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- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275824217/ “Just the judo doing, the [ri] [ya] it is to call is!” Democracy valley Riyouko, the ★3 which is yelled in the town declaration car of right wing
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276149295/ 新居的住所,政治資金報告檢,沒有問題
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276144638/ The Japanese lock band which we would like to leave to future, as for 1 rank “the B'z” ★3
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276144638/ 【文化】 後世に残したい日本のロックバンド、1位は「B’z」★3
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276149295/ 【荒井大臣問題】 テリー伊藤「赤城農水相らと全く同じこと。説明責任ある」…本村弁護士も「明らかにおかしい。領収書を公開すべき」
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276138879/ 【菅内閣】 「亀井大臣は、連立離脱の覚悟」…郵政と会期延長で
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275931711/ 【愛子さま不登校】 「イジメっ子児童の給食に向精神薬(ADHDの薬)を混ぜるよう『東宮』が提案」の週刊新潮記事で、宮内庁東宮職が抗議★4
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275920798/ 【大阪】「タダでもらえる金はもらって当然」 生活保護費詐取で逮捕、起訴の中国籍夫婦
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275824217/ 【政治】「柔道だけやってりゃいいんだ!」 民主・谷亮子氏、右翼の街宣車に怒鳴られる★3
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276122643/ 【政治】事務所費疑惑、蓮舫・川端両氏も追及へ…自民党、質問主意書を提出
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275767567/ 【事故】ガードレール突き破り乗用車転落、20代の男女3人死亡 千葉・成田
- http://live28.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1276010420/ 【政治】長妻厚労相「2011年度子ども手当の満額支給は非常に難しい」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275796037/ Maehara diplomatic relations phase of railway buff, with enduring Yamanasi with visit D51 “inspection” whole face smile photographic set-up
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275530696/ More and more “true striking appearance prime minister resignation prompt decision, 菅 with Naoto appearance Takeo's Harada of true program operation” original diplomat viewpoint
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275889683/ In “in the Japanese Cattle executing foot and mouth disease or inspection abnormal” Hiroshima
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275556904/ Don't you think? Internet bulletin board '2 the [ru]' user talks, when feeling that “it became poor,”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275782815/ Our people Tanigaki “when it reaches the limits, don't you think? sadly the potato it is”, the Democratic party the critical ★2 [10/06/05
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275856661/ The young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan Metropolitan Assembly which regulates sale method such as the cartoon which has vicious characteristic description, to rejection opposite many ★3 such as democracy and common property
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275644345/ Miyazaki [2] small girl, fire directly on a stove burner cup noodles
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275889683/ 【社会】 「和牛に異常」 広島で口蹄疫か、検査を実施
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275496948/ 【ネット】 「ちゃららららんららん」 ヤフー知恵袋で、超難問を一発で解決した人物が話題に★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275530696/ 【首相退陣】 いよいよ真打ち登場 「首相退陣は英断、菅直人氏登場で真のプログラム作動」 元外交官の原田武夫氏の見方
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275856661/ 【東京】 悪質な性描写のある漫画などの販売方法を規制する青少年健全育成条例改正案 都議会、否決へ 民主、共産など反対多数★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275556904/ 【経済】インターネット掲示板『2ちゃんねる』ユーザーが語る「貧乏になったと感じる時」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275796037/ 【政治】鉄道マニアの前原国交相、お忍びで山梨を訪問 D51“視察” 満面笑みで写真撮影
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275577286/ 【話題】パケット使い放題が中止に!? 心配の声に孫社長否定せず
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275644345/ 【宮崎】小2の女の子、カップ焼きそばをじかにコンロにかけて火事に★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275782815/ 【政治】自民・谷垣氏「行き詰まってくると悲しいもんですね」 民主党を批評★2[10/06/05]
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1275614288/ 【雇用】 働く若者(15歳〜24歳)は515万人、10年で200万人減 若年労働力が「金の卵」といわれた高度成長期と比べるとほぼ半減
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274846377/ The Democratic party Assemblyman “Futenma, as for the citizen that the Liberal Democratic Party plan was correct after all, catching, the [ru]”…Sedan chair stone person “administration the result of alternation, blows off with Futenma”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274617786/ “[jirorian]” talks, three charm of “Chinese noodles Jiro”?
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274835824/ “The dark cloud of war the opposite robber who brings, you do not permit with all the related extinction of North Korea and Korea”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274571193/ “Dream…”With lottery sale stop decision the fan the ★6 which you grieve
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274835824/ 【国際】 北朝鮮、韓国との全関係断絶で「戦争の暗雲もたらす逆賊、許さない」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274846377/ 【政治】 民主党議員 「普天間、国民は結局自民党案が正しかったと受け止めてる」…・輿石氏「政権交代の成果が、普天間で吹っ飛ぶ」
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274617786/ 【食文化】“ジロリアン”が語る「ラーメン二郎」の3つの魅力とは?
