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By warship sinking and the North Korean torpedo attack of the Korean troop the thing and American Korea judgment…Something related to north and south, at a stroke the tension inevitable ★4


  • 06部队。沉下沉的船。夏威夷夏威夷夏威夷沉没立即发言,我觉得我是@东部静冈
    6 Troop. Warship sinking Sinking. Sinking Hawaii The Hawaiian Hawaiian [gu] - it is the can The @ Shizuoka east which the air which is does

    • 197“,他们认为”他们说没有办法活在这个Kuretara恩戴只有我和我猜突然访问朝鲜,以核实投标 197 In order “you think and” to verify in North Korea electric shock the kana which is not visited That way when you live on the other side there are no times when you say
      • 我准备对朝鲜发射芦洞4月中旬表示,s 84(6月)是我出版的美国萘乙酸 84 So if you say North Korea has prepared nodon discharge time during April around June tsu te America has announced

    • 1名称:邮政★φ冷豆腐豆腐店:2010 / 05 / 05(星期三)15:17:39编号:???国防部长酒井博金“敌伏击了明显的侵略行为...”李(李·自1992年)总统昨天说,军队建设以来第一次后,主持国家安全“整个会议的军事指挥官的指示国防部建设。国家总统准备措施,全面检查的准备共有安全。形成一个检验机构,“我和他显然
      1 Name: Tofu specialty store chilled bean curd cut into cubes Φ * Contribution day: 2010/05/05 (water) 15: 17: 39 ID: ? ? ? Sudden attack attack… clear invasion behavior of Kin Yasushi glory Secretary of State for Defence “enemy” Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi ([i] [miyonbaku]) the president on the 4th, ever since the building troop for the first time, after directing all the troop principal commander meetings directly with the national defense section agency 舍, “Nation it is cheap. Inspecting attitude all, the president belonging directly national security which prepares measure entire. That inspection mechanism is formed”, it made clear

      • 726东京湾港口后警惕这样的潜艇出现在名古屋严格。心理伤害是一个伟大的大爆炸熊
        726 Because Tokyo bay precaution is harsh In the Nagoya port by submarine after the surfacing. Explosion As for the psychological damage deca- it is, bear

        • 9.11尝试检测歌手组成部分伊拉克的炸药,火药或茑江分析炸药或爆炸以色列或美国,俄罗斯和日本试图提供08年春季阿富汗自杀攻击检测火药中的组成部分该
          9.11 It tries detecting also the component of gun powder, It tries detecting also the component of the gun powder of the Iraqi and Afghan suicide bombing terrorism, Spring 8 offering also Japan, the American gun powder or the Russian gun powder or the Israeli gun powder you analyze the flap which it helps

          • Mokuronda重组是策划的自卫队部队,以刺激韩国的国防意识,南对日本和朝鲜委员会主席让他在日本合办工作人员将被代理人停止由国家安全局 As for mastermind the Japanese Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff By the fact that it makes North Korea and Korea fight The Japanese national defense consciousness is stimulated Reorganization to the Self Defense Force troop was planned but The schedule which is obstructed by the agent of NSA
            • 12)为了防止美国保卫欧洲,美国,俄罗斯加紧攻击 12 In order to obstruct the fact that America defends Europe Russia attacks America intensively

          • S对伪造假廓尔喀来从国外得到恢复征兵霍梅格尔德
            Conscription system make revive The [guruka] soldier to forge commonly from the home guard

            • [冬]“人民军是出在报仇辛辣”内北工党大会发表
              “The retaliatory North Korean work party where the People's Army is piquant in the enemy” releases in the internal lecture

              • [朝鲜日报]金正日指示在11月成立海洋队
                The gold General Secretary, indicating marine suicide squad establishment in the November last year

                • _NULL_
                  [nida] which you cannot permit” [nida] which telephones to [obama] Helping, [] [obama]: . Two two two [putsutsun] (absence KOREA The black it discriminates, the Virginian gun firing at random) Kim Jong-Il: “As for [nida] doing the Korean patrol warship lie [nida] [nida] which is not permitted” [nida] which it is good to south Korea invading, the suzerain way to hearing goes 胡 brocade 濤: Please entrust, as for slaughter proud [aruyo] Al who devastates the previous similar peninsula Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi: [nida] which comes to the head Japan helping, [] Hatoyama: The American Marines do not know whether what with purpose you are stationed in Okinawa

                  • “ 关闭 ” L ” L ” REPT ∀ lt Operative waiting nida enininininininininininininininininininini O e e lt Additional alternation OK nida REPT Y REPT Y ─ ─ ─ ─ re lt hu nire lt hu
                    • 3,,,Uehahhahha Uehahhahha Uehahhahha 可以更改添加奈达确定。,ヽŸ uehatsuhatsuha uehatsuhatsuha and uehatsuhatsuha Three ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT lt netsutouyo death w No 7 ∀ No 7 ∀ No 7 ∀ It is shy lt as the same Japanese ─ ─ ─ ─ ∧ ∧ ≡ o gt gt gt gt o o gt gt gt gt o o gt gt gt gt o Three ∧ ∧ ─ ─ ─ REPT ∀ L ” L ” L ” REPT ∀ lt Operative waiting nida enininininininininininininininininininini O e e lt Additional alternation OK nida REPT Y REPT Y ─ ─ ─ ─ re lt hu nire lt hu

