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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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Talk throwing, just music the sound recording new model IC recorder involving the listener, scandal


  • -伊集院AVANTY ·学校的锁定程序,如果你这样做
    Ijuin program AVANTY School of LOCK Just it should have been

    • / ..`丶,:.:.:.:.:.:....深呼吸ヽ作为一个花蕾花这样,树木正在准备一口゙Meryu舒适,树荫
      /. . `丶: . : . : . : . : . : . REPT The bud of the flower flower including breath deeply, as for the trees feeling preparation of the shade under the tree making which is good [hashi] ゙ [meriyu

      • 132:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 05 / 08(星期六)11:48:17编号:上午mm3az3jd0也没关系,因为韩国的语言Bakkari
        132 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/05/08 (Saturday) 11: 48: 17 ID: mm3az3jd0 As for AM the Korean therefore [tsu] temporary how good [wa

        • 1“的故事,对于专业的苏我,他们不是这个!”太消极w如果不说话的人,或你在听,收音机,CD听音乐,你已经有了一个单独叫很多人买东西ü很多人都没有,或者别人想 1 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” Negative passing w The person who buys CD which does not have the person and the talk which do not hear the radio completely the large quantity it is therefore it is The person who would like to inquire about just music is natural as for the large quantity being
          • 1“谈谈他们的专业苏我,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”他们会听到一个体面的故事 1 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” Negative passing w The person who buys CD which does not have the person and the talk which do not hear the radio completely the large quantity it is therefore it is The person who would like to inquire about just music is natural as for the large quantity being
          • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish gt “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
          • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
          • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
          • 他说:“苏故事,我的专业,他们不是这个!”太消极w如果不说话的人或你在听,收音机,CD听音乐,你已经有了一个单独叫很多人买东西ü很多人都没有,或者别人想 It makes foolish gt “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
          • 小仓智明的连铸机 gt It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” gt Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
          • 小仓智明的连铸机 It makes foolish gt “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster

        • 237啊,但索尼的开发商,“我儿子的Ttemashita(厘米切断硬盘录像机),医药和索尼公司也关闭,并尝试将飞行 237 Well with the SONY developer making “the son we it increased CM cutting HDD recorder with it cuts the SONY CM and has tried throwing
          • 687:Shisan名无 10周年:2010 05 08(星期六)13:47:44编号:8b0qzpou0我想我,看鸠山 最新趋势遗憾只有这种制度改变以往估计的民主! Ttemashita我错了他们!嗯,我做』 687 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 08 Saturday 13 47 44 ID 8b0qzpou0 So with AM seeing recent Hatoyama trend well front that much of administration alternation recommending democracy It does not inhale I increased by mistake The tsu te doing the shelf
          • 我想我,看鸠山 最新趋势抱歉只是政权改变以往估计的民主? Ttemashita我错了他们!嗯,我做』 So with AM seeing recent Hatoyama trend well front that much of administration alternation recommending democracy It does not inhale I increased by mistake The tsu te doing the shelf

        • 621三洋不是管理是无用的,但它不好玩,使有吸引力的产品
          621 As for SANYO, however it is to make the funny attractive product How the plug manager is useless

          • 691坐在座位前面的荣誉Radjio,发言者根据您的眼睛水平,距离一千三百毫米± 20mm的中(Ry的正确方式看该S
            691 In the [rajio] front to sit down with sitting straight, to adjust the speaker to the height of the eye, as for distance 1300mm ± 20mm With etiquette of viewing where this is correct s (ry

            • 7调频听到人们谈论的DJ wearing ll想你是不必要的,因为人说,他们不喜欢讲空话,调频不认为我听到 7 FM hearing as for the ru people as for the talking DJ even unnecessary thinking the ru The person who dislikes the talking which does not become that poison or the medicine thinks that FM you do not hear
              • 即使是球迷,“我不认为人们需要谈一下,失去了”如果有一种认识,即 As for the recognition that with even the fan “the few people may think talk that it is unnecessary ” certain

            • Etiwanpoinsuri我希望借此机会来记录什么人Jeeeeieeeeebu
              [eteiwanpoinsuri] and [jieeeeieeeeebu] We want also the [tsu] [te] person recording next

              • Naoranai说,即使得到彻底改变很多次,你会发现甚至5倍,而不是4,三洋洗衣机三洋洗衣机第五次召回更换4召回
                That, you say many times we have not exchanged, When it searches, there are no 4 times, as many as [te] 5 time, SANYO Exchanging recall 4 laundry dehydrators Sanyo Electric with laundry dehydrator 5th recall

