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Because the Japanese increased mono as for it stops buying the person who had the tendency of the “integrated malfunction symptom”, - the psychiatrist Wada Hideki ★6


  • - 以所有娱乐充分利用网络,收集信息,请确保您已经只有洁具的基本生活费用
    Full it utilizes the net and all amusements, try life data gathering that it completes with only basic charge

    • 1 是在他周围,以便专心早生合“精神分裂”谁曾这样对增加的趋势 1 gt It tries to adjust by his intently around is because the person who had the tendency of the “integrated malfunction symptom” increases
      • 瓦塞,所以专心在他周围合“精神分裂”谁曾这样对增加的趋势 Intently it tries to adjust by his around is because the person who had the tendency of the “integrated malfunction symptom” increases

    • 132:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 05 / 03(星期一)10:00:12编号:CEKIqNBJ0治疗心理负荷了所有的好,日本是暧昧的诊断标准
      132 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/05/03 (Monday) 10: 00: 12 ID: CEKIqNBJ0 Diagnostic standard being ambiguous Japanese everyone the psychosis is handled in good thing

      • 191节俭美德的社会主义和封建美德和社会主义的封建,我会非常不好的事情是执行在市场社会 191 But as for simplicity economy feudal age and virtue of socialism that feudal age and socialism Virtue when it is executed in market society to be absurd means mazui thing it is
        • “德”消费者“国家不使用的钱,你将有越来越多的古董期待每个人都会”这是一个经济方面的,但这种思想驱动tTA原始极化 Unless “consumption virtue” “everyone uses the money the country steadily keeps declining in prosperity” As for this economy it is all over but such the thought of being inclined is naive

      • 651我不在乎,我打破了年底,他们刚刚吸钱梁在人力和收入损失数字我会在国内投资,做金钱的业务来自国外的思想把我的钱我使用价值,我的头在下沉将在日本全国已发现 651 Even however how it is good using the fund which value gains Unless it becomes the business which has the gold from the foreign country and thinking of investment Because the gold it sucked up from the human who is lost in the Japanese country ending if you see altogether Japan it probably will face to sinking but
        • 换言之,这是一个将要在舞台上发出了收入下降以及机制的价值 In other words it has become the kind of mechanism which is properly gained with also the aspect where value depreciates

      • 654是一个合法的商业投资,政府沉淀穆索真是有趣,它显示了业务,雨不盈利部门或农业和努力,你的脑子放到业务 654 Also investment is legitimate business being thrown by industry in order ru brain and labor to make a profit the agriculture and technology industry with industry unless it keeps changing true country sinks
        • 654是一个合法的商业投资,只要他们对我来说,投资业务 654 Also investment is legitimate business being thrown by industry in order ru brain and labor to make a profit the agriculture and technology industry with industry unless it keeps changing true country sinks

      • 672 50岁,很快一个新的(?提高)在音频镜头,你是不可能的(不严格,而我说的)是不是说你应该明白, 672 gt It is new gradually in 50 years old The excessiveness with to you do not call that thing is launched but whether it is harsh with it should be conscious the kana which is not
        • 672 50岁,很快一个新的(?提高)在音频镜头,你是不可能的(不严格,而我说的)是不是说你应该明白, 672 gt It is new gradually in 50 years old The excessiveness with to you do not call that thing is launched but whether it is harsh with it should be conscious the kana which is not

      • 80年代末以来,地方商业调频广播开始从繁忙,广播光盘传播,DAT和医师茂木大声每个协会梅塔版权数字录音设备已开始蔓延一样,日本广播协会将充分流动合唱走了
        From establishment rush of local commercial broadcast FM from eighties latter halves, the spread of CD, copyright association producing to make a noise in view of the fact that the digital sound recording equipment and material like DAT and MD starts spreading, also NHK stopped letting flow the full chorus

        • Bitsuke结合国家赞同精神分裂症和整个的购买力,他们什么都写在书集成了很久也 (分为两种类型,抑郁自己分钟英寸),以找到准确的索赔和共济失调可能 Associating the purchasing power and the integrated malfunction symptom of all citizens to tie furthermore from former times The contents which are written on the textbook two differentiation of 鬱 type and amount type by your An insistence that is done with you discovered Just it isn t integrated malfunction symptom
          • 唯一的免费的,如果它是不准确的简要说明616形容为单身呢?驱动tTA听故事对我和老鼠精神分裂症∈Shizofure,精神分裂症不Shizofure 616 Simply trying to explain simply explanation just has become inaccurate My hearing in the story which gnaws not to be the shizohure integrated malfunction symptom the shizohure ∈ integrated malfunction symptom

        • NULL 940 Any 1 human tsu te are lie in 100 people die Basis of number puzzle The person being gone to hospital regularly and being hospitalized does not stay really the half of that Ratio considerably there is a difference depending upon the country and Japan is most Because Japan psychiatry is extended existence of discrimination in discriminatory society but naturally what 1 human tsu te calling to 100 people well the ru as for that is simply estimator The sickness integrated malfunction symptom existing truly At the same time if it is something where that becomes ill in fixed ratio Being able to meet on that it produces the number if is Therefore in 100 people 1 human tsu te meanings Spreading this number the ru people should call from first accurately don t you think
          • “事情是在日本销售不再是”观光的储蓄倾向本身从消费者购买的转变在服务及外出用膳的个人消费的商品远远小于这个案件是在泡沫期间,利用一些钱美容反对派或精神分裂症,因为它? Because “in Japan mono it becomes unable to selling” personal spending from purchase of the goods shifted in service consumption Propensity to save itself is much smaller than bubble period This is fact When eating out and visiting the gold is used with esute something even the integrated malfunction symptom thing

