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- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272331110/ 【普天間】 政府、「浅瀬案」で米側と最終調整。工法は杭打ち桟橋方式に…審議官級協議で打診★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272270053/ 【調査】白いご飯に一番合うおかず、1位は「明太子」★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272253457/ 【社会】 高2男子、上京して独学で「援助交際デリバリー」運営、1年で14〜17歳少女25人に売春させ1000万稼ぐ…東京
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272050148/ 【社会】 タバコ増税、1箱400円台の見込み…日本たばこ社長「大幅なたばこ需要の減退が避けられない」★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272269318/ 【マスコミ】 554人分の子ども手当問題 「外国居住を非対象とする場合、留学中の日本人の子は…」→鳥越俊太郎「対象から外せ」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272021255/ 【社会】東宮大夫、愛子さまの通学状況を公表せず
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272250577/ 【調査】 鳩山内閣支持率、さらに下落22・2%…産経・FNN合同調査
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272249855/ 【政治】 鳩山首相、「不起訴相当」…偽装献金事件で検審が議決
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272177994/ 【社会】 女子高校生が車にはねられ死亡、車は法定速度を50キロ以上オーバーして走行・・・神奈川県平塚市
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272177836/ 【沖縄/普天間問題】県内移設を拒否 超党派で県民大会 県内外から数万人が参加
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272190141/ 【グルメ】韓国で日本産ビールが大人気 「味が濃い」「(韓国産は)材料をけちってる」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271872119/ 【政治】中国軍ヘリがまた近接飛行 海自護衛艦「あさゆき」まで90メートル 防衛省 沖縄本島の南方★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272197761/ 【政治】麻生前首相 「鳩山政権、権力を私物化して日本のイメージ悪化。国益損ねてる」…出演のたけしのTVタックル、高視聴率★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272063909/ 【社会】テレビ東京、フィギュアスケートのアイスショーでジャンプの失敗を編集で無かった事に
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272184591/ 【政治】 麻生太郎前首相 「鳩山政権、権力を私物化して日本のイメージ悪化。国益損ねてる」…たけしのTVタックル、高視聴率
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272158280/ “Prime Minister the Korean paper Hatoyama 'naivety' changing [rupi], wasteful” “child treatment and private secretary arrest, Futenma, postal services all useless…The Hatoyama administration which falls”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271943501/ _NULL_
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272033856/ Prime Minister Hatoyama in communist “is wanted insisting (unconditional removal) by all means in the United States” Sii the request ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272186772/ “Why being outside the object?” The ★4 which the South Korean man whom child it treats applies equivalent to 554 it adopts, after 3 hours being sticky, you do not agree upon with the tie and returns
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272156270/ Pulling being confined high age conversion…As for the suspect who is cut off net connection and the family kills and wounds 30 years old
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272132399/ “If child treatment, 'child several dozen people' whether examination it passes even with untrue application,”…Thick labor economical child treatment management room staff, limited reference of examination strict conversion
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272110339/ “As for Prime Minister Hatoyama reclamation to natural blasphemy”…The case of current plan conclusion reporting denial ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272184377/ “Unless it makes the country which was opened Hatoyama prime minister Japan more”…To improvement of living conditions measure examination of foreigner
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272186772/ 【社会】「なぜ対象外になるのか?」 タイで養子縁組した554人分の子ども手当申請した韓国人男性、3時間粘った後、納得せず帰る★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272184377/ 【政治】 鳩山首相 「日本をもっと開かれた国にしないと」…外国人の生活改善対策検討へ
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271943501/ 【携帯】 iPhone、スマートフォンの国内シェア「72%」で圧勝…09年度、全体の出荷数2.1倍に
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272158280/ 【論説】 韓国紙 「鳩山首相がルーピーを『愚直』と変えても無駄」「子ども手当、秘書逮捕、普天間、郵政全てダメ…墜落する鳩山政権」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272156270/ 【社会】引きこもりが高年齢化…ネット接続を切断され家族を殺傷した容疑者は30歳
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272033856/ 【普天間】鳩山首相「ぜひ米国で(無条件撤去を)主張してきてほしい」 共産・志位氏に要請★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272110339/ 【普天間】鳩山首相「埋め立ては自然への冒涜」…現行案決着報道否定の際に★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272132399/ 【政治】 「子ども手当、『子供数十人』なら虚偽申請でも審査通るかも」…厚労省・子ども手当管理室幹部、審査厳格化の限界言及
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272043860/ The expression of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama “advance and retreat 懸 [ke] [ru]” -> “in job betting thinking effort” and correction
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271911931/ “Masuzoe…The Liberal Democratic Party ace does moonlight flit. As for the Liberal Democratic Party ragged deteriorating, the [ru]. Pulling without having either the ability to stop?”…Democracy Yamaoka
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271989808/ The Hatoyama prime minister “citizen has expected greatly. Long time compulsory [aka] is washed away completely”,…It becomes business categorization 2nd feature start and support ratio rise?
