of other person origination likely?

                    • 从今晚的时间是一个正式的交通隧道的两倍左右小区四百八十六天,直至道路关越道路中央中部地区的,但它方便地使用陷阱我为这个城市环形道路,按时间交通终于看一半,因为你可以关越环中心从东北或常磐线,但只,他们要去的城市没有一个490线,古环城公路或环 486 About 2 times it was fixed to procrastination recently Yamate tunnel Because it was the time zone of evening you think that it depends on also the time zone The city center belt highway becoming the use trap however it became convenient From the central road it can go to only Seki surpassing either the sphere middle road and To with Seki surpassing it does also outside ring from the Tokiwa northeast the yo Therefore vague After all while checking procrastination circumstance it means to go to the central belt highway or the city center belt highway it is 490 It is not

                      • 作为折现率持续下降,由50%优惠折扣,即只有3夜清晨乘客获得今年只有694,但激进的变化缓解措施 694 However only this year as sudden change relief measure Early morning only nighttime discount and commuting discount from 5 discounts dropping percentage leading into 3 discounts it continues
                        • 从宝冢大阪附近的区间,这么大津市八天了,白天放假贴现率〜大津,而不是只有一半好 Because the Osaka suburban section from Otsu is to Takarazuka holiday daytime discount only Yokaichi Otsu becomes half price and percentage leading is not good
                        • 作为折现率持续下降,由50%优惠折扣,即只有3夜清晨乘客可以使用,只是在今年,而是一个激进的变化缓解 However only this year as sudden change relief measure Early morning only nighttime discount and commuting discount from 5 discounts dropping percentage leading into 3 discounts it continues
                        • 作为折现率持续下降,由50%优惠折扣,即只有3夜清晨乘客获得今年只有694,但激进的变化缓解措施 694 However only this year as sudden change relief measure Early morning only nighttime discount and commuting discount from 5 discounts dropping percentage leading into 3 discounts it continues
                        • 作为折现率继续下降至3折优惠50%的折扣只在晚上和你的伴侣了今年清晨上班,而是一个激进的变化缓解695 695 However only this year as sudden change relief measure Early morning only nighttime discount and commuting discount from 5 discounts dropping percentage leading into 3 discounts it continues

                      • 你最好现在目前的717,所以我把预算已经不可能的事,我知道Tteta两年交易价格只?缓解,但我会很快恢复到原来的价格 717 It is possible to be current one Because existence had unreasonable doing budget the bargain price tsu te of 2 annual limitation you have known Relieved the ke already it returns to original proper fee immediately it is

                        • 你知道你不是连行政预算,以1000日元非假日478只本地坦率地说,。 80%的人从前往使用公路建设成本能低于收入的机制看红色的大都市区线收费,为本地孔嵌入我本来就被视为采取收费原苏确定的元日元建设资金的时间为区域高速公路塔约我说这不是1000是一个明确的背叛 478 Even bu tsu chi ya ke holiday 1000 Yen we would like to lose it is the ro which is The budget already long ago nothing of the district Becoming construction cost of the high speed road consist of the ru From 8 tenths of user the mechanism which takes as before passage money Originally High speed fee earnings of national capital region It can reduce for railroad line operated at a deficit stopgap of the district and says and says Fund of 1000 increase in yen value speeds As for deciding that it turns to the high speed road construction of the district Decisive betrayal behavior shelf
                          • 你知道你不是连行政预算,以1000日元非假日478只本地坦率地说,。 80%的人从前往使用公路建设成本能低于收入的机制看红色的大都市区线收费,为本地孔嵌入我本来就被视为采取收费原苏确定的元日元建设资金的时间为区域高速公路塔约我说这不是1000是一个明确的背叛 478 Even bu tsu chi ya ke holiday 1000 Yen we would like to lose it is the ro which is The budget already long ago nothing of the district Becoming construction cost of the high speed road consist of the ru From 8 tenths of user the mechanism which takes as before passage money Originally High speed fee earnings of national capital region It can reduce for railroad line operated at a deficit stopgap of the district and says and says Fund of 1000 increase in yen value speeds As for deciding that it turns to the high speed road construction of the district Decisive betrayal behavior shelf
                          • 四郎的收费问题上,我决定到日本国会表明这个拨浪鼓细节政府噪声直到最后一分钟一大问题普天间基地四郎,或在战后的混乱呢? In this problem of high speed fee in problem of margin and the Futenma base shaky to the margin place of execution Being agitated this Japanese tsu te which it decides government of postwar confusion period

