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” Traditional Buddhism it leaves and” of the young person as a trump of measure at the expectation temple successively “it is loose the [kiyara]” birth ★2


  • 126佛教,佛陀和瞳孔,是不可避免的,但我开始迎合背叛佛陀的世界 126 As for Buddhism doing from Buddha s most pupil the betrayal Buddha You have started from the place where it flatters to the world therefore it is there is no ginger

    • 12新生婴儿纪念纪念我们的祖先,一边轮回的生命危险,但不否认。本生故事母亲老虎Hazime汤姆施饿鬼尊者阿难佛教故事和祈祷与他的故事从拯救孩子落下全部道路与服务客人所设的祖先纪念即使这个词的是,这佛陀前世你喜欢但来自
      12 As for Minako Kuyo as anyhow But as for ancestral Kuyo and metempsychosis transmigration the reason which is not denied Discarding body. Those which the jar hawk story which begins the tiger puts out talked, failure way previous life, In case of ancestral Kuyo the story which rescues the mother where the eye connected valuable person falls to the hungry ghost road with Kuyo and But those which have been derived from 施 hungry ghost Kuyo of the flattering difficult valuable person

      • 1“每Kyarakawaii”我想我说我崇拜ERU或增加?如果你看看你的思想或目的是什么我想寺 1 “Loosely kiyarakawaii ” saying you think that worshipping increases Something being required by the temple although it should have tried thinking whether the ru of

        • 1:鸟岛(净土系列)2:3净土真宗:真言宗(密宗系列)4:5天台:临济宗(禅宗)6:7索托:日本日莲节主要是关于7 1 Jodo sect pure land system 2 Pure land Mamune 3 Shingon esoteric Buddhism system 4 Heaven stand sect 5 Rinzai shu zen buddhism sect 6 曹 cave sect 7 The Nichiren sect Measure the sect generally in Japan this seven
          • 那么,目前不知道,我只是春天,但宗教一样自我投降好 But well only such conception at the point in time when it does not grow this sect surrendered personally similarity

        • 42哦,我不知道你可以从中获利跑车普通檀家说,我会变成红色,是一个真正的寺庙的街道没有做旅游Chissana寺町 42 Well according to Teramachi the rear tsu because sight seeing the deep red sport car kept entering to the temple which is not done Normally gaining from the 檀 house the ru it is probably will be
          • 我,如果有人认为可以有更多的帮助教会在寺庙和教堂驱动tTA线驱动tTA困难 When we being troubled when there is a temple and a church the air the one which does to the church may help does
          • 江户时代,每节是佛教葬礼檀家系统被激活可以归结到人 The Edo era each sect to funeral Buddhism converted with the 檀 house system mighty power motion became possible vis a vis the populace
          • 越是到祭司每托盘,奶奶的自行车来与我到东京,山梨巡的檀家 NULL

        • 560 表弟很好剃光和圆锥狗屎我撕过老剂 560 The ro which is about the new funeral house where gt gt it makes a profit the direct 葬 which how truly it can rationalize can actualize it has propelled from this gt gt Also the droppings monk and the botsutakuri trader how petering out which are old are good the cousin
          • 565 表弟很好剃光和圆锥狗屎我撕过老剂 565 The ro which is about the new funeral house where gt gt it makes a profit the direct 葬 which how truly it can rationalize can actualize it has propelled from this gt gt Also the droppings monk and the botsutakuri trader how petering out which are old are good the cousin
          • 承包撕裂过表妹,我很好剃光锥和560狗屎对老楚葬礼Daro m促进新的简化实现真正的直接埋葬我现在浸泡 560 The ro which is about the new funeral house where it makes a profit the direct 葬 which how truly it can rationalize can actualize it has propelled from now on Also the droppings monk and the botsutakuri trader how petering out which are old are good the cousin

        • 621“给我你的钱我会听绞纱 里诺塞Tamotsu佛告诉你你不喜欢硬”,佛教 621 “The failure way because being able to tell your grateful story cross over the gold” … Buddhism

          • 663 回族罕见,因为他们可以很容易理解 663 gt Are called superstition those which there is no basis with mere superstition it means that the notion that where Because gt it is favored to the environment which you can understand easily is
            • 我想说的话和你为什么这样做,那么婆罗门(祭司宗教)的人的思想动摇鹰井迷信和诅咒我们,因为你已经成为一个特权阶级 So when why you want to do such a thing whether when you say at that time baramon monk teaching group Superstition and to bewilder human nature with cursing because it had become aristocrat it does the yo

          • 812 Okuchichibu午夜的山脉,同胞蝗灾区的33个旋转漂移隔夜
            812 In inner part Chichibu Yamanaka of nighttime, while the drift to do The 輩 around 33 place in one evening appears frequently

            • 904德川幕府是在那里,什么成绩来当你输入一个茹座基督教
              904 The government of Edo to obstruct the fact that Christianity comes entering, passing, because there is an achievement

