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The Greek national assembly, the shrinkage step-related bill as for approval [papuriasu] president “Greece it is before the sun/size which falls to the basement”


  • 10年后对美国债务占GDP的比例减少一半,这也是已知或缓和的关注,人们拥抱能力偿还美国债务有关的 After that debt ratio at the American anti GDP ratio is reduced by approximately half in 10 years The anxiety perhaps the people held in regard to the American debt debt service capacity was made to ease
    • 相反,它必须在处理经济不景气充其量仪内有多好,即使没有在国家债务 Conversely just whichever being good at the very most you must cope with debt in the economy which is no more than a hovering

  • 25%的工人在希腊的公务员队伍,是不寻常的这些家伙已经膨胀的财政赤字庞大,每年纳税人和社会保障养老金计划是复杂的钱,不产生任何觊觎我就税迟早你会遭遇同样的失败是没有减少,日本三分钟,议员和政府官员都在S看到 25 of the workers of the whole Greece is abnormal the government employee They not to produce at all tax simply the 貪 tsu te ru Social security and device of annuity being complicated every year enormous tax was thrown and inflated the deficit Discernibly that it fails sooner or later Unless either Japan reduces the Assemblyman and the government employee in 1 3 it meets to the same eye
    • 20%的工人说,5个行业的百分之公务员,而不是私人性重复过多伐丽流应削减财政赤字是不健康的经济也必须出示红丽美浓只削减现有的公共工程旅游业的崩溃是不可避免的,应直接pillars m丰富它从站立 The number of excessive government employees who are called the 20 of the worker in the 5 reduction margin Either economy of public works projects request becomes the deficit it is the te too unsound Decreasing the deficit unless it tries to revive private industry failure becomes inevitability Therefore as for the sight seeing resource abundant what it should have rebuilt that in the pillar

  • 379订金或问题不是有病是鳕鱼,我喜欢里巴或FX是我买了10日元一二〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元每做冒险的交易和10 000日元至100倍 379 Deposit it is not dangerous so Because the lever it does not solve don t you think Because FX it transacts 10 000 Yen in 100 times It is dangerous Buying at 100 000 000 Yen 120 Yen it was cod today 10 000 000
    • 379没有,我只是做一次宣讲邮件从noisy m的东西不在这里,他们洒 NULL

  • 718 5000电脑触摸1 我在政府办公室工作,直到5000触摸的地方之一,他们公司每天处理的顶级公司作为流动的?只有排除之间
    As for personal computer to 1 day 5000 touch 718 Therefore > the same as first-rate enterprise it handles the government office, Therefore > the same as first-rate enterprise it handles the government office, Therefore > the same as first-rate enterprise it handles the government office, Therefore > the same as first-rate enterprise it handles the government office, Therefore > the same as first-rate enterprise it handles the government office, The [tsu] [te] where 1 flow enterprises of somewhere work to with 1 day 5000 touch? Stupidity

    • 826公务员晋升总而言之,停止花了三年时间大大减少了与奖金。增值税上调
      826 Speaking simply Being promoted and bonus of government employee 3 year stop Fiscal expenditure substantial reduction and attaching. Tax increase of value tax

      • Eeyan解决就业问题你吞半倍的公务员人数的公务员 When it makes number of people time to an allowance half of the government employee it can obtain and is Employment problem solves at a stroke

        • NHK的真正安全的事情,比如做母亲节到了日本广播协会,凯塔武无任何你给的感觉
          Like many things there was no NHK of, thing of Mothers Day is done As expected, as for NHK there is a sense of relief, don't you think?

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            • 呻 www nikkei com 瓦特如何讨厌这样 http www nikkei com The annoyance which what you question and say w

          • · ·从何处小偷殴打一些示威者抢劫杀人现场做火。米奴看到挥舞?矫揉造作或证人?
            The fire place thief of the plundering assault homicide which is everywhere. As for demonstrators the inclination which you do not try seeing? The witness you are affected?

            • “希腊的经验和教训,从”纽约时报,4 / 9保罗克鲁格曼学习从希腊到克鲁格曼的债务危机,希腊是接近的情况不能被绊倒后,再返回
              “The teaching which is obtained from the Greek experience” American New York times paper 4/9 attaching Pole [kuruguman] Learning From Greece By PAUL KRUGMAN As for the Greek debt crisis it is getting near to the aspect which already it cannot go backward

              • 〜〜〜〜潜水强盗! ! ! ! (^吼)赤城加贺飞。绝对炮轰wwwwwww

                • 不良贷款处置说话明显,所以你只想让740做的事情,你想,这是放松管制和市场好于公司现有的和就业后再次咨询,如中小企业金融公库的金融机构和小政府我use 1 support系统等作为,信息技术(主流的科技企业家的in what financing和其他的主要differences between直接),然后离开了新闻界除了企业家,则有所上升市场规则aggregate demand创造new即使没有新的市场将被创建或增加(至实际监管中的日本经济
                  740 Whether there is no mosquito net and others which you do just, the [ro] which is Only-too-natural story Therefore inferior claim processing necessity you do, this is good And as for flexible regulation of market postponement Employment of existing enterprise compared to, Using the support system of retail bank and the consul etc of government affiliation such as small and medium-sized business money market, IT (as for the starting a business house of the main current of IT direct financing just is main different from other things) boosting starting a business which is not, The total demand increase which is due to new market creation There being regulation, if it does not increase, the new market is created (Really as for regulation although it was, properly to with that Japanese economy, new business increasing, the [ru]) On the other hand, such flexible regulation existing enterprise transgressing the border in the other industry type, just increases supply So, It became so