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274571193/ 【事業仕分け】「夢が…」宝くじ販売停止判定でファン悲しむ★6
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274860211/ “Although democracy administration is criticized strongly, at all there is no voice that it is made to do to our people,”,…The Liberal Democratic Party camp irritation ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274625481/ The Nintendo Co. employee, with injury flagrant delict arrest…It is done to interrupt with the waiting of parking, becomes upset beats - Kyoto
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274473874/ Foot and mouth disease infection doubt example 160th example - it spreads to also 171st example Saito city and Kijo Cho
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274448603/ The democracy lotus 舫 “'you think,' it is troubled!”“You can teach basis, or!?”… With business categorization heat rise ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274462816/ The Democratic party valley Riyouko's uncle weekly sentence spring confession, “as for Riyouko's older brother with the sense consequence medicine arrest record, as for the father as for arrest record her there is no qualification where becomes the Assemblyman with insurance money fraud”, the ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274803650/ You heard concerning the slander slander entry on the net for the Japanese UNICEF “but difference from birthplace UNICEF the UNICEF family” ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274844584/ “The South Korean is more beautiful than the Japanese”, for and against both theory
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274842271/ “This is the strategy which is devised because the United States & Korea & Japan are isolated our country”,…The North Korean national defense commission Kure secondary chairman ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274620208/ Day China and South Korea with, yellow sand measure… from the mainland ChinaAs for Japan of as a part “Hatoyama initiative” of 1,750,000,000,000 Yen contribution to financial cooperation the ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274860211/ 【政治】 「民主政権が強く批判されているのに、自民にやってもらおうという声が全然ない」…自民党陣営いらだち★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274842271/ 【韓国艦撃沈】 「これは米国・韓国・日本がわが国を孤立させるために仕組んだ謀略だ」…北朝鮮国防委員会・呉副委員長★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274844584/ 【話題】「韓国人は日本人より美しい」に賛否両論
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274803650/ 【団体】日本ユニセフに対するネット上の誹謗中傷的書き込みについて聞いた 「本家ユニセフとは別だがユニセフファミリー」 ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274462816/ 【参院選】民主党・谷亮子の伯父が週刊文春に告白「亮子の兄は覚せい剤で逮捕歴、父親は保険金詐欺で逮捕歴 彼女は議員になる資格ない」★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274473874/ 【宮崎】口蹄疫感染疑い例160例目〜171例目 西都市、木城町にも広がる
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274620208/ 【政治】 日・中韓・で、中国大陸からの黄砂対策…日本は1兆7500億円拠出の「鳩山イニシアチブ」の一環として資金協力へ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274625481/ 【社会】任天堂社員、傷害現行犯で逮捕…駐車待ちで割り込みされ逆上し殴る - 京都
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274448603/ 【政治】 民主・蓮舫氏 「『思う』じゃ困ります!」「根拠を教えていただけますか!?」…事業仕分けでヒートアップ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274686165/ With “crisis iron [tsu] of the Japanese animal husbandry” well-known s foods, in Miyazaki prefecture contribution gold 80,000,000 Yen…“From Governor Higashi Kunihara heart appreciation” ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274779711/ Album of [bokaroido] “Hatune [miku]”, with [orikon] weekly ranking 1 rank acquisition ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274653437/ In Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 31.4% ahead ↑ and House of Councillors selection poll in the Democratic party 18.4% ↑, in the Liberal Democratic Party 11.8% ↓…[huji] new reporting 2001 national capital region investigation ★8
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274771932/ Akamatsu agricultural phase “it is not reflected with it is not said. The feeling which is not excuse” for the first time apology…, “I requested quick correspondence, but it could delay the prefecture,” also the ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274715258/ Taiwan in Miyazaki prefecture contribution gold 3,000,000 Yen contribution ★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274394759/ Venus probe, launch…With Japanese beginning and H2A - as much as 5 bases such as space yacht - Tanegashima
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274778728/ Nakai minister of state criticism “the Miyazaki person has suffered hardship stubbornness, Akamatsu”, “isolation of the kind cow, the manner which is not believed” “just a little it is different”, the ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274665356/ “Gamble favorite Japanese. There is a pachinko house anywhere and is crowded from daytime. Among such 'as for lottery sale stop' there is no large popularity”,…Product sutra
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274667562/ Although “the travel abroad of Minister of State Akamatsu “of the amateur”, we should stop,…Crime of the bureaucracy is heavy”,…Gene die/di
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274715258/ 【口蹄疫】台湾が宮崎県に義援金300万円を寄付★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274778728/ 【口蹄疫】中井大臣批判「宮崎人は頑固、赤松さんも苦労している」「種牛の隔離、信じられない仕方」「ちょっと違う」★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274779711/ 【文化】 ボーカロイド「初音ミク」のアルバム、オリコン週間ランキングで1位を獲得★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274394759/ 【社会】金星探査機、打ち上げ…日本初、H2Aで-宇宙ヨットなど5基も - 種子島