        • U型线治疗在最初的强度与轻度患者增加了最近,“我不认为药物,”41%
          As for the first remedy which is done in the slight illness patient who assumes that it increased recently, “it is medicine remedy with you do not think”, the 41%

          • “35年”是听取反高级投诉三菱研究所研究员,吉池基江泰峨救济
            Good fortune pond basic Yasushi chief of the Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. which appeals the relief of “35 years old” Inquired about measure in the research worker

            • “不结盟部长素结合科学在战后日本的第一任总理,副主任,”政府应该是,他正认真仔细往下看教育的期望更高
              “After the war Japanese first prime minister the Vice-President being even, the science combination” is present administration of the expectation which, The all-inclusive skin it is not to reduce the expectation to the high educational background person, the [tsu] [te] which is sown giving, the [ru

              • “人民的好同说,”我休息“的竞争也非常重要,”我该怎么做就是调整公务员和教育 It is gt to change the fact that “everyone simultaneous is good” and “competition important matter” to educate The government employee restructuring should have been done it is the shelf
                • 检查他人和社会,是不安装到我,斯特劳说,没有竞争 In others and society in order not to be inserted it checks but do not join to competition

              • “如果他们买的东西,以防止老化Gutameni m有一些情绪发挥,降低医疗成本是很难生病,”如果驱动tTA适合人类的逻辑和动力,诸如流动周围Meranko消费不会 If “you play in order to prevent aging of feeling and or shop as for medical expense wear It is difficult to become the sickness” that and so on if there is a motivation which is agreeable to reason The meranko human consumes probably will be without being let flow the around

                • “日本人喜欢日本的产品,等到产品出来的产品是优秀的外籍家庭,甚至多少”偶像爱学习勤奋程度高的,突发的日本可爱的态度改变世界的教训去 “ Until the Japanese likes the Japanese product just which are foreign product which are superior and the domestic product comes out it waits ” Being diligent the world kept changing from the attitude which direction study heart is high learns from the Japanese
                  • “日本人喜欢日本的产品,等到产品出来的产品是优秀的外籍家庭,甚至多少”偶像爱学习勤奋程度高的,突发的日本可爱的态度改变世界的教训去 “ Until the Japanese likes the Japanese product just which are foreign product which are superior and the domestic product comes out it waits ” Being diligent the world kept changing from the attitude which direction study heart is high learns from the Japanese
                  • 面值杂货商品泛滥的国家与新兴消费电子产品在其他现在也去中线 The present home appliance product and other things overflowing with the young country product Sunday the miscellaneous goods item Value falls commonly

                • 一个是“Shizofurenia”,在其他的话精神分裂症,一个是“忧郁的”抑郁症是一种疾病,是 As for one “ shizohurenia ” In other words in the integrated malfunction symptom one more “melancholy” namely is the melancholia

                  • 一个说,“你有更多的钱用驱动tTA”我想我做 更改为税峨ü As for one “the person who used the money makes think profit” gt The u change into the tax system
                    • 一个说,“你有更多的钱用驱动tTA”我想我做 更改为税峨ü As for one “the person who used the money makes think profit” gt The u change into the tax system

                  • 一般人不理解复杂的立法,它需要非凡的诉讼费用,因为他们要踢呆,企业利润在20多岁的市民忘记他们,玩性为导向的企业,非政治性的工人也低。家庭,不负责任的舆论,可能会出现低生育率为何不论图老人峨增加政治利益和政治活动异常昂贵。卫生保健费用继续无视金融伸长遵守依然存在,所以我尝试· · ·问题一堆

                    • 不是我喜欢买546的东西吗?不是疯狂的家伙买! (威风!)驴骗我,我发言与新闻界和资产阶级的价值观 546 Although there is no love when buy the thing is As for the person whom you cannot buy kichigai kiritsu tsu te Don t you think the fool the bourgeois it is to push sense of value is
                      • 是正确的,我觉得一个傻瓜谁不爱546顺便说一句,我不Ttena我听到自己说为什么事情 546 Love saying the feeling which makes the person foolish By his is correct you do not inquire about that why by his says it is even

                    • 为了提供资本投资,以应付需要投入资金来投资,我一定要救活节省重量 In order to invest � investment capital must be devised In order to devise � investment capital conservation must be repeated to conservation

                      • 为了消除异教徒他作为他们的关怀和照顾它们通常老775
                        775 Your own air as the maverick, you are normal from former times difficult the trap well to erase die

                        • 什么心理或精神治疗,不一样的附表签名步骤,以适应科学文科
                          Psychology or the psychiatrist [tsu] [te], in science and the road which the rubbish which it cannot be adapted in literature walks

                          • 似乎不合时宜,愚蠢的安利基督教 行为和田Shimesou这些患者更容易观看的人喜欢跟踪受害者,该集团将手表
                            Anachronism it is visible foolish > Wada As for speech and behavior of such patient [amuuei] believer watch and calling group stoker Enjoy to like the victim watch it may