                  • 不顾企业经济活动的源头和经济的不景气,生产和低报酬的公职人员与失业作斗争,提高层取决于该国带来了投诉与处理方式,会说话层推翻了
                    To neglect the enterprise which becomes the source of economic activity, as for business hovering, The government employee of small salary is mass-produced because of measures for the unemployment, While in treatment with dissatisfaction raising the layer which depends on the country, It is turned over by the layer of that

                    • 中国将发表有关美国和共产党专政继续峨和奥巴马认为如此出色和强大嘿
                      So, when you think, America which can put out [obama] and China which can continue Japan Communist Party dictatorship the excellence and it forces, well

                      • 人口(千)成员的人口议会 奖励数年(千)1 050 56667英国59500 59520法国63392意大利890 905 57370 898 30750 405 75926 66281加拿大1 000 1 000德国82260日本108954 127770 755 174549 135 732 2400法国(包括津贴有42万美元),俄罗斯,美国231688 281420 145500 526019 628 535,租金甚至不能卷起1 800个成员 Population thousand The number of members of the Diet Population Assemblymen the number Annual remuneration ten thousand England 59 500 1 050 56 667 890 Italy 57 370 905 63 392 France 59 520 898 66 281 1000 Canada 30 750 405 75 926 Germany 82 260 755 108 954 1000 Japan 127 770 732 174 549 1 35 France When 2400 it is the treatment 込 42 000 000 Russia 145 500 628 231 688 America 281 420 535 526 019 1800 It is the ri which also the Assemblyman receives and sows
                        • 公务员薪酬官员薪金的当地政府公务员 支付1000收入(千人口()的国家)日本和美国的工人数量每83个328 29807 64661 40加拿大2 15 1 40英国1 48美国44688 212 32082 1 652 80 264 42 83意大利27229 1 36 1 35法国104德国222 167 1 03 0 95 24348 24895少数公职人员或其他人没有租金的两倍Ttetara 68 20 429 Government employee allowance Government employee allowance National public service personnel District Population thousand people Allowance � National income Number ten thousand The number of government employees The frequency of hitting Japan 64 661 2 15 83 328 40 Canada 29 807 1 48 America 44 688 1 40 212 1652 80 England 32 082 1 36 42 264 83 Italy 27 229 1 35 France 24 895 1 03 167 222 104 Germany 24 348 0 95 20 429 68 Receiving also 2 times the cod government employees being few natural

                      • 什么不可能采取任何行动?为了达到在其他欧洲国家达成协议,在严格的约束和保障的重要的责任,希腊的更换而争论致力于财政,债务问题的多单也没有预期 Is it probably possible to take what action Other European countries to agreement reaching Commitment to strict public finance shrinkage when guaranteeing the Greek debt in exchange the expectation that it was it is important this simply is not problem of excessive debt
                        • 什么不可能采取任何行动?所达成的协议在其他欧洲国家一样,也将保证债务的希腊拉更换的严格财政控制的承诺 Is it probably possible to take what action Other European countries to agreement reaching Commitment to strict public finance shrinkage when guaranteeing the Greek debt in exchange the expectation that it was it is important this simply is not problem of excessive debt

                      • 他们说,这是可以的借款家庭的债务或贷款1000万内部娶969的贷款 969 Therefore internal loan 10 000 000 you owed to the wife Therefore the loan inside the family you borrow and being all right and inhaling it is story
                        • 在债务的深渊只有33000000000000日元?唯一的沉闷,以1000万亿日元的日本? Being the basement with debt of 33 000 000 000 000 Yen which passes 1 000 000 000 000 000 Yen te do of Japan it just is

                      • 会发生什么事的公务员偏好的金融崩溃?成为公务员或骂他羡小鸡世大学,他们教你一外国公司?没有人比其他公职人员!我会说我喜欢,这是 When public finance it fails with government employee favorable treatment how it becomes The foreign country teaches Learn securely When it is enviable being accustomed to the government employee Other than of the government employee is not the person With saying the ru and it becomes like this
                        • 欺诈的右翼政府,但561的前政府官员的制度有利于后代的根本原因慷慨的退休金赤字左侧这是 561 But as for adorning the right group administration before government employee favorable treatment and annuity of cause of the deficit which becomes the cause As for doing the rose spreading generation after generation left flank administration

