Greek PM says Greece can overcome economic crisis (2) &$&$
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou walks to deliver a speech during a gathering of the National Council of the ruling socialist party PASOK in Athens, capital of Greece, on Sept. 3, 2010. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos)
Pledging to rebuild a country, where social justice would prevail and widespread provocative tax evasion would no longer exist, Papandreou stressed that his governme ... &$&$ギリシャ首相ゲオルギオスアンドレアスは、2010年3 9月集会の歩みに配信中の音声を社会主義政党、ギリシャ下野の首都、アテネの与党国民評議会
Memorial cross forces nation to question the role of faith A cross honouring the victims of the plane crash that killed President Lech Kaczynski has provoked thousands of protesters to take to the streets to demand its removal.Polish scouts erected the 10m wooden cross in front of Warsaw's... 大統領レフカチンスキを殺した飛行機墜落事故のクロス称える被害者が通り、そのremoval.Polishスカウトを求める取るデモ数千人を怒らせたの前で10mの木製の十字架を建てたワルシャワの...
Webclip shows Israeli soldier dancing aound prisoner A grainy video of a male Israeli soldier bellydancing around a bound and blindfolded female prisoner which went viral overnight, on Tuesday provoked a furious response from the Palestinians.The clip, which came to light after it was screened on Israel's private Channel 10 television late on Monday, shows a soldier gyrating to rhythmic drumbeat of an Arabic track as the woman, who is wearing a headscarf, huddles against a wall, her hands bound in front of her and her eyes bound with a white cloth. 火曜日に一晩ウイルス行ったバインドされ、目隠しの女性囚人の周りの男性、イスラエル兵士bellydancingの粗いビデオは、それが終盤にイスラエルのプライベートチャンネル10のテレビで上映された後に明るみに出たPalestinians.Theクリップからの猛烈な反応を引き起こした月曜日は、スカーフを身に着けている女性は、アラビア語トラックのリズミカルなドラムと旋回兵士が、壁にhuddles示し、彼女の手は白い布にバインドされた彼女と彼女の目の前にバインドされている
Painting of dead Mandela draws outrage A painting that depicts a dead Nelson Mandela undergoing an autopsy provoked outrage Saturday in South Africa, but the artist who created the work has said it is a tribute to the iconic leader. 剖検引き起こした怒りを受けて土曜日南アフリカで死んでいるネルソンマンデラを描いて絵が、作品を作成アーティストは象徴的なリーダーへのオマージュと言っている
In Ads, Plea for Asians to Get Tests for Hepatitis A provocative advertising campaign by San Francisco Hep B Free aims to eradicate the disease with citywide vaccinations against hepatitis B.
President's visit a boost for Hizbollah A visit to Lebanon this week by Iran's President will give a welcome boost to powerful Shiite ally Hizbollah, one of Tehran's most crucial sources of foreign influence, and will include a provocative jaunt to the border with enemy... イランの大統領がレバノンへの訪問は今週、強力なシーア派の同盟国ヒズボラ、外国の影響のテヘランの最も重要なソースのいずれかに歓迎を後押しする敵との国境に挑発的な小旅行が含まれます...
Greek central banker calls for wider, faster drop of budget deficit Bank of Greece Governor George Provopoulos on Tuesday called for a wider and faster decline of the country's budget deficit by 5 percent of GDP instead of the current target of 4 percent this year.
This will be a first step in the international market, sending a positive message to foreign investors and European partners as the eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund are trying to solve the economic and debt crisis in Greece, Provopoulos said when presenting the annual report o ... 銀行はProvopoulosギリシャ知事ジョージ火曜日に今年の予算の減少の国の高速と呼ばれる広い5赤字の割合%をこのターゲットの4現在のGDPの代わりに、これは市場の国。段階の最初のでしょうが、送信正外国人投資家とユーロ圏の国や国際通貨基金、欧州のパートナーへのメッセージは、債務危機ギリシャの経済、Provopoulosが年次報告書oを提示した解決しようとしている...
Leading economist: China should improve GDP quality China's GDP for the second quarter of 2010 overtook that of Japan as the second largest in the world, attracting worldwide attention and provoking considerable discussion. However, many scholars consider it worth noting that although the Chinese economy remains big, it is not strong.
China should spare no effort to improve the quality of GDP rather than simply obsessing over GDP growth, said Liu Fuyuan, former deputy director of the Academy of Macroeconomic Research under the National Develop ... 中国のGDPは2010年の第2四半期のオーバーテイク日本の世界第2位として、その誘。世界中の注目と刺激かなり議論
Why Iran will continue to shell Iraq | Ranj Alaaldin Cross-border incursions allow neighbouring states to hamper Iraq's economic progress without resorting to full-scale warOver the past month Iran has continuously and relentlessly shelled villages along its border with Iraqi Kurdistan, displacing thousands, wounding many and killing one 14-year-old girl.The ostensible target of these attacks is the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan, an Iranian-Kurdish militant movement known as Pejak. However, the decision to send military units across the border and establish bases (according to Kurdish sources) could be part of a broader Iranian strategy to maintain a long-term physical presence inside Kurdish territory. At the very least it is a provocative measure that Iran may justify on the basis of what it considers to be a threat posed by Pejak, but the reasons may go beyond this.Cross-border incursions (shelling included) have been a convenient way for neighbouring states to send a subtle message to Iraq's political actors. This includes reminding them of the limitations on the level of success they can achieve, particularly as American troops withdraw.Turkey has been a repeat offender in this respect; it still shells the region but, in comparison with previous years, has backed down a little. Back in December, Iranian forces carried out an incursion into disputed Iraqi territory in the south, just days after Iraq awarded leading international energy companies contracts to operate seven oil fields in the country. That may have been a response to Iraq's attractive energy sector, which has the potential to take investors away from Iran and towards Baghdad.In relation to the Kurds, Iran will be concerned about any Kurdish move to form a coalition with the anti-Iran bloc, the Iraqi National Movement, which marginally won Iraq's parl クロスボーダーの侵入は、フルスケールwarOverに頼ることなく、イラクの経済発展を妨げる状態を近隣よう継続的に執拗にイラククルド、置換数千との国境に沿って村を砲撃、多くの人が負傷した過去1カ月イランはいると14歳の少女を殺害これらの攻撃の表向きのターゲットは、パーティー無料Lifeのクルド、イランクルド武装運動Pejakとして知られている
Germany set to pay off last WW1 reparations Germany marks the end of an era this Sunday when, 92 years after the end of hostilities, it will make the last of its First World War reparations payments that once provoked a wave of resentment strong enough to sweep Adolf Hitler... ドイツは交戦の末92年後、一度恨みに十分な掃引アドルフヒトラーに強いの波を引き起こした、その第一次世界大戦の賠償金の支払いの最後になる、時代の今週の日曜日の終わりを示します...