                        • 你要么做的是申报氖蜘蛛迅速?不要在弹出看你的东西丢了...想尝试抢夺朱达罗有权竞选日本的方式把它捏,想大声大声不合理和贪婪之间稍微适应临时税反正德内羞耻我我在孩子的爱津贴下降坠入爱河快速取消免费古早期我有一个好wwwww Yaran,゚关闭预算武无卡鲁
                          Doing already, and others don't you think? the [re] - declaration? It throws out, is, wanting wanting, until inferior 々 tempering, the [ro] which is management right of Japan which you disturbed At last, if it tries making the hand, with ability of the [te] [me] obtaining not to be in time, in how shame well In any case, abolition of provisional tax and do no charge of high speed quickly, [ho] [re] [ho] [re] wwwww As for child treatment it is it is possible to be, the [te] which probably is not either budget [hu] ゚

                          • 关闭高速公路的资金,因为他们的折扣率计算中使用的计算,直到2018年也许是不合理的,如果折扣小泽本身没有资金在未来几年要去古 Because the discount revenue source of the highway has computed percentage leading in the calculation which perhaps to 2018 is utilized If Ozawa discounts unreasonable painful brown there is no revenue source itself in several years the tsu chi ya u

                            • 再走出自民党夺回了自民党,但是当灯风前在金钱方面的溃疡,现在纷纷离开党
                              But the Liberal Democratic Party now in money matter and secessionist successive appearance the light before the wind, when the Liberal Democratic Party collapses, another recovery stops being attached

                              • 到公路扩建○入口,我已经使用的社会资本,使其能够减少交通挤塞和经济损失
                                It increases the entrance of the ○ highway, using the social overhead capital which now is effectively, it lightens economic loss such as procrastination

                                • 前原诚司我说谎』 电子邮件假冒案件,然后乘飞机到司法自杀的民主党人,一个感问:什么是颜射? NULL
                                  • 克罗克随便留给亲人的电子邮件欺骗希雷恩回力或一些严重的地方,我认为需要依靠兰花 Serious kana is oak viewing being caught to the disguise mail everywhere kind of carelessness which designates flesh fell as the disabled person as for think as main point viewing but

                                • 前原诚司,551麻生太郎向上帝他们擦拭伍德罗斯麻生太郎的臀部,自民党选举将在政策看这完全很快与撒期限,由基达民主党仅增长对听 551 Aso opposed to democracy just Furthermore the rose of the time limit being attached it spreads and therefore ends also this policy already and immediately reaches price hike The Maehara God which does our people Aso which did the rose firewood for election rear end wiping
                                  • 前原诚司,551麻生太郎向上帝他们擦拭伍德罗斯麻生太郎的臀部,自民党选举将在政策看这完全很快与撒期限,由基达民主党仅增长对听 551 Aso opposed to democracy just Furthermore the rose of the time limit being attached it spreads and therefore ends also this policy already and immediately reaches price hike The Maehara God which does our people Aso which did the rose firewood for election rear end wiping

                                • 前原诚司,与总督桥本彻大阪会议上表示,道路建设。手流塔姆收费和资金,还要求有明确的收费,但是否能不能让当地政府授权的上乘国家“考虑”,并表示天空 As for Maehara diplomatic relations phase in the conversation with Osaka prefecture Governor Tetsu under bridge of the same day road building In order to apply to the revenue source Whether it cannot add the fee which the country approves at the self governing community being demand that revealing You expressed that “it examines”
                                  • 埃塔我不会增加周围东部的省长和省长的差异我想我们不能上乘市 Whether it cannot add at the self governing community that The governor who was misunderstood from around Higashi governor increased don t you think