                      • 会计欺诈而05日继续进行这项。苏将返回到他们的经济开发贷款,06雷曼发生休克。埃塔和7猖獗的腐败失业在增加,出现文制度改革政府的支持率直线下降。关于会计欺诈危险发现了上届政府,真正的财务状况是08崩溃的边缘宣布对金融的影响。其他欧盟国家感到愤怒,德国和法国做了很多钱,特别是出租的愤怒9。但欧盟是非常危险的时候离开了整体,自助努力发言,以帮助启动!伐丽流10个国家,并说 At this time window dressing settlement continuation 5 Economy among those developing of returning debt the intention Riemann shock occurrence 6 After the unemployed person increased bribery prevails support ratio of administration slumps and administration alternation happens 7 Window dressing settlement of the extent whose front administration is dangerous was detected it announces that to tell the truth it was financial situation before the public finance failure sun size 8 EU Other country gets angry lending especially the large amount of gold as for ru Germany and France rage 9 But when it leaves EU Because the whole is dangerous because it helps self help the ru With it is said to each country 10 As for present administration tries probably to take shrinkage public finance then pledge and 180 degrees in the contents which are different the citizen super opposition 11 Demonstration the strike breaks out and it sows the tsu te country which mayhem 12 So while having done the possibility where it cannot return the government bond of 8 500 000 000 Europe which the repayment term approaches on May 19th comes coming out
                        • 排减单位是著名的商品券的使用欧盟的共同商场礼券,“鲁”于管理,以保持商店信誉总是一定程度的盈余(赤字不出售便宜)书籍是向公众开放的头脑Dzuitara破产,该公司提出的建立在希腊古老的购物中心,以大其Sun店文件赤字自刚刚来到这个商人节的规则,以防止这种情况的,说ü希腊赤字隐藏在商店原来,他隐藏了巨大的会计欺诈行为是不可避免的破产峨思考 By the fact that you can use the common gift certificate the famous EU shopping center Because confidence of common gift certificate “ yu u ro ” is maintained Management of the store makes always the black ink balance above uniformity the deficit it does not sell at a reduced price The account book releasing when you become aware bankruptcy with prevents the situation which is said With the rule which is said was assigned at the participation store However the veteran business Greek house sun since establishing the shopping center Moving the huge deficit to the paper company having adorned and balancing accounts was ascertained As for the deficit of the Greek house which is hidden in hiding the extent huge amount which can be thought as bankruptcy inevitability

                      • 但 自我为国家在世界上这一课要退出合作 So The country in the world designating ego as exposure gt this as a teaching gt Stopping way it cooperates
                        • 由于合作,停止了自我循环的国家和世界各地的教训作为一项 The country in the world designating ego as exposure this as a teaching Stopping way it cooperates

                      • 但有趣的运动,调整后的时间内,我认为所有的金融类股仍高点!
                        It is funny, but it moves Inside the range of adjustment, still at all as for financial stocks you think with room that it is the high price sphere!

                        • 你是我生命的信息共享?购买软件或朋友或纽约Majikon我同意教授的故事冲击Etara Stocks tsu te information does with life something the yo When majikon it cracks in the friend and story of software or ny teaches the shock it has received
                          • 我有一个股票,里瓦,或许也对美元恢复到90日元汇率 As for the notion that where stocks came the riba tsu te also rate being anti dollar whether you reset to 90 Yen don t you think

                        • 你的意思是933崩溃的日本,追猎者被迫解决Shinaki美国所有的债券持有 933 If the tsu lever where Japan fails it does not adjust all American bonds which are possessed mandatorily if saying it is thing
                          • 国际金融机构购买时默认编织成希腊政府债券为75会发生什么事,设S考虑 75 When the Greek government bond defaults it will try thinking the overseas financial institution which has been bought how it becomes
                          • 进入2010年后,他们又没有购买政府债券和银行超额现金霜冻峨 Entering 2010 the government bond buying of the bank and the like where idle funds are held is continued

                        • 你还是会粘欧洲央行,欧盟迅速往下看利率变动的交易条件操你,只有一流的客舱将帮助你现在issued ll
                          ECB being sticky still, [ru], the interest lowering quickly, before the code changing [chi] of EU, If now, just the passenger of the first-class cabin is helped,

                          • 兰花天堂创造一个公仆,因为自民党623叛国,并防止它已减薪 623 The treason Liberal Democratic Party government employee heaven work viewing for the sake of because it tried not to be able to reduce allowance don t you think
                            • 在日本,肖像时考虑的公职人员和10多万元增加,相当于希腊的计算 If you think in Japan when the government employee of 10 000 000 person or more is increased the calculation which becomes same as Greece

                          • 历史的缔造:墙街大萧条以来的防御首次,在日本国会上对大银行的手有很多东西要隐藏的,他们是跳舞同样的事情,但它是2通道
                            HISTORY IN THE MAKING: WALL STREET ON DEFENSE For First Time Since Great Depression, Congress Has Upper Hand Against Big Banks In Japan we would like to hiding is about a mountain and, as for 踊 and others being made that even with 2ch the same thing

                            • 唯一的外国着眼于稳定,适用于贮建是最好的,导致希腊或作为仓库所需的内容,厚度崩溃 Having an eye on the warehouse of the foreign country which has been saved steadily it seems that requires the content of the warehouse it is impudent caused the Greek failure
                              • 甲说撒拉像疯了似的从豪华借来的钱已退还给小本经营的失败糖果周期 In other words you borrow from the plate gold and doing the tsu te luxury which is sown you repeat the cycle bicycle operation failure

                            • 嗯,这Marukara开始在世界各地未来4小时后,我双底衰退,目前经济 Well because from now on worldwide lap starts 4 hours later The second bottom of business is yet to come
                              • 日圆冲击→→→希腊希腊悲剧的第二个底部 The Greek tragedy gt The Greek shock gt Second bottom gt Increase in yen value