Stop EDL's Bradford march of hate | Marsha Singh If the Conservatives are serious about localism they must heed the petition of the people of Bradford and ban this racist marchLater today a delegation from Bradford will go to the Home Office to hand in a petition, signed by over 10,000 local people, calling on the home secretary to ban the proposed English Defence League (EDL) march in our city at the end of the month.The EDL is a racist, anti-Muslim organisation that is coming to Bradford with the sole intention of whipping up tensions and trying to provoke a riot. It is made up of football hooligans, racists and even former loyalist paramilitaries who are now living in England.Unfortunately, we know only too well what this type of terror can bring and Bradford is still recovering from the disturbances of 2001, the consequences of a previous racist incursion. Those events did great damage to our city and any repeat may well cause irreparable damage.The call for a ban has not been taken lightly. We live in a democracy where the right to protest is fundamental but with rights come responsibilities and there has to be limits on people who set out to terrorise, frighten and provoke trouble.We are calling on the home secretary and West Yorkshire police to listen to the will of the people of Bradford and stop this march of hate.Over the last few weeks I have been out campaigning with Hope Not Hate in building the petition. This is not some bureaucratic or passive appeal to the authorities but real people demanding that those who are supposed to serve and protect us, actually do just that.I have been involved in anti-racism for over 30 years but I have never seen such community engagement as I have witnessed in this campaign. This has mobilised and involved people like never before. People, young and old, white and Asian, C 保守党はローカリズムについてはブラッドフォードの人々の申立てに耳を傾ける必要がありますし、この人種差別主義者marchLaterを禁止今日のブラッドフォードからの代表団ホームオフィスに申立てにより、10,000以上の地元の人々によって署名されたの提出に行くな、家に呼び出す場合秘書が提案英語防衛リーグ(EDL)を9つの道のEDLの終わりに私たちの街3月禁止する人種差別主義者ブラッドフォードに緊張をかき立てると挑発しようとしての唯一の目的で来ている、反イスラム教徒の団体です暴動
A Power Line Runs Through It In a string of projects that has so far provoked only token opposition from environmentalists, some companies are putting power lines under water. プロジェクトの文字列では、これまで環境保護団体からはトークンの反対を引き起こしたが、一部の企業が水面下に電力線を入れている
Anger over Iran's 9/11 theories Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked yet another controversy on Thursday saying a majority of people in the United States and around the world believe the American Government staged the September 11 terror attacks... イランの強硬派のアフマディネジャド大統領は、まだアメリカ政府は、9月11日のテロ攻撃を上演し、信じている米国および世界中の人々の大半を言って木曜日に別の論争を引き起こした...
Israel's 'gunboat diplomacy' provokes global outrage Israel was struggling to contain a rapidly mounting diplomatic crisis last night after naval commandos killed at least 10 pro-Palestinian activists in international waters after storming their Turkish passenger ship as it attempted... イスラエルは最後の夜急速に取り付け外交危機を含む海軍部隊公海上でそれが試みとして、トルコ客船を襲撃した後、少なくとも10親パレスチナの活動家を殺害した後に苦しんでいた...
Malcolm McLaren: Blood, spit and tears as the punk provocateur dies Malcolm McLaren stirred up chaos all his life – and even in death, punk's most inspired interloper will cause controversyYou can, if you so desired, make a strong argument for the importance and originality of the largely forgotten albums Malcolm McLaren released under his own name in the 80s.The first, Duck Rock, was a particularly innovative blending of hip hop and world music, while the video for the hit single Buffalo Gals offered most Britons their first glimpse of breakdancing. But it's as The Sex Pistols' manager that he will be remembered, which means the question of how successful he was in the role is likely to be debated for years to come.McLaren certainly had an acute grasp of what was wrong with British rock music before The Sex Pistols' arrival.He was a nonpareil orchestrator of outrage during their early career, but proved incapable of dealing with its consequences. McLaren knew exactly what buttons to press, but seemed to have no idea what to do once he'd pressed them: fatally so in the case of Sid Vicious, who was only too willing to play the monster role that McLaren wrote for him right up to a suitably grim conclusion.You could argue that Vicious' death from a heroin overdose while on bail for the murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen was the greatest disaster of McLaren's career, but it was a close-run thing.Even before that, he had seemed at best unable to protect the band's members from the unprecedented public antipathy he had stirred up, at worst he seemed actively disinterested in doing so. Perhaps he had his mind on higher concepts than the day-to-day reality of life in a band so reviled that the tabloids stopped just short of actively advocating violence against them: PUNISH THE PUNKS demanded the Sunday Mirror in 1977.Perhaps the whole situa マルコムマクラーレンは、パンクの最もインスピレーションストレンジャーがそんなに必要に応じて、重要性と独創性は忘れ去られたアルバムマルコムマクラーレン、自分の名前の下でリリースされたための強力な議論をすることができますcontroversyYouの原因となりますカオスのすべての彼の人生 - と死でも論議を巻き起こしヒットシングルバッファローギャルのビデオは、最も英国をブレイクダンスの最初の一見を提供しながら80s.The最初に、ダックロック、ヒップホップ、ワールドミュージック、特に革新的なブレンドでした
India targets China's satellites New Delhi has openly declared its desire to match China and incorporate anti-satellite weapons into its ballistic missile defense program. The provocative maneuver may be on US Defense Secretary Robert Gates' agenda during his current visit to India, since it injects a powerful destabilizing element into the South Asian strategic equation just as the US is trying hard to stabilize the region. - Peter J Brown (Jan 21, '10) ニューデリー公然の願望を中国と一致するよう対策を組み込む衛星兵器、弾道ミサイル防衛プログラムに宣言しています
Diamond Find Could Lift Zimbabwe, or Bolster Mugabe New mining has provoked fears that riches will be used to subvert attempts to bring democracy to Zimbabwe and to finance conflicts. 新しいマイニングは不安を富は、試行をジンバブエと民主主義をもたらすための競合資金を調達する覆すのに使用される誘発しています
David Prosser: Scapegoats required for financial crisis Outlook It is the favoured lament of Treasury ministers the world over in times of financial difficulty: those awful speculators are conspiring against us. So it is that appetite across the European Union is growing for a crackdown on the evil hedge funds who brought Greece to its knees and provoked a crisis of confidence in the euro itself. Outlookのそれは、資金難の時代に以上の財務相は、世界の支。嘆き:あのひどい投機家たちに不利と共謀です
Russian president endorses laws extending FSB powers Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday adopted amendments to two laws which extend the powers of the Federal Security Service (FSB).