                • NULL NULL
                  • :。, 。:我, ヾ NULL

                • Ozura Daro m假设更为任意监听使用听到什么是未来
                  The [ro] whose one use of what hearing the listener is selfish It is arrogant what to somewhere, as for [ozura

                  • Www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things
                    • 呻 www nhk or jp 紫花茉莉 NHK的调频星期六下午4 00〜6 00 Rajiomanjakku现场表演者:赤坂泰彦,由纪子雨兰花盛开的大门太郎大盐丸子。更多肇 http www nhk or jp rmj NHK FM Radio man jack Every week Saturday 4 00 PM 00 6 Live program Performance Akasaka Yasuhiko Rainy orchid 咲 wooden child Osio coater low row Croquette Gate Hajime Other things

                  • _NULL_
                    60 23 At the time of militarism substituting, thinking, perhaps, the [ru], but so it is not w Public conversion of stop and below enterprise of democracy national assembly and distribution system… How seeing, but socialism, when it is 60 years ago that it is socialism, because the person who with respect to standpoint is troubled is, As for such person w which calls 60 years ago militarism National Diet method amendment with plan bureaucratic reply prohibition Whether (the bill constitutional the politician passes judgment -> unconstitutional law selfishly steadily! ) Postal services commercialization second look Child treatment That? To current Japanese [tsu] [te] socialism it is converting?

                    • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”“贵宾只有两次,而脱节!”我的感觉一样 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
                      • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”不要是傻瓜,如果你瓦特工作作为一个专业 It makes foolish gt “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
                      • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”亲苏听到他们的故事,瓦特进入 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
                      • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”我不知道,即使在日本,不知我是一个专业的兰花的故事苏 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster

                    • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
                      • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
                      • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster
                      • “他们对我说话苏专业人士,他们不是这个!”的愤怒和富士电视台的电视早餐“Tokudane!”小仓智明的施法 It makes foolish “me for the professional whom you speak it is well ” With as for being angry information program of the Fuji Telecasting Co morning “ dane which is solved ” Ogura Satoshi Akira caster

                    • “如果大家都在用〜s”和“一旦每个人都跳过电视”中医鸡传染性法氏囊病,“食品工业开始Metara大家都空腹IBD的”基地“大家都赤裸暮苏等。 IBD的服装产业已成为“普通,它看起来并不现实意义的讲话 “If everyone uses ” the te When “everyone everyone CM reaches the point where it skips as for the television end” When “everyone begins everyone fast as for foodstuff industry end” When “it reaches the point where everyone lives with everyone nude as for apparel industry end” Commonly the speech shelf which does not form realistic meaning

                      • 。(u003d,|::| /钉:。:ヽ直到你的梦想飞行|:::::升...哦,柏野由香说kashiyuka船长,害羞゙库塔我们在我们不急于
                        . {= | : : | /Nail: . : REPT | : : : : : l HKRPT Between to flights of your dream, the oak [yu] or thing oak field Yuka of the captain and together, slow passing [kuta] ゙ shy

                        • 一个男人和跃动感像一个坏的不只是恼人的Komabae俘虏和骚扰已经站在一个像
                          Quite hateful Uon raising, as if to harass, immediate it flies about [uza] it is, the scene fly like person shelf

                          • 三洋641,但你内存不足或召回是致命的是洗衣机或烘干机
                            641 The Sanyo Electric was the washer whether it was the dehydrator, the fatal recall has put out memory

                            • 三洋的电台发布于3月4芯片的某些功能已被记录酿制争议
                              When the radio equipped IC recorder of the Sanyo Electric which is sold in April a certain function, causes scandal

                              • 不,他有些怪异的家伙实物听到对话内存和一个调谐器体面和公正的do 米不是相当高兴 Well because the person who talk would like to hear it is such person this functional use wa it should not have been just it puts out With the honest tuner attachment it can record in memory and HDD you say that the radio is unusual easily In miserable circumstance of industry with such product as for ru on the other hand the ro which is happy thing
                                • 不,他有些怪异的家伙实物听到对话内存和一个调谐器体面和公正的do m高兴的是,它必须相当,不是吗? Well because the person who talk would like to hear it is such person this functional use wa it should not have been just it puts out With the honest tuner attachment it can record in memory and HDD you say that the radio is unusual easily In miserable circumstance of industry with such product as for ru on the other hand the ro which is happy thing