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271784791/ ” The cup chow mein it leaves and” of the young person can obstruct or, demand of ace cock “JANJAN source burning side” is favorable
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271994460/ Koizumi Sinzirou “new party proliferation? Although it is everyone counter democracy, disjointed…It is difficult to be divided into the citizen”, “secession is free. I opposite vector, persevere in our people”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271774136/ With cold the preschool go to bed 4 year old boys and the mother who during 5 minute going out from the apartment 12 floors falling down death…Chiba
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271940733/ Microsoft, “Office 2010” on June 17th sale in comparison with edition until recently substantially the rollback
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271861980/ The latter half National Diet, with the National Diet reformation bill other important bill stepping Hatoyama administration centripetal power decrease where Democratic party Secretary General Ozawa adheres to formation strongly
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271952932/ Hatoyama administration, as an eyeball of the growth strategy which is collected in foreign capital “income tax zero” examination June simplification of entry hand continuation the ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271994460/ 【政治】 小泉進次郎氏 「新党乱立?みんな反民主なのにバラバラ…国民に分かりにくい」「離党は自由。私は逆ベクトル、自民で頑張る」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1272043860/ 【政治】 鳩山由紀夫首相「進退懸ける」の表現→「職賭す思いで努力」と修正
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271861980/ 【政治】後半国会、小沢民主党幹事長が成立に強くこだわる国会改革法案ほか重要法案足踏み 鳩山政権求心力低下で
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271989808/ 【政治】 鳩山首相 「国民が大いに期待してる。長年の天下りのアカを完全に洗い流す」…事業仕分け第2弾スタート、支持率アップなるか
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271784791/ 【食品】若者の”カップ焼きそば離れ”を阻止できるか、エースコック「JANJAN ソース焼そば」の売れ行きが好調
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271952932/ 【経済】鳩山政権、外資「法人税ゼロ」検討 6月にまとめる成長戦略の目玉として 入国手続の簡素化も★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271774136/ 【社会】 風邪で幼稚園休んだ4歳男児、母親が5分外出の間にマンション12階から転落死…千葉
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271692402/ The American side “the only method conclusion of being possible, administration alternating, is to return to current plan”, the ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271694619/ 30 years old of one house killing and wounding it pulls and is confined and controlling the salary where the man and the father receive. The several ten thousand giving to the parent, it remains, monopoly…With net mail order debt 3,000,000 ★7
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271901842/ “Sintarou Ishihara of the [moroku] old age wart [re], 'as for Hatoyama administration staff the descendant of the naturalized person it is many,' that discriminatory 妄 word. As for the Ishihara Family the lineage which you can be proud?”… Gene die/di
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271977329/ In the [ri] changing which the prime minister does strange feeling… “foolishness (loopy)” the [ri] changing which is made “naive”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271978415/ “Prime Minister Hatoyama, why 'hurrying the policy which ruins just Japan'?…As [harakiri] greenhouse gas 25% reduction and the takeoff which are severely criticized”…Economic journalist
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271977329/ 【政治】首相のすり替えに違和感…「愚か(loopy)」を「愚直」にすり替え
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271940733/ 【経済】マイクロソフト、「Office 2010」を6月17日に発売 従来版と比べて大幅に価格引き下げ
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271694619/ 【社会】 一家殺傷の30歳ひきこもり男、父親がもらう給料を支配。親に数万渡して残り独り占め…ネット通販で借金300万★7
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271901842/ 【論説】 「モーロク老いぼれの石原慎太郎、『鳩山政権幹部は帰化人の子孫多い』と差別妄言。石原家は誇れる家系か?」…ゲンダイ
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271978415/ 【論説】 「鳩山首相、なぜ『日本だけを滅ぼす政策』を急ぐのか…ハラキリと酷評された温室ガス25%削減、発進」…経済ジャーナリスト
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271692402/ 【普天間】 アメリカ側 「決着できる唯一の方法は、政権交代して現行案に戻ることだ」★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271911931/ 【政治】 「舛添氏…自民党のエースが夜逃げ。自民党はボロボロ崩れてる。引き止める能力もなかったのか」…民主・山岡氏
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271815066/ As for Hatoyama administration, to result appeal of the administration alternation which the result leaves so at half year…The Japanese government
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271681859/ “With the meal of maintaining simply!” Byte of Matsuya foods as for maintaining the labor union formation present condition discount to half price
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271818418/ “[jiosu]” of the English conversation school, bankruptcy procedure
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271680238/ “Private high school gratuitously!”“Us in impiety to parents…” In Nagoya 1400 human parade ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271691347/ In the focus of the National Diet method amendment plan latter half National Diet which designates “the reply prohibition of the bureaucracy” as the pillar
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271682071/ In confinement foreign customer hamburger free shower ticket distribution - Narita Airport company