                  • “这是友谊,100伤亡关心我不”“我可以连接在友谊北攻击”这种不负责任的“,而只有排除我们,”说,目前的趋势,粉扑,粉扑,只是你 “It is friendship 100 people to the extent air which dies it cannot go” “It will touch to also the north which is attacked in friendship” Such an irresponsible those where you can say “stupidity” potsupo are just you

                    • “韩国海军的爆发,军事手段无法控制北部地区政府已经偏离和平部队的命令是不拉Gukotoha国际联合行动,以控制核环如文一撞
                      “As for accidental explosion to the Korean warship, north government control of the troop the fact that it is not possible is meant, The nucleus the troop who the conduct the 玩 [bu] the way is not controlled taking over has deviated from the peaceful order of international society

                      • ∨ ∨,!,厢没你们去! 公顷。 ∨ ,发动战争,朝鲜海哟! ! ヽ 空隙率 升 ヽ ∨ ∨ a everyone getting together ha ∨ he The Korean War it starts REPT REPT No l lt “ REPT ha l no ku 92 REPT No No ¯ 92 and V V 92 l 92 REPT
                        • 谁总是有股的立场是世界上第二大的排名大多只长沃伦巴菲特↑※百万富翁, , ∧∧,ヽ。 L的 : ∨ ∨,! 空隙率 升 ヽ Warren buffet ↑ The person who almost with just stocks always is in position about of large magnate ranking worldwide two rank 92 ∧ ∧ REPT l 92 ∨ ∨ a everyone getting together ha ∨ he The Korean War it starts REPT REPT No l lt “ REPT ha l no ku 92 REPT No No ¯ 92 and V V 92 l 92 REPT
                        • 谁总是有股的立场是世界上第二大的排名大多只长沃伦巴菲特↑※百万富翁, , ∧∧,ヽ。 L的 : ∨ ∨,! 空隙率 升 ヽ Warren buffet ↑ The person who almost with just stocks always is in position about of large magnate ranking worldwide two rank 92 ∧ ∧ REPT l 92 ∨ ∨ a everyone getting together ha ∨ he The Korean War it starts REPT REPT No l lt “ REPT ha l no ku 92 REPT No No ¯ 92 and V V 92 l 92 REPT

                      • ●季节的地震扰动,火山喷发排放污染物的排放
                        Disorder of � four seasons - � major earthquake, the contaminant which is discharged with eruption of the volcano scatters

                        • ●最令人担心,并把它想再次发言之前就尚未解决的问题(中国和印度边境地区的火箭,在有关个案的骚扰和鱼雷欢快的藏南无国界越南,印度和巴基斯坦旁遮普和国家的情况下) The � as for most worrying unsolved problem of the time before being raised again the middle sign border and the south Tibetan border without exceeding when it is the harassment with the rocket and the torpedo The Indian Pakistan Punjabi state incident and the like
                          • ●最令人担心,并把它想再次发言之前就尚未解决的问题(中国和印度边境地区,旁遮普案件西藏南部边境,印度和巴基斯坦) The � as for most worrying unsolved problem of the time before being raised again the middle sign border and the south Tibetan border without exceeding when it is the harassment with the rocket and the torpedo The Indian Pakistan Punjabi state incident and the like

                        • ヽ 伊势肚子,我要去监测゙驱逐舰沉没Jjokbari
                          REPT `∀ ' < In revenge, [nita] ゙ sinking the escort ship of [chiyotsupari

                          • 东亚共同体的概念是氦氖氦氖ー哦新浪恐怖主义国歌Poppo我喜欢豆豆国家落后中国和秘书长的W我不知道该怎么办
                            It is rough, don't you think? and others - also east Asia of the [po] [tsu] [po] as for the same body conception the wax which how the [tsu] [chi] [ya] bears [tero] The general secretary of national anthem the Chinese Chinese way and don't you think? two two how with the reverse side, - w

                            • 东亚和中国的迅速崛起,你舒展亚洲附表德国东南经济的形式形成一个喝醉酒的外观和内 And In east Asia China gains force quickly Germany is extended you say that the economic sphere is formed in a way which swallows southeast Asia
                              • 一个是迅速崛起,德国再次,有一个欧洲专注于德语 As for one Germany gains force again quickly The European sphere which centers Germany

                            • 中心“和平运动”冲绳,今年“以金正日的生日,金正日,共和国成立纪念日”的庆祝活动。他们打开一个大型宴会
                              This “Okinawa flat At harmony motion center”, this year “in birthday of the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary, republic foundation commemoration” celebration . The banquet has grown hoarse opening and others on a large scale

                              • 为了帮助基金的大规模重建和发行债券,如果540熊秋
                                540 If [potsupo] the government bond issuing in large quantities Revival fund bear which is helped

                                • 乌戈查韦斯总统,委内瑞拉(查韦斯),以钳制在他的嘴里附表,英国广播公司电视台22日,在同日上午格林尼治标准时间6 00(日本时间下午3 00)报告说,在石油钻探开始 ugo chiyabesu of Venezuela Hugo Chavez While putting the mouth to the president as for the English BBC television on the 22nd You announced that same day GMT 6 o clock in the morning Japanese time 3 o clock in the afternoon excavation starts at the oil field

                                  • 也许,远远朝鲜的军事前进?与金正日的庇护呢?
                                    Perhaps doing, running alone of the North Korean military? So, this way Kim Jong-Il exile?