                              • 中医自动说,你觉得我打一个界碑和通话和歌曲?这是最可悲的事件侦听器将扮古甚至没有错误或失误,从源头有时随意削减 Being automatic CM and talk it just strikes the marker it is to call it is not with boundary of tune Being cut selfishly because sometimes mistake it is the ri it does The source being gone with mistake the saddest occurrence it puts out for the listener
                                • 艾希手流我想没有什么区别?如果它不只是听,听串无解礼宝贵的听众面前,如果你说 What you misunderstand it is Your talk if there is a value for the listener you hear if and it is not you do not hear Is just that

                              • 互联网广播是不是思加Ryuu歌曲,你觉得没有听到辜? NAA的调频也说什么决定语调说话像一个球,只gaijin用尽 It becomes only tune the net radio tsu te which is not let flow without the air which is heard being it does the yo Whether saying The talking where the foreigner like intonation of the FM no chi ya and others finishes to be decided
                                • 。♭升: :长喷流 ♭ l l JET STREAM…

                              • 人工神经网络朱家桥的个性是不固定或录制的电视节目,从早生一沃塔下载数量的竞争对手付出,即使你不爱自己的朱家桥和商业广播电台,文化壊做电台,称该投诉筋合伐丽流如果没有伊宁
                                ANN of AKB [pasonaritei] do not lock it videotapes broadcasts, being pay, making the frequency of download rival, from [wota] AKB commercial law Individual the broadcasting station has not loved the radio and, radio culture breaking, don't you think? there is no reason which is said the [ru] and complaint

                                • 他多次听到怪异的会谈和我所有的记录,而不是如何摒弃一边聆听到整个反音乐只。录得驴?安娜是哑巴Fabyo汉堡?
                                  The person who if repetition talk would like to hear entirely you should have recorded and, Absence recording, rather than saying, while inquiring about the whole, just music counter. Don't you think? in business sound recording -? As for [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] [ru] analog [aho]?

                                  • 令人惊讶的音乐风格的音乐个性,他们会在电台节目,而不是在厕所的听众都?
                                    The music [tsu] [te] musics style stripe with the radio with program unexpected it comes Personality and listener both rest room time well?

                                    • 会感到困倦,不愿听,但仅穿着单独在房间里穿着,易听,同时在创新ー飞机驾驶汽车收音机的我 While the radio program tsu te car driving it becomes dim and the tsu hears and the ru is pleasant but it is Being confined into the room hearing alone the ru being drowsy it becomes helpless
                                      • 239电台最近我看到一些茹 239 Something recent radio as for you see

                                    • 但实际上现在谁需要我们一直强烈未来?它没有建立法律思维越来越多的兼容,在过去的政治权利,谁也
                                      So, in actuality as for request of proprietor The [ro] which has become strong and is? Also politics being flattery to the proprietor, when until now is, thought The law which is not it has been formed it is not steadily

                                      • 但是,这不是有意的CM跳过工作,只是没有足够的厕所,所以每个人都得到了中医如果要跳过赞助商,电视台的商业模式将会崩溃 But CM skip is not that production side has intended about the rest room is good however probably will be If everyone CM reaches the point where it skips because the sponsor it stops being attached as for TV station the management model Fails

                                        • 你会被记录大多是伴奏Yokoyokohamakokosuka附表歌谣还是坚持到了港口
                                          When you record [yokoyokohamakokosuka] of the ballad or the port which is lifted up to the mother Almost in just accompaniment [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u]?

                                          • 光盘的DJ Ð的D,磁盘D是不是?令人惊讶的选择,巧妙地隐藏卓越协会像打你的膝盖,设置了早生驱动tTA惊喜适用于合逻辑结束时,还以为是 As for D of DJ the ro which is D of Disc and D of the record Unexpected choice it seems that strikes the knee and while piercing association and the unexpectedness which excel the combination which serves to reason The idea which is concealed skillfully there
                                            • 1 Ozura欺骗你,他们想谈谈之前能无无聊 我是你的DJ或过这样的许多需求,以便 1 Fool of ozura you like Because talk is not ma viewing talent DJ is many Such demand is born it is

                                          • 前无聊或有趣的问题或者伊集院109(不论个性艺人不限于)你想一站两电台的歌曲推荐歌曲对你有飞谈瓦特 109 When it is trivial it is funny when before the problem Ijuin not just the entertainer personality When talk it throws with the radio nomination tune of bureau just remains about 2 tunes the ro w