                            • 嘿,就是我现在在几个时代的故事,这个线程的区别是什么ü民族希腊人和古希腊人现在什么,古希腊的希腊人现在我什么是查塔,我会灭绝? The current Greek person and the Greek person of former times are different the race tsu te story where with this sure Some time coming out but the ru it is … It is the what it can exterminate to the Greek human tsu te current Greek person of former times and the chi ya tsu is Being with the tsu lever

                              • 噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦哇我,发生奇第三次世界大战啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊我崩溃的世界经济 It is world economy collapse well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well The third great war happens
                                • 但第一次世界大战后,什么茂木草案根从10万到5万士兵,我过去的50000部队的挑战,土耳其的入侵只是 But World War I end later conscripting 100 000 also soldiers completely from population 5 000 000 There is the past when invasion war is challenged to Turkey of barely combat force 50 000

                              • 因为他们对待江户时代公职为714龙头企业,在第一次打击比较弱信息与领先的企业级政府办公室科长在当地的武士,和一般的商业龙头企业将在什么让业界低层你
                                714 The same as first-rate enterprise handle the government office therefore, try comparing in chief of section class of first-rate enterprise of district feeling weakness In the first place Edo age as for the government office that with the samurai, it probably is first-rate enterprise, that it probably is what, as for general enterprise it is what under case with the merchant

                                • 因此出现了个人储蓄率从去年欧洲和美国各地的良好凯塔最近,因此一直较低,但是,你觉得这样通常会起飞但不幸的是,这个家伙想否认,经济稳定的投资仍然没有一个逃脱的事,我们不知看在运动中的守财奴改革和金融监管谁想要 The United States savings rate of the individual rising from around last year Europe the origin was more good but Recently if it has gone down with say the normality the kind of air which can be overcome does but is Even then denying the stability of economy the fact that the 輩 which we would like to gain is to be tragedy financial regulation and The thing shelf which does not overlook the movement of the misers that we would like somehow before the reformation

                                  • 因此,唯一的办法得到控制,希腊的债务问题将严重削减开支和增加税收 Because of this the only method Greece being able to control debt problem probably becomes reduction and tax increase of harsh expenditure
                                    • 一般事务Q和政府操纵与一对恩戴。你怎么做的肿胀,他们突然猛烈税 Government uniting with GS until ikasama doing question After adding suddenly tax increase rapid fire

                                  • 因此,梳子是在希腊没有债券市场的信心,他们没有理由也适用于赶走那里的局势并没有优势难怪 Therefore either those where the bond market loses the reliance to Greece corners circumstance to critical moment are not what strange thing

                                    • 国家银行在外国的,不只是你的手炸弹的受害者目前经营次级证券为高的政府债券的利息周围大量 In the foreign country the bank using the hand to the sub prime entering bond of high investment yield in large quantities with the government bond Doing Now just while being killed by a bomb with reason
                                      • 外国银行,而不是左手炸弹的受害者,现在很多次级抵押贷款证券为高息约 In the foreign country the bank using the hand to the sub prime entering bond of high investment yield in large quantities with the government bond Doing Now just while being killed by a bomb with reason

                                    • 在做一个特别经济区限制诡辩潮人占领了广大地区,478为中国,也是中国的一个地区一般
                                      After, economic Special Economic District which restricts the influx of the local people who occupy preponderant large number in China, general one district of China With doing philosophism

                                      • 在阪神大地震,山口组,帮助当地人民殷切的国家。这是一个下面丰田和北罗韩刚
                                        Even with the Kobe Earthquake, as for Yamaguchi group supporting the local people, although passing, the country. When it comes with the Korean Toyota, it is below the mob,

                                        • 太古代希腊许多现代西方一些人的理想,强调古异质性,也将记得,有一个希腊的现代思维方式的人们,梅生病东洋 Modern West European of part ancient Greece Heterogeneity of remainder and the ancient times when it idealizes will be emphasized that the Greek person of closely today will be looked down upon It should remember also the fact that it is how to think of doing
                                          • 最近小。我忘了,我已经有一个在当时的危机,不然我会方你们要我说人家的坏话Hoihoi Recent times small hoihoi riding in looking down upon crisis circumstance of that time of the ru party tsu te you probably will bite you have forgotten is

                                        • 如果出现国际博览会在上海看到的餐厅,如果双打人民币,日元的午餐在日本方面,超过5000日元 When you looked at the restaurant of Shanghai world fair because it was published In each case if the people origin reaches 2 times the lunch with the Japanese Yen conversion exceeds 5000 Yen
                                          • 也许他们可以储存它艾希属于强势日元艾希库拉很少隆可以升空上海世界博览会的时机,人民币结束后进入 The possibility of closing the people origin with the timing which the Shanghai international exposition ends is high and If super increase in yen value comes whether it is possible to store a little in the extent origin

                                        • 小泉的财政重建的第一目标不是642,因为坏帐解决多年来争论在我脚下章经济复苏第一,我错了同样的语言说话
                                          642 In the first place Koizumi's purpose is not restoration of sound government finance, it pulls first the foot of economic recovery over long time Because it is the solution of inferior claim problem, it is strange to talk with the same round sand ring, it is, don't you think?

