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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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When conduct of the driver is captured entirely, the daily gene die/di


  • 1,当然,注册及所有公民的DNA指纹,也有义务定罪的GPS Dzukerubeki我发现包括埋体
    > 1 proper thing, should require also the GPS internal pad to the fingerprint & the DNA register and the previous offense person of all citizen

    • 1995年N系统,或一个重大贡献,逮捕和定罪的鹦鹉逃脱它后来被称为的奥姆真理教信徒的案件集
      As for N system, in consecutive [oumu] truth teaching incident of 95 years It reached the point where it is known It contributed greatly in flight offense arrest of [oumu] that

      • 253 360“,甚至敌视我们爱国的人,谁削减到国际社会的人很容易 360 253 “The patriotic people regarding with hostility us the people also nation it is simple to make the traitor of the same body

        • 408在今天的日本! ?强迫站立笑话国歌与走吧,只是扭转国家,他们从来没有在世界发射时间的蛋糕
          408 Current Japan the left! ? As for joke it does, When standing up forcing, it opposes with national anthem singing in unison, as for neck how country being the world, just here…

          • 442因此,你需要,可以做朱达罗朱达罗什么什么义务和责任,他们认为社会,我想你会明白吗? 442 Therefore the ro which is the ro tsu te story whose obligation and responsibility are necessary If you think and do that we would like to make some society how thinking that it can actualize that the ru it is
            • 442的话,那么它需要承担的责任由朱达罗朱达罗的义务,并要求我向警方发出指示 442 Therefore the ro which is the ro tsu te story whose obligation and responsibility are necessary Instructs not being entwined that is in the policeman

          • 535名警官,他们Pedofairu“回数!此影片Datsu车”儿童色情制品的兴奋!Haahaa 喝 Yutsu针 ゙区别什么我 535 pedohuairu being in the police authorized personnel “ mu tsu Because this animated picture is excited the tsu which is the child pornography haahaa utsu to ゙ hi ゚ yutsu ” The tsu te it has discriminated

            • 658 除非该调查是受搜索,跟踪,而不是个别人 658 Because gt the N system is no more than a device which pursues the particular vehicle which it should mark If gt it does not become the object which it is searched is investigated the individual person is not done pursuit and the like
              • 减少系统中的“N Untara登记,”我会说我有需要的人士谁飞的感觉是不是被注册,后续能够茹后countless m In the less “the register is the u the cod… with calling to the N system ” however the ru person it needs Because as for we there is no remembering which is registered from after long term observations is possible with a lot of it is

            • 792辆,而不是相机(议案)探测器朱达罗A线连接到暂停更
              792 As for that there is no camera and the [te] vehicle (the dynamic body) the [ro] which is the detector Even now concerning the direction on the stop line the [ru

              • Gendai公共安全,每一天,日本TBS电视台也监测和它甚至没有颜色,没有抗日泡菜的气味,或韩国人不太内,它甚至不公布
                Public peace the gene die/di, everyday, TBS the supervisory object and margin, kim chee smell anti-Japanese color, The or publication margin which is not the times when the Korean considerably is inside

                • Netouyo目的的社会在成为一个国家,如果公众利益呢?而鄂如考虑一个单一的国家公共储备,来解释现代社会是不可能的,它们将运行在一个理想化但 It is public that it becomes the society which is good being the national single eye finger When of public is thought in national single pivot but the reason which means the impossibility to put out the fact that today s society is interpreted to run to netouyo idealism
                  • 在社区,他们的目的是更好地前你怎么办?你最好不是一个单一的公共储备状态的思考 If so how it does you say that it becomes the good society where you you aim It is good thinking of public with national single pivot
                  • 排减单位并审议了一个国家公共关键解释现代社会是不可能的,但它不能运行在一个理想Netouyo When of public is thought in national single pivot but the reason which means the impossibility to put out the fact that today s society is interpreted to run to netouyo idealism

                • NULL Reagan something clearly “very government it is badness ” that you say the empty In order for the party and to oppose in power of nation the individual who opposes to gun regulation must arm the thought is a root It is licked in China and South Korea in diplomacy if you exclude an insistence that is as for essence of the Japanese calling maintenance on the other hand the ro which just is left flank As for Japan most socialist country which succeeds kiritsu How when speech observes at that it comes out of calling patriotic maintenance Desiring the administrative control freedom compared to with the nation therefore the ru it is The Japanese calling maintenance maintenance should be identified the ku te national socialist person

                  • ñ因此,如果该系统是很好,没有问题,如果允许采取吕奥布莱恩向法庭提供证据围绕他的清白
                    So, if the N system the excellence, even in the proof of the innocence of your own body The permission taking [ya] around the courthouse there is no [ri] [ya] problem which it tries to be able to utilize

                    • ñ奇谋杀我的经验来在一个指定的城市的房屋,是在交易所作为一个系统总结,我大约6个月前案事件,但基鲁奇谭ü,无损检测的差异在各城市的居住区我试图步伐的做法,我在工地附近的一个星期左右
                      In N system 纏 [wa] [ru] we experience talks one Murder case occurring at the residence of the certain government ordinance designated city, but as for we you have lived it is in the area where the same city is different at all From about the half year when the incident occurs ago, it has gone near incident actual place at pace about of week one it is the [wa] which is