                                    • 从肛门出血,非法移民的命运已经死在街头,他们之间的恩戴不知道
                                      Bleeding from the anus being abundant, while knowing, being the roadside having died the is end road of the illegal entry person

                                      • 从那里你看着它,第三蟹战(战役的沃德)你报复
                                        How you see from somewhere and pass, third [watarigani] sea fight (large Seikai game) do by retaliation the [yo

                                        • 他们在同一时间被放在作为拓谷,2和3你没有一个中国的原因时,你是北方的混乱入侵朝鲜通过核?但两位前急救,3如果我感觉非常好,打破无抗体增加北方条约 That so the position it is temporarily and solves 1 assuming 2 and 3 China transfers the nucleus to north and when having been confused Korea without becoming the reason which does not invade does the yo 2 puts out the help origin 3 if it makes the thing where north tears treaty is good therefore it is
                                          • Utoki的将使用核武器的南北朝鲜的入侵,当我们通过一个核恐怖主义的混乱 When north uses the nucleus when it transfers the nucleus to terrorism and having been confused it probably is the Korean invasion
                                          • 火箭没有理由不这样做,北?我希望如果有人只是燃烧的灵魂,没有入侵 There is no anti area rocket on north it is combining It does not invade and just Seoul should have burnt also the te but it is

                                        • 似乎让胆小的发展是从大陆的导弹也可以飞一两个我可以你知道你在韩国和日本对战争的时候我多少开始 In the first place when now it is done in the tsu te about some partner it becomes war it is the ro which is The missile flying Japan and Korea to the mainland when they are 1 departure and 2 departure It may permit with cowardice
                                          • ,而不是导弹,是自由使用,即一旦鄂如织成音频输入日本 If there is no missile and brings to the te and the Japanese country you probably can use freely anywhere and

                                        • 军事绑到日本,韩国的想法染反电梯遇到我,李总统就错了国家分离的梁裁缝不够好欺骗皇帝叩头自己斗争再访问日本,韩国之后进入最后阶段 While binding the Japanese military affair to dye Korea to anti Japanese idea it made clothes in foolish isolation country Not to be wrong i president visits Japan being desperate but already kneeling on the ground to the emperor the excessiveness it ended the Korean era
                                          • 军事绑到日本,韩国的想法染反电梯遇到我,李总统就错了国家分离的梁裁缝不是好欺骗皇帝不再匍匐绝望的访问,在韩国后进入决赛 While binding the Japanese military affair to dye Korea to anti Japanese idea it made clothes in foolish isolation country Not to be wrong i president visits Japan being desperate but already kneeling on the ground to the emperor the excessiveness it ended the Korean era

                                        • 冲绳人,是个问题,即没有真正的问题很多,我们不是用来间谍代理人之间的通知北 The pure Okinawa person is sweet ri problem apparent the place where it has not done with problem while this does not know in the North Korean operative is used in spy
                                          • 许多自我剂测定潜艇逃生朝鲜间谍渗透船来到日本,自杀217 217 The repair ship which comes to Japan has self destroyed and the operative of the diving boat which invaded Korea While escaping many suicide

                                        • 南北平衡是很奇怪Warazu,林有解放军驻扎在伊拉克的美国部队,因此只需要清除暮维护秩序无数南薄的潜在入侵 North south balance excessively the change The Iraqi US military 如 it does People s Liberation Army being stationed You are not devoted to maintenance of public order because you do not obtain invasion possibility to south is thin

                                          • 后金正日健康恶化金“的强烈的反日民族主义的ING,体验国外的强势地位有没有谁管理的年轻军官,”他说,之所以
                                            After the health state deteriorating of the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary, “anti-Japanese feeling to be strong being national refined principle, do not have overseas experience the young officers who inside administration You say that” the fact that standpoint was strengthened is the reason

                                            • 哈里森的“,如果联合国制裁造成的局势恶化,北方将攻击驻日美军,而不是日本或韩国的报复”,并预言 As for harison when “the result of the United Nations sanction situation deteriorates as for North Korea not to be Korea as a retaliation Japan or the US base in Japan It attacks probably will be” that it estimated
                                              • 南,溃疡可能是,他们在日本拍摄中出现的好运气 Perhaps south it collapses but if property of resident botsushiyuto is done it is good