                                          • 已同意参加联合融资和直接投资股票私有化后,数额仍然很小
                                            After the commercializing to stock It could recognize direct investment and the participation to joint-financing, but the amount still the little

                                            • 已经84后,只有一半的国家甚至不出售发行债券,但不要求国际货币基金组织帮助
                                              84 Already, the government bond issuing, only half passing a state where it cannot sell But the reason which it supports requests to IMF

                                              • 市场-纽约道琼斯工业平均指数(更新:5月3日07:49)1:00纽约道琼斯指数下降百分之8.7,是1987年以来最大
                                                Market condition - NY Dow Jones average (Renewal: 05/07 03: 49) NY Dow Jones stock price average temporarily the 8.7% is cheap, after 1987 maximally

                                                • 市场-美国股市(更新:5月3日07:40)纽约道琼斯指数下跌400美元以上,标准普尔500指数下跌了百分之4.4至1现场
                                                  Market condition - American stock market (Renewal: 05/07 03: 40) As for NY Dow Jones stock price average as for 400 dollar super depreciation, S & P500 the 4.4% the scene which depreciates

                                                  • 希腊的公共债务占GDP,但真正隆河内百分之113,而拥抱的债务相当于在其他主要国家的危机,我仍然没有经济的经验 The public debt of Greece 113 percent of GDP is high really but is while also other countries holding equal debt Even then crisis without experiencing it has not had

                                                    • 帕潘德里欧政府,为了适应而我7天的首脑会议,在欧元区国家批准的紧急贷款,其目的已通过06
                                                      As for [papandoreu] administration, in order to make be in time the European sphere national urgent summits on the 7th decides financing formally, You had aimed toward the approval of 6 Japan and China

                                                      • 平均年收入是什么导致私人青森发现约708 3.6亿
                                                        708 In the association as for the private average annual income of Aomori the kana which is about 3,600,000

                                                        • 当音乐停止,并提请,希腊是欧洲最大的经济体认为,与一个冰霜讼费和渔业价格的形式,是一点都没有,我合 When and music stops as for Greece European economic power Perceived to holding the cost and price in the form which does not balance completely

                                                          • 我觉得在做梦愚蠢的大东亚共荣圈看着这一切如何?
                                                            So, dreaming of the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere, as for [ru] [aho] seeing the latest case, how you think?

                                                            • 我说这是一个衣衫褴褛只能成为弱势货币收入在韩国金融危机,或者如果我创建了一个在东鸠山集团亚洲共同货币,如日本说 With as for saying as Hatoyama said Japan making the east Asian currency sphere When it makes the common currency Korea the currency becoming cheaply in the financial crisis the rag it can gain tsu lever Toda

                                                              • 截至收盘,仅wwwwwwwwww从希腊赔偿赔偿wwwwwwwwwww吸收了更多的我打破了,我不知道wwwwwwwwww
                                                                Dow Jones wwwwwwwwww The being disgusted [ya] already only apology and compensation it is in Greece wwwwwwwwwww Because the [tsu] [te] it has gone bankrupt, as for compensation the excessiveness wwwwwwwwww

                                                                • 新自由主义的政府相比,人口25 Irashii以前在邪恶政权的新自由主义说,561%和567说我不知道的小路忽略官员说,瓦特
                                                                  567 561 According to front administration of new principle of freedom is bad, it seems But with administration of new principle of freedom has left 25% government employee at population ratio with also saying strange story, w

                                                                  • 日本的“政府官方业务”是一个独立的行政机构(非特异性和特异性及),国立大学法人,日本大学间研究机构,并承认公司的工作人员对国家林业及业务
                                                                    In the Japanese “government enterprise staff”, independent administrative corporate body (specification and non specification), national university corporate body, Appropriating the staff of university common use system corporate body, Special Corporation and government-owned forests and fields business

                                                                    • 日本股市今天我搞砸了世界经济正处于震惊,但我不知道阿鼻希腊
                                                                      With the Greek shock Economy in the world is the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] As for present Japanese stocks you flatter and the [wa] which is nose admiration

                                                                      • 最近的经济危机出回要喝会谈危机的全球金融702点的大小几十倍财富证券及实质

                                                                        • 查看详情,以便阅读一样谨小慎微,使一个又是在工作疲劳,辜从别人短,他们是好的,并教Kudasare耙恩戴我不采摘这种情况就是为什么希腊 Becoming tired with work because te massage you read it is to be accustomed even in the air which because someone it is good being short with something Greece Becoming such a situation 掻 to be picking teaching whether the ru

                                                                          • 毕竟,欢笑鄂如东亚共同体的概念是,它是不可能的鸠山共同货币
                                                                            After all the common currency how unreasonable lever Also Hatoyama east Asia you can laugh the same body conception

                                                                            • 民主党人旨在改革“区域自治”是消除了各种元的标准不变的状态,“土地区域自治的借口。收缩资源”,这不 The Democratic party aims “regional sovereignty reformation” to abolish various standards which nation decides passing Regional sovereignty in pretext “area It is something which does revenue source reduction”
                                                                              • 民主党人旨在改革“区域自治”将消除国家根据民族区域自治的借口“土地不断荟萃多种标准。收缩资源”,这不 The Democratic party aims “regional sovereignty reformation” to abolish various standards which nation decides passing Regional sovereignty in pretext “area It is something which does revenue source reduction”

