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“Scale and the emergency alert order which are beyond Governor Higashi Kunihara imagination” in the foot and mouth disease doubt 23 place the ★5


  • 00乙醇围绕“什么是管理工作的领导不是在这?请大家多好! Near 00 Guidance power is not shown with Eto “something whether it is as for this administration More please do properly
    • 29:00江藤围绕“什么是不是做领导的本届政府?哈德,请! 29 Near 00 Guidance power is not shown with Eto “something whether it is as for this administration More please do properly

  • 11:10编号:MpMguVul晚材,而工作在地区办事处和一些亲戚家毛重 11 10 ID MpMguVul Flesh fell of certain local bureau duty late sowing it goes home with GW
    • 780:太阳上升的名字办公室编号:2010 05 05(星期三)01:11:10编号:MpMguVul晚材而毛重工作区域办事处和一些亲戚家 780 There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place 2010 05 05 water 01 11 10 ID MpMguVul Flesh fell of certain local bureau duty late sowing it goes home with GW
    • 780:太阳上升的名字办公室编号:2010 05 05(星期三)01:11:10编号:MpMguVul晚材而毛重工作区域办事处和一些亲戚家 780 There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place 2010 05 05 water 01 11 10 ID MpMguVul Flesh fell of certain local bureau duty late sowing it goes home with GW
    • 在报告的规则!民主寄生虫!太阳上升的名字办公室 没有780圣人新!2010 05 05(星期三)01:11:10编号:MpMguVul木材,而在一些区域办事处工作毛重为已故的亲人回家 780 There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place sage New 2010 05 05 water 01 11 10 ID MpMguVul Flesh fell of certain local bureau duty late sowing it goes home with GW

  • 2010 04 手足口病日发生在提出一个常数20委员会 政府发挥了农业部长,松留在亚视察了东京的水平超级市场主要的“是不是売Rimashou”蔬菜的小划痕 2010 4月21日发生的第二宗 2010 04 20 Sure enough foot and mouth disease in the Japanese country occurrence gt as for government while it is sub committee level leaving play Akamatsu agricultural phase will sell the major company inside capital the vegetable where the super inspection “some damage has been done” 2010 04 21 2nd example occurrence
    • 2010 04 手足口病发生在日本提出了一个常数20 2010年奥运会,离开了政府级别委员会 4月21日发生的第二宗 2010 04 20 Sure enough foot and mouth disease in the Japanese country occurrence gt as for government while it is sub committee level leaving play Akamatsu agricultural phase will sell the major company inside capital the vegetable where the super inspection “some damage has been done” 2010 04 21 2nd example occurrence

  • 2010年4月29日:东国宫崎县,邀请了自民党总裁和渔业大臣谷垣祯一赤松支持隆宏 2010 April 29th Nomarch Miyazaki Higashi Kunihara Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase and Tanigaki 禎 requesting support to one Liberal Democratic Party president
    • 2010年4月29日:谷垣祯一,自民党总裁的自民党总部口蹄疫主席,访问该网站 2010 April 29th Liberal Democratic Party President Tanigaki who is Liberal Democratic Party foot and mouth disease measure headquarters chief inspecting actual place
    • 宫崎县的口蹄疫检疫设立总部TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d TIcv4vDu3nc Foot and mouth disease quarantine measure headquarters installation Miyazaki prefecture ttp www youtube com watch v TIcv4vDu3nc

  • 2010年5月6日:首相鸠山会见了美国樱花女王,“我再也不想说,”遗憾的遗骸和旋转 2010 May 6th Prime Minister the Japanese American Sakura queen Hatoyama and chat that “we would like to be directly together” the name remainder it spares
    • 埃泰造成2人试图结束会议,他说:“我从来不希望这样。” Finishing chat in 2 people whom the retreating quitting room it tries to do the prime minister would like to be “directly together”

  • 26:49编号:MpMguVul以上我问这个领域谁是非常疲劳Bakkari从呆指示指示 26 49 ID MpMguVul The indication the indication from above the 呆 re ru way being the tsu temporary the people on of site Becoming tired rather the ru it seems is
    • 791:太阳上升的名字办公室编号:2010 05 05(星期三)01:26:49编号:MpMguVul以上我问这个领域谁是非常疲劳Bakkari从呆指示指示 791 There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place 2010 05 05 water 01 26 49 ID MpMguVul The indication the indication from above the 呆 re ru way being the tsu temporary the people on of site Becoming tired rather the ru it seems is

  • 28乙醇约“(山田困境的本地驱动tTA国防副部长对国会议员表示,第一次知道藤破坏这种时间的声音) 所以现在已经在第一次听,你的意思什么!也不知道,我经常说我凯塔恶化从早期我在最初的总部8 30 Near 28 Vis a vis the reply of secondary Minister of State Yamada that you knew Eto “ the raw voice of sad plight and the disastrous state etc of the locale for the first time in the indication of Assemblyman Eto … Because is don t you think now hearing reaching for the first time it is what thing Such a thing without understanding because it made the measure headquarters 8 30 initial motion was quick how You can say well
    • 28:28左右藤“(山田困境部长当地副防御指出,这种破坏藤成员驱动tTA知识的意见首次) 所以我,我第一次听到相当,你是什么意思!也不知道,我经常说我凯塔恶化从早期我在最初的总部8 30 28 Near 28 Vis a vis the reply of secondary Minister of State Yamada that you knew Eto “ the raw voice of sad plight and the disastrous state etc of the locale for the first time in the indication of Assemblyman Eto … Because is don t you think now hearing reaching for the first time it is what thing Such a thing without understanding because it made the measure headquarters 8 30 initial motion was quick how You can say well