              • Annataso还包括63个火沿我和我矮桔酱是我的大脑腐烂女神杜克鲁克
                63 [annataso] rots the brain seeing [so] boiling with we goddess [haahaa], the [ru] even in backing shooting such as tangerine the viewing [wa

                • Edaro佛陀的教导,你的学生什么是佛教的人谁原是?佛没有教导的最葬礼端午端午祖先追悼会核心
                  Originally the Buddhism [tsu] [te] living, the [ro] which is the doctrine of failure for the [ru] human? Ancestral Kuyo is funeral is there is no core of the doctrine of most explanation/releasing 迦

                  • Kisuta做更多的信仰信念鹫东厨房诹访,Idaro比一般青年的信仰高度
                    Suwa belief the sillaginoid of the east 厨 is how Washimiya to believe, degree of belief is higher than the general young person, the [ro] which is

                    • Panai僧海豹训练产品我可以看到,山脊线或业余,但可敬次1000天,下降到地狱的生活做一些甩尾剃光殡葬行业 Thousand day time Mineyuki or the amateur seeing the monk who stacked training which is not odd however you respect occupation monk something which designates funeral as occupation falls to the hell
                      • 或301,是preposterous m等葬礼繁忙,但我不能按摩这些活动 301 But the ma topsy turvydom what because it is busy with funeral massage Such activity is not possible it is
                      • 流流是来自印度和中国,来到日本,峨 低于主葬礼,这是 To flow with China from India and flow come to Japan Because it places to funeral main it becomes like this

                    • Slothistory com 猫 ft jpg TTP的: www famitsu com未来 游戏 2006 10 14 小时 104 61718 dora018。Jpg jpg TTP的: d hatena。 ne jp 图像 日记 输出 有机低音 2005 11 11。JPG的TTP的: www oekakibbs com 论坛 poo up 一万八千五百九十五分之一万八千六。JPG的TTP的: www ne jp 朝日 帕奥帕奥 仙境 genkeisi hata920。JPG的TTP的: 活力门 2。blogimg jp gouyasu 国际医学学位 8 女 8f6746db jpg声音说出我们的性格,如果你不松散选举密切 slothistory com cats ft jpg ttp www famitsu com game coming 2006 10 14 h 104 61718 dora018 jpg jpg ttp d hatena ne jp images diary o organic bass 2005 11 11 jpg ttp www oekakibbs com bbs poo up 18600 18595 jpg ttp www ne jp asahi paopao wonderland genkeisi hata920 jpg ttp livedoor 2 blogimg jp gouyasu imgs 8 f 8f6746db jpg Loosely when we assume that voice you attach to kiyara as for the dubbing artist unless it chooses strictly
                      • 即使这样,它Huzita芳子很难相信这一切是TTP的: slothistory com 猫 ft jpg TTP的: www famitsu com 游戏 未来 2006 10 14 小时 104 61718 dora018。jpg jpg TTP的: d hatena ne jp 图像 日记 输出 有机低音 2005 11 11。JPG的TTP的: www oekakibbs com 论坛 poo up 18595分之18600。JPG的TTP的: www ne jp 朝日 帕奥帕奥 仙境 genkeisi hata920。JPG的TTP的: 活力门 2。blogimg jp gouyasu 国际医学学位 8 女 8f6746db 。JPG的声音说出我们的性格,如果你不松散选举密切 Doing this is the all Fujita 淑 child with is hard to believe ttp slothistory com cats ft jpg ttp www famitsu com game coming 2006 10 14 h 104 61718 dora018 jpg jpg ttp d hatena ne jp images diary o organic bass 2005 11 11 jpg ttp www oekakibbs com bbs poo up 18600 18595 jpg ttp www ne jp asahi paopao wonderland genkeisi hata920 jpg ttp livedoor 2 blogimg jp gouyasu imgs 8 f 8f6746db jpg Loosely when we assume that voice you attach to kiyara as for the dubbing artist unless it chooses strictly

                    • Tamotsu日苏乡间渡假别墅有很多教学每一个模糊的佛教446哦,我不知道怎么这样或那样的 446 Buddhism teaching huh ambiguity doing te every one and this dimly the te There being too much a variety whether either one this is solution you do not drive and

                      • “梵我合一”的教义最高峰,即烧伤空间,我们的自我认同,可能获得神的力量,想法
                        “梵 The doctrine, our oneness” with the highest peak, in other words 梵 = outer space, unifying our = oneself The idea that by the fact that it does, it can obtain the power of God,

                        • ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
                          • ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
                          • ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
                          • 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,我们,我们12 12

                        • 。创始人亲鸾的圣德鸾坤鸾债务?真正的净土。我有点想它会是一个隐士 持有到该教派创始人是开玩笑的恐惧我难得迄今Rubeshi的名称创始人?只有大约只让金钱为标志 鸞 tsu te founder parent 鸞 of favor 鸞 Pure land truth Fearfully the ru should With name of the founder to here the teaching group tsu te which you can act playfully it is unusual don t you think Originally thing of the founder how it is not thought at all don t you think it is In only signboard for making money
                          • 远忌你的亲鸾的圣德750 2011年恩基()将出现在该事件而受到注意梅台梁方向 750 parent 鸞 saints 2011 忌 to obtain distantly to go back and forth to appear to the event which is directed you say that we would like to gather interest