                      • N如果我得了癌症跟踪系统搜索数据,“N”的袭击,这是“(官方永田町)Maretara韭菜警察司机,但那是在时间 N system When the data is searched and the cancer pursues the tsu te “N hit” it probably is to do” something related to Nagatacho Person The driver in the police the leek rare cod is end at that point in time
                        • 快速追踪被盗车的绑匪(s ll更改为另一个号码及东南亚?)也许甚至更好,如果我租长一点,如果我得了癌症,而且帮助 When quick pursuit of the robbery car and kidnapper it is the southeast it changes into another number the chi ya u If it is useful whether already the cancer is good receiving the tsu te a little don t you think

                      • N的制度运营中心,“ 当地雇员克洛伊,此系统领域的图像输出ñ石器!Datsu了!”偏执狂的人,我从来没有尖叫或恩戴 Inside operation center of N system “The kuroe tsu put out the image of the N system of this area the tsu The tsu which now immediately is ” The tsu te you shout or as for the person in charge who delusion has been done without fail you are
                        • 非常行为Nikuirashii Gendai ñ有一个系统,您的好友瓦特(刑事涌)是提请ñ捕获在做系统? The gene die di is difficult to act when there is a N system considerably it seems w The companion the chiyon offender being caught with place because of the N system

                      • ü说,警察告诉我,“如果你,让我看看你以前屁股公鸡和查看,从一永远是有罪的,”如果他们回来,说,你认为他们会悄悄地退出 With the officer who says was but If “ because show your chinpo and the hole of ketsu there is no ashamed thing the ro which is shown and is” When with you talk back you remembered that you say nothing
                        • ü说,警察告诉我,“如果你,让我看看你以前屁股公鸡和查看,从一永远是有罪的,”如果他们回来,说,你认为他们会悄悄地退出 With the officer who says was but If “ because show your chinpo and the hole of ketsu there is no ashamed thing the ro which is shown and is” When with you talk back you remembered that you say nothing
                        • 什么警察,证明即使在审讯他的投诉已放映了诬陷被诬告,并骚扰持续向前进, The officer tsu te the person who is appealed with the false charge the false charge after being proven meanderingly with judgment the harassment Because it continues

                      • ──┌_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _│┐──\ ..代下丰富的香草冰淇淋,马很高兴的年龄! ! /││/ .. \。││\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _.。/│\││/。∧_∧| | _ _ | | _ | | \ .....│。( ∀`)¯ | | ¯ ¯ | | ¯ | | ¯。/....││/。()| ¯ ¯ ° | ¯ ¯ | | ° | ¯ ° | \。││\。| | | ¯ | | ¯ ° / / ° | | ¯ .. / ...││/。(_ _)_)| ¯ ° | / / | ¯ ° | \││\ ¯
                        ┌ ─ ─ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ─ ─ ┐ │ \. 2CH vanilla The ice fully, skillfulness large satisfaction age! ! / │ │ /. . \ . │ │ \ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . / │ │ /. ∧ _ ∧ | | _ _ | | _ | | \. │ │ \. ( ' ∀ `) ¯ | | ¯ ¯ | | ¯ | | ¯ . /. │ │ /. ( ) | ¯ ¯ ¯ | ¯ ¯ | | ¯ | ¯ ¯ | \ . │ │ \. | | | ¯ | | ¯ ¯ / / ¯ | | ¯ . . /. . │ │ /. (_ _) _) | ¯ ¯ | / / | ¯ ¯ | \ │ │ \ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ . /. │ │ /. Desired retail price Classified by tax 100 Yen Lact ice classified by type . \ . │ │ \. /. . │ └ ─ ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ─ ┘

                        • ■为什么电话号码往往是“泽西”转到鞋类。该监视害怕 匠匠或不同一个家伙还新闻 When you see carefully Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision This 1 With there is no same person
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision
                          • ■电话号码是“泽西”去踩。在监测的恐惧 匠匠新闻 Portable number in “back number” Portable wearing Fearfulness JanJan news of supervision

                        • ○○射频ID芯片,以Yoroshi阿丰瓦特K表补发我们通常说的不方便警察抱怨不应该只把发言的一步是进入铁案 Also 0 proof the tip chip RF abon may w Complaint being said by K observing thinking if reissue trouble usually inserting in the iron case it should have carried about

                          • 不妥协你的隐私是调查简易刑事调查的证据
                            Summary Please do not investigate the real evidence for criminal investigation It is infringement of privacy

                            • 不是真的,但不是118,并在牲畜借口维护安全老鹰显然不是他,在战前“设置旁边的”监视社会就好像是,我不想 118 However it is not separately I et al produce the reason which is not the domestic animal Under good name of maintenance of public order prior to world war 2 “it is placed next group” like Becoming supervisory society speaking desired thing