                                            • 喜欢的iPod nano 5日,外交部可以扮演Ikake追,而且,你知道歌曲名称和艺术家播出,iTunes,但是该系统易于购买,我就买他迟到了集成电路录音机这是不到什么样的信息 ipod nano 5th likely Title and the artist of the tune which chased FM and being able to play back at the same time was broadcast being recognized although there is a system which can be purchased simply with iTunes Buying such a late start IC recorder don t you think it is ru person tsu te feeling weakness
                                              • 集成电路录音机杀死了广播明星。我想写的东西Warota和驱动tTA已经有一个一十四瓦特 IC recorder killed the radio star When with entry you want but already 14 In being warota w

                                            • 因为他们有较低的价格比其他制造商440“三洋穷人和老人买东西,”我有一个形象 440 Because price is cheap in comparison with the other manufacturer because there is image “of those which the sun yaw pauper and the aged person buy” don t you think
                                              • 161然而,高Chattajan压碎我,我不使用洗衣机洗涤,我曾经三洋 161 So it is crushed at washer tsu te Kao Soap Co Ltd which does not use the detergent which sun yaw made the chi ya tsu it is

                                            • 在伊集院尖叫的表演家或谈话类节目谈论你愚蠢的狗屎不认为它是WWW的飞行
                                              [ku] [so] scream of [ma] viewing talk entertainer www You think the Ijuin radio and kana and others talk that it is not thrown, but

                                              • 在好,如果我要让他认为,在主要内容中,只有约音楽ü噪音?达罗或没有思想只有音乐节目伊集院纪录
                                                If just story with main the music [u] [ze] - with makes the contents which are made to think, it is good, don't you think? it is? The [ro] where sound recording you cannot think just music with Ijuin program and is

                                                • 在这种情况下你这个时尚前已经分配只在在线音乐,我不检查他们的空气,调频广播节目会更容易听到谈话来解决问题辜包括 Just this the circumstance where with the net music transmission becomes natural Air check how it is not popular and as for the pleasure which inquires about the FM radio It probably is something of talk included
                                                  • ::。莱斯小 J 升 喷流 re small j l JET STREAM…

                                                • 多听音乐,少说话。Tteta广播公司说我现在说话和庸俗和甜食和垃圾要充分厘米 More music and Less talk The tsu te says also the broadcasting station now nonsense suitsu story and Becoming the vulgar CM being lazy the ru it does
                                                  • 与CM 362视频录像机制造商的唯一或跳过机制,冲突一直播出 362 The manufacturer acquires CM skip mechanism to the video recorder broadcasting station side always has been opposed

                                                • 如果你想搭电台和偏见的媒体只有一个Odzura
                                                  1 Just the mass communications which [ozura] and it deflects reports although there should have been a radio which can be thrown

                                                  • 如果广受欢迎,而不是听古无线电实时,如果只是为了记录音乐,甚至听表面,消除了广告的影响,他们背弃电台的广告收入,站立和电台组成我相信没有 Spreading widely not to be to inquire about the radio in real time just music recording If it reaches the point where you hear there is no announcement effect because announcement earnings stop entering to the radio The radio stops consisting it is the kana which is not
                                                    • 削减后,我从一个MP3音乐曲目的会谈记录的一部份,“我们并不需要更多的”功能,使消费者造成意外操作 With MP3 sound recording the track truck cutting in the talk part and the music part from after “does not need can do to turn off the one which” the function which
                                                    • 当我来到仍然文字空气岁或ー1,保留记录和定时器通过审查的歌曲在电台编辑苏加流向储蓄的一部分,他们谈话,但真正的重点是做一般的我 The word former times air check whether still has lived time Inspecting it lets flow what kind of tune with radio program the timer recording But excluding the talk part it compiles how does normally thing what

                                                  • 如语音,像爬行方案从汝我留下,我想如果三苦成长环境更容易产生良好的效果
                                                    Dubbing artist desire and scenario lighter/writer desire stay the maggot [ya] maggot [ya], therefore it is, effective sound If the environment which can make production simple is produced, don't you think? Hatune [miku] it multiplies probably will be likely

                                                    • 应该讨论的CM,而不是让球转金色莎拉你飞往韩国Kibbon中医矮Kitou没有听说会找到
                                                      On the other hand CM throwing [kibon] than talk throwing CM what of the Korean magazine pocket the plate gold the [wa] where you hear and questions and is not it is,

                                                      • 当人类当我们把空气,我不是不知道这个功能是30瓦的晚年可能扭转现在 When air check doing when it does from the human this function over 30 years is slow don t you think w Perhaps now is with it becomes opposite but
                                                        • 367首先,他们不知道,直到最近,我从来没有Shirandaro字或20秒现在把空气 367 In the first place current 20 generations or air check how word it does and the ro which is viewing You did not know we to recently