                        • 不过,有关事情的问题并没有及它的立场,人类的其他周期,方案对有关问题的谈话是,方案,它谈论的结论,但是,很明显,周期的时间距离否认 But the level which is asked metempsychosis in addition concerning viewpoint of the human not reaching talks that Being attached the level which is asked talks that And the conclusion clearly denies metempsychosis indirectly
                          • 但是,毫无疑问是关于它的周期及其他方面的人权的,它说该程序,并得出结论,很明显,时间周期远否认 But the level which is asked metempsychosis in addition concerning viewpoint of the human not reaching talks that Being attached the level which is asked talks that And the conclusion clearly denies metempsychosis indirectly

                        • 东西,“光的恒速原则”到“相对时间”是一个物理理论使人想起喷射纺纱茂木
                          Something, “it closely resembles the physical theory which starts spinning “velocity of light fixed principle” empty relative time”

                          • 为了游客的魅力震撼母猪(左起)她的莲花,我的日语红色。垠坤(下京区的东本愿寺,京都)我认为正确轮驱动tTA祭司狮子
                            Charm is scattered in the visitor, the lotus, the scale [ho] it is (from the left). Favor (at the Kyoto city Shimogyo Ku east long-cherished desire temple) Whether the lion circle which Deie is done you thought Right hand edge

                            • 也许他是想达到的结论是,女孩的处女存在缺席,因为 不知为何,你会看的,理由是在清洗字节获得高中 Perhaps but the reason which reaches to the conclusion that it is the consequence where shrine maiden mark existence does not stay…… When it collects even at the byte which has cleaning inside the site in woman Takao it probably becomes somehow
                              • 该庙有一个神社的少女肖像寺庙正常的疯狂,但却认为,尽管奇怪现代并非如此 If you think that the shrine maiden is in the temple normally however it is strange Today there being such temple to be strange it is not

                            • 什么庙参拜与动画甚至出来,所以我觉得浪费一个寺庙都必须与这些字符 Therefore with animation as for the shrine coming out wastefully as for the temple such it does not come out The ze which you think that temple kiyara is necessary what
                              • 他的家人说自己的圣殿,我认为你是一个有点变形? Itself has become deformed just a little managing the temple in the family it is it isn t

                            • 他将监视他们,只有形状服从戒律,看完柴刈痴迷一点食物和饮料被认为是自由贸易协定,然而,但穿长袍,静静地观看比赛猎人是要罚我作为接近畜生,所以请尽量搭乘猫捉老鼠将使世界各地 As for them As just shape protected commandment you camouflage only read the sutra a little drink simply in eating However it is attached as for the Buddhist priest s stole it has attached the hunter seeing in the narrowness way quietly it gets near to the game In addition in order for the cat to watch the mouse the world crossing is done probably will be

                              • 但在这世界上,Kore的!不仅如此,没有一个地方是充满了严重的庙宇祭司,所以我浸泡副业凯塔
                                In worldly world even with [kore]? The [tsu] [te] 浸 you applied There are no times the temple of the side business superior of temple being lazy be no other choice but to visit to a grave rank,

                                • 但是,其他教派,特别是佛教日莲获得这种知识不能被视为一个从其他教派的人理解百科
                                  So the other sect, as for the especially Nichiren sect trying, that the person of the other sect knowledge will obtain from [uikipedeia], you cannot understand, and

                                  • 但是,如果今天佛象是来生活(不瓦特认为Ohkawa),更不用说所有罚将彻底驳斥了争议是紧紧部件 So the explanation releasing 迦 way when today you have lived instead of w which is not Okawa Takashi method you are entirely expelled It will be able to set up dispute thoroughly and it is refuted probably will be
                                    • 但我不是唯一的释迦牟尼佛,佛甚至不会成为一个佛,也不过只是佛陀神化的训练变得 So also just the explanation releasing 迦 being the Buddha tsu te reason even when without not being the explanation releasing 迦 also with the expectation which is accustomed to Buddha So although it is trained because it becomes to godhood converts too much just the explanation releasing 迦
                                    • 佛陀像在421和你不那么我可以做些什么?我没有反驳,而积极努力 421 The failure way is not how to be good don t you think it is On the other hand it has been about probably to refute positively because

                                  • 佛教已经改变,但改变人们在球场上如U说,没有,佛变性的教导,只有弯曲电源螺丝辜方便善于时间 NULL

                                    • 佛教的传统? ?佛教佛教葬礼的传统? ?佛陀和佛教的日本传统无关,做什么? ?从寺庙祭司继承,使明治政府的婚姻 Traditional Buddhism Funeral Buddhism traditional Buddhism Explanation releasing 迦 with unrelated Japanese Buddhism some tradition After Meiji government permitting the marriage of the monk the temple converted to descent
                                      • 佛教传统说,如果你离开,不喝酒和肉类的佛教内部改革体面孩子的命,breaking m结婚,也没有受过适当收紧汤 If it is the traditional Buddhism leaving unless it reforms securely from inside Buddhism The meat liquor the commandment tearing which has married starting tightening the cell unless it trains properly don t you think

