- Russia, Ukraine Complete 2010 Energy Pact
Agreement together with existing natural gas transit contract will likely avert another energy crisis 契約一緒に既存の天然ガス輸送契約の可能性が高い別のエネルギー危機を回避すると
- Australia Over-Reliant on China Resources, Trade Economist Warns
China's demand for iron ore, coal and liquefied natural gas has made it Australia's biggest trading partner 鉄鉱石や石炭、液化天然ガス、中国の需要は、オーストラリア最大の貿易相手国てきた
- Sinopec to forge 1,660-km LNG pipeline
China's largest refiner Sinopec will start a 1,660-km liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline in May to channel the clean fuel from its Puguang gas field in Sichuan province to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, a source familiar with the project said yesterday.
The Sichuan-Shanghai gas pipeline, with a total investment of 62.7 billion yuan, will send 4 billion cubic meters of natural gas this year, Zhou Yuan, a deputy to the National People's Congress, said on Wednesday.
The Puguan ... 中国最大の精製石油化工()は5月にパイプラインのLNGのPuguangガス田から四川省、上海、江蘇省、浙江省、ソースのプロジェクトに精通するためにクリーンな燃料チャネルへの液化天然ガスは1660キロが開始されますが分かった
- Italian and Russian Leaders Discuss Energy Deals
Gazprom and Italy's Eni cooperating in South Stream natural gas pipeline project, due to come online in 2015 ガスプロムとイタリアのエニ、サウスストリームの天然ガスパイプラインプロジェクトでは、2015年にオンラインになるために協力して
- Condensate refinery ends Qatar dependence on diesel imports
Qatar inaugurated on Tuesday Ras Laffan condensate refinery, one of the largest in the world, marking a milestone in the natural gas-rich Gulf state's quest to end its dependence on diesel imports.
The plant has a capacity to process 146,000 barrels per day ( bpd) of condensate, a light oil that comes from the production of natural gas. It produces 61,000 barrels per stream day (bpsd) of naphtha, 52,000 bpsd of kerosene and jet fuel, 24,000 bpsd of gas oil, and 9,000 bpsd of liquefied petrol ... カタールは製油所はRas発足火曜日凝縮ラファン、1つは、世界で最大の、クエスト州のガルフマーキングマイルストーンを天然ガスが豊富な輸入ディーゼルの依存度を、そのため終了します
- Oil and gad companies enjoy bumper 2009
Small-cap oil and gas companies saw a 125 per cent jump in value in 2009, though the improvements were offset by the whopping 66 per cent drop in the previous year, according to the Ernst & Young oil and gas index. かかわらず、改善がなんと66%増で、前年にドロップ相殺され、小キャップの石油ガス企業は、Ernst&Youngの石油と天然ガス指数によると、2009年の値にジャンプ125パーセントを見た
- New Technology Provides Abundance of Natural Gas
There has been a dramatic increase in estimates of natural gas reserves in US thanks in large part to use of hydraulic fracturing が大部分は米国のおかげで、天然ガス埋蔵量の推定値が劇的に増加して水。破砕を使用してきました
- Fire breaks out at Istanbul airport, flights continue
A fire broke out at Istanbul's Ataturk International airport Sunday night, according to private CNNTurk channel.
In a statement by the Transportation Ministry Undersecretary Habib Soluk, there was a fire at a power station that converted natural gas to electricity about 200 meters from the Ataturk Airport on the airport's VIP pathway.
The reason for the fire was still unknown, the report said.
Soluk said 20 fire trucks managed to put the fire under control and were currently cooling th ... 火災は、イスタンブールのアタチュルク国際空港での日曜日の夜、プライベートCNNTurkチャネルに応じて勃発した
- CNPC, Shell join forces on Sichuan natural gas project
China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) and Royal Dutch Shell Plc plan to jointly develop and produce natural gas in China's Sichuan Basin under a 30-year contract, Shell said in a statement on Tuesday.
The companies have submitted a production-sharing contract to the Chinese government for approval. Under the 30-year contract, CNPC and Shell will appraise and develop tight gas reservoirs in an approximately 4,000 square kilometer area in the Jinqiu block of central Sichuan province, said the ... 中国石油天然気集団公司(石油天然ガス)、ロイヤルオランダのシェルPLCの計画を共同で開発し、中国の四川盆地では30歳未満の1年契約、シェル、天然ガス生産は声明で述べている
- Venezuela, Qatar sign cooperation accord
Venezuela and Qatar on Thursday signed an agreement on boosting cooperation between companies of the two countries.
The agreement was signed by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and visiting Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani.
Cooperation deals signed between Venezuelan and Qatari companies include a framework agreement to set up a joint venture on natural gas transportation and liquefaction.
Claiming to hold the world's largest hydrocarbon reserves, Venezuela also has proven ... ベネズエラ、カタール木曜日の2つの国の企業間の協力強化で合意に署名した