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271898907/ Prime Minister [rupi] reporting Hatoyama “now naivety, when utilizing!”With “naivety” you use also 7 times with discussion…Democracy Yamaoka “perfect answering”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271817635/ Hatoyama administration, “Tokunoshima plan? The mass communications saying, just the [ru]” the ★3 which is cut in about the telephone and the only 10 minutes which large lie government spent on Tokunoshima
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271818418/ 【企業】 英会話学校の「ジオス」、破産手続き
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271691347/ 【政治】 「官僚の答弁禁止」を柱とした国会法改正案 後半国会の焦点に
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271681859/ 【牛丼】「賄いの食事をタダにして!」 松屋フーズのバイトが労組結成 現状の賄いは半額に割引
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271680238/ 【社会】 「私立高校も無償に!」「私たちを親不孝に…」 名古屋で1400人パレード★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271682071/ 【火山噴火】足止め外国客にハンバーガー 無料シャワー券も配布−成田空港会社
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271815066/ 【政治】 鳩山政権は、半年でこんなに実績残しました 政権交代の成果アピールへ…日本政府
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271817635/ 【普天間】 鳩山政権、「徳之島案?マスコミが言ってるだけ」と大ウソ 政府が徳之島にかけた電話、わずか10分ほどで切られる★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271898907/ 【政治】 ルーピー報道 鳩山首相 「今こそ愚直さを生かす時!」と討論で7回も「愚直」使う…民主・山岡氏「パーフェクトな答え」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271771476/ As for the party which would like to vote with House of Councillors selection? “Party 30% of 1 ranks everyone” and 2 ranks “the Democratic party” 25% and 3 rank “Liberal Democratic Party” 17%…The Reuters individual investor investigation
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271824946/ Prime Minister Hatoyama “May it clears up” and in speech “Tokunoshima inhabitant meaning is not clear”, that perplexity
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271657394/ “The election of Prime Minister Hatoyama is invalid”, that prosecution…As for policy of the civic movement sponsor “Democratic party although it is dangerous, as for the mass communications correct information is not announced. It is unnatural”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271435520/ Hatoyama prime minister “everyone, Futenma how you did not know with to do, the [yo]? As for that becoming interest thing of the citizen, the mass communications move too much and therefore with think” the ★8
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271774471/ Prime Minister Hatoyama “we would like to advance” in development of northern territorial issue desire [10/04/20
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271654603/ “Secret… the way of the Japanese metamorphosisAncient times, in the oceanic fishing industry center being in the long term boat, fantasy to characteristic expanded. That is succeeded soon”, that the professor
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271518643/ “With the Liberal Democratic Party consequence to foolish people the Japanese citizen… who is converted 'as for Prime Minister Hatoyama why not getting angry to the humiliation article of the loser' and so on?”…Gene die/di ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271816320/ “You came with the foolish (Prime Minister Hatoyama) private machine”, that e.g., the weekly magazine announces, the dignity of Prime Minister Hatoyama being domestic, decrease to miserable level…The Korean paper
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271824946/ 【政治】鳩山首相の「五月晴れ」発言に徳之島住民「意味がはっきりしない」と困惑
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271518643/ 【論説】 「自民党のせいで愚民化した日本国民…『鳩山首相は敗者』などの屈辱的記事に何故怒らないのか」…ゲンダイ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271657394/ 【政治】 「鳩山首相の当選は無効だ」と告発…市民運動主催者「民主党の政策は危険なのに、マスコミは正しい情報を報じない。不自然だ」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271435520/ 【政治】 鳩山首相 「皆さん、普天間なんて知らなかったでしょ?それが国民の関心事になるのは、マスコミが動きすぎだからと思う」★8
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271654603/ 【文化】 「日本の変態ぶりの秘密…古代、海洋漁業中心で長期間船にいて、性への幻想が膨らんだ。それが今に受け継がれている」と教授
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271771476/ 【調査】 参院選で投票したい党は? 1位「みんなの党」30%、2位「民主党」25%、3位「自民党」17%…ロイター個人投資家調べ
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271816320/ 【政治】 「バカ(鳩山首相)が専用機でやって来た」と週刊誌が報じるなど、鳩山首相の威信が国内外で悲惨なレベルに低下…韓国紙
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271774471/ 【政治】鳩山首相「前進させたい」 北方領土問題の進展に意欲[10/04/20]
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271660361/ _NULL_
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271733902/ _NULL_
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271377438/ _NULL_
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271473511/ _NULL_
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271548918/ _NULL_
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271563182/ With the Icelandic volcanic eruption, anxiety of influence to weather such as air temperature decrease…The theory which past becomes cause of famine, becomes the French Revolution cause the ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271715369/ In “[rupi] Hatoyama prime minister” article, with net “impolite article. Concrete disposal to the American newspaper” “well, it protests to American government unless,” that voice of criticism the ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271746929/ While repeating lie, it stopped understanding Hatoyama something is what. Therefore the son it is helpless.
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1271606211/ Hatoyama Cabinet support, 25%. As for non- support rapid increase 61%. “Even at 6 tenths Futenma failure of the Democratic party supporter, prime minister resignation there is no necessity”…Asahi newspaper investigation ★2