                                    • 你开始了幕府的元制度,检查隐藏的基调是基督教缺席或檀家制度
                                      In order to inspect whether the 檀 house system [tsu] [te] hiding Christian does not stay, It does with the system which the government of Edo begins the [yo

                                      • 你让我更多的信息你可以不看尼科百科全书TTP的:/ / dic.nicovideo.jp / 1 /%E8%81%96%E7的%99%E8%93%屋宇署%声发射
                                        As for details you see even with the [niko] encyclopedia and solve ttp: //dic.nicovideo.jp/a/% E8% 81% 96% E7% 99% BD % E8% 93% AE

                                        • 倒下的和尚主要原因为日本的861先生的政策是不是因为人们进入寺庙某处檀家几乎所有迫使德川政府呢?这将不会有庙无檀家释放的努力也无法成为他的庙檀家檀家其他还致力于扭转,只有我的努力,拉檀家不需要 861 As for the largest reason where the Japanese cell degrades the government of Edo all citizen almost mandatorily somewhere The kana which is not consequence of the policy which was inserted in the 檀 house of the temple Not to endeavor the te and the 檀 house leaving or endeavoring conversely the 檀 house of the other temple Because it is not possible either to turn to the 檀 house of your own temple effort of the ke me which pulls the 檀 house is exerted There is no necessity

                                          • 几年前,当驱动tTA要求的开支占家庭60万日元的檀家祭司门的房子是穷人的寺庙驱动tTA有智有困难,难以真正
                                            Several years ago, in the residence of the superior of temple of the 菩 stopping temple per 檀 house one when being required the expense of 600,000 Yen, it was troubled The inside poverty it put out, was troubled with the [ma] [ji]

                                            • 出,可怜的檀家的鸟岛节50。我们有很大的发言权和忌庙完善对800多年,但远在大打患者 Inside 檀 house 50 cases of Jodo sect poor But temple 800 years of example large it is distant 忌 with How much having from group it is said that it is dense
                                              • 和一个小地方叫山寺庙作为一个整体,但没有穷人檀家不仅几十人。只有在寺庙陵墓这些事情往往并不大 The Enryakuji way there is also about whole mountain and only several dozen there is a 檀 house poor As for just the graveyard wide thing is many even at the temple

                                            • 古差异理论,而不是亚历克斯:听起来拯救藏传佛教的黄金邪教和盆出售给那些谁担心,我已在佛在哪里?佛教宗教模式提出了自己的葬礼,是不是本身就是一个邪教组织模型 So if you say Buddhism which in the person who encounters to the explanation releasing 迦 sells relief with the gold As for the difference with the cult religion which you explain that it is rescued with the 壺 where The religion model which funeral Buddhism presents the very thing there is no model itself of cult religion
                                              • 我不是不同的网站或系统阐述佛教佛等着开始听到了吗? ?我也认为其他宗教的佛教,佛教不仅是很多的东西更多的日本爱丽丝Gideyokuwakarantsunagaritoka So if you say Starting in the explanation releasing 迦 explaining various Buddhism systematically the ru sight it does not solve It is too already from the Buddhism tsu te various to be to be possible to be wa of Japan being connected Already there is no Buddhism and te simply religion does also the air

                                            • 只楚轮剃光沉闷! Nishihonganji丑闻玷污日本最大的佛教组织?谁做你相信这样的犯罪!
                                              Dull monk circular profit! As for the Japanese largest Buddhism teaching group Nishimoto prayer temple scandal being covered! Someone trusting such a crime group?

                                              • 只楚轮剃光沉闷!我瘦市民对吉尔的存在从世俗的欲望spite m说教!
                                                Dull monk circular profit! In the habit which from the general people was covered in lusts and lives The gill so sermon it droops!

                                                • 后来,贝鲁和神社比和尚的(个人)以外的街道檀家甚至强烈的负面印象,这房子是很难接近个人
                                                  After, the cell which is compared with the shrine (the individual) house [tsu] [te] impression of the individual being strong distantly Being in neighborhood, other than the 檀 house it is hard coming near is the negative

                                                  • 和等待,等待,做一个五八三瓦特幼儿园,庙附近的先生,我真的不崇拜任何东西w ll 583 Wait wait w The temple of neighborhood inside doing the preschool the ru Don t you think separately cult w
                                                    • 但我认为我讲的是庙方的企业管理学前583 583 If you mention sideline of the temple you thought that it is preschool management but is

                                                  • 哇在学校和教学,常识,不知怎的,我觉得每个人似乎气氛,因为你怀疑相反的感觉,或思想不被深深 As for common sense and the like which you think that you are taught in the school so you are with atmosphere everyone how without Without doubting conversely in sensible reason thinking deeply it does the yo