  • 31:46编号:MpMguVul哦 31 46 ID MpMguVul a
    • 797:太阳上升的名字办公室编号:2010 05 05(星期三)01:31:46编号:MpMguVul哦 797 There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place 2010 05 05 water 01 31 46 ID MpMguVul a

  • 428肉类短缺,以纾缓放松管制美国牛肉和疯牛病或
    428 For meat insufficient cancellation, BSE flexible regulation and kana of the American import beef

    • 547 这是最好的头部疼痛超过40 000 547 gt It exceeds 40 000 head …… Being sad the shank

      • 559“资金以恢复对灾害管理的母亲于12月讨厌的福利储备基金”的资金口蹄疫的措施,包括我的恩戴不使用民主党,所以我已经是一个灾难恢复的应急储备基金,如果没有储备基金
        559 “Mother and child addition of welfare to December revival As for revenue source reserve fund for contingency planning” As for the revenue source of foot and mouth disease measure, however it was reserve fund for contingency planning The Democratic party administration embezzled this already, it is with, There is no reserve fund for contingency planning

        • 675是你会说,口蹄疫病毒?有什么事我说什么或民主管理? w如果是前者,如果他的生物弱于索拉,然后才灭绝 675 As for that meaning the thing of the virus of foot and mouth disease ru Or saying the thing of the Democratic party administration w If former if the creature which is weaker so and others by its is not it exterminates just to put out
          • 786什么是性感?最初由东前州长上任,但牛肉和猪肉的领导国家的出货量?现在,在宫崎牛肉的灭绝,你也可以取消一些民族品牌牛 786 Something amorousness But originally from before the Higashi governor inaugurating shipment of the cow and the pig nationwide prominent When now the Miyazaki cow exterminates how many brand cows of entire country disappear

        • 778名称:◆Guretojiminga乌比/ jiKQew张贴于:2010 / 05 / 06(星期四)03:38:49编号:prT6qjP60 685 591 但被提名为恢复进口的条件与该地区的清洁济州猪瘟达罗朝鲜日报文章09瓦特一天宣布,8月底,你可以在这里看到了农业部的
          778 Name: [guretojiminga] * Uby/jiKQew Contribution day: 2010/05/06 (wood) 03: 38: 49 ID: prT6qjP60 591 685 > Turning the end state island to pure area of hog cholera and conditional import it reopens informally deciding 09 year 8 end of the month day The [ro] w which is the article of that Korean daily report You can verify the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries announcement here

          • 823“疑似病例后the m在这里”是一个小重新考虑日本NHK
            823 “The next when from here with the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals the [ru]” are, just a little NHK takes a second look

            • 924真正的措施,以制止备官方网站,他们制止了更严重。在韩国的消毒液流动的未来
              924 Actuality is more terrible You put stop on the bureaucracy and forcing out actual place measure Preparation. Illegally selling the disinfection liquid to Korea

              • 948或信托,不论来源或地点,但在这里,“看●●!” 米即使是像我说!饮食中的电视台,所以不要看我的一些报告迄今见过程度的信息 948 It trusts when the source where the regardless of This “ Seeing ” With saying you will see that it does not do it is It does not try that in the meal TV station observes at that it reports with will look at information by yourself to here
                • 948或信托,不论来源或地点,但在这里,“看●●!” 米即使是像我说!不看我的一些看电视一边吃报告程度的资料 948 It trusts when the source where the regardless of This “ Seeing ” With saying you will see that it does not do it is It does not try that in the meal TV station observes at that it reports with will look at information by yourself to here
                • 我已经有了一个停止我的方式从主要车站,如果听少口蹄疫范围有关的问题太多 When you inquire about that reporting is little excessively in regard to foot and mouth disease problem Stop catching from network ru pattern
                • 我已经有了一个停止我的方式从主要车站,如果听少口蹄疫范围有关的问题太多 When you inquire about that reporting is little excessively in regard to foot and mouth disease problem Stop catching from network ru pattern
                • 我已经有了一个停止我的方式从主要车站,如果听少口蹄疫范围有关的问题太多 When you inquire about that reporting is little excessively in regard to foot and mouth disease problem Stop catching from network ru pattern
                • 我已经有了一个停止我的方式从主要车站,如果听少口蹄疫范围有关的问题太多 When you inquire about that reporting is little excessively in regard to foot and mouth disease problem Stop catching from network ru pattern

              • Kuyou exblog jp 哦,我ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー人,如果属实,北海道,秀雄s kuyou exblog jp If this truth Hokkaido yabai u wa with hi obtaining
                • 请参阅205呻 kuyou exblog jp 北海道哦男人,我真的ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー本秀夫s 205 Please refer to http kuyou exblog jp If this truth Hokkaido yabai u wa with hi obtaining