                              • 为什么这一次ñ谈论的N 作为一个临时的打击,它是非分钟浸泡朱达罗为什么警察。成员将被监控 The story of N now with something… Assuming that it hit temporarily in N as for that understanding the ro which is the police With something non The Assemblyman becomes the supervisory object
                                • 这是什么问题,是不是Gendai事大?这是有趣的,但是你愿意做得更好,我不这样做通奸 Immorality is not possible for the gene die di it lets escape it is and it probably is problem what When the one which immorality how is not done is better even thinking but the ru it is Either one is strange

                              • 也许334,我总是觉得有人检查卡的历史网络的情况,也是非常喜欢看的摄像机监视监测在前面警卫和? 334 Perhaps doing the supervisory member sees directly before the monitor of the supervisory camera when That the card and the net it checks past record always someone you think
                                • 从系统引进一个被自动转移到个人相机面对他们,我看到了世界上许多的苦难将更为严重呼吸玺 The individual being automatic from the face which moves to the supervisory camera among those it specifies Because the system is introduced it becomes harsher probably will be Don t you think it is stifling society the e

                              • 从东京,山梨路,公路的车速或应得的,可以驱动奥多摩交通山梨县山中的某处在此之前,我应该通过通过N
                                The road which from Tokyo leads to Yamanasi puts out high speed or the national highway naturally, Even with the Okutama mountain inner part by the car transit possibility Yamanasi before entering, it reaching the point where by all means N of somewhere is passed, the [ru

                                • 从环境和人权,但他会说Nosabatsu吨,更重要的理论和国家示范,但毕竟是有限的,是自己的,这样的人,我比什么都没有人权的国家的权利,不得 Or terrestrial environment and human rights from the human important matter than nation is ton demonstration theory however the tsu te ru If by your there is a tsu te place only such person and most there is no nation there are no either human rights

                                  • 他们说我可以使用N可以被利用,如果有一个人留没关系如果K系统,以监察本身及公众安全法案 There being a N system if the human stays don t you think there is also a possibility of being abused it is tsu te story The K bill and the public peace itself which you can use even targeting supervisory it should have become it is
                                    • 它是高质量的就业机会的权利六六七瓦特围绕Furufeisukabu奇怪,但我注意到,从摩托车的K 667 Job quality it receives w The full face Cub tsu te te doubting by the scooter therefore the is K bill

                                  • 他们高喊戴诺戴诺泄露个人隐私信息的,我买了一本教科书要有趣,甚至汽车牌照姓名年龄地址达达马克东西我不知道该泄漏Dattsu已经ー瓦特 Privacy is private information the person who has been called repeatedly leaks and the buying wa you do the strange textbook and number of the car It is indifferent what in DM Address name age something the tsu which already is a dadaism leak w
                                    • 个人的信息化程度,以解决漏,我买了一本教科书要有趣,不要把车牌照的汽车从一个只有已登记 Private information of degree of the address leaks and the buying wa you do the strange textbook and number of the car Therefore registration system it cannot have either the car

                                  • 但更奇怪的鹦鹉有感觉是这样子的可怕的山一般的瓦特把守的检查站,但我觉得整个汽车电源驱动tTA陷入维持对贫困的梁高折Tteta汽车的牌照,通过检查瓦特是
                                    So, at that time of [oumu] manned inspection stretching with the outrageous mountain inner part, the remembering which the [te] more is surprised w The car fluctuation blacks car it is riding being empty service defective, that however you thought, whether it is caught, licensing verifying, w which is through

                                    • 你必须赶上他们,我Tenakya超过奥维斯值得吗?我反应过度到全制动秸秆等什么人 If o bis tsu te suitable over it is not done the ro which is not caught and is Everyone reacting to excess so with something it is the full brake straw bag

                                      • 你的沉默和警察现场转播,去年 8 15抗日了。就像在濑户博之先生的破碎演示活动 Being broadcast live as for the ru and the police saying nothing last year 8 15 anti Japanese left As with pulverization demonstration seen in activity of Seto Hiro happiness
                                        • 你的沉默和警察现场转播,去年 8 15抗日了。就像在濑户博之先生的破碎演示活动 Being broadcast live as for the ru and the police saying nothing last year 8 15 anti Japanese left As with pulverization demonstration seen in activity of Seto Hiro happiness

                                      • 你知道368,社会制度的是墓高道德本能与自然,人的欲望的某种程度它不是免费的话,否认了市民的利益是一个系统,使市民受惠人类社会没有任何意义,因为我是来独自生活 368 Don t you think that regardless freedom there is no system society is Desire and essence of a certain human and holding down instinct high moral Don t you think it is the system that you will obtain the public profit Denying the public profit the reason which is not the meaning of making society Because the human is not good living with 1
                                        • 日本的货币已经赢得了良好的老进来并举行了崇高的道德本能,是不是没有什么,但非日本 It is old it comes well and as for characteristic virtue theory passing in Japan what the moral where the Japanese is high instinct Because you had kept is not