                                • 只购买较晚取消研究员乘客会作出决定的习惯的欺骗和司法机构的适用
                                  Commuting in the habit where extremely just nighttime percentage has decided that it makes abolish Trickery Osamu guy

                                  • 和儿童津贴,免费上学的高,他们很可能没有得到多大的党民主和自由的任何公路没有加税
                                    Child treatment, high school free conversion and highway free conversion When none is there is no tax increase can, whether it is directly good even at the Democratic party

                                    • 和区域埃塔更感兴趣,只是排序承包商,民主是唯一一个废物转移的预算,因为我只是做其中的民主辩论财政预算案之前或保持它仍然迅速呢?
                                      Is categorization of the earth building right to which democracy increased wastefully still? From before the budget deliberating place to attach quickly, from the Democratic party it conveyed to the district, because it rubbed, it maintains just budget even with nature?

                                      • 嗯,我猜罪魁祸首是快,后期1000日元的折扣最近流行这个晚上,我将培训1
                                        Well, recently Tomari in the car being popular, also [ru] these 1000 increase in yen value speeds Nighttime discount probably is prime mover what

                                        • 嗯,毕竟他们目前的现状可以普天间搬迁计划更快的速度,大声啊Gukotodakehadekitaka民主党人不能做任何事情瓦特
                                          Futenma transfer of facilities current plan High-speed fee maintenance of the status quo After all, by your, the Democratic party which cannot do at all [a] [a]… It was possible just to make a noise, w

                                          • 坏想法是很多的不便向所有有关各方的交通和运输需求加剧了交通挤塞期间,高到1000日元的折扣假日
                                            As for the one which it stops being good, holiday discount of upper limit 1000 Yen Procrastination congestion is made to intensify in high demand season and great annoyance is bet on related each direction of transport transport

                                            • 埃塔考虑是否有需要或有多少人或人谁需要这种路线?环行线隧道路线在所有中央山手!你卡诺悟多少分钟将减少,如果外环公路路线没有关系? (笑)和中央道路应基尔胶胶区,如果你真的想看看你 The people where that route is necessary being who You have thought whether people how many have needed In the first place not to be the central belt highway Yamate tunnel route the te When the outside ring road route is produced knowing whether it becomes shortening some part ru Laughing Connect by any means you want if is it could connect on the sphere middle road and
                                              • 而且我也必须作出有益的问题广泛地交界处,花了中央的道路上更加梁古安胶区 The one which can be connected on the sphere middle road is completed land generation cheaply and Because it can make also junction widely but convenient what

                                            • 它甚至没有收入税和消费税永久税率是多少?同样的
                                              Even tariff of income tax and consumer tax there is no permanent tariff, it does, the [yo]? The same thing

                                              • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽一郎获得心灵的支持鸠山由东北数字“计划”是狙美日安保条约和日本的基地,破坏了全部撤出美国和煽动反美情绪 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty

                                              • 小泽鸠山得到的支持位来自北方的转变,只有将所有的过错关闭搬迁计划的名护市的海岸是第一个美日协议,它的地方搬迁隆真理对一个新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽鸠山位获得支持从北,将改为与海岸的名护市唯一一个美国关闭搬迁计划的任何理由,是第一个协议,一个地方搬迁隆马里对新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽鸠山位获得支持从北,将改为与海岸的名护市唯一一个美国关闭搬迁计划的任何理由,是第一个协议,一个地方搬迁隆马里对新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽鸠山位获得支持从北,将改为与海岸的名护市唯一一个美国关闭搬迁计划的任何理由,是第一个协议,一个地方搬迁隆马里对新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty
                                                • 小泽鸠山位获得支持从北,将改为与海岸的名护市唯一一个美国关闭搬迁计划的任何理由,是第一个协议,一个地方搬迁隆马里对新的运动公布候选人,小泽是反对运动的背后将煽 Ozawa Hatoyama which receives the North Korean support “ Concept “ Instigating anti American feeling domestic complete withdrawal of the US military base You aim for the cancellation of Japan U S Security Treaty

                                              • 巴厘岛前两年相比Dzukeー处罚与土地部的人员的委任
                                                -? As for front Bali at the point in time when is appointed in national traffic minister of state Becoming aware that they are punishment personal affairs,