              • NULL 2009 09 28 Democracy “make wait it did the Korean flesh the fodder and part it has regulated It reopens also the import of the Chinese fodder” 2009 10 The cholera tsu po it is at the Korean “certain farm and nida which is not nida and the foot and mouth disease where condition appears” 2009 11 Korea “with as for movement discontinuance order of the domestic animal nida which is put out” 2009 12 Shipping stealthily from nida which is not farm “foot and mouth disease all right nida ” 2010 01 02 The virus which is detected from the cow of the same farm foot and mouth disease and clarification “This day of Korea occurrence day nida ” gt In the world in panic 2010 01 07 In Japan “and tsu pa import stop” 2010 01 11 Large scale shipment of the farm of infection source is discovered 2010 01 12 Oral hoof of American U S Department of Agriculture “ nida The wa ww which makes pure national recognition indefiniteness postponement” 2010 03 end As for the Korean “foot and mouth disease nida which ceases” Japan “reopening” Animal husbandry industry “wait w” 2010 04 10 Sure enough recurrence of foot and mouth disease is verified in Korea
                • 2009年 9月28日民主“一直在等待你的韩国肉类管理的目的在南中国恢复进口饲料和动物饲料的一部分,该规例” 2009 10样症状的一些农场K表“霍乱奈达疾病由口蹄疫是奈达如果没有“ 2009 韩国11”保持订购牲畜移动,但保持了奈达“,2009 农场12”奈达的疾病船舶安全奈达不是秘密“ 2010年 01 病毒检测从02牛场,和手足口病在韩国发现,“奈达日这一天!” 07 2010年世界陷入了恐慌 01 2009 09 28 Democracy “make wait it did the Korean flesh the fodder and part it has regulated It reopens also the import of the Chinese fodder” 2009 10 The cholera tsu po it is at the Korean “certain farm and nida which is not nida and the foot and mouth disease where condition appears” 2009 11 Korea “with as for movement discontinuance order of the domestic animal nida which is put out” 2009 12 Shipping stealthily from nida which is not farm “foot and mouth disease all right nida ” 2010 01 02 The virus which is detected from the cow of the same farm foot and mouth disease and clarification “This day of Korea occurrence day nida ” gt In the world in panic 2010 01 07 In Japan “and tsu pa import stop” 2010 01 11 Large scale shipment of the farm of infection source is discovered 2010 01 12 Oral hoof of American U S Department of Agriculture “ nida The wa ww which makes pure national recognition indefiniteness postponement” 2010 03 end As for the Korean “foot and mouth disease nida which ceases” Japan “reopening” Animal husbandry industry “wait w” 2010 04 10 Sure enough recurrence of foot and mouth disease is verified in Korea
                • NULL 2009 09 28 Democracy “make wait it did the Korean flesh the fodder and part it has regulated It reopens also the import of the Chinese fodder” 2009 10 The cholera tsu po it is at the Korean “certain farm and nida which is not nida and the foot and mouth disease where condition appears” 2009 11 Korea “with as for movement discontinuance order of the domestic animal nida which is put out” 2009 12 Shipping stealthily from nida which is not farm “foot and mouth disease all right nida ” 2010 01 02 The virus which is detected from the cow of the same farm foot and mouth disease and clarification “This day of Korea occurrence day nida ” gt In the world in panic 2010 01 07 In Japan “and tsu pa import stop” 2010 01 11 Large scale shipment of the farm of infection source is discovered 2010 01 12 Oral hoof of American U S Department of Agriculture “ nida The wa ww which makes pure national recognition indefiniteness postponement” 2010 03 end As for the Korean “foot and mouth disease nida which ceases” Japan “reopening” Animal husbandry industry “wait w” 2010 04 10 Sure enough recurrence of foot and mouth disease is verified in Korea
                • 韩国料理在政府9月28日2009年。饲料,似乎中国已经开始进口饲料 On 2009 September 28th with present administration the Korean food It seems that import of the fodder and the Chinese fodder is started

              • NULL With the Democratic party administration the Korean pork export which is discontinued with occurrence of foot and mouth disease and the pig influenza etc after 9 years reopening Korea In 8 after year countries foot and mouth disease occurrence 6 dairy cows is infected in the capital 畿 road 抱 river Korea The dairy cow of the foot and mouth disease occurrence farm after occurring you sell to entire country secretly In Korean Inchon city foot and mouth disease occurrence 200 head dealings such as cow As for Miyazaki foot and mouth disease the same type as Korea Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries O type virus verification The Liberal Democratic Party concerning foot and mouth disease measure offer to government As for agricultural minister of state travel abroad Miyazaki prefecture Completely either the disinfection liquid one box has not reached from the country Korea foot and mouth disease expands 1800 head dealings such as pig With foot and mouth disease Self Defense Force dispatch request Miyazaki prefecture Higashi Kunihara Miyazaki nomarch “emergency alert order” Oral hoof Infection doubt in 23 places Reserve fund for contingency planning in mother and child addition of the welfare which the Democratic party makes revive 6 000 000 000 Yen use
                • 933但是,两者在民主党主张政治领导,我不是说这是送行的来源,已经推出了部长出国,官僚机构采取捕捉一个移动的备没有。口消毒剂。韩国住宿在灾害,但大部分是可以容忍的,如果没有库存 933 But the two of that so you have not looked at the source which it can call it is Political with the Democratic party administration which praises main leadership because the Cabinet minister has gone out to travel abroad as for the bureaucracy movement does not take Preparation Disinfection liquid oral hoof Because it accommodates in Korea under suffering there is no stock If extent you can admit but…
                • 9月20日 民主党恢复了9年出口猪肉韩国中断了猪发生这种口病 1月8日 在头部感和脚6抱川牛在京畿道口蹄疫的经验在全国经过8朝鲜年感染 1月11日 奶牛场提出手足口病在韩国,销往全国各地或发生后关闭 4月09 处置200头奶牛事业口蹄疫韩国仁川,1672 4月23日 宫崎县的手足口病该部说,韩国和检查型,O型病毒 4月30 自民党,对口蹄疫的措施,政府 The Korean pork export which is discontinued with occurrence of the Democratic party foot and mouth disease and the pig influenza etc after 9 years reopening Korea In 8 after year countries foot and mouth disease occurrence 6 dairy cows is infected in the capital 畿 road 抱 river Korea The dairy cow of the foot and mouth disease occurrence farm after occurring you sell to entire country secretly In Korean Inchon city foot and mouth disease occurrence 200 head dealings such as cow As for Miyazaki foot and mouth disease the same type as Korea Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries O type virus verification The Liberal Democratic Party concerning foot and mouth disease measure offer to government As for agricultural minister of state travel abroad Miyazaki prefecture Completely either the disinfection liquid one box has not reached from the country Korea foot and mouth disease expands 1800 head dealings such as pig With foot and mouth disease Self Defense Force dispatch request Miyazaki prefecture Higashi Kunihara Miyazaki nomarch “emergency alert order” Oral hoof Infection doubt in 23 places Reserve fund for contingency planning in mother and child addition of the welfare which the Democratic party makes revive 6 000 000 000 Yen use