                            • 公众意识对生命的工作运行辩护,太低了仇恨高税收,“镇压倾向最低消费”可以看出 The tax which is too high was disliked in the background of the national consciousness which it runs to life defense “ Consumption tendency of oppress minimum ” Is seen
                              • 公众意识对生命的工作运行辩护,太低了仇恨高税收,“镇压倾向最低消费”可以看出 The tax which is too high was disliked in the background of the national consciousness which it runs to life defense “ Consumption tendency of oppress minimum ” Is seen

                            • 兴奋((0(○▽゚゚)(▽゚゚○)o)条)♪♪明娜Atamahi゚仲间中,SーKiteiru゙基多车
                              Framework framework ((o (゚ ▽ ゚ ○) (○ ゚ ▽ ゚) o)) [to] ゙ Quito ゙ [ki] ♪ [minna] [atamahi] ゚ - [kiteiru] [nakama] ♪

                              • 几倍包围了日本政府的帽子,我要赶走包括道路与我们国家关系正常化是没有在日本媒体
                                Encircling the Japanese conservative reaction government even repeatedly, As for driving to the road to diplomatic relations normalization of our country with the Japanese mass communications It is not

                                • 即使商界领袖说,政府禁止U移民人口减少“只有排除奴隶脚下的”U手没有理由在对面转谈瓦特“国家尊严”没有日本的种族理论和她的祖父和中风是英文...什么是鸡传染性法氏囊病
                                  Even immigration rescindment the government financial world which is said there is no reason where it helps “quitting of the slave” with population decrease w As for story being opposite, the pop “of dignity of nation” finishes, as for English unnecessary theory and yamato… striking,

                                  • 双重征税对公司资产和税务司继承和减少所得税664(物业税线所引致的损失在今年,我带来的资产价值超过一定数额)有s已经必
                                    664 Controlling income taxation, when heavily the section of inheritance taxation and taxation to enterprise property (it has the property of one fixed amount suitable or more, if even with particular year deficit balancing of accounts taxation) it does in property, be completed

                                    • 只是不买它只是没有钱可以买大沽地,Kedashi消极工作,如果我只是要分发给孩子们的外国税免税额也什么卡兹井頑張 Because there is no gold you wanted to buy you just cannot buy probably Therefore simply persevering making increasing taxes just it is distributed to the foreigner with child treatment When it works to start being defeated
                                      • 我对自己和茹叫醒无消费税,因为我高声向民主党 The Democratic party has called repeatedly tax increase it is it is There is no reason which consumption how it is possible…

                                    • 只能教孩子与你的手 作为教育下用尽竟任何“淫亵”,但应该是没有像样的人成长 You start to the disciple … all ” Counter morality ” Under the educator who exhausts the limit matomo there is no expectation the citizen being brought up
                                      • 只能教孩子与你的手 作为教育下用尽竟任何“淫亵”,但应该是没有像样的人成长 You start to the disciple … all ” Counter morality ” Under the educator who exhausts the limit matomo there is no expectation the citizen being brought up

                                    • 和田,你为什么不存款和银行卡只有邮票书籍和恐惧的我不买东西吗?我只有接受的形式或土地的各种权利
                                      Wada, it doesn't try depositing the bankbook and the seal and the card in we of the shopping phobia? The title deed of the land the varieties accepting, the [ru] it does,

                                      • 噢,可怜的丰富战后发言相反的东西,他们买了一个职级,愚弄媒体需要再提高一倍财富是买低级的,但通过我们两个穷人我似乎不再感到肯想购买力所能及以下唯一的 Well as for the postwar pauper being swindled in the media buying those of ranking with respect to one Conversely the rich person 2 below passing buying those of ranking furthermore had made wealth redouble In brief we pauper becoming wise only those below amount fit the tsu te thing shelf which is stopped buying
                                        • 音频可怜的老富买东西,他们交出一职是需要愚弄媒体进一步倍增财富买低级别的将两个古铉我们穷人我喜欢买什么东西,似乎是唯一缺少的是以下力所能及 As for the pauper of former times being swindled in the media buying those of ranking with respect to one Conversely the rich person 2 below passing buying those of ranking furthermore had made wealth redouble In brief we pauper becoming wise only those below amount fit the tsu te thing shelf which is stopped buying

                                      • 在20年出现通缩自由资本主义。遗弃和政治家的破坏性政策忽视是一种犯罪
                                        With free capitalism as many as 20 years inside deflation. Leaving the destruction is policy abandonment of the political house and is crime

                                        • 在曾经是日本的投资基金的西方国家并没有把握未来国作日的倡议
                                          In order for the Japanese investment capital to be utilized in European-American countries, leadership of the future national making cannot be grasped

                                          • 在第一个地方 所以他会作出什么 与精神分裂症合并全,翻译? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?我是从某处我把它正式在这里? ? ? ? ? ?我从错误的根根根 Therefore with something original lt The person who is adjusted to everyone Integrated malfunction gt Meaning It had just from that official tsu te do tsu By mistake it is from basic basic basis

                                            • 如果你有老花一次全部节省数十亿,提请包装管直径不解决他们破了,流是可变的交流
                                              If the aged person who possesses saving hundred million units wastes simultaneously, The thick piping where it was plugged is suddenly solved, the flow changes

                                              • 如果捐赠一笔款项支付第一年的平成10年期和特殊)利率在最良好的凯塔(没有也谈到了到期支付的金额不包括在内。现在,7倍的时间增加一倍,并已在六合杆,他们不知道没有差别利率与储蓄或牛,也想对工资。Idaro现在,即使没有薪水加薪?因此,任何人买这个东西我不知道。
                                                Of the interest rate temporary payment endowment insurance best 1989 10 year expiration (there is no special contract) with, Expiration it is to come to pay, it is packed, the amount approximately 1. 7 times Because now, the interest it is not attached, while saving does not know, it is different from the times when it has reached nearly time and, also wages had risen. The [ro] which now, is not either raise of salary and is? This no one buys the thing.