                                                    • 因此,如果相对于其他教派比尔,经典和教义的信仰佛的“”是松散的,什么是正确的方式的禅宗,也说我们
                                                      Because of that, other things If you compare to the sect, it confronts the scripture and doctrine and the principal image of Buddha, “belief” is loose, but very the zen buddhism sect It is the right track in Buddhism, that it is said

                                                      • 大谷探险队净土真宗Hongwanji - 38学校(Nishihonganji)你不是一个善东本愿寺大谷派佛教
                                                        38 Motoya exploratory party is pure land Mamune long-cherished desire temple group (the Nishimoto prayer temple) As for Mamune Motoya group east long-cherished desire temple

                                                        • 奈良佛教和忠志Hazime Hosso另一个华厳宗,系统时宗净土,禅和黄檗宗
                                                          To in addition to Nara Buddhism Legal Aiso and law sect and bloom massive rock sect, with pure land system time in sect and zen buddhism sect yellow 檗 sect and the like

                                                          • 如果一个佛教殡葬业并没有进一步的护理挽救里于彻众生,我们现在认为佛教说Omaera
                                                            As for being 更 funeral business Buddhism which such as the air where current Buddhism rescues group of people raw is not 々 [omaera] You think that it is as said

                                                            • 如果圣经的知识水平在涉及达尔文进化论“上帝”,可一旦确定,因为它是荒谬的是,人类驱动tTA伤口
                                                              If it mentions Darwin's evolution theory at knowledge of various matters level, the Bible “God” the mankind When the fact that it made, 稽 means that is absurd nothing it can judge directly

                                                              • 如果您正在寻找和尚,佛教界对这一分钟的魔幻所有的钱,他们说richiest伟的人,我经常讲 If you look at the monk as for this world the gold everything should have been understands Rich person the great person story is good to also the French model die
                                                                • 酒精,烟草,并希望更多的人剃光我盖金表,我不是在舞台几乎不受约束的欲望 NULL

                                                              • 如果该系统,它会运行一瞥麻原彰晃连贯学说什么我失望的老家伙与佛教从线到鹦鹉驱动tTA Because also the party who goes to oumu was disillusioned to established Buddhism it is what don t you think Glance reasoning of the flax field oh you question to the doctrine system which systematically is done and make goodmake good It ran
                                                                • 公关是存在于理论,但每个字符you ll依靠我辞职 大绵 But PR with doctrine abandoning is loose in kiyara asking depending tsu chi ya u present condition… owata

                                                              • 守护神下降的神道,神道神道根呼吸塞板,佛教会下降,我自己的战后死亡邪教宗教繁荣
                                                                Shintoism atrophies with Gods and Buddah learning combination, State shintoism stops the life of shintoism, atrophies Buddhism, Being the postwar cult prosperous, religion itself died

                                                                • 弹出一个活生生的宗教,为什么900人,或能茹基鲁你如何更好地生活在这个世界上? (笑)以前的胜艾希 900 As for the reason where the human produces religion when how it does can this world live better Laughing Furthermore it is kind before
                                                                  • 276爱因斯坦,上帝不是一个宗教的信仰,儒,看到了宇宙,神说什么,什么感觉 276 As for Einstein as for God as a religion it does not believe but When you look at outer space you say that those which become God are felt
                                                                  • 在适当的宗教,信徒在一个小地方,并已取得一些生产活动,以增加他们的捐款和你做什么,以避免更多的追随者Gutameni↑ Even with the religion which is done properly at the place where the believers are few it increases the believer in order to prevent the ↑ increases offering or the necessity to do a some productive activity comes arising

                                                                • 恶和尚是所有关于我峨努力贮吞噬自己的财产和金钱,也没有行Hukutoku略,把损害众生,并非所有的道德和仁慈Kunaku
                                                                  The demon monk the [mu] to shirk his own property metallurgy sen and only storing endeavor, good fortune and the like at all not do, the group of people raw damaging, There is no either morality and the like mercy heart and the like without completely

                                                                  • 您好我把名字300 000死可恶,职级高的名字是50万,我尊重表告诉我他们是如何做这些事我说什么?我做什么,一种欺诈,欺骗过的风格。帕美浓Kasujan The beefsteak toe name attaching to the deceased it is high 300 000 ranking high name is 500 000 How doing how doing in the ru people saying you call respect chart margin combining How you see passing one kind of swindler the botsutakuri wind The common refuse it is
                                                                    • 可爱的偶像朱达罗好父亲有更多的钱投资为子孙来住不是投资434死在所有的钱 434 In the first place rather than investing the gold on the deceased for the child and the grandchild who have lived The ro where the method which invests the gold rejoices also the ancestor and is

                                                                  • 成人神相信在这几天的学生很少增益变化很小,佛教是你,我想应该是要培养孩子的道德纤维,但我觉得 Nowadays the origin change is believed As for the adult however it is little with you think As for six roads of Buddhism although you raise the moral heart of the child however you think that it is good don t you think
                                                                    • 你的眼睛是什么意思?佛佛教做法,因为目前的衍生工具,很容易错误地 Your eye is ill tempered because Actually Buddha is easy to be misunderstood with present derivative Buddhism consequence that this