                                            • 因此,当停战条约,口Hasamenakatta主导作用的人民解放军,金日成的
                                              Therefore, at the time of suspension of hostilities treaty, As for the leading part in the People's Liberation Army, as for Kim Il-Sung the mouth could not be put

                                              • 在博览会(世博会前身),朝鲜的殖民大国(如中国)氖朱达罗不是失去了www情绪纳鲁
                                                In international exposition (before the international exposition), North Korea the suzerain (the Chinese way don't you think?) the reason which impairs mood - the [ro] www which is

                                                • 在日本的美军基地,如果这场战争是不是我不会高兴恩戴战争危险出了错该死的,如果日本将难民来到最接近海中通过大量推我被攻击的芦洞但是你知道吗? If it becomes the opening of the hostilities the US military base which by Japan is attacked with nodon The mass refugee crossing the sea surging you wrapped If it opens war it is dangerous not to be wrong either Japan Rejoicing but expectation what which how you cannot be
                                                  • 即使这是真的,韩国是我是愚蠢的资本将成为海上战争的气息分钟火不能做任何事情瓦特 As for this assuming that it is truth can do nothing Korea Understanding that the capital city becomes the sea of the fire although the ru whether the fool who opens war is w

                                                • 地点,最终放弃处理此事的165名士兵在所附的进展ü我说中国and驻韩美军,这些钱负担的其他国家在半岛的名称和维护和平的军队不想一个敌人美国和中国抱怨,真正的表面以来占领的东中部。远离下降,国家默许s 165 As for after all the dropping place with the pretext which the Chinese troop calls to the Korean Peninsula control of situation advancing the soldier Cost of maintenance of merger and that troop it can point to the burden of the gold to other country with pretext of peace keeping of the Korean Peninsula China to want to be hostile as the United States or because it is busy in the Middle East it is the complaint on the surface but Truth Instead of acquiescence state tsu te drops
                                                  • “记住,这是敌对和好战的国家不接壤的休战线 “The suspension of hostilities line in boundary militant country that it is hostile you do not have to forget

                                                • 墨西哥驴回湿或湿,他们制作,更容易获得肛交 Hole of ketsu of back namely Mexican person When wet namely it can dampen it becomes easy to do anus sexual intercourse

                                                  • 大规模的飓风和灾害易发灾害的机制,防止大规模杀伤性自然,自然灾害影响的美国,而不是一个迅速火
                                                    Mechanism of natural disaster and large quantity destruction and disaster occurring frequently Enormous extreme natural disaster such as hurricane and fire attacks America

                                                    • 头打发言的朝鲜人民的生命为代价韩国经济中,我将只想到外国外交煽爱国主义
                                                      The Korean economy which designates the life of the Korean citizen as sacrifice in the top limit, patriotism fanning in foreign diplomacy, with just the [ru] does, the [yo

                                                      • 如果你把他们带回关岛,美军攻击直升机单位乘以15000名士兵在冲绳的渗透是不是一个单一的飞机也将来到平城
                                                        If it pushes back the US military to Guam, The helicopter assault force which places 15,000 human Marines of Okinawa even one machine comes to Hiraki and there is no [re

                                                        • 学校人才培养的恐怖组织将朝总联的韩国人喜欢的东西!这是日本可能会很严重,在日朝鲜人不立即消灭!这是任何高中免费的!颂狗屎我死了!
                                                          The Korean entire ream Korean school something it probably is the terrorist necessary personnel rearing system, but! At once unless the resident Korean is annihilated, this Japan of the shelf which may become very thing! Something is high school gratuitous conversion! Die, droppings [chiyon]!

                                                          • 巴菲特的投资者,投资者沃伦巴菲特最著名的销售在韩国2美国股市于4月,他的投资公司经营的“伯克希尔哈撒韦”,但将要增加股份的韩国钢铁巨头浦项制铁韩国股由澄清个人出售给最 Investor buffet person most sale of the Korean stocks As for Warren buffet person of American famous investor on the 2nd Itself is managed investment company “Berkshire hasaue ” which Although the stock holding for Korean steel major posuko was increased The Korean stocks which the individual possesses made that large portion is sold clear
                                                            • 巴菲特的投资者,投资者沃伦巴菲特最著名的销售在韩国2美国股市于4月,他的投资公司经营的“伯克希尔哈撒韦”,但将要增加股份的韩国钢铁巨头浦项制铁韩国股由澄清个人出售给最 Investor buffet person most sale of the Korean stocks As for Warren buffet person of American famous investor on the 2nd Itself is managed investment company “Berkshire hasaue ” which Although the stock holding for Korean steel major posuko was increased The Korean stocks which the individual possesses made that large portion is sold clear
                                                            • 巴菲特的投资者,投资者沃伦巴菲特最著名的销售在韩国2美国股市于4月,他的投资公司经营的“伯克希尔哈撒韦”,但将要增加股份的韩国钢铁巨头浦项制铁韩国股由澄清个人出售给最 Investor buffet person most sale of the Korean stocks As for Warren buffet person of American famous investor on the 2nd Itself is managed investment company “Berkshire hasaue ” which Although the stock holding for Korean steel major posuko was increased The Korean stocks which the individual possesses made that large portion is sold clear