Now, the FSB can alert people within 10 days after receiving information that could lead to possible crimes due to their actions,the Kremlin said.
In cases where orders are breached, the guilty parties can be detained for 15 days, according to the new amendments.
The amendments provoked different reactions. Human rights activists urged lawyers not t ... ロシア大統領メドベージェフは24日)のFSB(セキュリティサービスを採用連邦の権限を改正する2つの法律を拡張、今はFSBがクレムリン、人々をすることができます警告アクションの以内に原。犯罪が可能10日につながる後受信情報をできると述べた
Moscow's limos halted by blue buckets Russian protesters hit upon novel idea to limit accidents involving VIP vehicles - but officials are not amusedThey have become the ultimate symbol of power in Russia and the brazen disregard for the law that comes with it – spinning blue lights on VIP vehicles that give drivers the right to speed and cut traffic at will.Accidents involving cars with the lights – migalki – occur in Moscow weekly. Expanding internet use has brought videos of crashes to the attention of a growing number of Russians, fanning anger at government corruption.But now a fledgling protest movement may have found a hero. Early today today, police arrested a man who carried out a one-man protest outside the walls of the Kremlin last week. Leonid Nikolaev, a member of Solidarity, Russia's leading opposition group, staked out a street corner until he saw a VIP car pull up. Pulling a blue bucket over his head, he ran up to the car and over its roof. What would be seen in many countries as a funny stunt was seen as a daring provocation in Russia, and video of the event spread virally over the internet. The car's owner, reportedly a member of the FSB, Russia's secret police, was not amused.Nikolaev's friends said he was snatched outside the entrance to his flat early yesterdaythis morning. He disappeared for several hours, unreachable by telephone, only to turn up at a local police station. He has been charged with hooliganism.But the protest movement does not stop there. A demonstration in mid-April saw dozens of drivers attach blue buckets to their cars in imitation of the official lights and drive slowly through Moscow. Similar action, organised by the Blue Buckets Society, followed. Earlier this month, a bill was submitted to the Duma that would require such protests to register for official perm ロシアデモ隊は斬新なアイデアに事故のVIP車両を含む制限するヒット - しかし、当局はamusedTheyロシアの力の究極のシンボル、それが付属して法 - ドライバーに権利を与えるのVIP車両の回転の青いランプを無。厚かましいとなっているされていません高速化し、will.Accidentsライトで車を含むでトラフィックを削減 - migalki - モスクワで毎週発生します
Bankers here for the people? No, themselves Standard Chartered Bank has an advertisement currently running on television that is both eye-catching and should be thought-provoking. Leaving aside some superb photography as well as some far too contrived scenes, the central message is that "not everything that counts in life can be counted" and that the bank wants to be: "Here for people; here for progress; here for the long run; here for good", with the intended double entendre, meaning good works and around for ever.
Steve McQueen puts his stamp on the National Portrait Gallery Steve McQueen's provocative art project reaches its final stage in London this weekend, featuring 160 postage stamp-size portraits of UK soldiers killed in Iraq
Premier slams Indian media The Victorian Premier has slammed Indian media and officials for unbalanced reporting, citing the case of an Indian man in Melbourne who police say pretended he'd been set on fire in an unprovoked attack.Jaspreet Singh, 29, of... ビクトリア朝のプレミアアンバランスを報告して、メルボルン警察は、火災上で設定されてしたい人ふりを言うのはインド人の場合、理由にインドのメディアや関係者非難しておりattack.Jaspreetシン、29のいわれのない...
Fiji wants army officer to serve in NZ - report The military regime in Fiji reportedly wants to send a ranking officer to serve at its High Commission in Wellington.The move could be seen as provocative given the New Zealand Government's travel ban on members of the military-led... フィジーで軍事政権によると高等弁務官事務所でWellington.The移動に仕えるのに将校を送るために軍部主導のメンバーには、ニュージーランド政府の渡航禁止指定された挑発的と見なされる可能性が考え...
PM: Police raids not provocative The seizure of weapons and ammunition in raids on Thursday night should not be grounds for concern about a red-shirt uprising, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said after a meeting of the National Security Council on Friday. 核兵器と木曜日の夜に家宅捜索の中の弾薬を押収、赤シャツの暴動に懸念の根拠とすべきではない、内閣総理大臣アピシットVejjajiva日、国家安全保障理事会の会合後述べた
Investigation begins into Wimbledon spitting row Wimbledon officials on Saturday started a probe into the incident which saw Romanian Victor Hanescu accused of spitting at fans as the Romanian quit his third round men's singles match in a storm of controversy.Hanescu, the 31st seed at the Championships, fell behind in the deciding set against Germany's Daniel Brands on Court 18 late on Friday before the alleged spitting incident, which may have been provoked by apparent heckling from spectators. 土曜日にウィンブルドンの関係者は、ルーマニアのビクトルハネスクを見た事件の捜査を開始したルーマニアは彼の第3ラウンドの男子シングルスを終了として吐くのファンで被告人controversy.Hanescuの嵐で一致、選手権で31種は、背後にある決定に落ちたドイツのダニエルブランドに対するコート18日金曜日遅くに疑。吐き事件の前に、その観客から明らかにヤジによって誘発されていることができる
nuove minigonne durante il mio ultimo giro in demolizione ho trovato delle minigonne non male e cosi le ho prese... nella foto son solo puntate, appena avro occasione le montero come si deve! pero mi piacciono!
