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    映画 関連語 マグニチュード FRAU earthquake
    0 . 1 .
  • ○■ ・ケネス・ブラナーwallander: one step behind ・キウェテル・イジョフォー(chiwetel ejio

  • ○■ nhua) -- Palestinian militants fired on Wednesday two homemade

  • ○■ strong earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale

  • ○■ ence, and failure to supervise in connection with their purchase of UPS s

  • ○■ e (UTCC) said on Thursday. 国はすでに経済被害の継続、赤シャツ

  • ○■ mpany, it said in a statement to Hong Kong's stock ex

  • ○■ exemplary damages, costs, expert and witness fees

  • ○■ bout the damages to the businesses in the area if

  • ○■ mpensatory damages for the market losses sustained b

  • ○■ alleged breach of fiduciary duty; unsuitability; misrepresenta

  • ○■ lity and breach of contract in connection the alleged

  • ○■ mant, v. Wachovia Securities Financial Network, LLC n

  • ○■ of the FINRA Arbitration Between Amir Ali Monsefi

  • ○■ e of the FINRA arbitration hearing, Claimant Lehman amended

  • ○■ uthority (?FINRA?) Arbitration Statement of Claim filed in October 2010, Claimants

  • ○■ r of the FINRA Arbitration Between Steven C. Nadeau, Claima

  • ○■ uthority (“FINRA”) Arbitraton Statement of Claim f

  • ○■ nts, vs. UBS Financial Services, Inc. and Olga Nobreg

  • ○■ ught $31,986.80 in compensatory damages; $2,000 in punitive da

  • ○■ least $424,240 in damages at the close of the FI

  • ○■ over $339,950.00 in damages plus interest, hearing f

  • ○■ n December 2009, Claimant Oshideri sought unspecified

  • ○■ 融業界の規制機関(。。u0026quot;FINRA。。u0026quot;)仲裁のステートメントでは、JeffreyとMarise

  • ○■ y 29, 2012. In the Matter of the FINRA Arbitration Between Wells Fargo Advisors, LL

  • ○■ at 6:48 p.m. local time (2148 GMT). Its epi

  • ○■ 1 million U.S. dollars) worth of crops were des

  • ○■ noon, the U.S. Geological Survey said. No casualty or da

  • ○■ de earthquake, with a depth of about 620. 9 km, occu

  • ○■ August 2010, public customer Claimant Tarrant sought $500,000 i

  • ○■ valued assets, including a stake in the biggest oi

  • ○■ uthern Israel, adding that no injuries or damages were reported. No one claimed responsib

  • ○■ cial Services, Inc., Respondent (FINRA Arbitration 11-00018, September 20,

  • ○■ E. Phillips, Claimant, vs. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Respondent (FINRA Arbi

  • ○■ n June 2010, Claimants asserted various causes of action

  • ○■ February 17, 2011). 2010年2月に提出した債権の金融業界の規制

  • ○■ more than 3,000 barrels of oil and oil-based mud -

  • ○■ ) sought $30,000 in compensatory damages and $2

  • ○■ 15 (Xinhua) -- At least three people were killed

  • ○■ f Nanjing null, responseDetails: Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see responseStatus

  • ○■ ua&$&$ ... 地震はスケールリ

  • ○■ xico City. The earthquake was strong felt in Mexico C

  • ○■ Observatory. The epicenter was initially determined to b

  • ○■ rvey said. There were no reports of casualties or damages. The quake, occurred at 09:

  • ○■ 37.1 km. No tsunami alert has been issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

  • ○■ damages

  • ○■ 'the broadcaster hired eds in 2000 to build a customer service system. the contract was ended in march 2002 after a woeful performance by the data provider, bskyb had told the court hearing.'

  • ○■ そう考えれば、当然といえば当然な結果ですが、だから、もう、以下のノミネーションが1ヶ月半先に発表されるアカデミー賞のノミネーションとほぼ同じと見ていいことになります

  • ○■ これは何者かの陰謀なのか、それとも偶然なのか

  • ○■ ●cinema italianonine 作詞・作曲:モーリー・イェストン ●i want to come homeeverybody's fine(原題) 作詞・作曲:ポール・マッカートニー ●i will see youアバター 作詞・作曲:ジェームズ・ホーナー、サイモン・フラングレン 作詞:クーク・ハレル ●the weary kindcrazy heart(原題) 作詞・作曲:ライアン・ビンガム、ティー・ボーン・バーネット ●winterbrothers(原題) 作詞:ボノ 作曲:u2