                                                          • 平城一小时,在冲绳的美军摧毁!冲绳的活动活动接着一个基地衰,而不会影响朝鲜重要的工具,对日本绑架活动增加 To Hiraki 1 hours the Okinawa US military removal margin The North Korean operative activity activation… The fact that activity is continued without becoming weak as the North Korean importance toward Japan construction activity base is Okinawa
                                                            • ,根本是真正做决定的224代理,几乎没有其他人的,因为我会留在韩国和日本的间谍通常茹 224 As expected to there w The operative and spy normally stay in Korea and Japan therefore it is they are other personal affairs it passes

                                                          • 我们将访问平壤贷款的最后一战类武器的人“前面谁”这是不是一次在您的请求
                                                            As for this time the gold pig visiting to China, human model last decisive battle weapon “preceding person” Loan once is in the request

                                                            • 我将创造一个先例,现在北朝鲜的边缘政策?对于绑架,使导弹颜射释放,并制造核武器,(敌人的),你有我没有罪瓦特攻击其他国家的军舰
                                                              Now and making former example in critical diplomacy of North Korea? You will kidnap, but the missile it probably will fire, but the nuclear weapon probably will be made, but the foreign country (the hostile country) the warship will be attacked, but it does not find fault w

                                                              • 我打破了一个星期结束,但日本不可能不付出一些原因赔偿 Ending within one week being possible it to be decided that why Japan pays the indemnity…

                                                                • 我是一名军人,他死于· · ° 46韩国所有的韩国人,为国家征兵已进入男子和仇恨新闻
                                                                  46 Korean soldiers died, it is the shelf… For the country which has conscription system in the boy in all the Korean men the ear the news shelf

                                                                  • 我说真的愚蠢735,北50公里,但可能很快成为一个资本技术挥臂攻击从第一个,你会买最新的宙斯盾只保留了脸颊万无一失的方法我到日本我这么好 你会买战斗机半岛,巴尔干半岛,亚平宁半岛,朝鲜半岛是一个没有希望的 735 The ho it is with the fool it is the body although the mark perhaps it is attacked the capital city with the long distance gun from ahead 50km immediately is on north the ho being directing to safe Japan absolutely Aegis you buy and or the up to date fighter plane have bought therefore it is … How it will do the Korean Peninsula the Balkan peninsula the Italian peninsula and the peninsula it is not
                                                                    • Tsuka,在狙伐丽流我做日本?如果核心爆炸,就在韩国 The handle Japan aims with something it is When we assume that the nucleus explodes the ro which is with the Korean Peninsula
                                                                    • 在普天间口蹄疫,水库等庆典将解决不了的问题,目前韩国和顺序 Because foot and mouth disease and the Korean Peninsula the problem which appears cannot consecutively be solved in Futenma doing steadily keeps accumulating
                                                                    • 如果您携带的核心,它将证明什么,受到攻击破坏手段以任何理由 If it has the nucleus don t you think the tsu te where it is attacked with all reason expedients and is devastated and is justified
                                                                    • 如果日本和其他糖果,但南北方中国第一次核不拍 If south and ame Japan but difference north first cannot shoot the nucleus in China

                                                                  • 战争看起来像前日本111严重(我的意思是穿这样的故事写的?)我想226版本文基鲁朝鲜? gt gt 111 With maji pre world war 2 Japanese like shelf With saying or writing with such story the ru The North Korean edition 226 occurs it is it isn t
                                                                    • 合行为及南始Metara韩国对日本韩国争在谋杀的可能来自朝鲜和韩国在日本谁就会看起来很糟糕,当人们驱赶出北 When the Korean Peninsula war it begins the north and south Korean of resident the ze which probably will be expelled When unskillfulness it does in the Japanese country the north and south Korean the murder because there is a possibility of being agreeable

                                                                  • 战败后,沃德在战斗中,访问了这个地方说,“敢死队”海洋的话,如巡逻艇[下鄂如天堂与董事会考虑从现在开始,但意义重大。“并表示天空
                                                                    Immediately after the being defeated in the large Seikai game, the gold General Secretary visiting this area, “the sea The suicide squad” and so on with to speak, it is very meaningful when you think from now when patrol warship 'Amayasu' sinks,” that You expressed

                                                                    • 日本的草案谁拒绝从国内的秩序,否则我会派思营? Please ll頑張一个很好的领域
                                                                      The resident denies the conscription order from native country which becomes the internment camp sending, it is the [tsu] it does? Well please persevere at the battlefield