今日スーパーデラックス セッション!!! test tone
5/19testtone vol.45
night of the electric hungarian: a tribute to dan meichel
North Korea threatens another nuclear test HANOI: North Korea has said it would counter US and South Korean joint naval exercises with ''nuclear deterrence'' after the Obama administration said the Pyongyang government should take no provocative steps. ハノイ:北朝鮮は、オバマ政権は、北朝鮮政府は挑発的な措置を取ると述べた米国と。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;の核抑止力と。。u0026#39;。。u0026#39;後、韓国の合同海軍演習に対抗すると述べています
'The mystery is enough': Susan Lipper on the Grapevine series The photographer discusses sexual segregation in West Virginia and avoiding stereotypes about the American southTell me about the gestation of the Grapevine series of photographs?About 20 years ago I travelled down to the South and roamed around the Appalachians essentially looking for a subject. I found it in Grapevine Hollow. There are actually four Grapevines in West Virginia but this one isn't even on the map. I was down there for two years before I found it. There are maybe 50 people in the community, spread out on the mountain. I've been going back there every summer ever since.Were the people initially suspicious of you?Well a girl from the north with a camera was a source of some ... not suspicion ... but novelty, I guess. But they opened their houses to me and they said I could stay. One family pointed up the mountain and told me I could be buried there. I've come to love the place and the people. I go back every summer. I ring Grapevine almost every night. It's a real friendly place even though there is some crazy stuff that goes on there.What was your initial intention for the project?I came out of the Yale photography programme. Walker Evans was certainly a touchstone, but what I do is not a sociopolitical treatise on the area. I'm not making any big statement. In terms of subject matter, I was primarily interested in male-female relationships. I went down there from New York and I saw a bunch of scenarios I hadn't ever been around. Let's just say it was a much more traditional place with non-urban values. Photographers were still going down there to do the stereotypical take on the rural south and hillbillies and all that, and I wanted to deal with that in the photographs, too.You certainly play with those tropes in a pretty provocative way.The society is p カメラマンは?約20年前、私は南まで旅し、アパラチア山脈は、基本的に対象を探しに歩き回った写真グレープバインシリーズの妊娠私のアメリカsouthTell約ウエストバージニア州の性的差別を回避するステレオタイプについて説明します
Treasures from Budapest | Visual art review Royal Academy, LondonIt is understandable that publicists for this exhibition chose to put Egon Schiele's 1915 work Two Women Embracing on the posters. Sex sells, and drawing does not come any sexier than Schiele's transfixing image, whose ultimate provocation is the way one of the women looks around at the artist to show that she is gratifying his fantasy. But there is more to the foregrounding of this erotic masterpiece than commerce: it exemplifies a theme that runs through this once-in-a-lifetime show.From the first room, where Hungarian gothic altarpieces are juxtaposed with Italian Renaissance delights, to the last, where Schiele gives you a final thrill, the art of central Europe is richly mingled with extraordinary works from the west that are in Hungary's public collections. I've never seen such a generous loan from one country's museums – by comparison, the Hermitage exhibit at the RA was quite cautious. This is a true blockbuster, practically a museum in itself, stuffed with surprises and marvels. Highlights include a portrait by Frans Hals that proves him the equal of his contemporary Rembrandt, a pair of working-class heroes painted by Goya, a Raphael homage to Da Vinci and, oh yes, a couple of Leonardo's own greatest designs. And that merely scratches the surface.The thread that connects it all is a vision of Europe. Western Europe's artistic development has been written as a march of progress since the Renaissance. Hungarian collectors fully subscribed to that version, and bought some supreme Italian works. But here you see those paragons alongside carved wooden saints from Hungarian churches in a way that expands your sense of the variety and greatness of the continent's heritage. European art through Hungarian eyes is a landscape made new.Rati ロイヤルアカデミーは、LondonItは、この展覧会の時事評論は、エゴンシーレの1915作品ポスターに抱きしめるふたりの女を置くことを選んだことは理解できる
Nazi SS veterans march in Latvia 16 March 2010: Latvian veterans who fought alongside Nazi Germany in the second world war have provoked demonstrations with a march in Riga
Oxfam tells the UN we need action to feed the hungry, not words A lengthy document is in circulation, drafted for world leaders to sign at the UN's Millennium Development Goals summit in New York. But Oxfam is calling on participants to deliver more than fine words to help the poorJust over a week to go to the big showpiece summit at the United Nations in New York. Government leaders, officials, industry bosses and many, many NGOs will convene to assess progress towards reaching the eight Millennium Development Goals agreed by the G8 in 2000. The endpoint is 2015 - just five years to go.And the tension is rising. So many people want this meeting to be significant. There has been real progress on some of the MDGs, but there is so far to go, and economic recession is going to make the donors think twice before getting into deeper financial commitments.But the prospect of a meaninglessly worthy three days provoked an outburst from Oxfam today. In the way of major governmental meetings, officials have been working on the document that the leaders will all sign for some considerable time. It is now 26 pages long and detailed and thoughtful. Who could argue with this, for instance?We recognize that progress, including on poverty eradication, is being made despite setbacks, including due to the financial and economic crises. In this context, we recognize the deeply inspiring examples of progress made by countries in all regions of the world through cooperation, partnerships, actions and solidarity. We are deeply concerned, however, that the number of people living in extreme poverty and hunger surpasses one billion and that inequalities between and within countries remains a significant challenge. We are also deeply concerned about the alarming global levels of maternal and child mortality. We believe that eradication of poverty and hunger 長いドキュメントでは、循環では、世界の指導者のためにニューヨークの国連のミレニアム開発目。首脳会談で署名する起草されます
Burger King could be snapped up by private equity firm Burger King has been hard hit by the global financial slowdown, with sales under pressure in the US from rising jobless numbers and declining consumer confidenceThe global craze for mergers and acquisitions may be about to grab a takeaway, with speculation that Burger King has been in talks with a potential private equity buyers.The 55-year-old chain has been owned by buyout specialists before: it was spun out of then owner Diageo in 2002 by Texas Pacific, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs in a $1.5bn deal (£950m at the time). They floated the company four years later and still own just under a third of it. Burger King currently has 12,000 restaurants in more than 75 countries.According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Burger King is in talks with a number of potential buyers including Britain's 3i Group. Burger King was unavailable for comment while a spokesman for 3i declined to comment.Burger King has been hard hit by the global financial slowdown, with sales under pressure in the US from rising jobless numbers and declining consumer confidence. Last week the company said its worldwide sales this year were down 2.3% – compared with an increase of 1.2% last year. Sales in North America were down 3.9%. Bitter rival McDonald's, however, has fared better, saying global sales in the second quarter were up 4.8%, with US sales up 3.7%. Burger King is currently valued at $2.26bn (£1.46bn).UK-based 3i is an obvious possible partner for Burger King, having helped turn around other well known brands that had fallen on hard times including the Early Learning Centre, Ben Sherman and outdoor and camping gear retailer Millets. Its current portfolio includes Hobbs and Agent Provocateur, but its own major food chain is Mongolian hot pot chain Little Sheep.The low valuation of man バーガーキングは、ハード世界的な金融低迷で、米国の圧力の下での売上高は失業番号を上昇し、合併や買収の低下、消費者のconfidenceTheグローバル流行する可能性があります見舞われているのテイクアウトをつかむために、投機がバーガーキングはこの会談にされているとそれは外出しの所有者ディアジオは2002年にテキサスパシフィック、ベインキャピタル、ゴールドマンサックスドル15億契約(£ 950メートルでスピンオフされた55歳のチェーンが買収の専門家の前に所有されている潜在的なプライベートエクイティbuyers.The対象:時間)
Fed-ECB split may send euro into spiral European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet's campaign for governments to learn the lessons of the Greek fiscal crisis may provoke a transatlantic policy split that forces the euro back towards its lows of 2006.