                                      • 全部想当什么,他们基本上站在at ll带你看一个奇怪的痴迷,我想这是寻求自我膨胀她的注意
                                        With the strange threat conception for supervision the [ru] person [tsu] [te] Don't you think? it wishes to be conspicuous basically, the house, is concerned and it probably is ego swollen what

                                        • 净阻止儿童色情制品问题的适当的监督大喜Bishite说,“监视社会!”我支持民主organization ve了头哭和尖叫可爱的偶像
                                          As for the net cutoff with the child pornography being overjoyed “It is supervisory society in the corresponding supervisory camera! ” With it wails The head it is strange, democracy the group [tsu] [te] which has been supported

                                          • 哥打博▽主要周刊在“监视社会”电子“,即得到交通紧张”,“政治舞台”的主题报告
                                            The ▽ densely it is the wide going Mainly in the weekly magazine and the like “electronic supervisory society” “traffic to manage”, “politics Reporting actual place” to theme

                                            • 嘿,做年度贪污员工1600亿美元。 。 。 。 。它marked ll也包括在该洞嵌入的税款
                                              160 Although every year the staff doing several 1,000,000,000 usurpations, don't you think? the [e]. The [ze] where also the assistant 填 is stopgap with tax

                                              • 在一些国家美浓机制,选民参与政治法律93个,并减少犯罪,“你是他们的做法,他们牧羊人”是如何明确或湿重会反对我们面前的将是警方官员,成为一个政治家应该只停留,让他们成为 93 Crime control “being domesticated the ru ” and angle just it is in the country which has the mechanism where the voter can participate in politics lawfully elbowroom ww If it opposes in you it becomes the police bureaucracy either becomes the politician or doing it should have made stop just

                                                • 在租赁Erobi茑屋中,我希望登记办事员将永远男人(笑)
                                                  When borrowing [erobi] with TSUTAYA, it reaches the point where always the man salesman does the register (laughing)

                                                  • 在这世界上,甚至常识,比如如何大大声Gisuru找到了新的证据,他们不知道自己的法律,直到昨天称,这一特点在书中看到这样的伪科学
                                                    Social common sense even with thing, when the law which by himself does not know is known to yesterday Like new factual heuristic manner the feature which is agitated, is seen in this false scientific book

                                                    • 如果你犯了一个职位,涉及警察,鼓敲打出小错误和隐瞒事实,警察侵犯,文章提出了非常常见的左翼战术
                                                      As scandal of the police, in order the article to make, if, hiding the fact the side which violates, it hits also the little mistake of the police thoroughly, just with normal 套 expedient left flank the article making

                                                      • 它不是明确的结论尚未作出的,而民族主义(宗教)你不把原教旨主义在解决了长期运行情况 Still clear conclusion has not come out but national principle and religion being the place where it ran to principle principle the ro which is not the circumstance which is settled and is

                                                        • 对百姓,我们很难确定自己是和平主义者,谁必须工作,你必须做的,是蔑视和发言主要的奴性 Facing toward the citizen as for us that it is the pacifist the self introduction Vis a vis the diligent person it is if the owner of slave nature you should have ridiculed
                                                          • 对百姓,我们很难确定自己是和平主义者,谁必须工作,你必须做的,是蔑视和发言主要的奴性 Facing toward the citizen as for us that it is the pacifist the self introduction Vis a vis the diligent person it is if the owner of slave nature you should have ridiculed
                                                          • 对百姓,我们很难确定自己是和平主义者,谁必须工作,你必须做的,是蔑视和发言主要的奴性 Facing toward the citizen as for us that it is the pacifist the self introduction Vis a vis the diligent person it is if the owner of slave nature you should have ridiculed

                                                        • 峨认为是国家利益的唯一一个在日本首先是军政府的核心权力的国家是绝对反对极右,日本是954! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 954 Japan becoming the extreme right junta while does not become just the human where power center of our country thinks of the Japanese national interest in first absolutely opposite
                                                          • 我想使欧洲的殖民战争,甚至来不及将战争的国家利益已经废除殖民主义 NULL

                                                        • 市民仍然是必不可少的成立世田谷多,他们都非常有可能得到解决
                                                          In public system all plural installations indispensability Even then as for Setagaya the possibility of having solved large

                                                          • 当然那就是她的两个半条下降迷恋Gendai安装监视摄像机总部前面的Gendai In other words when the supervisory camera is installed before the head office of the gene die di With the notion that where the shank delusion article of the gene die di and 堕 sure of 2 reduce by half

                                                            • 形成的核心逻辑是,当美国费米518上升,环境,人权(个人主义),它应该被认为重要的不是更多的政府和国家的世界公民 518 When huemi gains force in America forming the mainstay of the logic The terrestrial citizen idea that terrestrial environment and human rights individualism it should make more important than government and nation
                                                              • 我希望我是来自国家行政控制467自由,自由上升时,在美国费米,我是一个个人主义者梁公告 467 Desiring the administrative control freedom compared to with the nation therefore the ru it is When huemi gains force in America principle of freedom and individualism were put out don t you think