                                                • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ 民主党宣言是我这个公共合同的! 。〜°,¯ ¯ Nitsu⌒醋 ゙,异ṛ⊃ヾ什么 是什么表现? ? ? 左¨ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i High speed free conversion child treatment and provisional tariff abolition Futenma most To outside prefecture l human 92 The Democratic party manifest this me and is contract with the citizen ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ ni ゙ r iso ⊃ … The tsu ke which is manifest tsu te what l ¯
                                                  • 布鲁诺的⌒⌒γヽ 民主党宣言是我这个公共合同的! 。〜°,¯ ¯ Nitsu⌒醋 ゙,异ṛ⊃ヾ什么 是什么表现? ? ? 左¨ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i High speed free conversion child treatment and provisional tariff abolition Futenma most To outside prefecture l human 92 The Democratic party manifest this me and is contract with the citizen ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ ni ゙ r iso ⊃ … The tsu ke which is manifest tsu te what l ¯

                                                • 快我以前是纳税人免费,什么将它的收费用于资助快?
                                                  High-speed free conversion = Using the tax of all citizen, it maintains the transit fee of the high-speed user [tsu] lever Toda [ze]?

                                                  • 我也想对汽油,民主管理,有没有能力持有政府的缰绳,“在此期间,多次山井一则”50年的自民党“我怪我 Gasoline cost rose and but it is there is no administration charge ability in the Democratic party administration” At this time Kazunori Yamanoi “ tsu te has shifted responsibility many degrees and the Liberal Democratic Party administration 50 years”
                                                    • “民主党没有能力持有政府的缰绳,”在此期间,多次山井一则“50年的自由民主党,”我怪我 There is no administration charge ability “in the Democratic party” At this time Kazunori Yamanoi “ tsu te has shifted responsibility many degrees and the Liberal Democratic Party administration 50 years”

                                                  • 我什至不经过由肌腱免费高速我从没有停止过大坝扬巴你爱抚我决定在马祖也体现 Also the foreplay being decided with the manifest therefore from the ru the tsu te eight tsu place dam discontinuance red sandal wood Unless also high speed no charge conversion how is possible and does suji does not pass
                                                    • 大家不要上当! ! !我保证我会玩免费的!我只是把他们重新回到原来的高度曾经作为古见过! Everyone it is deceived No charge conversion is pledge Once in order to make high camouflaging you just reset to the origin
                                                    • 我并非通过自由的速度肌腱高我停下来只是因为我扬巴大坝马祖的决定也体现在爱抚 Also the foreplay being decided with the manifest therefore from the ru the tsu te eight tsu place dam discontinuance red sandal wood Unless also high speed no charge conversion how is possible and does suji does not pass

                                                  • 我可以闻到麻烦已经没有昆虫采取这样的大阪,然后把大津附近的一段,也将适用于宝冢 Then the te it is completed such you get on and off how without troublesome this year and also Otsu of the Osaka suburban section Takarazuka become application and
                                                    • 我可以闻到麻烦已经没有昆虫采取这样的大阪,然后把大津附近的一段,也将适用于宝冢 Then the te it is completed such you get on and off how without troublesome this year and also Otsu of the Osaka suburban section Takarazuka become application and

                                                  • 我应该怎么限制1000日元,2000日元的限制和假日平日继续下车高中,并免费托儿津贴
                                                    Child treatment Stopping high school gratuitous conversion High-speed discount continuation At the same time Weekday upper limit 2000 Yen Celebration holiday upper limit 1000 Yen It should have done

                                                    • 我怎么说Takosuke朱达罗自由计划仍然是最佳的生态瓦特点之间莆田更快的速度
                                                      The [ro] which while Futenma and high-speed fee and the echo point are our people plan is best… What you say [takosuke] w which is

                                                      • 我所有的小泽是谁,我们支持民主(我们谁你需要操纵少数),从什么是重要的人 The so just it is as for Ozawa tsu te the people who support democracy in a word working from the point of view of the ru people important person tsu lever Toda