                                                      • 录音机也是时代对这些事情类,当你从电台录制音乐的DJ“ 现在,让我们,让我们的音乐 』○○△ 什么,什么的 (我去过,并按下按钮,开始录制) 因此它是好的音乐,我爱大(添加一个额外的←) ♪让“听众”和 我会Temee死亡“,但由于绝对不认为像瓦特 NULL
                                                        • “嗯?没问题 但是,是什么?”如果你喜欢的DJ说,我觉得很酷 “It is … However completely there is no problem what ” With If kind of DJ which you say you think as katsukoii

                                                      • 愚蠢的家伙,他们混淆或1周古锄头想听你说值得瓦特 1 koitsu and others fool w If there is a value which hears talk the wa becoming dim w which is heard

                                                        • 我们将发挥航班日本NHK电台音乐精选深夜,而这种态度,我很认真处理质量是惊人的音乐我讲调频电台的DJ日是我们的球员,德国也唐奇像外国人讲英语的发音习惯是不是我将讨论Bakkari,噢,我会抱怨,即使你飞爱恩
                                                          Game music special edition does with NHK radio nighttime flight, Quality of talk was enormous Tackling music seriously, [ru] attitude In comparison with that, as for DJ of commercial broadcast FM of daytime Also Germany doing habit of droppings like English pronunciation densely, always you talk to the foreigner wind, The talk which does not have contents [tsu] temporary the [wa] which is done, The sled [ya] [a], being thrown, complaint say it is the [wa

                                                          • 我们将覆盖广告的CM会计算率,以及在削减广泛基础的问题,已被故意忽略
                                                            Because root of announcement charge computation is overturned, that problem of CM cutting becomes large, being able to meet, you ignore

                                                            • 我想我也许会军国主义23天,是不是停止瓦特议会民主,公共基础设施公司,社会主义配给...但显然,这是社会主义的前60年麻烦,因为人民的情况说的,这些人被称为军国主义恩戴年才60瓦哦,什么是社会主义,因为纳粹党
                                                              23 At the time of militarism substituting, thinking, perhaps, the [ru], but so it is not w Public conversion of stop and below enterprise of democracy national assembly and distribution system… How seeing, but socialism, when it is 60 years ago that it is socialism, because the person who with respect to standpoint is troubled is, As for such person w which calls 60 years ago militarism So, therefore so, the Nazis [tsu] [te] socialist political party,

                                                              • 我期待了63吴做手工,我仍然隐藏在人的脸?我可以用这样的外观和功能在一定程度上缓解 63 The face of the person of face putting out NG is hidden riding and or the combining which still is manual operation It has with such function easily it may be able to do although is
                                                                • 我只是回顾过去,辛故意辩论由每日新闻主办千万不要做或不看观众的评论 Turning away the eye intend from the news which DIG how everyday it should discuss with the sponsor the ru it does Opinion from the viewer have tried not to read

                                                              • 换句话说,他们听到有人进来,所以我觉得这是很好的无线电通话像一个庞大的数字,有没有人应该是好的工具,如附表那些 In other words the people talk lover which we like the radio hears Because you think that is large crowd there is no expectation such people liking such an instrument

                                                                • 无论听众如果有这样一个功能是真正的天才,你听到辜?我想,如果人们不差有能力,请留下一英里 If there is a capability truly there probably is such a function but the listener does you hear being the yo Although there is no capability as for the person who is misunderstood please leave swiftly
                                                                  • 达罗自由和听说了吗?最好不要用这样的原因,然后按听众的态度伤假 That how you probably will hear the ro which is selfish Although such you push and attach and wound increase are and attitude is cause of the listener leaving

                                                                • 旧纪录是电影明星,不然我敢肯定,34厘米香椎展望口袋,出来好,竹下惠子小泉恭子
                                                                  34 CM of the movie and the drama which former times were videotaped certainly you see with bosom to force don't you think?, Kiyouko Keiko Takeshita and Koizumi is present well

                                                                  • 更多地参与,但良好的分钟音盲,所以114机,这“将采用在电视Koenaku听到说话”,而且,不仅可以记录音乐,会是什么? 114 Because it is machine tone deafness well you do not understand but is as for this “while broadcasting talk not being audible The function which becomes” is not and the te only music sound recording possibility with probably is to say
                                                                    • 更多地参与,但良好的分钟音盲,所以114机,这“将采用在电视Koenaku听到说话”,而且,不仅可以记录音乐,会是什么? 114 Because it is machine tone deafness well you do not understand but is as for this “while broadcasting talk not being audible The function which becomes” is not and the te only music sound recording possibility with probably is to say