                                                • 如果每个人,我朱达罗精神分裂症精神分裂症精神分裂症w m本身在这个报价,使之成为问题的瓦特
                                                  If with such binding the integrated malfunction symptom the [ro] w which is the human how everyone integrated malfunction symptom It is thing itself integrated malfunction symptom what which designates that as problem w

                                                  • 如果耐用消费品部门的创新缓慢(如CPU,数码相机,车载液晶电视,包括在一般情况等高科技)是技术进步的积极的产品,我们这些年,价值超过了大部分消失鄂如我买什么比古安,高数额基本上Tsukkomanai强大 The durable consumer goods of the field whose technological innovation is slow CPU the digital camera the car and liquid crystal TV etc high technology all the thing etc As for the commodity of the field where such technological progress is active in addition to the fact that value disappears in mostly several years Because you can buy the thing the high performance more cheaply it does not thrust the basically high amount
                                                    • 如果创新是缓慢的耐用消费品(服装,鞋,家具等产品)这些是,它希望看到一个新的相比,性能低劣产品的早期型号的数年,使他们无因此,什么是好的买一个基地是他们选择高耐力可爱偶像 The durable consumer goods whose technological innovation is slow the clothes the shoes and furniture etc Such product in several years the old model reaches the point where it compares unfavorably efficiency in comparison with the new product Because with what is said is not left over it is possible to buy whatever but the basis chooses those whose durability is high

                                                  • 它往往是留给孩子 这样巨额财产 日本“你说富人”也将是消费者的机会,我想我头 As for this there is a tendency which it tries probably to leave huge property to the child gt Your Japanese also “rich person” it becomes the opportunity which faces to consumption because with thinks
                                                    • 它往往是留给孩子 这样巨额财产 日本“你说富人”也将是消费者的机会,我想我头 As for this there is a tendency which it tries probably to leave huge property to the child gt Your Japanese also “rich person” it becomes the opportunity which faces to consumption because with thinks
                                                    • 这是日本倾向于做一个留给子女的财产大量 “丰富你说话”也将是消费者的机会,我脑袋想 As for this there is a tendency which it tries probably to leave huge property to the child gt Your Japanese also “rich person” it becomes the opportunity which faces to consumption because with thinks

                                                  • 害怕或忽视,或我们不喜欢的人是别人关心,发展精神分裂症害怕或忽视,或我们不喜欢有人关心他人←,●更糟糕的差异,而不是“说的每个人都做坏事”,“我有一个人狙我”是一种幻想 Others becoming matter of concern fear is disliked in someone and or ignores When it becomes the integrated malfunction symptom Others becoming matter of concern to fear the fact that it is disliked in someone and or ignores lt Mistake When it becomes terrible “the everyone is insult” “I aim in someone” that it reaches the point where delusion it does
                                                    • 当精神分裂症之一是害怕或忽视,或我们不喜欢的人是别人关心,更糟的是,如果错●←“谈谈大家做坏事”,“我狙人我们有“变得如此偏执和 1 When it becomes the integrated malfunction symptom Others becoming matter of concern to fear the fact that it is disliked in someone and or ignores lt Mistake When it becomes terrible “the everyone is insult” “I aim in someone” that it reaches the point where delusion it does
                                                    • 抑或是害怕被讨厌的人或忽略它关注人,并调整人是这样,反过来,将有精神分裂症和不远处 Others becoming matter of concern fear is disliked in someone and or ignores When it becomes the integrated malfunction symptom Others becoming matter of concern to fear the fact that it is disliked in someone and or ignores lt Mistake When it becomes terrible “the everyone is insult” “I aim in someone” that it reaches the point where delusion it does

                                                  • 家庭网络的所有链接,电镀浴,生态 在家用发电系统,显示装置,电视投影机,电子纸,电话,电视,投票,如一个接口,这种思维控制线上,电动汽车,电器创新是出前景我不扩散臻 All home appliance network link and electric bath echo home generation of electricity system Mount display projector type television electronic paper medium viewphone and net poll electric automobile Thought operation type interface and the like The progressive home appliance product is the possibility but it has not reached to spread

                                                    • 并举例说明了,而且大公司的资本投资规模巨大,只作更多的友谊远远压倒比麦当劳餐厅和会席みの,英国高。绝大多数大,投资规模大的资本只有绝大多数的东西比日本豪华品牌优衣库或男装品牌奥斯汀里德男,
                                                      When it illustrates, the tea-ceremony dishes house of the taste compared to MaDONALD one gaining preponderantly, the [te] Capital scale to be put out deca- preponderantly and big business, England high. It is the gentleman brand From Austin lead/read and or high-class men's wear brand something of Japan uni- clo One gaining preponderantly, the [te] capital scale is deca- preponderantly,