  • ○■ promote smoking ban for nation's health the push for stricter rules on smoking aimed at preventing the ill effects on health of secondhand smoke is becoming readily apparent. as the prime example, the health, labor and welfare ministry has notified local governments throughout the country that a total smoking ban should be enforced in principle at places where the general public gathers such as schools, hospitals, restaurants and recreational facilities as well as public transport . the action is based on the health promotion law. previously, setting out smoking areas or segregating smokers in public places was considered sufficient, but the rules have been made more strict since the separation of smokers from nonsmokers in common spaces cannot effectively protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke. however, the rules do not lay out any punishments or fines for violators. segregation of smokers from nonsmokers is allowed tentatively if such a measure is considered to affect business at restaurants and other establishments. also, discussions are continuing on the issue of obliging business owners to make workplaces smoke free under the industrial safety and health law. === international obligations behind these moves is the world health organization's framework convention on tobacco control that went into force in 2005. one of the major pillars of the treaty is the prevention of passive smoking in public places. furthermore, guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke stipulating approaches other than 100% smoke free environments...have repeatedly been shown to be ineffective... were adopted in 2007. the convention's signatory nations have been urged to take measures to comply with the guidelines by the february deadline. among local governments, kanagawa prefecture, for instance, has decided to bring in an ordinance on prevention of passive smoking with punishments for violators starting in april, getting the jump on other local governments and the central government. while the health ministry's notification is not binding, it will at least encourage the spread of stricter antismoking rules nationwide. === consideration for others secondhand smoke is very annoying to nonsmokers. various data show that passive smoking damages health. to make places where many people gather smoke free in principle is a step in the right direction for the nation. japan has been dubbed a major smoking nation. the proportion of adult males who smoke is in the mid-30 percent range, considerably high among advanced nations. however, the rate has been gradually decreasing from the nearly 50 percent a decade ago, an apparent effect of regulation on tobacco advertisements and warnings of the health hazards posed by cigarette smoke. from october, the price of cigarettes will likely be raised by about 100 yen a pack. motivated by what may be the largest-ever hike in the price of tobacco, more than a few smokers are likely to decide to quit. it is important to steadily proceed with such multiple approaches. in doing so, the administration should be careful not to force health on the nation. the government should avoid aggressively promoting antismoking campaigns without considering smokers' opinions and listening to their arguments against the campaigns. the campaign against smoking in public spaces and workplaces basically should be promoted with understanding and cooperation of smokers, restaurants and others. we cannot welcome a situation in which the society becomes stifled even if it does mean a greater proliferation of smoke-free spaces.

  • for that said Authority FINRA from sought Claimant filedin million has earthquake have billion not nbsp about costs reported causes 地震 least 仲裁 action Inthe FinancialIndustryRegulatoryAuthority“FINRA than Xinhua InaFinancialIndustryRegulatoryAuthority“FINRA had damages been oftheFINRA fromthe InaFinancialIndustryRegulatoryAuthority“FINRA”ArbitrationStatementofClaimfiledin measuring fraud there according GMT scale causesof connection atleast plus reports 損害賠償 time company contract epicenter Survey 賠償 ofaction 億ドル 発生 morethan negligence hearing 米国 費用 Source 政府 uquot one Tuesday Mexico Inc three could Gulf Thursday 地域 case years States arising depthof city tsunami 測定 companies China 時間 causing our 関連 死傷者 南部 Claimants failure thatthe was News localtime must FINRAuquot week interest Japan Wells Respondent Thequake onMonday judge adepthof FINRAArbitration June 流出 firm fired 月曜日 morning 陪審 Friday may 違反 声明 off before LLC law Claimantvs FINRA仲裁 torecover losses 首都 January Services district says Gulfof through 過失 him far awarded trading Guardian inApril ofcontract largest attack 発表 allegedly securities James ofthis Surveysaid 詐欺 theGulf business federal customer onTuesday Limited reportsof duty accounts region 地元 自分 使用 被害 onSunday &&ソース ubu ruled purchase baht リヒター Commerce amended theUS toour ’fees 日曜日 警告 various warning 金曜日 buildings most expenses 主張 契約 with attorneys’fees onFriday 提出され millionin north 解雇 rights 発行 suffered 破壊 報告され coast 申立 クレーム theGulfof resultof occurredat Aug 発見 owned lawyer pro world damagesof wereno onThursday 領域 coukcopy 懲罰的損害 報道 ステートメントでは thecompany director Street 規制機関 giant 規制機関uquotFINRAuquot 現在 監督 Israel ever atadepth 日新華社 &&ソース:新華 結果 car system nation 以下 onSaturday 活動 yen 明らかにし 必要 月に提出された NewYork market same indamages 様々 スケール ニューヨーク 語った affiliated 起こし 位置 義務 amp next 裁判所 公共 aresultof 部門 like RespondentFINRAArbitration closeofthe withadepth 弁護士費用 請求 inits 開始 言った 月に提出されたクレーム 規制局 billionin &&ソース:新華ファイナンス USdollars 回復 仲裁から 金融産業規制局 なければならない 万ドル Chinas theworld 百万 inhis 請求者 爆発 RespondentsFINRAArbitration 主張している 必要があり 最近 映画 求めた 可能性 原因 以前 最大 思います 原因を主張 報じた 投資 求めて
    評価強度 可変性 記述詳細 感情強度 描写総量 装飾量
    0.010 0.064 0.729 0.008 0.719 0.347
    total 102396.39999998217

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