                                                        • 我的意思是,你不只是在一般预算站应该仅仅用于公路建设的收入?公路 建设成本
                                                          The [te] you say, or general revenue source conversion of the road specific revenue source should have stopped just something there is no? > Road construction cost

                                                          • 我看出来的阴谋指望媒体也把音巨星逮捕了涉嫌诈骗是诈骗,如果私营部门的合同
                                                            If contract of private enterprise with fraud suspicion arrest shelf Fraud Festo have raised also the mass communications with conspiracy crime out

                                                            • 我还是喜欢一七六瓦特我的意思是,11%的石油进口石油原油的百分之11来发言,我不会把螺丝伊拉克原油 176 It rises still w Because even the 11 bu of the import crude oil is the Iraqi product crude oil which closes the 11 of the crude oil stops entering
                                                              • 我还是喜欢一七六瓦特我的意思是,11%的石油从伊拉克进口的石油就不会来,但我把螺丝 176 It rises still w Because even the 11 bu of the import crude oil is the Iraqi product crude oil which closes the 11 of the crude oil stops entering

                                                            • 手续优惠或折扣,节假日或晚上Udaro里程区别?我不能躺在遥远的Poppo
                                                              The [ro] where ETC mileage or nighttime discount with holiday discount is different and is? Even with the [po] [tsu] [po] lie it is not attached to there

                                                              • 手续本身的折扣更多的是从用户正在进行的混乱迷宫可能是好的,使这里再次
                                                                Already the discount system itself of ETC, becoming weird, becoming difficult to be divided into the user, from the [ru], Perhaps also it is good to do again to make here,

                                                                • 是不是在民主党的反对某些地区高,因为你知道你不是?阿霍已将小泽糸井 Other than area of part is high there is no reason which is opposed inside the Democratic party it is the ro which is As for Ozawa of aho the position it is solving
                                                                  • Tsuka 441,它仍然不能确定是否真的讨论党 441 The handle being intraparty arguing truly opacity it puts out

                                                                • 是什么?如果失败的执政党在国会多数,但你超过我笨〜操
                                                                  ? Ruling party majority exceeding with group of people going/participating, although the [ru] if the failure - the [tsu] [te] it is to act playfully the fool

                                                                  • 权衡前原诚司攻击流Iiiiii我一直在努力污垢穷人
                                                                    Maehara pitiful Although with utmost effort it works It is dirty in the 沢 the antinomic attack [i] [i] [i] [i] [i] [i

                                                                    • 杭Kuraedaro它向人民许诺有利于人民的外国政府从I
                                                                      From the citizen the foreigner those which are the administration which has favorably treated The [ro] which is droppings saddle obtaining such as promise to the citizen

                                                                      • 桥本的机伶,因为他们,我将收取你建议一个区域上乘
                                                                        Because under the bridge revolution of the head is fast, don't you think? extra fee classified by area is proposed

                                                                        • 毕竟,人们不能说山崎是出于自由的公路,我很失望,民主党党首次倒装公路千张的
                                                                          In the first place, also the Yamazaki certain person which proposes highway free conversion, You are disappointed the way of the confusion for the highway of the Democratic party

                                                                          • 然后,也许有意,有很多的得分,远远低于城市的航线环顾大 Perhaps after intend but The big city focusing on fee also the route which is reduced exists in large quantity
                                                                            • 然后,也许有意,有大量的新路线周围的大城市看不起 Perhaps after intend but The big city focusing on fee also the route which is reduced exists in large quantity
                                                                            • 那目光我没有要压低收费站,即使有人会取消通勤里程优惠 If only commuting discount and mileage abolition it stops fee not to reduce unreasonably the te But it is to call

                                                                          • 然后,神八日市集成电路上下班,晚上和小牧八日市→折扣不在身边时,他们乘坐又通过17通行证 When after passing name God Yokaichi IC when it turns 17 o clock when it does again to ride Komaki gt commuting discount of evening is applied with Yokaichi
                                                                            • →宝冢八日市:2350日元→二九五零日元的话,我应该用它前面 Yokaichi gt Takarazuka 2950 Yen gt 2350 Yen Because is the one which is used with first one is better is
                                                                            • →宝冢八日市:2350日元→二九五零日元的话,我应该用它前面 Yokaichi gt Takarazuka 2950 Yen gt 2350 Yen Because is the one which is used with first one is better is
                                                                            • 然后,神八日市集成电路折扣和晚上下班骑小牧→八日市周围的时候,我再次为17时路过 When after passing name God Yokaichi IC when it turns 17 o clock when it does again to ride Komaki gt commuting discount of evening is applied with Yokaichi