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274686165/ 【口蹄疫】 「日本の畜産の危機」 こてっちゃん でおなじみのエスフーズ、宮崎県に義援金8000万円…東国原知事「心から感謝」★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274771932/ 【口蹄疫】 赤松農相 「反省してないとは言ってない。申し訳ない気持ち」と初めて陳謝…「私は早い対応求めたが、県が遅らせた」とも★3
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274665356/ 【論説】 「日本人はギャンブル好き。どこにでもパチンコ屋があり昼間から賑わう。そんな中で『宝くじ販売停止』は大人気ない」…産経
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274667562/ 【口蹄疫】 「“素人”の赤松大臣の外遊、止めるべきだったのに…官僚の罪は重い」…ゲンダイ
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274653437/ 【調査】 鳩山内閣支持率31.4%に↑、参院選投票先は民主党18.4%に↑、自民党11.8%に↓…フジ新報道2001・首都圏調査★8
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274288501/ The reporter “how it does?”“How it does?”“The country the country you say”, “the country and there is no relationship, it does, the money the [yo]”…Content ★6 of Higashi Kunihara governor anger interview
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274488826/ “The Japanese and China animation fan and others “萌 () you obtain, sprout and” and so on with send the shout, shoulder the portable shrine” and others coming* It does, it is portable shrine appearance schedule it is decided
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274337592/ When getting married, as for the saving amount which the woman seeks from the man “under 25% 3,000,000 Yen of 1,000,000 Yen or more”, 19%★2 “under 5,000,000 Yen of 3,000,000 Yen or more the”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274366708/ NY exchange, temporarily 1 dollar 90 Yen level breakthrough…The increase in yen value which advances
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274495672/ “There is no about you reflect”, that to the Akamatsu agricultural phase travel abroad of insistence “one day Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries detailed schedule of blank you cannot call,” the ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274157802/ <[tsuitsuta]>Grandchild president, government 'under 18 years old when filtering apply' the [tsu] [te] you say, “as for me gasoline keeping having in the general affairs ministry, applies the fire”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274688545/ If 49 Yamada secondary minister of state “kind cows, it does not deal with, it is strange. There is no either margin which is consulted Akamatsu agricultural phase. At once destroying”…In Higashi Kunihara's relief request ★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274576886/ Defeat with House of Councillors selection of the Democratic party and the summer already “acquisition parliamentary seat of supposition the Democratic party 30 parliamentary seat first half” (ordinary Assemblyman)
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274365396/ To “cartoon child pornographic regulation” regulations negative opinion 9 tenths
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274667849/ Li president, the thought retaliatory strike of not leaving it shows…Cooperation verification of Japan and US
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274272942/ “YOSAKOI riot to celebrate”, finally noise regulation…The citizens “it is not good being attached,” the ★2
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274266729/ The Kato Hiroshi next “don't you think? Amari, it does not hit”, -> faltering Miyake “although it is terry and [sanjiyapohuamiri], it is terrible, is, -” the ★9
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274619117/ “Meeting of governor new party the Osaka restoration” under bridge in first game victory…The Osaka city discussion assistant selection
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274517167/ “Dream…”With lottery sale stop decision the fan the ★4 which you grieve
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274442120/ Because W cup Okada Japan which does not rise even at immediately before it is weak after all?
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274529896/ “As for melancholia national illness, measure”…Affiliated 4 academic societies declare jointly
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274324052/ “Very the Democratic party of the rose maquis we should you assort!”The categorization hearing applicant of speech, it can leave,…Business categorization latter half start
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274688545/ 【口蹄疫】 山田副大臣 「種牛49頭、処分しなきゃおかしい。赤松農相に相談する余地もない。直ちに殺処分」…東国原氏の救済願いに★4
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274576886/ 【政治】民主党、夏の参院選での敗北を早くも想定 「民主党の獲得議席は三十議席前半」(中堅議員)
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274619117/ 【政治】 橋下知事新党「大阪維新の会」が初戦で勝利…大阪市議補選
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274365396/ 【調査】「漫画児童ポルノ規制」条例へ否定的意見が9割
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274529896/ 【社会】「うつ病は国民病、対策を」…関連4学会が共同宣言
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274366708/ 【経済】NY為替、一時1ドル90円台突破…進む円高
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274667849/ 【韓国艦撃沈】 李大統領 、報復攻撃も辞さない考え示す…日米両国との連携確認も
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274324052/ 【政治】 「バラマキの民主党こそ仕分けられるべきだ!」発言の仕分け傍聴希望者、退席させられる…事業仕分け後半スタート
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274410081/ Finally at the National Diet yell of the jeer woman “of [rupi]”, the ruling party “is impolite in Prime Minister Hatoyama”
- http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1274342769/ The education where elbowroom bears lowness of the virtue conception which should be surprised You can persuade elbowroom new member OL simply!