              • orz我长崎,农民必须与邻居交谈过,相当恐惧发抖Toshiteta
                orz It is Nagasaki, but It did to speak with the animal husbandry house of [tsu] coming neighborhood, but it has made in great fear rather

                • Www caseificio jp TTP的: www caseificio jp 普通 IMG公司 顶部 image01。JPG是一种耻辱,我们有请 www caseificio jp ttp www caseificio jp common img top image01 jpg Furthermore regrettable there is the news
                  • TTP的: www nhk or jp lnews 宫崎 5064263941。网页 ttp www nhk or jp lnews miyazaki 5064263941 html
                  • 这还是569? TTP的: 2nnlove dtiblog com 博客入境 1870年。网页 569 This ttp 2nnlove dtiblog com blog entry 1870 html

                • _NULL_
                  1 * Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Hirotaka Akamatsu (Japanese red pine Wide it is high) (the House of Representatives/Aichi prefecture 5 Ku) Japan Socialist Party graduate (General Secretary the Japanese Japan Socialist Party [shiyadokiyabinetsuto] secretariat director) The Assemblyman union which promotes the legal position improvement of the permanent residence foreign inhabitant who begins the resident South Korean New political situation forum (Yokomiti group) The Assemblyman union which aims toward the formation of truth investigation method because of permanent peace (permanent flat reconciliation ream) Foreign carrot administration bill propulsion (in questionnaire of Asahi newspaper “approval” and reply) (approval to people group meeting) The legal plan which amends the portion of National Diet Library method (the permanent peaceful Research Bureau installation bill) Opposite to the legal plan regarding the national flag and national anthem The emergency appeal which requests the Self Defense Force withdrawal (in declaration Approval) Council of All Japan Transport Workers' Unions advisor All Japan Express Worker's Union labor. Advisor While combination organizing Assemblyman (Council of All Japan Transport Workers' Unions) (JP labor union) (NTT labor union appeal 21) (labor union-related stocks 1 brand possession) From the North Korean type pachinko donation receipt The National Diet which “does not make the nationwide simultaneous side field base make old” petition signature! (2007 October 23rd, House of Councillors hall 5th board room) It does not do the proper measure to the foot and mouth disease where infection was verified, travel abroad (Mexico, Cuba, Colombia and April 30th - May 8th) goes out “Because (as for foreign carrot administration not having been formed) the conservative nationalists inside the Liberal Democratic Party oppose strongly,” (2007 October, the denizenship day Korea net) Last year, especially you took care “in everyone of people group

                  • 世界粮食386。日本有很多碎石恶劣天气影响下,储备量将有大量喷发冲击将持续数年,而全球古
                    386 Grain of the world. If the storing quantity goes down at once Japan is sprayed suitable, probably will be As for weather defective influence of eruption you say that several years it continues on a worldwide scale, and

                    • 中央办公室的指示进行举报处理包裹样,就好像是救世主当他回到家里对来自国外的冲击之旅 这是说,在笑声和赤松 With inside when Akamatsu returns home from travel abroad measure putting out ringing Quite like Messiah treatment as reported the indication you wrapped … While laughing it probably will put out is
                      • 中央办公室的指示进行举报处理包裹样,就好像是救世主当他回到家里对来自国外的冲击之旅 这是说,在笑声和赤松 With inside when Akamatsu returns home from travel abroad measure putting out ringing Quite like Messiah treatment as reported the indication you wrapped … While laughing it probably will put out is
                      • 中央办公室的指示进行举报处理包裹样,就好像是救世主当他回到家里对来自国外的冲击之旅 这是说,在笑声和赤松 With inside when Akamatsu returns home from travel abroad measure putting out ringing Quite like Messiah treatment as reported the indication you wrapped … While laughing it probably will put out is
                      • 中央办公室的指示进行举报处理包裹样,就好像是救世主当他回到家里对来自国外的冲击之旅 这是说,在笑声和赤松 With inside when Akamatsu returns home from travel abroad measure putting out ringing Quite like Messiah treatment as reported the indication you wrapped … While laughing it probably will put out is

                    • 主讲人(2006年5月) - 鸠山由纪夫,孔杜Akikazu,寺田悟横光克彦,石井郁子,吉井秀雄,清水Tsujimoto,谁保坂展
                      Submitting person (2006 May) - Yukio Hatoyama, Kondo Akira one, Terada study Katuhiko Yokomitu, Ikuko Ishii, Hidekatu Yoshii, Tuzimoto Kiyoshi beauty, Nobuto Hosaka

                      • 事实上,甚至朋友,牛的人也并不认为这是愚蠢的,不友好的塔上,我不能报告的第一 我不审判我,抱怨Ttemashita Actually you think that the fool there is no flesh fell or a citizen to there and in first On the tsu te where by your it does not report are hit it is not understood… Grumbling it increased
                        • 事实上,甚至朋友,牛的人也并不认为这是愚蠢的,不友好的塔上,我不能报告的第一 我不审判我,抱怨Ttemashita Actually you think that the fool there is no flesh fell or a citizen to there and in first On the tsu te where by your it does not report are hit it is not understood… Grumbling it increased

                      • 从抛球区,看到的框架和日元的99块,每100克桃子是忘了看神奈川
                        In the range which you saw as for most low price [momoburotsukukoma] 99 Yen of Kanagawa product 100 grams And as for dropping you forgot to see

                        • 你可以有朱达罗日本NHK ...一,二普天间,恢复混沌操作文殊三,四希腊他们买弱者(北九州老化问题)今天05←,另一个战斗市政府溃疡体育天气
                          The [ro] which already is useless… NHK… 1, Futenma 2, Monju driving reopening 3, the Greek confusion 4, the shopping weak (the Kitakyushu aging problem) <- now the coconut 5, sport weather Collapse already