Philip Pullman's Jesus, Dan Rhodes, and the latest from the Bologna book fair In this week's podcast we look at Philip Pullman's latest book, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, a rewriting of the christian story provocatively published in the week of Easter. We have an exclusive extract from the audiobook, read by Pullman himself, and our panellists answer some of the questions every Pullman fan wants to ask: why did he decide to write the book? Just how blasphemous is it? How serious are the threats made by outraged believers? We also find out what the archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, made of it in the pages of this week's Saturday Review.Also on this week's show, Lindesay Irvine talks to Dan Rhodes about his award-winning novel Little Hands Clapping, while Julia Eccleshare reports on the hottest titles at the Bologna children's book fair, and tips the books for parents to read with their children over the Easter break.Reading listThe Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ by Philip Pullman (Canongate)Little Hands Clapping by Dan Rhodes (Canongate)Children's booksThe Boy Who Climbed Into The Moon by David Almond, (Walker, 7+)How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (Hodder, 7+)The Man from Pomegranate Street Caroline Lawrence (Orion, 8+)The Great Hamster Massacre by Katie Davies, illustrated by Hannah Shaw (Simon and Schuster, 8+)Sparks by Ally Kennen (Scholastic, 9+)VampiresTwilight by Stephanie Meyer (Atom)The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith (Hodder)Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (Simon and Schuster)Claire ArmitsteadRiazat ButtLindesay IrvineJulia EccleshareScott Cawley
Books to inspire busy world leaders | Robert McCrum If literature can change the world, as Yann Martel believes it can, then here's what I think politicians should be readingYann Martel, who won the Booker prize in 2002 with The Life of Pi, is a writer who likes to provoke controversy, as Stephen Moss explained in his interview with the novelist last week. Martel is an instinctive contrarian who has a belligerent belief in the power of literature to change the world. For the past three years, he has been mailing works of literature to world leaders, in a quixotic attempt to promote the arts generally.Currently, he's sending a fortnightly letter plus book to the Canadian PM, Stephen Harper, in an effort to educate him in the broader English literary tradition. Typically, Martel was inspired to do this by Harper's ill-advised admission that his favourite book was The Guinness Book of Records.I understand that Harper has hardly responded to Martel, though Barack Obama did write a thank-you note for his free copy of The Life of Pi, a novel once memorably described as a cross between The Jungle Book and The Owl and the Pussycat.Anyway, prompted by Martel, I've decided to come up with a few modest reading lists for some current British and American public figures. Additionally, I'm inspired by some of their own attempts to identify essential reading. David Miliband, for example, told The Observer on Sunday that his recommended book was Julia Donaldson's The Gruffalo.To be less flippant, for a moment: for David Miliband, the Labour leadership contender and former foreign secretary, I suggest three titles, each one more demanding and instructive than the Gruffalo.1. The Quiet American by Graham Green2. Kim by Rudyard Kipling3. All the King's Men by Randall JarrellFor George Osborne, Britain's new Tory chancellor of the exchequer ヤンマーテルはできるし、ここに私は政治家がマーテル、生。円周率の2002年のブッカー賞を受賞readingYannすべきだと思いますだと考えているように文学は、世界を変えることができる場合は、スティーブンモスの論争を引き起こすのが好きライターです小説家とのインタビューで、先週説明した
Letters: Are the police beyond the law? I am writing you regarding the disturbing circumstances surrounding the death of Ian Tomlinson (Report, 23 July). If you or I launched an unprovoked attack on a fellow member of the public, in front of numerous witnesses, and the act was captured on film, would we face prosecution? If this does not merit a criminal charge, what exactly would a UK policeman have to do in order to face legal sanction? It seems, in light of these events, impossible to resist the conclusion that the police are above the law.Aside from the fact that an innocent man is dead, and his family will receive no justice, the most depressing facet of this is that this outcome was not surprising. The police will, given the option, always protect their own. Presumably, the almost certain knowledge that he would face no legal sanction, was one reason the officer in question felt free to administer an unprovoked, vicious and cowardly beating to Mr Tomlinson.I do not fear crime or terrorists; they do not impinge upon my daily life. However, I now hesitate to express my freedom of speech by attending political demonstrations, for fear of the violence and intimidation of the police. Is this paranoid? We now know that the police are free to strike innocent members of the public (whether engaging in protests or simply walking home as Tomlinson was) without sanction; worse, the police know this too.How can politicians ask us to engage in politics, when political demonstrations are met with extreme violence, and the police are beyond the law?Dr Anders IngramEdinburgh• The failure to prosecute the officer who struck Ian Tomlinson is bad for everyone. The family are denied justice, the officer himself will become a pariah, the public will have their view that the police are above the law confirmed and the Metropo 私は不穏な状況イアントムリンソン(報告の死を取り巻くに関することを書いている7月23日)