                                                            • 律师认为,宣传侵犯权利的理由只有一个既成事实366相同的是大量的老虎机
                                                              366 Being the same as the pachinko, it just justifies fait accompli As for the legal profession which you insist that it is infringement of portrait right, about the mountain it is

                                                              • 我不明白的事不要说你不罚款我去了一个更好的Idake所有公共场所,也是一个私人保安摄像镜头和出Risuru你怎么能成为冲突的数目不详的133人 133 The ro which does not contradict and is If also private supervisory camera image of the place where the many and unspecified persons person enters and leaves makes all releases and solves just it is good Unless the less it does to your tsu te detailed thing you cannot understand it is the shelf
                                                                • 什么人谁反对这种习惯样的我自然会站在他们的观点对人类堕落为从根本上是矛盾的邪恶,因为我没有错的立场呼吁 Although such the human tsu te which opposes As for the person standing in the ill natured theory that it does the wrongdoing in ru habit By your do the wrongdoing and says and therefore the stance which is said contradicts it is don t you think

                                                              • 我想不是所有的监控措施的摄像机安装在总部门口的说,这是远远自首Chondai加萨?
                                                                If you call [chiyondai] itself to there, with the one for [gasa] inserting measure The entrance of the head office the supervisory camera it has installed entirely, don't you think? it is, - probably will be?

                                                                • 我成为民主党和,N是塞板系统,只想要观看右翼极端主义运动令人不安
                                                                  It became the Democratic party, it is to put out, stopping, we want limiting the N system to the supervision of the right wing radical group which moves disquietingly

                                                                  • 我的意思是297,精神分裂症,“每个人都看着我,”我喜欢自我意识,或自闭症,或糖,固体或提请费米个人主义,自觉提请固体,一探头志野,或只有一个花的世界的明确
                                                                    297 With you say or, the integrated malfunction symptom “Everyone watches we” Like Our conscious excess?, autism or sugar?, [huemi] which became firm with individualism?, Being our consciousness excessive, it became firm, in the world of your own searching just one flower Elbowroom…

                                                                    • 我的方式于吁我是警务人员使用讹诈手段作为雅购回伐丽流警察个人悲痛
                                                                      Like this, [yu] [u] is used in the instrument and blackmail of the private grudge and retaliation of the officer, it is So, [yu] [u] officer is, it is

                                                                      • 我的未婚女性不知道他的胯部松散,像一个驼背的DNA看起来,一个孩子尖叫禁令要我评价
                                                                        Although the unmarried woman who has been conscious of the fact that his own crotch is loose shouts, DNA judgment of the child the prohibition margin [tsu] [te] being similar, the [ru

                                                                        • 我看晨报副本Gendai如此淫边缘犯罪的审计。我想实验瓦特 Gene die di Morning tweet Metamorphosis newspaper The re which is watched so the crime edge watch Don t you think we want experimenting w
                                                                          • 我看晨报副本Gendai如此淫边缘犯罪的审计。我想实验瓦特 Gene die di Morning tweet Metamorphosis newspaper The re which is watched so the crime edge watch Don t you think we want experimenting w

                                                                        • 我离开了我的小厨房卷叛逆Kakuiitsu!Kakuiitsu保护我的人权!Nebatsu英雄让我启发蒙昧无知的人!我,而我,知道文书,总是半清醒状态寝小便塔拉那家伙在做什么?
                                                                          The left volume [kichi] [tsu] [te], We [kakuiitsu] of anti-establishment! ! Human rights we [kakuiitsu] which is protected! ! If the hero we enlightenment does not do the foolish people, the [tsu]! The [tsu] [te], good year doing, in the vessel not being understood and regular semi- awakening state, bed-wetting dropping, it is the [ru] person?

                                                                          • 我见过这样的麻烦或风险监测,如果有另外的问题呢?如果它不处于劣势,而不是良心,抱怨说,这些愚蠢的井朱达罗ü威慑更大的好处比,并导致犯罪被捕的,对不起,我有罪不Bakkari从通常的 Being seen as for kind of being troubled doing or Assuming that risk of supervision it was supplemented being a problem If there is no ashamed thing instead of demerit because it is connected to the control and arrest of crime the ro where the merit is larger and is Although well such complaint aho which is said has done word tsu temporary from usually it is ashamed it is probably will be
                                                                            • 我见过这样的麻烦和风险监控,或者更简单,因为它在谈论迄今只有一件好事平衡的好处和坏处的挂 Being seen as for kind of being troubled doing or Assuming that risk of supervision it was supplemented being a problem If there is no ashamed thing instead of demerit because it is connected to the control and arrest of crime the ro where the merit is larger and is Although well such complaint aho which is said has done word tsu temporary from usually it is ashamed it is probably will be

                                                                          • 我赞成相机,但警方没有信息不想要一个好图片,我认为他们想公布所有好 But as for the supervisory camera approval it is not good only the police to have the information As for image when it makes all releases you think that kana and others it is good
                                                                            • 我说的182来存储信息“不仅有警察,”我们只能给我订细节发布了一个地方 182 As for story of store good wa “Only the police the information which does not have” the open tsu te should have been written densely in detail

                                                                          • 捕获所有的行动是-司机的个人信息被剥光衣服★小谷浩之;最近安装half ll猥亵相机在车上时具有约束力,对城市中心崎玉可爱的偶像埼京线的新闻报道大致ü虽然减少到同一
                                                                            * Conduct of the driver is entirely captured When some days ago, the camera is installed in the 埼 capital line vehicle which ties Saitama and the city center, the question to which the 痴 China decreases in half You could announce [u] news largely

                                                                            • 换句话说,美国,当逻辑公报梁费米的崛起,逻辑我真的像自闭症
                                                                              In other words, when in America, [huemi] gains force, the logic which put out the [ma] is logical what of the [ma] autism patients don't you think?