                                                      • 当发生这种情况,携带医院手在政治,一名男子进入意味着不同的意见,说我们的精神科医生谁的一边,该名男子是一个危险,不发送消息我想Dzui护理 So the occasion where it becomes shouldering the one stick of politics as for inserting the human who says the opinion which is different from the person in the hospital Side of our psychiatrists we want the danger becoming aware without of being the human the side which sends message
                                                        • 当发生这种情况,携带医院手在政治,一名男子进入意味着不同的意见,说我们的精神科医生谁的一边,该名男子是一个危险,不发送消息我想Dzui护理 So the occasion where it becomes shouldering the one stick of politics as for inserting the human who says the opinion which is different from the person in the hospital Side of our psychiatrists we want the danger becoming aware without of being the human the side which sends message

                                                      • 当论文指出和田174,100下降章的论文东北大学来进行全面的一年里对我的论文是唯一
                                                        174 When Wada thesis for a degree putting out, In thesis for a degree of the Tohoku University which hundred compilations or more appears in that year Those where it falls are just my dissertation

                                                        • 我Bakkari像个精神病或W 15万左右的净租金,食品,什么我买了之后,拉俄如法案 The psychiatrist tsu lever it is whether tsu temporary w Net income 150 000 and house rent food expenses and fuel and light expenses pulling around there you can buy rear something it is
                                                          • 但并不是没有足够的考虑埃塔浅田彰,也不似乎是审慎的精神科医师的立场 So also about Akira Asada being the case that it was thought as not been the case that it does the research which discerns the standpoint where it is psychiatrist
                                                          • 精神病医生可能有这样的扭曲了的形象出现下降的问题,我本人欠萘乙酸 Specially contriving problem the image which does kind of that it recommends from high quarters there is a psychiatrist it is

                                                        • 我不会买东西,其余的全锈Tteyan支付退休金的年资在3个月的工资和奖金的永久终身雇佣分钟
                                                          If with the regular member at seniority wages with lifetime employment at bonus three months's amount there is no rust remainder with annuity full amount provision, mono buying, and it is

                                                          • 我发言的同一系列谁不是真正的分心是一个真正的粗鲁,它可能是一个模拟的Sukefu゚゙温泉苏梅
                                                            The being mistaken person the genuineness to talk with the same series, it is impolite genuinely, The [ma] is and is not unable to make [sukehu] ゚ [ko] ゙ [to] of the person

                                                            • 我只是希望他们听鸠山的东西(笑)我将不得不决定是否要在讲话前,协会羞愧附表Minsya It is would like to have hearing in Prime Minister the Hatoyama of somewhere laughing Before becoming shame of people corporation association it stops or how it does it has deciding unless
                                                              • 我只是希望他们听鸠山的东西(笑)我将不得不决定是否要在讲话前,协会羞愧附表Minsya It is would like to have hearing in Prime Minister the Hatoyama of somewhere laughing Before becoming shame of people corporation association it stops or how it does it has deciding unless

                                                            • 我将加倍的所得税率,那些谁支付租金和“ 论点生活费有关食物和适当的收据,甚至可输出为开支和收入差距 However income tariff reaches 2 times the payment which relates to cost of living such as food expenses and house rent even the territory acquisition which is done securely gt If it puts out you deduct from income as an expense
                                                              • 从高税率会 吐痰更好余下的钱一旦你有你的“最常用的驱动tTA,”我认为,一方面是心理 If the money is left because high tariff catches is not that the state of mind “the one which was used mashi ” works probably will be
                                                              • 从高税率会 吐痰更好余下的钱一旦你有你的“最常用的驱动tTA,”我认为,一方面是心理 If the money is left because high tariff catches is not that the state of mind “the one which was used mashi ” works probably will be
                                                              • 从高税率将采取一旦你离开你的钱,“宁愿使用驱动tTA”我认为,一方面是心理 If the money is left because high tariff catches is not that the state of mind “the one which was used mashi ” works probably will be
                                                              • 我将加倍的所得税率,那些谁支付租金和“ 论点生活费有关食物和适当的收据,甚至可输出为开支和收入差距 However income tariff reaches 2 times the payment which relates to cost of living such as food expenses and house rent even the territory acquisition which is done securely gt If it puts out you deduct from income as an expense

                                                            • 我必须接受或不治病精神告诉人们不同的意见,使社会将被迫住院治疗(其中甚至不负担北韩)应该考虑的角度和S可怕的 When it is the opinion which is different from the person unless remedy of the psychosis must be received unless The kind of society which you can force can be hospitalized even in North Korea it has not been popular to there probably will be It should have tried thinking of fearfulness
                                                              • 我必须接受或不治病精神告诉人们不同的意见,使社会将被迫住院治疗(其中甚至不负担北韩)应该考虑的角度和S可怕的 When it is the opinion which is different from the person unless remedy of the psychosis must be received unless The kind of society which you can force can be hospitalized even in North Korea it has not been popular to there probably will be It should have tried thinking of fearfulness