French films glow with confidence and culture. Ours should do the same The abolition of the Film Council has provoked another round of laments for UK cinema. But across the Channel there is a golden age for serious movies – and a cohesive industry with lessons for Britain's Hollywood-obsessed producersWhen I walked out of the cinema the other evening after watching a very great actress at the top of her form – Kristin Scott Thomas in Leaving (Partir) – I realised that subtitles were now the norm for me. Of the 10 films I have paid to see over the last year, eight were French.I'm aware of big releases like Inception and the accompanying ballyhoo over Tom Cruise's latest empty sensation, but it's a while since I have bought a ticket to see an American film. I'm hooked on the French, in awe of their style and the effortless class of their filmmaking.Cinema is one of the ways a nation entertains itself, but also contemplates its problems, peculiarities and changes. French cinema does this very well and is experiencing a golden period.In the past year or so there have been the two-part gangster drama Mesrine, The Father of My Children (Le 。ère de mes Enfants), Un Prophète, Leaving, Gainsbourg, I've Loved You So Long (Il y a longtemps que je t'aime) and White Material. Few of the Hollywood movies I have seen in the past 10 years were a patch on something like The Father of My Children. When it comes to Leaving and the remarkable prison drama Un Prophète, we are talking of masterpieces. In Leaving, Scott Thomas's performance as a middle-aged housewife who has an affair with a labourer just out of jail is as wrenching and well observed as anything in Madame Bovary or Anna Karenina. I cannot remember the last time I was so deeply affected in the cinema.These are the films that make it over the Channel and into the cinemas not owned by the big Ameri 映画振興委員会の廃止は、別のラウンドを喚起した英国映画の嘆く
Iraq election: Result is only the beginning | Expert view The next stage could prove to be more tumultuous than the election itselfAyad Allawi and his Iraqi National Movement (INM) will be claiming a victory over prime minister Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law (SoL) coalition, with 91 seats to 89 – and it is indeed an impressive comeback for the former premier. But the next stage in Iraq's democratic process could prove to be more challenging and tumultuous than the election itself. With so few seats between the two leading coalitions, the result may make little difference to the issue of which man leads and forms the next Iraqi government.Both SoL and INM will now make a push for a coalition with Iraq's other major blocs, namely the Sadrist and Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI) dominated coalition the Iraqi National Alliance (INA) (70 seats) and the Kurdistan Alliance (43 seats). A minimum of 163 seats is needed to form the government.Allawi's INM has a number of ultra-nationalist figures who could make a coalition with the Kurds and INA difficult, but although there may be ideological differences and personal problems, nothing should be ruled out – every group has its price for partnership. The Kurds and the Sadrists will seek as many concessions and positions of power as possible.Chances of a Maliki-Allawi partnership are very slim; in addition to personal problems between them, neither man will be content with playing second fiddle to the other. What is possible, but highly problematic, is a Kurdish-Shia alliance led by SoL which includes other smaller Sunni groups, and sidelines the INM. This depends on whether the Kurds, the Sadrists and ISCI would prefer yet another Maliki premiership, since Maliki has over the years provoked the ire of these groups.The very fact that the major blocs outside of the INM and SoL now ha 以上の選挙と首相マリキ以上の勝利マリキ首相は、国家法(ソル)の89から91議席との連立、 - と主張されるアラウィ首相と彼のイラク国民運動(ただし、INM)itselfAyad次の段階の激動になるかもしれないが実際元首相の印象的なカムバックです
ひとみといちゃんらいぶです toiair は 空の旅をテーマに一十三十一と札幌在住のミュージシャンによって、この日のために結成された、スペシャルバンド (drums, piano, bass) で贈る、五感フル稼働の体感型 live party !!!!time table :21:00 open - dj ken22:45 一十三十一 band 1st set23:30 dj gak00:30 一十三十一 band 2nd set01:30 dj kei映像 :四四六〇 + nano graphic前売 : 2000円 / 当日 : 2500円チケット取扱 :□ provo >> 中央区南6条東1丁目-2 ケーアイビル 3f / 011-211-4821□ magic spice >> 白石区本郷通8丁目南6-2 / 011-864-8800□ concept shop-sow ver.??? > 中央区南1条西3丁目parco 5f / 011-350-3741□ cam cam >> 中央区南2条西7丁目 エムズスペース1f / 011-271-4449□ ハルニレ食堂 >> 中央区南2条東1丁目 m’s east2 3f / 011-242-8620□ saso bar+cafe >> 北区北18条西5丁目1-8 / 011-746-5358total info :nano graphic info :札幌市中央区南6条東1丁目-2 ケーアイビル 3f / 011-211-4821open - close 12:00 - 28:00 月曜定休 一十三十一1978年12月1日北海道生まれ
Russia coal mine blast death toll rises At least 30 people have died after two explosions at Raspadskaya mine in Russia with about 60 people still trappedThe death toll from two explosions in Russia's largest underground coal mine rose to 30 today, with about 60 people still trapped, the government official heading the rescue operation said.Emergency minister Sergei Shoigu announced the news after rescue workers were able to go down into parts of the Siberian mine hit by two blasts over the weekend.High levels of methane gas have raised fears of further explosions and hindered rescue efforts. Shoigu said a further danger is posed by rising water levels in the mine, and rescuers have 48 hours to reach 13 people in two locations that are being flooded.Most of the 18 dead found early today were rescue workers who had entered the mine after the first blast, Shoigu said. The second more powerful blast destroyed the main air shaft and a five-storey building over the mine.The first blast, believed to have been caused by methane, hit the Raspadskaya mine just before midnight on Saturday. There were 359 workers below ground at the time of the first explosion, the Emergency Ministry said. A total of 58 people were injured.Most managed to escape, but after the second explosion, 64 miners and 19 rescue workers were trapped underground and all communication with them was lost, Shoigu said.The mine is 500 metres deep and has 220 miles (370km) of underground tunnels.More than 500 emergency workers from around the country raced yesterdayto restore ventilation to the mine and rebuild mine shafts so the search for those trapped could resume. The first rescue teams entered the mine early this morning.Shoigu said there was a small risk of further explosions.The Raspadskaya mine is in Kemerovo, a coal mining region in western Si 少なくとも30人が約60人とロシアのRaspadskaya鉱山の2つの爆発、ロシア最大の地下炭鉱で2つの爆発からまだtrappedThe死亡後に死亡している30今日、約60人も閉じ込められ、政府関係者が救助活動を見出しバラsaid.Emergency大臣セルゲイShoiguさらに、爆発の恐れを調達していると妨げ救助活動ニュースを救助隊員がダウンしてシベリア鉱山メタンガスのweekend.Highのレベル以上の2つの爆発でヒットした部分に移動することができた後に発表した
S. Korea to proceed with punitive steps against DPRK despite threats: gov't &$&$