                                                                              • 换句话说,谁在说个人主义,或缺乏社会经验的社会智力的人低血糖,在极端情况下,或者涉及到残疾人,如自闭症或1
                                                                                In other words, as for the person who puts out individualism, the person where the social experience whose social intelligence is low is insufficient?, With extreme example, it means the sugar, or to be the obstacle like the autism,

                                                                                • 据JR西日本,在10月21日上午2:50时到车站站开车从牧野湖西滋贺县长原敦贺的火车从姬路去,遮光窗帘壁炉之间的差距从司机座位后,司机它采取了我两个坐在前排的女顾客
                                                                                  According to JR west Japan, 21st 10:50 AM around, the Himeji departure Tsuruga going normally the streetcar From the Kosai line Makino station inside Shiga prefecture is long to the field station while travelling, the engineer driver's seat rear You say that woman customer 2 from the opening of the shade curtain it is sat down in the foremost line were photographed

                                                                                  • 日本艾滋病大规模关闭浪费了我的犯罪记录所有的行动和它甚至没有欢呼,尤其是w的日本移民
                                                                                    Japan, it has acting and recording to Japanese entry person everyone It is to obtain as for the mass rubbish which closes up crime especially support margin, w

                                                                                    • 是什么了吗? Gendai是公司不合理的每一轮,这可能是由于某一个国家采取honeytrap拉回到亚洲? It was the photograph Perhaps that the gene die di is unreasonable painful brown the company whole being caught to the honey trap of Asian certain country cause

                                                                                      • 是否有良好的公民都可以做一些事情问心无愧,在所有的问题,日刊Gendai,做码消除家伙发言较为精细 Daily gene die di Something being ashamed thing As for the good citizen completely problem or on the other hand doing more finely the yard guy annihilation margin
                                                                                        • 日刊Gendai坦承,“日刊Gendai溃疡是自民党,唯一的民主党人支持 The daily gene die di confesses It is just in order “the daily gene die di crushes the Liberal Democratic Party to support the Democratic party

                                                                                      • 是的763,甚至更快,等等,但完全进行,例如使用等票通稿在入口处我Nakutta我用,我打印的最后一位数的正确,在大门口,删除和读取数字你有一票的驱动tTA 763 If the sled ya even high speed ETC you use but completely out The ETC not using tsu passing in the pass which distributes with the entrance Properly the lower 1 columns of number being printed the ru it does With the gate after number grasping securely it has distributed and
                                                                                        • 真正的787,ETC ll有没有资格领取门票,收费是因为还知道在哪里下车 787 Truly there is no ETC passing because you collect ticketing at the fee place the place where it gets off It is grasped

                                                                                      • 有一个摄像头,“我一直在监测,说:”例如审议有关好事,如果他们不扭转犯罪和公共安全监控已成为重要的威慑作用,也犯罪什么是现在的事实,但不是唯一的信息增加,我有一个坏家伙没有做任何事 There being a camera “it is watched” that doing there is a great effect as an offense deterrent The party crime which is watched to public peace decreases if is good thing speaking conversely If there is no eye of supervision the person who does bad thing increasing but appearance what of the wretched fact ru
                                                                                        • 我就踢它与沉重的折扣,等等如果你是伪装的家伙数量为公众安全的有效监管,作为一个重要的威慑恐怖 There is a great effect as a terrorist crime deterrent If the party who is watched to public peace does number disguise construction and the like Because to do the yo tsu it can pull just that don t you think

                                                                                      • 沿着杀人罪的杀人的刑事判决和监狱行人员死亡,但它会杀了711人谁
                                                                                        711 If the person kills the person, but murder of criminal law punishment duty official Executing punishment vis-a-vis the condemned criminal, killing, in crime viewing

                                                                                        • 泥税。罪犯是谁,是太福利及释放所有的时间看着我们,我将在瓦特前沿文书罪
                                                                                          Tax mud. And the welfare person who is the offender extra troop watches entirely, Conduct time being too free, it is to obtain it becomes the urgent spearhead of crime, probably will be w

                                                                                          • 清洗您的信息,来到252政敌联邦调查局,即使在苏联的纳粹是在奈瓦法线 252 The governmental enemy confronting information as for washing now coming with Nazis and with Soviet Union and with FBI It is to be done normally

                                                                                            • 特别是有279名是什么意思?诬告的全部或赶上摸索? (吴和受害者的证词独自在最高法院)或为愚蠢的有关削减机票?
                                                                                              279 Concretely there are some ones? It is caught with the 痴 Chinese false charge when? (In just testimony of the victim became NG with the Supreme Court) About infringement ticket [aho] it is cut when?