                                                                  • 我不自私的崇拜者和著名分钟,其他人的赞誉,并成为我,我只是数字,我们看不到有什么美德和智慧是自豪地亚由美,在佛教的人都渴望成为约 Although you do not understand well although it is about it will wish to become famous to be praised from others either Kei Satoshi and a virtue there is no as for just the figure Grandly walking you show you desire only the fact that Kuyo it is done from the person

                                                                    • 我们研究了一种口头禅或圣歌是没有了,有的只是“如果你想你的希望要求,”与汝分钟我没事了作为一个宗教机构的事情,我只用我们认为 Whether you want in the shelf “we would like not to study the sutra and praise song like ones and or not do and to pray also the te we would like us to ask” Thinking that functioning it has done the amount which can do to use with just the tsu te as a religion facility properly

                                                                      • 我写这篇文章我已经离开Bateren基督徒的见证,路易斯弗罗伊斯会见了织田信长,丰臣秀吉峨说也不好笑老爆内战我们“之间迪乌斯是消除贫困和如果一个新的誓言,远离财富和世俗Zakaru You can say that it does not change from the Warring States former times Lewis huroisu which is the Christian padre who interviewed to Nobunaga and to Hidekiti is the witness Like this you write and have left “Between us the wealth of world worldly your the empty it goes away through the oath of honest poverty vis a vis deusu
                                                                        • 在我成长的时代,以及主要世俗权力沿着中世纪,名义上仍较高 As age go back to the past also Middle Ages however gradually world worldly power kept becoming dominant Furthermore apparent was higher rank
                                                                        • 日本佛教在相对不干涉各教派,为了统一,佛法是不符合大多数透露,移动获得它从太少或冲突与世俗政权 You call the Japanese Buddhism that by hands off Buddhism doctrine probably will be standardized every sect relatively Because effort was not done almost and the movement which competes with world worldly power was little don t you think

                                                                      • 我很高兴严重成人483瓦特没有任何意义,不是吗?现在就赶上去是一件好事,我来捕捉一个繁荣,意味着父母的逗乐自己赶上四年的孩子甚至不能想象,这两个寺庙我们以为你只是想吸引他们远离佛教,但我不知道你去之前,并在 483 Rejoicing seriously the ro w which as for the ru adult is not and is It fishes the parent by the fact that it fishes four year old children Boom itself it fishes tsu te ru curious funny Now it is with densely as for purpose the two of that The temple that as for the meaning of doing entirely it is from the wa however Whether the harboring which your collection customers is done As for Buddhism leaving commenting when where you said
                                                                        • 我需要每个小吉祥物呢?如动画人物,如仍未看到4岁的孩子 One by one the emblem is necessary what with something Furthermore kind of animekiyara which four year old children see

                                                                      • 我让他做了19多可能是真实的,孩子谁离开我,但我已经从他Tteru奔驰钱方来敬佛发现不同 19 Rather than the person whom it made so causes and the re is being making but the current cell is different The gold taking that statue of Buddha from the person who comes to worshipping Benz riding the ru
                                                                        • 使这一个多,钾!如果佛来体现对人的权利,访问100000 Rather than such making the ke it is and is If it enshrines even with the statue of Buddha the ro which about 100 000 person comes to worshipping and is

                                                                      • 我说,亚历克斯:听起来,挖掘在塔克拉玛干网站大谷信佛教派别!海!海!嗨,嗨,嗨大谷探险队!
                                                                        When Mamune Motoya group how it is said, The ruins you dig in Takla Makan! [hai]! [hai]! High, high and high! Motoya exploratory party!

                                                                        • 或者在开放的781间适当的伊太郎工装祭司谁是亲自民党议员大谷信佛教
                                                                          781 The person who is Liberal Democratic Party member of the Diet with the monk of Mamune Motoya group the [ro] which is With the monk clothes the person who is present opening ceremony

                                                                          • 数字狮子穿着祭司的外衣穿。“恩(祭兰花),先生”和奉献精神(我说话)一书的形状的,“先生日本语红色”,仿照荷花,“莲花(荷花)陈”,并测定了160元的申请进行表决 Jishi which attaches the monk robe to the body “ Favor viewing is ” with working hard employment line is the gi yo u collection was imitated “the scale ho it is” The flower of the lotus was imitated “the lotus the re it is ” with from application of 160 points it decided with poll
                                                                            • 佛陀有一个傻瓜坤当资本,说他们臭和创新,因为他们是所有时代。“恩(祭兰花)坤”是 At the time of transfer of the capital France is made foolish that the complaint word tsu solving awfully Depending from even in by your “ Favor viewing it is ” with