                          • 偶尔全书访问者不详。动物(牛,猪,绵羊,山羊和水牛),该特别小心 Occasional at the place where the unspecific sightseer gets together The animal the cow the pig concerning the sheep the goat and the water buffalo etc You will pay attention especially
                            • 我想即使禁令开始把水牛730号码的临时住所 730 The water buffalo staying temporarily you think that it is off limit

                          • 儿童福利 - 政府 - 此外,资金为12月恢复灾后恢复储备基金
                            To mother and child addition and December revival of welfare As for revenue source reserve fund for contingency planning

                            • 党的损伤11月22日1999年,办事处北野,作为人才队伍等初级武,踢头头部猛击马拉负,警方说,事故涉嫌
                              1999 November 22nd That in the office Kitano year-end party, the fungus it did and kicked the side head of the junior talent of the corps, made the wound of head blow owe and the like assuming The document it was committed with injury suspicion

                              • 关于手足口病,反民主主义Shinairashii “父母”鸠山说,他们没有时间去那么从普天间与繁忙的问题,如“因为,我什至不谈论,因为这是完全忽略 In connection with foot and mouth disease the Democratic party does not do measure it seems and…” Because parent “Hatoyama Futenma s problem with it is busy the hand does not turn to there” Because from now on that it was ignored completely you probably will speak you cannot speak
                                • NHK的新闻1 7,2普天间,“文殊”业务再次(5年来首次在星期一14)现在在这里← NULL

                              • 农业部长为团长,导演部和总部的行政机构,救济又问约时间
                                In the agricultural phase which is the head of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and the measure headquarters which are administrative control agency, For the second time, you rescued requested, but there is no news

                                • 农场周围半径措施在10公里提高*运动时间限制的范围内
                                  The measure in around the occurrence farm * Radius 10 In the midst of continuation of the movement restriction in within km

                                  • 凯塔432确保猪肉的进口增加了一分钟,在他们听来这无休止的宫崎线 432 It went for pork import enlargement it seems Inquiring about this you understood well whether it is Miyazaki leaving with something
                                    • 凯塔41确保猪肉的进口增加了一分钟,在他们听来这无休止的宫崎线 41 It went for pork import enlargement it seems Inquiring about this you understood well whether it is Miyazaki leaving with something

                                  • 口。如果使用从中国稻草3例疑似 宫崎县,通过精心。您是否发现的信息,这样的规定可能在宫崎县的好 Oral hoof 3 examples of doubt The Chinese product rice plant straw use Miyazaki prefecture Prudently sutra Investigation But information having regulated so doing also Miyazaki prefecture
                                    • 2010年4月20日:10年在宫崎口。证实感染 2010 April 20th In Miyazaki prefecture after 10 years oral hoof Infection verifies
                                    • 虽然这种制度挥舞检疫咬紧急状态,不知道的传播途径 Show off the emergency alert order restlessly quarantine system The infection route is not recognized

                                  • 口蹄疫,宫崎或感染者和车辆,通过一定要防止蔓延“不强的怀疑,该病毒有蔓延的趋势和移动人员和车辆,”他说节目 Foot and mouth disease via the person and the vehicle infection Miyazaki prefecture verifying the prevention of enlargement “As for the virus the doubt which has spread with movement of the person and the vehicle etc is strong” that the viewpoint was expressed
                                    • 人们正在蔓延,有消息(新闻)网址贴到你要去流 The person who spreads something the source the news story was to paste URL flow

                                  • 古早期没有紧急出口,为什么?当紧急情况是不是真正的质量,甚至宣布了民主党?
                                    Emergency alert order it does not put out quickly with something? At the time of true state of emergency even declaration not being able to put out the is Democratic party quality?

                                    • 只是想下618逃税和反科凯美和评价的民主和政治剥削皇帝在经济不景气,想评价自民党的不 618 In tax evasion and business deterioration and anti American and the 媚 and appraisal of democracy just went down there is no reason where appraisal of our people rises with the political utilization of the emperor
                                      • 只是想降低34逃税和反科凯美和评价的民主和政治剥削皇帝在经济不景气,想评价自民党的不 34 In tax evasion and business deterioration and anti American and the 媚 and appraisal of democracy just went down there is no reason where appraisal of our people rises with the political utilization of the emperor

                                    • 可怜的老家伙是一个商业新闻部长施゙゙中部地区毒品走私喜富裕,就是我的经纪人说,我们的关系会带来
                                      The information of poor minister of state The fellow to relate to drug [hi] ゙ [shi] ゙ Ness of the dense entry [hu] ゙ low car and the Chubu sphere, from former times and have and the [ru] [tsu] [te] be said the [ru

                                      • 哥里推到韩国的出口在这里,因为通常是在该国肉冲水
                                        Korea as for export the [ri] pushing, stock processing of the flesh which has been overabundant inside the home country causes to here

                                        • 因为它的民主政府,我都这样做,如果是缓慢的初步报告夸大唯一的措施,会想我不是要隐瞒呢?她也是这么多谈谈 Therefore thing of democracy administration it reports just the fact that when measure it does exaggeratedly Thinking that lag of initial motion what it can hide entirely the ru it is it is not How story being directly done because the ru so is
                                          • 因为它的民主政府,我都这样做,如果是缓慢的初步报告夸大唯一的措施,会想我不是要隐瞒呢?她也是这么多谈谈 Therefore thing of democracy administration it reports just the fact that when measure it does exaggeratedly Thinking that lag of initial motion what it can hide entirely the ru it is it is not How story being directly done because the ru so is

                                        • 因为我忽略了安全Louppy采取部长由总理领导准备对付逃税等病瓦特认为,乳制品这样的关系 No se prime minister taking the initiative evading taxation rupi which neglects security to is it is w When this way is don t you think also something related to dairy product considerably yabai

                                          • 在高压力清洗机,压力弱Marukara ll内只打开喷嘴,铝箔内的,直到我在战壕正在消毒液是一种没有多少次
                                            The nozzle opening, spraying to do even with the high pressure washer, because the [chi] [ya] pressure becomes weak uninformed, inside and inside the foil, The medium 々 disinfection liquid does not turn to in the groove, it is, don't you think?