                                                                            • 没有100,那将会是简单的外部需求共产党的Kishimen我排除在贿赂外国或从外汇保证金形式的企业中。鸡传染性法氏囊病没有感到对你的论点主线撤回资金,取消中国的富裕这些家伙的外国公司做,所谓的化肥
                                                                              100 Well, it is simple story As for communist 党員 in doing to pull out the foreign currency in a way, margin and bribe from outside demand enterprise me. Fattening/fertilizing and it has done It is dense and others the wealthy layer of generally known China When foreign capital enterprise withdraws fund pulls up, kind of rice being gone, it finishes,

                                                                              • 没有东西能保持劳动力成本的竞争形势,我该死的强大和每日津贴美元每3个中国工人在我从来没有说我苦志位或减少工资上涨,但对我来说,我做972此外,我没有足够的钱加税或夸大他们喜欢的是疯狂的债务浇水,但债券发行后,问题不是一进入最后一节的高增长率的确没有办法,以减少浪费,暂时的,即使那么我们有理由认为朱达罗 972 Don t you think so it appears even in we Salary decreasing although it is painful whether tax increase how saying Being able to force the worker and gachi game of daily allowance 3 dollar around China in ru circumstance labor cost something it can maintain the reason which or The gold is not enough therefore it is other than increasing taxes it is not Although high growth period ended certainly it issues the government bond and the tsu te debt which is sown problem it puts out the fact that it has added But the notion that ro where the method which decreases squander is ahead most story

                                                                                • 浴布斯在车站与城市Biseraretari房子,就在前面的街道,也出来嘘声池塘Biseru浴
                                                                                  Inside station and town pouring hoot, Front of the house came coming out on the road, the swamp where the hoot is poured

                                                                                  • 消费税上调反对希腊人是反对暴力的财政重建,待观察和表决Dabutsu鸠山一郎和日本密封税
                                                                                    In the opposite direction to restoration of sound government finance, rages the Greek person who Opposing to consumer tax tax increase, Koizumi who does consumer tax seal and Japanese Toda who voted to Hatoyama hitting, it is visible

                                                                                    • 片段也继续解除经常帐赤字是产品尝试一种共同货币晶形规则希腊19 m为所谓的欧元 NULL

                                                                                      • 由于次板的股票价格在1坏的情况,由于人类的原始人Nanchattegirishia With consequence of human course throb public attention nanchiyatsutegirishia person Way it is in a state where stock price is terrible…

                                                                                        • 纽约哇严重不良狗屎布莱恩wwww不得激活明天Sakittobureika
                                                                                          NY [maji] the [ge] [e] wwww which is done Handrail [ya] tomorrow under being disgusted [ya] [sakitsutobureika] motion shelf

                                                                                          • 经济是向上刷,银行和各地政府发放的经济比其它投资收入增加了债券的债券,必须将消除政府对一个良性循环
                                                                                            If business looks upward, as for the bank investing on another ones than the government bond, economy the around Government the tax revenue increasing, becomes the good circulation where necessity of government bond issue is gone

                                                                                            • 美联社雅典,希腊议会(一院制)10月6日,欧洲联盟(欧盟)和国际货币基金(IMF)的共计110亿欧元(1.3万亿1000亿日元),政府共同筹资和折扣替换期梅塔追决定。紧张。通过一项法案,以落实各项措施
                                                                                              The Greek national assembly (one-chamber system) on the 6th, the European Union (EU) and The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sum total 110,000,000,000 Europe (approximately 1,300,000,000,100,000,071,680 Yen) joint-financing in exchange The pursuit which government decides. Tension. The related bill in order to execute step was approved

                                                                                              • 而鄂如只添加的796 793,圆论点不景气交换结束短期为什么除了只是恐慌心理崩溃日本在日本,如果你喜欢,是因为他们觉得拥抱一个货币大量外国资产计价疯狂抛售日元没有意义 793 796 When it adds why circular heavy decline ends with short term In addition to heavy decline being no more than a psychological panic Because Japan the large quantity has held foreign currency building property Therefore the ru thing which sells the Japanese Yen such a time and sows there is no meaning
                                                                                                • 中Rashii实时从暴跌没有这样做,我不知道美国股市 Because stocks you do not do however it is not understood the American market now during great break seems in real time

                                                                                              • 脆弱的世界经济的今天,崛起的中国最危险的通货膨胀率在一些国家已经开始对我作为通货膨胀的忧虑
                                                                                                Current fragility for the world economy, as for being most dangerous inflation anxiety Already inflation anxiety gains force in the country of part China as beginning

                                                                                                • 自民党卖国害怕屈曲邮政资产美国的压力,以及美国资产试图表现为邮政狗糖果 It tried that the treason Liberal Democratic Party which submits to the American pressure which fears the mail storing property will present mail storing property to America as a dog of ame
                                                                                                  • 584当亚洲货币危机,出色击退秃鹰针对日本和美国也由于邮政储蓄资产 584 At the time of the Asian monetary crisis the bald hawk which designates Japan as the target and repulsing America beautifully are favor of mail storing property