                                                                          • 日莲,这个邪教组织的创始人本是所有其他组的邪恶,因为佛教本来是一个非常和平的,但是从佛教思想的自我与他人无可比拟的,独家异常莲
                                                                            This Nichiren of the founder other group is all wicked teachings, that being because it does, originally as for Buddhism Although it is very peaceful from oneself and others unique idea, as for the Nichiren sect exceptional case extent exclusive

                                                                            • 最初开始真言宗元的葬礼埋葬于高野山高野聪在全国各地的骨头
                                                                              Funeral Buddhism those which shingon begins originally, Takano saint turned entire country and buried the bone in Koyasan

                                                                              • 此外,他们还听到佛经每人3000日元提供早点入场费NAA的任命严重凯塔业务在香水的心经,但我听到京都驱动tTA苔寺的路线而美妙的历史驱动tTA当我是一条线,但已经听到后,才提交了一份书面请求法案,因为我觉得如果你甚至没有,最后经人挂魔法时间写在人类目前的趋势辜辜制度本身没有良好的,因为你旋转 There being a pedigree because you heard that it is splendid however the Kyoto moss temple it went Business the fragrance doing too much it was terrible You had heard that carrying the copying sutra of the heart sutra is done young at complete reservation system visit charge one person 3000 Yen but When we goes even the copying sutra being gone you ask to the bill and write thing and just submit You heard from after but because the copying sutra although it finishes to write with the person the person where time catches is It was gone in order revolution to improve it seems
                                                                                • 好吧,我要去那里一到那里享受我的旅程类,并没有出感兴趣的发现,一旦我认为寺庙志位和88个地方绝缘子的痛苦,智慧的头脑。我想我还可以重复苏 There is also a ru place well as traveling of kind enjoying however it is probably will be Quite when interest it is not it is painful doing to think the temple turning also 88 places Carrying it is young heart It repeats how it is not possible also you think

                                                                              • 毗沙门天庙你拥有它时,一系列字符和赤壁的明星圈Nazrin虎!诹访神社的总...
                                                                                When the temple of Bishamon heaven series 寅 circular star and [nazurin] to [chi] [bi] [kiyara] should have been converted, don't you think?! As for shrine of Suwa meter.

                                                                                • 法国63。 →→Yunboruanime捏造建设繁荣的法国动画区回归
                                                                                  63 France. Revolution -> the French zone animation conversion Engineering works boom fabrication -> [yunboruanime] conversion

                                                                                  • 溜溜的nigga但我Nanori埃泰奇怪的字符或无关日莲正宗创价学会协会或彰彰富士大石寺邪教组织破坏,如果急于要离开塞板
                                                                                    If we would like to stop leaving [ayashii] new sect removal margin Soka academic society or 冨 loyal retainer Oishi temple Akimasa meeting Although there is no Nichiren correct sect and a relationship, the letter changing, don't you think? you have been identified, [yo]

                                                                                    • 然而,在同一时间内,外联带Bitatame幕府,堕落的祭司性质庙宇必须有证据证明,无论什么 But simultaneously the temple because it has the character of the destination system of the shogunate anything must prevent Deie degradation with anything
                                                                                      • 秃顶男人谁注定这些只是剃光头驱动tTA或心脏是一个俗人谁留 This kind of Deie person The bald person namely the head just was shaved as for heart calls the person it continues to be the worldly person

                                                                                    • 禅宗和瑜珈起源以及该运动在印度的生活,实践已经所有其他特性
                                                                                      Zen buddhism yoga of the Indian appearance With conduct, even in addition life everything is training, feature

                                                                                      • 粪便粪便,但它也是一个天主教,佛教━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━910 910 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ But Buddhism and the droppings Catholic are the droppings
                                                                                        • 粪便粪便,但它也是一个天主教,佛教━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━610 610 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ But Buddhism and the droppings Catholic are the droppings

                                                                                      • 而坐是无聊的东西的训练,“南〜〜〜”什么的,那或排减星专心可能是老百姓在这种时候,是佛教禁欲主义的方法是不是我的性格阅读一旦你有进口的,更多的是练习瑜伽我认为他们来到了一个小乐趣 Training ma viewing Sitting straight “ namu ” you advocate intently when As for that it is training method of the kind of times when perhaps the general populace cannot read either letter When it imports even with line method of the yoga you think Buddhism that already just a little it becomes funny ones