                                                                  • 最近的伊集院感,我不得不为你的头脑金子晃阵列一段时间到
                                                                    So if you say, recent Ijuin Kaneko Satoru extremely favorite [are] in sense

                                                                    • 有一次,当我检查的空气,NHKFM调频只是一个前奏驱动tTA考虑戴突然觉得我能把握歌曲广播站冒险前进,这录音机录音后青年,只有声音效果是否会被记录
                                                                      Former times, the air has checked time just NHKFM had the consideration which is not worn in the prelude The number which is broadcast in advance at the FM station with grasp causing You thought suddenly, but when the springtime of life adventure you record with this recorder, just will effective sound probably be recorded?

                                                                      • 有些人生活在尼科德而不年由于在1调频的DJ继续?级别,您将如何难在周日的比赛之一 瓦特女士我是一个叙述者或PC晃地 If it continues the person and 1 years in niko raw DJ of FM … W which may leave in level Also the zu and others had shone at the narrator and personal computer Sunday of HOW match
                                                                        • 达罗NACK5发生使用此功能需要的蛋糕 组成的邮件从垂直Tteru听众和讲人格,调频电台这么好,志位和稀有 When this function is used with NACK5 how becomes and is the ro … which Consisting with the mail from the listener and the talking of pasonaritei the ru to FM therefore unusual bureau

                                                                      • 杀死即使没有这个伊集院Tteta我告诉你,他们知道并同意的DJ [前
                                                                        However Ijuin 'the DJ murder' [tsu] [te] says this, you approve to that, it is [ro] you who are

                                                                        • 杉山清隆及Omegatoraibu 875(旧)KAMISAMI孔的DJ专辑是特别的麻烦录音唱片和覆盖,它是心灵的驱动器到您的一个朋友,这是相当
                                                                          875 With album of Kiyotaka Sugiyama & [omegatoraibu] (old) KAMISAMI KONG As for DJ special Specially covering the disk jockey, recording, the [te], this it was favorite as a friend of good drive

                                                                          • 桥本隆义教授,电视学院艺术系的日本“功能是一种生命的行为杀害电台”和怨恨
                                                                            Hasimoto filial piety of the Nippon University art department broadcast subject is good the professor “this function life of the radio It is something which kills”, that you resent

                                                                            • 没有选择,因为我没有听到听众谈论在古听到法官说,有人抱怨,我会用U不是他们的力量支撑我觉得这功能? Therefore as for option the reason which is the listener Talk you hear you do not hear judgment putting out complaint of the person who is used unreasonable there are no times when you say There is no this functional tsu te mandatory tsu te reason don t you think
                                                                              • 日本邮政是听众的自由去做朱达罗万维网wwww wwww阿霍 chi yo www How it will do but the ro wwww where the listener is free aho wwww
                                                                              • 没有选择,因为我没有听到听众谈论在古听到法官说,有人抱怨,我会用U不是他们的力量支撑我觉得这功能? Therefore as for option the reason which is the listener Talk you hear you do not hear judgment putting out complaint of the person who is used unreasonable there are no times when you say There is no this functional tsu te mandatory tsu te reason don t you think
                                                                              • 驴什么听众听到第一手的方式我不喜欢你说话有一个真正的飞行 The talk which is kind of actual is not thrown it should have done In the first place the listener how probably will hear but don t you think the selfishness

                                                                            • 河内的DJ耀西与电力的CountDown日本bayfm只对我
                                                                              As for it is good being the DJ attachment The POWER of bayfm COUNTDOWN JAPAN Extent kana

                                                                              • 潮湿凉爽的声音216“的DJ”从你好,是的,我觉得我不是好播音员上午 216 From “DJ” of the katsukoii voice which will be been adhesive It is and today as for the AM announcer of the tsu te feeling is good don t you think
                                                                                • 813我,基达好歌曲的DJ是什么,但大声说话 813 But as for we the favorite tune the story saying noisily it is

                                                                              • 现在让我下台,因为你需要更多的东西和Ne氖Dzura我喜欢你太讲釈和Kikitaku Your explanation learning explanation releasing and the like don t you think we would like to be effective the wa Such a zura what which probably will be done Don t you think demand therefore it is the descending disembarking board can point
                                                                                • 小仓,或害怕做Janakarou是数字以外的纪录是发展Dzura As for Ogura although the form which is removed zura is videotaped developing You fear it is it probably won t be