                                                                      • 朝鲜2 我这样的进展是规划部署前沿三年前专门力量,成为最近完成 As for North Korea from 2 3 years ago Advancing the plan which arranges the special force in the forefront it probably does being recently it becomes completion
                                                                        • 735北也是为什么它不要求援助,韩国在打击这种饥饿像时间 735 Therefore very North Korea like this doing in the degree where is hungry attacking Korea it is the case that it requires support
                                                                        • 从南韩国399我是一个国家向世界作出更大的贡献,朝鲜吸收 399 Therefore as for Korea the country where the one which was absorbed in North Korea contributes to the world don t you think
                                                                        • 但是你可以愚弄的运动应当将在我们的子女津贴的钱向朝鲜选民 The rose maquis policy which it is possible even with aho the campaign which probably will send the money to North Korea with child treatment
                                                                        • 朝鲜夸口说,它很容易下降,韩国和美国军方在冲绳居纳凯雷 In Okinawa the US military If does not stay those where you boast that Korea and the like you can drop simply are North Korea
                                                                        • 朝鲜是“如果我要去打仗金说:”我认为中国威胁 North Korea “does not give the gold if it opens war” that You think that China is threatened
                                                                        • 朝鲜,中国战争和战争,毕竟美国对合不好的东西不说,为什么这样做永远发生在畿内文 North Korea and war China and war therefore After all insult you dispute with it is it does not occur probably will be

                                                                      • 朝鲜的特种部队50 000军事,足够5000“,”我包括朝鲜的导弹,击中现在发言“”排减给他大米和化肥北方是没有改变的文件“,”前这是一个和平的时间管理 50 000 in special forces of North Korea with Korean troop 5000 sufficient” “Now in North Korea loading the missile” “The person who gives the United States and the fertilizer to North Korea does not permit” “At the time of front administration although it was peace
                                                                        • 这位官员补充说,“韩国的一部分,实际上是导弹,没有北行动”,并说:“我明白了麻木点,军事问题”,这个词驱动tTA As for this authorized personnel as for Korea in fact “in the part of the missile in North Korea It makes” and corresponding lack of policy “also the troop has grasped the problematical point but it is spiritless” you said

                                                                      • 本)和停战条约与北方中国解放军,联合国部队(主要是美国之间有约束力的土豆,战争变成,什么不可以,但Kakawarazaru
                                                                        As for suspension of hostilities treaty, the North Korean & Chinese People's Liberation Army and the U.N. forces (the American center) Being tied in between, when it becomes the opening of the hostilities, those which it cannot avoid relating

                                                                        • 李舰的言论,是对广播电视直播:“天堂。安全,才能揭示事业和沉没的原因是提请注意。是不是没有生意,立即采取准备全面检讨须“博修。室的安全。新的助理,现有的蓝色瓷砖。很明显,这项政策也是为了加强管理和安全功能滑稽埃泰危机中心危机处理中心 As for Li president in the speech which was broadcast live with the television “Heaven When it can convey the cause of warship sinking before cause becomes clear even it is cheap You must start the business which re inspects attitude extensively at once” With large Osamu In room security To newly found assistant the existing blue tile Changing crisis circumstance center into crisis management center security functional management It made also the policy clear of strengthening
                                                                          • 李说,在广播电视直播讲话了,“天上的事业。船沉没之前,安贞桓透露。以没有迫切需要重新审视弘修的所有方面的商业条件”和。室的安全。新的助理,现有的蓝色瓷砖。很明显,这项政策也是为了加强管理和安全功能滑稽埃泰危机中心危机处理中心 As for Li president in the speech which was broadcast live with the television “Heaven When it can convey the cause of warship sinking before cause becomes clear even it is cheap You must start the business which re inspects attitude extensively at once” With large Osamu In room security To newly found assistant the existing blue tile Changing crisis circumstance center into crisis management center security functional management It made also the policy clear of strengthening

                                                                        • 根据该文件,发现火药在烟囱孤立地区巡逻时,船只沉没
                                                                          According to the same paper, Gun powder was detected from the smokestack part of the patrol warship which is separated the case of sinking

                                                                          • 没有绝望,我不工作一起共同的敌人会做类似的国家是从,如果小,会出现奇合拍卖,即使有时我觉得我什至得到排除therefore气体 Therefore such nation of no se making the enemy which is common outside unless you make unite How it will do being the case that it is not as for the skirmish which occasionally happens for that Combining also breathing whether the ru it is it is not also you think

                                                                            • 清朝统治的责任,让它的859艾福发?钼的凯塔无艾福应该去治理国家继续保护清,除非这些条件已经管辖艾福 859 When that it is the Empire of China responsibility which can entrust rule to irubon how becomes If it leaves solves the Empire of China as protective country and there was no either thing which irubon rules and If irubon did not rule it did not become such a state
                                                                              • 848所有的好故事将是独立Terya照顾一直是日本发生的日本遗弃后的管治责任 848 Everything occurs after abandoning the responsibility Japan rule Japan seeing trouble the story where it becomes independence and can point and the ri ya is good

                                                                            • 片段也会变成无树木326导弹,开放将被禁用一个大洞,这只有在草案规定的船舶,只要折一翼飞机 326 With the missile it does not make the wooden tsu edge seeing dust and if the te the vessels it opens the jackpot under draft if the airplane 1 wings it just is snapped it becomes unserviceable