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak makes a speech in Seoul May 24, 2010. Lee Myung-bak said Monday his country will resort to measures of self-defense in case of further military provocation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), calling Pyongyang's alleged sinking of its warship in late March work of a surprise torpedo attack. (Xinhua)
The South Korean gover ... &$&$韓国大統領李明博は、2010年24月になります演説をソウル
Compromise only answer to Thai crisis | Thitinan Pongsudhirak Thailand has to find a way to have majority rule with the protection of minority rights to end reds' disenfranchisementHowever the standoff between street protesters under the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship and the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva comes to an end, Thailand's near-term prospects will remain problematic and its long-term horizon murky. The Thai crisis has wound up into a convoluted knot.The immediate way out has to be a negotiated compromise unless both sides are bent on inflicting more casualties than the 26 dead and hundreds injured so far. But much more will be needed for reconciliation in the longer term. A vertical sociopolitical hierarchy has to become relatively more horizontalised. Resistance will beget more blood and tears but mutual recognition and accommodation can recover Thailand's footing.On the one hand, the reds' protests were initially spawned by the long shadow of Thaksin Shinawatra, the self-exiled former prime minister who has been convicted on corruption charges. It was precisely two weeks after his assets confiscation that the reds took to the streets. On the other, the reds were bound to come out. The parties and governments they elected have been systematically dissolved and ousted from office over the past three years, while the party they did not vote for has taken over government in a fix by the army.Their provocative encampment in large numbers in Bangkok's central business district is illegal. It has held Bangkok's population and Thailand's economy hostage. The reds apparently have a militant auxiliary whose guerrilla tactics are seen as partly behind the escalating violence. Yet it is because they are so disenfranchised and disillusioned with the established hierarchy and rigged rules of the gam タイは道を少数民族の権利の保護と統一戦線の下に独裁と首相アピシットVejjajivaの政府に対する民主主義のため赤。。u0026#39;disenfranchisementHowever通りのデモの対立最後に多数決を持って見つけることが最後になると、タイの近長期的展望とその長期的に不透明な問題が残ります
Jordan urges int'l community to act on Israeli provocations Jordan's King Abdullah II urged the international community on Wednesday to take firm position and swift, direct and effective actions to freeze Israel's provocative measures that seek to alter the identity of Jerusalem and threaten its sacred sites.
At a meeting with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Amman, the Jordanian leader warned against the danger of the unilateral Israeli measures in Jerusalem, the state-run Petra news agency reported.
He emphasized that Jerusalem is a re ... ヨルダンのアブドラ国王は2日、イスラエルの挑発的な措置は、エルサレムのIDを変更すると、その聖地を脅かすシークを凍結するための措置確固たる地位を迅速、直接的かつ効果的にするために国際社会に要請した
Grenade attack not unexpected, security forces to remain patient: Thai Deputy PM The recent M79 grenade attack at the First Infantry Battalion in capital Bangkok was not unexpected since some people are seen attempting to provoke the army to use force to respond to the attack, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of security affairs Suthep Thaugsuban said Tuesday.
The grenade attacks took place amid the continued mass rally by the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) group in Bangkok.
Hence, all of involved security forces have been repeated ... 首都では第1歩兵大隊では、最近のM79手榴弾攻撃バンコク以来、一部の人の攻撃に対応する力を行使するために軍隊を刺激しようとすると見られている副首相は、安全保障問題担当ステープThaugsuban担当の火曜日
My Name Is Khan film review A likable and slickly constructed Bollywood tale of understanding and tolerance has unwittingly provoked a storm in MumbaiIndian superstar Shahrukh Khan (often lovingly intialised to SRK) has found this film to be a lot more controversial than expected, even allowing for its plotlines involving US homeland security and terrorism. SRK plays an Indian man with Asperger's syndrome who, for reasons revealed as the film unfolds, is on a quest to personally deliver a message to the US president. Fox paid a lot to secure the international rights to this film and while the ultimate message it delivers, of understanding, community and tolerance, is one that deserves to be heard, it seems unlikely that it will have far-reaching crossover appeal – to say nothing of its problems in Mumbai, where the large and very vocal Shiv Sena movement have been attacking Khan via the film that bears his name. Western screenwriting guru Syd Field gets a credit for story consultancy, but the film is still very much structured according to Indian traditions. For instance, the interval is still used as the point where the film changes gear. As usual, the first half is more soap opera, spending plenty of getting-to-know-you time with the appealing characters before putting them through the wringer in the more politicised second section. Khan's quest lands him in government detention and sees him helping out a hurricane-ravaged Georgia town, while the post 9-11 climate sees anyone even vaguely resembling a Muslim under verbal and often physical attack. It's stunningly shot, on mostly US locations, and tackles plenty of hard topics – its deceptively light touch gets heavier as things progress. It's a shame that much of the intended audience will not see this well-intentioned, slickly constructed and と好感の持てる巧みに理解のボリウッドの物語と寛容の構築知らずMumbaiIndianのスーパースター、シャールクカーンの中の嵐を引き起こしたが予想よりも(多くの愛情を込めてSRK)をより多くの物議を醸すことがこの映画を発見しても、そのplotlines米国土安全保障関係することができますintialisedテロ
PAD told: Don't provoke confrontation Leaders of the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) should not incite people to confront the anti-government activities of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) if the government cannot control the situation, Deputy Prime Minister overseeing security Suthep Thaugsuban said on Wednesday. 黄色のシャツの人民民主主義連帯(パッド)の場合、政府は、副首相兼監督の状況をコントロールすることはできません反赤シャツの統一戦線の政府活動の民主主義独裁(UDD)では反対に直面する人々を扇動てはならないの指導者セキュリティステープThaugsuban明らかにした