                                                            • 我真的很专业的家伙? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?关于精神分裂症,嘿,我喜欢这个理论我听过 koitsu truly specialist In regard to integrated malfunction such a theory hearing until now well
                                                              • 。 ¯ ¨ ¨ヽ(。 奥夫土匪 哦文 我会说!苏事情真相! 二期 1,(十) ,我 和说,把备用的蛋糕』我 :!ヾ布鲁诺, u的(:) 被诊断患有精神分裂症措手不及F UMLAT UMLAT UMLAT REPT aahu a … bare fact Now The ze which speaks that it happens i i l j i It has economized that when you say i DREPT no u he In some ma it was diagnosed the integrated malfunction symptom
                                                              • 我真的很专业的家伙? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?关于精神分裂症,嘿,我喜欢这个理论我听过 koitsu truly specialist In regard to integrated malfunction such a theory hearing until now well
                                                              • 相对于同一类精神分裂症和抑郁症是什么,是根本错误的 To that as for the integrated malfunction symptom and comparing depression with the same category By mistake it is fundamentally
                                                              • 精神分裂症患者与日本临时的,但不出售总精神分裂症的东西,不卖 Temporarily as for the Japanese however it is good even in the president combination malfunction symptom The thing it does not sell in the integrated malfunction symptom patient it cannot sell
                                                              • 美一过,“精神分裂症”那是不允许穷人左右 1 You “integrated malfunction symptom” The fact that surroundings have become poor cannot be recognized

                                                            • 我要去优衣库岛村周围后,立即撤离阶段是不卖摩托车百货公司,光盘·本刊物不畅销 yunikuro stripe unevenness being popular although the ru the withdrawal where the department store follows one another It cannot sell the motorcycle it cannot sell either the CD book publication

                                                              • 抑郁症治疗“药物偏见”和患病日数超过1万埃塔在70%的抑郁症患者的精神科门诊(读卖新闻所)为治疗,读卖新闻社4月3日,在全国精神病诊所我驱动tTA的网上调查,百分之七十,“什么病是偏袒日本抑郁症药物”,显示的承认 u remedy 7 tenths of “medicine overemphasis” and psychiatry dispensary The Yomiuri Shimbun Company The number of domestic patients exceeds 1 000 000 concerning the remedy of the melancholia where the Yomiuri Shimbun Company 3 April in the psychiatry dispensary of entire country the questionnaire Investigation when it does 7 tenths “the Japanese melancholia remedy has been inclined to the medicine” that recognition was shown
                                                                • 东史郎和他的发言简短的邀请,不来的诊所?两位数的水平得到更好的治疗,如果我会说什么你真的 When it summarizes the notion that where lecture request margin come to the diagnosis and treatment by your Being serious saying if the ru by your remedy the level where the one which is received is good

                                                              • 教授,庆应义塾大学卫生中心大野博(心理医生)是“认知行为治疗和鄂如病人多的思想和行为方式往往是悲观的,重要的是要增加治疗选择,”和谈话苏
                                                                Large hygienic management center Professor Yutaka Ono Keio (psychiatrist) “to become pessimistically how to think the tend patient and the acknowledgment conduct medical therapy which changes conduct And so on, it is important” to increase the choices of remedy, you say

                                                                • 日本的既得利益层海洋(排)和语言(专业/性能尊称)利用自己的劳动的双重障碍。建立一个文化地北
                                                                  As for the Japanese acquired interests layer the sea (exclusive characteristic) with language (peculiarity/Satoshi language quality) making use of the double barrier Individual labor. Culture was built

                                                                  • 日本诅咒他们的硬帽子,这本身就是一个严重的埋葬他们,他们只好挖自己的双手,第一阶段的工作是流氓
                                                                    In prime mover of the Japanese maintenance reaction, the grave which such as him itself buries, him et. al Those where you make dig by the hand of the self are the first term construction henchman

                                                                    • 更神奇的楚绒毛线新兴埃塔太冷收缩你只是想最终成为泡沫智能热古 The head which had become hot with the bubble just became cold at last the ro If also psychiatrist goes to young country it probably will make a profit more

                                                                      • 最近我没有太多,心理,教育问题,在许多领域的专家,如高考的书“魔法傻瓜经济的解决方案”模式,或者弹出 It is many it is don t you think “the book of the economy where recently the specialist of many fields such as psychology education problem and university entrance examination solution drives even with the monkey” the pattern which is put out
                                                                        • 也出现在电视和电台,心理学,教育问题时说,在许多领域,如高考 You perform to also the television and the radio speak in many fields such as psychology education problem and university entrance examination

                                                                      • 期间领导在1985年广场协议比国际上通过其经济意义是什么,他们都煮熟的汇率是国家保护的连续梁封装音频排减单位和进一步考虑这个观点,日本有限公司,父母代基础上的梁的基础上,“让他有相关的溃疡霞关,”即使是在清算过程中深不你的口号下石窟士元古有道理
                                                                        Until 1985 plaza agreement than that period, very foreign currency rate of exchange him et. al his et. al economic feeling is to continue to maintain at a state where it is encapsulated internationally via half a lifetime everything Furthermore when you think on the basis of this viewpoint, the Japanese corporation his et. al parent generation to build “the [bu] [tsu] crush Kasumigaseki” you can understand to also the process which under the slogan is cleared off with good method deeply

                                                                        • 每月平均开支在所有年龄组的人在此休闲,13 158日元(研究消费者趋势的研究资料框),并说我想峨费用14八二九日元每股普通服装加
                                                                          Average consumption amount per one month in the informal dress of all the age layers in this, 13158 Yen (consumer information [torendobotsukusu] research investigation) You think that you can call per 14829 Yen which were added normal clothing cost,

                                                                          • 没有利润从农业和工业,你像一个傻瓜或碎片移动100万美元隔夜,群山总裁
                                                                            When the agriculture and technology industry does not make a profit and the president of the [te] and Hills moves hundred million units in one evening whether [aho