                                                                              • 犯罪率,强。高发病率立即发生战争。尽管他从来没有安全!是归咎于大规模垃圾
                                                                                Crime rate of occurrence, it is strong. In addition to the fact that rate of occurrence is high, although now war says may happen even, It is safe, how! ! Consequence shelf of mass rubbish

                                                                                • 现在。将是伟大,不是攻击韩国更多的援助,以胡锦涛,我想我瓦特它不是甚至威胁要吞并朝鲜,自治区锅过快中国闪烁
                                                                                  Now. Unless it helps in the 胡 brocade 濤, attacking more in Korea It means enormous thing, the [tsu] [te] threatening, the [ru] it is probably will be w Ruining also the support 那 quickly, in the Korean autonomous area merger margin

                                                                                  • 真正的23 驻韩美军相较于他的head m上午水稻校正种族战争,日本和美国不假装反正因为我不不惜一切,我会哭泣说鸡还是先有差异ü 23 As for truth American day Korea vs Morning But what in that head American day vs The Korea morning It is what with race revision Because it cannot win the United States completely you do not look at the United States temporarily doing to shake that it fights with Japan saying it can cry in ru chicken difference
                                                                                    • ,从韩国将继续对他们的要求是理所当然的,你只要把它的手和韩国提前在此之前,我会使其不会增加讨价还价的筹码计划 So because American Korea claim probably will attach naturally vis a vis that before that Beforehand whether there is no secret design where it produces the hand to Korea and solves increases the negotiation card and solves that

                                                                                  • 石油已成为一个问题,如果竞争的加剧■主权石油开发,位于北部100公里的发展,福克兰群岛,欲望石油油公司155进度,并根据估计储量为60亿桶
                                                                                    * Oil field development round possession right dispute intensification The petroleum company which as for the oil field which becomes problem, is north 100 kilometers of the Falkland archipelago, advances development Desire According to Petroleum as for the presumption reserves 60,000,000,000 barrel

                                                                                    • 福克兰群岛是自1833年英国占领,而我争端)的主权,英国和阿根廷,在1982年的暴力行为(马岛战争发生 With the Falkland archipelago which England possesses from 1833 England and Argentina have disputed possession right Armed clash the Falkland dispute occurred in 1982

                                                                                      • 第三次世界大战的预言。 。 。加里北该小组2002年7月21日波特并非总是预测,奇,发生的不确定性的预言 Prediction of third great war 2002 July 21st geri boneru North Korea This is not the prediction that it happens by all means it is the prophecy which has uncertainty
                                                                                        • 中欧和东欧的预言WWW3预言(预言世界大战3)战争总结世界第三的预言之后,约翰森 Center east European prediction WWW3 Prophecies third great war prediction Below is summary of third great war prediction of the Johann plug

                                                                                      • 美国和墨西哥边境901,继续以人为本开枪杀死鄂如美国边防每日发言墨西哥边境越南 901 In the American and Mexico border the everyday way the Mexican person where the American border guard exceeds the border It continues to pip with the gun
                                                                                        • 以鄂如超出国家边界 非法杀害苏发言攻击,世界的公平技术 As for the person who exceeds the border illegally the fact that it pips is legitimate technique in the world

                                                                                      • 美国,除非与英国唯一的盟友,本地区不能提供搜索引擎优化与日本,韩国可能是同样的命运 If America and England etc are not attached to friend replenishment is not possible also Japan being Soviet territory Whether it was the same destiny as the Korean
                                                                                        • 如果您有居民568特权,他们没有可靠的信息表明,他们走上只是一个字 568 You say that there is a resident privilege if is Unless the information which you can rely on is shown The mere saying becomes temporary
                                                                                        • 然后喂到509,可能有一个合作小泽一郎当选日本Damakurakashi 509 With that as a feed the pillow where Ozawa is resident doing whether it elects cooperates
                                                                                        • 这将发出一个从该国返回帮助朝鲜族 So if it does it becomes easy to return the resident Korean Korean to the homeland consist of

                                                                                      • 船的安全标准,在船舶的数目巡逻艇属于日本海岸警卫队门X1的船员,20毫米自动火炮瞄准具具有夜视型全自动(日本巡逻艇由于液晶屏幕的工作,同时与看枪,低风险的,如果日方
                                                                                        In patrol boats of the quantity many has belonged to the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency 20mm of standard equipment Full automatic Nightviewer attaching Automatic focusing system Machine gun x1 gate Because (the Japanese patrol boat crew, while looking at the liquid crystal picture inside the safe boat, operates the machine gun, Degree of risk of the Japanese side is low

                                                                                        • 船舶,军舰,沉没!下沉,沉没,爆炸!
                                                                                          Warship, warship and sinking! Sinking, sinking and bursting!

