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    音楽 関連語 RADO HYDE ZARD
    0 . 1 .
  • ○■ 17. stay away

  • ○■ 16.花葬(l acoustic version) 17.x x x (新曲) 18.lies and truth 19.link 20.あなた

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  • ○■ anti-jewish decrees followed each other in quick succession, jews must wear a yellow star, jews must hand in their bicycles, jews are banned from trams and are forbidden to drive. jews are only in shops which bear the placard 'jewish shop'. jews must be indoors by eight o'clock and cannot sit in their own gardens after that hour. jews are forbidden to visit theaters, cinemas, and other places of entertainment. jews may not take part in public sports. swimming baths, tennis courts, hockey fields, and other sports grounds are all prohibited to them. jews may not visit christians. jews must go to jewish schools, and many more restrictions of a similar kind.

  • ○■ 2011-08-27 : circle m ... :

  • ○■ 1. fare well(最初がオケの上でのアカペラ) 2. caress of venus 3. good luck my way 4. heaven's drive mc(キスネタ) 5. flower 6. fate 7. dune 8. revelation 9. 夏の憂鬱 10. forbidden lover 11. my heart draws a dream mc(けんちゃんの自由すぎるmc) 12. seventh heaven 13. driver's high(せーだいに歌詞を吹っ飛ばす) 14. stay away 15. ready steady go en 16. 叙情詩 17. xxx 18. winter fall 19. link mc(福岡ずっとおったら太る、とか) 20. 虹 リーダーのbanana投げ(チューしてたねwそしてスタンドまで盛大に飛ばしていた)『まったねー』で終了☆ xxxのpv また思い出したら、書き足します

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  • ○■ what is the best way to visit china? since china has a very different culture, ideas and language it can be quite chaotic to visit china on your own.il n'ya qu'un seul endroit pour acheter votre carte r4, r4carte.fr offre une gamme impressionnante saints jersey . to make your visit smooth, hassle free and comfortable, it is better to choose a travel agency who will arrange everything for you and guide you on your visit, so that you don't have to face any problem due to language or culture differences and you can relax and explore the country. with a pre-arranged tour you can also visit the major attractions in a limited time period and would not have to worry about where to go and how. while choosing a travel agency it is important to consider what facilities they are offering in terms of accommodation, transport and meals. it is better to have your visit arranged by an agency having considerable experience in china travel . they will have complete knowledge and will make your trip a very convenient one. the sights you see, culture you come across, the valuable information you receive and the unique art and architecture of this amazing land are sure to become a part of memories of the most wonderful trips you have had.

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  • ○■ Tragic stories emerge of people trapped as aftershocks continue in ChristchurchIn theory the quake was not as bad as the one we had in September last year that measured 7.1: this was 6.3. But everyone agrees the new one was worse. Buildings in the city centre, including our namesake cathedral, have been severely damaged and of course all but emergency traffic is forbidden there.Tragic stories are emerging of people trapped, saved, and then injured again. Moreover, the aftershocks continue: like the others it shook the house like a toy. Cracks are appearing, books are all over the place, and of course a good deal of crockery has gone. But all in all we personally have been very lucky to have such minimal damage, both this time and the last.The emergency services are acting magnificently. Our power was restored in about five hours and superloos are being installed where the water has gone or there is a danger of sewage infection. In both connections we have been very fortunate. Several suburbs had still not recovered from the September quake and its aftershocks. Our paper, the Press, has its editorial offices in the heart of the damaged city but it produced an emergency issue this morning. One of the worst-hit buildings was the Christchurch office of TVNZ, but the reporters did their job splendidly. (That, it must be said, is hearsay: Sky television, on which we rely, has been off since the start. We should revert to terrestrial!)Geoffrey Taylor is a former foreign editor of the Guardian New ZealandNatural disasters and extreme weatherguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds これは6.3であった:余震は、地震は、我々は7.1を測定した昨年九月にいたものとして悪くはなかったChristchurchIn理論で続けている悲劇的な物語が埋もれている人々の登場

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  • ○■ 9.風の行方 10.forbidden lover 11.my heart draws a dr

  • ○■ x x x 18.caress of venus 19.link-mc-20.あなた

  • ○■ flash drive. unfortunately, when sony designed their

  • ○■ nexus 4 04. heaven's drive 05. love flies 06.

  • ○■ 上でのアカペラ) 2. caress of venus 3. good luck my way

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  • heaven hyde arc you ciel link ドラム all that 最近 ラルク good steady caress メンバー world driver 途中 time 叙情詩 luck seventh drawsa blurry down 楽しかっ winter 良かっ luckmy 終わっ アカペ 歌詞 歌声 don moon caressof about 終了 history last luckmyway city heavens has paradox garnet テンション drivers 演奏 area our dvd larc 言って 結成 stay snow 非常 people 情報 ブログ set solo ディス www parade ハット vol brilliant now ジャケット lizard guild espairsray angeldust ice kind 絶対 場所 neo 禁断 charset 確認 avenue 物語 以外 名前 man 結構 可能 普通 say 言葉 first 奇跡 dont can open 始まっ 限定 again mc stayaway 思います revelation blue ニュース line 画像 瞬間 現在 best 出てき 完成 utf 東京 思って 理想 何度 大人 パンツ theworld 買った 収録 years 気がする 新宿 thing 真夜中 deep inre 言ってた 嬉しかっ itdown 今度 point 苦笑 song liesand number inrebirth メディア special dead why 残念 areyou 面白かっ arcen kenちゃんの thl 聞いた body ドラマ 必要 zero andthe シリーズ could 可愛かっ ina ありがとうござい 方法 青春 分から クリック アーティスト ブック プレイ シングル 日本 少女 疲れ様でし 個人 嬉しい ビデオ 皆さん 適当 頑張 オリジナル 感情 思い出した thereis 禁じられて whatis 言った 変わら 原因 larcen 当日 安心 scolor てしまいました スタート 見つけ 開始 大きく 気分 出てこ 携帯 気になっ the 浮遊した理想 先生 and 禁止 hydeさんの 思ってい 帰って 今日 聞いて 感じた 的には 悪くない 食べに 日目 会いに 行って 好きな 買ってき 人がい 終わって たいと思います 感じに うと思います 行った
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    0.031 0.122 0.633 0.044 0.604 0.296
    total 155732.4999999831

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