                                                                                                • 自由政治叛国553年,并开始公仆天堂日本从一个人的案件,以保证稳定和未来的工资与私营部门,塞板齿Kikazu税为无限公司推出手汉平无限!想象一下,希腊和日本同样的情况在一些较长的时间跨度变得害怕 553 Even with treason our civil administration Osamu in case of Japan it has begun to become government employee heaven consist of Allowance differential of people and by in the future the stability which is guaranteed with order exerted from above it does and at will Special Corporation it makes and the brake is not effective with the ri which is sown and the blood tax pin does to leap at will Already when you imagine that a little also Japan was the same circumstances as Greece it becomes fearful
                                                                                                  • 553卖国日本自由政治是从政府雇员天堂边缘的是要保证企业稳定与私营部门和未来工资,税金和汉板针齿公共Kikazu制动器无限制降落伞辊什么!想象一下,希腊和日本同样的情况在一些较长的时间跨度变得害怕 553 Even with treason our civil administration Osamu Japan has begun to become government employee heaven consist of Allowance differential of people and by in the future the stability which is guaranteed with order exerted from above it does and at will Special Corporation it makes and the brake is not effective with the ri which is sown and the blood tax pin does to leap at will Already when you imagine that a little also Japan was the same circumstances as Greece it becomes fearful

                                                                                                • 自由比它被称为新自由主义的学者布莱恩的765系统将是整个左,对不对?
                                                                                                  765 The scholar crow [ri] [ya] of the system other than commonly every single, the new principle of freedom principle of freedom on all left flank the [ro] which is the [tsu] [chi] [ma] [u

                                                                                                  • 菅和战国要求加税是根据人民群众负担的,目的是保持公务员奖励民间
                                                                                                    菅 And as for insistence of tax increase of 仙 valley, Under burden of the citizen, those in order to maintain the favorable treatment of the government employee

                                                                                                    • 补救的办法是保护暴动罢工,奇啊,那是什么,当一个国家发生破产的阿尔巴尼亚族的邻居说,一些国家的权利来自友好程度隔离薄弱 When in the strike riot relief step makes protective the country goes bankrupt something happening applying as for the fact that you say You call to next door Albania because there is a young isolation nation A certain it is easy to know don t you think
                                                                                                      • 我是〜,嗯,电视,我想说我会吞掉起义被镇压希腊风格虚假谣言 Is the television the false rumor in Greece and riot flowing saying that it went down at a stroke don t you think the ru

                                                                                                    • 被邀请到拉钱可以提高危机,市场失灵的投标保证金,110亿欧元(141亿美元)将签署捐赠回逃离希腊政府或国家的银行同业的支持措施,对希腊,欧洲和高程告诉停运 In the trigger which is not unable to cause crisis enlargement the failure of bond bid 110 000 000 000 Europe 141 000 000 000 dollar the Greek government or support country escapes from anti Greek support step in the waist You can list sign and the functional stop etc of the European interbank market which become

                                                                                                      • 诡辩家伙怎么办,然后再有708正在做上市公司相比,与城市当地政府的雇员,你知道你比你傻瓜一般业务区
                                                                                                        708 As for you [aho]? It contrasts with the general enterprise of the district, it is the [ro] which The philosophism guy the local government employee in comparison with city center presentation enterprise how

                                                                                                        • 路德维希冯米塞斯和都不让他说,红色或绝缘体其次是760和法西斯主义的“左”的表现在财政浪费的行为,临时船民什么我
                                                                                                          760 Fascist and that next red? When you have [rutovuihi] Mises call, both are “left flank” what, don't you think? The large board doing to behave, it squanders public finance

                                                                                                          • 路透巴黎5欧洲 在,与前几个希腊和周二,飞到另一个国家的债务危机从希腊在几周内,根据排减单位,拥抱一个严重的债务继续增加,市场国家的许多扎莎访问是封闭的,富裕国家和欧洲央行(ECB)可能被迫依靠紧急措施是新的篮子 Paris 5 days Reuters In Europe several months as for Greece furthermore holding serious debt according to within several weeks debt crisis To spark to the foreign country from Greece furthermore many countries being closed the access to the market It does not depend on the new urgent measure by affluent country and the European central bank ECB it stops obtaining There is a possibility
                                                                                                            • 这将是希腊峨进一步,拥抱一个严重的债务,越来越多的信心将受到损害。第八 Because of this Greece furthermore will come to the point of holding serious debt reliance probably will be more and more impaired

                                                                                                          • 这个左翼政府当选,而是看通讯,财政紧缩,希腊现在他们不得不在擦拭前政府消灭了你的驴
                                                                                                            Although as for present administration of this left wing it was not shrinkage and it put out public finance move and was elected, Being able to point to the rear end wiping of front administration, the [ru] The Greek right group is destroyed from now on

                                                                                                            • 这些人,我只是说复苏终于开始雇用元,无损检测我有一个愿望,看看利上美国联邦储备委员会(和联邦政府已经撤回要求刺激经济。)
                                                                                                              As for such people, that employment finally just began recovery, although you say, Increase of the interest rate is desired to federal preparation board of directors, (and, withdrawal of stimulative step is requested to Federal Government)