                                                                            • 濒死体验我还没有听说Shizofure及津东,但带来诸如人格类型,特别是他们在抑郁症状的精神分裂症的损失之间的独立性
                                                                              [shizohure] has known about when the condition like depression with the type where identity of especially personality disappears is united even in the integrated malfunction symptom,

                                                                              • 狂人说,损耗统计符合更好地理解他人的情感苏说,癫痫和其他敌人的一次独创性乔木时间阅读空气如果年轻的粘合剂是固执,因为他们变老,但我们郎因为这将在理论上是错误的井田和田
                                                                                According to that 躁 鬱 Feeling of = others is recognized well, align You cannot read the Osamu losing = air and turn others to the enemy but original But with epileptic = adhesion quality as for young time cheerful when you grow older, it becomes stubborn Therefore with the notion that where you say, Wada's theory is the mistake

                                                                                • 独家内向,这是我一直饱受偏执,更Pittashikankan
                                                                                  The place where with inward exclusive, you take in damage delusion and are tired Something already [pitsutashikankan

                                                                                  • 现在,规范和行为都将丢失,因为它已与受损,如终身雇用,资历为基础的基础,在每个人的消费行为决策阶段。第八,相关原则是散发性精神分裂症样行为河内的耀西现在是不是?驱动tTA一代教育仍然遭到了不公正的破产成为对环境和适应不良的决策和行动的逻辑规范已不自觉地形成了一个半积极规范人口的增长我看你
                                                                                    Now norm and the conduct principle which are annexed to this because the basis of seniority and lifetime employment etc is impaired being lost, that it reached the point where the conduct which is similar to the integrated malfunction symptom patient regarding the definition phase of consumption conduct of the individual is appeared it does not mean that it is good to assume? Failed you think that the generation who was brought up in the times when norm has lived the logic circuit for the conduct judgment which norm semi- nothing is formed just mandatorily intentionally with growth process became maladaptation vis-a-vis environment and

                                                                                    • 理化学研究所的超级计算机商业杂志,但如果你找一个网站在41至理化学研究所裂纹爱与流体力学工作
                                                                                      41 But with business classification that as for the supercomputer the talent whom aeromechanics it is possible it collects Try searching with the Riken sight

                                                                                      • 瓦塞,所以他一心一意围绕合Netouyo儿童随波逐流模拟“精神分裂”谁了趋势,使 Attaching harmony the netouyo faked child who follows Intently it tries you to adjust by your around the person who had the tendency of the “integrated malfunction symptom”
                                                                                        • 瓦塞,所以他一心一意围绕合Netouyo儿童随波逐流模拟“精神分裂”谁了趋势,使 Attaching harmony the netouyo faked child who follows Intently it tries you to adjust by your around the person who had the tendency of the “integrated malfunction symptom”

                                                                                      • 生活水平 他们喜欢诚马氏Munoha代老,作为反社会分子目前在教师老科托凯塔仍然很高的教育水平等,是不是来自科托 … The generation of former times is restraint increase and as for liking life norm thing and the teacher whose education level of former times is high after all seem the present way It is derived from the thing which is not the counter social molecule
                                                                                        • 生活水平 他们喜欢诚马氏Munoha代老,作为反社会分子目前在教师老科托凯塔仍然很高的教育水平等,是不是来自科托 … The generation of former times is restraint increase and as for liking life norm thing and the teacher whose education level of former times is high after all seem the present way It is derived from the thing which is not the counter social molecule

                                                                                      • 精神病患者和精神病患者是一个零,如果从邪恶有一些很难说
                                                                                        As for mental patient being mental patient Because malice zero is also an inexpressible part

                                                                                        • 精神精神药物要求得到团伙成员的福利受助人,通过该地区的艾日嗯:另一被告代理人的朋友,因为大泽感转售在线处方检察官福利受助人追港区,大阪岁的男子被拘捕的事件(53),并要求获得地区帮派成员通过艾日嗯福利受助人精神药物
                                                                                          It meets via the mob authorized personnel and asking the procurement of the psychotropic drugs the welfare receipt person of phosphorus area Psychotropic drugs: Prescription medicine net resale of welfare receipt person To man pursuit committing With the acquaintance of Defendant Osawa is arrested in another sense consequence medicine incident the man (53) of inoccupation of the Osaka city Minato-ku which, It meets via the mob authorized personnel and asking the procurement of the psychotropic drugs the welfare receipt person of phosphorus area

                                                                                          • 经济责任需要翻译并没有像上面提到的即时音频经济见当塔拉
                                                                                            In a word economic responsibility, namely, it is the meaning where the economic kind of cause previously expressed of doing is not found

                                                                                            • 自动对焦,我找到一份好工作Ginanjanainoka词或一个职位选择403是不是免费的?我想对外国游客的路边base m工作是什么?显然,它打破2通道我也是它甚至不是他的估计,因为估计粉碎了解一些时间做,我觉得一个13厘米 403 That there is no job saying work to pick and choose too much there is no something When the partner of the off base customer it does with konbini you are covered in unko of the old person when As for good work being a large quantity knowing the ru Actually just which it can work you it is Therefore the extent which spare time has done to crush with 2ch recommending should know Your own estimate margin Again when you saw as for 13 centimeters that you think whether it is
                                                                                              • 自动对焦,一Ginanjanainoka选拔出良好的工作,如果我说没有工作或409?我想对外国游客的路边base m工作是什么?显然,它打破2通道我也是它甚至不是他的估计,因为估计粉碎了解一些时间做,我觉得一个13厘米 409 That there is no job saying work to pick and choose too much there is no something When the partner of the off base customer it does with konbini you are covered in unko of the old person when As for good work being a large quantity knowing the ru Actually just which it can work you it is Therefore the extent which spare time has done to crush with 2ch recommending should know Your own estimate margin Again when you saw as for 13 centimeters that you think whether it is