                                                                                        • 被扭曲的历史悠久,但我觉得我很自然异端?叛教者?地北,春季在他们自己的,许多事情在我佛教驱动tTA来到中国,和我不希望佛教从印度的印度教溃疡做 Because history is long as for being distorted as for we which is thought as the proper heresy Destruction remonstrance Various ones growing selfishly at the point in time which covers Buddhism how China to cause because we would not like you to crush either India in hindou teaching Esoteric Buddhism was made and
                                                                                          • 从今天起,我不擅长佛教书出版,而不必属于佛教的宗教传统移居上海大学贝鲁 Today the good Buddhism book is published therefore it is you do not belong to traditional teaching group separately and Buddhism can learn also the te
                                                                                          • 在11个大远忌800年丰年(音机是什么),而宗说:“我们认为石窟佛教往往会感到痛苦的努力志位更容易参与的活动是服装,”解释他们狙和 800 忌 it is year person with respect to laws way large distantly in 11 to be to go back and forth but as for the same sect “as for Buddhism it is stiffly thought tend When arrival involving participates in event it becomes pleasant atmosphere” that the aim is explained
                                                                                          • 在此之前,我认为你是一个年轻男子离开你,我们不认为任何生产,并不是因为我认为他们知道的佛教 Being thought that there is no ripening at all the young person leaves from the ru it is with to do the yo You think that before that the fact that Buddhism is not known is cause
                                                                                          • 基鲁佛教本身或如何生活在这个世界(或如何超越痛苦的),什么也不能有问题 Buddhism itself puts out the reason where the world whether how living whether how it exceeds suffering is made the tsu lever problem
                                                                                          • 我会带塑造形象作为一个整体,他们是老,理由反对日本佛教和基督教的呼吸,因为呼吸和人民等待填补欧洲,佛教是反映在新的 The Japanese being the same as the ru the extent where is choked vis a vis Buddhism with antiquated image Because has been choked the European person vis a vis Christianity Buddhism is taken freshly
                                                                                          • 根据对557零星的佛教和基督教,例如那些谁拥有禅 557 Christianity Buddhism is gnawed in the base for example zen buddhism is done The person it enters
                                                                                          • 谁从佛教皈依基督教但往往不是你听到佛教太多的人谁是基督教的宗旨完全改变 As for the person who from Buddhism proselytizes in Christianity however it is many From Christianity gist was changed the human tsu te which you do not hear excessively in Buddhism

                                                                                        • 要求,并提出数百名佛教成千上万的,但不是要付出的,“不能出现在和平的精神,损害了死者休息”,并扬言要提出其他
                                                                                          Although posthumous Buddhist name you make attach, requiring many 100,000, Unless you can pay, when it becomes, “the deceased without passing away, spirit obstacle occurs”, that and so on threat is applied

                                                                                          • 近代以来,青少年远离宗教的是,有助于理解当前关于它的自然机制
                                                                                            Today there is a mechanism of natural present condition being elucidated Because it is, don't you think? as for the religion leaving of the young person there is no ginger

                                                                                            • 这不是因为我不需要超级巨星,以佛教界称为空海的正义金刚峰寺没有?
                                                                                              Solid 峯 temple how such this year without the [te] Because the empty sea [tsu] [te] the superstar of the Buddhism boundary which is said is There is no necessity, it is it is not?

                                                                                              • 这该死的系统或其他什么人死后得到适当佛教的名字呢?我想我还是做的更好遥基督教疼痛“把爱你的邻居,”难道你就必须采取主动,自愿施对假设,起源弱
                                                                                                Rear postmortem method name or that [kusoshisutemu] of what? The [wa] whose Christianity is better much still, as for [atsuchi] “it loves the neighbor of the 汝” you say Don't you think? the administering and the volunteer for the weak under prerequisite you have taken the initiative -?

                                                                                                • 邪教━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━一直把贪污的钱是千疮百孔已成立的组织收集的金字塔不
                                                                                                  ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

                                                                                                  • 附表随随基尔和死亡,犹如大师是一个充满神秘和壮观的503 -传记故事的大师,NAA的困扰,但他们肿胀宗教大师组成的福音枯萎...背后的故事站在眼前的人物和我会死我会成为一个大师的海报,它不使用免提如果使徒
                                                                                                    503 The founder being splendid, if last moment of the puzzle being lazy is accomplished, because the story = biography = gospel-book of extent and the founder who are accomplished expands…… Religion becomes with [kiyara] characteristic and the back story of the eye which the founder saw the stand [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] The founder who dies becomes the character and, there is no hand where the apostle does not utilize that

                                                                                                    • 需要,但艰苦的science m In a word science however much persevering in problem “of heart” It is not possible to depress it is
                                                                                                      • 例如上帝说这样做是正确的,现在我们有先进的科学,将有凉宫春日的暗示 If you mention the God which comes to current us where science progresses exactly there probably is a hint in cool shrine haruhi

                                                                                                    • 高野山真言宗金刚峰寺总部(高野町,和歌山县),也于去年春天,帽(帽),身穿和尚“,这Yakun生产”
                                                                                                      The Koyasan shingon entire Motoyama solid 峯 temple (Japanese ode Yamagata Takano Cho) previous spring, the sedge hat (the umbrella) “like this the anther it is” of the monk who is worn it produces

                                                                                                      • 鸟岛(头寺智恩,东山区)是寒江(修S)为他的孩子 - “她告别,”我做的服装
                                                                                                        The Jodo sect (entire Motoyama intellectual favor institute, Higashiyama Ku), the work duty robe (to obtain) child “unreasonable of the form is” arrival involving was made coldly

                                                                                                        • (涅槃后)是滥用国家,他们被剥夺的侵略合每个其他他们,人民遭受饥饿将围绕

                                                                                                          研究 開発