                                                                              • 电台的DJ古时代的需求,因为它是流动的音乐很高兴你没有说是无穷无尽我穿朱达罗在哭,并进一步确定 From long time ago Although DJ you do not talk music it should have let flow meanderingly even with the radio With as for the demand which is said uniformly the ro which is Sighing what after so long a time when the ru it is
                                                                                • 如果不是买了所有音乐的需求,为客户You m把捕鱼听到谈论苏应取消,如果当前的音乐电台,我相信他们没有 If with the radio music it lets flow it should have stopped Talk because it can tell fishing the customer with music the ru it is with to do the yo So if is not it is the expectation which is not demand in the first place such a commodity

                                                                              • 电视Dzura确定,发出蜂鸣声时,你要扮Dzura的“会发出蜂鸣声,这家伙是这一点,会发出蜂鸣声”
                                                                                We want [zura] distinction TV If [zura] it seems that alarm sounds “[pipitsu], it is dense it is the liar, [pipitsu]”

                                                                                • 町1周氖捏瓦特除家伙庆祝氖故事无知曼人的心灵做吉田辉美调频威廉斯,我认为武苏应悬挂故事的全日本之夜,如果瓦特的,如果将我从飞行 NULL
                                                                                  • 为什么调频语音或音调或女人都是一样的站个性?什么都是一样的语音语调或交通轮甚至为什么 NULL

                                                                                • 米,。 。゚)Iziyuuin晃ρ是“周老调”,并告诉我说,或者在另一首歌曲是鲁莽所有,流速听仍然享有午饭疑惑首页
                                                                                  [mi]. . ゚) The [tsu] [te] to which, Ρ Ijuin light was indicated and sows saying “with former times this week tune,” completely another bent flow to do it is, Even then listening ratio was the top -

                                                                                  • 苏是一家专业风格瓦特鞠躬无人驾驶飞机或流言,我听到电台手流河内,Jijibaba它是由土方 Lazily discharging well side gossip is professional w The ma the radio hearing the ru riding about jijibaba and the manual laborer it rubbed

                                                                                    • 茹Odzura使已知的自然界中的后果Nettojuku托盘5年前我去的能力,唯一记录音乐分钟的交谈M9公路( Д )次゙゚关闭 Talk dividing into music the function which you record how Coming out 5 years ago it is possible even with ru netsutojiyuku You knew ozura m9 the д hu ゚ ki ゙ ya

                                                                                      • 讲座加水423或流行音乐,流行音乐的风格是枯燥无聊的DJ朱达罗乌加手工具用来指向筛选,他们没有怪异的每一个听众,提高整个水行业的干旱
                                                                                        423 [ma] viewing talk with popularity song inflation or inflating [ma] viewing music with popularity DJ Industry roundly every there is no taste air Although it selects the point which the viewer would like to hear what kind of instrument you probably will use, but the [ro] which is selfish With the flow which is said

                                                                                        • 调频NACK5“新鲜Up9”个性明子旖旎先生:“今天,我读报纸它在这方面,我是导演,我有一个小哭 真的,”说和方案的意见的天空 FM NACK5 “FRESH Benevolence well Satoru child of Up9” pasonaritei “today this newspaper Reading the article don t you think the director me it leapt it expressed thought inside…” and the program which just a little cried truly
                                                                                          • 调频NACK5“新鲜Up9”个性明子旖旎先生:“今天,我读报纸它在这方面,我是导演,我有一个小哭 真的,”说和方案的意见的天空 FM NACK5 “FRESH Benevolence well Satoru child of Up9” pasonaritei “today this newspaper Reading the article don t you think the director me it leapt it expressed thought inside…” and the program which just a little cried truly

                                                                                        • 调频大阪日星期六WAYTING英美AVANTY的FM802或莎丽是星期六上午AMUSIC群岛。如果你说音乐的W到弗兰克的
                                                                                          FM SATURDAY of OSAKA WAYTING BAR AVANTY SATURDAY of [shiyari] of FM802 AMUSIC ISLANDS A.M. W whose talk is pleasant with the joke

                                                                                          • 谈话节目和广告歌曲有趣的是A型血中医附表渗ーー一只手用凿子或如果你呵呵哟意志让你成为一种意识,做用户界面哇哇哇〜下雨或Inzarein我仍感到 You remember talk funny program up to jingle and CM from the chi ya u a a hatchet a Has the chisel blots in the hand which the blood which the a Wow wow wow Whether inzarein rainy tsu o Remembering still the ru

                                                                                            • 达罗听众做什么,但我不知道为什么没有一个人的税务负担出现?我知道这是一个午夜飞行收音机,FM的DJ有过,除了一些他们只是谈论狗屎缓慢
                                                                                              The listener does what, the [ro] which is, why there is no personality and there probably is a necessity? If radio nighttime flight however it is understood, as for DJ of FM part excluding, talk gentle they are the droppings