                                                                                              • 犯罪猖獗的所有附表和贫穷世界的主导理论从一开始或在伤口的好处,说我的世界战争,联邦储备委员会主洛希尔及余秋雨。监视摄像机将阻碍创造东西这类罪行,包括绑架和武器埋藏〜我带嵌入式IC芯片设计细节要求,“说你的奴役和宗旨等”我鳄鱼电梯还创建了合法的管理
                                                                                                The merit rather than, from first They are all worldwide dominant eye theory [mu] FRB [yu] and the Rothschild 卿 Crime the world where it swaggers making, war and poor. Starting making Crime such as kidnapping making cause In the condition that the supervisory camera - and IC tip/chip which is imbedded to the arm is necessary”, Don't you think? slave conversion” justifiability give to make the alligator

                                                                                                • 现代公司员工你知道你是个坏事很内疚,我不赞成陷入家伙的,还是你吗?万维网 Being glared the person who is done is bad it is the ro which is The hiyundai employee having done so ashamed thing www
                                                                                                  • 是啊,我已停止了超速w re很容易看到,现代 The a a with speeding it became exemption stopping it is shelf w To be too easy to know is hiyundai

                                                                                                • 现代是“唯一的好精神发表了题为”发挥惊人的逆转写在第二天或发表文章批评廖先生
                                                                                                  [hiyundai] “as for power being good only speech” Liao's critical article the reversal play of the next day wonder which is written

                                                                                                  • 现在我觉得s纹不敢踢写得很好的文章还荒谬言论还出现妄想日期的下一个日期利息,以为我只是茹不可能是因为这个半岛瓦特戈米雄 The 妄 word article you can write also the day when also the day when it comes comes well well if you think that it rubbed This time such only the delusion which is not possible is possible that it rubbed interest the wa w which is done gomichiyon returns to the peninsula

                                                                                                    • 现在,科技进步作出同样的评估,如任何人证明可以看到N和我及系统之一,一类需要 Now when technology develops whoever seeing it makes the evidence which can do the same appraisal N there is also a side that system like ones are needed but it is

                                                                                                      • 由于目标罪犯法律汝好公民的人我会说什么或做好Sugidaro鉴于水户小纹 Therefore as for the target the offender as for the legal ru good citizen all right saying as for the ru person The ro which the view whether Mito yellow gate kana it is of it passes and is
                                                                                                        • 毕竟,起诉或审判,以保护好公民的第三者,所有的公共审讯,这是唯一的可视化 As for after all protecting the good citizen Say that there is only release and visualization of prosecution or judgment and investigation of the third party

                                                                                                      • 由于自闭症是一种社会结构的不知道,我知道Irashii很多人,什么是自闭症,究竟是什么样子我是左派?而且因为我不知道,分清是非,可以在外面无情 Even as for autism Social structure is not recognized it is many in the intellectual it seems The autism tsu te that tsu te the ma of sayoku it is still Because and good and evil it is not recognized it can do coldhearted thing appearance
                                                                                                        • 由于自闭症是一种社会结构的不知道,我觉得这左派我真的样子的?而且因为我不知道,分清是非,可以在外面无情 Even as for autism Social structure is not recognized it is many in the intellectual it seems The autism tsu te that tsu te the ma of sayoku it is still Because and good and evil it is not recognized it can do coldhearted thing appearance

                                                                                                      • 瘫痪或任何感觉,我讨厌容易得多的东西不是被跟踪或窃听监视摄像机在公共场所,我觉得他们害怕 Feeling what paralysis as for we from supervisory camera something which is the public place Don t you think you think that the one which is tailed and or is wiretapped puts out hate considerably fears

                                                                                                        • 的N 数字系统也有人,普通日本人的生活,但我无所谓,完全没有影响,绝缘体?基诺留给人们Demoaru量的问题?不看国家居民登记如果W不想要,转移到自己的自行车没有问题,如果是无标记的正方形 National entire back number system and the N system living normally in the ru Japanese Completely there is no either influence but and how it is to call Something people of the left winding inconvenient If in nation supervision w being done hate the inhabitant without registering as for movement masking If it rides in the motorcycle there is no problem
                                                                                                          • 全国204号(SSN),手指配备。我是说这个国家的地位和瓦特成为奥维斯射击方式 204 National entire back number system social security number completion finger What you call to the country of provision w which is By the way becoming the mark of shoot o bis

                                                                                                        • 监控摄像机可疑塔利班声称对此事负责? -纽约汽车炸弹TTP的:/ / headlines.yahoo.co.jp /氢氧?阿u003d 20100503 - 00000021 - jij -诠释
                                                                                                          In supervisory camera doubtful person = Taliban crime declaration? - NY car bomb incident ttp: //headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl? a = 20100503 - 00000021 - jij-int