                                                                                          • 茹不喜欢它的战争期间在日本的直接损失,升降机和拉外国投资是可取的,我们将在国家权力剥夺一个缓慢而稳定采取的破坏北部。它也将减少速度沿 That damage appears in Japan in the direct war therefore hate with steady destruction construction the north Kuniriki jiwajiwa it keeps being taken is desirable Pulling up and taking of foreign capital Also reduction and the like in the future keeps accelerating probably will be
                                                                                            • 茹不喜欢它的战争期间在日本的直接损失,升降机和拉外国投资是可取的,我们将在国家权力剥夺一个缓慢而稳定采取的破坏北部。它也将减少速度沿 That damage appears in Japan in the direct war therefore hate with steady destruction construction the north Kuniriki jiwajiwa it keeps being taken is desirable Pulling up and taking of foreign capital Also reduction and the like in the future keeps accelerating probably will be

                                                                                          • 身份证还只是单一的任何书面,这项工作被绑架的日本舆论很明显,这是证明我们努力工作的公开表态 That returns with only the entry of single engine ID this clearly resident North Korean construction With the public opinion construction the public You say that it is the evidence where construction was done desperately
                                                                                            • 政治,公共工程,为什么工作正在开展所有群众迫切这里 Politics and public opinion construction public As for the reason where construction is done desperately there is all here

                                                                                          • 这一场真正的战争开始时,很多时候,我们说这是)重要的NTP胡萝卜(军方已多次停下来等候在停止服务器 Because it is important thing you call many times but When truly war starting ame the troop the NTP server stops Past many times have stopped
                                                                                            • 美国军事和经济力量,以能源莫纳伊朱达罗在韩国目前的战争或没有利润,甚至移动到攻击以北的贫瘠我 The ro which is not vigor or the economic potential which war are done in current Korea and is The US military does not move attacking on barren north the profit or

                                                                                          • 部队必须采取尽量拉四○九瓦特他们通过在日本,即使在 409 It will make also resident receive next Because war potential will be w
                                                                                            • 566在日本双重国籍。获得,特别是在日本。我试着去享受它? 566 With dual citizenship Japan After obtaining resident special The tsu lever which you will enjoy

                                                                                          • 金正日(金正日)金正日去年的现代化失败的战役在沃德(10月11日)紧接着,我们参观了西海舰队司令部在南浦设备,“格斗技术, “”准备海队的“是,我显然是指这样的
                                                                                            The North Korean Kim Jong-Il ([kimu] [jiyoniru]) General Secretary, defeat in large Seikai game of last year (November 10th) immediately after, To visit the Nishiumi fleet headquarters which are in the south inlet, ““technology of battle and suicide squad preparation of modernization sea” of the equipment and material” and so on It became clear to have referred concerning

                                                                                            • 铃木佐藤 媒体 说,“实际上,我已经在学校毕业生的韩国媒体大量的” 10 03 28 “其实,我也是一个媒体很多毕业生韩国 The Korean school graduate the large quantity is the Suzuki burnish person “really even in the media it is” 10 03 28 The Korean school graduate the large quantity is “really even in the media it is

                                                                                              • 阿政府官员不作为,是“避免单一的问题暴露朝鲜的587部队在西海舰队司令部在南浦(名称单位数量,以显示)是
                                                                                                Omission As for the Korean government-related person “as for the North Korean 587 units the single unit number of the Nishiumi fleet headquarters which is the south inlet (exposure is avoided The unit name which in for the sake of is indicated with the number) is

                                                                                                • 阿根廷与此相反,泰国安娜豪(豪塔亚纳)24外交和贸易部长,联合国(UN)的潘基文(潘潘基文,潘基文)英国会见了秘书长,联合国更没有采取单方面行动,并要求联合国干预 Vis a vis this as for Argentina to horu taiana Jorge Taiana Foreign affairs trade phase on the 24th United Nations UN 潘 Basic statement pan kimun and Ban Ki moon To converse with the secretary general England above this one side In order there are no times when action is taken the United Nations intervention was requested
                                                                                                  • ■公司对阿根廷的三个要求联合国干预,英国Petororeamu欲望(欲望石油)本周开始勘探 As for Argentina in United Nations intervention request Among 3 English desire petororeamu Desire Petroleum This week starting prospecting job

                                                                                                • 难道你他妈的国家从单一平面下沉水船是一个规范呢? 米作为煽动的衍射波从海湾走出去,听到什么区别地狭间古鸽排在冲绳! Because 姦 national military warship sinking simply was flat waters specification without being Hearing that the pigeon goes to Okinawa by mistake Because it went outside the bay being fanned to the wave it broke it is
                                                                                                  • 因此,我没有预料到它正在从Shitarashii他们的攻击力塑造什么沉没船舶追Ikake一些可疑的408 408 Something riding in condition chasing the doubtful boat because it sank it seems It was not estimated that by your is attacked don t you think it is

                                                                                                • 非检测。 Remasuta鱼雷是从外国赠款制造。通过×国
                                                                                                  Detection non-. The torpedo is produced with the help gold from the foreign countries, it is. by × country

                                                                                                  • 韩国韩国咬公务员,我♪消耗战争就这样在主力采取站立頑張如果没有吸增援1
                                                                                                    Biting Korea it does and Korea, the reinforcements is not in the war of attrition Resident in to inhale and take and power persevere all the way don't you think? the ♪

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