                                            • 对象:〜〜消费量在东京电视台,地方电视台的电视新闻内容〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜我很困扰电视台的地方新闻在东京站的版权领域?
                                              Object ones: The television the contents which were broadcast News of local bureau was turned off in resident in capital TV station volume ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Resident in capital TV station has grasped also the copyright of local news of local bureau?

                                              • 当投资者撤出,5爆炸 - 破产,并迅速从大约6000亿日元的债务
                                                When cancellation of the investor increases, because it goes bankrupt directly with debt about of 5 - 600,000,000,000 Yen

                                                • 我不会成为一个问题,因为如果没有这些农民在繁忙时间,现在我about ll是一个单独的线路电平阿峨,听拥有更多的旅游职业在农业 Already when occupation being heard in the overseas travel when the agricultural tsu te you answer another room going to the level which is guided the ru When now being busy therefore such farmer it is not and does not become te problem however probably will be
                                                  • 能够给那些家伙是怎样做不错或者保证后,损害农民 How doing the ex post facto guarantee of the damage farmer properly that it can make the fellows the re ru like this the leprosy

                                                • 我唯一的海湾国家紧急状态和宫崎?也许这也是在冰岛爆发
                                                  Emergency alert order coming out, just Miyazaki and the Mexican bay of the [ru]? But Iceland and like it erupts

                                                  • 我建议是对人权的侵犯!高鲁阿゙媒体!嘿,我先挂了插科打诨的规则?
                                                    Don't you think? human rights violation [e]? [ko] ゙ [ruamasukomi]! Don't you think? having reported and regulating the [e]!

                                                    • 我支持(1月12日你的最佳状态的颜色在全国各地的308个席位,胶想要改变政权“,2010年,新年晚会民团)条例草案修改国立国会图书馆法■(调查局提交法案,成立国立国会图书馆永久和平)在“研究部,持久的和平”成立,并建立一个调查战争罪行的日本军队,我们的目标是未来一代传达
                                                      Color it is at all parts of the country in shape you to support, 308 parliamentary seats, it was connected administration alternately”, (2010 January 12th, people group New Year party) * Amends the portion of National Diet Library method the legal plan (permanent peaceful Research Bureau installation bill) which To install “permanent peaceful Research Bureau” inside the National Diet Library, the former Japanese Army War crime Investigation Doing and becoming fixed, conveying to the next generation is the object

                                                      • 我的意思是可能得不到足够副部长氢氧化钙,我都已经调整,或什么情况是这样的:没有足够的感觉是不太可能 Secondary minister of state It is to be whether it does not mean that the slaked lime is not enough but now when it tries making inspect somehow In the circumstance that such it is not enough it means that the improbable air has done but
                                                        • 我认为Ttemasu副部长,如果在事实上,如果你不喜欢他们的脚,安排,即使表面上线说,我随身携带,我们有 Secondary minister of state So thinking it increases if but there is a kind of thing which really is not enough arranging That it carries from with anywhere the story which is said has done

                                                      • 我看到电视画面防腐喷涂,把tread ll回头,我没有注意到喷涂绍罗创新
                                                        However TV image of spraying of the disinfection liquid you saw, The [chi] [yo] [ro] [tsu] the extent which is sprayed it does not reach to the tread

                                                        • 抗癌癌症的书我不局的实际措施,不管我会说这是不是我们判断一个人 As for the measure tsu te writing ringing the people of inside saying with ru thing Whether or not measure it does truly without understanding it does
                                                          • 抗癌癌症的书我不局的实际措施,不管我会说这是不是我们判断一个人 As for the measure tsu te writing ringing the people of inside saying with ru thing Whether or not measure it does truly without understanding it does

                                                        • 据在4天时间从4个县在每个农场,牲畜卫生服务中心和猪在宫崎县苏场)标志的手足口病(宫崎了接触,并开始进入考试人数水泡的鼻子症状被发现 NULL

                                                          • 措施公布时间在疾病性别决定ç 2,分别作出了国家农业部和
                                                            2 Measure at time of illness sex determination Announce [u], Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and the metropolis and districts respectively

                                                            • 政府暂停从日本出口的牛肉,部长赤松响应总部检疫口蹄疫和4月21日确认及疑似病例的口蹄疫,宫崎,获得当选消毒剂从富山报告与他们缺乏自己的脚:对政府的任何指示不情愿地支持地方
                                                              Export of the Japanese product beef extensive stop Verification of false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of government and foot and mouth disease and installation of foot and mouth disease quarantine measure headquarters Minister of State Akamatsu and the outside mountain of Miyazaki election report of the thing where when the disinfection liquid etc are not enough from coming is received April 21st: The indication of government it is not, it corresponds helplessly at the locale

                                                              • 是不是民主党的任何机会挂出一牲畜肉奶制品的专有权益,并会破坏这个国家吗?你已经做了包括来自墨西哥猪肉进口农产品的承诺?
                                                                By chance doing, as for the Democratic party being destroyed the domestic dairy farming animal husbandry Don't you think? it has been about to monopolize flesh right -? Promise of the agricultural commodity import which includes the Mexican product pork the [ro] which is the red sandal wood?