                                                                                                          • 第2分部男子686安全警务督察(46)10月中旬的,25,它采取了火车没有一个女子,据一名高级警官的采访
                                                                                                            686 The man police inspector of the prefectural police patrol 2 section (46) during the middle of this month and the streetcar photographing the woman with no permission On the 25th, it was understood with collection of data to prefectural police staff

                                                                                                            • 精彩节目包括570碰撞一次,我将失去一个重要的影响,但只有在国家有大量的“自然状态”您现在的世界中,一接近 570 However as for thrusting there is a large quantity Just important place Nation losing influence it does with current society that “the natural state” mark it has approached to the place once the yo

                                                                                                              • 老人的固执和对正义的诅咒,甚至有权讨论浪费?氦氖不明白那家伙和社会意义上说,即使废物辩论
                                                                                                                Arguing with the stubborn father who is spellbound in one justice, the [ro] which is wasteful? Don't you think? social characteristic as a feeling from the [wa] - arguing with the person, it is wasteful,

                                                                                                                • 联邦储备委员会运营的军事机密和犹太现在我Shikoshiko一批从空间从你家的窗口,甚至鳄鱼!电力驾驶执照和银行〜巴利巴利德于IC芯片包含有你的钱和时间问题管理我鳄鱼被集成电路俄罗斯从完全嵌入芯片你说了我的大脑,其中进入世界芯片鳄鱼

                                                                                                                  • 观看的人们的人,力量,由监察权人对人权的滥用权力观看的人,通过监督权利的侵犯人权是人权的权力被滥用的滥用权力的权利,人权监测人是红色的(古),每个人的代表不挂书 As for supervision of the people with power human rights violation As for supervision of the people with power human rights violation As for supervision of the people with power human rights violation As for supervision of the people with power human rights violation As for supervision of the people with power human rights violation The book it was aka archaism in place of everyone and solved

                                                                                                                    • 这些行动都陷入起子行动抓获的所有螺丝刀
                                                                                                                      Conduct of the plus driver is captured entirely Conduct of 0 driver is captured entirely

                                                                                                                      • 这是一个坏家伙看到这一切,我们doubt m疯狂官僚威权体制的政府救助,我们一直在一个很多人的权利。取消的情况下越来越多的紧张文
                                                                                                                        This is system what of bureaucratic dictatorship rule Thoughtless being doubted recklessly, the [ro] which as for the hateful person who is thought all the way is and is Human rights rescuing. Causing lawsuit steadily, abolition margin

                                                                                                                        • 逻辑和自以为是的社会结构的高自闭范畴的失踪只有一个自闭症的倾向,和费米是一个合乎逻辑的公告初步梁,社会交换的逻辑是不高的成年人交换它氖 Only one justice the logic which social structure of our closed sphere which our closed tendency which it does not have is high misses and the logic where huemi of beginning put out and Don t you think as for the society member logic whose social characteristic is high the reason which mixes
                                                                                                                          • 从各国的人权和环境,只能亲自倾向于高仅自闭症倾向自由人 From nation as for being able to prefer the freedom just of human rights and environment and the individual Just the person whose our closed tendency is high
                                                                                                                          • 自闭症闭范畴的逻辑和高义自我只有一个合乎逻辑的交流exchange m劳动人民的高度社会不氖 Only one justice our closed category theory reason whose our closed characteristic which it does not have is high and Don t you think as for the society member logic whose social characteristic is high the reason which mixes

                                                                                                                        • 问题不在于习惯了在刑事调查处理,私人侦探和前警务人员是做的时候,创价协会ñ○○嗯警方提供系统的信息索取

                                                                                                                          • 顺便提一句的词来搅拌瓦塞电脑管理由五角大楼问这个!我什至忘记,英国的监视社会平均美浓!
                                                                                                                            Next, making say, you receive, but, the personal computer seems being managed at Pentagon, the [ru]! Even like the English supervisory society forgets thing!

                                                                                                                            • 顺便无线局域网设备和我要去游说报告整个Kore的其他有关警察我住这部影片是现在连接?
                                                                                                                              Next The wireless LAN connecting with this device, now this animated picture being broadcast live, because the [ru] to do the [kore] Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in addition it reports and petitions to the related various parts and don't you think??

                                                                                                                              • 香川,爱媛,并成立了设备,在德岛县的公路,及格人数的公路车辆通过的日期和时间保存,记录是10天,所有单位约1000万延长驱动tTA
                                                                                                                                Ehime prefecture and Kagawa prefecture which install this device, Number of the car which passes the national highway and the highway of Tokushima prefecture, passing day and time to be retained, as for record approximately 10 days's amount, It rose to the preparing approximately 100,000 unit

                                                                                                                                • 驱动tTA认为它很容易得到同情,但我们有管理的N列车监控摄像机也带来了什么制度的故事吗?例如说,你的态度和所有Gendai杂志? However what we would like to melt the supervisory camera of the streetcar it had even in the story of the N system which sympathy you tried profit probably to be easy first because of that In the first place if you mention the gene die di it does with manners magazine something the yo

                                                                                                                                  研究 開発