                                                                          • 现在我真的问题0 2 500日元1 000日元在福冈,大阪和名古屋负责别处日元10 000日元5 000日元创下东京高速公路在全价? It rides in high speed in Tokyo At all the fee places 10 000 Yen collection In Osaka 5000 Yen In Nagoya 2500 Yen In Fukuoka 1000 Yen At other place 0 Yen Actually without problem with this don t you think

                                                                            • 理世Tsuma m低于2000日元的人,超过半数,并尝试计算的收费,平均距离机动车辆平均行驶224人,大部分是利用老鼠的重大,这是卡车相同,显然解除蟹并将其设置到5000日元 224 When it tries calculating the average riding in a car distance and average high speed fee of the general automobile The person above the half is what under 2000 Yen In other words for the person of most the substantial price hike tsu lever This when so it is setting of maximum of 5000 Yen even with the track truck and the like reaches clearly price hike

                                                                              • 由于愚蠢的官僚政客,西方应该一次听说你一直保持道路基础设施涉及如何 Because the bureaucracy and the politician are foolish in Europe and America how doing whether it maintains below it relates to the road you hear and should have turned

                                                                                • 目的地可以得到这架飞机是的,我的头在机场或口香糖“乘客”嘿,我什么我口香糖!你关岛!一个傻瓜,“麻生太郎”这架飞机以及35000先进的电流热航班“乘客”是什么,我热,右脚?一个真正的傻瓜 Facing to current destination and the gum international airport which as for this machine were and are…” The passenger “it is it is gum tsu te what The ro which is Guam Fool” The Aso “this machine presently at high level 35 000 heat favorably while flying…” It is passenger “what the heat tsu te the ro which is the feet Truly foolish shelf
                                                                                  • 现在,这架飞机是一个目的地,我的头在机场或口香糖“乘客”嘿,我什么我口香糖!你关岛!一个傻瓜,“麻生太郎”这架飞机以及35000先进的电流热航班“乘客”是什么,我热,右脚?一个真正的傻瓜 As for this machine at present facing to destination and the gum international airport …” The passenger “it is it is gum tsu te what The ro which is Guam Fool” The Aso “this machine presently at high level 35 000 heat favorably while flying…” It is passenger “what the heat tsu te the ro which is the feet Truly foolish shelf

                                                                                • 等,可以减少传播的劳动力成本的ETC如果我认为应该提倡
                                                                                  If ETC spreads, because it can reduce labor cost, you think that ETC should be propelled, but don't you think?

                                                                                  • 自民党不但没有执政党现在不仅没有反对,我很破旧做哪些政党相反
                                                                                    As for our people only the ruling party the political party which is not done As for democracy only the opposition party the political party which is not done Because now, you do opposite, both political party is [gudaguda] what

                                                                                    • 自由路功率放大器山入口处设立检查站。安藤旅行15公里以上连续违反了安全驾驶责任
                                                                                      The road is free PA , SA In access road Barrier station installation. [ando] As for continual travelling above 15km with careful driving breach of duty punishment conversion

                                                                                      • 认购是1个月或50天来回会已作出系统的伊藤诚认购茹困难的,因为一半的控告人谁获得利益或百分之通勤,接受折扣和福利在午夜唯一的长途车被分配一个负面的争论,即使这样的供需平衡认购说,我不会抱怨,系统将不参加限制 Because the person who obtains the benefit whether commuting extremely of is troubled if the fee half price periodic contract system is made in measure you think that it is good 1 days once periodic contract half price and the umbrella of returning repeating one month Complaint you probably will not call the long distance track truck which receives benefit such as nighttime discount with the upper limit system and If periodic contract so it will divide will pull with balance of supply and demand and 0 probably will not come out
                                                                                        • 30%的折扣,折扣率小康假日平日下午平日晚上了30%%的优惠折扣,即50日午夜至30%的折扣下车工作是减少到了100公里,甚至超过可用,对100公里的收费高达5 Weekday daytime discount 30 off Weekday nighttime discount 30 off Nighttime discount From 50 off percentage leading decreases to 30 off Holiday bus discount Commuting discount Being the utilization which exceeds 100km vis a vis the fee of 100km minute maximum of 5