                                                                • 民主政权呆指示从一个幽灵从没有远离麻生太郎 As for the false 呆 re ru indication not to be from democracy administration from te Aso administration Because directly is
                                                                  • 民主政权呆指示从一个幽灵从没有远离麻生太郎 As for the false 呆 re ru indication not to be from democracy administration from te Aso administration Because directly is

                                                                • 没有错读汉字 只死亡熟杯曲棍球笔套 不 酒后游荡石膏 通过酒吧的母亲或接收的数据包没有福利或租金 1在他的坟墓 对待我们最流行的牛排需要女孩的生日 希望这些歌曲的任何遗传口,人们不会忘记他们是我们的麻生政府已决定 NULL
                                                                  • 没有错读汉字 只死亡熟杯曲棍球笔套 不 酒后游荡石膏 通过酒吧的母亲或接收的数据包没有福利或租金 1在他的坟墓 对待我们最流行的牛排需要女孩的生日 希望这些歌曲的任何遗传口,人们不会忘记他们是我们的麻生政府已决定 NULL

                                                                • 激发思考,而且非常高的进口禁令,可能是韩国的第一个肉的原因,我说这是一个良好的水平,最早的人为灾难
                                                                  When you think of that the possibility original cause being the Korean flesh import rescindment is very high, as for this most the level which it is possible to call accident quickly

                                                                  • 牲畜发生手流Kato ll带来的牲畜棚出现一些全国性tive前不久由警方收集的钱就像一个业务明显多了,或者,源我听到的故事,从数是不是免费的 As for the barn which occurs multiple business gathering fund likely with several barns in entire country the ru Beforehand it occurs it is marked to the police Because you heard in the standing story there is no source
                                                                    • 媒体的惩罚是不广播,也许很难志位,畜牧业奇Kosubeki我认为我们有一些行动,打击 The difficult causing brick where it penalizes by the fact that it does not broadcast Don t you think you think that animal husbandry industry should cause a some conduct vis a vis the mass communications

                                                                  • 石井,“将得到更好的选择,如果这些长崎,长崎是民主党反对,苏我会觉得这是一个体面的态度,表明了 If Nagasaki one is done “such selection of Ishii that the Democratic party administration probably will show the attitude of that appearance vis a vis Nagasaki I think
                                                                    • 什么是留给你的威胁和长崎的感觉 Being leaving in the sense of the threat for Nagasaki

                                                                  • 美联储的渡轮全国樱花皇后马戈在唐宁街(24)可那女士和日本的小野樱花皇后(24)收到了梁拜访
                                                                    At prime minister official residence [mago] [huehueri] (24) of All-American Sakura queen the Japanese Sakura queen Courtesy call of the Ono yes 那 child (24) was received

                                                                    • 至于战争罪,强迫性行为主持组织力量进行调查的生物和化学武器的发展利用废弃的实验
                                                                      War crime As, Forcing taking And Organizational forcing the mandatory sexual behavior , Biochemistry weapon development experiment use abandonment Investigation It does

                                                                      • 至少不是为拯救日南鹿儿岛是富山县,宫崎,民主党成员只穿着行动
                                                                        The only moving with Miyazaki democracy Assemblyman, the mountain outside the [ru] being Nichinan for Kagoshima at least thing rescue

                                                                        • 英国公共健康检验局说,大卫布朗Pasucharaizeshon(短期高温杀菌,巴氏杀菌及保持冷)那不是给无菌病毒
                                                                          The English public health inspection service David Brown As for person [pasuchiyaraizeshiyon] (Low temperature holding paseurization and high temperature short-time pasteurization) That so this virus probably cannot be sterilized You have expressed

                                                                          • 该部惠普 “从那里可以导致不延长你这病邪恶计划,穗石马善睦优严格要求在您的合作
                                                                            Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries HP That > the [ma] of this illness it is from the fact that it is also a possibility of causing extending, you restrain severely, we request cooperation

                                                                            • 赤松■隆宏(广田松木或红色),俗称:第五区,爱知县广田贫困群众或块(区)协会的成员,以促进渔业部长等韩国新法律地位的外国居民永久在日本与民主外国人对立法者朝日新闻普选赞成反对有关立法的国歌和国旗及修改的草案图书馆国立国会的一些前社会主义委员,支持普选反弹推动政治民团帕金森持久和平的外交会议上有关普选问题的外国人对朝总联“赞成”,他回答松树民主党人,公司
                                                                              * Hirotaka Akamatsu (Japanese red pine Wide it is high) Name: The poorness wide it is high Group of people Aichi 5 Ku (Tokai block) Democracy Agricultural minister of state The Assemblyman union which promotes the legal position improvement of the permanent residence foreign inhabitant who begins the resident South Korean New political situation forum Permanent flat reconciliation ream You approve to the foreign carrot administration propulsion meeting of people group Assemblyman old Japan Socialist Party The legal plan which amends the portion of National Diet Library method The Assemblyman who opposes to the law regarding the national flag and national anthem Foreign carrot administration group of supporters “Approval” it replies in the question regarding the foreign carrot administration of the Asahi newspaper Assemblyman the Democratic party Akamatsu, from entire connected enterprise donation (ZAKZAK) In thinking that at New Year party of people group, local denizenship problem solves “with the Democratic party central administration, SupportingYou think that you gave,

                                                                              • 赤松,农业部长,成为拉美进口牲畜看到的动物,杀死日本不好
                                                                                The Akamatsu agriculture and forestry phase which imports the Central and South America domestic animal looks at the Japanese domestic animal and to a murder Bad Job

                                                                                • 达罗压制秩序将发言民主党减去零三百八十八瓦特因为我准备应付危机管理 388 Because in the Democratic party it becomes 0 the can mouth the ro w which is Many se crisis management abilities are zero what