                                                                                              • 还收集了Tive的牡蛎621三洋放手鹫津鄂博工程师的技术力量骚扰松下隆伊予如果我们能基金的阴茎如果东芝和三菱游戏
                                                                                                621 Sanyo technology is higher than Matsushita Also the technician who is made to stop with [pawahara] gathering, if EBO it does The Toshiba Mitsubishi tend it is densely be able to have a match, you cannot know high If there is an eagle Tsu fund

                                                                                                • 这并不是说有点荒谬,我可以记录几天前无线电设备,一个问题?音响,我也想在地方的线不在这里只出售普通医师 As a problem of time before that The equipment tsu te destruction methods which recently can record the radio it is not few Going in the counter only radio cassette tape recorder and MD it seems that does not line up …
                                                                                                  • 所有的歌曲之夜日本轻吊,CM是不多谭盒式磁带录音90分钟,然后你飞汤(仅第1部分) Song CM throwing all knight Japan of crane light in the radio cassette tape recorder You record and it is enough it is are with the ru and 90 minute tapes only 1 sections

                                                                                                • 道琼斯是不是什么人做这些事? ♪苏轼,词,词゙゙゙゙゙海人海人 秒 词论中,S Anaaaananan ♪( 阿 )♪ 卢武铉) ♪吱吱声 。◎ NULL
                                                                                                  • ♪苏轼,词,词゙゙゙゙゙海人海人 秒 词论中,S Anaaaananan ♪( 阿 )♪ 卢武铉) ♪吱吱声 。◎ ki ゙ ki ゙ and ki ゙ ki ゙ ki ゙ ki ゙ shiki ゙ shiki ゙ shi ♪ 92 anaaaananan ♪ A ♪ No kiyutsukiyu ♪

                                                                                                • 除了说,“罗哈斯”是一场艰苦的生活启示,强波我听说它是不是所有的启蒙,有些则没有那么好是用在商标本身罗哈斯
                                                                                                  Even in addition, that “[rohasu]” life will be enlightened Because has persevered, J-Wave itself [rohasu] trade mark was registered, not be able to use with other things, the [te] completely It has not become enlightenment activity, it is even

                                                                                                  • 靖艾希遥是否从其他制造商也铃木,和坚固的结果,有很大的功能,靖艾希的维修保养费用成本的一小部分可以,绝缘子挂可怕的燃油经济性,但我刚刚征服了汽车领域的所有关心什么一直避免与日本独特的刻板印象
                                                                                                    Also the sea bass is much cheaper than the other manufacturer and, [muchiyakuchiya] strong it puts out, functionality the calling and [mente] cost and repair cost are cheap markedly and, also fuel economy to be enormous has conquered all the car fields in the calling and some air, but it is, it is sidestepped with Japanese unique obsession

                                                                                                    • 顺便说一下,如果你这样说出来的东西抵消医药视频,但我会忽略的产品赞助商秀夫和美国人民说我没有抱怨 By the way when such a thing is proposed CM canceler what of video However you obtain with the hi of sponsor disregard and become with the commodity tsu lever complaint the person who says it is not don t you think
                                                                                                      • 无论故事或专业苏,调频说话或解释,如果没有我不认为他们的意思,即使我没有听到 Also the professional and the angular arm which you speak are good but talk FM which does not have explanation how hearing there is no meaning However with you think
                                                                                                      • 顺便说一下,如果你这样说出来的东西抵消医药视频,但我会忽略的产品赞助商秀夫和美国人民说我没有抱怨 By the way when such a thing is proposed CM canceler what of video However you obtain with the hi of sponsor disregard and become with the commodity tsu lever complaint the person who says it is not don t you think

                                                                                                    • 驼峰,或者谁选择宽松任何歌曲?查看详细资料库里博我说话和战斗?易于染色吧!麻烦的是,谈话等消费 NULL
                                                                                                      • ü使用这些种人,他们开始谈论我听到的,人我不使用它,他们也听到从一开始谈 This as for the person who is used from first talk how hearing or This the person who is not used from first has heard also talk
                                                                                                      • 驼峰,或者两个人选择什么歌曲?查看详细资料库里博我说话和战斗?易于染色吧!麻烦的是,谈话等消费 2 people choosing what kind of tune And what kind of talk battle the chestnut is expanded In pleasure That it is such when talk it is turned off it is troubled

                                                                                                    研究 開発