                                                                                            • 过去在美国,高语音古羡慕日本消费市场已经并继续努力缩小与日本的贸易赤字,研究日本的态度可爱的偶像 At one time continuing the effort which decreases the toward Japan deficit from the attitude where in the United States the Japanese consumption market ru voice is high enviably learns from Japan It came
                                                                                              • 过去在美国,高语音古羡慕日本消费市场已经并继续努力缩小与日本的贸易赤字,研究日本的态度可爱的偶像 At one time continuing the effort which decreases the toward Japan deficit from the attitude where in the United States the Japanese consumption market ru voice is high enviably learns from Japan It came

                                                                                            • 近1000万亿日元蜘蛛,作了将来自由黑暗的政治动乱,以及自卫驱动tTA Sonaeyou不只是未来的消费运行
                                                                                              That even nearly 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen, the future insecurity which was made by dark our civil administration Osamu will not do and, consumption will prepare for future just it ran to self defense

                                                                                              • 还站在人类和自然的趋势可以划分为一个假设的 gt As for me that the person whose spiritual state is normal is there is an integrated malfunction symptom or a tendency of the melancholia thought gt Character tendency of the human when it can classify into each of them raised hypothesis
                                                                                                • 我是一个精神正常的人对一些国家的思维,而且该病往往精神分裂症或抑郁症,这一趋势还站在人格,可以划分为一个假设的 As for me that the person whose spiritual state is normal is there is an integrated malfunction symptom or a tendency of the melancholia thought Character tendency between when it can classify into each of them raised hypothesis

                                                                                              • 这家伙真的看到了一些民主党骨干到信者1月小泽博客“保持消费下降,以支持民主管理探析
                                                                                                When [burogu] you see, it is dense the Ozawa democracy believer of the metal reinforcement entering it is As for truth “in order underpinning to do the Democratic party administration consumption margin

                                                                                                • 这种消费趋势是原产于日本的“部分选择品质”的趋势美国,像“我没有商品结构在外国廉价克惹说:”我们正变得相当科托表明倾向于改变,说ü As for this consumption tendency the Japanese characteristic “ Quality is chosen ” From tendency in the same way as the United States “ If it is cheap it does not care even with the foreign product ” With the thing which is changing to the tendency which is said has been shown
                                                                                                  • 这种消费趋势是原产于日本的“部分选择品质”的趋势美国,像“我没有商品结构在外国廉价克惹说:”我们正变得相当科托表明倾向于改变,说ü As for this consumption tendency the Japanese characteristic “ Quality is chosen ” From tendency in the same way as the United States “ If it is cheap it does not care even with the foreign product ” With the thing which is changing to the tendency which is said has been shown

                                                                                                • 这篇文章我不是促进消费的意见年轻甜美的飞!我怎么从一个老人正在买东西的人是患了! !良好的意识,成为一个更好的中国比日本青年加糖日本老人倾斜 As for the how article which has contributed to consumption as for the young person who is not written the presumption The old people suffering therefore the ru it is mono buy The young person whom your Japanese old people droop Japan the tsu sweetly compared to you agree upon also that we like the Chinese
                                                                                                  • 第481条还击败媒体怪胎我写的绝对是个怪胎从促进经济会不会让我继续库达 481 Because even then the mania hitting of the mass communications probably will continue You do not write the how article where absolute mania has contributed to economy don t you think probably will be

                                                                                                • 通常如你所说,购买行为的Meranko ü我们人类俄巴认为,他们用这些钱购买自己想要的东西,如果没有,我会预期环境 As said if originally is around does not buy mono even if and you think that by his wants also the te the meranko human who uses the money You can expect to buying conduct probably is
                                                                                                  • 如果应急知识的时代,尽管古贺茂无任何不便,我做的是相反的,并鼓励购买太多更多的附加值 It is not entirely if te inconvenient age now then not knowing Already with excessive added value conversely buying intention the so the re ru and the combining

                                                                                                • 通常很辛苦的工作,旧工作作为经济Noken引役,35年也应该有一个强劲的消费者信心
                                                                                                  Originally if is It works the Bali Bali function and the Japanese economy it is to remove as a pulling part, 35 years old of the expectation whose also motivation to spend is excellent

                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,在狭窄的精神病和精神分裂症躁郁症(躁狂抑郁症)是三和癫痫
                                                                                                    By the way the psychosis with narrow sense Integrated malfunction symptom and bipolar obstacle (躁 depression) with three shelves of epilepsy

                                                                                                    • , 丿或 ü 研究┬ ü ヽ布鲁诺,让 ü 。 ma 丿 u r ┬ u REPT no se 92 u ¯ REPT REPT no REPT It is No ¯ REPT no ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                                                                      • 丿⌒ヽ, 丿 ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ three ⌒ 92 It does It does three 92 It is ⌒ human ⌒ 92 ma 丿 u r ┬ u REPT no se 92 u ¯ REPT REPT no REPT It is No ¯ REPT no ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                                                                    研究 開発