                                                                                  • 这是一个下降等,急于驱赶东国宫崎县的民主党人瓦特
                                                                                    That democracy 党員 of Miyazaki prefecture probably will take over Governor Higashi Kunihara, because it is desperate, shank w

                                                                                    • 这是超过1 100名作为民主党的主张(包括任何成员的保守或所谓的),并从每个有社会民主党和共产党的成员参加成员有好几
                                                                                      As an approval person Democratic party Assemblyman hundred or more linking name (generally known Conservative system The Assemblyman is included), Assemblyman corporation people party Assemblyman and Japan Communist Party the several participates at a time in this

                                                                                      • 这是这样,对不对?溃疡和恐怖主义是真正的垃圾,日本政府和群众?生物恐怖主义正试图击败附录中的第二种力量溃疡等东国前坑狙ü As for this present administration and the mass rubbish being serious the ro which is the terrorism which it has been about probably to crush Japan Before aiming for measure attachment it is the bio terrorism which it has been about probably to smash up Higashi Kunihara who is second influence in

                                                                                        • 那么有没有氖或457,和我没有一紧急法外的专业知识在紧急应对477名自民党国会议员的混蛋,但我也说我不工作的追溯批准的,自由民主大多数说,他们Tteta我想补充的问题早生无合我从政府文件。我知道你可能不到达 457 Don t you think well There somehow know how of urgent measure of state of emergency saying with thing Because supralegal you do not say making with posterior acceptance appealing it rubbed but 477 The Assemblyman of our people is a manual in our people but it is you say that you do not inquire from Good adding Transferring perhaps the ru
                                                                                          • 或者有什么氖马阿457,和法外的东西我紧急突发事件,但有477名成员的自民党,而是一个混蛋,所以我可以在工作,我从一个追溯批准不是我说的自由手册大多数说,他们早生无Tteta合的问题,我想补充的政府。我知道你可能不到达 457 Don t you think well There somehow know how of urgent measure of state of emergency saying with thing Because supralegal you do not say making with posterior acceptance appealing it rubbed but 477 The Assemblyman of our people is a manual in our people but it is you say that you do not inquire from Good adding Transferring perhaps the ru

                                                                                        • 阿格拉政客投资在860我就开始跟你?太黑 哦,他们立即 860 Don t you think the politician whom it has invested on the cross legged fashion probably is everyone s what Black… a gu and others it passes
                                                                                          • 安愚蠢的音乐(阿格拉),或牧场Ttemasu知道吗?没关系,这23 Cheaply the foolish easy cross legged fashion ranch tsu te knowing it increases 23 This how the kana which is

                                                                                        • 韩国和嘴。 2010年的帐目,他们买了一消毒 04 撕裂省长看到重物农业部长古松树27日,2010年呈请向自民党谷垣祯一 4月28日谷垣祯一,紧急访问宫崎 The Korean anti oral hoof Buying up disinfectant 2010 04 27 The ma which looked at situation heavily is ma governor Akamatsu agricultural phase petitions to our people Tanigaki 2010 04 28 Tanigaki emergency visit Miyazaki
                                                                                          • 韩国和嘴。 2010年的帐目,他们买了一消毒 04 撕裂省长看到重物农业部长古松树27日,2010年呈请向自民党谷垣祯一 4月28日谷垣祯一,紧急访问宫崎 The Korean anti oral hoof Buying up disinfectant 2010 04 27 The ma which looked at situation heavily is ma governor Akamatsu agricultural phase petitions to our people Tanigaki 2010 04 28 Tanigaki emergency visit Miyazaki
                                                                                          • 韩国和嘴。 2010年的帐目,他们买了一消毒 04 撕裂省长看到重物农业部长古松树27日,2010年呈请向自民党谷垣祯一 4月28日谷垣祯一,紧急访问宫崎 The Korean anti oral hoof Buying up disinfectant 2010 04 27 The ma which looked at situation heavily is ma governor Akamatsu agricultural phase petitions to our people Tanigaki 2010 04 28 Tanigaki emergency visit Miyazaki

                                                                                        • 韩国禁止猪肉进口禁令行动10? ,不解除禁令?
                                                                                          10 Import prohibition disposal of the Korean pig Prohibition measure? There is no prohibition measure cancellation, the [te]?

                                                                                          • (在德国,有超过5年。感染)三间房屋的宫崎县的时间在4月9日370万美元从2000年3月25日证实,5月11日在北海道的房子就感染之一,6月9日终止 The time in Germany in 5 years 3 700 000 You were infected From 2000 March 25th on April 9th in Miyazaki prefecture 3 doors infection of the Hokkaido 1 doors to verify on May 11th on June 9th cessation
                                                                                            • (在德国,有超过5年。感染)三间房屋的宫崎县的时间在4月9日370万美元从2000年3月25日证实,5月11日在北海道的房子就感染之一,6月9日终止 The time in Germany in 5 years 3 700 000 You were infected From 2000 March 25th on April 9th in Miyazaki prefecture 3 doors infection of the Hokkaido 1 doors to verify on May 11th on June 9th cessation

                                                                                          • (这次)我在昨天一天时间,从我部传真光裕地区具有零,零负债表 This time at point in time of the noon of yesterday the shank from Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries FAX is zero in Koyu area zero
                                                                                            • (这次)我在昨天一天时间,从我部传真光裕地区具有零,零负债表 This time at point in time of the noon of yesterday the shank from Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries FAX is zero in Koyu area zero

                                                                                          • ,实施消毒措施和紧急*大分县和邻近的宫崎,熊本分发消毒整个鹿儿岛县,在疏散
                                                                                            Execution of urgent disinfection measure * To distribute the disinfectant to Miyazaki prefecture and the prefecture, Kumamoto prefecture and the Kagoshima prefecture all which it adjoins considerably, in the midst of spreading

                                                                                            研究 開発