US, Karzai split over Taliban talks Differences between Afghan President Hamid Karzai and key officials of the administration of United States President Barack Obama over the issue of talks with the Taliban came to a head at last week's London conference. Peace negotiations are embedded in a deeper conflict over US war strategy, which has provoked broad anger and increasing suspicions of US motives among Afghans - and especially with Karzai. - Gareth Porter (Feb 3, '10) タリバンとの交渉の問題で、アフガニスタンのハミドカルザイ大統領とアメリカ合衆国大統領はバラクオバマ候補の政権の主要関係者の間に違いが頭に、先週のロンドン会議で来た
Gordon Brown | Markets need morals Without values to guide them, free markets can reduce all relationships to transactions, all motivations to self-interestThe public outcry that followed the two major crises of the past year was driven by moral outrage. The anger was not primarily provoked by breaches of the law; instead it was in response to the violation of an unwritten ethical code that should guide us in our daily lives. The demand now is that both the global financial system and the domestic political system should be brought into closer alignment with the values held by most people across the country.People seek the return of those enduring virtues – accountability, responsibility and fairness – as we rebuild faith in banks and politics. These values must infuse our response. Only by restoring ethical standards to both the City and parliament can we advance the common good. So in the post-crisis era the most powerful determinant of change is not the incentives of the market or the commands of the state but the values of people found in their best instincts.I have long been fascinated by Adam Smith, who came from my home town of Kirkcaldy, precisely because he recognised that the invisible hand of the market had to be accompanied by the helping hand of society. He argued that the flourishing of moral sentiments comes before – and is the foundation of – the wealth of nations. In other words, markets need morals.As we have discovered to our cost, without values to guide them, free markets reduce all relationships to transactions, all motivations to self-interest. So, unbridled and untrammelled, they become the enemy of the good society. The truth is that the virtues that make society flourish – hard work, taking responsibility, being honest, enterprising and fair – come not from market forces but fro せずに値を導くには、自由な市場取引に、すべての関係を減らすことができる、自己へのすべての動機interestThe世間の激しい非難には、過去1年間の2つの主要な危機の道徳的な怒りによって駆動された後
Iran should negotiate with IAEA: Brazilian FM Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said on Thursday he believed that the Iranian government should negotiate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the controversial nuclear issue.
During a debate at the national conference of the Workers' Party (PT), Amorim said it was essential that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not provoke fear in the world.
In order to end the current impasse over Iran's nuclear issue, it is necessary to seek dialogue, he said, adding tha ... ブラジルの外務大臣アモリン日彼は、イラン政府は国際原子力機関(IAEA)との論争の核問題に関する交渉をすべきだと述べた
Government outlaws Islamic group The Islamist group that provoked public outrage by planning a march through Wootton Bassett is to be banned from operating in Britain, the Government announced yesterday.A parliamentary order will make it a criminal offence punishable... イスラム教徒のグループウットンバセットを介して行進する計画によって誘発国民の怒り、英国で動作してから禁止されるためには、政府は、犯罪処罰になるyesterday.A議会で発表した...
For Apple, iPad Said More Than Intended The iPad name has provoked complaints and awkward associations, and other high-tech companies already sell products using the term. ipadと名前、および苦情や厄介な団体を引き起こしたが、他のハイテク企業がすでに製品の用語を使って売っています
Michael Tomasky: Too slow? Yes I can't find the piece now, so maybe I'm fooling myself, but I think I wrote at some point back in late 2007 or early 2008 that there was something Barack Obama could learn from Rudy Giuliani.Giuliani was usually really good during a crisis at giving the appearance of being in total command of the situation. Whether he was in command in fact was a more complicated question. During certain police shootings, especially of black kids by white cops, he often shot from the hip. And during 9-11, to take the most obvious example, the only reason he was running around in lower Manhattan like that was that he'd built his infamous emergency bunker in...the World Trade Center, the only building in the city that had been the target of a previous large-scale terrorism attack.So the facts weren't always so great for him. But by God, he looked like he was in charge. Being a chief executive, and looking and acting like one, came naturally to him -- as it does to some people, and not to others.Chief executive-ness does not come naturally to Obama. But he'd better be aware of this and compensate for it. If I'd been advising him, I'd have said: fly back to Washington the day after Christmas. Don't just be engaged and concerned, as I have little doubt he was from Hawaii. Look engaged and concerned. In our climate, the latter is as important as the former. Cancel your vacation. Head back to your desk.He and his people probably thought: no, that would just alarm people. Since we've been discussing ideology and psychology, I'd say that line of thinking (assuming it was part of their calculations) is very reflective of a liberal mindset. The conservative mind is more likely to want to provoke some degree of alarm and concern -- think back to the days of calls for constant vigilance against the 私は今ので、多分私は自分だましている部分を見つけることができますが、私はいくつかのポイントに戻る時は、2007年末か2008年初めには、何かがバラクオバマルディGiuliani.Giulianiから学ぶことができると書いたと思う通常は本当に良い時にされた状況の合計コマンドの中にいるの外観を与えるの危機
Abbas threatens to halt security liaison with Israel Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has threatened to halt security liaison with Israel after Israeli troops killed three Palestinians in the West Bank last week The coordination and cooperation with Israel aims at protecting the Palestinian interest Abbas said in an interview broadcast by Palestine TV on Saturday If the coordination doesn t stop Israeli provocations like incursions raids and the killing of people and arrests we will reconsider it he said The パレスチナ自治政府のアッバス議長はイスラエルとイスラエル軍は後のセキュリティの連絡を停止すると脅迫しているヨルダン川西岸地区では先週の調整と、イスラエルとの協力は、パレスチナ自治政府の関心アッバス議長の保護を目的と3つのパレスチナ人のインタビューの放送でパレスチナのテレビで土曜日には、調整の場合とでありませんトン氏と侵入を襲撃し、人およびそれを再考する逮捕者の殺害のようなイスラエルの挑発行為を停止する