                                                                                      • 该生产线637首修订以前的圈子,在2000年享有有限的好处,甚至得到解除用户的20%%80宣布,该部本身,我敢肯定,我就知道 637 With amendment plan of line of in the first place front as for receiving the benefit of 2000 Yen upper limit the 20 With the national traffic ministry itself has declared 8 tenths of user even price hike as for knowing are ru expectation
                                                                                        • 2000年日元在任何时间,不论时限诚伊予部分杂交使用容易埃泰ü考虑为那些人折扣224不同,它不会解除以外的任何东西 224 Thinking of various discounts also the pleasure which you use is good being In anytime the time zone regardless of or upper limit 2000 Yen being whatever ones other than marking up for such person probably will be

                                                                                      • 该纪念馆悼念仪式出轨小西员工可疑死亡2010年4月25日23:22
                                                                                        At meeting place of derailed accident mourning memorial type JR west employee strange death 2010.4.25 23: 22

                                                                                        • 谈不超过总成本为1000日元,无论是高大都市?
                                                                                          The fee whether it is the city high, or is the capital city high of, being summed up, 1000 Yen it exceeds it is it is not?

                                                                                          • 这是严格意义上的运动部分,难度是摧毁民主党全国骗局欺骗人民生活
                                                                                            To the last, link of election measure it puts out, Being troubled the fraud political party Democratic party swindles the citizen and destroys national life

                                                                                            • 这样的人,100公里里程数将计入下 gt gt Also such person is counted as travel distance under 100km

                                                                                              • 问题以及道路本身就是一个工作浪费一半的民主党,煤气,自来水,有线电视和排水沟每年数次,道路如下纪德对日本,而不是丑陋的国家,美国,欧洲没有 Becoming the Democratic party Half year Wastefully not only problem of the road itself the gas the aqueduct the electric wire and the side groove and every year constructing many degrees About Japan the road with patch as for scurvy country there are no European American advanced nations
                                                                                                • 道路本身以及作为单独议题,气,水,电线路,并多次排水沟工作,每年对日本未来的道路纪德,如果该国是丑陋的,而不是美国,欧洲 Simply not only problem of the road itself the gas the aqueduct the electric wire and the side groove and every year constructing many degrees About Japan the road with patch as for scurvy country there are no European American advanced nations

                                                                                              • 食品Itsubushi我纳税都市圈驱动tTA 605公共工程在
                                                                                                605 Eating up also the tax which the district pays with the general public construction of the national capital region the [ru

                                                                                                • 麻生内阁Gika还接管如果w是一个更好的主意,采取一井为小泽运动不可能的立场
                                                                                                  In addition taking over or w of Aso Cabinet Well, if the rank which adopts the unreasonable election measure of Ozawa's it is better plan

                                                                                                  • 麻生太郎在(失败的周末,好速度1000日元( ·ω·)·ω·`)给予额外的街区以外还顺带大都会奈伊!
                                                                                                    Aso earth day celebration, 1000 Yen in high speed call with the failure, (' Ω) the (Ω `) [ne] Next also fee of classified by capital city high distance obstruction margin!

                                                                                                    • (至少10年的公司每提供一个遏制道路不是没有可能解除他们说的价值),这10年的预算,我仍然折扣 Each road company enclosed at least as for 10 years as not proposed price hike Discount budget of this 10 years remains it is
                                                                                                      • 我不知道有多少实际利润驱动tTA下降?和数据,比目前知道折扣制度,开始在天空 Actually a lot of extent profit probably decreases The current discount system before starting you compared We would like to know the data

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