                                                                                                              • 这是更大的利益或更高请用你的屁股后,它进入最后46 7?嘿 我觉得这就是我不喜欢?没有致命伤害他们通常考虑Etara德国等欧盟能够生存,这些国家的粮食数据包Shiteyatsu!我想我会 467 The ketsu wiping and the after benefit which that ends either one is large However you think as tsu lever Toda it is to combine… what kind of the e Normally when you think by yourself without receiving the fatal damage when it is possible to continue EU German like country doing It becomes the tsu te but distantly already it is
                                                                                                                • 1。想致富,真正想成为欧盟的2。并符合会计欺诈行为,欧盟3马尔科里尼成员。如果没有抗体增加进入欧盟,现在可以04如果降低利率债务。分布在全国各地,远离疯狂的其他债务之后 1 You wanted to become rich by any means EU When you want to enter 2 Doing to window dressing settlement to satisfy condition finally desire EU Participation 3 EU By the fact that it enters it reached the point where you can owe with the cheap interest 4 The ru where you owe abundantly and you distribute in tsu te country which is sown and sow

                                                                                                              • 这项事业成为公仆我骂他,或羡公务员优惠政策命运的日本!数字或单词,如果命运继续
                                                                                                                Now as for cause government employee favorable treatment It is the Japanese end road When it is enviable, being accustomed to the government employee! With the end road which was continued to say

                                                                                                                • 逃逸到海外495,而希腊人丰富的移动或资产为我们奇诺吗? 495 It kept escaping to the foreign country property as for the rich Greek person who was moved How it does from now on
                                                                                                                  • 资产转移到国外或在这种情况下,当然,emigration re下 Of course before becoming such situation to move property to the foreign country the foreign country immigrate the chi ya u

                                                                                                                • 道琼斯 400wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww抑郁症 Dow Jones 400wwwwwwwwwwwwww Worldwide panic wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                                  • 道琼斯 700wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww抑郁症 Dow Jones 700wwwwwwwwwwwwww Worldwide panic wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                                                • 道琼斯篮板Warota wwww超长时间来第一次部署的乐趣!周五超过1200元!日元上涨那么多钱,他们排除瓦特
                                                                                                                  Dow Jones transcendent [ribaundowarota] wwww Long separation it is funny development! Gold $1200 breakthrough! Just circle pulling out the gold, rise w

                                                                                                                  • 邮政爆炸重新国有化在581公务员不会有瓦特
                                                                                                                    581 Don't you think? the number of government employees increases probably will be with postal services re-nationalization, w

                                                                                                                    • 钢铁般的丹 黑色星期五的音乐,他们会听到这个穿反正中线 Steely Dan Black Friday Temporarily settling the ze which you probably will hear even with music

                                                                                                                      • 钱德从212欧元单一货币的制定,只能出口到哪里,在欧元区,它没有机制,使资金,只有在德国 212 Exporting with anywhere of European inside being able to make money Germany it is the empty As for standardized currency Europe becoming the mechanism which just Germany gains the ru
                                                                                                                        • 在德国人的外国资产持有的资产有很多的外国,因为你不想要它提示我不反对欧元的利润 So as for foreign property in anti Europe Rising therefore ru reason as for the German citizen who possesses foreign property in large quantities Making a profit it is ru reason

                                                                                                                      • 默认变得更多的欧洲国家,金融机构的国际航线是徒劳肿胀也失去了,永远和我得到的官员恼火,因为在希腊的愚蠢公开 When in European plural countries it becomes default also loss of each country financial institution probably will expand and It is great with consequence of the foolish government employee of Greece the wa which is bothered
                                                                                                                        • 排减单位和在生产力方面考虑,我在为世界最重要的是要消除公务员计算机前度过很 When you think in the sense productivity the government employee compared to first erasing neat because of society but what

                                                                                                                      • :双于 3 333五十铃我::。Ð!, 我:: Two i yu 333 Three HKDRT ni ¯ REPT non i 33 lt To two i i to REPT To DREPT ll f ⌒ REPT lt mi i ゙ II Y ¯ ¯ ¯ shi ll one do ¯ ll ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ll Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is Three 33 ∧ HKRPT 33 ∧ f Two i yu 333 Three Ω Ω i 33 lt To two i i to REPT To DREPT ll f ⌒ REPT lt mi i ゙ II Y ¯ ¯ ¯ shi ll one do ¯ ll ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ll ♪ ∩ ∧ ∧ ∧ and ∧ ∧ ∧ ⌒ REPT REPT Ω 7ω 7ω 7 ♪ shi ll one do J ┘ ┘ ┘ ¯ ¯ ll REPT No No No ♪ Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is
                                                                                                                        • NULL Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is Three 33 HKRPT 33 f Two i yu 333 Three HKDRT ni ¯ REPT non i 33 lt To two i i to REPT To DREPT ll f ⌒ REPT lt mi i ゙ II Y ¯ ¯ ¯ shi ll one do ¯ ll ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ll Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is Three 33 ∧ HKRPT 33 ∧ f Two i yu 333 Three Ω Ω i 33 lt To two i i to REPT To DREPT ll f ⌒ REPT lt mi i ゙ II Y ¯ ¯ ¯ shi ll one do ¯ ll ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ll ♪ ∩ ∧ ∧ ∧ and ∧ ∧ ∧ ⌒ REPT REPT Ω 7ω 7ω 7 ♪ shi ll one do J ┘ ┘ ┘ ¯ ¯ ll REPT No No No ♪ Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is Until the lever it is it becomes what it shot it is

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